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Website of Dreams
If You Build it, Will They Come?
John Nollin
Promet Source
Rogue Element
Rob Coleman
@rogueelementinc @mwskatecast
Allison Manley
The Problem

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Untangling - fall2017 - week5
Untangling - fall2017 - week5Untangling - fall2017 - week5
Untangling - fall2017 - week5

This document provides an agenda and overview for a class on websites and design skills. It discusses using GitHub for collaboration, technologies that power websites like HTML and CSS, search engine optimization, business models, and an upcoming project involving designing a website business. Students are asked to review an existing website for SEO and business factors for homework.

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Did wordpressdothat
Did wordpressdothatDid wordpressdothat
Did wordpressdothat

WordPress is the most widely used Content Management System because it's easy to use, easy to customize and it's free! What a lot of people don't realize is how powerful WordPress can be with the right tools. This presentation will show you how powerful WordPress can be with minimal knowledge of how to design or develop websites. We'll cover the themes and plugins you need to know about and hopefully do some things you didn't think WordPress could do. This presentation is for everyone whether you are using WordPress already or not. Users, non-users and developers alike should all walk away having learned something new.

Drupal session 1 - What are drupal sessions?
Drupal session 1 - What are drupal sessions?Drupal session 1 - What are drupal sessions?
Drupal session 1 - What are drupal sessions?

Drupal sessions are presentations held every two weeks by members of the netnode team on Drupal and web development topics. The sessions have a clear structure including an introduction on what will be covered, an overview of the topic, how the topic works, why it is interesting, and where to find more information. The presentations are prepared during two hours of work time and published on netnode's blog and social media channels. Potential topics include Drupal 8, Drush, HTML5, code samples, Drupal distributions, the Drupal services module, and mobile development. The goal is to inspire learning and sharing of knowledge between team members.

Higher Ed Web 2013 presentation - Field of Dreams, build it and they will come
Goals for the New Site
• Smaller site
• Easier publishing workflow
• Represent the brand
• Express Grinnell’s distinctiveness
• Bring ALL users back
• Build a new information architecture
Step 1: The Audit
Audit: Key Findings
• Brand was strong for Grinnellians,
but not at all for the uninitiated
• Navigation was a mess
• Drupal Issues
• User Engagement

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Picnic Software - Developing a flexible and scalable application
Picnic Software - Developing a flexible and scalable applicationPicnic Software - Developing a flexible and scalable application
Picnic Software - Developing a flexible and scalable application

The team at Picnic Software giving a detailed walkthrough of their application architecture and development processes for a large Angular and .NET Event Sourcing application.

6 reasons Jubilee could be a Rubyist's new best friend
6 reasons Jubilee could be a Rubyist's new best friend6 reasons Jubilee could be a Rubyist's new best friend
6 reasons Jubilee could be a Rubyist's new best friend

(Video here: or Rubyconf 2014 talk on Jubilee, a Vert.x module that runs rack apps. Alternate titles Beyond Rails while using Rails Rails can't do everything I want and <fill> makes me want to cry Rubyconf abstract Do you do web development in Ruby? Have you been forced to go to node or other technologies just for concurrency/websockets etc. Do miss your gems, and tire of functionality you have to implement from scratch? Do you hate javascript? Well no need to switch languages/platforms, Jubilee could be your new best friend. Jubilee, a rack server on top of Vert.x gives you * Concurrency * Speed * Easy Websockets support * Shared Memory * Access to the JVM ecosystem * Ability to reuse your existing Ruby knowledge and gems "Say Hello to your new friend" - Al Pacino

Word press theme and plugins WordCamp Presentation
Word press theme and plugins WordCamp PresentationWord press theme and plugins WordCamp Presentation
Word press theme and plugins WordCamp Presentation

This document profiles Angela Samuels, a technology educator. It outlines her areas of expertise including WordPress, social media, and internet marketing. She has an Associate's degree from Henry Ford Community College, a Bachelor's from Eastern Michigan University, and a Master's from Wayne State University. Her experience includes work at GM and Chrysler, and she has been a freelance trainer for authors and small businesses since 2008. Her clients include web developers and small business owners seeking training.

wordpressweb design and developmentsmall business
“It looks like the website
for a bank.”
“I can’t find anything
on this site.”
What We Heard
Prospective Students
During your last visit to the Grinnell
College website, were you able to
find what you were looking for?
During your last visit to the Grinnell
College website, were you able to
find what you were looking for?
Current Students

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Working local
Working localWorking local
Working local

This document provides information about the author and discusses how to set up a local development environment for WordPress websites. It recommends creating a source folder, adding entries to the hosts file and Apache virtual hosts file, creating a database and user, uploading WordPress files and configuring the site, and restarting web and database services. Finally, it suggests avoiding the built-in WordPress editor and provides contact information for the author.


This document provides an introduction to WordPress, including its history and features. Some key points: - WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) released in 2003 that powers over 60 million websites. - It allows users to easily create and manage blogs and websites without needing advanced technical skills or coding experience. - WordPress has a large community that contributes thousands of plugins, themes, and support options to extend its functionality. - It is one of the most popular CMS platforms along with Joomla and Drupal, but WordPress is noted as being the easiest to use and having the most extensive library of plugins and themes available.

Velocity NY 2013 - From Slow to Fast: Improving Performance on Intuit Website...
Velocity NY 2013 - From Slow to Fast: Improving Performance on Intuit Website...Velocity NY 2013 - From Slow to Fast: Improving Performance on Intuit Website...
Velocity NY 2013 - From Slow to Fast: Improving Performance on Intuit Website...

Convincing an organization that performance matters and is worth investing in is often a tough thing to sell. This was no different at Intuit, who operated many sites built in the pre “web standards” era. Then, one day, one test changed everything – an A/B comparison successfully demonstrated that faster page loads increased conversion and SEO. And the conversation quickly changed from “Not interested” to “How quickly can you make the rest of our pages faster?” A performance team was formed, and optimization began across multiple properties in a phased approach with each release delivering incremental performance gains. As we iterated through the core performance principles, the team introduced additional techniques that led us to exceed our original performance goals. Techniques such as lazyloading, prefetching, smarter image optimization/spriting, and module rewrites enabled us to successfully shave off additional time. This session will cover the steps that we took, lessons learned including what worked well or didn’t work well, as well as the performance improvements that were realized, and their impact on business metrics. Some of the topics include: * How we went from 15s web pages to 2s web pages * How combining CSS/JS files and image sprites had both positive as well as negative impact * How lazy loading of resources and JavaScript rewrites improved our page render times (including our experiments with Control.js) * How we addressed blocking as well as high-latency third-party components * How we solved for issues/constraints arising from shared code across multiple sites * How we optimized for user flows spanning multiple pages with positive results * How automated benchmarking enabled us to continuously monitor our performance health * How we succeeded in making “performance” a common theme among developers, marketers, and stakeholders

performanceweb performanceweb development
Step 2: The Process
“A brand we can all be
proud of.”
Concept Statements
• Home & Horizon
• Unexpected
• Individuality

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How Not to Be Conned by Your Drupal Vendor!
How Not to Be Conned by Your Drupal Vendor!How Not to Be Conned by Your Drupal Vendor!
How Not to Be Conned by Your Drupal Vendor!

Despite the title, this presentation aims to shed some lights to both clients & vendors on how to execute acceptable Drupal projects, focusing on asking the 10 questions discussed in the slides.

drupalbest practice
Fosdem 2009 – improving drupal's page loading performance
Fosdem 2009 – improving drupal's page loading performanceFosdem 2009 – improving drupal's page loading performance
Fosdem 2009 – improving drupal's page loading performance

Page loading performance, also known as front-end performance, refers to how quickly a web page and all its components (CSS, JS, images) load. It is important for Drupal sites because users expect fast sites and Drupal powers many large, international sites. The document discusses tools for measuring performance like YSlow and Jiffy and provides an overview of optimizations that can be made to Drupal like enabling CSS/JS aggregation, leveraging a CDN, and putting JavaScript files at the bottom of pages. It also outlines challenges and potential solutions discussed in the author's bachelor thesis around CDN integration and relocating JavaScript.

Design4Drupal Boston 2013 - Bumps in the Road to Responsive
Design4Drupal Boston 2013 - Bumps in the Road to ResponsiveDesign4Drupal Boston 2013 - Bumps in the Road to Responsive
Design4Drupal Boston 2013 - Bumps in the Road to Responsive

This document discusses challenges of responsive web design and provides solutions. It addresses issues like designers thinking in pixels rather than percentages, page bloat from multiple image versions, and lack of ideal design tools. Suggested approaches include using a fluid grid, delivering optimized responsive images, modular CSS, and conditionally loading content. The document also recommends starting with a community theme like AdaptiveTheme, Omega or Zen to save time. Drupal 8 is advancing responsive features like mobile initiatives and conditional loading to improve front-end performance.

Prototyping “Individuality”
Design #1
Design #2
Design #3

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All about WordPress Posts and Pages WordCamp 2013
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Learn about Local Development Enviroments and WordPress Multisite. Learn how to create a simple plugin or custom theme. Local Development tools are also covered.

wordpressmulti-sitewordpress network
Becoming a more productive Rails Developer
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Becoming a more productive Rails Developer

A presentation by John McCaffrey of on how to manage technical information, ask technical questions, expand Ruby and Rails knowledge, and work on interesting side projects for open source, non-profits or as a freelancer

Higher Ed Web 2013 presentation - Field of Dreams, build it and they will come
Customized Tile System
Top = Curated
Below = User’s Choice

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Do you want to learn how to double the value of Confluence in your organization and become a collaboration superhero? Get an overview of how Confluence can be extended through add-ons, integrations and APIs, enabled by the Confluence platform and Atlassian Connect.

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The Malvern Red & Black Society: A WordPress Success Story
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The Malvern Red & Black Society needed to update their aging website to better engage alumni and share information. They chose WordPress because it allows non-technical users to easily update content, has a large community for support, and is cost-effective. They worked with a consultant to create a new WordPress site that features photo galleries, forums, surveys and other improvements over the static previous site. While the new site is nearly complete, the Society aims to continue improving it with photo galleries, social publishing and email list management tools.

You Broke It, You Bought It
You Broke It, You Bought ItYou Broke It, You Bought It
You Broke It, You Bought It

Presentation I gave at Higher Ed Web 2016 about how the ILR site redesign fostered culture change in the administration of the school.

presentationheweb16higher education
How About a Custom Tile?
Create An Account
Other Benefits
• No roles-based navigation:
the masthead is uber-simple.
• Truly makes the home page the hub
from which you could go.

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You’re smart. (You do work in higher ed, after all.) You know your stuff. You have ideas. New ideas. Good ideas. And yet—your clients (internal or external) don’t want your ideas. Or your style guide. They know what they want: the same thing they’ve been doing for the last ten years. Why won’t they just listen to you? The answer is finding ways to turn to client relationships into real collaborations. When we move from a conformance mindset to a collaboration mindset, we can find ourselves in the position to do our best work—work our clients will love. What you’ll learn: • How to move from a conformance to a collaboration mindset. • Using workshop techniques (like job stories, pair writing, mad libs, and more) in meeting settings. • How to uncover the real problems your clients are facing, and solve them—together.

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Getting Real About Content Workflow for Your CMS (Confab Higher Ed 2017)
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Imagine a world where web CMS (content management system) users are lead through a standardized process, ensuring content meets established guidelines and is properly maintained. Lovely idea, isn’t it? Too often this process flops. Our downfall is overlooking the way people really work. Workflow must be realistic, not idealistic. Yet, content strategy relies on people and process to succeed. So, let’s talk about making content workflow for your CMS the useful process it should be. (Spoiler: Your CMS may not be the solution.)

content strategycmsworkflow
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In this presentation, John Lincoln covers the power of search engine optimization. This is a beginner SEO course that looks at how people are searching on the internet today.

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Office / Department Pages
Higher Ed Web 2013 presentation - Field of Dreams, build it and they will come
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WordPress provided a scalable solution for a magazine publishing business that had been struggling with custom content management systems that took too long to build and were difficult for editors to use. The business implemented WordPress which allowed them to build sites faster, empower editors to publish more content independently, and increased traffic while reducing costs. The success of implementing WordPress demonstrated how an open source solution could meet the needs of a growing publishing business.

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This document discusses iterative web redesign and micro redesigns. It advocates for taking small, deliberate steps to improve a website over time rather than waiting years between large-scale redesigns. Examples are provided of small changes made to a university website, such as changing the layout of story teasers, that led to major improvements in click-through rates. Tools for tracking website usage and testing changes are also presented. The document encourages attendees to start the redesign process by defining business objectives and tracking key metrics before making small, measurable changes.

goalsmicro redesigngoogle
Increase Conversions and Rankings with User Experience (SEM Summit 2016)
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Increase Conversions and Rankings with User Experience (SEM Summit 2016)

User Experience is an increasingly important piece of your online presence. Learn about ways to increase your conversions, decrease your bounce rate and appeal to Google by improving your user experience. We will cover the “what to do’s” the “what not to do’s” and the “why’s” to help get you on your way. Presented By: Mary Davies

Higher Ed Web 2013 presentation - Field of Dreams, build it and they will come
Content: “feed the beast!”
> 1200 Fields < 350 Fields
Higher Ed Web 2013 presentation - Field of Dreams, build it and they will come

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The document discusses how to make a SharePoint site intuitive by defining three things: the user, the task, and metrics for measuring success. It covers usability best practices like minimizing cognitive load on users and leveraging users' expectations by following design patterns and conventions. Visual design is important for communicating the site's purpose and guiding users through their tasks. Defining specific success metrics up front helps ensure a site is truly easy to use.

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Lessons Learned from Responsive Design
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This document discusses lessons learned from implementing responsive web design (RWD) for various nonprofit organizations. It provides four key lessons: 1) Assess website designs and objectives through annual post-season reviews; 2) Engage audiences by building for their attention spans, simplifying calls-to-action, and facilitating sharing; 3) Focus on creating and optimizing content; 4) "Open your (web) horizons" by prioritizing mobile access, using techniques like media queries and fluid designs, and testing across environments. Case studies are presented on how the American Diabetes Association, National Kidney Foundation, World Wildlife Fund, and Be The Match applied these lessons in their RWD implementations.

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What Makes SharePoint UX Good?
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What Makes SharePoint UX Good?

What Makes SharePoint UX Good?What is UX? What defines good UX? Evaluation Criteria for SharePoint UX Key Tips from the Field The Future of SharePoint & Office 365 UXUX is the short for User Experience UX is the experience that the user has while interacting with your X It’s more about how the user feels when they use your X Many different parts compose the UX, no “one things” makes it UX is NOT the interface or design of your X UI is short for User Interface It’s what you see in the browser Help messages, buttons, modals, characters, style, menus, navigation, pages UI is an incredibly important part of UX

Higher Ed Web 2013 presentation - Field of Dreams, build it and they will come
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The design, UX and ecommerce experts at agency Digital River, who will walk you through steps you can take to optimize the flow within your website and maximize conversions, showing examples and common mistakes made. To view the on-demand webinar, register now at:

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Branding alone cannot support the user experience in SharePoint. The successful redesign of an existing SharePoint site is dependent on multiple factors that are often overlooked. This session is designed for Architects, Designers, and IT Pros and includes the following: -Common Causes of Branding Problems in SharePoint -Demonstration of "crappy content" and impact on branding Overview of the elements of User Experience (UX) -Methods to improve user experience and overall look and feel without touching a master page

usabilityiauser experience
Herding Tigers: Helping Writers Let Go of Inline Links
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- The speaker led an effort to remove over 4,300 unnecessary inline links from technical documentation to improve readability, build times, and the ability to refactor content. - Removing the links was challenging due to the large number of topics and complex connections between them. Writers had to evaluate each link and determine if it could be deleted or needed an alternative solution. - Some writers found it difficult to let go of links they had used for task-based documentation, while others enjoyed streamlining content. Ongoing work is focused on better structuring documentation and finding alternatives to links.

Higher Ed Web 2013 presentation - Field of Dreams, build it and they will come
Step 3: Infrastructure
Content Strategy
• Page count reduced from
27,000 to 5,000 pages
• Supporting a new publishing workflow
Consolidating Tiles?

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InboundWriter Enterprise PPT
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InboundWriter Enterprise PPT

This document provides an overview of the InboundWriter software company and its content optimization platform. InboundWriter automates, measures, and scales content creation for reach, engagement, and conversion. It provides insights into what readers care about and automates research/topic modeling. The software coaches writers with tips to maximize content value. It has received awards for its impact on metrics like traffic, ranking, and conversions. The company is working on an enterprise tier to make optimization simpler at scale for teams through features like multi-user functionality, advanced reporting, and precision in keyword/topic research.

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This document provides an overview of Google Chrome DevTools for developers. It discusses how to open DevTools, the benefits of using it such as inspecting and editing HTML/CSS in real-time, debugging JavaScript, and measuring performance. Live demonstrations are provided of editing HTML/CSS, using the console to run JavaScript commands, debugging JavaScript code, and analyzing network performance. The document also briefly describes Thinkful's web development program which provides mentorship and career preparation.

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The document discusses the fundamentals of fundraising in the digital world. It shows how fundraising has evolved from Fundraising 1.0, which relied on methods like direct mail, telephone, and in-person solicitation, to Fundraising 2.0, which incorporates digital channels like online, email, and mobile. The document outlines four steps for nonprofits to effectively fundraise in the digital age: be a good fundraiser, be a better marketer, let go of outdated practices, and learn from mistakes by analyzing data. It emphasizes testing approaches, analyzing metrics, and continually improving practices.

Balancing Control and
Did it Work?
Will They Come?
User Testing

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The document summarizes an organization's journey towards adopting agile transformation. It discusses how the development team was previously perceived as slow, expensive, and operating without visibility. A large project exemplified these issues. The organization explored adopting agile/scrum practices to improve collaboration, increase flexibility, and deliver higher quality products faster. Initial results were positive with successful mini-releases and feedback. However, the journey is ongoing and communication remains vital as agile/scrum must be adapted to each business. The document cautions that while agile/scrum helped, it is not a "silver bullet" and ongoing improvements are needed.

Introducing communication sites for communicators #spsottawa
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Are you an internal communicator who owns and manages the intranet? Are you looking to redesign your intranet but are not sure how Microsoft's Modern Communication sites fit into your project? Attend this session to learn about what features Communication Sites provide and how you can leverage them. This session will also be demo heavy to showcase key features that are available for 1st Release users in Office 365 tenants.

office 365sharepointhub sites
Results to Date
• Challenging users to generate
current content
• Initial launch — iterative
changes as feedback comes in
Could Other Schools
Replicate This?
• Can you sell it internally?
• Do you have an agreed-upon brand?
• Can you get buy-in from departments?
• Do you want a site that’s an evolving story?
• Can you assign a Product Owner?
• Can you feature-freeze?
• They may say things you don’t want to hear
• It is difficult to change behaviors
• More content = More content management
• Authentic communication
• Engages the school community
• Puts the school into real conversations
• Provides real utility to users
• Meaningful and useable administration
and workflow

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Putting personas to work - University of Edinburgh Website Programme

I use personas to support the development of the University of Edinburgh's corporate Content Management System and associated services. A significant challenge is to try to ensure that all members of the team understand and empathise with the personas that represent our CMS user group. This session (first presented February 2014 at a Web Publishing Community session) outlines activities I use to help foster shared understanding within the team and wider group of stakeholders.

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A content type in Drupal is a set of fields that define a particular type of content. It has two primary elements: the base configuration, which sets default properties; and fields, which are categories of data that can be added. To create a content type, go to Structure > Content types > Add content type and add the desired fields. Views is used to manage how content is displayed on the site.

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Thank you!
John Nollin
Rob Coleman
Allison Manley
Grinnell images by Justin Hayworth

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Higher Ed Web 2013 presentation - Field of Dreams, build it and they will come

Editor's Notes

  1. Sorry for the Field of Dreams pun . . . it is a school in Iowa after all.
  2. JOHN Open source web development Chicago Drupal and native IOS Grinnell Un of iowa U norther Iowa Marquette NYU Grinnell ALumni
  3. The Problem: A site that did not work for anyone (with visual) Branding Issues colors, look and feel, etc. Originally blue! UI/UX Issues navigation, search, hierarchy Departments defecting brand, upkeep, urls, control Content publishing and site updates add and edit content number of admins Near universal agreement on what makes Grinnell special Website lacks basic brand signals Website fails to show Grinnell’s culture Result: prospective students don’t know who you are, and outside media is allowed to define the college
  4. smaller site: were at 27000 easier publishing workflow content tagging less to appear to be more represent the brand bring ALL users back current, prospective, faculty, staff, alum differentiate them from similar schools Build your own experience a complete overhaul: bottom up audit and IA UI/UX needs and navigation Utilizing tagging and publishing workflow Roles and permissions
  5. For bullet #1: Near universal agreement on what makes Grinnell special Website lacks basic brand signals Website fails to show Grinnell’s culture : outsiders could only think RURAL Result: prospective students don’t know who you are, and outside media is allowed to define the college
  6. Problem messaging and brand consistent writing style Representation of who Grinnell really is Proposed solution Introducing a brand and design that appeals to all parties
  7. Problem Not able to bring new features to all department Control server, site outage content updates security and updates Proposed solution consistent navigation and layout to all department “sites” Standard set of “must have” sections Ability to have a few “add on” sections
  8. Problem Not able to bring new features to all department Control server, site outage content updates security and updates Proposed solution consistent navigation and layout to all department “sites” Standard set of “must have” sections Ability to have a few “add on” sections
  9. Problem Difficult for admins to update the site and provide meaningful content to visitors poorly organized (IA) and tagged content for ease of navigation or search Limited ability for users to interact with the content 200+ admins on the site Content not being driven places, instead being placed Proposed solution Publishing workflow to make administration of content easier Tagging system for improved content workflow, navigation, and search Improve IA to offer easier to follow flow to site navigation addition of best practice and most common social aspects to content driven sites roles and permissions
  10. Problem Website did not offer anything appealing for visitors (content) Navigation was difficult to get to and find what you were looking for No hook, or reason to come back Proposed solution High content driven homepage that offers tons of information at your fingertips Customizable homepage depicting the competitive advantage grinnell offers Improved navigation to make finding what you need simple
  11. Three terms Home: Grinnell College provides students with a secure, comfortable space from which to explore who they are and what they want to become Unexpected: Grinnell College gives students an exciting learning environment filled with the unexpected and teaches them to explore their possibilities Individuality: This concept explores the idea of a customizable experience that allows members of the Grinnell community to submit new “community elements” for inclusion on the website and to save these elements to a personalized dashboard or account. Another way express this concept would be to provide a custom experience every time a user visits the site, with a new selection of features exploring an eclectic mix of interests and topics. We can also provide roles/tasks-based “filters” to arrange the elements in new ways.
  12. Started with pencil sketches to first define those three concepts. As we sketched, the idea of customization for “Individuality” came up. Mapped out both mobile and desktop, and talked the idea through with Promet. It was definitely out of scope and budget, so we went into the presentation with strategies.
  13. To demonstrate indivduality, we came up with three different designs. The first was a mosaic and the text would appear as you hovered over each tile.
  14. More Pinterest-like, with the customization panel on the left that would slide out from the edge of the browser. Tiles could be as tall as needed and were categorized with the latest story at the top and others below.
  15. The chosen version. Very taxonomy-driven, with a selection of tiles from which people can choose.
  16. Customization Tile System user login creating your own experience Engagement content Analytics
  17. Everything above the gray rules = curated content
  18. Everything below = user’s choice. We considered a few options for saving: • cookies • pre-selected info depending on your user group (prospectives, alumni, etc) • truly customizable: create and account and pick your choices. Newspapers were trying this route. Once account is created, your tiles appear.
  19. John’s idea: to have one tile in which you could put links to most commonly visited/useful pages for you. Could also link to outside sites. User testing: half of users said they just bookmark pages, but half really liked the ability. You can always turn it off if its useless to you. Many college sites offer quick links, but now you can choose your own.
  20. What user sees when they are choosing their tiles and quick links
  21. Dedicated and cloud based load balance solution Scaleable Authenticated users to cloud Unauthenticated/anonymous get served cached data from dedicated server
  22. Allison
  23. Promet talk about process from wires to action on these
  24. Department/office pages content types customize their own area standard set of menu items on each page can also choose additional blocks/sidebar items ownership/autonomy to their own content ability to have their content “grabbed” and escalated Roles and permissions
  25. Department/office pages could also customize . . . to a degree. Grinnell wanted to start with cohesion content types customize their own area standard set of menu items on each page can also choose additional blocks/sidebar items ownership/autonomy to their own content ability to have their content “grabbed” and escalated Roles and permissions
  26. Content -- Feed the beast Infrastructure to power the content Well thought out content types, fields, etc Ease of use for administration to add content taxonomy Hierarchy and department driven content Topic driven tagging and content Publishing workflow and escalation of content What content types can departments contribute to How can these piece of content add to not only their section but other pages How can grinnell communications push content to users while also allowing them to choose their own content to be fed? consolidating tiles being smart about how many back-end editors could support the tiles there are 30 tiles presently, could split off as needed.
  27. taxonomy Hierarchy and department driven content Topic driven tagging and content
  28. Publishing workflow and escalation of content What content types can departments contribute to How can these piece of content add to not only their section but other pages How can grinnell communications push content to users while also allowing them to choose their own content to be fed?
  29. Publishing workflow and escalation of content What content types can departments contribute to How can these piece of content add to not only their section but other pages How can grinnell communications push content to users while also allowing them to choose their own content to be fed?
  30. Content escalation by more sr. staff and permissions
  31. Content escalation by more sr. staff and permissions
  32. This wasnt a situation where we figured out the specks and then just went to work without the Grinnell team. They too needed to get “work” done.
  33. Page count were at 27000 edited down to 5000. Edited archivable content deleted redundancies. Publishing workflow Roles and Permissions Content types taxonomy working Created a taxonomy to match their colleges structure so that they could power the publishing workflow Making less content seem like more.
  34. consolidating tiles being smart about how many back-end editors could support the tiles there are 30 tiles presently, could split off as needed. “ Poster of the Week” demonstrates bringing the engagement from the physical posters back online, and reflects the campus culture
  35. Offer a more meaningful way to find content (dont always use search) Hierarchy -- groups Topics -- Services -- need to spend a lot of time to build a category taxonomy that meets the needs of your college or university 800+ tags 4 levels
  36. Balance Control and autonomy Standard set of branding/design/templates Standard set of required menu items Ability to choose add ons Future ability to have more add ons
  37. Before any development began, we ran user testing with Prospectives on if they would want customization. All subjects liked the idea. Current Students, Faculty and Staff were also more positive than not.
  38. JOHN Google Analytics: Visits and Pageviews both increased in less than a week
  39. Other Circumstances that Benefited this project: 1. Small school 2. a site so old it needed a 100% overhaul, soup to nuts 3. a healthy budget 4. they wanted to make an impression 5. new risk-taking president
  40. Grinnell is still struggling with content but it’s coming along.