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Questions tagged [magma]

A magma is a set together with a binary operation on this set. (For questions about the computer algebra system named Magma, use the [magma-cas] tag instead.)

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Is there a concept representing "connectedness" in abstract algebra?

Consider an object, call it a web, that consists of a set $S$ equipped with a binary operation obeying these axioms: $$ \forall\ a,b \in S\ \exists\ c \in S :a\ \bullet\ b=c $$ $$ \forall\ a,b \in S\ \...
Eden Laika's user avatar
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Is there a magma with this property?

Does there exist a magma $(S,*)$ such that the only quasi-identities that $*$ satisfies are the trivial ones? And if so, can someone give me an explicit example of such a magma?
user107952's user avatar
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How to show that a compact semigroup for which the cancellation law holds is a compact group

Here is my problem: Set $G$ a compact semigroup (that is a Hausdorff compact space endowed with an associative continuous binary operation). Assume that the cancellation law holds i.e. for any $g,h,k \...
BatMath's user avatar
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Does "in-between" multiplication preserve equality?

In a magma $(S;*)$, multiplication on the left and the right preserves equality. That is, if $a=b$, then $c*a=c*b$ and $a*c=b*c$. But what about "in-between" multiplication? That is, if $a*c=...
user107952's user avatar
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Given that $f$ and $g$ are homomorphisms, the implication that $f \odot g$ is also a homomorphism implies $(S, \odot)$ is entropic - why?

Context: Seth Warner's "Modern Algebra" (1965), exercise $13.13$. Ongoing self-study. Let $(S, \odot)$ and $(T, \otimes)$ be closed algebraic structures with one operation. Let $(S, \odot)$ ...
Prime Mover's user avatar
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Is there a magma with the following property?

Does there exist an infinite magma with the following property: Let $n$ be a positive integer greater than or equal to $2$. For all $x_1,...,x_n$, if $x_1,...x_n$ are all distinct, then all products ...
user107952's user avatar
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What is the formal definition of a Cayley table?

What is the formal definition of a Cayley table? I am not interested merely in Cayley tables for groups, I am interested in general Cayley tables for non-empty finite magmas. Also, another question is,...
user107952's user avatar
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Term for a semigroup with left identities and left inverses?

Is there a term for a semigroup $(M, *)$ that has at least one left identity and left inverses in the "weak" sense that, for all $a \in M$, there exists a $b \in M$ such that $b*a$ is a left ...
Tyrrell McAllister's user avatar
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Term for a magma with a left identity?

Is there a term for a magma $(M,*)$ that contains at least one left identity element, but not necessarily a right identity element? I'm looking for a term that requires only $$\exists e \in M \text{ ...
Tyrrell McAllister's user avatar
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Algebraic structure for subtraction limited by 0 from below.

Let's assume an algebraic structure with elements from non-negative real numbers with the operation $x - y := max(x - y, 0)$. It fails at least 2 out of 3 group definition properties: Associativity: $...
Max Li's user avatar
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Can we derive associativity of symmetric difference from its simpler properties?

The symmetric difference $Δ: 𝒫(X)×���(X) →𝒫(X)$ has a few obvious properties: $∅$ acts as the neutral element, i.e. $SΔ∅ = S$ It is commutative Every element is its own inverse. The (imo) only non-...
Lukas Juhrich's user avatar
5 votes
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Do the Moufang identities *themselves* imply diassociativity / Moufang's theorem / Artin's theorem?

A Moufang loop is a loop satisfying the Moufang identities. Famously, these are diassociative -- the subloop generated by any two elements is associative (is a group) -- and more generally, they ...
Harry Altman's user avatar
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Faithful permutation representation

excuse me if my question is trivial. I’m trying to use magma to construct faithful permutation representations of a certain group using the group action that lets the group G acts by the left ...
Math1's user avatar
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Surjective homomorphism into a magma confers all the algebraic properties of the domain

Let $A$ be your favorite algebraic object (group, abelian group, rng, ring, commutative ring, field, module, vector space). Let $M$ be a magma. The image of a "homomorphism" $\phi : A \to M$ ...
jskattt797's user avatar
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A commutative but not necessarily associative operation

Let $S$ be a set and let $*$ be a binary operation on $S$ satisfying the laws \begin{align} x*(x*y) &= y \quad \text{for all } x, y \text{ in } S,\\ (y*x)*x &= y \quad \text{...
Math_Day's user avatar
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