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For any SVD $A = U\Sigma V^T$ of a positive definite, symmetric matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$, we have $U = V$.

First of all, I've read through all of the answers here and here, but neither of those threads was able to give completely satisfying answers. Now, I understand that, if $A$ is symmetric and positive ...
kalkuluss's user avatar
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Absolute value of elements of b=Ax and the minimum singular value of A

For $b=Ax$, is there a way to relate the minimum absolute value of the element of $b$, $\min|b_i|$, and the minimum singular value, $\sigma_{min}$, of $A$? What I want is something like: $\sigma_{min}$...
William Lin's user avatar
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Compressed image using SVD draws a clear line between part that's blank and part with a drawing. Why? [closed]

I'm trying to compress grayscale images using SVD. This is the original image: Yes, there's a lot of blank space. I then choose the x% largest singular values, perform the transformed matrices ...
Elizabeth Middleford's user avatar
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Singular values on streching the vectors

For the following statement: for a vector $x$ and a matrix $A$, if the vector $x$ is not in the null space of $A$, the vector $x$ will at least be stretched by the smallest non-zero singular value, i....
William Lin's user avatar
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How to decompose a simple $3\times3$ shear transformation into a rotation, scale, and rotation

Is there a simple way to decompose the following $3\times3$ shear matrix into the product of a rotation, (non-uniform) scale, and another rotation? Or Perhaps some other combination of rotations and ...
wcochran's user avatar
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Interpretation of QR "values" (a la singular values)?

Let $A\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ with $m>n$ and $\text{rank}A=n$. There exists $\hat{Q}\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ with orthonormal columns and $\hat{R}\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ upper triangular ...
2016applicant's user avatar
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Distance between subspaces with spectral norm

I was trying to prove this following theorem , Let $$ W=\begin{bmatrix} \underset{\scriptscriptstyle n\times k} {W_1} && \underset{\scriptscriptstyle n\times (n-k)} {W_2} \end{bmatrix} $$ $...
Kaustubh Limaye's user avatar
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Is polar decomposition commutative for diagonal matrices?

I did a error while understanding about the polar decompositon. I thought polar decomposition is PU, but it is UP. While trying ...
Manu's user avatar
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Decomposing a matrix with unit sphere constraints [closed]

I would like to decompose an $m\times n$ matrix $A$ into two matrices $U\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ and $V\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ such that $UV=A$, and the $m$ rows of $U$ each have unit magnitude. ...
Matthew Finlayson's user avatar
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Reasons of computing smallest eigenvalue $R^TR$ instead of singular value

I have problems in understanding why author of this article uses smallest eigenvalue of a cross product matrix instead of a data matrix. I know that $SVD(AA^T)=UD^2U^T$, but I don't know why not ...
Wilk's user avatar
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Is there an "orthogonal factorization" of bivariate functions that is analogous to the SVD of matrices?

For a matrix $X \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$, we have the SVD decomposition $$ X = U D V^\top, $$ where $U\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times r},\ V\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times r}$ are orthonormal matrices and $D=\text{...
Miles N.'s user avatar
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SVD decomposition of a square matrix of complex numbers

Le $M$ be any matrix in $C^{n \times n}$. Consider the matrix $MM^*$. This matrix is Hermitian ($(MM^*)^* = MM^*$), and positive semi-definite ($\forall v^*, v^*MM^* v = (v^* M) (M^* v) = (v^*M) (v^*M)...
JMark's user avatar
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Decomposition of a matrix into observability and controllability matrices

$\newcommand\iddots{\mathinner{ \kern1mu\raise1pt{.} \kern2mu\raise4pt{.} \kern2mu\raise7pt{\Rule{0pt}{7pt}{0pt}.} \kern1mu }}$ I have a matrix $\boldsymbol{Q} \in \mathbb{R}^{M \times M}$ in ...
Neuling's user avatar
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Phase degeneracy of singular vectors in SVD of complex matrix

An $m*n$ complex matrix $M$ is given. I take its SVD, $M=U\Sigma V^\dagger$. My question is, are the singular vectors $\textbf{u}_n$ and $\textbf{v}_n$ degenerate? Can I pick any phase for one that ...
sancholp's user avatar
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Weighted Nearest Kronecker Product

For a given $m n$-length vector $a$, the problem of finding an $m$-length vector $x$ and an $n$-length vector $y$ that minimize $$ \lVert a - x \otimes y \rVert^2 $$ is known as the Nearest Kronecker ...
Black Shield Bearer's user avatar

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