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2 votes
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Groupoid with division

I'm searching an example of a grupoid with division which is not a quasigroup. A grupoid $(G, \cdot)$ is with division if $a\cdot G=G\cdot a=G$. I was thinking to try $(\mathbb{Q},\cdot)$, where $x\...
Alchimist's user avatar
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4 answers

Examples of magmas with all their elements idempotents

A magma is supposed to be closed under a binary operation. Are there examples of magmas with all their elements idempotents under the operation of the magma?
rubén elías vega aguilar's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Just How Strong is Associativity?

A friend of mine is using a lot of algebra that is not associative for an advanced Chemistry project. We were discussing it recently and I found it rather amusing how often she said things like "...
Shaun's user avatar
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specific magma examples

Give an example of a magma $S$ such that $S$ has a zero and $S$ has a left zero divisor that is not a right zero divisor an example of a magma with an identity such that there is an element with ...
user108605's user avatar
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2 answers

Can an algebraic structure such that $x+a=x+b$, have solutions for all $a,b∈\mathbb{K}$ exist?

Does there exist an algebraic structure $(\mathbb{K},+)$ such that equations of the form $x+a=x+b$, $a\neq b$ have solutions for all $a,b\in \mathbb{K}$?
Bumblebee's user avatar
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55 votes
9 answers

Can you give me some concrete examples of magmas?

I've seen the following (e.g. here): I've learned a bit about groups and I could give examples of groups, but when reading the given table, I couldn't imagine of what a magma would be. It has no ...
Red Banana's user avatar
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Are there interesting examples of medial non-commutative semigroups?

There exist semigroups $S$ (written additively) such that $S$ is medial, meaning $(a+b)+(a'+b') = (a+a')+(b+b')$. $S$ is not commutative. Example. The left (and right) zero semigroups are all medial,...
goblin GONE's user avatar
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Left continuous magmas with no fixed points

Let $X$ be a compact Hausdorff topological space, and $*: X^2\rightarrow X$ an associative map (so that $(X, *)$ is a semigroup) which is left continuous (for all $s\in X$, the map $t\mapsto ts$ is ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar