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5 Tips
For Better

5 Tips for Better JavaScript
 Brought to you by @KendoUI

It‟s the first?
It‟s the best?
It‟s the easiest?
It‟s the fastest?
It‟s everywhere.
No, really.
Brendan Eich.
“JS had to 'look like Java'
  only less so, be Java‟s
dumb kid brother or boy-
 hostage sidekick. Plus, I
   had to be done in ten
days or something worse
    than JS would have
Aug 1996
                     Mar 1999                        Firefox
                      XHR                             Safari
Sept 1995
                          Aug 2001
              June 1997
                                          Feb 2005
JavaScript won by
   If you're the last man left on
 earth, it doesn't matter how ugly
you are when the women come to
       re-populate the planet.

                           Scott Koon
Can‟t Beat „em,
Join „em.
Modern JavaScript
  Faster. Easier. Better.
5 Tips for Better JavaScript
5 Tips for Better JavaScript
Attwood‟s Law:
Any application that can be
 written in JavaScript, will
 eventually be written in
1. Slow Execution
2. Memory leaks
3. Poor Code Organization
4. Lack of Understanding
From real
TIP #1
jQuery is a friend…
 …that will stab you in the back.

                                    Prove It



var $myDiv = $("#myDiv");
$myDiv.css("opacity",1);          Prove It

$.each(arr, function (i) {i / 2;});

arr.forEach(function (i) {i / 2;});

var i = 0, len = arr.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
   i / 2;
}                                Prove It
TIP #2
Avoid Global Variables
     They're slow & rude.
function add(num1, num2){
            return num1 + num2;

        var result = add(5, 10);    Prove It
        var name = "Todd";
        function sayHello(){

        function sayHello(){
           var name = "Todd";

Closures & Module Pattern
        var app = (function(){
             var _name = "Todd";

               sayHello: function(){


         Self-Executing Anonymous Functions + Global Imports
                             + Prototype

     var _private = "Todd";
     function privateClass(){}

     function myWidget(){}
     myWidget.prototype.doSomething =

     window.myWidget = myWidget;
                                              Prove It
TIP #3
Bind to Events & Pub/Sub
          Just listen.
        <button id="btn" onclick="sayHello();">
        Click Me


                   "button", sayHello);



        function doSomthing{


        function doSomething{


        function doSomething(){
           var dfd = new $.Deferred();

            //Do something async, then...

            return dfd.promise();

        function doSomethingElse(){
           $.when(doSomething()).then(//The next
TIP #4
Don't fondle the DOM.
       Go with the flow.
My Awesome Page
               Lorem ipsumy samplish
               jibber jabbish text only
               meant to serve as a
               placeholder, and much like
               Pi, should never repeat or
               be read much beyond the
               first few characters.

            Copyright Fo'eva
 function doSomething{
    var $list = $("body").append("<ul>");
    for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
       $list.append("<li>"+ i +"</li>")

 function doSomething{
    var $domChunk = $("<ul>");
    for(var i = 0; i < 10; i += 1){
       $domChunk.append("<li>"+ i +"</li>");

function doSomething{
   var domString = "<ul>";
   for(var i = 0; i < 10; i += 1){
      domString += "<li>"+ i +"</li>";
   domString += "</ul>"
   $("body")[0].innerHTML = domString;
                                    Prove It
 <script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="tmp">
       #for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1){#
           <li>#= data[i] #</li>

 function doSomething(){
    var myData = [1,..,10];
    var template = kendo.template($("#tmp").html());

                                                Prove It
TIP #5
Learn a module pattern.
        And use it.
Manual (index.html)
       <script src="B.js"></script>
       <script src="A.js"></script>
       <script src="main.js"></script>

       Module Loader (main.js)
       require(["A","B"], function(){
           //Dependencies are loaded
        Guaranteed to Hurt Your Feelings™

             Words are for humans.

           DEV TOOLS
           Debug JavaScript where it runs.

Fix IE
   <script type="text/javascript">
      if (!this.console) {
        window.console = {
             log: function() {}

Resources for Study
• Books
        – JavaScript: The Good Parts (Crockford)
        – JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (Flanagan)
        – JavaScript Patterns (Stefanov)
        – High Performance JavaScript (Zakas)

5 Tips for Better JavaScript
A&Q | @toddanglin

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5 Tips for Better JavaScript

  • 1. 5 Tips For Better @toddanglin
  • 4. @toddanglin Brought to you by @KendoUI
  • 12. “JS had to 'look like Java' only less so, be Java‟s dumb kid brother or boy- hostage sidekick. Plus, I had to be done in ten days or something worse than JS would have happened”
  • 14. Aug 1996 Microsoft Mar 1999 Firefox XHR Safari Chrome Mobile // Sept 1995 Netscape Aug 2001 IE6 June 1997 ECMAScript Feb 2005 Ajax
  • 15. JavaScript won by default. If you're the last man left on earth, it doesn't matter how ugly you are when the women come to re-populate the planet. Scott Koon
  • 17. Modern JavaScript Faster. Easier. Better.
  • 20. Attwood‟s Law: Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript 2007
  • 22. 1. Slow Execution 2. Memory leaks 3. Poor Code Organization 4. Lack of Understanding
  • 24. From real masters: Jordan Ivan Tsvetomir Atanas Burke John Brandon
  • 25. TIP #1 jQuery is a friend… …that will stab you in the back. Prove It
  • 26. CACHE OBJECTS BAD $("#myDiv").css("color","red"); $("#myDiv").css("opacity",1); BETTER $("#myDiv").css("color","red") .css("opacity",1); BEST* var $myDiv = $("#myDiv"); $myDiv.css("color","red"); $myDiv.css("opacity",1); Prove It
  • 27. NATIVE LOOPS BAD $.each(arr, function (i) {i / 2;}); BETTER arr.forEach(function (i) {i / 2;}); BEST* var i = 0, len = arr.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { i / 2; } Prove It
  • 28. TIP #2 Avoid Global Variables They're slow & rude.
  • 29. function add(num1, num2){ return num1 + num2; } var result = add(5, 10); Prove It 16:39
  • 30. BAD var name = "Todd"; function sayHello(){ alert(name); } BETTER function sayHello(){ var name = "Todd"; alert(name); } 16:39
  • 31. Closures & Module Pattern
  • 32. BEST(ISH) var app = (function(){ var _name = "Todd"; return{ sayHello: function(){ alert(_name); } } }()); app.sayHello(); 16:39
  • 33. SUPER PATTERN Self-Executing Anonymous Functions + Global Imports + Prototype (function(window,$,c){ var _private = "Todd"; function privateClass(){} function myWidget(){} myWidget.prototype.doSomething = function(){} window.myWidget = myWidget; }(window,jQuery,console); Prove It
  • 34. TIP #3 Bind to Events & Pub/Sub Just listen.
  • 35. BAD <button id="btn" onclick="sayHello();"> Click Me </button> BETTER $(function(){ $(“#btn").on("click",sayHello); }); 16:39
  • 36. BEST $(document).on("click", "button", sayHello); Why? 16:39
  • 37. UNBINDING EVENTS $(document).off("click","button"); OR $(document).remove("button");
  • 38. BAD function doSomthing{ ... doSomethingElse(); doOneMoreThing(); } 16:39
  • 39. BETTER function doSomething{ ... $.trigger("DO_SOMETHING_DONE"); } $(document).on("DO_SOMETHING_DONE", function(){ doSomethingElse(); }); 16:39
  • 40. ALSO BETTER function doSomething(){ var dfd = new $.Deferred(); //Do something async, then... //dfd.resolve(); return dfd.promise(); } function doSomethingElse(){ $.when(doSomething()).then(//The next thing); } 16:39
  • 41. TIP #4 Don't fondle the DOM. Go with the flow.
  • 42. My Awesome Page Lorem ipsumy samplish jibber jabbish text only meant to serve as a placeholder, and much like Pi, should never repeat or be read much beyond the first few characters. Copyright Fo'eva
  • 43. BAD function doSomething{ ... var $list = $("body").append("<ul>"); for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ $list.append("<li>"+ i +"</li>") } } 16:39
  • 44. BETTER function doSomething{ ... var $domChunk = $("<ul>"); for(var i = 0; i < 10; i += 1){ $domChunk.append("<li>"+ i +"</li>"); } $("body").append($domChunk); } 16:39
  • 45. DOM SPEED WITH STRINGS & INNERHTML function doSomething{ ... var domString = "<ul>"; for(var i = 0; i < 10; i += 1){ domString += "<li>"+ i +"</li>"; } domString += "</ul>" $("body")[0].innerHTML = domString; } Prove It
  • 46. BEST <script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="tmp"> <ul> #for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1){# <li>#= data[i] #</li> #}# </ul> </script> function doSomething(){ var myData = [1,..,10]; var template = kendo.template($("#tmp").html()); $("body").append(template(myData)); } 16:39 Prove It
  • 47. TIP #5 Learn a module pattern. And use it.
  • 49. Manual (index.html) A.js <script src="B.js"></script> <script src="A.js"></script> <script src="main.js"></script> Module Loader (main.js) B.js require(["A","B"], function(){ //Dependencies are loaded });
  • 50. USE JSLINT Guaranteed to Hurt Your Feelings™ MINIFY YOUR JS Words are for humans. MASTER BROWSER DEV TOOLS Debug JavaScript where it runs. 16:39
  • 53. Fix IE <script type="text/javascript"> <!--Console global variable fix for IE--> if (!this.console) { window.console = { log: function() {} }; } </script> 16:39
  • 54. Resources for Study • Books – JavaScript: The Good Parts (Crockford) – JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (Flanagan) – JavaScript Patterns (Stefanov) – High Performance JavaScript (Zakas) 16:39

Editor's Notes

  1. 5 Tips for Better JavaScript Love it or hate it, JavaScript is playing an increasingly important role in the next generation of web and mobile apps. As code continues to move from the server to the client, JavaScript is being used to do more than simple HTML manipulation. Be prepared for this transition and make sure the JavaScript you write is optimized and ready to perform on desktops and devices! In this session, you will learn ten practical tips that you can use today to write faster, more maintainable, memory friendly JavaScript. You will also learn techniques for testing, debugging, and profiling JavaScript apps.
  2. anglin@telerik.comKendo UI: Everything you need to build sites &amp; mobile apps with HTML and JavaScript (
  3. AGENDA:- Why JavaScript? Why?!- Most Common JS Problems- TIPS- Future of JavaScript
  4. JavaScript uses syntax influenced by that of C. JavaScript copies many names and naming conventions from Java, but the two languages are otherwise unrelated and have very different semantics. The key design principles within JavaScript are taken from the Self and Scheme programming languages.
  5. NOTES:HistoryEvolutionThe IE Connection (IE6 memory)Modern JS EnginesBOTTOM LINE: Only Cross Platform Language Solution
  6. Netscape also wanted a lightweight interpreted language that would complement Java by appealing to nonprofessional programmers, like Microsoft&apos;s VB
  7. Credit: Brendan Eich via WikipediaSource: further said that JavaScript saved the world from VBScript
  8. Java is to JavaScriptASCar is to CarpetNetscape was going to release JavaScript as “LiveScript.” Last minute change produced JavaScript.
  9. HOW DID JAVASCRIPT BECOME UBIQUITOUS?Netscape shipped first in Netscape 2Microsoft support added in IE3 (“JScript”)Other environments adopted JavaScript-like script languages: ActionScript (Flash), PDFs, Qt
  11. Contributing factors:New JS engines (V8)CPU speed (more local processing power)Better debugging toolsBetter understanding of language (closures, patterns, functional programming, JSLint)
  12. Chrome is 10x faster than IE7 (IE6 too old to test)Used crude relative test:
  14. Principle of Least Power
  15. Jordan Ilchev, Icenium Team LeadIvan Ivanov, Sr DeveloperBurke Holland, Evangelist, Kendo UIJohn Bristowe, Evangelist, Kendo UITsvetomirTsonev, Sr Developer, Kendo UI
  16. jQuery built for convenience, not for performance.PERF PROOF: This in general is applicable to native JavaScript methods too, like document.getElementById()  not limited to jQuery only objects DOM lookups are slow especially if DOM is huge.Instead of this:$(&apos;#test&apos;).bind(&apos;click&apos;, function() { /**/ });$(&apos;#test&apos;).css(&apos;border&apos;, &apos;1px solid #999&apos;);Better use jQuery Method chaining:$(&apos;#test&apos;).bind(&apos;click&apos;, function() {/**/ })                 .css(&apos;border&apos;, &apos;1px solid #999&apos;);Or cache jQuery object:var $test = $(&apos;#test&apos;);$test.bind(&apos;click&apos;, function() {/**/ });$test.css(&apos;border&apos;, &apos;1px solid #999&apos;);(Performance comparison here: (~+30% here, but it stacks on each additional method call)
  17. PRO TIP CONVENTION: Name jQuery variables with $ (ie $myObject)PERF TEST:
  18. PERF TEST: Caching the array length improves perf by about 15% ( Technically a reverse (count down) for loop is faster (15%) than count-up loop, but much harder to read/use
  19. Global variables pollute the JS app and are slower to use in code. Harder to be a good JS &quot;neighbor&quot; with global variables (collide with other JS code).Better to use local variables, cached variable, or closures
  20. Chart credit: TEST:
  21. Pattern sometimes referred to as: MODULE EXPORT CAREFUL WITH CLOSURES: Most common source of memory leaks in modern apps Reference Memory Leaks:
  22. PERF TEST: you develop a widget. The widget has a number of axillary classes. If you just define them globally they will pollute the global window class, meaning they will be available from everywhere. Instead consider the following definition:             (function (window) {                        function classA () {}                        function classB () {}                                               function myWidget () {}                        myWidget.prototype.method1 = function ()                        {                        }                                               window.myWidget = myWidget;                                   }) (window, undefined); This is the pattern which jQuery follows. Now the only available global definition will be of myWidget. classA and classB remain hidden in the anonymous function. If you look closely in the definition, you will see the that window and undefined are passed to the anonymous function. Passing anonymous guaranties that undefined will be available in the scope of this function and will prevent you from someone who accidentally did something like: undefined = true; before your function. Also, if you use some minifier, it will replace all occurrences of window with some shorter name. Of course you can pass as much params as you wish, thus assuring that these objects exist in the scope of your anonymous function.
  23. - Binding to delegates is less brittle, easier to avoid memory leaks- Pub/Sub is super flexible, less coupling
  24. The scope of an inline event bind is GLOBAL!Inline event handlers can also cause memory leaks in IE:
  25. Old jQuery syntax: .delegate
  26. Every time you need to dispose a DOM element, make sure you unbind all of its events, unless you want to come up with a memory leak.Whenever you bind an event handler to an event, you tell the processor to allocate memory for it. The more event handlers you have running at the same time, the more memory you are using. This is why it&apos;s important to unbind or detach your event handlers soon as you no longer need them.
  27. Event listening PUB/SUB
  28. Reducing the time spent changing the DOM improvesperf. Using templates improves readability/maintainability.Instead of this:var $list = $(&apos;#mylist&apos;).append(&apos;&lt;ul&gt;&apos;);for (var i = 0, l = itemlist.length; i &lt; l; i++) {       $list.append(&apos;&lt;li&gt;&apos; + itemlist[i] + &apos;&lt;/li&gt;&apos;);}better this:var $list = $(&apos;&lt;ul&gt;&apos;);for (var i = 0, l = itemlist.length; i &lt; l; i++) {       $list.append(&apos;&lt;li&gt;&apos; + itemlist[i] + &apos;&lt;/li&gt;&apos;);}$(&apos;#mylist&apos;).append($list);(Performance comparison here: (up to x5 in this case)
  29. PERF TEST: you want to dynamically build html, prefer string concatenation like: var html = ’&lt;p&gt;some paragraph&lt;/p&gt;’;html += ‘&lt;p&gt;another paragraph&lt;/p&gt;’;$(“#placeHolder”).html(html); over DOM object creation and appending/prepending like:             var p1 = document.createElement(&apos;p&apos;);            p1.innerHTML = &quot;some paragraph&quot;;            document.body.appendChild(p1);             var p2 = document.createElement(&apos;p’);            p2.innerHTML = &quot;another paragraph&quot;;            document.body.appendChild(p2);      assigning directly to the innerHTML proves to be the fastest method for html creation.
  30. PERF TEST:
  31. Common Examples:RequireJS, CommonJSApplications of any size are painful to manage without a module pattern.
  32. We want to reduce JavaScript files for performance (fewer network requests), BUT…One large JS file is hard to maintain. We&apos;d really prefer more modular files.
  33. JSLint – by Douglas CrockfordCode quality tool for JavaScript
  34. More complete fix by Paul Irish: