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Questions tagged [matrix-equations]

This tag is for questions related to equations, with matrices as coefficients and unknowns. A matrix equation is an equation in which a variable stands for a matrix .

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Integrate product of matrix exponentials of a symmetric matrix

Let $\mathbf{A}$ $\in \mathbb{R}^{N \times N}$ be a real, invertible, symmetric matrix. Let $\mathbf{Q}$ $\in \mathbb{R}^{N \times N}$ be a real, invertible matrix. Given these properties of $\mathbf{...
Tychus's user avatar
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Comparison of Solution Norms for Invertible and Near-Singular Matrices Using Pseudoinverses

I am studying the behavior of solutions to linear systems of equations where the coefficient matrices are either invertible or near-singular. Specifically, I am interested in understanding the norms ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Characterising the nature of Eigen values of a given paramteric matrix

question: A{2x2} =
Ysh's user avatar
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Problem on Right Inverses of Matrices

Let $n,m$ be integers with $n \leq m$. Let $A, B$ be $n \times m$ real matrices of rank $n$ (i.e., of full rank). I would like to show that there exists an $m \times n$ matrix $C$ such that: $AC = ...
gm01's user avatar
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Can one solve this complex linear equation

Suppose the equations are as follows: $$\text{tr}\{AH\}= c$$ where $c \in \mathbb{C}$ and $A$ is a symmetric matrix in $M_{N}(\mathbb{R})$ are both known and $H$ is a Hermitian matrix which looks like:...
BT-M's user avatar
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Does an equivalent of the condition number for the error in system coefficients of a linear equation system exist

Let's assume that a system $$ [A]\overline{x} = \overline{b} $$ is given. The normal condition number assigns an upper bound to the relative error in $\overline{x}$ based on the error in $\overline{b}$...
Tigozawr's user avatar
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Proving that the rank of the following matrix is $6$.

In my research work I have come across a matrix which has the rank equals to $6$. I begin defining my problem as follows: Let $P \in \{0,1\}^{7 \times 7}$ denote the right shift matrix defined by $ P =...
Dark Forest's user avatar
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Is there a Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for $Tr[A B C D]$?

I am familiar with the Cauchy_Schwartz inequality $$|Tr[A^*B]|^2 \le |Tr[A^*A]| |Tr[B^*B]|$$ where $*$ denotes the conjugate-transpose operation. I am wondering if there is a similar inequality for $...
Mike's user avatar
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What mathematical terminology and equations are used for variant assertions of finite sets?

Below there is a set of variants (or enumerations) of multiple finite sets with a different number of items in each set. I don't want to use the word combinations because I believe those are of the ...
JustBeingHelpful's user avatar
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The matrix equation of the form $AX+XA^{-T}=0$ has a nonsingular anti-symmetric solution $X$

I want to prove that for $A=J_n(i)$, that is, the Jordan block matrix corresponding to the eigenvalue $i$ of size $n$, where $n$ is even, the matrix equation $AX+XA^{-T}=0$ has a nonsingular anti-...
White Cat's user avatar
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Finding All Linear Factors of a Determinant for a Given 3x3 matrix

I am working on finding all the linear factors of the determinant of the following $3\times 3$ matrix: \begin{vmatrix} a & a^3 & a^4 \\ b & b^3 & b^4 \\ c & c^3 & c^4 \end{...
Anay Chadha's user avatar
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coordinates of the vector relative to the new basis

Given vectors $(v, b_1, b_2, b_3,...,b_n)$ defined by their coordinates in an arbitrary basis. Prove that the vectors $(b_1, b_2, b_3, \ldots, b_n)$ form a basis and find the coordinates of the vector ...
dy 1995's user avatar
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Any decomposition of inverse of nonnegative diagonal matrix times a PSD matrix plus lambda times Identity?

I generally have to solve the following system: $$ (DA + \lambda I)^{-1} v $$ where $D$ is a diagonal matrix with nonnegative entries, $A$ a symmetric, positive semi-definite (PSD) matrix, $I$ is the ...
Brian's user avatar
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Write the Kalman state vector update equation into the form $Ax=b$

I was reading an old article on Kalman Filters (, and they state that the state vector corrector equation: $$\hat x = \bar x + PH^T (HPH^T+R)^{-1} (z-H\bar x)$$...
f380cedric's user avatar
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Clarification on the forward extended Euclidean algorithm for finding gcd and linear solution [duplicate]

I have been reviewing Bill Dubuque's explanation of a forward version of the extended Euclidean algorithm in another question. I have seen other explanations of this method on the internet, but Bill's ...
k endres's user avatar

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