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Nomenclature for a unital magma together with a monoid

Is there some established name/nomenclature for structures $\mathfrak{A} = (A,\, {\oplus},\, {\odot})$, where $(A,\, {\oplus})$ forms a (commutative) unital magma (in particular not associative!), $(...
blk's user avatar
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Generalization of free magmas for nested structures

Consider a nonempty set $X$. What is the name / concept that gives rise to (the set of) all $X$ labeled planar trees e.g. ...
Olivier Bégassat's user avatar
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How many non-isomorphic algebraic structures (i.e. magmas, monoids, groups etc.) are there with countably infinite order? [closed]

For structures of finite order it seems obvious to me that there are countably infinite in total, by a simple diagonalization argument (starting at all of order 1, then 2 etc.). It is however not ...
Jean Du Plessis's user avatar
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Good book for self-study of Magmas/Semigroups/etc.?

I'm currently an undergrad in my second semester of Abstract Algebra. We've covered groups, rings, fields, all that fun stuff. I'm working with Shahriari's "Algebra in Action" as well as ...
BabylonianTriple's user avatar
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What is a monoid in simple terms?

I encountered the term "monoid" but I didn't really understand what is it useful for or what's it about. If I understand correctly a "monoid" is something defined in the context of ...
Jim's user avatar
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Suspicious diagrams on wiki about group-like structures

It seems to me that the diagrams on wiki about group-like structures are not quite right. For example, the following
ALife's user avatar
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Each magma $M$ is associated with monoids $\mathcal{L}(M)$ and $\mathcal{R}(M)$. What are these called, and have they been studied?

Let $X$ denote a magma. Then $\mathrm{List}(X)$ is a monoid equipped with both a left and a right action on $X$, where the actions are defined in the obvious way. To illustrate these actions, suppose ...
goblin GONE's user avatar
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Is $G = (\Bbb Q^*,a*b=\frac{a+b}{2})$ a group, monoid, semigroup or none of these?

Is $G = (\Bbb Q^*,a*b=\frac{a+b}{2})$ a group, monoid, semigroup or none of these? I tried to solve it by assuming $ a,b,c \in G $ such that $a*(b*c)=(a*b)*c$. Then$$\frac{a+\frac{b+c}{2}}{2} = \frac{...
Ibrahim Ahmed's user avatar
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Is the Binary Operation ever Invertible in a Semigroup?

A semigroup is a set $S$ together with an associative binary operation $m:S\times S\rightarrow S$. In any kind of semigroup I can think of (group, ring, field, etc), this binary operation $m$ is not ...
JP McCarthy's user avatar
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Is there a name for an algebraic structure with only "addition" and "truncated subtraction"?

Given a set $S$ with An associative binary "addition" operation $+$ with corresponding neutral element $0$ such that $(S, +)$ is a monoid A non-associative binary "truncated subtraction" operation $-$...
Kazark's user avatar
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In the coproduct of monoids $A\amalg B$, suppose two words have the same suffix in $B$. Can it be cancelled?

Let $A,B$ be monoids and $A\amalg B$ their product in the category of monoids, comprised of reduced words. Previously I have asked about the canonical arrow $A\amalg B\to A\times B$ given by e.g $$...
Arrow's user avatar
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Elegant approach to coproducts of monoids and magmas - does everything work without units?

From this answer by Martin Brandenburg I learned an elegant way of constructing and describing elements of coproducts of monoids. There he writes this construction shows the existence of colimits in ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Is a monoid a magma?

According to this wikipedia page, a monoid is defined as an object that contains An associative binary operation An identity element There is no mention of the object necessarily containing a set. ...
Samie Bee's user avatar
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Is there a name for an element $z$ such that $\,zx = z = xz\,$ for all $x$?

Is there a general name for the following properties, (similar to the properties of existence of an additive identity, existence of multiplicative identity etc): For any given set, the intersection ...
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