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Questions tagged [algebraic-combinatorics]

For problems involving algebraic methods in combinatorics (especially group theory and representation theory) as well as combinatorial methods in abstract algebra.

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Exercise 11.1 in Algebraic Combinatorics by Stanley

Let $\mathcal{C}_{D} = \mathcal{C}$ denote the cycle space, or the space of all circulations, on some digraph $D$. Let $C_n$ denote the $n$-dimensional hypercube, and $\mathfrak{o}$ denote some ...
Jonathan McDonald's user avatar
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Exercise 2.2 In Stanley's Algebraic Combinatorics

This is Exercise $2.2$ In Stanley's Algebraic Combinatorics. I don't have much work to show because despite being stuck on this problem for a long time, I haven't got a clue how to start. $\mathcal{C}...
koifish's user avatar
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Exercise 9.6 in Algebraic Combinatorics by Stanley

Exercise 6 in chapter 9 of Algebraic Combinatorics by Stanley: Let $G$ be a finite graph on $p$ vertices with Laplacian matrix $L(G)$. Let $G'$ be obtained from $G$ by adding a new vertex $v$ and ...
Jonathan McDonald's user avatar
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Regarding the number of variables in Symmetric Functions

I'm studying Symmetric Functions and I came across a doubt that could be considered stupid but I need clarifications. In the course I'm following we introduced symmetric functions as formal series of ...
Marco Andreoli's user avatar
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Exercise 8.6 of Algebraic Combinatorics by Stanley

Problem 6 in Chapter 8 of Algebraic Combinatorics by Stanley: Show that the total number of standard Young tableaux (SYT) with $n$ entries and at most two rows is ${n \choose \lfloor n/2 \rfloor}$. ...
Jonathan McDonald's user avatar
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Exercise 7.2 in Algebraic Combinatorics by Stanley

This is exercise 2 in chapter 7 of Algebraic Combinatorics by Stanley. For part (a), I first found the entire automorphism group. By labeling the root 1, and then numbering off the remaining vertices ...
Jonathan McDonald's user avatar
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Exercise 3.1 of Algebraic Combinatorics by Richard Stanley

Exercise 3.1: Let $G$ be a (finite) graph with vertices $v_1, \ldots, v_p$. Assume that some power of the probability matrix $M(G)$ defined by $(3.1)$ has positive entries. (It's not hard to see that ...
Jonathan McDonald's user avatar
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find the general solution the recurrence equation $b_n = 3b_{n-1} - b_{n-3}$

here are the steps I have done to try and find the general solution of this relation: $$ b_n = 3b_{n-1} - b_{n-3}\\ = b^n = 3b^{n-1} - b^{n-3}$$ then divide by $b^{n-3}$ to get $$b^3 = 3b^2 - 1$$ then ...
sor3n's user avatar
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find the number of ways to distribute 30 students into 6 classes where there is max 6 students per classroom

here is the full question: Use inclusion/exclusion to find the number of ways of distributing 30 students into six classrooms assuming that each classroom has a maximum capacity of six students. Let $...
sor3n's user avatar
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Identity of Schur polynomials

Let $p_n$ be the power sum symmetric polynomial, $$p_n=x_1^n+x_2^n+\dots x_n^n$$ in $n$ variables, and let $s_\lambda$ be the Schur polynomials. I am new to Schur polynomials so I'm not sure what ...
user758193's user avatar
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create a recurrence relation for the number of ways of creating an n-length sequence with a, b, and c where "cab" is only at the beginning

This is similar to a problem called forbidden sequence where you must find a recurrence relation for the number of ways of creating an n-length sequence using 0, 1, and 2 without the occurrence of the ...
sor3n's user avatar
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Isometric automorphisms of the ring of symmetric functions

I was trying to understand how special the $\omega$ involution on the ring of symmetric functions $\Lambda$ or $\Lambda^n$ (restriction to $n$ variables, just in case if by some magic, the situation ...
yeetcode's user avatar
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Composition of homomorphisms of association schemes

In Zieschang's "Theory of Association Schemes", in section 5.2, he remarks that the composition of homomorphisms is not always a homomorphism. I've been struggling to find an example of that ...
tses's user avatar
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Restriction of induced representation over a Young subgroup and Littlewood-Richardson coefficients

I'm inexperienced in the representation theory of the symmetric group, so please correct my possible mistakes. Fix $m\leq n$, $G:=S_n$ and $H:=S_m\times S_{n-m}$ as a Young subgroup of $G$. Let $V^{\...
Jose Brox's user avatar
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Affiness, $U_{2,4}$ and $M(K_4).$

I do not know why $M(K_4)$ is not affine over $GF(2)$ or $GF(3)$ but it is affine over all fields with more than 3 elements. I proved that $U_{2,4}$ is $\mathbb F$-representable iff $|\mathbb F| \geq ...
Intuition's user avatar
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Lift and frame matroids.

I want to read more about lift matroid and frame matroid and their flats and relations to signed graphs, do you know any basic resources for this?
Emptymind's user avatar
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Characteristic polynomial and bounded regions.

I know that the number of bounded regions of a homogeneous hyperplane arrangement $\mathcal{A}$(a collection of n hyperplanes) in $\mathbb R^d$is ${ n - 1 \choose d}$ but how can this be expressed in ...
Intuition's user avatar
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Understanding contraction in hyperplane arrangements.

Here are two figures that shows a hyperplane arrangement's contraction (this is from McNulty book, "Matroids, a geometric introduction"): I am not sure why a became a line in the right ...
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Hyperplane Areangements and contraction.

I am trying to understand an idea presented in McNulty book, matriods a geometric introduction about the new hyperplane arrangement $\mathcal{A}^{''} = \{ H \cap H_x | H \in \mathcal{A}\}$ where $\...
Intuition's user avatar
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No minors isomorphic to $U_{0,1}$ and $U_{1,2}.$

I am trying to find all the matroids having no minors isomorphic to $U_{0,1}$ and $U_{1,2}.$ I know that the matroid $U_{0,n}$ is a matroid of rank zero with n edges and so it is just a vertex with n ...
Hope's user avatar
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Contraction, loops and flats.

This idea is being used a lot, but I cannot justify why it is correct: If M is a matroid and $T$ a subset of $E(M).$ Then $M/T$ has no loops iff $T$ is a flat of $M.$ I know how to proof that in a ...
Intuition's user avatar
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The basis of a regular matroid.

I know that a regular matroid is one that can be represented by a totally unimodular matrix. I also know that a rank r totally unimodular matrix is a matrix over $\mathbb R$ for which every submatrix ...
Intuition's user avatar
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affine geometries that are self-dual matroids.

I want to know which of the affine geometries $AG(n,q)$ are self-dual matroids? I have proved before that uniform matroids $U_{n,m}$ that are self duals are those who satisfies that $m = 2n.$ I am ...
Intuition's user avatar
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Understanding how to find the dual of a matroid.

I am trying to understand the following picture of a matroid and its dual but I found myself not understanding exactly what we are doing to find the dual: ]1 Roughly speaking, according to some ...
Hope's user avatar
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what will happen if we contract an element in a uniform matroid? [closed]

Are the parallel elements in a matroid just behaving like loops? If so, why? For example, in $U_{2,3}$ if we contract an element what will happen? In $U_{2,2}$ if we contract an element what Will ...
Hope's user avatar
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Partition lattice properties and an invariant.

I am trying to guess the value of the beta invariant of the partition lattice $\pi_4$ if I know the following information: For any matroid $M,$ I know that 1- $\beta(M) \geq 0.$ 2- $\beta(M) > 0$ ...
Hope's user avatar
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what will happen to the uniform matroid $U_{2,m}$ if we remove an element from it?

I am trying to figure out what will happen to the uniform matroid $U_{2,m}$ if we remove an element e from it, where e is neither a coloop nor a loop. I am guessing that it will become disconnected ...
Hope's user avatar
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Show that $C^*(e,B)$ is the unique cocircuit that is disjoint from $B - e.$

I want to prove the following question: Let $B$ be a basis of a matroid $M.$ If $e \in B,$ denote $C_{M^*}(e, E(M) - B)$ by $C^*(e,B)$ and call it the fundamental cocircuit of $e$ with respect to $B.$\...
Intuition's user avatar
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Showing the isomorphism between (the geometric lattice)$\pi_n$ and the lattice $\mathcal{L}(M(K_n)).$

Here is the question I am trying to solve: Show that the lattice of flats of $M(K_n)$ is isomorphic to the partition lattice $\pi_n$. Definition: $\pi_n$ is the set of partitions of $[n]$, partially ...
Intuition's user avatar
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if $X$ is independent and $E(M) - X$ is coindependent, show that $X$ is a basis and $E(M) - X$ is a cobasis.

here is the question I am trying to solve: In a matroid $M,$ if $X$ is independent and $E(M) - X$ is coindependent, show that $X$ is a basis and $E(M) - X$ is a cobasis. I know how to prove that a set ...
Intuition's user avatar
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What is the definition of affine independence then?

The following is the definition of affine dependence (This definition is from James Oxley book, second edition "matroid theory") Definition of affine dependence: A multiset $\{ \underline{...
Emptymind's user avatar
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Let $A\subset B$ be flats of a matroid $M$ such that $r(A)=r(B)<\infty$. Then $A = B$.

I want to prove the following lemma: Let $r$ denotes the rank. Lemma. Let $A\subset B$ be any flats of a matroid $M$ such that $r(A)=r(B)<\infty$. Then $A = B$. My thoughts are: I know that $cl(A) =...
Intuition's user avatar
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Taylor Expansion of the Polynomial in Flajolet’s Fundamental Lemma

I am currently looking at the proof of Flajolet’s Fundamental Lemma. Before I phrase the question, I need to review the definition of $(0,k)$-path and define its weight. Define $(0,k)$-path as the ...
Apple's user avatar
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Proving that $ \beta(M) = \beta (M - e) + \beta (M /e).$

Here is the statement I am trying to prove: If $e \in E$ is neither a loop nor an isthmus, then $$ \beta(M) = \beta (M - e) + \beta (M /e).$$ Here are all the properties I know about the Crapo's beta ...
Intuition's user avatar
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Why always the Crapo beta invariant value greater than or equal zero?

Here are the definitions of the Crapo beta invariant I know: My definition of the Crapo's beta invariant of a matroid from the book "Combinatorial Geometries" from page 123 and 124 is as ...
Intuition's user avatar
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Philip Hall's theorem

Here is the theorem I want to prove: For $x,y \in P$ and $i \geq 0,$ let $c_i(x,y)$ be the number of chains $x=x_0 < x_1 < \dots < x_i = y$ of length $i$ from $x$ to $y.$ Let $$\phi (x,y) = ...
Intuition's user avatar
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an $\mathbb F$- representation of the matroid $M_1 \oplus M_2.$

Suppose that $A_1$ and $A_1$ are $\mathbb F$- representations of the matroids $M_1$ and $M_2$ respectively, show that $$\begin{matrix} A_1& 0\\ 0 & A_2 \end{matrix}$$ is an $\mathbb F$- ...
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Trace of power of matrix (arising from number of closed walks)

Let $G_n$ be the graph obtained from the $n-$cube graph $C_n$ by adding one extra edge between each vertex and its antipode (vertex whose label has all $0$'s and $1$'s switched) Note: The $C_n$ graph ...
Snowflake's user avatar
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Finding an $\mathbb R$-representation for $M^*.$

Here is something I want to learn ( Problem #2.2.7 in Matroid Theory, first edition( page 88 ) , by James Oxley: Finding an $\mathbb R$-representation for the dual matroid $M^*$ when $M$ is the vector ...
Intuition's user avatar
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Show that no row of $A$ contains exactly one non-zero entry.

Here is the question I am trying to tackle: Let $A$ be a non-zero matrix over a field $\mathbb F$ and suppose that $M[A]$ has no coloops. Show that no row of $A$ contains exactly one non-zero entry. ...
Intuition's user avatar
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prove that $M\big[ \frac{A_1}{A_2}\big] = M[A_1].$

Here is the question I am trying to tackle: For $i = 1,2,$ let $A_i$ be an $m_i \times n$ matrix over a field $\mathbb F.$ If every row of $A_2$ is a linear combination of rows of $A_1,$ prove that $M\...
Intuition's user avatar
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Determining all self-dual uniform matroids.

I want to determine all self-dual uniform matroids; I know that the dual of a uniform matroid $U_{r,n}$ is $U_{n - r,n}$ by Example $2.1.4$ in James Oxley, second edition, "Matroid Theory". ...
Intuition's user avatar
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The relation between contraction and deletion in a matroid.

Here is the relation I have seen a lot in the books, but I am not sure why it is always true: If $T \subseteq E(M)$ then $$M \setminus T = (M^* / T)^* \quad\quad (*)$$ I know that contraction is ...
Intuition's user avatar
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Why every component of a loopless matroid is flat?

Why every component of a loopless matroid is flat? I know that the rank of a loop in a matroid is zero and I read that: A loop is an element of a matroid that is not contained in any independent set (...
Intuition's user avatar
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The relation between the closure and the contraction of a matroid M.

Here is the relation I am trying to justify: $cl_{ M/T}(X) = cl_M(X \cup T) - T$ for all $X \subseteq E - T.$ Why this relation true? Any proof will be greatly appreciated! **Here are all what I know ...
Intuition's user avatar
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Show that a matroid $M$ is connected iff, for every pair of distinct elements of $E(M),$ there is a hyperplane avoiding both.

Here is the question I am thinking about: Show that a matroid $M$ is connected iff, for every pair of distinct elements of $E(M),$ there is a hyperplane avoiding both. It is in James Oxley book in ...
Intuition's user avatar
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circuit and a cocircuit can not have an odd number of common elements.

Here is the question I am trying to solve: Show that, in a binary matroid, a circuit and a cocircuit can not have an odd number of common elements. Here are the required definitions: A binary matroid ...
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If $X \subseteq Y$ and $r(X) = r(Y),$ then $cl(X) = cl(Y).$

Here is the question I am trying to understand its solution: Let $M$ be a matroid, and $r$ and $cl$ be its rank function and its closure operator. Prove the following: $(e)$ If $X \subseteq Y$ and $r(...
Emptymind's user avatar
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Proving that $r(cl(X) \cup cl(Y)) = r(cl(X \cup Y))$.

Here is the question I am trying to prove: Let $M$ be a matroid, and $r$ and $cl$ be its rank function and its closure operator. Prove the following: $(d)$ $r(X \cup Y) = r(X \cup cl(Y)) = r(cl(X) \...
Emptymind's user avatar
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proving that $r(X \cup cl(Y)) = r(cl(X) \cup cl(Y)).$

Here is the question I am trying to prove: Let $M$ be a matroid, and $r$ and $cl$ be its rank function and its closure operator. Prove the following: $(d)$ $r(X \cup Y) = r(X \cup cl(Y)) = r(cl(X) \...
Emptymind's user avatar
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