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Shortcut W isn't working in sculpt mode

This happened to me. I noticed that the pie Menus and many other default addons are now not included by default, you have to download those using the Preference Menu. The Preference Menu is inside the ...
Emir's user avatar
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How can I add a Keymap and Pie Menu shortcut for Auto Depth toggle?

Similar instructions as Can I assign a toggle shortcut to the Cursor Depth feature in User Preferences? except that in Context Attributes, you you have to use ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
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When pressing A it doesnt select all 2.81

I use Blender 4.1.1. I was having the same problem. I had to press A like 10 times before it selected all. Then I realized, when I press A only once it shows me the pie selections object mode menu. ...
Tara Jonuzi's user avatar
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Shortcut to lock/unloack all Transform parameter

You can do this easily just by using the mouse. Click and hold the LMB over the top icon to set/unset it and drag the mouse down over the other icons.
John Eason's user avatar
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Shortcut to lock/unloack all Transform parameter

Here's a short and easy python script I came up with. It might be a bit tedious to go back and forth with the text editor to run this script, but it works. Just change ...
Dgc's user avatar
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2 votes

Object Library for basic geometry

There's a couple ways you can achieve this without using Shift+A. Quick Favorites - You can add any operator to your Quick Favorites menu by Right Click it in the menu and selecting Add to Quick ...
Dgc's user avatar
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Object Library for basic geometry

If you don't like shortcuts, the same menu is available in the top bar :
Lutzi's user avatar
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