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Solving Matrix Equation using SVD

I'm reading this paper by Bishop and Tipping. They solve the equation $$(SC^{-1} - I)W = 0$$ Where $W \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times q}$ and $S , C \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$ and $C = WW^T + \sigma^2 I$ ...
Harry's user avatar
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Scale Invariant Singular Value Decomposition

I am looking for a reference to the concept of Scale Invariant SVD which is mentioned in the "variations and generalisations" section of the Wikipedia article for SVD: https://en.wikipedia....
Brian M.'s user avatar
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Understanding the proof of the sum of eigenvalues and singular values

I am trying to Understand this proof . So far I understand everything but the part where the author says the following: "Due to Schur decomposition, there exist a unitary matrix $U$ and an upper ...
Yojerlis Ponceano Sanchez's user avatar
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SVD of product of diagonal and unitary matrices

Given two (possibly rectangular) diagonal matrices $\Sigma_\text{L}$ and $\Sigma_\text{R}$ with nonnegative elements, what can we say about the singular value decomposition of $$\Sigma_\text{L} X \...
SnowzTail's user avatar
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Singular value of identity minus 1-rank matrix

Given vectors $u,v\in \mathbb{R}^d$, I wonder what we can say about the minimum singular value of $I-uv^\top$? I know that when $u=v$, this matrix is symmetric so it is not hard to compute this. ...
PieForever's user avatar
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Why the singular values in SVD are always hierarchical/descending?

Please, I'm trying to understand why singular values (SV) are always hierarchical/descending. At the beginning of my studies, I thought that the hierarchy of sigmas ($ \sigma_1 \geq \sigma_2 \geq ... \...
Caio Rímoli's user avatar
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Are the following statements true regarding the singular values of a real matrix?

Let $A\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times k}\ (k<m)$ be a real matrix. Suppose, $\forall x \in \mathbb{R}^{k}$, and for a $\delta \in (0,1)$, the following inequality holds: \begin{equation} (1-\delta) \|x\|...
Robin Kurtz's user avatar
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Given a symmetric matrix $H$, can we prove $x^THx\le \sigma(H)\|x\|_2^2$?

Given a symmetric matrix $H$, can we prove that $$x^THx\le \sigma(H)\|x\|_2^2$$ where $ \sigma(H)$ is the maximal singular value of $H$?
maple's user avatar
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General form of the null space of an orthogonal projection operator

I have a $2n\times n$ real matrix $A$ which has full rank $n$. I would like to zero value eigenvectors of $P=AA^+$, i.e. the orthogonal projector onto the range of $A$. $A^+$ is the Moore-Penrose ...
Cameron's user avatar
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Does a singular value decomposition always exist for complex matrix?

I know for real matrix A, SVD always exists, but I am wondering for any complex matrix, will SVD still exist for any scenarios? Thanks.
user18093042's user avatar
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Why should $\arg\max_{\Vert x \Vert = 1} \Vert A x\Vert$ be a linear combination of the rows of $A$?

From the singular value decomposition of an $m \times n$ matrix $A$, we should have $\Vert A \Vert = \sigma_1$, where $\sigma_1$ is the top singular value of $A$. This would mean that the maximum ...
Open Season's user avatar
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Limitation through singular value of a matrix

Question: Given a matrix $X \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$. Let $(X^k)_k \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$ is a sequence converge to $X$. Denote $\sigma_i(X)$ as singular values of $X$. Prove that $$\lim_{k \...
ohana's user avatar
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How do the singular values of a Hankel matrix, generated by some data time series, change when we add/remove rows and columns?

Suppose I have a smooth time series $C(t)$ defined on the interval $t=[0,T]$, from which I extract the sub-series $c=\{x_1,\cdots,x_N\}$ of $N$ entries, where $x_i=C(i*T/N)$. Naturally, the number $N$ ...
JoJo's user avatar
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When do Linear Transformations NOT preserve angles between vectors? Doesn't the SVD tell us all linear transformations preserve angles?

From searching on the internet, I learned only a subset of linear transformations preserve angles between vectors. But - Learning about the SVD - we can geometrically understand as breaking down some ...
adam dhalla's user avatar
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In singular value decomposition, is there a difference between starting with transpose(A) * A or A * transpose(A)?

When calculating the SVD for a matrix I go through these steps : 1/ Calculate tranpose(A)*A 2/ Find the eigenvalues for that matrix and deduce $\Sigma$ 3/ Find the eigenvectors and deduce $V$ 4/ ...
wageeh's user avatar
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