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Adam Kozłowski
Tech Leader, DevOps & Kubernetes Evangelist
Building the production ready
Kubernetes cluster with open source
a castle?
Why Open
Is it just a license?
1. Easy to change and extend
2. Collaboration with community
3. Affordable pricing
What are
the bricks?
Solution architecture
‒ Logs and metrics system
‒ GitOps
‒ Automation
‒ Security tools
‒ Backup & Restore
‒ Kubelet configuration
‒ Authentication and
‒ Underlying infrastructure

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EMC World 2016 12 Factor Apps FTW
EMC World 2016 12 Factor Apps FTWEMC World 2016 12 Factor Apps FTW
EMC World 2016 12 Factor Apps FTW

This was a session Brian Verkley and I delivered in Las Vegas for EMC World 2016 called 12 Factor App FTW ! In this presentation we talked to each of the 12 factors and how it can relate to the operations side of the house.

Infrastructure as Code (BBWorld/DevCon13)
Infrastructure as Code (BBWorld/DevCon13)Infrastructure as Code (BBWorld/DevCon13)
Infrastructure as Code (BBWorld/DevCon13)

This document discusses infrastructure as code and provides examples using tools like Chef, Vagrant, and Jenkins. It summarizes building a Jenkins server from source control using Chef recipes to install Java, add users, and install packages to set up the service. It emphasizes best practices like version control, testing, and treating infrastructure like code.

#ATAGTR2019 Presentation "DevSecOps with GitLab" By Avishkar Nikale
#ATAGTR2019 Presentation "DevSecOps with GitLab" By Avishkar Nikale#ATAGTR2019 Presentation "DevSecOps with GitLab" By Avishkar Nikale
#ATAGTR2019 Presentation "DevSecOps with GitLab" By Avishkar Nikale

Avishkar Nikale who is Senior Technical Architect at LTI took a Session on "DevSecOps with GitLab" at Global Testing Retreat #ATAGTR2019 Please refer our following post for session details:

agile testing allianceatagtr2019
Selection rules
Tested and
proven in our
‒ Prepared for HA and large
‒ Extensive query language - Lucene
‒ Security and multi-tenancy limited to
‒ Complex installation and configuration
‒ Requires careful monitoring
Grafana Loki
‒ Very low resource footprint, especially
in comparison with ELK stack
‒ Shares UI and multitenancy with
Grafana metrics
‒ Very easy to install
‒ Very limited query language – LogQL,
based on PromQL
‒ No visualization (dashboards) for logs
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum nec vulputate dolor,
id commodo leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum nec vulputate
dolor, id commodo leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum nec vulputate
dolor, id commodo leo.

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DevOps, Open Source e Microsoft
DevOps, Open Source e MicrosoftDevOps, Open Source e Microsoft
DevOps, Open Source e Microsoft

The document discusses DevOps and how Puppet can be used to automate infrastructure provisioning and application deployments. It provides an overview of the Puppet architecture and workflow where developers check code into a repository, it is built, tested and then deployed to Azure. Puppet is used to configure and manage virtual machines and applications on Azure. It also lists several Linux distributions and common applications that are supported by Puppet and Microsoft.

devops; azure; oss
Is Enterprise Java Still Relevant (JavaOne 2015 session)
Is Enterprise Java Still Relevant (JavaOne 2015 session)Is Enterprise Java Still Relevant (JavaOne 2015 session)
Is Enterprise Java Still Relevant (JavaOne 2015 session)

Soon after Java burst into the world in the 90s it started to gatecrash the parties of its enterprise computing seniors, whose initial amused response was -- You're Not On The List, You're Not Coming In. But EJBs turned heads in the 20th Century and when the Java Enterprise platform emerged, it started getting more invites until it was the party. Now Java EE is grown up with its own kids - EE7 is already two years old. How is it and the platform doing? The party is now in the cloud and the guest list includes many different language technologies and fast-moving open-source innovations. Is Enterprise Java still relevant here? And if it is, what does it need to keep doing or what does it need to change to stay on the VIP list?

cloud computingjavaee7
CI and CD Across the Enterprise with Jenkins ( Nov 2014)
CI and CD Across the Enterprise with Jenkins ( Nov 2014)CI and CD Across the Enterprise with Jenkins ( Nov 2014)
CI and CD Across the Enterprise with Jenkins ( Nov 2014)

Delivering value to the business faster thanks to Continuous Delivery and DevOps is the new mantra of IT organizations. In this webinar, CloudBees will discuss how Jenkins, the most popular open source Continuous Integration tool, allows DevOps teams to implement Continuous Delivery. You will learn how to: * Orchestrate Continuous Delivery pipelines with the new workflow feature, * Scale Jenkins horizontally in your organization using Jenkins Operations Center by CloudBees, * Implement end to end traceability with Jenkins and Puppet and Chef.

devopscontinuous deploymentcontinuous delivery
Scale up?
‒ Designed for scalability
‒ Monolithic, all-in-one installation
‒ Push-based model
‒ Requires service discovery (like consul)
‒ Centralized data storage
‒ Designed for small footprint and cost
‒ Sidecar design, can be deployed
‒ Pull-based model (although recently
added support for push)
‒ Extremely fast queries, but complex
design (fanout queries through
Service Mesh
‒ Huge popularity and adoption,
examples and code snippets
‒ Built specifically for Kubernetes
‒ Multi-cluster support
‒ High CPU and memory usage
compared to Linkerd
‒ Complex to configure
‒ Slightly more performant than Istio,
especially at high loads
‒ Low resource footprint
‒ Easy to configure
‒ No circuit breaking and rate limiting
‒ No multi-cluster support
‒ Lightweight, easy to start with
‒ User Interface
‒ Multi-cluster support
‒ No CI capabilities
‒ No build server support
‒ Limited capability for custom pipelines
Weave Flux
‒ Very simple tool
‒ No UI, managed through CLI
‒ Only one remote repository per flux
‒ No multi-tenancy
‒ No multi-cluster support

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Spring Data JDBC: Beyond the Obvious
Spring Data JDBC: Beyond the ObviousSpring Data JDBC: Beyond the Obvious
Spring Data JDBC: Beyond the Obvious

SpringOne 2021 Session Title: Spring Data JDBC: Beyond the Obvious Speaker: Jens Schauder, Staff Engineer at VMware

data/ databases
[RHFSeoul2017]6 Steps to Transform Enterprise Applications
[RHFSeoul2017]6 Steps to Transform Enterprise Applications[RHFSeoul2017]6 Steps to Transform Enterprise Applications
[RHFSeoul2017]6 Steps to Transform Enterprise Applications

The document provides a 6 step approach to transforming enterprise applications: 1. Re-organizing to DevOps; 2. Implementing self-service, on-demand infrastructure; 3. Automating deployments using tools like Puppet, Chef, and Kubernetes; 4. Establishing continuous integration and deployment pipelines; 5. Adopting advanced deployment techniques like blue-green deployments; 6. Moving to a microservices architecture.

LJC 4/21"Easy Debugging of Java Microservices Running on Kubernetes with Tele...
LJC 4/21"Easy Debugging of Java Microservices Running on Kubernetes with Tele...LJC 4/21"Easy Debugging of Java Microservices Running on Kubernetes with Tele...
LJC 4/21"Easy Debugging of Java Microservices Running on Kubernetes with Tele...

Many Java-based organizations adopt cloud native development practices with the goal of shipping features faster. The technologies and architectures may change when we move to the cloud, but the fact remains that we all still add the occasional bug to our code. The challenge here is that many of your existing local debugging tools and practices can't be used when everything is running in a container or deployed onto Kubernetes running in the cloud. This is where the open source Telepresence tool can help. Join me to learn about: - The challenges with scaling Kubernetes-based Java development i.e. you can only run so many microservices locally before minikube melts your laptop - An exploration of how Telepresence can "intercept" or reroute traffic from a specified service in a remote K8s cluster to your local dev machine - The benefits of getting a "hot reload" fast feedback loop between applications being developed locally and apps running in the remote environment - A tour of Telepresence, from the sidecar proxy deployed into the remote K8s cluster to the CLI - An overview of using "preview URLs" and header-based routing for the sharing, collaboration, and isolation of changes you are making on your local copy of an intercepted service

‒ Huge adoption, a lot of tutorials and
‒ Tons of plugins available
‒ Complicated installation
‒ Complex configuration with
declarative and user interface hybrid
‒ Harder to manage workers
‒ Easy to install
‒ YAML pipelines and clean UI
‒ Lightweight workers
‒ Limited number of resources
‒ Worse on huge scale
Header 2
‒ Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit.
Header 2
‒ Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit.
‒ Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit
‒ User Interface
‒ Easy to install
‒ Lost support for features in
new version
‒ CRDs instead of native
Header 2
‒ Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit.
Header 2
‒ Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit.
‒ Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit
‒ Simple, easy to install and configure
‒ OIDC proxy
‒ Limited capabilities compared to
‒ Just a proxy – no automation, custom
claims etc.
‒ Extensible and advanced
‒ UI, custom flows, two-factor auth
‒ Harder to configure than Dex
‒ Requires additional database

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Cloud native development without the toil
Cloud native development without the toilCloud native development without the toil
Cloud native development without the toil

At GOTO Amsterdam in 2019 I presented how to create an effective cloud native developer workflow. Two years later and many new developer technologies have come and gone, but I still hear daily from cloud developers about the pain and friction associated with building, debugging, and deploying to the cloud. In this talk I'll share my latest learning on how to bring the fun and productivity back into delivering Kubernetes-based software. In this talk, you will: - Learn why the core tenets of continuous delivery -- speed and safety -- must be considered in all parts of the cloud native SDLC - Explore how cloud native coding benefits from thinking separately about the inner development loop, continuous integration, continuous deployment, observability, and analysis - Understand how cloud native best practices and tooling fit together. Learn about artifact syncing (e.g. Skaffold), dev environment bridging (e.g. Telepresence), GitOps (e.g. Argo), and observability-focused monitoring (e.g. Prometheus, Jaeger) - Explore the importance of cultivating an effective cloud platform and associated team of experts - Walk away with an overview of tools that can help you develop and debug effectively when using Kubernetes

cloud nativecloud computingkubernetes
Enterprise CI as-a-Service using Jenkins
Enterprise CI as-a-Service using JenkinsEnterprise CI as-a-Service using Jenkins
Enterprise CI as-a-Service using Jenkins

The document describes a case study of CollabNet implementing a CI-as-a-Service solution for a large financial services company with over 4000 users across 100 teams developing over 150 applications using multiple technologies. The solution involved provisioning Jenkins servers on demand using Lab Management, integrating tools like TeamForge, Subversion, Nexus and SonarQube on a common platform to provide standardized CI tooling and processes managed by a dedicated build engineer. This helped establish a collaborative development culture, improve productivity and reduce costs.

jenkinscontinuous integrationci
DevOps@Morpho for ParisDevOps - 2nd of December 2014
DevOps@Morpho for ParisDevOps - 2nd of December 2014DevOps@Morpho for ParisDevOps - 2nd of December 2014
DevOps@Morpho for ParisDevOps - 2nd of December 2014

A short timelined description of DevOps at Morpho made for ParisDevOps meetup of 2nd of December 2014

‒ Extensive cloud platforms support
‒ Supports older Kubernetes
‒ No user interface
‒ Backup metadata is stored in files
without versioning
‒ Some of providers supported by
Restic only
‒ Native, Kubernetes solution
‒ Easy to configure
‒ Recently introduced (1.20)
‒ Limited cloud providers support
‒ Requires implementation in CSI driver
for infrastructure
Open Policy Agent
Kubernetes admission webhook
Open Policy Agent installed as admission webhook
in Kubernetes cluster
Rego policy language
Rules describing policies based on data in structured
documents (JSON). Queries are set of assertions on
OpenPolicyAgent service
OPA service deployed in Kuberneties takes each
request from webhook and invokes all matching
Thank you

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Your own kubernetes castle

  • 1. Your own Kubernetes castle Adam Kozłowski Tech Leader, DevOps & Kubernetes Evangelist Building the production ready Kubernetes cluster with open source bricks
  • 3. Why Open Source? Is it just a license? 1. Easy to change and extend 2. Collaboration with community 3. Affordable pricing
  • 4. What are the bricks? Solution architecture Tools ‒ Logs and metrics system ‒ GitOps ‒ Automation ‒ Security tools ‒ Backup & Restore Configuration ‒ RBAC ‒ Kubelet configuration ‒ Authentication and authorization ‒ Underlying infrastructure
  • 5. Selection rules Tested and proven in our projects Open-source license Active community support
  • 7. Logs ELK Advantages ‒ Prepared for HA and large deployments ‒ Extensive query language - Lucene Disadvantages ‒ Security and multi-tenancy limited to OpenDistro ‒ Complex installation and configuration ‒ Requires careful monitoring Grafana Loki Advantages ‒ Very low resource footprint, especially in comparison with ELK stack ‒ Shares UI and multitenancy with Grafana metrics ‒ Very easy to install Disadvantages ‒ Very limited query language – LogQL, based on PromQL ‒ No visualization (dashboards) for logs data
  • 8. Metrics Prometheus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum nec vulputate dolor, id commodo leo. Grafana Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum nec vulputate dolor, id commodo leo. Alertmanager Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum nec vulputate dolor, id commodo leo.
  • 9. Scale up? Cortex Properties ‒ Designed for scalability ‒ Monolithic, all-in-one installation ‒ Push-based model ‒ Requires service discovery (like consul) ‒ Centralized data storage Thanos Properties ‒ Designed for small footprint and cost effectiveness ‒ Sidecar design, can be deployed incrementally ‒ Pull-based model (although recently added support for push) ‒ Extremely fast queries, but complex design (fanout queries through querier)
  • 10. Service Mesh Istio Advantages ‒ Huge popularity and adoption, examples and code snippets ‒ Built specifically for Kubernetes ‒ Multi-cluster support Disadvantages ‒ High CPU and memory usage compared to Linkerd ‒ Complex to configure Linkerd Advantages ‒ Slightly more performant than Istio, especially at high loads ‒ Low resource footprint ‒ Easy to configure Disadvantages ‒ No circuit breaking and rate limiting features ‒ No multi-cluster support
  • 12. GitOps ArgoCD Advantages ‒ Lightweight, easy to start with ‒ User Interface ‒ Multi-cluster support Disadvantages ‒ No CI capabilities ‒ No build server support ‒ Limited capability for custom pipelines Weave Flux Advantages ‒ Very simple tool ‒ No UI, managed through CLI Disadvantages ‒ Only one remote repository per flux instance ‒ No multi-tenancy ‒ No multi-cluster support
  • 13. Continuous Integration Jenkins Advantages ‒ Huge adoption, a lot of tutorials and examples ‒ Tons of plugins available ‒ Complicated installation Disadvantages ‒ Complex configuration with declarative and user interface hybrid ‒ Harder to manage workers Concourse Advantages ‒ Easy to install ‒ YAML pipelines and clean UI ‒ Lightweight workers Disadvantages ‒ Limited number of resources ‒ Worse on huge scale
  • 14. Ingress Nginx Header 2 ‒ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Header 2 ‒ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. ‒ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Traefik Advantages ‒ User Interface ‒ Easy to install Disadvantages ‒ Lost support for features in new version ‒ CRDs instead of native resources HAProxy Header 2 ‒ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Header 2 ‒ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. ‒ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • 16. OpenID Dex Advantages ‒ Simple, easy to install and configure ‒ OIDC proxy Disadvantages ‒ Limited capabilities compared to Keycloak ‒ Just a proxy – no automation, custom claims etc. Keycloak Advantages ‒ Extensible and advanced configuration ‒ UI, custom flows, two-factor auth Disadvantages ‒ Harder to configure than Dex ‒ Requires additional database
  • 17. Backup Restore Velero Advantages ‒ Extensive cloud platforms support ‒ Supports older Kubernetes deployments Disadvantages ‒ No user interface ‒ Backup metadata is stored in files without versioning ‒ Some of providers supported by Restic only VolumeSnapshot Advantages ‒ Native, Kubernetes solution ‒ Easy to configure Disadvantages ‒ Recently introduced (1.20) ‒ Limited cloud providers support ‒ Requires implementation in CSI driver for infrastructure
  • 18. Open Policy Agent Kubernetes admission webhook Open Policy Agent installed as admission webhook in Kubernetes cluster Rego policy language Rules describing policies based on data in structured documents (JSON). Queries are set of assertions on data. OpenPolicyAgent service OPA service deployed in Kuberneties takes each request from webhook and invokes all matching policies.