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Restriction of induced representation over a Young subgroup and Littlewood-Richardson coefficients

I'm inexperienced in the representation theory of the symmetric group, so please correct my possible mistakes. Fix $m\leq n$, $G:=S_n$ and $H:=S_m\times S_{n-m}$ as a Young subgroup of $G$. Let $V^{\...
Jose Brox's user avatar
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Evaluating character functions

Immanants generalize the notion of determinant and permanent, and it is defined as $$Imm_{\lambda}(A)=\sum_{\sigma \in S_n}\chi_{\lambda}(\sigma)\prod_{i=1}^{n}a_{i,\sigma(i)}$$ where $\chi_{\lambda}$ ...
boil's user avatar
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Representation for the Bose-Mesner algebra and its dual.

If you are familiar with the algebra, just skip the following brief introduction, that is fine. In the study of Bose-Mesner algebra. We know given that the commutative association scheme $\mathfrak{X}...
user1992's user avatar
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Hall Scalar product calculation: $\langle h_3p_6, s_{(5,4)}\rangle$

This is a problem from an old qualifying exam I am reviewing: Calculate: $\langle h_3p_6, s_{(5,4)}\rangle$ where $\langle \cdot,\cdot \rangle$ is the Hall scalar product defined by $\langle s_\lambda,...
Sawyer Robertson's user avatar
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Decomposing into irreducible $S_n$ modules, aka Specht modules.

Let $S_{\pi}$ where $\pi$ is an integer partition of $n$, denote the Specht module corresponding to $\pi$. I am trying to decompose the set of all homogeneous polynomials in $x_1,x_2,...,x_n$ ...
Karthik C's user avatar
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Plethysm with Basis?

For any partition $\lambda$ we denote by $S_\lambda$ the corresponding Schur functor. Now consider $\textrm{GL}(\mathbb{C}^n)$ with its natural action on $\mathbb{C}^n$. Using character theory, one ...
Hans's user avatar
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Crystal operators

Define the operator $s_i$ on tableaux: Consider letters $i$ and $i + 1$ in row reading word of the tableau. Successively “bracket” pairs of the form (i + 1, I ). Left with word of the form $i^r (i +...
S_Alex's user avatar
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$\eta$-value of a partition and its meaning

The $\eta$-value of an integer partition $\lambda = \big( \lambda_1 \geq \lambda_2 \geq \cdots \geq \lambda_k \geq 0 \big)$ is defined as \begin{equation} \eta \big( \lambda \big) \ := \ \sum_{i=1}^k ...
Jeanne Scott's user avatar
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Young projectors in Fulton and Harris

In Section 4 of Fulton and Harris' book Representation Theory, they give the definition of a Young tableau of shape $\lambda = (\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_k)$ and then define two subgroups of $S_d$, the ...
Alex Ortiz's user avatar
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Representation theory of the symmetric group

I'm trying to understand the representations of $k\mathfrak{S}_3$, where $k$ is a field of characteristic $2$. Could someone explain the permutation module $M^{(1^3)}$ has a filtration layers ...
D. Mihailidis's user avatar
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Reference request: Representation theory over fields of characteristic zero

Many representation theory textbooks and online resources work with the field of complex numbers or more generally algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero. I am looking for a good textbook ...
HeinrichD's user avatar
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Is there anywhere some explicit Bruhat decompositions are written down?

Question in title: most places I see Bruhat decompositions treated they're only briefly mentioned and no examples are given. Also, I calculated the following regarding the Bruhat decomposition of $\...
Daniel McLaury's user avatar