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Mobile application smackdown

 Patrick H. Lauke / openMIC / Bath / 11 February 2010
Web Evangelist at Opera
1. native applications
2. web applications
3. widgets
Not an expert – musings…

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Brave new world of HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Milano 09.11.2010
Brave new world of HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Milano 09.11.2010Brave new world of HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Milano 09.11.2010
Brave new world of HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Milano 09.11.2010

HTML5 provides new semantic elements, forms, and multimedia capabilities without plugins. While support is still evolving, HTML5 can be used today with feature detection and polyfills for older browsers. Key features include <video>, <audio>, <canvas>, geolocation, and application cache APIs. HTML5 aims to unify browser support for emerging web standards, but support varies - it is best to use progressive enhancement and have fallback options. Overall HTML5 enhances the web platform, but may not completely replace other technologies like Flash in the near future.

audiohtmlweb standards
Intro To webOS
Intro To webOSIntro To webOS
Intro To webOS

This document provides an overview and introduction to the webOS platform. It discusses the webOS architecture including application architecture using stages and scenes. It covers building a basic "Destroy World" app using the command line tools. It also discusses the webOS emulator, advanced APIs like camera, storage and accelerometer access. Finally it discusses submitting apps to the webOS app catalog and a promotion for hot new apps.

WebGL For Game Development Spring 2013
WebGL For Game Development Spring 2013WebGL For Game Development Spring 2013
WebGL For Game Development Spring 2013

Tony Parisi is a serial entrepreneur and consultant architect who has authored a book on WebGL. He provides an overview of using WebGL for game development, including what WebGL is, popular frameworks like Three.js, techniques for loading models, animating scenes, implementing interaction, creating particle systems, and integrating 2D and 3D. He also discusses considerations for making WebGL games robust and putting all the pieces together.

1. native applications
2. web applications
3. widgets
native applications – advantages

● direct access to all phone features
● fast processing and graphics

● native controls

● can run standalone – all resources loaded
native applications – disadvantages

● coded specifically to each platform
● maintenance/development cost of multi-

platform porting
● app stores for distribution?
1. native applications
2. web applications
3. widgets

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JavaScript on HP webOS: Enyo and Node.js
JavaScript on HP webOS: Enyo and Node.jsJavaScript on HP webOS: Enyo and Node.js
JavaScript on HP webOS: Enyo and Node.js

This document discusses the technologies behind the HP webOS platform, including Enyo and Node.js. It provides an overview of Enyo, describing it as a framework for building web applications that targets developers and supports flexible layouts, device and desktop applications, and code reuse through components. It also discusses Node.js and how it is used as the runtime for webOS services, allowing applications to access system services and process data without blocking the user interface. The architecture of webOS applications is also summarized, including how the Enyo framework is used to build the user interface and application structure.

125 고성능 web view-deview 2013 발표 자료_공유용
125 고성능 web view-deview 2013 발표 자료_공유용125 고성능 web view-deview 2013 발표 자료_공유용
125 고성능 web view-deview 2013 발표 자료_공유용

The document discusses ways to improve the performance of hybrid mobile applications that use WebView. It describes how WebView has less powerful capabilities and worse web standard compatibility compared to mobile browsers. This can cause issues like fragmentation across device versions. The document proposes techniques for creating a high-performance WebView, including adding new capabilities like WebSockets, and replacing slower native elements like Canvas 2D with optimized custom implementations. It provides code examples for calling JavaScript from native and vice versa on Android and iOS. Lessons learned emphasize minimizing native/JavaScript communication and dealing with threading issues.

HTML5 on Mobile
HTML5 on MobileHTML5 on Mobile
HTML5 on Mobile

This document discusses HTML5 on mobile devices. It begins by explaining why mobile web is growing and why HTML5 is well-suited for mobile. It then provides an overview of what HTML5 is and examples of features like forms, multimedia, geolocation that can be used on mobile. It also discusses considerations for mobile web development like responsive design and frameworks. The document recommends tools for mobile debugging and testing performance.

new technologies you can start using today
<!DOCTYPE html>
HTML5 does not replace HTML 4.01
HTML5 has more bling!

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Cross-Platform Mobile Development in Visual Studio
Cross-Platform Mobile Development in Visual StudioCross-Platform Mobile Development in Visual Studio
Cross-Platform Mobile Development in Visual Studio

This document discusses cross-platform mobile development using Xamarin and Visual Studio. Key points include: - Using C# and .NET with Xamarin allows building iOS, Android, and Windows Phone apps with one shared codebase while still getting native performance and user experience. - The code compiles to native for each platform, rather than being interpreted, and full access to platform SDKs is provided. Shared code, data layers, and platform abstractions allow code reuse. - Visual Studio solutions can contain projects for shared code, platform-specific code for each mobile OS, and tests. Linking or portable class libraries are recommended for sharing code. - Considerations include designing native U

c#visual studioios
Multitasking in iOS 7
Multitasking in iOS 7Multitasking in iOS 7
Multitasking in iOS 7

This document discusses background capabilities in iOS 7. It summarizes the three new background modes available: background fetching, remote notifications, and background transfers. Background tasks now run for 3 minutes instead of 10 minutes. Apps can now download content in the background in response to push notifications or on a scheduled basis using background fetch APIs. Developers have close control while Apple prioritizes battery life and network usage.

Framework dynamic par Simone Sivetta
Framework dynamic par Simone SivettaFramework dynamic par Simone Sivetta
Framework dynamic par Simone Sivetta

A CocoaDynamicFramework is a collection of compiled code and public headers that can be shared between applications and extensions to avoid duplicating code. It provides extensions, code sharing between apps, and public distribution. Dynamic frameworks allow updated code to be used without relinking applications. CocoaPods can be used to manage frameworks and extensions need to check for availability on iOS since some classes are not available. Frameworks have visibility settings of public, private, or project.

“...extending the language to better support Web
applications, since that is one of the directions the Web is
going in and is one of the areas least well served by HTML
so far. This puts HTML in direct competition with other
technologies intended for applications deployed over the
Web, in particular Flash and Silverlight.”

Ian Hickson, Editor of HTML5
HTML5 is umbrella term:
markup elements and JavaScript APIs
new elements for more accurate semantics
HTML5 elements for a typical blog

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HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications
HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applicationsHTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications
HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications

HTML5 and its related technologies are enabling new ways to build beautiful sites and applications for contemporary mobile devices. Native mobile developers can now use web technologies to surmount cross-platform headaches, and desktop web developers can reach mobile users in familiar, app-like ways. This session explores the state of the art in HTML5-based mobile web frameworks, and demonstrates the practical possibilities that this powerful and standards-based approach can bring.

sencha touchhtml5incredibles
Vue.js is boring - and that's a good thing
Vue.js is boring - and that's a good thingVue.js is boring - and that's a good thing
Vue.js is boring - and that's a good thing

Vue.js is described as a "boring" framework that helps developers get work done without unnecessary complexity. It borrows best practices from other frameworks like React but aims to have simpler dependencies and templates. Vue.js uses reactive templates that can be written with plain JavaScript or JSX, and allows separating component logic from presentation with single file components. It also avoids unnecessary re-renders through its reactive system. The document demonstrates how Vue.js can be preferable for teams with mix of experience levels due to its flexibility and lack of complexity compared to other frameworks like React.

Web APIs & Apps - Mozilla
Web APIs & Apps - MozillaWeb APIs & Apps - Mozilla
Web APIs & Apps - Mozilla

This document summarizes the Firefox OS, an open web platform for building mobile apps and customizing the user interface using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. It outlines key web APIs, the process for developing and publishing open web apps, and the different types of apps including regular web apps, installed web apps, and privileged web apps with additional capabilities. Security levels and permissions for APIs are also discussed.

apiweb apiapis
openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010
openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010
HTML5 – unambiguous and machine readable
current and old browsers
“support” these new elements
    (although some need a little extra help)

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Modern frontend development with VueJs
Modern frontend development with VueJsModern frontend development with VueJs
Modern frontend development with VueJs

In a world dominated by React and Angular, Vue is the open source framework that brings a third alternative to the table, combining the strengths of the first two while trying to weed out their weaknesses. The result is an easy to use, lightweight and versatile framework. In this talk we will explore Vue's architecture, see how components interact among themselves, have a look at the event model and in the end, how to wrap everything together in a SPA using Webpack.

Introducing Rendr: Run your Backbone.js apps on the client and server
Introducing Rendr: Run your Backbone.js apps on the client and serverIntroducing Rendr: Run your Backbone.js apps on the client and server
Introducing Rendr: Run your Backbone.js apps on the client and server

Rendr is a JavaScript library that allows Backbone.js applications to run on both the client and server sides. It provides common classes and logic that can be reused across both environments, such as BaseView, BaseModel, and routers. On the server, it renders the HTML output using the same application logic. On the client, it hydrates the views by attaching them to the corresponding DOM elements. The goal is to write application logic in a way that is agnostic to the environment, avoiding duplicating code or context switching between client and server implementations.

Js Saturday 2013 your jQuery could perform better
Js Saturday 2013 your jQuery could perform betterJs Saturday 2013 your jQuery could perform better
Js Saturday 2013 your jQuery could perform better

Doing it, then doing right and finally improving. Have you ever had the feeling that your jQuery could run faster? And isn’t that the natural evolution of a developer? From new browser features and well known techniques to script breakup, sizzling, chaining and selector comparison... Tuning of any technology requires deep understanding of its core principles. In order not to just guess we need to learn how browsers execute JavaScript and how jQuery is built. If these issues have been bothering you recently – join us to see how or share your experience.

javascriptjqueryscript breakup
webforms – more powerful form elements
standardise commonly-used
rich form elements – without JavaScript
built-in validation
(of course you should still validate on the server)

          Demonstration of webforms

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CRUD with Polymer 2.0
CRUD with Polymer 2.0CRUD with Polymer 2.0
CRUD with Polymer 2.0

This document discusses using Polymer mixins and Vaadin Elements to create reusable CRUD components. It introduces CrudListMixin and CrudItemMixin that provide APIs for list and item views. A <crud-view> element wraps the grid and editor. The components support filtering, sorting, validation, theming and can retrieve/modify data from sources like PouchDB. A step-by-step demo shows integrating the components for a user management app.

Love at first Vue
Love at first VueLove at first Vue
Love at first Vue

Vue.js is an open-source progressive framework for building user interfaces that focuses on the view layer. It has a virtual DOM and reactive components. Its core is small and works well with companion libraries. Single file components allow importing of templates, logic, and styles. Popular companion libraries include Vuex for state management and Vue Router for routing. The Vue CLI makes it easy to scaffold Vue projects with features like routing, lazy loading, and preloading for improved performance.

Open Annotation Collaboration Briefing
Open Annotation Collaboration BriefingOpen Annotation Collaboration Briefing
Open Annotation Collaboration Briefing

The document summarizes a meeting of the Open Annotation Collaboration (OAC) project team. The OAC aims to develop an interoperable annotation model and specification to facilitate sharing annotations across systems. In phase 1, the OAC will analyze existing annotation practices, develop a data model and specification, integrate annotation tools into Zotero, and create a proof-of-concept implementation.

canvas = “scriptable images”
canvas has standard API methods for drawing
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, c1, c2);
canvas mixing things up with external graphics
ctx = canvas.drawImage(…)

Demonstration of canvas

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Staying in the fast lane - tools to keep your site speedy and light
Staying in the fast lane - tools to keep your site speedy and lightStaying in the fast lane - tools to keep your site speedy and light
Staying in the fast lane - tools to keep your site speedy and light

Talk including tips and tricks on how to bring up a performance culture showing of various tools to monitor performance related metrics.


This document provides an overview of HTML5 and XHTML2. It discusses the history of each standard, including periods where work took place outside the W3C. Key differences are that HTML5 focuses on evolving the existing web incrementally to support applications, while XHTML2 aimed to switch to a more declarative XML-based approach. HTML5 is natively supported in browsers, while XHTML2 likely remains most useful for server-side authoring.

The Future of Books - Creating New Value from Reading
The Future of Books - Creating New Value from ReadingThe Future of Books - Creating New Value from Reading
The Future of Books - Creating New Value from Reading

Presentation made at The Future of Books at Olswang March 19 along with Gerd Leonhard, Media Futurist and Clive Rich, Rich Futures.

booksgerd leonhardreading
<object width="425" height="344">
  <param name="movie"
  <param name="allowFullScreen"
  <param name="allowscriptaccess"
s=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"
width="425" height="344"></embed>
<video src="video.ogv"
  width="320" height="240">
    <a href="video.ogv">Download movie</a>
video as native object...why is it important?

● “play nice” with rest of the page
● keyboard accessibility built-in

● API for controls

Demonstration of video
video format debates – MP4 vs OGG Theora
<video controls autoplay poster="…" width="…" height="…">
   <source src="movie.ogv" type="video/ogg" />
   <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

       still include fallback for old browsers

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W3C/Webkit test integration presentation
W3C/Webkit test integration presentationW3C/Webkit test integration presentation
W3C/Webkit test integration presentation

Presentation on integration of W3C and WebKit test

webkitcontributor's meetingw3c
Node.js, le pavé dans la mare
Node.js, le pavé dans la mareNode.js, le pavé dans la mare
Node.js, le pavé dans la mare

Au coeur des applications Web riches, de HTML5 ou des applications Web mobiles, JavaScript est désormais incontournable. Sa communauté très dynamique a contribué à créer un écosystème complet pour répondre aux problématiques courantes de test, qualité du code ou intégration continue comme l'a fait avant elle la communauté Java il y a pas loin de dix ans... Parmi les projets les plus observés du moment, c'est curieusement côté serveur que JavaScript fait le plus parler de lui avec Node.js, un environnement de développement Web qui cultive sa différence. Téléchargement du Coding Kata :

valtechjavascriptweb application
Making your site mobile-friendly / RIT++
Making your site mobile-friendly / RIT++Making your site mobile-friendly / RIT++
Making your site mobile-friendly / RIT++

Expanded version of my "Making your site mobile-friendly" speed talk, delivered via Skype for the Russian Internet Technology (RIT) conference, Moscow, 12 April 2010

web standardsmediaqueriescss3
video and canvas on any device
        without plugins
     (Java / Flash / Silverlight not ubiquitous)
offline support
detect if a browsers goes offline
window.addEventListener('online', function(){ … }, true);
window.addEventListener('offline', function(){ … }, true);

Recommended for you

Webseiten für mobile Geräte - M-Days - Frankfurt 27.01.2011
Webseiten für mobile Geräte - M-Days - Frankfurt 27.01.2011Webseiten für mobile Geräte - M-Days - Frankfurt 27.01.2011
Webseiten für mobile Geräte - M-Days - Frankfurt 27.01.2011
Speak the Web 15.02.2010
Speak the Web 15.02.2010Speak the Web 15.02.2010
Speak the Web 15.02.2010

Patrick Lauke gives an overview of new web technologies available in HTML5, including canvas, video, geolocation, offline support, storage and more. He discusses the history and development of HTML5, how it standardizes current browser behavior, and new powerful form and semantic elements. Patrick provides demonstrations of canvas, video, geolocation and other features, noting their importance for building applications without plugins. He encourages developers to start using these technologies today.

html5 web standards
Standards Talk - Opera Uni Tour Indonesia
Standards Talk - Opera Uni Tour IndonesiaStandards Talk - Opera Uni Tour Indonesia
Standards Talk - Opera Uni Tour Indonesia

This document appears to be a presentation about web standards given by Zibin Cheah on December 8, 2009. The presentation discusses the history and development of web standards including HTML, CSS, and SVG. It provides examples of how Opera browser supports these standards and highlights some of its features like Opera Unite and Turbo which allow file sharing and faster page loading. The presentation concludes by thanking the audience and providing contact information for further details.

like cookies...
document.cookie = 'key=value; expires=Thu, 11 Feb 2010
23:59:59 UTC; path=/'
like cookies...on steroids!
localStorage.setItem(key, value);
localStorage.key = value;
if (localStorage.key == '…') { … }
Web Database – full relational DB / SQL
var db = openDatabase(dbName, version, displayName,

db.transaction(function(tx) {
   tx.executeSql(sqlStatement, [], function (tx, result) {
      /* do something with the results */
application cache

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AngularJS Directives - DSL for your HTML
AngularJS Directives - DSL for your HTMLAngularJS Directives - DSL for your HTML
AngularJS Directives - DSL for your HTML

These are the slides from the talk that Brian Ford and I did at Philly ETE 2013.

Standards.Next: Canvas
Standards.Next: CanvasStandards.Next: Canvas
Standards.Next: Canvas

My presentation about the HTML5 canvas element at the Standards.Next Meetup in London, 27 June 2009. Current and future implementations of canvas in games, applications, and video.

Bruce Lawson Opera Indonesia
Bruce Lawson Opera IndonesiaBruce Lawson Opera Indonesia
Bruce Lawson Opera Indonesia

Bruce Lawson of Opera toured Indonesian Universities discussing web standards, HTML5, CSS Media Queries and cross-device development.

web standardshtml5css
cache UI/resource files for offline use
<html manifest=”blah.manifest”>

# send this with correct text/cache-manifest MIME
and many more...
(geolocation, drag and drop, web workers)
Approaches to cross-device development:

● do nothing – use standards, defensive design
● separate site (,

  single site, but optimised for cross-device
CSS 2.1 Media Types:

● print, screen, handheld, projection, tv, …
● partially supported

● lump all devices into single categories

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Bruce lawson Stockholm Geek Meet
Bruce lawson Stockholm Geek MeetBruce lawson Stockholm Geek Meet
Bruce lawson Stockholm Geek Meet

1. Open web standards democratize the web by making it accessible to people with disabilities or without the latest hardware, and reduce reliance on any single vendor. 2. Adaptive content and responsive design allow a single website to work well on any device through techniques like CSS media queries. 3. The browser is emerging as a platform for applications through standards like HTML5, widgets, and JavaScript APIs that programmatically access device capabilities like contacts and cameras.

css 3html5media queries
Bruce Lawson, Web Development 2.0, SparkUp! Poznan Poland
Bruce Lawson, Web Development 2.0, SparkUp! Poznan PolandBruce Lawson, Web Development 2.0, SparkUp! Poznan Poland
Bruce Lawson, Web Development 2.0, SparkUp! Poznan Poland

Forget the empty "Web 2.0" buzzword! Web development, however, is changing. In this session, Bruce gives and overview of HTML5, its intelligent forms, scriptable images and native video. Together with CSS3 and SVG, it will change the way you work making it easier to develop exciting applications. The emergence of more and more Web-enabled devices presents headaches: do you write and test many sites for different devices, or make one site for all? Some simple techniques help you write one site to work everywhere, saving you time and grey hairs. Web development 2.0: Web workers of the world, relax!

css 3html5svg
W3C Widgets: Apps made with Web Standards
W3C Widgets: Apps made with Web StandardsW3C Widgets: Apps made with Web Standards
W3C Widgets: Apps made with Web Standards

W3C Widgets are applications developed with web standards that can run across different mobile platforms using the browser engine. A widget consists of an index.html file, assets, and a config.xml file packaged into a .wgt file. Widgets take advantage of HTML5 features like the Application Cache, WebSQL storage, and local storage. They can run on browser runtimes including Opera Mobile, Widgeon, Windows Mobile 6.5, Nokia Qt Web Runtime, and Apache Wookie. The W3C is working to define JavaScript APIs for contacts, calendar, media capture, and messaging to provide more capabilities to widgets.

CSS 2.1 Media Types:

<link rel="stylesheet" ...
media="print" href="...">

@import url("...") print;

@media print {
  // insert CSS rules here
CSS 3 Media Queries:

● build and extend CSS 2.1 Media Types
● more granular control of capabilities

● width, height, orientation, color, resolution, …
CSS 3 Media Queries:

@media screen and
       (max-device-width: 480px) {

    // insert CSS rules here


Demonstration of Media Queries
CSS 3 Media Queries and SVG:

● SVG already resolution independent
● ideal for device interfaces, maps, graphs, …

● combination with CSS 3 Media Queries

Demonstration of Media Queries + SVG

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Why Open Web Standards are cool and will save the world. Or the Web, at least.
Why Open Web Standards are cool and will save the world. Or the Web, at least.Why Open Web Standards are cool and will save the world. Or the Web, at least.
Why Open Web Standards are cool and will save the world. Or the Web, at least.

Open web standards are beneficial because they make the full web accessible to more people and devices, reduce reliance on single vendors, and can increase profits. Some key benefits of open standards include being royalty-free and not tied to specific vendors. HTML5 introduces new form elements, canvas, video, and audio elements to standardize functionality without plugins. With tools like CSS media queries and W3C widgets, content can be adapted for different devices by using the browser as a platform instead of each device's native operating system, bringing the web to more users.

css 3open standardshtml5
HTML5 and CSS 3
HTML5 and CSS 3HTML5 and CSS 3
HTML5 and CSS 3

The document discusses the origins and development of HTML5. It describes how in 2004, the W3C was focused on XHTML 2.0 but browser developers grew concerned about single-vendor solutions filling gaps without standards. Opera submitted a paper to the W3C proposing a unified web applications standard with principles like backwards compatibility and avoiding device-specific profiling. This led to the WHATWG forming in 2004 to develop new web standards, producing HTML5. The document outlines key HTML5 design principles and new features like SVG, CSS, geolocation and forms.

css 3html5
HTML5 multimedia - where we are, where we're going
HTML5 multimedia - where we are, where we're goingHTML5 multimedia - where we are, where we're going
HTML5 multimedia - where we are, where we're going

The document discusses the development of HTML5 multimedia capabilities. It describes an experimental <video> element being implemented by Opera that provides a simple JavaScript API for controlling video playback. Issues around choosing a baseline video format that is universally supported are also discussed, along with considerations for audio formats and giving users options to play video across different browsers. The maturity of various HTML5 multimedia features is assessed.

deviceshtml5web development
web applications – advantages

● work on all phones with modern browser
● write once (with graceful degradation /

progressive enhancement) deploy anywhere
● no app store rules and regulations

● offline support / storage make them almost

web applications – disadvantages

● but it runs inside the browser
● controls don't look native

● no direct access to device features (and rightly

so in most cases)
● not suited to graphics / processing intensive

● no app store … so what?
1. native applications
2. web applications
3. widgets
openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010

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Bruce lawson-over-the-air
Bruce lawson-over-the-airBruce lawson-over-the-air
Bruce lawson-over-the-air

A general overview of HTML5, CSS 3, CSS Meedia Queries, mobile, DAP. You might find the organically-grown hand-selected list-of-links-o-rama™ at to be useful.

Transmission2 25.11.2009
Transmission2 25.11.2009Transmission2 25.11.2009
Transmission2 25.11.2009

The document discusses the future of web technologies, focusing on three main areas: 1. New web standards like HTML5 that provide more capabilities without plugins through elements, forms, canvas and video. CSS3 media queries also allow adaptive content for different devices. 2. Adaptive content through media queries and responsive design can make sites work across devices that vary in screen size, input, and capabilities. 3. The browser is emerging as a platform through widgets, JavaScript APIs and the browser runtime, allowing development across devices without writing for each platform natively. Standards will make the browser a ubiquitous platform.

Making your site mobile-friendly - DevCSI Reading 21.07.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - DevCSI Reading 21.07.2010Making your site mobile-friendly - DevCSI Reading 21.07.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - DevCSI Reading 21.07.2010

Extended version of my "Making your site mobile-friendly" talk, including a short look at native applications vs web apps, for the UKOLN DevCSI event "Developing for Mobile Applications in Education" in Reading

web appweb standardshtml5
Widgets are nothing new
Yahoo! Widgets (aka Konfabulator), OS X Dashboard, Windows Sidebar,
              Adobe Air, iPhone Apps, Android Apps, …
“…the browser run-time is
perfect��you’re out of writing for
Windows Mobile, Android, S60,
each of which require testing...we
want to abstract that.

All the cool innovation is
happening inside the browser –
you don’t need to write to the
native operating system

Mobile Entertainment Market , June, 2009
W3C Widgets – application development filled
      with web standards goodness,
    using browser engine as platform
Widgets on desktop, mobile, TV … fridge?

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Web app and more
Web app and moreWeb app and more
Web app and more

This document discusses various techniques for making web applications work offline and with unreliable network connections, including: - The application cache manifest which allows specifying cached resources to work offline - Issues with the current manifest specification and potential enhancements - The window.applicationCache API for caching resources and monitoring cache status - Detecting online/offline status using the navigator.onLine property In 3 sentences or less, it summarizes approaches for offline web applications using the application cache manifest, applicationCache API, and navigator.onLine property.

web application
Get Ahead with HTML5 on Moible
Get Ahead with HTML5 on MoibleGet Ahead with HTML5 on Moible
Get Ahead with HTML5 on Moible

This document discusses how HTML5 can be used to build engaging mobile applications. Key features covered include offline storage using the Application Cache API, storing data locally using Web Storage, using a SQL database with Web SQL, advanced graphics capabilities with Canvas and SVG, real-time communications over WebSockets, and tools for developing HTML5 apps like jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, and Google Web Toolkit. It emphasizes testing on multiple platforms and browsers to ensure compatibility.

Universal Applications with Universal JavaScript
Universal Applications with Universal JavaScriptUniversal Applications with Universal JavaScript
Universal Applications with Universal JavaScript

Today JavaScript is a ubiquitous runtime.  JavaScript is everywhere - from Browser,  server side, embedded device, mobile and gaming. JavaScript can be leveraged to write once and run everywhere or have a consistent programming style, and drive consistent experience across multiple channels – browser, Servers side, or Native Mobile apps.

angular2mobileuniversal javascript
Anatomy of a widget
index.html + config.xml
Configuration file
  <description>A demo widget</description>

Demonstration of basic widget
Opera had widget capability for a long time …
10.20 alpha first widgets as standalone apps
Standardised JavaScript APIs
to access device-specific capabilities
          (JIL / BONDI / W3C Devices API)

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Front-end. Global domination
Front-end. Global dominationFront-end. Global domination
Front-end. Global domination

Андрій Вандакуров Team Lead та Senior Developer у ELEKS Наскільки круто бути фронтенд розробником і які задачі вже можна вирішувати знаючи тільки JavaScript, HTML и CSS. Тулзи, підходи і технічки; можливості сучасного фронтенда (клієнський та серверний код, роботи та візуалізація данних).

Frontend. Global domination.
Frontend. Global domination.Frontend. Global domination.
Frontend. Global domination.

The document provides an overview of various web technologies including: - Fundamental technologies that formed the foundation of the early web such as HTML, URIs, and HTTP. - Real-time communication technologies like WebSockets and WebRTC that enable features like video chatting. - Client-side storage options including LocalStorage, IndexedDB, and PouchDB. - APIs that enable richer user experiences such as the Full Screen API, Page Visibility API, and Vibration API. - Styling techniques like CSS shapes, blend modes, and 3D transforms. - Web component specifications like Custom Elements and Shadow DOM. - Options for building different types of applications including desktop apps, TV apps,

browser apijavascriptapi
Building mobile apps with the ArcGIS api for Javascript, Esri, Andy Gup and A...
Building mobile apps with the ArcGIS api for Javascript, Esri, Andy Gup and A...Building mobile apps with the ArcGIS api for Javascript, Esri, Andy Gup and A...
Building mobile apps with the ArcGIS api for Javascript, Esri, Andy Gup and A...

This document provides an agenda for a presentation on building mobile map applications. It will cover 3 approaches to mobile map apps, frameworks for building them like CSS3 and HTML5, and hybrid map apps. It introduces the two presenters, Antoon Uijtdehaag and Andy Gup, and covers topics like why build mobile apps, demos of mobile apps, usage statistics, approaches, frameworks, and hybrid apps. It also includes questions that may come up around topics like panning and zooming maps, loading map layers, performance, and using GPS in surveys.

widget – advantages

● work on all phones with widget manager
● write once (with graceful degradation /

progressive enhancement) deploy anywhere
● distribution – ad-hoc, website or store

● standalone – all resources wrapped and

downloaded together
● depending on widget manager engine, all the

goodness of new web standards for free
widget – disadvantages

● not all widget managers are the same
● current device access confusion

● not suited to graphics / processing intensive
1. native applications
2. web applications
3. widgets

who would win in a fight?
native applications
good for graphics / processor intensive stuff

web applications
if doesn't require device integration, good solution for
most common tasks
(provided browsers all support features like offline / storage)

the future(?) combines best of both worlds

Recommended for you

Web assembly with PWA
Web assembly with PWA Web assembly with PWA
Web assembly with PWA

This document discusses modern web applications using progressive web apps (PWA) and WebAssembly (WASM). It begins by defining a web application and describing challenges like performance issues. It then introduces PWAs and WASM as solutions, explaining what they are, how they work, and providing examples. The document shares links to starter kits and success stories to help readers get started with building modern web apps using these technologies.

2011 08-24 mobile web app
2011 08-24  mobile web app2011 08-24  mobile web app
2011 08-24 mobile web app

This document discusses developing a mobile web application to access data from the Hydstra software database on web-enabled mobile phones. It compares the advantages and disadvantages of developing native applications versus a cross-platform web application. It recommends using the jQuery Mobile framework to build a cross-platform mobile web app that can be accessed on any mobile device with a web browser. The document also discusses tools for developing the app, such as Google Chrome and Eclipse, as well as hosting and administration requirements.

Flutter vs Java Graphical User Interface Frameworks - text
Flutter vs Java Graphical User Interface Frameworks - textFlutter vs Java Graphical User Interface Frameworks - text
Flutter vs Java Graphical User Interface Frameworks - text

Flutter and Java are compared for GUI development. Both support common layouts like rows, columns and flex boxes. Flutter has material widgets that mimic Android and iOS while Java has Swing/AWT for desktop. Both support common components like text fields, radio buttons, sliders. Key differences are Flutter targets mobile/web while Java targets desktop primarily. Flutter uses widgets for reactive UIs while Java uses MVC/MVP frameworks.


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openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010

  • 1. Mobile application smackdown NATIVE APPLICATIONS vs WEB APPLICATIONS vs WIDGETS Patrick H. Lauke / openMIC / Bath / 11 February 2010
  • 3. 1. native applications 2. web applications 3. widgets
  • 4. Not an expert – musings…
  • 5. 1. native applications 2. web applications 3. widgets
  • 6. native applications – advantages ● direct access to all phone features ● fast processing and graphics ● native controls ● can run standalone – all resources loaded
  • 7. native applications – disadvantages ● coded specifically to each platform ● maintenance/development cost of multi- platform porting ● app stores for distribution?
  • 8. 1. native applications 2. web applications 3. widgets
  • 9. new technologies you can start using today
  • 11. HTML5 does not replace HTML 4.01
  • 12. HTML5 has more bling!
  • 13. “...extending the language to better support Web applications, since that is one of the directions the Web is going in and is one of the areas least well served by HTML so far. This puts HTML in direct competition with other technologies intended for applications deployed over the Web, in particular Flash and Silverlight.” Ian Hickson, Editor of HTML5
  • 14. HTML5 is umbrella term: markup elements and JavaScript APIs
  • 15. new elements for more accurate semantics
  • 16. HTML5 elements for a typical blog
  • 19. HTML5 – unambiguous and machine readable
  • 20. current and old browsers “support” these new elements (although some need a little extra help)
  • 21. webforms – more powerful form elements
  • 22. standardise commonly-used rich form elements – without JavaScript
  • 23. built-in validation (of course you should still validate on the server) Demonstration of webforms
  • 26. canvas has standard API methods for drawing ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.lineTo(x, y); ctx.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, c1, c2);
  • 27. canvas mixing things up with external graphics ctx = canvas.drawImage(…) Demonstration of canvas
  • 29. <object width="425" height="344"> <param name="movie" value=" &fs=1&"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed src=" s=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed> </object>
  • 30. <video src="video.ogv" controls autoplay poster="poster.jpg" width="320" height="240"> <a href="video.ogv">Download movie</a> </video>
  • 31. video as native object...why is it important? ● “play nice” with rest of the page ● keyboard accessibility built-in ● API for controls Demonstration of video
  • 32. video format debates – MP4 vs OGG Theora <video controls autoplay poster="…" width="…" height="…"> <source src="movie.ogv" type="video/ogg" /> <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> <!-- fallback content --> </video> still include fallback for old browsers
  • 33. video and canvas on any device without plugins (Java / Flash / Silverlight not ubiquitous)
  • 35. detect if a browsers goes offline window.addEventListener('online', function(){ … }, true); window.addEventListener('offline', function(){ … }, true);
  • 37. localStorage/sessionStorage like cookies... document.cookie = 'key=value; expires=Thu, 11 Feb 2010 23:59:59 UTC; path=/' …
  • 38. localStorage/sessionStorage like cookies...on steroids! localStorage.setItem(key, value); localStorage.getItem(key); localStorage.clear(); localStorage.key = value; if (localStorage.key == '…') { … } …
  • 39. Web Database – full relational DB / SQL var db = openDatabase(dbName, version, displayName, expectedSize); db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql(sqlStatement, [], function (tx, result) { /* do something with the results */ }); });
  • 41. cache UI/resource files for offline use <html manifest=”blah.manifest”> CACHE MANIFEST # send this with correct text/cache-manifest MIME images/sprites.png scripts/common.js scripts/jquery.js styles/global.css
  • 42. and many more... (geolocation, drag and drop, web workers)
  • 43. Approaches to cross-device development: ● do nothing – use standards, defensive design ● separate site (, ● single site, but optimised for cross-device
  • 44. CSS 2.1 Media Types: ● print, screen, handheld, projection, tv, … ● partially supported ● lump all devices into single categories
  • 45. CSS 2.1 Media Types: <link rel="stylesheet" ... media="print" href="..."> @import url("...") print; @media print { // insert CSS rules here }
  • 46. CSS 3 Media Queries: ● build and extend CSS 2.1 Media Types ● more granular control of capabilities ● width, height, orientation, color, resolution, …
  • 47. CSS 3 Media Queries: @media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { // insert CSS rules here } Demonstration of Media Queries
  • 48. CSS 3 Media Queries and SVG: ● SVG already resolution independent ● ideal for device interfaces, maps, graphs, … ● combination with CSS 3 Media Queries Demonstration of Media Queries + SVG
  • 49. web applications – advantages ● work on all phones with modern browser ● write once (with graceful degradation / progressive enhancement) deploy anywhere ● no app store rules and regulations ● offline support / storage make them almost standalone
  • 50. web applications – disadvantages ● but it runs inside the browser ● controls don't look native ● no direct access to device features (and rightly so in most cases) ● not suited to graphics / processing intensive ● no app store … so what?
  • 51. 1. native applications 2. web applications 3. widgets
  • 53. Widgets are nothing new Yahoo! Widgets (aka Konfabulator), OS X Dashboard, Windows Sidebar, Adobe Air, iPhone Apps, Android Apps, …
  • 54. “…the browser run-time is perfect…you’re out of writing for Windows Mobile, Android, S60, each of which require testing...we want to abstract that. All the cool innovation is happening inside the browser – you don’t need to write to the native operating system anymore.” Mobile Entertainment Market , June, 2009
  • 55. W3C Widgets – application development filled with web standards goodness, using browser engine as platform
  • 56. Widgets on desktop, mobile, TV … fridge?
  • 57. Anatomy of a widget index.html + config.xml
  • 58. Configuration file <widget> <widgetname>MyFirstWidget</widgetname> <description>A demo widget</description> <icon>images/widget.png</icon> <width>320</width> <height>240</height> </widget> Demonstration of basic widget
  • 59. Opera had widget capability for a long time … 10.20 alpha first widgets as standalone apps
  • 60. Standardised JavaScript APIs to access device-specific capabilities (JIL / BONDI / W3C Devices API)
  • 61. widget – advantages ● work on all phones with widget manager ● write once (with graceful degradation / progressive enhancement) deploy anywhere ● distribution – ad-hoc, website or store ● standalone – all resources wrapped and downloaded together ● depending on widget manager engine, all the goodness of new web standards for free
  • 62. widget – disadvantages ● not all widget managers are the same ● current device access confusion (JIL/BONDI/DAP) ● not suited to graphics / processing intensive
  • 63. 1. native applications 2. web applications 3. widgets who would win in a fight?
  • 64. native applications good for graphics / processor intensive stuff web applications if doesn't require device integration, good solution for most common tasks (provided browsers all support features like offline / storage) widgets the future(?) combines best of both worlds