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The State of FIDO
June 26, 2019
Andrew Shikiar
Executive Director & CMO
FIDO Alliance
In the beginning
FIDO in today’s ecosystem
The future of FIDO Authentication
In the beginning
+ Sponsor members + Associate members + Liaison members
An industry movement to solve the
password problem

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Solving the IoT Challenge
Solving the IoT ChallengeSolving the IoT Challenge
Solving the IoT Challenge

The document discusses the FIDO Alliance's efforts to address the challenge of securely onboarding IoT devices. It summarizes that (1) the FIDO Alliance launched a working group to develop specifications for fast, scalable device onboarding and activation, (2) the specifications allow for zero-touch onboarding of a variety devices to multiple clouds and late binding of devices to clouds, and (3) the specifications have been contributed as an open source project under the Linux Foundation's LF Edge to promote further development and adoption.

2019 FIDO Tokyo Seminar - LINE PayへのFIDO2実装
2019 FIDO Tokyo Seminar - LINE PayへのFIDO2実装2019 FIDO Tokyo Seminar - LINE PayへのFIDO2実装
2019 FIDO Tokyo Seminar - LINE PayへのFIDO2実装

This document summarizes LINE's deployment of FIDO2 authentication for its LINE Pay service. It discusses how passwords are insecure and the root of many breaches. FIDO2 provides a stronger alternative using public/private key attestation and is designed to be privacy-preserving. LINE joined the FIDO Alliance in 2017 and certified its universal server in 2018. It has implemented FIDO2 authentication flows for iOS using Touch ID/Face ID and for Android. Future plans include expanding FIDO2 to more financial services and LINE applications to encourage password-less authentication.

line corporationlinefido2
FIDO Authentication Technical Overview
FIDO Authentication Technical OverviewFIDO Authentication Technical Overview
FIDO Authentication Technical Overview

A detailed look at FIDO Authentication, how FIDO works, FIDO & federation, attestation and meta data, and more.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
(Not) breaking news: Passwords suck
stolen in
2017 alone
(Shape Security)
2.3 billion
cost to U.S.
each year
(Shape Security)
$5 billion
36% rise
in phishing
in 2018
breaches in 2018, a 126% jump
in exposed records containing PII
(Identity Theft Resource Center 2018 Breach Report)
of passwords
are reused
across services
(University of Oxford)
collectively spent by
humans each day entering
1,300 years
e-commerce sites’
attempted log-ins
are compromised
by stuffing
(Shape Security)
Password-driven cart
abandonment rate
Of IT leaders re-use a
single password
Of helpdesk calls are
for password resets
(Not) breaking news: Passwords suck
stolen in
2017 alone
(Shape Security)
2.3 billion
cost to U.S.
each year
(Shape Security)
$5 billion
36% rise
in phishing
in 2018
breaches in 2018, a 126% jump
in exposed records containing PII
(Identity Theft Resource Center 2018 Breach Report)
of passwords
are reused
across services
(University of Oxford)
collectively spent by
humans each day entering
1,300 years
e-commerce sites’
attempted log-ins
are compromised
by stuffing
(Shape Security)
Password-driven cart
abandonment rate
Of IT leaders re-use a
single password
Of helpdesk calls are
for password resets
Modern Authentication
Device & User Verification
and Onboarding
A narrow scope to address the problem
Industry imperative: Simpler and
Poor Easy
Single Gesture
Possession-based Authentication
Open standards for simpler,
stronger authentication using
public key cryptography

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Deploying FIDO Authentication - Business Considerations
Deploying FIDO Authentication  - Business ConsiderationsDeploying FIDO Authentication  - Business Considerations
Deploying FIDO Authentication - Business Considerations

The document discusses modern authentication and Nok Nok Labs' role in pioneering this area. It notes that Nok Nok Labs invented modern authentication, founded and led the FIDO Alliance, and has deployed authentication solutions for major markets. The document promotes the benefits of leveraging modern authentication, such as improved customer experience, higher retention and satisfaction, and reduced fraud and costs. It argues that authentication, security, and privacy will be vital for society with the rise of cloud services, IoT, and other technologies.

fido alliancefidofido authentication

This document discusses how FIDO authentication helps organizations meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It explains that FIDO uses public key cryptography and stores keys locally, avoiding shared secrets and preventing third parties from accessing data. FIDO also protects against phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks. The document notes that biometric templates are stored only on devices and not transmitted, avoiding the need for impact assessments when used privately. It concludes that FIDO offers a standardized solution that balances convenience and security while meeting privacy-by-design principles.

Securing a Web App with Passwordless Web Authentication
Securing a Web App with Passwordless Web AuthenticationSecuring a Web App with Passwordless Web Authentication
Securing a Web App with Passwordless Web Authentication

This document provides instructions for implementing passwordless authentication for a web application using WebAuthn and FIDO2 security keys. It describes setting up a sample Spring Boot web app with traditional username/password authentication and then enhancing it with passwordless authentication. The workshop is split into modules, with this module focusing on implementing the authentication REST endpoints and updating the UI to allow passwordless sign-in. It provides code examples and diagrams to explain how the authentication flow works when a user attempts to sign in using a previously registered security key.

seoul seminar 2019
Backed by certification
• Ensures conformance & interoperability
• Rapid growth (600+ certified solutions) shows vendor
coalescence around FIDO
• Helps service providers realize benefit of open standards
• 85,000+ employees
• 0 successful ATOs from phishing since
rollout of FIDO Security Keys in 2017
First mobile network operator to deploy FIDO
Authentication, enabling a passwordless
future for 78 million users in Japan.
Adoption & growth – case studies
Friday 10:30 – 11:20 Georgetown
Our panel of experts will share their experiences of deploying
FIDO solutions at scale. Come and find out how it’s done!
MFA for Real – Reports from the Field
The next step for mass adoption (2015)
Make FIDO a standard feature across browsers, platforms & devices
The next step for mass adoption (2015)
Make FIDO a standard feature across browsers, platforms & devices

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Microsoft's Path to Passwordless - FIDO Authentication for Windows & Azure Ac...Microsoft's Path to Passwordless - FIDO Authentication for Windows & Azure Ac...
Microsoft's Path to Passwordless - FIDO Authentication for Windows & Azure Ac...

A look at FIDO Authentication within Microsoft's Azure and Active Directory. Passwordless authentication for enterprise is now easy and accessible.

microsoftazuremicrosoft azure
FIDO2 & Microsoft
FIDO2 & MicrosoftFIDO2 & Microsoft
FIDO2 & Microsoft

Presented at FIDO Authentication Seminar – Tokyo By: Anthony Nadalin, Chief Security Architect, Microsoft; Co-Chair, FIDO2 Technology Working Group

Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices
Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT DevicesUsing FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices
Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices

The document discusses using FIDO authenticators for IoT devices. It presents eWBM's biometric external FIDO authenticator and its security features. Potential applications of FIDO authentication for IoT are then described, including for device authentication over LoRa networks, drone control, and public WiFi access. The use of a BLE FIDO authenticator for personalized smart speaker services is also proposed. The conclusion recommends slimming down the FIDO client for embedded systems and achieving at least Security Level 2 certification for IoT authenticators.

fido alliancefido authenticationfido specifications
The web standard for strong authentication (2019)
CTAP WebAuthn
FIDO in today’s ecosystem
FIDO2 cross-platform support
Assure that Authenticator Secrets
are safe on All FIDO Implementation
Types based on Third-Party Laboratory
verification of FIDO Security
Requirements in coordination with
existing Security Programs
First of its kind program to
empirically validate biometrics
through Third-Party Labs
and assure that they Correctly
Identify Users Regardless of
Biometric Modality on All FIDO
Implementation Types
Measure compliance and ensure
interoperability among products and
services that support FIDO2.
Launch of new certification programs

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Beyond Passwords: FIDO & the Future of Consumer AuthenticationBeyond Passwords: FIDO & the Future of Consumer Authentication
Beyond Passwords: FIDO & the Future of Consumer Authentication

An in-depth look at FIDO as high-assurance strong authentication, including the ecosystem, early adopters and how FIDO works.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
FIDO Authentication and GDPR
FIDO Authentication and GDPRFIDO Authentication and GDPR
FIDO Authentication and GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) come into effect earlier this year, ushering in the most significant change to European data protection laws in twenty years. The regulation impacts not only impact firms resident in the European Union (EU), but around the world, as any organization doing business with EU citizens must comply with the regulation. FIDO Alliance standards were created from the outset with a “privacy by design” approach and are a strong fit for GDPR compliance. Crucially, FIDO delivers authentication with no third-party involvement or tracking between accounts and services. And when it comes to biometrics, FIDO standards prevent this information from being stored and matched in servers – it never leaves the user’s device – and FIDO(R) Certified devices do not allow for any biometric data to be captured. This presentation includes: - Key GDPR considerations when deploying strong authentication - Where FIDO Authentication relates to GDPR articles on data protection, consent of data subject and data subject rights - How FIDO can help your organization meet GDPR requirements

fido alliancefidofido authentication
2019 FIDO TOKYO Seminar - FIDO Deployment in Korea
2019 FIDO TOKYO Seminar - FIDO Deployment in Korea2019 FIDO TOKYO Seminar - FIDO Deployment in Korea
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Henry Lee, Senior Vice President, Mobile Security Technologies, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. / a Board of Directors and Co-Chair of FIDO Korea WG, FIDO Alliance

fkwgfido alliancesamsung
Standardization across other
WebAuthn meets
W3C Final
ITU standards
ISO 27553,
29115 engagement
FIDO2 deployments (sample)
The future of FIDO Authentication
Further enabling the ecosystem
Focus: Developer community
Workshops Hackathons

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FIDO2 and Microsoft
FIDO2 and MicrosoftFIDO2 and Microsoft
FIDO2 and Microsoft

This document summarizes a presentation given by Anthony Nadalin from Microsoft on FIDO2 and Microsoft implementations. It discusses the FIDO standards including CTAP2 and WebAuthn, and how Microsoft supports these standards in Windows 10, Microsoft Edge, and Microsoft Accounts. It provides an overview of authentication interactions and the different entities involved, such as relying parties, clients, authenticators, and platforms.

fido alliancefido authenticationfido specifications
Introducing FIDO Device Onboard (FDO)
Introducing  FIDO Device Onboard (FDO)Introducing  FIDO Device Onboard (FDO)
Introducing FIDO Device Onboard (FDO)

The FIDO Alliance has launched of the FIDO Device Onboard (FDO) protocol, a new, open IoT standard that enables devices to simply and securely onboard to cloud and on-premise management platforms. Through this standard, the FIDO Alliance addresses challenges of security, cost and complexity tied to IoT device deployment at scale. FIDO Device Onboard furthers the fundamental vision of the Alliance, which has brought together 250+ of the most influential and innovative companies and government agencies from around the world to address cyber security in order to eliminate data breaches, and enable secure online experiences.

iotiot securityfdo
Global Regulatory Landscape for Strong Authentication
Global Regulatory Landscape for Strong AuthenticationGlobal Regulatory Landscape for Strong Authentication
Global Regulatory Landscape for Strong Authentication

The document discusses how governments are increasingly prioritizing strong authentication and looking to standards like FIDO to provide more secure, usable and privacy-preserving authentication. It notes that the UK and US governments have highlighted FIDO and endorsed its ability to deliver improved security without passwords. The document also discusses how authentication is an area of regulatory focus due to compliance needs around privacy, security and access across domains like digital government, healthcare, payments and financial services. It argues that FIDO specifications address regulatory needs by providing nimble, configurable and cost-effective strong authentication.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
Still… gaps in adjacent areas need to be
filled for FIDO mission to be realized
Only 9% of companies warn
employees about IoT risks
6 ways smart devices can
be hacked
Hackers used new weapons to
disrupt major websites across U.S.
How to protect your business
from account takeover attacks:
3 tips
Third party data breach
hits Quest Diagnostics with
12 million confidential patient
records exposed
Here’s the best way to protect your
accounts from hacker takeovers
Our plan to fill these gaps: new work areas
Device & User Verification
and Onboarding
Strengthen identity verification assurance
to support better account recovery
Automate secure device onboarding to
remove password use from IoT.
Provide authoritative guidance and solution certification programs for possession-based
identity verification procedures. This includes (but is not limited to) government-issued
identity document authentication and biometric “selfie” matching.
IDWG will:
• Define criteria for solution performance
• Collaborate with the FIDO Certification Working Group
(CWG) and Certification Secretariat to deploy a program
to support the adoption of that criteria
• Produce best practices and market awareness
New work areas
Identity Verification and Binding Working Group (IDWG)
Provide a comprehensive authentication framework for IoT devices in keeping with the
fundamental mission of the FIDO Alliance – passwordless authentication.
Develop use cases, target architectures, and specifications covering the following topics:
• IoT Device Attestation/Authentication profiles to enable interoperability between relying
parties and IoT devices
• Automated onboarding, and binding of applications and/or users to IoT devices
• IoT device authentication and provisioning via smart routers and IoT hubs
• Gap analysis and extensions/modifications (where necessary) of existing FIDO specifications
related to IoT authentication, platforms and protocols
New work areas
IoT Technical Working Group (IoT TWG)

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Deployment Snapshot from Japan: NTT DOCOMO, Yahoo! Japan
Deployment Snapshot from Japan: NTT DOCOMO, Yahoo! JapanDeployment Snapshot from Japan: NTT DOCOMO, Yahoo! Japan
Deployment Snapshot from Japan: NTT DOCOMO, Yahoo! Japan

This presentation includes details on the FIDO Authentication deployments of NTT DOMOCO and Yahoo! Japan.

fido alliancefidontt docomo
FIDO in Action: Real World Development Case Studies
FIDO in Action: Real World Development Case StudiesFIDO in Action: Real World Development Case Studies
FIDO in Action: Real World Development Case Studies

This document summarizes case studies of two companies, Intuit and T-Mobile, deploying passwordless authentication using Nok Nok's FIDO solution. Intuit wanted to improve security while providing a seamless customer experience on mobile and web. Their implementation of Nok Nok's FIDO reduced authentication failures from 20-15% to under 1% and cut authentication time by 20%. T-Mobile aimed to reduce password pains and increase confidence in the right user accessing accounts. Their rollout of Nok Nok's FIDO cut password resets by 65% and saw 50% adoption in the first 5 months. Both companies were able to successfully deploy modern, standards-based passwordless authentication improving the customer experience

seoul seminar 2019
The State of FIDO
The State of FIDOThe State of FIDO
The State of FIDO

Andrew Shikiar, Executive Director & CMO of the FIDO Alliance outlines what FIDO has achieved in the last 7 years, how the market is adopting FIDO, and new expanded work areas focusing on identity verification and binding and the Internet of Things.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
The Future of User Authentication
FIDO Authentication is the industry’s answer to the password problem
FIDO represents the
efforts of some of the
world’s largest
companies whose very
businesses rely upon
better user
Now being realized in
products being used
every day
certification programs,
and deployment
working groups
establishing best
Leading service
providers representing
billions of user
identities are already
FIDO-enabling their
Get involved in the FIDO ecosystem
Andrew Shikiar

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The State of FIDO

  • 1. The State of FIDO IDENTIVERSE June 26, 2019 Andrew Shikiar Executive Director & CMO FIDO Alliance
  • 2. In the beginning FIDO in today’s ecosystem The future of FIDO Authentication
  • 4. + Sponsor members + Associate members + Liaison members An industry movement to solve the password problem
  • 5. (Not) breaking news: Passwords suck credentials stolen in 2017 alone (Shape Security) 2.3 billion cost to U.S. businesses each year (Shape Security) $5 billion 36% rise in phishing attacks in 2018 (Webroot) 1,244 breaches in 2018, a 126% jump in exposed records containing PII (Identity Theft Resource Center 2018 Breach Report) 51% of passwords are reused across services (University of Oxford) collectively spent by humans each day entering passwords (Microsoft) 1,300 years e-commerce sites’ attempted log-ins are compromised by stuffing (Shape Security) 80-90% Password-driven cart abandonment rate (Visa) 49% Of IT leaders re-use a single password (Sailpoint) 55% Of helpdesk calls are for password resets (Forrester) 20-50%
  • 6. (Not) breaking news: Passwords suck credentials stolen in 2017 alone (Shape Security) 2.3 billion cost to U.S. businesses each year (Shape Security) $5 billion 36% rise in phishing attacks in 2018 (Webroot) 1,244 breaches in 2018, a 126% jump in exposed records containing PII (Identity Theft Resource Center 2018 Breach Report) 51% of passwords are reused across services (University of Oxford) collectively spent by humans each day entering passwords (Microsoft) 1,300 years e-commerce sites’ attempted log-ins are compromised by stuffing (Shape Security) 80-90% Password-driven cart abandonment rate (Visa) 49% Of IT leaders re-use a single password (Sailpoint) 55% Of helpdesk calls are for password resets (Forrester) 20-50% OF PEOPLE HAVE FELT STRESSED OR ANNOYED AS A RESULT OF FORGETTING THEIR PASSWORD (Okta) 62%
  • 7. Risk-BasedStrong Modern Authentication H3a4 Device & User Verification and Onboarding Authentication Federation Passwords A narrow scope to address the problem Single Sign-On
  • 8. Industry imperative: Simpler and stronger Security Usability Poor Easy WeakStrong = Single Gesture Possession-based Authentication Open standards for simpler, stronger authentication using public key cryptography
  • 9. Backed by certification • Ensures conformance & interoperability • Rapid growth (600+ certified solutions) shows vendor coalescence around FIDO • Helps service providers realize benefit of open standards
  • 10. • 85,000+ employees • 0 successful ATOs from phishing since rollout of FIDO Security Keys in 2017 First mobile network operator to deploy FIDO Authentication, enabling a passwordless future for 78 million users in Japan. OTHER DEPLOYMENTS (sample) Adoption & growth – case studies Friday 10:30 – 11:20 Georgetown Our panel of experts will share their experiences of deploying FIDO solutions at scale. Come and find out how it’s done! MFA for Real – Reports from the Field
  • 11. The next step for mass adoption (2015) Make FIDO a standard feature across browsers, platforms & devices
  • 12. The next step for mass adoption (2015) Make FIDO a standard feature across browsers, platforms & devices +
  • 13. The web standard for strong authentication (2019) FIDO2 CTAP WebAuthn
  • 14. FIDO in today’s ecosystem
  • 16. Security Certification Biometric Certification Assure that Authenticator Secrets are safe on All FIDO Implementation Types based on Third-Party Laboratory verification of FIDO Security Requirements in coordination with existing Security Programs First of its kind program to empirically validate biometrics through Third-Party Labs and assure that they Correctly Identify Users Regardless of Biometric Modality on All FIDO Implementation Types FIDO2 Certification Measure compliance and ensure interoperability among products and services that support FIDO2. Launch of new certification programs
  • 17. Standardization across other organizations WebAuthn meets W3C Final Recommendation FIDO CTAP and FIDO UAF are ITU standards ISO 27553, 29115 engagement
  • 19. The future of FIDO Authentication
  • 20. Informational materials Further enabling the ecosystem Focus: Developer community Developer library Workshops Hackathons
  • 21. InternetofThingsIDVerification Still… gaps in adjacent areas need to be filled for FIDO mission to be realized Only 9% of companies warn employees about IoT risks 6 ways smart devices can be hacked Hackers used new weapons to disrupt major websites across U.S. How to protect your business from account takeover attacks: 3 tips Third party data breach hits Quest Diagnostics with 12 million confidential patient records exposed Here’s the best way to protect your accounts from hacker takeovers
  • 22. Our plan to fill these gaps: new work areas Device & User Verification and Onboarding Authentication Federation Single Sign-On Strengthen identity verification assurance to support better account recovery Automate secure device onboarding to remove password use from IoT.
  • 23. MISSION: Provide authoritative guidance and solution certification programs for possession-based identity verification procedures. This includes (but is not limited to) government-issued identity document authentication and biometric “selfie” matching. ACTIVITIES: IDWG will: • Define criteria for solution performance • Collaborate with the FIDO Certification Working Group (CWG) and Certification Secretariat to deploy a program to support the adoption of that criteria • Produce best practices and market awareness New work areas Identity Verification and Binding Working Group (IDWG)
  • 24. MISSION: Provide a comprehensive authentication framework for IoT devices in keeping with the fundamental mission of the FIDO Alliance – passwordless authentication. ACTIVITIES: Develop use cases, target architectures, and specifications covering the following topics: • IoT Device Attestation/Authentication profiles to enable interoperability between relying parties and IoT devices • Automated onboarding, and binding of applications and/or users to IoT devices • IoT device authentication and provisioning via smart routers and IoT hubs • Gap analysis and extensions/modifications (where necessary) of existing FIDO specifications related to IoT authentication, platforms and protocols New work areas IoT Technical Working Group (IoT TWG)
  • 25. The Future of User Authentication FIDO Authentication is the industry’s answer to the password problem INDUSTRY SUPPORT FIDO represents the efforts of some of the world’s largest companies whose very businesses rely upon better user authentication THOUSANDS OF SPEC DEVELOPMENT HOURS Now being realized in products being used every day ONGOING INNOVATION Specifications, certification programs, and deployment working groups establishing best implementation practices ENABLEMENT Leading service providers representing billions of user identities are already FIDO-enabling their authentication processes
  • 26. Get involved in the FIDO ecosystem @FIDOALLIANCE WWW.FIDOALLIANCE.ORG Andrew Shikiar