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FAILURE : No target filename specified

path = '/mnt/Data/30_Stages_Encours/2023/ZonesHumides_Sarah/donnee_dezippee/sentinel2/2020/' dir = os.listdir(path) for i in dir : # i = SENTINEL2X_20200415-000000-000_L3A_T31UES_C_V2-1 if i....
sam's user avatar
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gdal.WarpOptions not accepting srcBands argument?

Defining as follows: warpoptions = gdal.WarpOptions(format = 'GTiff', outputType = gdal.GDT_Float32, srcBands = [1], dstBands = [1], dstSRS = 'EPSG:4326', dstNodata = 0, resampleAlg = 'cubicspline', ...
John Lawler's user avatar
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Contours of a DSM render slowly

I am comparing two digital surface maps (dsms generated from drone photogrammetry) taken at two times. The contour lines render quite quickly for one (in seconds) and quite slowly for the other (1–2 ...
Alan Harper's user avatar
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How to avoid gdalwarp converting to alpha band

I am running the following code in order to resample a single-band TIFF file, whose data are going from 0 to 100 with 255 being the nodata value "gdalwarp -t_srs "+srs+" -tr "+pxsz+...
Andrea's user avatar
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How to solve antimeridian split using GDAL

I'm fairly new to GIS and GDAL. But I need to solve the problem with anti-meridian. I have satellite images from Meteor-M2 that can span over -180 / 180 longitude. I created .vrt file with correct GCP ...
dernasherbrezon's user avatar
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Can't use Polygon to Clip Raster

I created a polygon to use to clip a DTM raster (DEMTiff), but the Clip by Mask tool gives an error: GDAL command: gdalwarp -overwrite -of GTiff -cutline temp.shp -cl temp -crop_to_cutline "D:\\...
Jeff C's user avatar
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Julia - Write KMZ file with transparency

I'm trying to save a .kmz file from a dataset representing a DEM of an area stored in a GeoTiff file. My code is reading the DEM, transforming the CRS to UTM, and defining a subset based on ...
Stefano Moro's user avatar
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Run gdalwarp to rectify a raster (RPC embedded) with DEM but got error: Too many points failed to transform, unable to compute output bounds

I've been trying to rectify an unprojected raster (with RPC model) with digital surface model (DSM) by using gdalwarp command. Here is the command: gdalwarp \ -co BIGTIFF=YES \ -co "TILED=YES&...
Lion Lai's user avatar
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Coordinate transformation with GDAL replicating Geotools Java package transform

We are developing an earth observation data processors utilizing GPU. One of the operation trying to achieve is the coordinate transform. For some rasters the output CRS intended would be some local ...
arapEST's user avatar
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Converting into correct format using GDAL

I am trying to use gdal to convert landcover .tiff files into .asc files in the AAIGrid format. I am using them for an application which seems to only accept formats where the xllcorner and yllcorner ...
Silas91's user avatar
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How to convert elevation data from WGS84 ITRF2008 to NAD83 CGG2013a

I need to convert elevation data captured in WGS84 ITRF2008 to NAD83 CGG2013a. I came across with GPS-H from NRCAN and downloaded the Geoid Model file (CGG2013ai08.byn) from here. Although I use a ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Vertical transformation of DEM from EPSG:3035 to EPSG:4326

I am trying to convert a DEM file from EPSG:3035 (ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe) to EPSG:4326 (WGS 84) with gdalwarp. EPSG:3035 uses the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 ensemble datum where ...
Badal's user avatar
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gdal.Warp is not creating a TIFF file (very big raster)

My raster size is more than 6 Gb. It was created from SRTM tiles, so I wasn't even able to save it as TIFF, hence I used vrt format. Now I want to translate it to .map, so I use: warpopt = gdal....
Nikolay Yasinskiy's user avatar
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Trying to gdalwarp a TIFF results in mostly empty image with data at ends

I'm trying to use gdalwarp to project an FAA source chart in EPSG:9802 (Lambert Conic Conformal) to EPSG:3395 (World Mercator). The issue is that part of the data is east of longitude -180, and part ...
Roger's user avatar
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Speeding up WarpedVRT in rasterio (change CRS + resample)

Given a source GeoTIFF of some unknown resolution (better than the target), what is the quickest way to re-project it in-memory to the desired GSD? Masking in the input data should be preserved. ...
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