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2 votes

Object Library for basic geometry

There's a couple ways you can achieve this without using Shift+A. Quick Favorites - You can add any operator to your Quick Favorites menu by Right Click it in the menu and selecting Add to Quick ...
Dgc's user avatar
  • 353
2 votes

Object Library for basic geometry

If you don't like shortcuts, the same menu is available in the top bar :
Lutzi's user avatar
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Shortcut to lock/unloack all Transform parameter

You can do this easily just by using the mouse. Click and hold the LMB over the top icon to set/unset it and drag the mouse down over the other icons.
John Eason's user avatar
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Shortcut to lock/unloack all Transform parameter

Here's a short and easy python script I came up with. It might be a bit tedious to go back and forth with the text editor to run this script, but it works. Just change ...
Dgc's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I add a Keymap and Pie Menu shortcut for Auto Depth toggle?

Similar instructions as Can I assign a toggle shortcut to the Cursor Depth feature in User Preferences? except that in Context Attributes, you you have to use ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar

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