
Alternatively, a post I never thought I'd be writing.

At 17:47 on the 29th of June (UTC), the following was posted in the J Forums:


I am the father of Raghu Ranganathan.

Raghu my son who was 22 is no more, he drowned in the ocean and passed away in Taiwan, we are in Taiwan to bring him back to Chennai.

I remember that he participated in the Jwiki community, but I dont know about his involvement much in your project.

Please let anyone in the technology world who need to know about this tragic event.

Thanks, Ranga


Raghu Ranganathan is better known around code golf as Razetime.

Razetime was a code golfer greatly interested in array programming languages, making significant contributions to resources like the K wiki, one of the most comprehensive tutorials about ngn/K, Factor documentation and the APL wiki. He listed writing documentation and tutorials for array languages as one of his passions

He was also one of the very first Vyxalers and Vyxal developers, helping get the language from indev versions to the first major release (eg if you've ever seen the on-screen keyboard at vyxal.pythonanywhere.com, you've seen razetime's work in action). He was also crucial in creating promotional ideas like the deadlineless vyxal bounty.

But he also helped document countless other esolangs and golflangs, including MAWP, Pip, Husk, Add++, Jelly and Flax. He even made his own golflang: Limn.

Yet Razetime was more than just the array language guy or the documentation guy. He was a friend who'd be happy to go along with whatever you wanted to talk about, whether it be exam preparation, rock pile building or terrible quality username puns (example 1, example 2). Overall, razetime was a real one, one of the good ones if I do say so myself.

I think it's fair to say he'll be missed by a lot of people in the communities he was active in, and that the world of language documentation will never quite be the same.

Feel free to use answers to this meta post as an opportunity to share your thoughts, memories, and experiences of razetime.

Rest in peace all ze time, Razetime.

  • 7
    \$\begingroup\$ People come and go all of a sudden. 99W!!1M;8A;1A;. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 2 at 5:56
  • 7
    \$\begingroup\$ The start of my programming journey would have never been the same without him. He always genuinely held a special place in my heart:( @TwilightSparkle 99WM!;9A!;7M; saves a byte. \$\endgroup\$
    – Dion
    Commented Jul 2 at 9:16
  • 5
    \$\begingroup\$ It's even more poignant that his profile currently says I rarely use this place any more :-( \$\endgroup\$
    – Luis Mendo
    Commented Jul 4 at 15:03

1 Answer 1


I got this email on Sat, Jun 29, 15:24:


I am Raghu Ranganathan (@razetime) father.

Raghu drowned in the ocean and passed away in Taiwan, we are in Taiwan to bring him back to Chennai, his home.

Please let the APL community know about it as we dont know who to reach out about this message.

Thanks, Ranga.

Here are a couple of pictures from the Taiwan APL meetup on May 27:

Raghu Ranganathan (centre) in Taiwan

Raghu Ranganathan (left) with Dyalog merch at Taiwan APL meetup

Among many other things, Raghu created the APLgolf website, and since he did a paid project for Dyalog (reading metadata from image files), he was technically my colleague. He was also going to help me with a project to catalogue APL materials, but I failed to manage it, so nothing happened. Maybe if I'd given him that work to do, he wouldn't have been at the beach…

RIP. 😢


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