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Questions tagged [bipartite-graphs]

For questions about graphs for which the set of vertices can be divided into two disjoint subsets such that no edge of the graph joins two vertices from same subset.

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Relationship between BCH code and asymmetric Ramanujan bipartite graph ( possibility for a research collaboration)

I have been working on a research topic that deals with the binary matrices arising from the BCH codes by selecting code vectors of specific weight while discarding the rest of the code vectors that ...
Dark Forest's user avatar
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Diving $m$ pizzas among $n$ students

I'm working on problem 4.1.14 from the book Graph Theory by Bondy and Murty. I'd appreciate a solution or hint for part 2. Problem Statement: $m$ identical pizzas are to be shared equally amongst $n$ ...
Benny's user avatar
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Expected number of edges to draw in a bipartite graph until you get a crossing

I was asked by a friend to calculate the number of edge crossings in a $m \times n$ complete bipartite graph: Now play a game where you randomly select an edge with equal probability each turn: what ...
lnx's user avatar
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Problem on the cardinality of the two subsets of a bipartite graph

I am given a bipartite graph $(A \cup B, E)$ with the following property: for every $a \in A$ and $b \in B$ for which $ab \in E$, $d(a) \geq d(b)$. I must show that $ |A| \leq |B|$. I realised that ...
RickSanchez88's user avatar
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Asymptotic upper bound on nullity of biadjacency matrix of connected bipartite graph of bounded-degree

Let $G$ be a bipartite graph with parts $V$ and $W$ of sizes $m$ and $n$, respectively. The edge-set is $E \subseteq V \times W$. The adjacency matrix of $G$ takes the form $$ A = \begin{pmatrix} 0 &...
Pranay's user avatar
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Does this polynomial enumerating subsets of edges of a bipartite graph have a name?

Let $g$ be a bipartite graph with edge set $E$ and partition $A, B$. Define the polynomial $p_g$ by $$ p_g(x,y) = \sum_{J \subset E} (-1)^{|J|} x^{|V(J)\cap A|} y^{|V(J)\cap B|} $$ where $V(J)$ is the ...
ploosu2's user avatar
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Is colour smoothness equivalent to finding a cover via disjoint cycles?

Let $G$ be a finite bipartite graph, with colouring function $c \colon V(G) \to \{-1, 1\}$. I want to consider the problem of finding vertex-disjoint cycles whose union spans $G$. We have the ...
gmz's user avatar
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Value range of dual variables in Jonker-Volgenant algorithm for solving linear assignment problem

In A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear assignment problems an algorithm for the Linear Assignment Problem is given, with a $O(N^3)$ time complexity (where $N$ is the "...
Oersted's user avatar
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Zarankiewicz’s conjecture

The Turán's brick factory problem asks for the minimum number of crossings in a drawing of a complete bipartite graph. A few years later, Zarankiewicz published a formula that provided a solution to ...
Yeipi's user avatar
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Number of edges in planar bipartite graph.

Suppose G=(V,E) is a planar bipartite graph such that $V_1$ and $V_2$ are the partite sets. Suppose for all $a \in V_1$, $deg(a)\le p$ and for all $b \in V_2$, $deg(b)\le q$. If $|V_1|=x$ and $|V_2|=y$...
Abhimanyoo Karve's user avatar
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I would like to prove the following: If $C$ is an odd cycle in $G$, then $G-V(C)$ is a bipartite graph.

Let $G$ be a graph in which for every pair of odd cycles $C_1$ and $C_2$ in $G$, it holds that $V(C_1) \cap V(C_2)$ is not an empty set. I would like to prove the following: If $C$ is an odd cycle in $...
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A matching problem with $N$ men, $N$ women and $N$ houses [closed]

Consider a matching problem with $N$ men, $N$ women and $N$ houses where each man has to be paired with exactly $1$ woman and then each couple has to be allotted to $1$ house. Now let's consider all $...
vervenumen's user avatar
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$G(n,1/2)$ has a bipartite subgraph with at least $n^2/8+Cn^{3/2}$ edges

I want to show that with probability converging to $1$, $G(n,1/2)$ has a bipartite subgraph with at least $n^2/8+Cn^{3/2}$ edges for some positive constant $C$. The hint for this is to use a greedy ...
Anon's user avatar
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Hamiltonian graph on a $8\times 8$ chessboard with upper left corner and bottom right corner square removed

Suppose we are given the setup in the title. Two squares are adjacent if and only if they share a common edge. I want to find out whether the obtained graph considering squares as nodes would be ...
Sj2704's user avatar
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Prove that for complete biclique Ki,j that ∆(Ki,j) = χ′(Ki,j).

I am trying to prove it by contradiction. Proof: "Assume that ∆(Ki,j) != χ′(Ki,j) for a complete biclique (Ki,j). If ∆(Ki,j) > χ′(Ki,j), it implies that the minimum number of colors needed to ...
Banon Bhuiyan's user avatar

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