
What are the stories behind your username and avatar?

Some users' usernames and/or their avatars have a significance behind them. What about yours?


46 Answers 46


I was walking around one day, thinking about what my username should be. I wanted something pseudo-English sounding, but not really meaning anything. So Makonede randomly popped into my head for some reason.

TL;DR: Literally no backstory.

Also, in case you've been living under a rock, my profile picture is my Minecraft character.


My real name sounds very similar to "mouse" and since I'm a big fan of both real mice and computer mice. Most people online and IRL just call me Mouse.

I added tail just so that my username is at least 8 characters, the minimum on many sites. However, since I switched to wireless mice I may need to change it to remain accurate.

My profile picture is a stylized mouse.


You might know me as the creator of the 2-D esolang Trilangle. I'm genderfluid so my pronouns vary on a day-to-day basis (or sometimes even more frequently than that), but xe/xem is a safe default if you don't have a chance to ask me or if I don't/can't respond.

I created the username bbrk24 when I was in fourth grade, originally for an email account, but I've used it in many other places since. It contains the initials of my deadname, but it doesn't bother me.

In 2020, I started having more conversations online compared to in-person, for some reason. People tried to come up with various ways to say that consonant group out loud. The one that stuck best was Beberka, from someone reading "b-b-r-k" in his native language as "be-be-er-ka". I say it as [bɛ⁠ˈberka] (original) or [bə⁠ˈbeɹ̈kʰə] (more Englishy), roughly. My username on Discord is Beberka for that reason.

My usual profile picture here comes from Discord. For a while, I just had the default profile picture on Discord. At some point, one of my friends started sending a bunch of gradients and people were claiming them for profile pictures, so I did too. I set it as my profile picture here because someone in TNB said they confused me for user. For pride month, I've added a genderfluid symbol to my pfp, since I can't exactly combine the flag with the gradient.


My username is just my real name, Jacob.

My name's NOODLE MAN!!! From now on you will call me NOODLE MAN!!!


If anyone stumbles into the lore (I think it was in the comments of an old Japt answer of mine, but I don't quite remember) leave a comment with a link!

  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ NOODLE MAN NOODLE MAN \$\endgroup\$
    – mousetail
    Commented May 30, 2023 at 13:36
  • \$\begingroup\$ Jacob, I'm not sure you would want to be made out of food... \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 1, 2023 at 16:20
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian Who's Jacob? This is NOODLE MAN!!! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍝🍝🍜 \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 1, 2023 at 16:33
  • \$\begingroup\$ @noodleman you're Jacob. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 1, 2023 at 16:33
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian We don't talk about that guy here \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 1, 2023 at 17:08

I created my username in 2012 when I was in Year 2 of NUS High School (roughly equivalent to US 8th grade), in the same process where I became a My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (MLPFIM) fan and created the pony version of myself.

Parcly and Spindle

At the time one of my main interests was organic chemistry, and I wanted a name for the pony based on some organic compound. My first choice was Paracet from paracetamol, but it didn't sound natural enough to me. I eventually found paclitaxel – a chemotherapeutic drug that famously took 30 years after discovery to market and famously was the target of a total synthesis race in the early 1990s, just before I was born – and transformed the word to Parcly Taxel, complete with an R I don't pronounce. (The name is pronounced park-ly tax-səl, and far too many ponies think at first that the first name is Parsley.)

Eventually I became a vector graphics artist drawing MLPFIM stuff, both canon characters and original characters. At the same time I developed tools to help with the art, which evolved into my first Git repository called Kinross and the principal storage for my art called Selwyn. These "unusual" names in turn grew into one of my traditions: every Git repository I create must be named after a real-world location. (Shinjuku, Malibu, Shibuya, Skopje…)

92, Uranium – I did a "periodic table of ponies" project from 2020 to 2021

Six Alicorns. Parcly is, in my backstory, on par with MLPFIM's canon royalty

Parcly's backstory developed alongside the art. In August 2013 she became a wish-granting genie. She then gained a windigo companion called Spindle in late 2015 – the ghostly horse in the first picture of this answer. I have been regularly commissioning others to draw pictures of Parcly as well.

By Beardie

Although MLPFIM is considered part of the furry fandom, it took until 2021 for me to draw more general furry art. I created my own furry characters; my "fursona" (that represents myself in the furry world) is a female tiger genie called Tori Taxel, whose species is also my Chinese zodiac sign. (I am a Chinese Singaporean after all.) Her husband is a chimeric dullahan called Hearth Taxel.

By Arztin. Tori being a taur, this also plays on my real-life Western zodiac sign

By A-Lovy

The "bat in a hexagon" avatar I use alongside the Parcly Taxel name is the cutie mark of a bat pony form of Parcly. Fluttershy became one in an MLPFIM episode, and her cutie mark changed from three butterflies to three bats; this change is sometimes emulated with original character bat ponies, including here.

The background of my avatar is RGB #230F38. This colour and the three colours in Parcly's cutie mark (exactly the same across normal and bat pony versions) are also used in the logos of many of my Git repositories, giving a common theme.


My profile pic is the default.

AndrewTheCodegolfer is the third name in a line of "andrewthe[thing]" names that I have had, the line beginning with andrewtheredditor and andrewthediscorder.


Okie, because uh, replacement for my old name edison1119 because security sucks.

My pfp is niko because niko is god.( from game Oneshot)

My pfp was my facebook pfp since I associated using it. After I joined CGCC, I decided to change my pfp.

chat pfp comes from cat girl/boy week.



Nothing, just using my nick name.


My username is an ancient relic from when my dad made my first Hotmail account before at least 2007. Ever since I've consistently used this username for everything. Since my real name is a hellish mess of a Chinese romanization, most people don't realize that it's just my first name with big prepended to it. Besides, most people don't know how to parse the hsuan part of it and just call me bigy /bɪg.i/ "biggie" in voice chat lol

I don't have a "set" profile picture, I just switch my profile pictures whenever I find a good one somewhere on the internet. My current profile picture is a cutout of a face drawn by @TheRealTrampy on Twitter of Thomas-ized members of the LNER A4 class (since a fictional member of the class, Spencer, appears in the show).

It also somehow manages to mimic my facial hair, so that's a bonus.

enter image description here


oeuf simply means egg in French, and it sounds pretty similar to the Roblox dead sound (oof), so I thought at the time that it would be funny to use it as my username.

As for the profile picture, it is an ASCII art drawing on a rabbit I found on asciiart.eu. It was made by Linda Ball. I took the ASCII art, then use an online ASCII-to-image tool to turn it into an image. (I believed it was this one)

For the reason why I chose a rabbit, I used to play a mobile game called Tsuki's Odyssey, in which the main character, also called Tsuki, came back to his hometown from the crowded city life to start a calm life. Think of it like Animal Crossing, but on mobile phones.

Even though this game bores the hell out of me, it pretty much influences my username choice. If not because I like the name oeuf more, I could have chosen tsuki as my new username, as that's my username on many social platforms (or anywhere that has an account system).

  • \$\begingroup\$ Why isn’t it the proper spelling œuf? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 5, 2022 at 9:39
  • \$\begingroup\$ @KaiBurghardt I never know how it's supposed to be pronounced, so I just go with my interpretation of how it should be pronounced. \$\endgroup\$
    – oeuf
    Commented Nov 5, 2022 at 12:05

My pfp contains the image of Sophie Germain, it is nothing more than everything to me... I wish sometimes I could go back in time and tell her, that I am obsessed with her, and my love and respect for her will stay regardless of the time. That's all to say.

Long live Imtiaz Germain primes!

Edit: I removed her picture and now it's mine here 🤡


The thing is, none of my work is ever done, thus the name.

My avatar was generated by a Scratch program that was not shared.


My username is my initials.

My profile picture is some random whole-white image I found on my computer (problably from mspaint.exe)


Username: Like user, I'm just not very creative.

Icon: It's my default identicon, edited to permanently keep my Winter Bash 2022 hat.


My name was a random string of words (The Empty String Photographer) somewhat related to programming that was very clever. For the profile picture, I like monkeys, so I took a nice shot of a plush toy using portrait mode on iPhone.

Monkey on stage

You monster! You made monkey cry!

Crying monkey

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ … you change your name often \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 25, 2023 at 9:49

My nickname int 21h should be easily recognizable, at least, by the oldies as a standart DOS subfunction call (interrupt).

Then I have added the national salute Glory to Ukraine! to support the struggle of Ukraine against russia.

This phrase became particularly popular in the WW2 period, when ukrainians once again have tried to get their freedom from both USSR and Germany but, unfortunately, have failed. The salute is commonly attributed to Stepan Bandera:

And the time will come when one will say: Glory to Ukraine! And millions will respond: Glory to the heroes!

I have also changed the standart identicon to the Tryzub, obviously, for the same reason as above. (Trident is the national coat of arms of Ukraine)


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