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FIDO Alliance
Solving the IOT Onboarding Challenge
Month 0X, 2020
© FIDO Alliance 2021
The FIDO Alliance brings together the world’s leading
technology companies to develop and promote the adoption
of a standardized, simpler, and more secure online experience
that installs trust and confidence in a digital world.
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Track record of successful collaboration
Growing Platform Support
3 Sets of Specs Released
Increasing Market Adoption
© FIDO Alliance 2021
How long does it take
to manually onboard1 10,000
Gateways, Devices, Sensors?
Over 2-man years2
1. Assumes out-of-box to securely streaming data to an IoT Platform
2. Kaiser Associates Research and Analysis, IoT study, August 2017

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Securing a Web App with Passwordless Web Authentication
Securing a Web App with Passwordless Web AuthenticationSecuring a Web App with Passwordless Web Authentication
Securing a Web App with Passwordless Web Authentication

This document provides instructions for implementing passwordless authentication for a web application using WebAuthn and FIDO2 security keys. It describes setting up a sample Spring Boot web app with traditional username/password authentication and then enhancing it with passwordless authentication. The workshop is split into modules, with this module focusing on implementing the authentication REST endpoints and updating the UI to allow passwordless sign-in. It provides code examples and diagrams to explain how the authentication flow works when a user attempts to sign in using a previously registered security key.

seoul seminar 2019
Webinar: Considerations for Deploying FIDO in the Enterprise
Webinar: Considerations for Deploying FIDO in the EnterpriseWebinar: Considerations for Deploying FIDO in the Enterprise
Webinar: Considerations for Deploying FIDO in the Enterprise

Passwords are archaic, and a danger to enterprise security. Now the accepted standard for multi-factor authentication (MFA), FIDO Authentication can be deployed in the enterprise for easier and secure access to corporate networks, applications, and workstations. Organizations that adopt FIDO will experience profound improvements in security, helpdesk costs, user experience, and productivity. But where to start? Attend this webinar to learn about considerations for deploying FIDO in the enterprise, including how to gradually rollout FIDO authentication and select the right authenticators and the right server policies for the right user cases. This webinar will provide essential education for any organization that wants to get started on eliminating passwords and securing the simple act of logging on within their company.

2019 FIDO Tokyo Seminar - LINE PayへのFIDO2実装
2019 FIDO Tokyo Seminar - LINE PayへのFIDO2実装2019 FIDO Tokyo Seminar - LINE PayへのFIDO2実装
2019 FIDO Tokyo Seminar - LINE PayへのFIDO2実装

This document summarizes LINE's deployment of FIDO2 authentication for its LINE Pay service. It discusses how passwords are insecure and the root of many breaches. FIDO2 provides a stronger alternative using public/private key attestation and is designed to be privacy-preserving. LINE joined the FIDO Alliance in 2017 and certified its universal server in 2018. It has implemented FIDO2 authentication flows for iOS using Touch ID/Face ID and for Android. Future plans include expanding FIDO2 to more financial services and LINE applications to encourage password-less authentication.

line corporationlinefido2
© FIDO Alliance 2021
The Onboarding Challenge
• Wide variety of IOT devices – hardware and Operating Systems
• Most devices headless (i.e. don’t have displays)
• Different connectivity – wired / wireless
• Manual installation adds cost and time to IOT deployments, impacting program ROI
• Manual installation requires trusted and skilled staff
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Onboarding solutions exist today, but don’t fully meet the needs of the industry
• Manual onboarding
• Slow
• insecure,
• Expensive
• Automated ‘zero touch’
• Linked to one cloud/platform
• Only one silicon provider
• Require programming of target platform/cloud/user at manufacture
Onboarding solutions today
© FIDO Alliance 2021
The FIDO Alliance launched
the IoT Technical Working
Group (IoT TWG) in June
2019 - members include
leading Cloud Service
Providers, semiconductor
manufacturers, security
specialists and OEMs.
The IoT TWG analyzed
multiple use cases, target
architectures and
specifications to develop as
clear set of requirements.
Intel contributed their
Secure Device Onboard
specification, which served
as the starting point for
FIDO’s IoT work - the TWG
modified and extended the
initial specification to meet
the defined requirements.
FIDO’s Approach to Secure IoT
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Aligning FIDO IOT to Use Case and Ecosystem
CSP & On-prem
IoT Platform
ISV Suite
SI Ready
Use cases where FIDO IOT delivers maximum value
• Industrial and Enterprise devices:
Gateways, servers, sensors, actuators, control systems, medical, etc.
• Multi-ecosystem applications and services:
not tied to specific cloud/platform framework
• Distributor sales:
deliver from stock, specify binding info after sale to customer
• Device resale / redeploy:
reset to factory conditions repeat onboarding process with new credentials

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2019 FIDO Seoul Seminar - Moving Beyond Passwords
2019 FIDO Seoul Seminar - Moving Beyond Passwords2019 FIDO Seoul Seminar - Moving Beyond Passwords
2019 FIDO Seoul Seminar - Moving Beyond Passwords

View the 2019 FIDO Seoul Seminar session slides to discover how the future is moving to a passwordless world.

seoul seminar 2019
FIDO UAF and PKI in Asia: A Case Study and Recommendations
FIDO UAF and PKI in Asia: A Case Study and RecommendationsFIDO UAF and PKI in Asia: A Case Study and Recommendations
FIDO UAF and PKI in Asia: A Case Study and Recommendations

This paper depicts three possible scenarios for integrating FIDO UAF and public key infrastructure (PKI) in Asian countries, along with recommendations for how the two technologies can work together to bring innovation to the authentication marketplace and to pave the way for deploying better authentication solutions to the public.

public key infrastructurefido alliancefido
Ask FIDO About Anything: Certification
Ask FIDO About Anything: CertificationAsk FIDO About Anything: Certification
Ask FIDO About Anything: Certification

The FIDO Certified program is a core activity of the FIDO Alliance that underpins the B2B FIDO ecosystem of interoperable products and services. A growing majority of service providers are specifying FIDO Certified products in their RFPs as they are seeking the benefits of having a standards-based and future-proof foundation for user authentication. Beyond those core benefits, we’re seeing growing use cases and demand for more advanced Certified Authenticators – as well as in FIDO’s biometric component certification program, which is a useful mechanism for assessing how well biometric products perform against industry standard metrics. Are you thinking about developing FIDO products and getting certified? Are you a service provider wondering what FIDO Certified means for you? Are you just wondering what the different certification programs are and how they relate to each other? View the presentation.

© FIDO Alliance 2021
Fast, Scalable Device Provisioning, Onboarding &
Drop ship device to
installation location
Power-up & connect
to Network
Auto-provisions, Onboards
to Cloud
• Zero touch onboarding – integrates readily with existing zero touch solutions
• Fast & more secure1 – ~1 minute
• Hardware flexibility – any hardware (from ARM MCU to Intel® Xeon® processors)
• Any cloud – internet & on-premise
• Late binding - of device to cloud greatly reduces number of SKUs vs. other zero touch
• Open - LF-Edge SDO project up and running, code now on GitHub
1. No product or component can be absolutely secure
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Late binding reduces costs & complexity in supply chain – a single device SKU for all customers
FIDO Device Onboard: Late Binding in Supply Chain
Customer 1
Custom SKUs
Custom SKUs
Custom SKUs
FDO Late Binding
Device Identity
Manufacturing Infrastructure
Manufacturing Infrastructure
Binding info
Customer 2
Customer n
Zero Touch without FDO
IoT device software and security customization
happens during manufacturing
Benefits: Simplified build-to-plan manufacturing
infrastructure, fewer SKUs, large lot sizes, enable stocking
distributors, low customization cost
Result: Increased supply chain volume and velocity
IoT Device Supply Chain
Single SKU
IoT Device Supply Chain
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer n
Result: Complicated build-to-order manufacturing
infrastructure, many SKUs, small lot sizes, long lead times,
higher cost
Zero Touch with FDO
IoT device software and security customization
happens at the end of the supply chain
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Provisioning with FDO
Device Manufacturer Device Recipient
Load Ownership
Voucher at
Build and Ship FDO
Enabled Devices
Register Ownership
to Target Platform
Register Device to
Rendezvous Service
Devices use FDO to
find owner location
4 Devices
Authenticated and
Devices send sensor
data to IoT Platform
Late Binding
Single SKU –
Multiple Target clouds
Discovery 4
Target Cloud
(Device Management
System) with integrated
FDO Owner
IOT Device power on
Cloud Managed,
IoT data flows
Device manufacture – supply chain Device deployed
Device power on
© FIDO Alliance 2021
e.g. Intel, Arm
Distribution SI
Manufacturing Tool
(includes supply chain
Client for Arm, Intel,
other processors and
FDO Owner
(IoT Platform SDK)
Rendezvous server
(runs on Cloud or customer
FDO – Major Software Components
IOT Device
Reseller tool
Target Cloud
(Internet or on-premise)

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FIDO2 & Microsoft
FIDO2 & MicrosoftFIDO2 & Microsoft
FIDO2 & Microsoft

Presented at FIDO Authentication Seminar – Tokyo By: Anthony Nadalin, Chief Security Architect, Microsoft; Co-Chair, FIDO2 Technology Working Group

FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance
FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication ComplianceFIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance
FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance

The Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) and the associated Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on strong customer authentication and secure communication impose stringent requirements on multi-factor authentication and on the security of implementations. Payment Service Providers will want to know whether the authentication solutions they put in place conform to the RTS both in terms of functionality and security. The FIDO Alliance standards are based on multi-factor authentication and are a strong fit for PSD2 compliance. The FIDO Alliance’s certification program provides an independent evaluation of functional compliance to the standards as well as of the achieved level of security of FIDO authenticators. Featuring industry experts, this presentation explores how FIDO can resolve key issues, including: • How the FIDO standards conform to the RTS • How FIDO’s certification program guarantees this conformity • How FIDO’s certification program provides for the mandatory security evaluation imposed by the RTS

fido alliancefidofido authentication
FIDO Certified Program: The Value of Certification
FIDO Certified Program: The Value of Certification FIDO Certified Program: The Value of Certification
FIDO Certified Program: The Value of Certification

A look at FIDO Certification program, including functional, authenticator and biometric; the value of certification for relaying parties and vendors, and how to get started.

fido alliancefidofido certified
© FIDO Alliance 2021
FDO/SDO: LF-Edge project & Open Source
The LF Edge Project is an open source implementation
of the FDO onboarding specification as a reference/gold
 Status
• LF Edge accepted Secure Device Onboard as a Phase 1 (At Large) project
• Project now active on LF-Edge web site.
• Code now Open Source
• Protocol testing release of FDO RD01; production release of FDO 1.0 2H21
© FIDO Alliance 2021
Continue to build industry awareness and tracktion with members, liaison
partners, and industry outreach (OEMs, ODMs etc.).
Launch FDO certification programs later this year.
• Functional certification testing
• Security certification testing
Continue work on based on implementation feedback and to
address additional requirements
Next Steps
© FIDO Alliance 2021
• FIDO has an established security certification program for existing FIDO
authenticator specifications (UAF, U2F, FIDO 2.0/Webauthn)
• Levels that correspond to achievable security assurance
• L1 – based on vendor questionnaire
• SW authenticators, e.g. from an app store
• L2 – design documentation submitted by vendor and assessed by 3rd-party certification lab
• Authenticators developed in a trusted SW environment
• L3 – sample device submitted to 3rd-party lab for verification of design and additional
penetration testing
• Authenticators instantiated in a secure element
Certification and Security
© FIDO Alliance 2021
• Multiple security certification levels also appropriate for IoT devices, given large
scope of achievable levels of security assurance
• Simple devices with
• Limited crypto capabilities
• No isolation of HW/SW required for security functionality
• More complex devices
• Advanced crypto capabilities (comparable to smartphones or PC’s)
• Isolation of security-impacting SW
• Special purpose HW for all secure operations related to onboarding
Certification (cont.)

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Eleanor Weaver and Simon Fellows presented on Darktrace, an artificial intelligence cybersecurity company that provides self-learning cyber defense systems. Darktrace's systems can passively learn normal operations without maintenance and detect threats across OT, IT, and IoT networks. The systems are protocol and technology agnostic, providing full visibility without needing to understand individual network configurations or protocols. Traditional security approaches like baselining lack context to distinguish normal operations from attacks and cannot detect existing compromises. Darktrace uses case studies to demonstrate how its systems have detected complex ransomware infections and external reconnaissance efforts on critical infrastructure networks.

machine learningaicyberai
Deploying FIDO Authentication - Business Considerations
Deploying FIDO Authentication  - Business ConsiderationsDeploying FIDO Authentication  - Business Considerations
Deploying FIDO Authentication - Business Considerations

The document discusses modern authentication and Nok Nok Labs' role in pioneering this area. It notes that Nok Nok Labs invented modern authentication, founded and led the FIDO Alliance, and has deployed authentication solutions for major markets. The document promotes the benefits of leveraging modern authentication, such as improved customer experience, higher retention and satisfaction, and reduced fraud and costs. It argues that authentication, security, and privacy will be vital for society with the rise of cloud services, IoT, and other technologies.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
2018 12-07 tokyo-seminar Brett McDowell
2018 12-07 tokyo-seminar Brett McDowell2018 12-07 tokyo-seminar Brett McDowell
2018 12-07 tokyo-seminar Brett McDowell

- The document summarizes a presentation given by Brett McDowell, Executive Director of the FIDO Alliance, about updates to the FIDO Alliance and passwordless authentication standards. - It highlights growing issues with passwords like high costs of password resets for organizations and high rates of password-related data breaches and phishing attacks. - The FIDO Alliance is working to solve the password problem through open authentication standards based on public key cryptography that eliminate the reliance on shared secrets and enable strong, phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication with a single gesture. - New developments include FIDO specifications becoming ITU and W3C standards, a growing number of FIDO2 certified products

fido alliancefidofido2
© FIDO Alliance 2021
• FIDO is developing interoperability and security certification programs
• Anticipated rollout before end of year, 2021
• FIDO security certification will be assessed against regional regulatory
• Existing FIDO security certification leverages ‘companion’ programs
• e.g Common Criteria Protection Profiles
• FIDO will expects to leverage existing IoT security certification programs as
potential companion programs
Certification (cont.)
© FIDO Alliance 2021
• FDO addresses the challenge of secure device onboarding – a key to the growth
of the IoT.
• The FIDO Alliance has a successful track record of bringing standards to market.
• The FIDO Alliance IoT WG has delivered an industry specification (FDO) based
on the joint efforts of Cloud, Semiconductor and Security leaders.
• LF Edge has made an open source version available: see https://secure-device-
• Certification programs are progressing well
• Interested companies can review the FDO specification and evaluate the
software today!
Thank you.
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Solving the IoT Challenge

  • 1. Sponsored by: FIDO Alliance Solving the IOT Onboarding Challenge Speaker Month 0X, 2020
  • 2. © FIDO Alliance 2021 The FIDO Alliance brings together the world’s leading technology companies to develop and promote the adoption of a standardized, simpler, and more secure online experience that installs trust and confidence in a digital world. 2
  • 3. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Track record of successful collaboration 3 Growing Platform Support Hello 3 Sets of Specs Released Increasing Market Adoption
  • 4. © FIDO Alliance 2021 4 How long does it take to manually onboard1 10,000 Gateways, Devices, Sensors? Answer: Over 2-man years2 1. Assumes out-of-box to securely streaming data to an IoT Platform 2. Kaiser Associates Research and Analysis, IoT study, August 2017
  • 5. © FIDO Alliance 2021 The Onboarding Challenge 5 • Wide variety of IOT devices – hardware and Operating Systems • Most devices headless (i.e. don’t have displays) • Different connectivity – wired / wireless • Manual installation adds cost and time to IOT deployments, impacting program ROI • Manual installation requires trusted and skilled staff
  • 6. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Onboarding solutions exist today, but don’t fully meet the needs of the industry • Manual onboarding • Slow • insecure, • Expensive • Automated ‘zero touch’ • Linked to one cloud/platform • Only one silicon provider • Require programming of target platform/cloud/user at manufacture Onboarding solutions today 6
  • 7. © FIDO Alliance 2021 The FIDO Alliance launched the IoT Technical Working Group (IoT TWG) in June 2019 - members include leading Cloud Service Providers, semiconductor manufacturers, security specialists and OEMs. The IoT TWG analyzed multiple use cases, target architectures and specifications to develop as clear set of requirements. Intel contributed their Secure Device Onboard specification, which served as the starting point for FIDO’s IoT work - the TWG modified and extended the initial specification to meet the defined requirements. FIDO’s Approach to Secure IoT 7
  • 8. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Aligning FIDO IOT to Use Case and Ecosystem 8 CSP & On-prem Support IoT Platform ISV Suite Silicon/device Ecosystem SI Ready Connectivity Support Use cases where FIDO IOT delivers maximum value • Industrial and Enterprise devices: Gateways, servers, sensors, actuators, control systems, medical, etc. • Multi-ecosystem applications and services: not tied to specific cloud/platform framework • Distributor sales: deliver from stock, specify binding info after sale to customer • Device resale / redeploy: reset to factory conditions repeat onboarding process with new credentials
  • 9. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Fast, Scalable Device Provisioning, Onboarding & Activation 9 Drop ship device to installation location Power-up & connect to Network Auto-provisions, Onboards to Cloud BENEFITS1 • Zero touch onboarding – integrates readily with existing zero touch solutions • Fast & more secure1 – ~1 minute • Hardware flexibility – any hardware (from ARM MCU to Intel® Xeon® processors) • Any cloud – internet & on-premise • Late binding - of device to cloud greatly reduces number of SKUs vs. other zero touch offerings • Open - LF-Edge SDO project up and running, code now on GitHub 9 1. No product or component can be absolutely secure
  • 10. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Late binding reduces costs & complexity in supply chain – a single device SKU for all customers Build-to-order FIDO Device Onboard: Late Binding in Supply Chain 10 Customer 1 Custom SKUs Custom SKUs Custom SKUs FDO Late Binding Device Identity Manufacturing Infrastructure Manufacturing Infrastructure Binding info Devices Customer 2 Devices Customer n Devices Zero Touch without FDO IoT device software and security customization happens during manufacturing Benefits: Simplified build-to-plan manufacturing infrastructure, fewer SKUs, large lot sizes, enable stocking distributors, low customization cost Result: Increased supply chain volume and velocity IoT Device Supply Chain Single SKU Build-to-plan IoT Device Supply Chain Customer 1 Devices Customer 2 Devices Customer n Devices Result: Complicated build-to-order manufacturing infrastructure, many SKUs, small lot sizes, long lead times, higher cost Zero Touch with FDO IoT device software and security customization happens at the end of the supply chain
  • 11. © FIDO Alliance 2021 11 Provisioning with FDO Device Manufacturer Device Recipient 2 3 Load Ownership Voucher at Procurement Device 6 1011 Build and Ship FDO IOT Enabled Devices 1 Register Ownership to Target Platform 2 Register Device to Rendezvous Service 3 Devices use FDO to find owner location 4 Devices Authenticated and Provisioned 5 Devices send sensor data to IoT Platform 6 5 Late Binding Provisioning 1 Single SKU – Multiple Target clouds Registration Discovery 4 Target Cloud (Device Management System) with integrated FDO Owner Rendezvous service IOT Device power on 10 01 01 11 00 10 01 01 11 00 10 01 01 11 00 Cloud Managed, IoT data flows Ownership Voucher Device manufacture – supply chain Device deployed Device power on
  • 12. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Processor e.g. Intel, Arm VARs Distribution SI Manufacturing Tool (includes supply chain tools) Client for Arm, Intel, other processors and TPM FDO Owner (IoT Platform SDK) Rendezvous server (runs on Cloud or customer premise) FDO – Major Software Components IOT Device Reseller tool IN T E L ® S E C U R E D E V IC E O N B O A R D FDO Rendezvous Server Target Cloud (Internet or on-premise) 2 1 5 3 4
  • 13. © FIDO Alliance 2021 FDO/SDO: LF-Edge project & Open Source 13 The LF Edge Project is an open source implementation of the FDO onboarding specification as a reference/gold implementation.  Status • LF Edge accepted Secure Device Onboard as a Phase 1 (At Large) project • Project now active on LF-Edge web site. • Code now Open Source • Protocol testing release of FDO RD01; production release of FDO 1.0 2H21
  • 14. © FIDO Alliance 2021 Continue to build industry awareness and tracktion with members, liaison partners, and industry outreach (OEMs, ODMs etc.). Launch FDO certification programs later this year. • Functional certification testing • Security certification testing Continue work on based on implementation feedback and to address additional requirements Next Steps 14
  • 15. © FIDO Alliance 2021 • FIDO has an established security certification program for existing FIDO authenticator specifications (UAF, U2F, FIDO 2.0/Webauthn) • Levels that correspond to achievable security assurance • L1 – based on vendor questionnaire • SW authenticators, e.g. from an app store • L2 – design documentation submitted by vendor and assessed by 3rd-party certification lab • Authenticators developed in a trusted SW environment • L3 – sample device submitted to 3rd-party lab for verification of design and additional penetration testing • Authenticators instantiated in a secure element Certification and Security 15
  • 16. © FIDO Alliance 2021 • Multiple security certification levels also appropriate for IoT devices, given large scope of achievable levels of security assurance • Simple devices with • Limited crypto capabilities • No isolation of HW/SW required for security functionality • More complex devices • Advanced crypto capabilities (comparable to smartphones or PC’s) • Isolation of security-impacting SW • Special purpose HW for all secure operations related to onboarding Certification (cont.) 16
  • 17. © FIDO Alliance 2021 • FIDO is developing interoperability and security certification programs • Anticipated rollout before end of year, 2021 • FIDO security certification will be assessed against regional regulatory requirements • Existing FIDO security certification leverages ‘companion’ programs • e.g Common Criteria Protection Profiles • FIDO will expects to leverage existing IoT security certification programs as potential companion programs Certification (cont.) 17
  • 18. © FIDO Alliance 2021 • FDO addresses the challenge of secure device onboarding – a key to the growth of the IoT. • The FIDO Alliance has a successful track record of bringing standards to market. • The FIDO Alliance IoT WG has delivered an industry specification (FDO) based on the joint efforts of Cloud, Semiconductor and Security leaders. • LF Edge has made an open source version available: see https://secure-device- • Certification programs are progressing well • Interested companies can review the FDO specification and evaluate the software today! Summary 18