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Questions tagged [algorithm]

Questions about the rigorous usage of instructions used to solve a specific computer graphics problem.

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How to get the shortest segment AB between 2 SDF (Signed distance field) in 3D?

Is there a method to find the shortest segment between 2 Signed distance field? I know how to calculate this segment for a limited number of SDF like from sphere to sphere, from capsule to sphere, ...
Kuwazy's user avatar
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Automating equirectangular horizon detection in 360 images

I would like to programatically identify pitch and roll numbers that will level the horizon on each frame in a series of equirectangular 360 panorama images. Here's why. I recently ended up with a ...
amh15's user avatar
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How to morph a enclosing mesh according to the enclosed mesh?

I am quite new to meshing and mesh manipulation. I am working on a problem consiting of meshes $A$, $B$, and $C$. The mesh $C$ completely encloses the meshes $A$ and $B$ as shown in the attached ...
Prakhar's user avatar
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L-System to generate the Penrose P3 tiling

I am trying to write an L-System to generate the Penrose P3 tiling (with thin and thick rhombi, I will call them Rhombus-A and Rhombus-B. For render, I am planning to use the following chars. '+' ...
Ouss's user avatar
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Constructing half-edges table from triangle list without hash

Motivation I am trying to refine a mesh such that each triangle gets subdivided into 4 triangles, but I want the vertices to be shared. For that purpose I need a half-edge data structure so I can ...
lightxbulb's user avatar
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Normal blend mode math

I have one question. How to calculate source color after blending operation. For example. I have 1 - Background color (r-115, g-94, b-67, a-1) 2 - Foreground color above background color, which ...
Alisher's user avatar
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Extrapolating geometry across a triangle mesh?

Say you have 2 parametric cylinders represented as triangle meshes with very different geometries and you connect them together. Is there a method that allows you to join them together such that the ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Piecewise smoothing of a mesh?

Kobbelt et al. published a paper some 20 years ago where they specified how solving Poisson equations on the positions of a mesh lead to removing noise. This can be used for reconstructing mesh ...
Makogan's user avatar
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How is re projection usually implemented in remeshing?

I was reading "Polygon Mesh Processing" and in chapter 5 the authors present this little algorithm: ...
Makogan's user avatar
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What is a smart way to fill in the 'next' pointer of a opposite half-edge of a boundary?

I was reading this question regarding half edges from 3 years ago and the selected answer seemed pretty smart to me. However, while actually implementing it I'm confused at the part where I have to ...
ThisAccountIsForGameDev's user avatar
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What algorithms are typically used for finding 'PCB Trace'-like paths?

I am analyzing a large amount of Layers 0-4 Network Data. I am trying to render diagrams dynamically showing the Network Devices involved in the data (Desktop, Switch, Router, Server, etc.) and how ...
Liam Kelly's user avatar
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Why capsule box intersection algorithms not widely used

I have searched through a lot of libraries and sources, that include very diverse intersection algorithms, for computer graphics. And I've never found a capsule-box intersection algorithm. Despite ...
Lenny White's user avatar
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Relative coordinates -- cumulative sum

I have a vertex shader happily producing all the vertices I want for a 2D plot. Now I want to also render a plot of the same data, but each point relative to the previous one, like SVG Paths using <...
Nick's user avatar
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Are systems like double pendulum used for generating terrain?

Looking at the output of the angle of this double pendulum made me think this was a good candidate for generating realistic looking terrain profiles. I can't be the first to notice this so I was ...
AJP's user avatar
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Can you explain to me the Bresenham's line algorithm in simple terms?

I've been trying to wrap my head around this algorithm, and I need it for my drawing function. But I can't seem to understand it. The Wikipedia page gives this piece of code right at the end: ...
sneaker's user avatar
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