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Transforming the Web into a RealApplication Platform:
NewTechnologies, EmergingTrends and Missing Pieces
Authors - Matti Anttonen, Arto Salminen, Tommi Mikkonen & Antero
Review by – Mohanadarshan Vivekanandalingam (148241N)
• What is meant by “Web as an application platform”
• Limitations in standalone applications
• History of Web
• Evolution of WWW
• New Technologies in Web
• HTML5, Javascript2, WebGL & etc…
• Other features in the Web
• Shortcoming of the Web
• Real-world examples
• Conclusion
Whatismeantby “Webasanapplicationsplatform”?
Using the Web as an applications platform means a site has opened its
applications interface -- at least in part -- to let third-party developers create
applets and other programs that make the site more user-friendly. The idea of
using the Web as an applications platform employs the concept of sharing
information to create a better and more useable product. In the case of Facebook,
for example, third-party developers have created thousands of applications that
make Facebook more enjoyable for its users.
• Platform dependent issues
• Deployment effort is high
• More complex architecture (if multiple users)
• Installation cost is high in some platforms
• Upgrade needed by user

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This document discusses options for integrating applications with IBM Connections, both in the cloud and on-premises. It demonstrates techniques used by the ProjExec application to authenticate users single sign-on and use OAuth tokens to access Connections APIs. The document also covers customizing the user interface by adding items to the navigation bar and using different widget technologies. It recommends developing applications to work across platforms by loading content in an iframe and supporting multiple integration options.

Integrate any Angular Project into WebSphere Portal
Integrate any Angular Project into WebSphere PortalIntegrate any Angular Project into WebSphere Portal
Integrate any Angular Project into WebSphere Portal

Integrate any Angular project with WebSphere Portal without script portlet. #HCLDX #WebSpherePortal #IBM #HCL

hcldxweb designangular was the address of the world’s first-ever web
site and web server, running on a NeXT computer at
Tim Berners-Lee
History of Web
Beginning of Web
First website address -
Source -
History of Web
Stage- 1 (Early 1990)
Form-structured documents with only text and some static images
Mosaic is the only browser, It was the first web browser to allow pictures to appear inline with text, rather
than being opened in a separate tab.
History of Web(cont...)
Stage- 2 (Mid 1990)
Simple and Basic graphics
• The first hit counters began to appear at the bottom of websites.
• Designers put more focus on text color, which led to seizure-inducing text sites that excited visitors of the time.
History of Web(cont...)
Stage- 3 (Later1990)
Evolution of Flash
• User-accessible website creation software
• Most Interactive website user ever seen

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AJAX and Silverlight are web application development technologies. AJAX uses a combination of technologies like HTML, CSS, DOM, XML, XSLT, JavaScript, and XMLHttpRequest to make asynchronous requests in the background without interfering with the existing page. Silverlight is a Microsoft plugin that allows developers to use .NET languages to create rich multimedia applications for the web. While AJAX relies mainly on JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest, Silverlight relies on the .NET framework. AJAX supports cross-platform development while Silverlight only supports Windows, Linux with Moonlight, and Mac OS.

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This document discusses building a core application that can be deployed on different servers using a Java core. It provides examples using the Vaadin framework to build a basic application, deploying it on Apache Tomcat and IBM WebSphere Application Server. It also discusses setting up the application on IBM Domino using an OSGi plugin project. Additional topics covered include handling multiple authentication methods and implementing a data abstraction layer to make the application agnostic to the backend data store. The goal is to allow writing applications once and deploying them on any server with minimal changes.

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This document discusses different programming environments for developing BlackBerry applications, including QNX, Adobe AIR, Android, and WebWorks. It provides details on each environment, such as supported APIs, tools, and frameworks. It also discusses packaging and deploying applications created with these environments.

History of Web(cont...)
Stage- 4 (In 2000)
Introduction of css & javscripts.
• Top navigation menus
• Drop down menus
• Web forms
History of Web(cont...)
Stage- 5 (Now)
Web 1.0 was all about connecting people. It was an interactive space, and I think Web 2.0 is, of course, a
piece of jargon, nobody even knows what it means. If Web 2.0 for you is blogs and wikis, then that is people
to people. But that was what the Web was supposed to be all along.” – Tim Berners-Lee, 2006
Evolutionof WWW
Source :
Contributionof W3C
Founded by Tim Berners-Lee in early 1990
• The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the main international standards
organization for the World Wide Web
• Developing protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the
• W3C tries to enforce compatibility and agreement among industry members in
the adoption of new standards defined by the W3C. Incompatible versions of
HTML are offered by different vendors, causing inconsistency in how Web
pages are displayed. The consortium tries to get all those vendors to
implement a set of core principles and components which are chosen by the

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JavaScript on HP webOS: Enyo and Node.js

This document discusses the technologies behind the HP webOS platform, including Enyo and Node.js. It provides an overview of Enyo, describing it as a framework for building web applications that targets developers and supports flexible layouts, device and desktop applications, and code reuse through components. It also discusses Node.js and how it is used as the runtime for webOS services, allowing applications to access system services and process data without blocking the user interface. The architecture of webOS applications is also summarized, including how the Enyo framework is used to build the user interface and application structure.

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Developing Java Web Applications

The document discusses several key technologies for developing Java web applications, including Java Servlet technology, WebWork framework, Spring framework, and Apache Maven build tool. It provides an overview of how each technology addresses common problems like stateless communication, business logic implementation, view generation, and data access overhead. Examples are given showing how WebWork and Spring can be used together with Maven to build a simple "Hello World" application that follows the MVC pattern and leverages dependency injection.

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The document provides instructions for setting up and configuring a project in WebWorks for Word. It outlines how to launch a project, map source document styles and the table of contents, define media type and cross-reference settings, and choose to convert the project immediately or later. The goal is to prepare the source document for conversion into optimized output files.

Why weneedstandardsinWeb?
• Achieve a More Stable Web
• Reduce Development and Maintenance Time
• Allow Backward Compatibility and Validation
• Increase Search Engine Success
• Graceful Degradation Now, and in the Future
• Common Knowledge
Recommended reading -
• OOP - Classes will be fully supported with all the inheritance properties found in classic Java or
C# languages.
• Strong Typing - JavaScript will be strong typed. This translates into the fact that any
declaration will be enforced, and not coerced to the platform engine. This closely resembles
ActionScript 3.0 syntax.
• Compile Time Type Checking - Developers will be able to request a “strict” mode compilation
that will perform several tasks and security checks before executing the code.
• Namespaces - Namespaces have been until now formed of global objects containing all the
necessary data needed for a JS application
• Constants - The “const” declaration has been introduced just to store constants that previously
relied on “var” declarations that could easily have been re-written by accident.
• Program Units - This requirement was introduced to minimize bandwidth usage. A program
unit in JavaScript 2.0 will store amounts of code that won't be used until called upon. It works
similarly to an ActionScript 3.0 library.

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The story of all the pitfalls we had while transferring from the good old web to a Backbone single page application... and all the great solutions we've came up with

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Ponencia de Jorge del Casar en DroidconMAD2013. Sinopsis: Cordova es un framework de desarrollo móvil de código abierto que permite usar tecnologías web standard como HTML5, CSS3 y Javascript para el desarrollo multiplataforma, evitando desarrollar en el lenguaje nativo de cada plataforma. La nueva Command Line Interface (CLI) desarrollada en Node.js te permite automatizar la creación de proyectos, adición de plataformas y plugins así como la construir la app y probarla en simuladores y dispositivos reales.

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The document discusses browser internals and trends related to mobile browsers. It provides an overview of the major rendering engines including WebKit, Blink, and Chromium. It then focuses on specifics of Android's WebView and how it has transitioned to using the Chromium engine. Finally, it describes the multi-process architecture of Chromium which separates rendering and browser components across multiple processes for improved stability.

• WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D graphics and 2D
graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins.
• WebGL brings 3D graphics to the Web by introducing an API that closely conforms to OpenGL
ES 2.0 that can be used in HTML5 <canvas> elements. Support for WebGL is present in Firefox
4+, Google Chrome 9+, Opera 12+, Safari 5.1+ and Internet Explorer 11+.
• WebGL does not have the fixed-function APIs introduced in OpenGL 1.0 and deprecated in
OpenGL 3.0. This functionality can instead be provided by the user in the JavaScript code space.
C3DL (,
Copperlicht (,
CubicVR (,
EnergizeGL (,
Framework that used webGL internally
WebGL specification -
Check browser support -
Jaggery is a framework to write webapps and HTTP-focused web services for all aspects of
the application: front-end, communication, Server-side logic and persistence in pure
Javascript. One of the intents of this framework is to reduce the gap between writing web
apps and web services. Importantly, Jaggery is open-source and released under Apache 2.0
More info - &
A complete Javascript way to write all
parts of Web applications and services as
a way to reduce/eliminate impedance
mismatches across different layers of the
Web application and API development
Other Features inCurrent Web
Chrome browser & Chromium OS
• Chromium OS is a Linux-based operating system in which all the end user
applications are web applications.
• The only native application in the system is the web browser itself with support for
extensions and built-in media player. However, native code can be executed within
the browser with sandboxing technology called Native Client
Web Widget Runtimes
• This is different from general purpose web applications that do not require such
• In addition, web widget specifications have introduced bindings into the underlying
host operating system capabilities (device APIs), which in turn makes it possible to
access device resources, mobile device functions (such as SMS and MMS sending) and
even hardware peripherals and to combine these resources with web content.
Other Features inCurrent Web
Cloud Computing
• The actual computation takes place partially on the server side and partially on the
client side, depending of the specific needs of the applications and services.
• Cloud computing model makes it possible to utilize computing resources more
efficiently, and allows those resources to be shared between multiple sites
effortlessly, thereby converting capital expenditure into operational expenditure as
the customer does not need to own the hardware.
• Usually the services built on cloud infrastructure are accessed simply with a web

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Sascha Corti With Internet Explorer 9, Microsoft has entered the league of HTML 5 browsers and with its active participation in the W3C working groups, the company proves its engagements towards the new and emerging standards. Developers however are often left wondering where the boundaries are drawn between HTML5 web site, plug-in based rich internet application and smart client or “app”. This session intends to answer this question and uses many examples to show you some of the most important enhancements introduced by HTML5, CSS3, SVG, DOM, WOFF and ECMA script. You will learn now the standards are still evolving and how Microsoft is contributing.

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Front-end optimisation & jQuery Internals

This document discusses optimizing jQuery and front-end performance. It covers minimizing HTTP requests, file size, and blocking behavior to improve dependency loading. It discusses optimizing initial page rendering through proper asset ordering, lazy loading, and reducing flash of unstyled content. It also discusses minimizing reflows and repaints as well as JavaScript optimizations to improve post-load responsiveness. The document provides an overview of jQuery internals and techniques for optimizing jQuery code.

Web Application Solutions
Web Application SolutionsWeb Application Solutions
Web Application Solutions

The document provides an overview of various web application presentation layer solutions, including: - HTML/XHTML - Provides basic document structure and presentation. Interactions require full page reloads. Wide reach but limited interactivity. - DHTML - Combines HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to enable some interactivity like animations without reloading. Inconsistent cross-browser support. - DHTML with Remote Scripting via iFrame - Uses hidden iFrames to retrieve information from the server asynchronously without refreshing the full page. Reduces server loads compared to full page reloads. The document evaluates each solution based on criteria like user experience, processing requirements, deployment, components/customization options, backend

Shortcomingsof theWeb
• User interaction issues
• Performance issues
• Networking and security issues
• Interoperability and compatibility issues
• Development and testing issues
• Deployment issues
• Internet or network speed it very slow. ??
User Interaction
• The lack of portable programmatic handling of features such as cut/copy/paste and drag-and-
drop used to be a significant problem for many web applications (Supported by HTML – drag
and drop)
• The presence of features that are semantically problematic for real applications, such as the
“back”, “forward” and “reload” buttons, still remains an issue in the web browser. (Alternative
custom-built native web client to access a service)
• The “browser performance wars”.
• High-performance JavaScript engines, raw JavaScript execution speed has increased by two
orders of magnitude compared to the situation only three years ago
• Availability of hardware accelerated graphics, there are still challenges when implementing
the Canvas API and WebGL efficiently

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The document discusses web interoperability activities in China, Japan, and Korea. It notes discrepancies between major browsers and efforts to address them, including guidelines on differences and solutions. It provides updates on the status of browsers and support for open standards in each country's websites and communities. Activities include compatibility testing, tools to identify issues, and governments supporting open standards adoption.

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The document discusses the history and architecture of Android's WebView. It describes how WebView has transitioned from using a custom WebKit implementation to being based on the Chromium rendering engine. It also summarizes the threading models of Chrome and WebView and explains how rendering occurs in two phases of painting and compositing layers.

The Web, After HTML5
The Web, After HTML5The Web, After HTML5
The Web, After HTML5

It's a short presentation on W3C HTML5 Conference in Seoul, COEX. I would like to talk about the technical perspectives what's happen after HTML5.

web platformweb to offlineautomotive
• Yes, no much improvement in security aspect of the web.
• Chrome done a revolutionary here. Each browser tab is executed in a separate native (host
operating system) process. The isolation of individual tabs into different processes improves
browser security considerably, making it virtually impossible for one site to interfere with
code and content loaded from another site.
• Complement the existing domain-based browser security model with security permissions
and policies that would grant trusted sites/applications access to additional JavaScript APIs to
utilize host system capabilities
• Main bottleneck . 
• The scope of the available JavaScript APIs is still limited.
• Standardization has progressed slowly and partly because some major browser vendors have
intentionally ignored the standards.
• Refusing to adopt new technologies.
• Reliability of the application - Applications and services consist of data, code and other resources
that can be located.
• Applications require no installation or manual upgrades. The user will simply click (or navigate
to) a link and the application or service will start running in the browser pretty much
• Client machine environment will not affect the application much (sometimes browser
• Web applications typically require no compilation, linking or static bindings
• Web apps can be tested part by part instead of writing thousands of code to deploy it.
• Development is further complicated by the fact that the JavaScript language was not originally
designed for use in large-scale applications.
• Web-based applications open up entirely new possibilities for software
development, and they can combine the best of both worlds.
• Transition towards web-based applications will mark the end of the era of
binary end user software.
• In the future, the use of conventional binary programs will be limited to
system software, while the vast majority of end user software will be
developed using web technologies.
• Web is the Future !. 

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This document provides an agenda and overview for an introduction to ASP.NET MVC 3. It begins by discussing the motivation for MVC as an alternative to traditional ASP.NET Web Forms due to limitations like heavy view state, a complex page lifecycle, lack of separation of concerns, limited control over HTML, and low testability in Web Forms. It then covers key benefits of MVC like tight control over HTML and HTTP, a powerful routing system, testability, and being built on the ASP.NET platform. The document reviews what's new in MVC 3 like the Razor view engine and improved JavaScript support. It provides steps for creating a basic MVC application and controller. Finally, it outlines designing a

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This document provides an introduction to programming terminology, concepts, and technologies for non-technical people. It outlines a training on software development lifecycles, engagement models, business domains, major programming languages, frameworks, and technologies. Key terms from front-end and back-end development, databases, DevOps, data science, and mobile apps are defined. Popular languages, frameworks, and platforms are compared, along with ratings of language popularity. Quality control techniques are briefly introduced.

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I. ASP.NET is a web development platform from Microsoft used to build web applications. It provides advantages over classic ASP like separation of presentation and code for easier maintenance. II. The ASP.NET architecture includes layers for the browser, web server, application server, business logic, and database. It uses HTTP for communication and HTML/XHTML pages. III. Key challenges in designing web application interfaces include the stateless nature of the web, ensuring responsive and intuitive user interfaces, achieving scalability and performance, and addressing security issues.

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Transforming the web into a real application platform

  • 1. Transforming the Web into a RealApplication Platform: NewTechnologies, EmergingTrends and Missing Pieces Authors - Matti Anttonen, Arto Salminen, Tommi Mikkonen & Antero Taivalsaari Review by – Mohanadarshan Vivekanandalingam (148241N)
  • 2. Contents 2 • What is meant by “Web as an application platform” • Limitations in standalone applications • History of Web • Evolution of WWW • New Technologies in Web • HTML5, Javascript2, WebGL & etc… • Other features in the Web • Shortcoming of the Web • Real-world examples • Conclusion
  • 3. Whatismeantby “Webasanapplicationsplatform”? 3 Using the Web as an applications platform means a site has opened its applications interface -- at least in part -- to let third-party developers create applets and other programs that make the site more user-friendly. The idea of using the Web as an applications platform employs the concept of sharing information to create a better and more useable product. In the case of Facebook, for example, third-party developers have created thousands of applications that make Facebook more enjoyable for its users.
  • 4. LimitationsinStandaloneApplications 4 • Platform dependent issues • Deployment effort is high • More complex architecture (if multiple users) • Installation cost is high in some platforms • Upgrade needed by user
  • 5. was the address of the world’s first-ever web site and web server, running on a NeXT computer at CERN. Tim Berners-Lee History of Web 5 Beginning of Web First website address - Source -
  • 6. History of Web 6 Stage- 1 (Early 1990) Form-structured documents with only text and some static images Mosaic is the only browser, It was the first web browser to allow pictures to appear inline with text, rather than being opened in a separate tab.
  • 7. History of Web(cont...) 7 Stage- 2 (Mid 1990) Simple and Basic graphics • The first hit counters began to appear at the bottom of websites. • Designers put more focus on text color, which led to seizure-inducing text sites that excited visitors of the time.
  • 8. History of Web(cont...) 8 Stage- 3 (Later1990) Evolution of Flash • User-accessible website creation software • Most Interactive website user ever seen
  • 9. History of Web(cont...) 9 Stage- 4 (In 2000) Introduction of css & javscripts. • Top navigation menus • Drop down menus • Web forms
  • 10. History of Web(cont...) 10 Stage- 5 (Now) Web 1.0 was all about connecting people. It was an interactive space, and I think Web 2.0 is, of course, a piece of jargon, nobody even knows what it means. If Web 2.0 for you is blogs and wikis, then that is people to people. But that was what the Web was supposed to be all along.” – Tim Berners-Lee, 2006
  • 11. Evolutionof WWW 11 Source :
  • 12. Contributionof W3C 12 Founded by Tim Berners-Lee in early 1990 • The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web • Developing protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the Web. • W3C tries to enforce compatibility and agreement among industry members in the adoption of new standards defined by the W3C. Incompatible versions of HTML are offered by different vendors, causing inconsistency in how Web pages are displayed. The consortium tries to get all those vendors to implement a set of core principles and components which are chosen by the consortium.
  • 13. Why weneedstandardsinWeb? 13 • Achieve a More Stable Web • Reduce Development and Maintenance Time • Allow Backward Compatibility and Validation • Increase Search Engine Success • Graceful Degradation Now, and in the Future • Common Knowledge
  • 15. HTML5 15 HTML5 ~= HTML + CSS + JS Recommended reading -
  • 16. Javascript2 16 • OOP - Classes will be fully supported with all the inheritance properties found in classic Java or C# languages. • Strong Typing - JavaScript will be strong typed. This translates into the fact that any declaration will be enforced, and not coerced to the platform engine. This closely resembles ActionScript 3.0 syntax. • Compile Time Type Checking - Developers will be able to request a “strict” mode compilation that will perform several tasks and security checks before executing the code. • Namespaces - Namespaces have been until now formed of global objects containing all the necessary data needed for a JS application • Constants - The “const” declaration has been introduced just to store constants that previously relied on “var” declarations that could easily have been re-written by accident. • Program Units - This requirement was introduced to minimize bandwidth usage. A program unit in JavaScript 2.0 will store amounts of code that won't be used until called upon. It works similarly to an ActionScript 3.0 library.
  • 17. WebGL 17 • WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D graphics and 2D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins. • WebGL brings 3D graphics to the Web by introducing an API that closely conforms to OpenGL ES 2.0 that can be used in HTML5 <canvas> elements. Support for WebGL is present in Firefox 4+, Google Chrome 9+, Opera 12+, Safari 5.1+ and Internet Explorer 11+. • WebGL does not have the fixed-function APIs introduced in OpenGL 1.0 and deprecated in OpenGL 3.0. This functionality can instead be provided by the user in the JavaScript code space. C3DL (, Copperlicht (, CubicVR (, EnergizeGL (, GLGE (, Framework that used webGL internally WebGL specification - Check browser support -
  • 18. Jaggaryjs 18 Jaggery is a framework to write webapps and HTTP-focused web services for all aspects of the application: front-end, communication, Server-side logic and persistence in pure Javascript. One of the intents of this framework is to reduce the gap between writing web apps and web services. Importantly, Jaggery is open-source and released under Apache 2.0 More info - & A complete Javascript way to write all parts of Web applications and services as a way to reduce/eliminate impedance mismatches across different layers of the Web application and API development experience.
  • 19. Other Features inCurrent Web 19 Chrome browser & Chromium OS • Chromium OS is a Linux-based operating system in which all the end user applications are web applications. • The only native application in the system is the web browser itself with support for extensions and built-in media player. However, native code can be executed within the browser with sandboxing technology called Native Client Web Widget Runtimes • This is different from general purpose web applications that do not require such installation. • In addition, web widget specifications have introduced bindings into the underlying host operating system capabilities (device APIs), which in turn makes it possible to access device resources, mobile device functions (such as SMS and MMS sending) and even hardware peripherals and to combine these resources with web content.
  • 20. Other Features inCurrent Web 20 Cloud Computing • The actual computation takes place partially on the server side and partially on the client side, depending of the specific needs of the applications and services. • Cloud computing model makes it possible to utilize computing resources more efficiently, and allows those resources to be shared between multiple sites effortlessly, thereby converting capital expenditure into operational expenditure as the customer does not need to own the hardware. • Usually the services built on cloud infrastructure are accessed simply with a web browser
  • 21. Shortcomingsof theWeb 21 • User interaction issues • Performance issues • Networking and security issues • Interoperability and compatibility issues • Development and testing issues • Deployment issues
  • 23. EvaluationoncurrentWeb 23 User Interaction • The lack of portable programmatic handling of features such as cut/copy/paste and drag-and- drop used to be a significant problem for many web applications (Supported by HTML – drag and drop) • The presence of features that are semantically problematic for real applications, such as the “back”, “forward” and “reload” buttons, still remains an issue in the web browser. (Alternative custom-built native web client to access a service) Performance • The “browser performance wars”. • High-performance JavaScript engines, raw JavaScript execution speed has increased by two orders of magnitude compared to the situation only three years ago • Availability of hardware accelerated graphics, there are still challenges when implementing the Canvas API and WebGL efficiently
  • 24. 24
  • 25. EvaluationoncurrentWeb 25 Security • Yes, no much improvement in security aspect of the web. • Chrome done a revolutionary here. Each browser tab is executed in a separate native (host operating system) process. The isolation of individual tabs into different processes improves browser security considerably, making it virtually impossible for one site to interfere with code and content loaded from another site. • Complement the existing domain-based browser security model with security permissions and policies that would grant trusted sites/applications access to additional JavaScript APIs to utilize host system capabilities Compatibility • Main bottleneck .  • The scope of the available JavaScript APIs is still limited. • Standardization has progressed slowly and partly because some major browser vendors have intentionally ignored the standards. • Refusing to adopt new technologies.
  • 26. AdvantagesofWebasanRealApplicationPlatform 26 • Reliability of the application - Applications and services consist of data, code and other resources that can be located. • Applications require no installation or manual upgrades. The user will simply click (or navigate to) a link and the application or service will start running in the browser pretty much immediately. • Client machine environment will not affect the application much (sometimes browser dependent). • Web applications typically require no compilation, linking or static bindings • Web apps can be tested part by part instead of writing thousands of code to deploy it. • Development is further complicated by the fact that the JavaScript language was not originally designed for use in large-scale applications.
  • 28. Conclusion 28 • Web-based applications open up entirely new possibilities for software development, and they can combine the best of both worlds. • Transition towards web-based applications will mark the end of the era of binary end user software. • In the future, the use of conventional binary programs will be limited to system software, while the vast majority of end user software will be developed using web technologies. • Web is the Future !. 