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My nickname int 21h should be easily recognizable, at least, by the oldies as a standart DOS subfunction call (interrupt).

Then I have added the national salute Glory to Ukraine! to support the struggle of Ukraine against russia.

This phrase became particularly popular in the WW2 period, when ukrainians once again have tried to get their freedom from both USSR and Germany but, unfortunately, have failed. The salute is commonly attributed to Stepan Bandera:

And the time will come when one will say: Glory to Ukraine! And millions will respond: Glory to the heroes!

I have also changed the standart emoticonidenticon to the Tryzub, obviously, for the same reason as above. (Trident is the national coat of arms of Ukraine)

My nickname int 21h should be easily recognizable, at least, by the oldies as a standart DOS subfunction call (interrupt).

Then I have added the national salute Glory to Ukraine! to support the struggle of Ukraine against russia.

This phrase became particularly popular in the WW2 period, when ukrainians once again have tried to get their freedom from both USSR and Germany but, unfortunately, have failed. The salute is commonly attributed to Stepan Bandera:

And the time will come when one will say: Glory to Ukraine! And millions will respond: Glory to the heroes!

I have also changed the standart emoticon to the Tryzub, obviously, for the same reason as above. (Trident is the national coat of arms of Ukraine)

My nickname int 21h should be easily recognizable, at least, by the oldies as a standart DOS subfunction call (interrupt).

Then I have added the national salute Glory to Ukraine! to support the struggle of Ukraine against russia.

This phrase became particularly popular in the WW2 period, when ukrainians once again have tried to get their freedom from both USSR and Germany but, unfortunately, have failed. The salute is commonly attributed to Stepan Bandera:

And the time will come when one will say: Glory to Ukraine! And millions will respond: Glory to the heroes!

I have also changed the standart identicon to the Tryzub, obviously, for the same reason as above. (Trident is the national coat of arms of Ukraine)

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My nickname int 21h should be easily recognizable, at least, by the oldies as a standart DOS subfunction call (interrupt).

Then I have added the national salute Glory to Ukraine! to support the struggle of Ukraine against russia.

This phrase became particularly popular in the WW2 period, when ukrainians once again have tried to get their freedom from both USSR and Germany but, unfortunately, have failed. The salute is commonly attributed to Stepan Bandera:

And the time will come when one will say: Glory to Ukraine! And millions will respond: Glory to the heroes!

I have also changed the standart emoticon to the Tryzub, obviously, for the same reason as above. (Trident is the national coat of arms of Ukraine)