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Seminar On
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering,
SKN Sinhgad College Of Engineering, Korti, Pandharpur
9/18/2013 1
Presented By –
Madhura Keskar
Under Guidance Of –
Prof. N. M. Sawant
 What is PhoneGap?
 Cross-Platform mobile app development
 Development Requirements
 How it works?
 Why to use??
 Disadvantage
 Demo
 Conclusion
 References
9/18/2013 2
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
What is PhoneGap??
PhoneGap is mobile development framework produced by
Nitobi, purchased by Adobe Systems.
Later in 2011 it is contributed to apache s/w foundation
PhoneGap is Framework through which developer can
develop mobile applications from a single code base using
web based technologies like HTML,CSS,Javascript.
 It only Requires knowledge of common web technologies
rather than multiple distinct mobile platforms
9/18/2013 3
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
 This framework supports seven different mobile platforms,
including the most popular OS :
3.Windows Phone
7.RIM BlackBerry
What is PhoneGap??(contd.)
9/18/2013 4
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering

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The document discusses cross-platform mobile application development. It provides information on mobile operating systems like Android, iOS, Windows Phone OS, Symbian OS, and others. It then discusses cross-platform applications which can be built using a single codebase that runs on multiple platforms. There are two main types: native cross-platform apps which are coded for each platform, and hybrid apps which are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and then wrapped in a native container. Popular frameworks for developing hybrid apps include PhoneGap, React Native, and Flutter. The document also provides details on how hybrid mobile apps work, comparing characteristics of native and hybrid apps, and discussing the PhoneGap framework in more depth.

phonegapmobile application developmentcross platform applications development
Hybrid mobile app
Hybrid mobile appHybrid mobile app
Hybrid mobile app

We can know about what is mobile application. Especially we can know about Hybrid Mobile Application. Hybrid mobile Application's Overview information and few thing about Native and Web mobile applications.

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iOS Introduction For Very Beginners
iOS Introduction For Very BeginnersiOS Introduction For Very Beginners
iOS Introduction For Very Beginners

* Introduction to iOS for those who don't have even have a little exposure to iOS. * For those who want to land onto the iOS ecosystem and start off. * For those who own an iPhone/iPad/iPod-Touch and want to have knowledge about the iOS Apps development.

object-oriented programmingipadios
With this platform, we don’t need to work on platform specific
language (Objective C or Java).
This enables for quick mobile app development.
PhoneGap is completely open source and has been submitted to
the Apache Foundation.
It is cross-platform mobile application development tool.
What is PhoneGap??(contd.)
9/18/2013 5
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
 Softweb Solutions is a leading PhoneGap Application
Development Company providing rich mobile solutions using
the PhoneGap platform.
 PhoneGap is working on Sony now-a-days.
9/18/2013 6
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
What is PhoneGap??(contd.)
 There are many mobile platforms like Ios, android, blackberry
 So for easy development of applications cross platform mobile
development is launched.
 In this, we can make same application for each platform
available in tool without going with different languages
respective to OS.
9/18/2013 7
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
 Native apps :
Written in programming languages for targeted operating
Apple ios devices-IOS SDK, using objective C
Android devices-Android SDK, using java
 Web based apps :
Web based apps written with traditional web programming
e.g HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP/.NET etc..
9/18/2013 8
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering

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This document provides an introduction to mobile application development. It discusses the speaker's background in mobile development. It then covers what mobile computing is, different areas it can be used like business and games. It describes how mobile applications are developed, listing different platforms, languages, and tools used. It discusses salaries for mobile jobs and how to develop for specific platforms like Android, iOS, Windows and more. It promotes cross-platform development and concludes by welcoming the reader to the field of mobile development.

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Introduction to Android Development
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This document provides an introduction to Android development. It will cover the tools needed for Android development, an overview of the Android framework, building a sample application, and how to publish apps to the Android Market. The sample app will demonstrate key Android architecture concepts like intents, application components, and how components can be replaced and reused through intents. The presentation will move quickly through a lot of information over the allotted time.

Mobile Operating System Software/IDEs Language
IOS Mac only Xcode Objective C
Android Windows/Mac/Linux Eclipse/Java/Android Java
Development Tool
BlackBerry Windows mainly Eclipse/JDE, Java Java
Symbian Windows/Mac/Linux Carbide.c++ C++
WebOS Windows/Mac/Linux Eclipse/WebOS plugin HTML/Java-
Windows7 Windows mainly Visual Studio 2010 C#, .NET,
or WPF
Development Requirements
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
 PhoneGap provides a JavaScript Library that reaches out into the
native APIs.
 PhoneGap generates a out-of-the-browser window that executes
the HTML and JavaScript.
 Due to a couple of xml and jar files it enables the usage of native
9/18/2013 10
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
 Applications that are developed using PhoneGap are hybrid
applications. These applications are not purely
HTML/JavaScript based, nor are they native.
 PhoneGap provides a bridge from the JavaScript world to the
native world of the platform, which allows the JavaScript API
to access and control the device
9/18/2013 11
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
 Web pages are formatted using "HTML“.
HTML uses bunch of tags for representing data in web pages.
 CSS allows you to specify things like the font you want on
your page, the size of your text, whether the page is to have 2
columns, whether your text is to be in bold or italics, and so
 In other words, it is the part that lets you control the
appearance of your web page.
9/18/2013 12
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering

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Introduction to android
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Introduction to android

This document provides an introduction to the Android platform, including: - Android is an open-source, Linux-based operating system used for mobile devices. It includes features like integrated apps, SDK for developing apps, and customization options. - The Android software stack consists of the Linux kernel, native libraries, Android runtime including the Dalvik VM, application framework, and applications. - The document outlines how to set up the Android development environment in Eclipse, including installing the SDK, ADT plugin, and creating an Android Virtual Device for testing apps. - It describes the basic components of an Android app - activities, services, content providers, and broadcast receivers. - Steps are provided for

App development
App developmentApp development
App development

Apps are software programs that can run on computers, phones, or other electronic devices. There are three main types of apps: desktop apps that run independently on computers, web apps that require an internet connection, and mobile apps that run on smartphones or tablets. Mobile apps can be classified as native apps that are developed for specific devices or hybrid apps that contain features of both web and native apps and can be used offline with limited functionality. Common apps are used for education, social networking, entertainment, banking, e-commerce, and more.

 HTML/CSS is good to display your information on web page.
 But if you want different operations on web pages you need
programming language like JavaScript.
JavaScript is most commonly-used programming language on
the Internet.
 JavaScript inserted into HTML pages, can be executed by all
modern web browsers.
9/18/2013 13
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
How it works?
9/18/2013 14
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
1. Install the native sdk of your target mobile
2. Download the PhoneGap zip file.
3. Setup a new project in the target platform
with PhoneGap parameters.
4. Write HTML & JavaScript mobile application.
9/18/2013 15
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
5. Build & deploy using target platform’s SDK.
6.Go to bin directory of project copy particular extension file for
respective platform
(e.g For android- .apk)
& paste to your mobile and enjoy the application
9/18/2013 16
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering

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Cross platform development
Cross platform developmentCross platform development
Cross platform development

This document discusses cross-platform development and different types of applications that can be built across platforms. It defines a platform as hardware architecture and software framework. Native applications are coded specifically for one platform using its programming language, while cross-platform or non-native applications can run on multiple platforms using languages like HTML, Java and C#. Hybrid apps combine cross-platform languages with platform-specific languages to access device hardware while maintaining cross-platform compatibility. The document compares the pros and cons of native, cross-platform and hybrid applications and provides examples of tools that can be used to build each type.

Android studio installation
Android studio installationAndroid studio installation
Android studio installation

To install Android Studio, download it from the Android developer website and press Next through the installation process, waiting for components to download. Once installed, create a new blank Android project, name it and your company, then add code to display a "Hello Android" toast message. Select run to launch the app in a device or emulator, completing your first simple Android program.

androidmobile application development

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) provide an app-like user experience through the use of features like service workers, web app manifests, and push notifications. They load instantly, work offline, and can be installed on the home screen without an app store. Service workers act as a proxy to cache resources, enabling fast and reliable performance even in uncertain network conditions. PWAs are responsive across devices and browsers, and feel natural on each platform due to their immersive, app-like interfaces.

 Quick development of applications compatible with most of
the mobile platforms.
 Removed limitation to the functionality of web technologies
when designing web application for mobile.
 It acts as a layer between the web application and the
operating system.
 Once developed, the apps can be deployed on various
platforms, thus much of the development time is saved.
9/18/2013 17
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
 No need to learn platform specific language.
 Rapid testing and deployment.
 It is open source and free available with lot of plug-ins.
 We can build application using cloud compiler of PhoneGap.
9/18/2013 18
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
 Phonegap is effectively a web app within a wrapper, so you
are limited to what web app can do.
 Web-based technologies leads many phonegap application to
run slower than native app.
 Doesn’t support high graphics/high intense calculation for
9/18/2013 19
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
9/18/2013 20
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering

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Mobile Application Development Process
Mobile Application Development ProcessMobile Application Development Process
Mobile Application Development Process

Are you looking for MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT? But still confused, What is Mobile application development process? If Yes, then you are at right place. In today scenario, companies and small enterprise are mostly focusing on building a mobile app presence. “ The mobile app development industry is growing at a blazing 43% per year and shows no signs of slowing down.” We have created this PPT to help you understand the process of mobile application development. These are some of the questions this PPT will answer for you: 1. What is the current stats of mobile application market? 2. How can Mobile Application be benefiting your enterprise? 3. How can small business like restaurant business or other get to heights by an mobile application? 4. How do Mobile Applications can benefits your business? 5. What your Clients are finding?

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An introduction to mobile app development and investing
An introduction to mobile app development and investingAn introduction to mobile app development and investing
An introduction to mobile app development and investing

This document provides an overview of mobile app development and investment options. It discusses the massive size and growth of the mobile app market. It then covers the main app development options of native, web, and hybrid apps. Finally, it discusses tactics for investing in mobile apps, including where to look for investment opportunities, challenges in valuation, and ways to de-risk investments.

mobile appsmobile application development
Android Architecture
Android ArchitectureAndroid Architecture
Android Architecture

Android is an open source software platform for mobile devices based on the Linux kernel. It includes APIs for app development, core applications like email and maps, and services like notifications and activity management. At its core are the Dalvik virtual machine, C/C++ libraries, and underlying Linux system functionality that allow Android to run efficiently on various hardware configurations and platforms.

 PhoneGap is a cross-platform mobile development framework
◦ Based on HTML5 and JavaScript
◦ Useful for creation of small apps
◦ Can deploy single app on many OS
◦ Gives cloud service
 If want a native high intense/graphics app you should go
with platform specific language.
9/18/2013 21
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
9/18/2013 22
Books :
Beginning PhoneGap-
Rohit Ghatol And Yogesh Patel
Exploring PhoneGap-
Xia Rao,Jian Zhang,Liping Zhao
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
9/18/2013 23
Thank You
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering

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Phone gap

  • 1. Seminar On PhoneGap Department Of Computer Science And Engineering, SKN Sinhgad College Of Engineering, Korti, Pandharpur 9/18/2013 1 Presented By – Madhura Keskar (RN-31) Under Guidance Of – Prof. N. M. Sawant
  • 2.  What is PhoneGap?  Cross-Platform mobile app development  Development Requirements  How it works?  Why to use??  Disadvantage  Demo  Conclusion  References 9/18/2013 2 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 3. What is PhoneGap?? PhoneGap is mobile development framework produced by Nitobi, purchased by Adobe Systems. Later in 2011 it is contributed to apache s/w foundation PhoneGap is Framework through which developer can develop mobile applications from a single code base using web based technologies like HTML,CSS,Javascript.  It only Requires knowledge of common web technologies rather than multiple distinct mobile platforms 9/18/2013 3 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 4.  This framework supports seven different mobile platforms, including the most popular OS : 1.IOS 2.Android 3.Windows Phone 4.Bada 5.webOS 6.Symbian 7.RIM BlackBerry 8.Palm What is PhoneGap??(contd.) 9/18/2013 4 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 5. With this platform, we don’t need to work on platform specific language (Objective C or Java). This enables for quick mobile app development. PhoneGap is completely open source and has been submitted to the Apache Foundation. It is cross-platform mobile application development tool. What is PhoneGap??(contd.) 9/18/2013 5 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 6.  Softweb Solutions is a leading PhoneGap Application Development Company providing rich mobile solutions using the PhoneGap platform.  PhoneGap is working on Sony now-a-days. 9/18/2013 6 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering What is PhoneGap??(contd.)
  • 7.  There are many mobile platforms like Ios, android, blackberry etc..  So for easy development of applications cross platform mobile development is launched.  In this, we can make same application for each platform available in tool without going with different languages respective to OS. 9/18/2013 7 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 8.  Native apps : Written in programming languages for targeted operating system. e.g Apple ios devices-IOS SDK, using objective C Android devices-Android SDK, using java  Web based apps : Web based apps written with traditional web programming languages. e.g HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP/.NET etc.. 9/18/2013 8 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 9. Mobile Operating System Software/IDEs Language IOS Mac only Xcode Objective C Android Windows/Mac/Linux Eclipse/Java/Android Java Development Tool (ADT) BlackBerry Windows mainly Eclipse/JDE, Java Java Symbian Windows/Mac/Linux Carbide.c++ C++ WebOS Windows/Mac/Linux Eclipse/WebOS plugin HTML/Java- script/c++ Windows7 Windows mainly Visual Studio 2010 C#, .NET, Silverlight or WPF Development Requirements 9/18/2013 9 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 10.  PhoneGap provides a JavaScript Library that reaches out into the native APIs.  PhoneGap generates a out-of-the-browser window that executes the HTML and JavaScript.  Due to a couple of xml and jar files it enables the usage of native APIs. 9/18/2013 10 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 11.  Applications that are developed using PhoneGap are hybrid applications. These applications are not purely HTML/JavaScript based, nor are they native.  PhoneGap provides a bridge from the JavaScript world to the native world of the platform, which allows the JavaScript API to access and control the device 9/18/2013 11 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 12.  Web pages are formatted using "HTML“. HTML uses bunch of tags for representing data in web pages.  CSS allows you to specify things like the font you want on your page, the size of your text, whether the page is to have 2 columns, whether your text is to be in bold or italics, and so on.  In other words, it is the part that lets you control the appearance of your web page. 9/18/2013 12 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 13.  HTML/CSS is good to display your information on web page.  But if you want different operations on web pages you need programming language like JavaScript. JavaScript is most commonly-used programming language on the Internet.  JavaScript inserted into HTML pages, can be executed by all modern web browsers. 9/18/2013 13 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 14. How it works? 9/18/2013 14 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 15. 1. Install the native sdk of your target mobile platform. 2. Download the PhoneGap zip file. 3. Setup a new project in the target platform with PhoneGap parameters. 4. Write HTML & JavaScript mobile application. 9/18/2013 15 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 16. 5. Build & deploy using target platform’s SDK. 6.Go to bin directory of project copy particular extension file for respective platform (e.g For android- .apk) & paste to your mobile and enjoy the application 9/18/2013 16 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 17.  Quick development of applications compatible with most of the mobile platforms.  Removed limitation to the functionality of web technologies when designing web application for mobile.  It acts as a layer between the web application and the operating system.  Once developed, the apps can be deployed on various platforms, thus much of the development time is saved. 9/18/2013 17 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 18.  No need to learn platform specific language.  Rapid testing and deployment.  It is open source and free available with lot of plug-ins.  We can build application using cloud compiler of PhoneGap. 9/18/2013 18 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 19.  Phonegap is effectively a web app within a wrapper, so you are limited to what web app can do.  Web-based technologies leads many phonegap application to run slower than native app.  Doesn’t support high graphics/high intense calculation for application. 9/18/2013 19 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 20. 9/18/2013 20 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 21.  PhoneGap is a cross-platform mobile development framework ◦ Based on HTML5 and JavaScript PhoneGap ◦ Useful for creation of small apps ◦ Can deploy single app on many OS ◦ Gives cloud service  If want a native high intense/graphics app you should go with platform specific language. 9/18/2013 21 Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 22. 9/18/2013 22 References Books : Beginning PhoneGap- Rohit Ghatol And Yogesh Patel Exploring PhoneGap- Xia Rao,Jian Zhang,Liping Zhao Website- Department Of Computer Science And Engineering
  • 23. 9/18/2013 23 Thank You Department Of Computer Science And Engineering