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© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
1 © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
The Value of Certifying
Products for FDO
Paul Heim, Certification Director, FIDO Alliance
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Agenda  What to Certify
 How to Certify
 Why to Certify
 Current Certification Status
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
What to Certify?
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
How FDO works (with spec terms)
Device Manufacturer
Voucher (OV)
FDO Client &
Device Initialization (DI)
• Places FDO device credentials in Device
• Creates FDO Ownership Voucher
Target Cloud
FDO owner
server (RV)
FDO Client &
T00/T01 protocols
• The interaction between Device and
Rendezvous Server
• Device identifies itself to the
Rendezvous Server. Obtains mapping to
connect to the Owner’s IP address.
T02 protocol
• The interaction between
Device and Owner.
• Device contacts Owner.
Establishes trust and then
performs onboarding
Final State
Cloud Managed,
Device data flows

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Authenticate 2021: Welcome Address
Authenticate 2021: Welcome AddressAuthenticate 2021: Welcome Address
Authenticate 2021: Welcome Address

The document provides an overview and introduction to the Authenticate 2021 conference. It discusses the growing need for strong user authentication given increased cyberattacks. It summarizes the FIDO Alliance's work in developing open authentication standards like WebAuthn and U2F to enable simpler and more secure authentication using public key cryptography and moving away from password-based systems. The document outlines the growing adoption of FIDO standards by companies and devices. It previews sessions and speakers at the conference and next steps for the FIDO Alliance to further authentication security and adoption.

Fido uaf-overview-v1.1-rd-20161005
Fido uaf-overview-v1.1-rd-20161005Fido uaf-overview-v1.1-rd-20161005
Fido uaf-overview-v1.1-rd-20161005

The document provides an overview of the FIDO Universal Authentication Framework (UAF) Reference Architecture. It describes the key components of the FIDO UAF ecosystem including the FIDO UAF client, server, protocols, authenticator abstraction layer, and authenticators. The goals of FIDO UAF are to enable strong, multi-factor authentication across devices and platforms while simplifying integration of new authentication capabilities and preserving user privacy.

autenticación unificada
FIDO's Role in the Global Regulatory Landscape for Strong Authentication
FIDO's Role in the Global Regulatory Landscape for Strong AuthenticationFIDO's Role in the Global Regulatory Landscape for Strong Authentication
FIDO's Role in the Global Regulatory Landscape for Strong Authentication

A global look at how governments around the world are engaging with strong authentication, and FIDO Authentication in particular.

govtechreg techregulations
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Certifiable FDO Components
Target Cloud
FDO owner
server (RV)
FDO Client &
T00/T01 protocols
• The interaction between Device and
Rendezvous Server
• Device identifies itself to the
Rendezvous Server. Obtains mapping to
connect to the Owner’s IP address.
T02 protocol
• The interaction between
Device and Owner.
• Device contacts Owner.
Establishes trust and then
performs onboarding
Manufactured devices enabled
with FDO that are ready for
provisioning. E.g., ‘End
Products,’ like PCs, gateways,
security cameras, etc.; all Edge
and Connected Devices
Device Onboarding (DO)
Component of the device
management service and
connected device platform
Rendezvous Server
Server configured to connect
and register a Device
implementing FDO with an
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
How to Certify?
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
FDO Certification Methodology
Functional Certification
• Conformance Testing
• Interoperability Testing
Security Certification
• Self-Attested Vendor Questionnaire (VQ) at Level 1
Certification Maintenance
• Evaluated Impact Analysis Reports for updates to
certified products.
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Device Certification Workflow
Evaluation + Security
Evaluation = FDO

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FIDO, Federation and the Internet of Things
 FIDO, Federation and the Internet of Things FIDO, Federation and the Internet of Things
FIDO, Federation and the Internet of Things

Learn how FIDO-based authentication can complement federated authentication - and why they are better together. The FIDO Alliance invites you to learn how simplify strong authentication for web services. FIDO specifications can help all organizations, especially service providers who want to scale these features for consumer services over the web. Essentially, FIDO offers a simple, low-cost way to improve security and the online experience.

federationstandardsonline security

This document discusses Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity compliance solutions and international security standards and certifications. It provides an overview of regulations and standards in the US and EU, including the EU Cybersecurity Act, ETSI EN 303 645, and FDA guidance on medical device cybersecurity. International security certifications like Common Criteria, FIPS 140-3, and IEC 62443 are summarized. Customer requirements from companies like Amazon and industry alliance like CTIA are covered. The document concludes with how manufacturers can respond by using Onward Security's security standards library and key factors for product security.

Where to Learn More About FDO _ Richard at FIDO Alliance.pdf
Where to Learn More About FDO _ Richard at FIDO Alliance.pdfWhere to Learn More About FDO _ Richard at FIDO Alliance.pdf
Where to Learn More About FDO _ Richard at FIDO Alliance.pdf

FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO

© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
DO and RV Certification Workflow
Evaluation = FDO Certification
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Why to Certify?
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Standardization for
Consumer &
Enterprise protection
Benefits to Product Certification
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Standardization for Industry
 Conformant
 Interoperable
 Compliant

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FIDO Alliance Osaka Seminar: Passkeys and the Road Ahead.pdf

FIDO Alliance Osaka Seminar

FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance
FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication ComplianceFIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance
FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance

The Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) and the associated Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on strong customer authentication and secure communication impose stringent requirements on multi-factor authentication and on the security of implementations. Payment Service Providers will want to know whether the authentication solutions they put in place conform to the RTS both in terms of functionality and security. The FIDO Alliance standards are based on multi-factor authentication and are a strong fit for PSD2 compliance. The FIDO Alliance’s certification program provides an independent evaluation of functional compliance to the standards as well as of the achieved level of security of FIDO authenticators. Featuring industry experts, this presentation explores how FIDO can resolve key issues, including: • How the FIDO standards conform to the RTS • How FIDO’s certification program guarantees this conformity • How FIDO’s certification program provides for the mandatory security evaluation imposed by the RTS

fido alliancefidofido authentication
FIDO in Government
FIDO in GovernmentFIDO in Government
FIDO in Government

Governments seek identity solutions that can deliver not just improved Security – but also Privacy, Interoperability, and better Customer Experiences. FIDO delivers on these key policy priorities.

fido allianceauthentication trendsbiometrics
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Regulatory Requirements
Meets Compliance
Validated in Market
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Regulatory Requirements Cont.
1. RED Directive (EU): This directive focuses on the radio equipment
aspect of IoT devices and now encompasses broader security
requirements to ensure the security and privacy of user data.
2. Cyber Resilience Act (EU): Newly proposed, this act aims to fortify
the resilience of IoT devices against cyberattacks, demanding
higher transparency and stricter compliance measures from
3. PSTI (UK): The Product Security and Telecommunications
Infrastructure bill enhances security provisions for IoT devices,
setting robust standards for device security to protect end users.
4. Cyber Executive Order / US Cyber Trust Mark (US): Initiated by the
Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, the US
Cyber Trust Mark will serve as a label to certify devices that meet
specified cybersecurity criteria.
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Market Differentiator
• Stand out against competition
• Increased product rigor
• Competitive edge
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Consumer & Enterprise Protection
Confidence in
product quality
Security and
Product rigor

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Iveda (OTCQB:IVDA) enables cloud video surveillance via its Sentir® data and video management platform, utilizing proprietary video streaming and Big Data storage technology. Iveda enables a recurring revenue model by global licensing of Sentir to service providers, already earning monthly recurring revenue from their customers, such as telcos, datacenter operators, ISPs, and cable companies.

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Iveda Investor Presentation

Iveda is presenting its cloud video surveillance platform, Sentir, to investors. Sentir is a cloud-based video surveillance platform that licenses service providers to deliver video surveillance as a service to their customers. This allows service providers to capitalize on the nearly $60 billion internet video surveillance market without requiring on-site systems or DVRs. Iveda has existing contracts with major telecom providers in Asia that are expected to help the company achieve profitability. Iveda is pursuing an extremely scalable recurring revenue business model by licensing its platform to large service providers with millions of existing customers.

securitysurveillancecloud computing
Simplified FDO Manufacturing Flow with TPMs _ Liam at Infineon.pdf
Simplified FDO Manufacturing Flow with TPMs _ Liam at Infineon.pdfSimplified FDO Manufacturing Flow with TPMs _ Liam at Infineon.pdf
Simplified FDO Manufacturing Flow with TPMs _ Liam at Infineon.pdf

FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO

© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Current Certification Status
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Certification Program Availability
 Certifying FDO components against FDO v1.1
 12+ components are in process, successfully completing
functional evaluation
 9+ devices are in the process of completing security
evaluation at Level 1
 Registration for interoperability testing is open
 Higher levels of security evaluation are in the process of
being defined
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Get FDO Certified!
for FDO Certification
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
20 © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Thank you

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Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices
Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT DevicesUsing FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices
Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices

The document discusses using FIDO authenticators for IoT devices. It presents eWBM's biometric external FIDO authenticator and its security features. Potential applications of FIDO authentication for IoT are then described, including for device authentication over LoRa networks, drone control, and public WiFi access. The use of a BLE FIDO authenticator for personalized smart speaker services is also proposed. The conclusion recommends slimming down the FIDO client for embedded systems and achieving at least Security Level 2 certification for IoT authenticators.

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Mobile Connections – FIDO Alliance and GSMA Presentation
Mobile Connections – FIDO Alliance and GSMA PresentationMobile Connections – FIDO Alliance and GSMA Presentation
Mobile Connections – FIDO Alliance and GSMA Presentation

The document discusses FIDO, an authentication framework that aims to replace passwords with stronger authentication methods using public key cryptography. It describes how FIDO works by registering and authenticating users via cryptographic keys on their devices rather than passwords. FIDO promises easier and more secure authentication through standards like U2F security keys and UAF biometric logins. The document outlines the growth of the FIDO Alliance and increasing adoption of FIDO in major companies, operating systems, and governments seeking more secure authentication alternatives to vulnerable passwords.

Global Regulatory Landscape for Strong Authentication
Global Regulatory Landscape for Strong AuthenticationGlobal Regulatory Landscape for Strong Authentication
Global Regulatory Landscape for Strong Authentication

The document discusses how governments are increasingly prioritizing strong authentication and looking to standards like FIDO to provide more secure, usable and privacy-preserving authentication. It notes that the UK and US governments have highlighted FIDO and endorsed its ability to deliver improved security without passwords. The document also discusses how authentication is an area of regulatory focus due to compliance needs around privacy, security and access across domains like digital government, healthcare, payments and financial services. It argues that FIDO specifications address regulatory needs by providing nimble, configurable and cost-effective strong authentication.

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  • 1. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 1 © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 1 The Value of Certifying Products for FDO Paul Heim, Certification Director, FIDO Alliance
  • 2. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 2 Agenda  What to Certify  How to Certify  Why to Certify  Current Certification Status
  • 3. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 3 What to Certify?
  • 4. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 4 How FDO works (with spec terms) Device Manufacturer Ownership Voucher (OV) FDO Manufacturing tool FDO Client & Credentials Device Initialization (DI) • Places FDO device credentials in Device • Creates FDO Ownership Voucher Target Cloud FDO owner Rendezvous server (RV) FDO Client & credentials T00/T01 protocols • The interaction between Device and Rendezvous Server • Device identifies itself to the Rendezvous Server. Obtains mapping to connect to the Owner’s IP address. T02 protocol • The interaction between Device and Owner. • Device contacts Owner. Establishes trust and then performs onboarding  Application Data / Control → Onboarding Data → Final State Cloud Managed, Device data flows
  • 5. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 5 Certifiable FDO Components Target Cloud FDO owner Rendezvous server (RV) FDO Client & credentials T00/T01 protocols • The interaction between Device and Rendezvous Server • Device identifies itself to the Rendezvous Server. Obtains mapping to connect to the Owner’s IP address. T02 protocol • The interaction between Device and Owner. • Device contacts Owner. Establishes trust and then performs onboarding  Application Data / Control → Onboarding Data → Devices Manufactured devices enabled with FDO that are ready for provisioning. E.g., ‘End Products,’ like PCs, gateways, security cameras, etc.; all Edge and Connected Devices Device Onboarding (DO) Component of the device management service and connected device platform Rendezvous Server Server configured to connect and register a Device implementing FDO with an Owner
  • 6. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 6 How to Certify?
  • 7. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 7 FDO Certification Methodology Functional Certification • Conformance Testing • Interoperability Testing Security Certification • Self-Attested Vendor Questionnaire (VQ) at Level 1 (L1) Certification Maintenance • Evaluated Impact Analysis Reports for updates to certified products.
  • 8. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 8 Device Certification Workflow Functional Evaluation + Security Evaluation = FDO Certification Certification Maintenance
  • 9. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 9 DO and RV Certification Workflow Functional Evaluation = FDO Certification Certification Maintenance
  • 10. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 10 Why to Certify?
  • 11. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 11 Standardization for industry Regulatory requirement Market differentiation Consumer & Enterprise protection Benefits to Product Certification
  • 12. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 12 Standardization for Industry  Conformant  Interoperable  Compliant
  • 13. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 13 Regulatory Requirements Industry Requirements Meets Compliance Aspects Validated in Market
  • 14. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 14 Regulatory Requirements Cont. 1. RED Directive (EU): This directive focuses on the radio equipment aspect of IoT devices and now encompasses broader security requirements to ensure the security and privacy of user data. 2. Cyber Resilience Act (EU): Newly proposed, this act aims to fortify the resilience of IoT devices against cyberattacks, demanding higher transparency and stricter compliance measures from manufacturers. 3. PSTI (UK): The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure bill enhances security provisions for IoT devices, setting robust standards for device security to protect end users. 4. Cyber Executive Order / US Cyber Trust Mark (US): Initiated by the Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, the US Cyber Trust Mark will serve as a label to certify devices that meet specified cybersecurity criteria.
  • 15. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 15 Market Differentiator • Stand out against competition • Increased product rigor • Competitive edge
  • 16. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 16 Consumer & Enterprise Protection Confidence in product quality Security and trust Informed purchases Product rigor
  • 17. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 17 Current Certification Status
  • 18. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 18 Certification Program Availability  Certifying FDO components against FDO v1.1  12+ components are in process, successfully completing functional evaluation  9+ devices are in the process of completing security evaluation at Level 1  Registration for interoperability testing is open  Higher levels of security evaluation are in the process of being defined
  • 19. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 19 Get FDO Certified! Contact for FDO Certification
  • 20. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 20 © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 20 Thank you