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Singular value of a bidiagonal matrix?

Consider a $n\times n$ matrix: \begin{equation} X=\begin{bmatrix} a &1-a & & \\ & a &1-a & \\ & & \ddots &\\ & & & 1-a\\ & & & a \end{...
Heydude's user avatar
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Best method for sequential small size Hermitian smallest eigenpair problem

I am working on a perhaps rather strange problem. To find the smallest eigenvalue and its eigenvector, for a large number (a few billions) of small (20 * 20 to 200 * 200) Hermitian matrices. These ...
Scriabin's user avatar
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Fast way to compute the largest eigenvector of an expensive-to-compute matrix

Consider an $N \times N$ Hermitian positive semidefinite matrix $M$. Computing the elements of $M$ is expensive so we wish to compute as few as possible. We can assume that $M$ can be approximated as ...
Sah20000000000000's user avatar
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How to derive the relation about Jordan decomposition of a matrix?

Assume that $v$ is an eigenvector with an eigenvalue of $0$ in matrix $H$, and its Jordan decomposition $H^J=SHS^{-1}$ satisfies $$ H^J=\left( \begin{matrix} 0& 1& \cdots& 0\\ 0& ...
Soriak's user avatar
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QR algorithm fails to converge (bad shift?)

Problem: My code-based implementation of the implicit QR algorithm fails to converge for certain special cases, and it's because those cases have bad shift values. What are those special cases: While ...
Math Machine's user avatar
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What is a complete geometric interpretation of the eigendecomposition of matrices?

For reference, eigendecomposition of a matrix $A$ $\in R^{n \times n}$ is defined as: $A = P \Lambda P^{-1}$ where $P$ is a matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors of $A$, and $\Lambda$ is a ...
Arbaaz Qureshi's user avatar
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Estimating the parameters of an ellipse

Problem definition Consider a dataset composed by $m$ bivariate measurements \begin{equation*} y_j \sim \mathcal{U}(\mathcal{E}(\ell_1,\ell_2,\theta)) \qquad j=1,2,\dots,m \end{equation*} uniformly ...
matteogost's user avatar
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Reasons of computing smallest eigenvalue $R^TR$ instead of singular value

I have problems in understanding why author of this article uses smallest eigenvalue of a cross product matrix instead of a data matrix. I know that $SVD(AA^T)=UD^2U^T$, but I don't know why not ...
Wilk's user avatar
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QR factorization and eigenvectors

I really can't find an answer to this. I am writing a C code to solve the eigenvalues problem for a real symmetric matrix A. The procedure is the following. I have a real symmetric matrix A. I put it ...
D. Alfano's user avatar
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Eigenvalue-like problem for two matrices with coupled blocks

For given two real-symmetric matrices $A$ and $B$, both are of size $M \times M$, I'm trying to find two matrices $C_1$ (size $M\times N_1$) and $C_2$ (size $M\times N_2$) such that $$ AC_1 = C_1\...
fidem's user avatar
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The probability value of the three matrices

Determine the probability value that the following three matrices have real eigenvalues. For example, if the random variables $A$ and $B$ are given by a uniform distribution $(0,1)$, with $A$ and $B$ ...
Alex William's user avatar
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How to calculate the square root of a special matrix

I have met a question to calculate the square root of a matrix in $\mathbb{R}^{s+1}$. $$A = \left(\begin{array}{cc} \sigma_{11}^{2} & \sigma_{11}^{1/2}\Sigma_{1S}\Sigma_{SS}^{1/2}\\ \sigma_{11}^{1/...
T. Wang's user avatar
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Name for 3 full diagonal matrix

I was wondering if there is a name or a terminology for a matrix with 3 full diagonals. It is similar with tridiagonal matrices, where the later is only centered at diagonal. For such a matrix, $$\...
Silentmovie's user avatar
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When is a symmetric matrix $A ∈\Bbb R^{3×3}$ with three distinct eigenvalues equal to $A^n$?

How do you find a symmetric matrix $A ∈\Bbb R^{3×3}$, knowing that: $A^n$ $= A$ for some $n > 1$ $A$ has three distinct eigenvalues and we are given two (orthogonal) eigenvectors $[1, 2, 2]^T$ and ...
Eli88's user avatar
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I am trying to derive the bound of the row sum of a transformed matrix

We have a symmetric binary matrix $K_n$ with diagonals all 1: $K_n = \left( K_{ij} \right)_{i,j=1}^n$ and apply eigenvalue decomposition to it: $$ {K}_n: = Q_n \Lambda_n Q_n^{\top} = Q_n \max\{ \...
barot's user avatar
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