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 Patrick H. Lauke / Opera University Tour / November 2009

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Recommendations for Open Online Education: An Algorithmic Study
Recommendations for Open Online Education:  An Algorithmic StudyRecommendations for Open Online Education:  An Algorithmic Study
Recommendations for Open Online Education: An Algorithmic Study

Recommending courses to students in online platforms is studied widely. Almost all studies target closed platforms, that belong to a University or some other educational provider. This makes the course recommenders situation specific. Over the last years, a demand has developed for recommender system that suit open online platforms. Those platforms have some common characteristics, such as the lack of rich user profiles with content metadata. Instead they log user interactions within the platform that can be used for analysis and personalization. In this paper, we investigate how user interactions and activities tracked within open online learning platforms can be used to provide recommendations. We present a study in which we investigate the application of several state-of-the-art recommender algorithms, including a graph-based recommender approach. We use data from the OpenU open online learning platform that is in use by the Open University of the Netherlands. The results show that user-based and memory-based methods perform better than model-based and factorization methods. Particularly, the graph-based recommender system proves to outperform the classical approaches on prediction accuracy of recommendations in terms of recall. We conclude that, if the algorithms are chosen wisely, recommenders can contribute to a better experience of learners in open online courses. Soude Fazeli, Enayat Rajabi, Leonardo Lezcano, Hendrik Drachsler, Peter Sloep

learning analyticsrecommender systemstechnology enhanced learning
CSCW in Times of Social Media
CSCW in Times of Social MediaCSCW in Times of Social Media
CSCW in Times of Social Media

The document provides a summary of a lecture on CSCW in times of change and social media. The lecture discusses how CSCW and social media are transforming organizations into networked structures and how personalization of data is enabling personalized paths for consumers. It also explores applications of these changes in domains like science and health, and outlines future challenges in areas like open science, linked data, and mobile technologies.

health2.0cscwrecommender systems
Privacy and Analytics – it’s a DELICATE Issue. A Checklist for Trusted Learni...
Privacy and Analytics – it’s a DELICATE Issue. A Checklist for Trusted Learni...Privacy and Analytics – it’s a DELICATE Issue. A Checklist for Trusted Learni...
Privacy and Analytics – it’s a DELICATE Issue. A Checklist for Trusted Learni...

The widespread adoption of Learning Analytics (LA) and Educational Data Mining (EDM) has somewhat stagnated recently, and in some prominent cases even been reversed following concerns by governments, stakeholders and civil rights groups about privacy and ethics applied to the handling of personal data. In this ongoing discussion, fears and realities are often indistin-guishably mixed up, leading to an atmosphere of uncertainty among potential beneficiaries of Learning Analytics, as well as hesitations among institutional managers who aim to innovate their institution’s learning support by implementing data and analytics with a view on improving student success. In this presentation, we try to get to the heart of the matter, by analysing the most common views and the propositions made by the LA community to solve them. We conclude the paper with an eight-point checklist named DELICATE that can be applied by researchers, policy makers and institutional managers to facilitate a trusted implementation of Learning Analytics.

ethicsbig datatransparency
web evangelist at Opera
Opera – one browser on many devices
One Web means making, as far as is reasonable, the
same information and services available to users
irrespective of the device they are using. However, it does
not mean that exactly the same information is available in
exactly the same representation across all devices.
W3C Mobile Web Best Practices
Mobile web and why it matters

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World Energy OutlookWorld Energy Outlook
World Energy Outlook

Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Energy Sector Dr. Fatih Birol Chief Economist International Energy Agency World Energy Council Rome, 19th March 2009

DELICATE checklist - to establish trusted Learning Analytics
DELICATE checklist - to establish trusted Learning AnalyticsDELICATE checklist - to establish trusted Learning Analytics
DELICATE checklist - to establish trusted Learning Analytics

The DELICATE checklist contains eight action points that should be considered by managers and decision makers planning the implementation of Learning Analytics / Educational Data Mining solutions either for their own institution or with an external provider. The eight points are: 1. Determination: Decide on the purpose of learning analytics for your institution. What aspects of learning or learner services are you trying to improve? 2. Explain: Define the scope of data collection and usage. Who has a need to have access to the data or the results? Who manages the datasets? On what criteria? 3. Legitimate: Explain how you operate within the legal frameworks, refer to the essential legislation. Is the data collection excessive, random, or fit for purpose? 4. Involve: Talk to stakeholders and give assurances about the data distribution and use. Give as much control as possible to data subjects (permission architecture), and provide access to their data for the individuals. 5. Consent: Seek consent through clear consent questions. Provide an opt-out option. 6. Anonymise: De-identify individuals as much as possible, aggregate data into meta-models. 7. Technical aspects: Monitor who has access to data, especially in areas with high staff turn-over. Establish data storage to high security standards. 8. External partners: Make sure externals provide highest data security standards. Ensure data is only used for intended purposes and not passed on to third parties. We hope that the DELICATE checklist will be a helpful instrument for any educational institution to demystify the ethics and privacy discussions around Learning Analytics. As we have tried to show in this article, there are ways to design and provide privacy conform Learning Analytics that can benefit all stakeholders and keep control with the users themselves and within the established trusted relationship between them and the institution.

laceprojectlearning analyticseducational datasets
Webtech 17.11.2009
Webtech 17.11.2009Webtech 17.11.2009
Webtech 17.11.2009

The document discusses emerging web technologies including: 1. New web standards like HTML5, canvas, and video that provide richer content without plugins. 2. Adaptive content approaches like CSS media queries that allow content to respond to different device capabilities. 3. Using the browser as a platform for applications through widgets and Opera Unite, which leverage web standards and APIs to create cross-device apps without native software.

what are web standards?
old-school way of making pages:

● creating markup based on how things look
● defining colours, widths, etc in your page

● using tables for layout
<p><font size=“+3” color=”ff0000”><b>This is a
<p><font color=“555555”>Blah blah blah</font></p>

<p><font size=“+2” color=”00ff00”><b>A sub-
<p><font color=“555555”>Blah blah blah</font></p>

<p><font size=“+2” color=”00ff00”><b>A sub-
<p><font color=“555555”>Blah blah blah</font></p>
HTML should define the meaning of content:

● <h1> … <h6> for headings
● <p> paragraphs

● <ul> unordered (bulletpoint) lists

● <ol> ordered (numbered) lists

● …

At this stage we don't care what it looks like…

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Transmission2 25.11.2009
Transmission2 25.11.2009Transmission2 25.11.2009
Transmission2 25.11.2009

The document discusses the future of web technologies, focusing on three main areas: 1. New web standards like HTML5 that provide more capabilities without plugins through elements, forms, canvas and video. CSS3 media queries also allow adaptive content for different devices. 2. Adaptive content through media queries and responsive design can make sites work across devices that vary in screen size, input, and capabilities. 3. The browser is emerging as a platform through widgets, JavaScript APIs and the browser runtime, allowing development across devices without writing for each platform natively. Standards will make the browser a ubiquitous platform.

Bruce Lawson Opera Indonesia
Bruce Lawson Opera IndonesiaBruce Lawson Opera Indonesia
Bruce Lawson Opera Indonesia

Bruce Lawson of Opera toured Indonesian Universities discussing web standards, HTML5, CSS Media Queries and cross-device development.

web standardshtml5css
openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010
openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010
openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010

This document compares native applications, web applications, and widgets for mobile devices. Native applications have direct access to device features but must be developed for each platform. Web applications can be written once and deployed anywhere but run inside the browser without direct device access. Widgets combine the cross-platform capabilities of web applications with the ability to access device features and run standalone like native applications.

html5 css3 widget widgets mobile
separation of content, presentation, behaviour
        using HTML, CSS, JavaScript
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>Blah blah blah</p>

<h2>A sub-section</h2>
<p>Blah blah blah</p>

<h2>A sub-section</h2>
<p>Blah blah blah</p>
maintainability and future proofing

site owners
smaller pages, better SEO

light-weight, interoperable, accessible
it's not all about pleasing the validator

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An Overview Of Silverlight 2
An Overview Of Silverlight 2An Overview Of Silverlight 2
An Overview Of Silverlight 2

This document provides an overview of Silverlight, including what it is, why it was created, its features, how to build Silverlight applications using Expression Blend and Visual Studio, and resources for learning more. Silverlight is a web development framework that allows building and running rich interactive applications across browsers and operating systems using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

East of Toronto .NET Usergroup - Put the 5 in HTML
East of Toronto .NET Usergroup - Put the 5 in HTMLEast of Toronto .NET Usergroup - Put the 5 in HTML
East of Toronto .NET Usergroup - Put the 5 in HTML

The document is a presentation about HTML5 given by Frédéric Harper of Microsoft Canada. It introduces HTML5 and its key features such as video, audio, canvas, drag and drop. It discusses the different stages in the HTML5 specification process. It also covers strategies for using HTML5 across different browsers, including the lowest common denominator approach, polyfills, and alternate experiences. The presentation encourages learning more about HTML5 and having fun building projects with it.

The Mobile Development Landscape
The Mobile Development LandscapeThe Mobile Development Landscape
The Mobile Development Landscape

A talk I was asked to give on the various options for building mobile applications / getting content onto mobile devices. I chose to organize it as gradient surveying the spectrum from web to native, all the stuff in between. Unfortunately for native I've only had experience with iOS so I couldn't really speak towards the other platforms. I do think that non native solutions can take care of 95% of the use cases, and this gap will only narrow as time goes on - I'm thinking back to early 2010 when cross platform SDKs like Appcelerator Titanium came onto the scene and how much has changed.

One Web that works on all browsers, all devices
new technologies you can start using today
<!DOCTYPE html>
history of HTML5:

● started at Opera – Web Applications 1.0
● Mozilla and Apple joined


● Microsoft involvement

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Is the mobile web enabled or disabled by design?
Is the mobile web enabled or disabled by design?Is the mobile web enabled or disabled by design?
Is the mobile web enabled or disabled by design?

The document discusses whether a "one web" approach can accommodate diverse mobile users, including those with disabilities. It argues that while the same information may not be available across all devices, the web should provide reasonable access. Key points include: - Web standards like HTML, CSS and JavaScript can help create an accessible experience across devices when combined with guidelines like WCAG and MWBP. - Emerging technologies like CSS media queries, HTML5 and WAI-ARIA have the potential to further improve accessibility on mobile. - Developers should use progressive enhancement and set an accessible baseline first before advanced features to ensure an inclusive web.

html5cssmedia queries
Silver Light for every one by Subodh
Silver Light for every one by SubodhSilver Light for every one by Subodh
Silver Light for every one by Subodh

Silverlight is a technology from Microsoft for building rich interactive applications for the web. It allows developers to use XAML and .NET languages to create animations, media playback, and other rich features within a browser. Silverlight applications provide a consistent experience across browsers and platforms using a small browser plugin. It is well suited for creating immersive media experiences, rich internet applications, and delivering content across devices from desktop to mobile.

Transforming the web into a real application platform
Transforming the web into a real application platformTransforming the web into a real application platform
Transforming the web into a real application platform

The document discusses the evolution of using the web as a real application platform. It outlines key technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, and WebGL that have advanced the capabilities of web applications. The document also notes shortcomings in earlier versions of the web around user interaction, performance, and compatibility issues. However, new technologies and browser improvements have helped address many of these issues. The document concludes that the web is becoming a viable platform for developing full-featured applications that combine the benefits of installed software and web-based applications.

HTML5 standardises current browser and
         authoring behaviour
HTML5 does not replace HTML 4.01
HTML5 has more bling!
“...extending the language to better support Web
applications, since that is one of the directions the Web is
going in and is one of the areas least well served by HTML
so far. This puts HTML in direct competition with other
technologies intended for applications deployed over the
Web, in particular Flash and Silverlight.”

Ian Hickson, Editor of HTML5

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Always on! ... or not?
Always on! ... or not?Always on! ... or not?
Always on! ... or not?

My Slides for my Talk about being Always On is a lie and how developers could add improvements to their web site to deliver a great experience even when the network is flaky!

webservice workersapi
Droidcon 04.11.2009
Droidcon 04.11.2009Droidcon 04.11.2009
Droidcon 04.11.2009

The document provides tips for optimizing websites for mobile and cross-device use. It discusses the varied mobile landscape and capabilities that websites need to account for. Key recommendations include using responsive design with CSS media queries to render pages appropriately based on screen size and features. The document also advocates the "One Web" principle of providing consistent content across all devices when reasonable.

World Usability Day Future Browsing 12.11.2009
World Usability Day Future Browsing 12.11.2009World Usability Day Future Browsing 12.11.2009
World Usability Day Future Browsing 12.11.2009

This document discusses approaches for cross-device web development and accessibility. It covers developing websites that can be accessed and used across different devices like mobile phones, laptops, tablets, TVs, and more. It recommends using responsive design with CSS media queries to optimize websites for different screen sizes and capabilities. It also discusses using standards like SVG and following best practices for mobile and accessible development.

HTML5 is umbrella term for various
technologies – new markup elements, new
             JavaScript APIs
new elements for more accurate semantics
HTML5 elements for a typical blog
Uni Tour Germany 11.2009

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Building cross platform web apps
Building cross platform web appsBuilding cross platform web apps
Building cross platform web apps

The document discusses different approaches for building cross-platform web apps: 1. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) which work across devices and can be installed like native apps using web technologies. 2. Electron which allows building desktop apps with web technologies but results in larger apps. 3. Hybrid apps which combine a web view layer with native platform integration via plugins but have web-based UIs. 4. JavaScript-driven native apps like React Native and NativeScript which use JavaScript to build truly native mobile apps.

by ITEM - Introduction to HTML5 - Introduction to - Introduction to HTML5 - Introduction to HTML5

Sascha Corti With Internet Explorer 9, Microsoft has entered the league of HTML 5 browsers and with its active participation in the W3C working groups, the company proves its engagements towards the new and emerging standards. Developers however are often left wondering where the boundaries are drawn between HTML5 web site, plug-in based rich internet application and smart client or “app”. This session intends to answer this question and uses many examples to show you some of the most important enhancements introduced by HTML5, CSS3, SVG, DOM, WOFF and ECMA script. You will learn now the standards are still evolving and how Microsoft is contributing.

WordCamp Thessaloniki2011 The NextWeb
WordCamp Thessaloniki2011 The NextWebWordCamp Thessaloniki2011 The NextWeb
WordCamp Thessaloniki2011 The NextWeb

The document discusses HTML5 and provides an overview of its key elements and features. It begins with a definition of HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that adds new elements like canvas, video and audio. It then provides summaries of important HTML5 elements and features like video, audio, canvas, SVG, CSS3, DOM scripting, geolocation and more. The document concludes by discussing resources for learning more about HTML5 and considerations around using HTML5 versus apps or other technologies on mobile.

beauty of the webcss 3.0html5
Uni Tour Germany 11.2009
HTML5 – unambiguous and machine readable
current and old browsers
“support” these new elements
    (although some need a little extra help)
Webforms – more powerful form elements

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Opera and the Open Web platform
Opera and the Open Web platformOpera and the Open Web platform
Opera and the Open Web platform

The document discusses the history and evolution of web browsers and standards. It notes that early browsers in the 1990s included Mosaic and Netscape Navigator. In the late 1990s, Internet Explorer and Netscape competed using both open and closed standards. HTML5 was developed in the 2000s to better support web applications and add new elements like video. The document also discusses approaches to making websites mobile-friendly, including responsive design using viewport meta tags and media queries.

Presentation wpf
Presentation wpfPresentation wpf
Presentation wpf

This document provides an overview and introduction to programming with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) using XAML. It discusses key WPF concepts like the logical and visual trees, dependency properties, templates, styles, resources, and layouts. It also covers programming with 2D and 3D graphics, data binding, animation, multimedia, and documents. The document recommends resources for getting started with WPF and provides an agenda for the presentation.

Html5 more than just html5 v final
Html5  more than just html5 v finalHtml5  more than just html5 v final
Html5 more than just html5 v final

1. HTML5 is a major revision to the HTML standard that is still under development and aims to be the future of the web. 2. It includes new elements like <video>, <audio>, and <canvas> that allow embedding multimedia without plugins, as well as features like geolocation. 3. The HTML5 specification is very large, covering HTML, SVG, CSS, and APIs. It aims to provide a common standard for web applications. 4. HTML5 is not just a marketing term - it represents an ongoing effort to develop a unified standard for the next generation of the web.

html html5 w3c
standardise commonly-used
rich form elements – without JavaScript
built-in validation
(of course you should still validate on the server)

          Demonstration of webforms
canvas = “scriptable images”

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HTML5 Intoduction for Web Developers
HTML5 Intoduction for Web DevelopersHTML5 Intoduction for Web Developers
HTML5 Intoduction for Web Developers

HTML5 is a draft specification from the W3C that adds new elements like canvas, video and audio to HTML. It is not finished yet and continues to evolve. HTML5 introduces elements like article, section and aside to structure content. It also supports new media capabilities like playing video and audio natively in the browser without plugins. HTML5 is supported in Internet Explorer 9 and later, and also in other modern browsers like Chrome and Firefox.

These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...
These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...
These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...

WCAG is supposed to give us a reasonably objective way of saying whether or not the sites we are building/auditing are "accessible" (to a particular baseline). However, they are only as useful as our understanding and interpretation of the guidelines' normative text. And, of course, it is not perfect - with some omissions, handwaving, and straight-up loopholes. So where does this leave developers and auditors? In this talk - a reprise of a previous talk, now updated to cover new SCs from WCAG 2.2 - Patrick may not have all the answers, but he'll have a good rant around the subject anyway...

Pointer Events Working Group update / TPAC 2023 / Patrick H. Lauke
Pointer Events Working Group update / TPAC 2023 / Patrick H. LaukePointer Events Working Group update / TPAC 2023 / Patrick H. Lauke
Pointer Events Working Group update / TPAC 2023 / Patrick H. Lauke

Update about Pointer Events Level 3 work for the upcoming W3C Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee (TPAC) 2023 in Seville Cross-posted from

w3cweb standardspointer events
canvas has standard API methods for drawing
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, c1, c2);

Demonstration of basic canvas
canvas mixing things up with external graphics
ctx = canvas.drawImage(…)

Demonstration of drawing images on canvas
canvas accessibility concerns
canvas appropriate use for enhanced visuals,
       special effects – not pure content

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These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...

WCAG is supposed to give us a reasonably objective way of saying whether or not the sites we are building/auditing are "accessible" (to a particular baseline). However, they are only as useful as our understanding and interpretation of the actual guidelines' normative text. And of course they're not perfect - with some omissions, handwaving, and straight up loopholes. So where does this leave developers and auditors? In this talk, Patrick may not have all the answers, but he'll have a good rant around the subject anyway...

These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...

WCAG is supposed to give us a reasonably objective way of saying whether or not the sites we are building/auditing are "accessible" (to a particular baseline). However, they are only as useful as our understanding and interpretation of the actual guidelines' normative text. And of course they're not perfect - with some omissions, handwaving, and straight up loopholes. So where does this leave developers and auditors? In this talk, Patrick may not have all the answers, but he'll have a good rant around the subject anyway...

wcagwcag 2.0wcag 2.1
Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...
Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...
Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...

HTML offers many features and attributes that can make your sites more accessible...but only if they're used wisely. Can there really be "too much accessibility"? Audio recording:

<object width="425" height="344">
  <param name="movie"
  <param name="allowFullScreen"
  <param name="allowscriptaccess"
s=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"
width="425" height="344"></embed>
<video src="video.ogv"
  width="320" height="240">
    <a href="video.ogv">Download movie</a>
video as native object...why is it important?

● “play nice” with rest of the page
● keyboard accessibility built-in

● API for controls

Demonstration of video in Presto 2.4

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Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University ...
Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University ...Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University ...
Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University ...

Patrick H. Lauke: Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University of Salford / 13 February 2006

web designweb developmentweb design and development
Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Acce...
Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Acce...Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Acce...
Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Acce...

Patrick H. Lauke: Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Accessibility Working Group (MDAWG) / 1 March 2006

web accessibilityaccessibilitywcag
Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenc...
Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenc...Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenc...
Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenc...

Patrick H. Lauke: Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenches / Public Sector Forums / 10 May 2007

web designweb design and developmentweb content management
video format debates – MP4 vs OGG Theora
<video controls autoplay poster="…" width="…" height="…">
   <source src="movie.ogv" type="video/ogg" />
   <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

       still include fallback for old browsers
video on any device without plugins?
and many more...
(geolocation, drag and drop, web workers, offline support, storage)
SVG scalable vector graphics

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Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...
Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...
Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...

Patrick H. Lauke - Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of a redesign / Institutional Web Management Workshop IWMW / Birmingham / 28 July 2004

web standardsweb designweb design and development
Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...
Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...
Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...

Patrick H. Lauke: Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / Institutional Web Management Workshop IWMW / York / 16 July 2007

web designweb developmentweb design and development
All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...
All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...
All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...

WCAG 2.0 is the new set of web accessibility guidelines that was released in 2008 as a recommendation by the W3C. It addresses some issues with the previous WCAG 1.0 guidelines by being technology-agnostic, having clearly testable success criteria focused on user outcomes rather than techniques, and removing outdated requirements. WCAG 2.0 provides more freedom for authors while still ensuring accessibility. It includes 4 principles, 12 guidelines and 61 success criteria to evaluate websites. The transition from WCAG 1.0 involves evaluating sites based on the new success criteria and testing areas that may be different.

accessibilityusabilityweb design
SVG can be written by hand (if you must)
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1">

<rect x="" y="" width="" height=""/>
<circle cx="" cy="" r=""/>
<ellipse cx="" cy="" rx="" ry=""/>
<line x1="" y1="" x2="" y2=""/>
<polyline points="x1,y1,x2,y2,..." />
<polygon points="x1,y1,x2,y2,..." />

SVG complex images exportable from vector
graphics apps (InkScape, Adobe Illustrator, ...)
SVG maintains its own DOM and is scriptable
Demonstration of SVG
SVG in OBJECT, CSS and IMG element*
     native inclusion in HTML5?
          *only in Opera at the moment

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Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...
Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...
Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...

This document provides an introduction to web accessibility. It begins by addressing some common misconceptions about accessibility, noting that it aims to accommodate people with a wide range of disabilities, not just visual impairments. The document emphasizes that accessibility is important for both ethical and legal reasons, and that inclusive design benefits all users. It then outlines key web accessibility guidelines from the W3C, providing examples of how to make content more accessible through proper semantic markup and alternative text. The conclusion stresses that accessibility is an essential consideration for web development.

Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...
Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...
Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...

Patrick H. Lauke: Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD / Reading / 3 February 2007

web designweb developmentweb design and development
Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...
Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...
Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...

The document discusses common misconceptions and pitfalls around using web standards. It argues that web standards are about more than just validation - they are about semantics, separation of concerns, and pragmatism. Some key points include: using the most appropriate HTML elements to convey meaning rather than appearance; applying styles through CSS instead of presentational markup; avoiding non-semantic class names; and recognizing that not all uses of tables or images are invalid. The document advocates for balancing standards with practical concerns like multiple authors and one-off content needs.

web designweb developmentweb design and development
SVG or canvas?
CSS3 for better design control
@font-face – good typography on the web
@font-face {
    font-family: "MyFont";
    src: url(myfont.ttf)


body {
  font-family: "MyFont", … sans-serif;

Demonstration of webfonts
@font-face solves issue of making images of
  text, using image replacement, sIFR, …

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Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...
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Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...

Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any web developer can use / South By Southwest SXSW / Austin, Texas, 11 March 2007

accessibilityusabilityweb design
The state of the web - / 2007
The state of the web - / 2007The state of the web - / 2007
The state of the web - / 2007

One from the archives...presentation about the development of the University of Salford website in 2007

web designweb developmentweb design and development
Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...
Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...
Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...

Patrick H. Lauke: Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm second class / Skillswap Bristol / 11 Nobember 2008

accessibilityusabilityweb development
@font-face still issues with font foundries –
              check licenses
mediaqueries – adaptable designs
CSS 2.1 Media Types:

<link rel="stylesheet" ...
media="print, handheld" href="...">

@import url("...") print;

@media print {
  // insert CSS rules here
CSS 3 Media Queries:

● Build and extend CSS 2.1 Media Types
● More granular control of capabilities

● width, height, orientation, color, resolution, …

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WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...
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WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...

Vanilla HTML is limiting and boring. Our clients demand highly engaging and interactive web experiences. And wouldn’t you know, with just a bit of HTML and JavaScript we can craft amazing custom controls, widgets and effects that go far beyond the confines of traditional static markup. But how can we ensure that these custom experiences are both understandable and usable for people with disabilities, and in particular those using assistive technologies such as screen readers? In this talk, we will look at the basics of making some common custom-built components accessible - covering how browsers and assistive technologies interact, the limitations of HTML, and how ARIA can help make interactive experiences more accessible. In addition, we will explore some of the recent additions in ARIA 1.1, as well as some particular challenges when it comes to traditional ARIA patterns and assistive technologies on mobile/tablet/touch devices. Evergreen slidedeck at /

WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...
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Vanilla HTML is limiting and boring. Our clients demand highly engaging and interactive web experiences. And wouldn’t you know, with just a bit of HTML and JavaScript we can craft amazing custom controls, widgets and effects that go far beyond the confines of traditional static markup. But how can we ensure that these custom experiences are both understandable and usable for people with disabilities, and in particular those using assistive technologies such as screen readers? In this talk, we will look at the basics of making some common custom-built components accessible - covering how browsers and assistive technologies interact, the limitations of HTML, and how ARIA can help make interactive experiences more accessible. In addition, we will explore some of the recent additions in ARIA 1.1, as well as some particular challenges when it comes to traditional ARIA patterns and assistive technologies on mobile/tablet/touch devices. Evergreen slidedeck at /

WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018
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WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018

This document provides an introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA). It discusses the need for ARIA to make complex web applications accessible, common ARIA roles and attributes, and best practices for using ARIA. Key points include: ARIA defines roles, states and properties to convey semantics to assistive technologies; common roles include buttons, toggles, and landmarks; and the five rules of ARIA use emphasize using native HTML when possible and ensuring interactive elements are keyboard accessible.

CSS 3 Media Queries:

@media screen and
       (max-device-width: 480px) {

    // insert CSS rules here


Demonstration of Media Queries
and many more...
Uni Tour Germany 11.2009
widgets reuse web standards

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Widgets – standardised app development filled
       with web standards goodness
For a large catalogue of apps – the browser run-time is perfect...

Then you’re out of writing for Windows Mobile, Android, S60, each of
which require testing...we want to abstract that.

All the cool innovation is happening inside the browser – you don’t
need to write to the native operating system anymore.

             Source: Mobile Entertainment Market (mocoNews), June, 2009
widgets on desktop, mobile...and on TV
Anatomy of a widget
index.html + config.xml

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Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
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Java Servlet programs

Configuration file
  <description>A demo widget</description>

Demonstration of basic widget
Opera tools to help develop widgets:

Opera Dragonfly

Widget emulator

Opera LABS build
Opera Unite
              • Powerful platform that turns your Web
                  browser into a Web server:
                    – Share content directly without
                        having to upload anything to a
                        Web site.
                    – Stream music, show photo
                        galleries, share files and folders
                        or even host your Web pages.
Sharing with Opera Unite is different
• Traditional data sharing

• Data sharing with Opera Unite

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Opera Unite Applications

  Media Player                     Messenger
  Access your complete home        Communicate with your
  music library from wherever      friends in My Opera in a
  you are.                         one-to-one, live session.

  File Sharing                     The Lounge
  Share files directly from your   Invite your friends to a chat
  computer easily and safely.      in The Lounge hosted on
                                   your computer.

  File Inbox                       Web Server
  Allow files to be
  uploaded to your                 Host your Web sites running
  computer, by you or              from your own computer.
  your friends, from

  Photo Sharing                    Fridge
  Share your personal photos       Enjoy fun notes left on your
  with friends around the world    computer by friends.
  without the need to upload
Write your own Opera Unite applications
Based on powerful APIs and open Web standards:

• Easy to create and accessible from every Web browsing platform:
       – Reuse your HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills
• Applications can be submitted to Opera’s online catalog
• Documentation
Opera Unite challenge!
Are YOU up to the challenge? Opera Software invites you to develop an
Opera Unite application:

• Win mobile phones and Opera gear
• Make a new Unite application or improve upon an existing application
• Submit your application online and email with:
    – Name
   – University
   – Name of your application
   Criteria, rules and resources to get started
call to arms action

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Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...
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Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...
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All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...
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Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...
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Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...
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Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...
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Uni Tour Germany 11.2009

  • 2. Components University seminars Student representatives: Opera Campus Crew Web Standards Curriculum Summer Internships in Norway, India and Poland: Application will open in late February, selection process from mid-March
  • 3. Learn more Email Check out for internships, student representatives program and forums
  • 4. Open standards EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES FOR DESKTOP, MOBILE, AND CROSS-DEVICE WEB DEVELOPMENT Patrick H. Lauke / Opera University Tour / November 2009
  • 6. Opera – one browser on many devices
  • 7. One Web means making, as far as is reasonable, the same information and services available to users irrespective of the device they are using. However, it does not mean that exactly the same information is available in exactly the same representation across all devices. W3C Mobile Web Best Practices
  • 8. Mobile web and why it matters
  • 9. what are web standards?
  • 10. old-school way of making pages: ● creating markup based on how things look ● defining colours, widths, etc in your page ● using tables for layout
  • 11. <p><font size=“+3” color=”ff0000”><b>This is a heading</b></font></p> <p><font color=“555555”>Blah blah blah</font></p> <p><font size=“+2” color=”00ff00”><b>A sub- section</b></font></p> <p><font color=“555555”>Blah blah blah</font></p> <p><font size=“+2” color=”00ff00”><b>A sub- section</b></font></p> <p><font color=“555555”>Blah blah blah</font></p>
  • 12. HTML should define the meaning of content: ● <h1> … <h6> for headings ● <p> paragraphs ● <ul> unordered (bulletpoint) lists ● <ol> ordered (numbered) lists ● … At this stage we don't care what it looks like…
  • 13. separation of content, presentation, behaviour using HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • 14. <h1>This is a heading</h1> <p>Blah blah blah</p> <h2>A sub-section</h2> <p>Blah blah blah</p> <h2>A sub-section</h2> <p>Blah blah blah</p>
  • 15. developers maintainability and future proofing site owners smaller pages, better SEO end-users light-weight, interoperable, accessible
  • 16. it's not all about pleasing the validator
  • 17. One Web that works on all browsers, all devices
  • 18. new technologies you can start using today
  • 20. history of HTML5: ● started at Opera – Web Applications 1.0 ● Mozilla and Apple joined ● W3C HTML5 ● Microsoft involvement
  • 21. HTML5 standardises current browser and authoring behaviour
  • 22. HTML5 does not replace HTML 4.01
  • 23. HTML5 has more bling!
  • 24. “...extending the language to better support Web applications, since that is one of the directions the Web is going in and is one of the areas least well served by HTML so far. This puts HTML in direct competition with other technologies intended for applications deployed over the Web, in particular Flash and Silverlight.” Ian Hickson, Editor of HTML5
  • 25. HTML5 is umbrella term for various technologies – new markup elements, new JavaScript APIs
  • 26. new elements for more accurate semantics
  • 27. HTML5 elements for a typical blog
  • 30. HTML5 – unambiguous and machine readable
  • 31. current and old browsers “support” these new elements (although some need a little extra help)
  • 32. Webforms – more powerful form elements
  • 33. standardise commonly-used rich form elements – without JavaScript
  • 34. built-in validation (of course you should still validate on the server) Demonstration of webforms
  • 37. canvas has standard API methods for drawing ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.lineTo(x, y); ctx.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, c1, c2); … Demonstration of basic canvas
  • 38. canvas mixing things up with external graphics ctx = canvas.drawImage(…) Demonstration of drawing images on canvas
  • 40. canvas appropriate use for enhanced visuals, special effects – not pure content Demonstration:
  • 42. <object width="425" height="344"> <param name="movie" value=" &fs=1&"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed src=" s=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed> </object>
  • 43. <video src="video.ogv" controls autoplay poster="poster.jpg" width="320" height="240"> <a href="video.ogv">Download movie</a> </video>
  • 44. video as native object...why is it important? ● “play nice” with rest of the page ● keyboard accessibility built-in ● API for controls Demonstration of video in Presto 2.4
  • 45. video format debates – MP4 vs OGG Theora <video controls autoplay poster="…" width="…" height="…"> <source src="movie.ogv" type="video/ogg" /> <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> <!-- fallback content --> </video> still include fallback for old browsers
  • 46. video on any device without plugins?
  • 47. and many more... (geolocation, drag and drop, web workers, offline support, storage)
  • 49. SVG can be written by hand (if you must) <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1"> <rect x="" y="" width="" height=""/> <circle cx="" cy="" r=""/> <ellipse cx="" cy="" rx="" ry=""/> <line x1="" y1="" x2="" y2=""/> <polyline points="x1,y1,x2,y2,..." /> <polygon points="x1,y1,x2,y2,..." /> </svg>
  • 50. SVG complex images exportable from vector graphics apps (InkScape, Adobe Illustrator, ...)
  • 51. SVG maintains its own DOM and is scriptable Demonstration of SVG
  • 52. SVG in OBJECT, CSS and IMG element* native inclusion in HTML5? *only in Opera at the moment
  • 54. CSS3 for better design control
  • 55. @font-face – good typography on the web @font-face { font-family: "MyFont"; src: url(myfont.ttf) } … body { font-family: "MyFont", … sans-serif; } Demonstration of webfonts
  • 56. @font-face solves issue of making images of text, using image replacement, sIFR, …
  • 57. @font-face still issues with font foundries – check licenses
  • 59. CSS 2.1 Media Types: <link rel="stylesheet" ... media="print, handheld" href="..."> @import url("...") print; @media print { // insert CSS rules here }
  • 60. CSS 3 Media Queries: ● Build and extend CSS 2.1 Media Types ● More granular control of capabilities ● width, height, orientation, color, resolution, …
  • 61. CSS 3 Media Queries: @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { // insert CSS rules here } Demonstration of Media Queries
  • 64. widgets reuse web standards
  • 65. Widgets – standardised app development filled with web standards goodness
  • 66. Vodafone For a large catalogue of apps – the browser run-time is perfect... Then you’re out of writing for Windows Mobile, Android, S60, each of which require testing...we want to abstract that. All the cool innovation is happening inside the browser – you don’t need to write to the native operating system anymore. Source: Mobile Entertainment Market (mocoNews), June, 2009
  • 67. widgets on desktop, mobile...and on TV
  • 68. Anatomy of a widget index.html + config.xml
  • 69. Configuration file <widget> <widgetname>MyFirstWidget</widgetname> <description>A demo widget</description> <icon>images/widget.png</icon> <width>320</width> <height>240</height> </widget> Demonstration of basic widget
  • 70. Opera tools to help develop widgets: Opera Dragonfly Widget emulator Opera LABS build
  • 71. Opera Unite • Powerful platform that turns your Web browser into a Web server: – Share content directly without having to upload anything to a Web site. – Stream music, show photo galleries, share files and folders or even host your Web pages.
  • 72. Sharing with Opera Unite is different • Traditional data sharing • Data sharing with Opera Unite
  • 73. Opera Unite Applications Media Player Messenger Access your complete home Communicate with your music library from wherever friends in My Opera in a you are. one-to-one, live session. File Sharing The Lounge Share files directly from your Invite your friends to a chat computer easily and safely. in The Lounge hosted on your computer. File Inbox Web Server Allow files to be uploaded to your Host your Web sites running computer, by you or from your own computer. your friends, from anywhere. Photo Sharing Fridge Share your personal photos Enjoy fun notes left on your with friends around the world computer by friends. without the need to upload them.
  • 74. Write your own Opera Unite applications Based on powerful APIs and open Web standards: • Easy to create and accessible from every Web browsing platform: – Reuse your HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills • Applications can be submitted to Opera’s online catalog – • Documentation –
  • 75. Opera Unite challenge! Are YOU up to the challenge? Opera Software invites you to develop an Opera Unite application: • Win mobile phones and Opera gear • Make a new Unite application or improve upon an existing application • Submit your application online and email with: – Name – University – Name of your application Criteria, rules and resources to get started
  • 76. call to arms action
  • 77. Opera Web Standards Curriculum
  • 78. Web Standards Curriculum University Tour blog Developer resources
  • 79.