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Questions tagged [edges]

An edge is a line segment connecting two vertices. An edge always connects two vertices by a straight line. The edges are the “wires” you see when you look at a mesh in wireframe view. They are usually invisible on the rendered image. They are used to construct faces.

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What do red edges mean?

I was doing the donut tutorial and I noticed these red edges. I thought they might be marked as crease, so I selected the edges around the green X and selected Tag Crease, since I found on google that ...
user2738698's user avatar
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how do i get rid of the edges sticking out or is there a better way of modeling the picture into card form?

okay so I am attempting to model a 3d image into a 3d printable picture for a surprise gift for friend of mine who loves this character from Baldur's gate 3. i made a plane then added the image to it ...
Greye Bailey's user avatar
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"New edge/face from vertices" not joining selected vertices

I have a simple vector spaceship design for a retro "Elite" style game. It was originally an SVG. So far I have: Converted from curves to mesh Joined to a single mesh Duplicated the ...
Habadera's user avatar
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Unable to create edge between two vertices (imported SVG) [duplicate]

I have imported a wireframe SVG into Blender, duplicated it and dragged a few points around to make a vector graphics spaceship design similar to the old Elite 8-bit game if anyone remembers it. I'm ...
Habadera's user avatar
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How To Align Verticles in Straight Line

I have this image with uneven ground. I'm struggling to even out these vertices, it should form an even ground and should look in a straight line because if I try to align it on a base plane, it looks ...
Jaskaran Singh Puri's user avatar
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Edge length measurement overlay selected but no lengths display

Hello Blender community, I am using Blender 4.0.2. I am attempting to view the lengths of some of the edges on my object. I am in Edit mode using edge selection (Hot key 2). I have checked the "...
bhumphreys's user avatar
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How can I select edge loops in a mesh using geometry nodes?

In my scenario, I have a few stacks of edge loops bridged together and am seeking a way to select a specified loop using geometry nodes to perform transformations on. A mesh I am working on which ...
SebaYoung's user avatar
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square to cross? best way?/just an annoyance

Something I find annoying or maybe I'm just missing something? Quickest way to make a square into a cross? My current way is to extrude two opposite edges then scale them out. Repeat the process for ...
James's user avatar
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How can I highlight intersection edges?

I have two solids that intersect (one red, the other green). I would like to render them both slightly transparent so I can see all the edges, and I would also like to highlight the edges that lie on ...
nickponline's user avatar
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How do I make these radially symmetrical edges longer?

Please refer to the screenshot. It's the shape of a gearwheel in front ortho, currently just a circle to be extruded later. I would like for these to be as wide as indicated in the concept image in ...
HullBreaker's user avatar
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Controlling thickness of node-generated concentric rings

These 36-segment concentric rings are formed from node-generated, circular edge loops. The planes between them aren't — I've bridged the edge loops myself — but the edge loops are procedural. Below ...
KEY_ABRADE's user avatar
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How to apply outlines to edges of faces in a mesh?

I have a spaceship model and it currently has no materials. How would I go about applying a black outline to the edges of this model for an "anime look". I've included pictures of it in ...
Tom's user avatar
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Geometric nodes - How to set/offset position of a specific edge's vertices

How can I set/offset position of vertices of specific edge? In the follow example given a plane with 9 faces. When setting a value in the node "Integer: Index of edge", the two vertices ...
audi02's user avatar
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Is there a method to shift vertices along an edge loop while maintaining their spacing?

In my scenario, I have a horizonal edge loop with equally spaced vertices along it. I am seeking a way to shift the vertices around the loop path where they maintain their spacing. In this cube ...
SebaYoung's user avatar
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how to bring a part towards an edge loop

The two separate pieces in the picture were actually a single piece. Then I removed a section and there you see the gap between two sections. So they are already aligned and have same number of edges. ...
upstream's user avatar
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Filling in holes on a model with wall thickness/making a hollow model solid

I have this model I purchased online. Originally, it's supposed to be a hollow piggy bank, but I just want it to be one solid model for 3D printing. It has holes in it with wall thickness like this: ...
Alexander Chistyakov's user avatar
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I have two versions of my hand retopology. Is it normal to have loops like this? Which one will cause me less problems to UV unwrap?

Here is the first version of the hand retopology. I added more edge loops and changed the edge flow so it could match up with the wrist. Is it normal to have lines that look like this when I use the ...
kf9019's user avatar
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Face selected in edge mode selecting

blender v. 4.0.2 I made a plan then extruded using E and the edges other planes next to it. These are supposed to be the floors to my rooms in my project. But then I selected the edges, using edge ...
Ihsane Ame's user avatar
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How i can select inner edges of selected faces in a mesh?

I want to fill a mesh hole in a particular way that I’ve verified to rebuild a incomplete mesh, the steps I follow are: Select inner edges around the hole Apply Bridge Edge Loops But I have a mode ...
tximikel's user avatar
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How can I preserve face corner colors when doing a limited dissolve?

I have imported a model with vertex colors and plugged the Color Attribute to BSDF. Thanks to this thread I am able to merge vertices while preserving vertex colors and face corner colors by ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
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Is this retopology worth salvaging or should I start over from the beginning?

I feel as though I have a lot of unnecessary vertices following through my model. I also have uneven amount of faces, so it's hard for me to close gaps. Some points are in the back and others a ...
kf9019's user avatar
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unexpected fill command behavior

Please help with an F-key command problem. As I understand it, selecting two or more vertices, then pressing the F key should create a new edge (two vertices) or face (more than two vertices between ...
CAD_Monkey's user avatar
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Select N symmetrical edges in a sphere

If I'd like to select two symmetrical vertical edges in a sphere it is easy to do that manually: Four would be easy too: But with other divisions it could be harder to do so manually. Is there a ...
Eule's user avatar
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Problem with smooth shading a simple triangulated mesh

I'm having trouble with a relatively simple mesh – a grid that I triangulated and then shaped by using sculpt and manually moving vertices. When smooth shading is enabled, I see a lot of artifacts ...
Mark's user avatar
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Messed up topology: Do I need to fix it?

I was trying to connect the neck to the body after I tried to model the neck bones on my model. However, the no. of edges of the torso were greater than that of the neck so I messed up with the ...
MsBonniePython's user avatar
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How do I make a Minecraft render similar to the graphics from trailers/teasers for updates?

Actually, I want to make the appearance of my renders close to what I presented in the pictures, I will even attach those works that I have already been able to do and which look as close as possible ...
Jamm1eFade's user avatar
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Problems to fill with Grid Fill

I'm relatively new to Blender. I tried a model of a gaming controller I created myself. My goal was to use the grips of a Gamecube controller because I think they fit best in the hand. I put together ...
TheHalfAsian's user avatar
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How can I quickly join edges/vertices with face

I'm newby to Blender and computer animation. Sometimes, I join vertices one by one to manually create 3D objects. First, I create borders of an object with vertices and edges, then join them with ...
Dron4K's user avatar
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Where to put holding loops

I'm just making a load of shapes at the moment, figuring things out. I'm having trouble with one shape, I can't figure out where to put holding loops in order to hold this plus, but also not distort ...
StewD's user avatar
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How to create a hole in a rotated face and choose the distance between the external and internal edge? [duplicate]

I want to create a square hole in a wall, but I would like the space between the external and internal edges to have a specific measurement (0.005 m). I succeeded to do it on one wall because it is ...
Henrique's user avatar
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I am having trouble doing retopology for the hand, and I'm running into issues

I am having trouble doing retopology for the hand. I have a few links/tutorials pulled up, but I can't seem to get it right. As you can see here, I have 12 loops that make up the arm, and 8 loops ...
kf9019's user avatar
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how to make the edges appear in a line evenly while uv unwrapping

I am a noob to blender. I am working on a project which involves getting precise dimensions of a 3D object and for that I am practicing UV Unwrapping. All the UV unwrapping tutorials I have watched ...
Robert california's user avatar
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Edges created via knife tool cuts in Blender visible in object mode?

It's my first time posting on stack exchange so excuse me if I overlook some common courtesy with this post. I'm pretty knew to Blender, about a month in, and I'm working on retopologizing a mesh so I ...
Ocean Evers-Peete's user avatar
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Edges Direction/normal problem

when I extrude these edges, some of the normals aren't correct. how can I fix these edges' direction before extrusion? extrude Solidify File
Pooya heydari's user avatar
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Vertex snapping issue

Blender 4 Trying to slide an edge and have the vertex snap to nearest but the sliding vertex just slows down as it gets near the target vertex. I can do it the slow way and not slide the whole edge ...
PHK's user avatar
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How to create new vertices to connect edges?

I've just started to make my first donut in Blender and accidentally deleted my vertices. Now I cannot connect my edges and there is a whole in a mesh.
nagidkaa's user avatar
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Subdivide and fold selected mesh edges by a fixed angle along the edge normal with geometry nodes?

With a fair amount of help from this community, I've figured out how to align instances along edges -- and get wonderful 3d prints in the process. Which brings me to the current challenge. With the ...
Emma Scott Lavin's user avatar
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Adding Skin to Edge Creates Strange Anomaly

I added a skin to the edge of my object in order to thicken it. It worked great but it creates a strange effect in places. Here's an image: It looks like crevice shadows or something even though all ...
MultiGuy's user avatar
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uv unwrap crashes/"Unwrap failed to solve 1 of 1 island(s), edge seams may need to be added"

im new to blender, but im trying to unwrap a head. ive done U> Unwrap and UV> Unwrap, and added a UV map under object data properties and tried the unwrap again. still crashed. at one point, it ...
gloopx9000's user avatar
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Can't grab edges in sculpting mode

I'm using blender 4.0. I can't grab edges it moving everything except them.
Ozymandias's user avatar
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Smallest/biggest edge in a mesh - How would one select or get the position of the 2 vertices that make up the smallest/biggest edge of a mesh in GN?

My initial idea was that maybe there was a info node for that, but I don't think there is... So, then I thought that maybe it could be done using raycasts? That go off on each vertex and the two first ...
Pedro Ribeiro's user avatar
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How to fix spiraling during retopology?

I was following tutorial on retopology, and somehow, I ended up with spiral topology throughout the bottom half of the model. I am not animating the character but posing. I don't want it to be a ...
kf9019's user avatar
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Faces twists. Bridges Edges Loops Problem

I’m a beginner and I’m following a lesson on internet, the problem is when I’m trying to create a faces between selected edges, my faces twists.. How can I solve it ? I’ve been stuck for hours now ...
Pru's user avatar
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Why wont the colours change using UV maps?

Im trying to change the colour of this dress in the UV map, but whenever I try to change the image, These pieces just stay the same. For context, I seperated one side and mirrored it so I could save ...
Gizmo's user avatar
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Why can I not sculpt or grid fill from this face?

I am hoping to sculpt this leg shape, but I can't seem to create clean geometry to do so. I can do an alt-f type fill but it is messy. Grid fill isn't working. Thank you so much!
CNC's user avatar
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What is causing this stretched shading on the mesh and how can I fix it?

I am modeling a Z GT500 and I have this weird stretched shading/reflection on the rear panel: Despite the topology is somewhat fine. Can looptools fix this or is there any other way? I include a ....
TheNuvolari's user avatar
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Python bmesh: Using selected edges on a curved object to create a face

I am creating a parameterised model of a segmental tunnel-lining ring using Python and I have managed to create all the appropriate vertices and edges for the 'num_segs' number of segments in the ring....
redblue's user avatar
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How can I remove jump lines created by boolean modifiers?

After applying a boolean modifier, I'm getting these jump lines that connect a cut out to the outer perimeter. In other contexts I've made an object that has an inner and outer set of edges without ...
Seph Reed's user avatar
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Apply loop cut to different parts at once?

How to loop cut all of this selected parts to bottom. When i try to loop cut it only apply to one part.
volki's user avatar
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How to bevel edges smooth and rounded?

I am trying to round edges but if I'm applying more segments it doesn't help.
Nigel's user avatar
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