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© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Choosing the right FDO
deployment model for
your application
Geoffrey Cooper, Intel Corporation
FIDO Alliance, IOT Technical Working Group, Co-Chair
April, 2024
FDO Deployment Issues
Device Manufacturer
Voucher (OV)
FDO Client &
Device Initialization (DI)
Target Cloud
FDO owner
server (RV)
FDO Client &
TO0 & TO1
Device Discovers
T02 protocol
Device Onboards
• The Ownership Voucher is invalidated after the device onboards. The Target
Cloud gets a new OV, to allow only it to use FDO in the future.
Where is device?
Where to Send OV?
TO0 protocol
TO1 protocol
Is Target Cloud on Prem / Internet?
Single- Multi-tenant?
We need Zero Trust → Ownership Voucher
• Ownership Voucher is a new concept in FDO
• Popular Zero trust security model is “never trust, always verify.”
• Problem for onboarding, device doesn’t know server yet!
• Ownership Voucher provides credentials for the device to trust,
because OV & Device both came from same factory
Target Cloud
FDO owner
FDO Client &
Voucher (OV)
Zero Trust
in FDO
Verify Trust
Choosing the right FDO deployment model for
your application
FDO is very flexible. Several architectures are available.
Architectures are based on network configuration:
Single Cloud
Closed Network
Cloud Service
Multi-Tenant Cloud
In this presentation, we look at scenarios with
FDO deployments for different network configurations

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Building enterprise Internet of Things (IoT) systems must start with reviewing and strengthening your current IT security to prepare for potential additional risk exposure. Then, understanding the security posture of connected devices being added to the network determines what smarter edge architectural components, such as IoT gateways, are needed to establish and defend functional integrity and enable protection from risks of less capable connected sensors and legacy equipment. This session will discuss the unique security risks in IoT ecosystems and the strategies and tools for addressing them.

Let soracom help your IoT devices connect to the cloud!
Let soracom help your IoT devices connect to the cloud! Let soracom help your IoT devices connect to the cloud!
Let soracom help your IoT devices connect to the cloud!

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The Value of FIDO Certification
The Value of FIDO CertificationThe Value of FIDO Certification
The Value of FIDO Certification

This presentation details the FIDO Alliance Certification Program - including an overview of the programs, process and the value of certification for both vendors and relying parties.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
Scenario 1: Onboarding devices with direct
internet access, single cloud/platform
Cloud 1
Scenario 1: Onboarding devices with direct
internet access, single cloud/platform
Customer Cloud
Manufacturer Server
• Sets FDO device
• Creates FDO Ownership
FDO Device
Initialize (DI)
FDO Device under
Cloud Controller (FDO
• Receives Ownership Vouchers
• Runs FDO server to onboard
• Runs cloud services
Ownership Vouchers
for each device
FSIM’s download
configs, code,
data, keys, etc.
Device is drop-shipped
to customer location.
Device access
via Internet
Protocol After onboard,
access cloud
Manufacturer sends OV for each
device to same customer cloud
Scenario 2: Onboarding devices with direct
internet access, multiple clouds
Cloud 1
Cloud 2
Clouds can be in
different geographies
Same type of
hardware is
deployed to
different Clouds
Scenario 2: Onboarding devices with
direct internet access, multiple clouds
Customer Cloud 2
Manufacturer Server
• Sets FDO device
• Creates FDO Ownership
FDO Device
Initialize (DI)
FDO Device under
FSIM’s download
configs, code, data,
keys, etc.
Devices drop-shipped to
customer locations. After onboard,
access cloud
Customer Cloud 1
Cloud Controller
(FDO Owner)
Cloud Controller
(FDO Owner)
Orders for each device
include cloud address to
send OV
Order Processing
Orders specify where to send OV
(e.g., by geography, by ordering
Ownership Vouchers for
each device determine
which cloud onboards

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End to End IoT projects with Zephyr.pdf

Developing IoT with Zephyr is a journey from hardware all the way to application. It involves multiple teams and expertise, from hardware to cloud and application development. This talk will cover the options for getting a Zephyr app connected (WiFi, Ethernet, Cellular), selecting the right data encoding (JSON/CBOR), securing the data transfer (DTLS/TLS), and choosing a protocol (HTTP/MQTT/COAP). But that’s not the end of the story, the cloud needs to manage devices allowed to connect, consume the data being received, open up options for using that data, and be aware of the continued state of the hardware. And once you have the data you need to build a user-facing application on top of it. Understanding this lifecycle will help us as developers to make good choices on what Zephyr provides, helping ensure successful IoT projects.

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Overview of FIDO Security Requirements and Certifications
Overview of FIDO Security Requirements and CertificationsOverview of FIDO Security Requirements and Certifications
Overview of FIDO Security Requirements and Certifications

1) The FIDO Alliance authentication certification program evaluates and certifies authenticators at different security levels to create trust between relying parties and authenticators. 2) Higher certification levels provide defenses against more sophisticated attacks, with Level 3+ providing the highest security against physical attacks on authenticator devices. 3) The certification process involves security reviews and penetration testing conducted by accredited laboratories. Companion certification programs can reduce the cost and time of certification for vendors.

fido alliancefido authenticationfido certification
FIDO, Federation and the Internet of Things
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FIDO, Federation and the Internet of Things

Learn how FIDO-based authentication can complement federated authentication - and why they are better together. The FIDO Alliance invites you to learn how simplify strong authentication for web services. FIDO specifications can help all organizations, especially service providers who want to scale these features for consumer services over the web. Essentially, FIDO offers a simple, low-cost way to improve security and the online experience.

federationstandardsonline security
Scenario 3: Onboarding devices: no direct internet access
(on-premises/Closed Network)
Customer Premise
Scenario 3: Onboarding devices without direct internet access
(on-premise/Closed Network)
Customer Premise
Manufacturer Server
• Sets FDO device
• Creates FDO Ownership
FDO Device
Initialize (DI)
FDO Device under
Cloud Controller (FDO
• Receives Ownership Vouchers
• Runs FDO server to onboard
• Offers network services
Ownership Vouchers for
each device, sent to
configs, code,
data, keys,
Device powers
on and
onboards using
Device is drop-shipped
to customer location.
Portal or
Customer retrieves
Ownership Vouchers and
places them in FDO server
in closed network.
Manufacturer can send
Ownership Vouchers by
email instead of using a
After onboard,
access network
Customer distributes OV
Scenario 4: Onboarding devices –
some Local, Some Internet
Cloud 1 Cloud 2
Cloud 3
Scenario 4: Onboarding devices – some with and some
without direct internet access
Roaming Devices
• Sets FDO device
• Creates FDO
Ownership Voucher
FDO Device under
FSIM’s download
configs, code,
data, keys, etc.
Device is drop-
shipped to customer
Shared FDO Owner
• Receives Ownership
• Runs FDO server to onboard
• Application servers
After onboard,
access intranet

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Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices
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Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices

The document discusses using FIDO authenticators for IoT devices. It presents eWBM's biometric external FIDO authenticator and its security features. Potential applications of FIDO authentication for IoT are then described, including for device authentication over LoRa networks, drone control, and public WiFi access. The use of a BLE FIDO authenticator for personalized smart speaker services is also proposed. The conclusion recommends slimming down the FIDO client for embedded systems and achieving at least Security Level 2 certification for IoT authenticators.

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Rajiv Dholakia, Nok Nok Labs Basics of how FIDO protocols work, how they fit into the broader identity ecosystem, the benefits of the design and the state of implementation/deployment in the market; appropriate for both technical and non-technical individuals, giving orientation before diving into the details of the specific FIDO protocols.

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IoT Meets Security

The document discusses security considerations for IoT devices. It provides an overview of IoTivity, an open source project that implements the OIC standard to define security mechanisms for IoT. IoTivity addresses IoT security issues like device onboarding, provisioning, access control and privacy through features such as secure connectivity, hardware hardening and an access manager. The document also outlines threats to IoT devices from a physical, software and network perspective.

iotivitysecuritylinuxcon eu
Scenario 5: Onboarding devices with direct internet
access, single cloud/platform, multi-tenant
Cloud 1
Tenant 1
Tenant 2
Tenant 3
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer 3
Scenario 5: Onboarding devices on internet,
single multi-tenant cloud
Multi-Tenant Host Cloud
Customer N
(= Tenant A)
Customer N
Customer N
Manufacturer Server
• Sets FDO device credentials
• Creates FDO Ownership
FDO Device
Initialize (DI)
FDO Device under
Ownership Vouchers for each
device, labeled with Tenant ID
FSIM’s download
configs, code, data,
keys, etc.
Device powers on
and onboards using
FDO. Device
connects to tenant
infrastructure within
Host Cloud
Device is drop-shipped to
customer location.
Orders with Tenant ID
Tenant A
Cloud Controller (FDO
• Receives Ownership Vouchers
• Runs FDO server to onboard
Scenario 6: Onboarding devices on internet and closed network,
single cloud/platform, Roaming customers and multi-tenant
Cloud 1
Tenant 1
Tenant 2
Tenant 3
Customer 1
Internet &
embedded cloud 2
Customer 2
Customer 3 (roaming)
Cloud 2
Scenario 6: Onboarding devices with internet access and Closed
Network, single cloud/platform, multi-tenant
Closed Network
Manufacturer Server
• Sets FDO device
• Creates FDO
Ownership Voucher
FDO Device under
Cloud Controller (FDO
Services for all devices
Portal /
FDO Protocols
Ownership Vouchers
Internet Multi-Tenant
Orders by Tenant ID
Ownership Vouchers with Tenant ID RV
Cloud Controller (FDO
Tenant Servers
FDO Protocols
Tenant Services
Intranet + Roaming
Cloud Controller (FDO
Application Servers for
all users
FDO Protocols
Intranet + Roaming
FDO Protocols
Local Services
Intranet Services

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Enterprise Mobility (Admin)

Fra få til mange typer af mobile devices. Lær hvordan du administrerer dine mobile devices via SystemCenter Config Mgr og Windows Intune. Præsentation af Kent Agerlund, CoreTech

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FIDO2 and Microsoft
FIDO2 and MicrosoftFIDO2 and Microsoft
FIDO2 and Microsoft

This document summarizes a presentation given by Anthony Nadalin from Microsoft on FIDO2 and Microsoft implementations. It discusses the FIDO standards including CTAP2 and WebAuthn, and how Microsoft supports these standards in Windows 10, Microsoft Edge, and Microsoft Accounts. It provides an overview of authentication interactions and the different entities involved, such as relying parties, clients, authenticators, and platforms.

fido alliancefido authenticationfido specifications
 Ownership Voucher allows FDO to implement Zero Trust
 Many client configurations are supported by sending
Ownership Vouchers to servers using combinations of:
Single Cloud
Closed Network
Cloud Service
Multi-Tenant Cloud Service
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Thank you

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  • 1. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 1 Choosing the right FDO deployment model for your application Geoffrey Cooper, Intel Corporation FIDO Alliance, IOT Technical Working Group, Co-Chair April, 2024
  • 2. FDO Deployment Issues Device Manufacturer Ownership Voucher (OV) FDO Manufacturing tool FDO Client & Credentials Device Initialization (DI) Target Cloud FDO owner Rendezvous server (RV) FDO Client & credentials TO0 & TO1 Device Discovers Server T02 protocol Device Onboards Onboarding Data → • The Ownership Voucher is invalidated after the device onboards. The Target Cloud gets a new OV, to allow only it to use FDO in the future. Where is device? Where to Send OV? TO0 protocol TO1 protocol Device shipped Device installed Is Target Cloud on Prem / Internet? Single- Multi-tenant?
  • 3. We need Zero Trust → Ownership Voucher • Ownership Voucher is a new concept in FDO • Popular Zero trust security model is “never trust, always verify.” • Problem for onboarding, device doesn’t know server yet! • Ownership Voucher provides credentials for the device to trust, because OV & Device both came from same factory Target Cloud FDO owner FDO Client & credentials Onboarding Data → Ownership Voucher (OV) SERVER TRUST FROM FACTORY CLIENT TRUST FROM FACTORY Zero Trust Concept in FDO Verify Trust
  • 4. Choosing the right FDO deployment model for your application FDO is very flexible. Several architectures are available. Architectures are based on network configuration: Single Cloud Multi-Cloud Closed Network Cloud Service Multi-Tenant Cloud Service X In this presentation, we look at scenarios with FDO deployments for different network configurations
  • 5. Scenario 1: Onboarding devices with direct internet access, single cloud/platform Cloud 1 Devices
  • 6. Scenario 1: Onboarding devices with direct internet access, single cloud/platform Customer Cloud Manufacturer Manufacturer Server • Sets FDO device credentials • Creates FDO Ownership Voucher FDO Device Initialize (DI) FDO Device under manufacture RV Cloud Controller (FDO Owner) • Receives Ownership Vouchers • Runs FDO server to onboard • Runs cloud services Ownership Vouchers for each device TO2 Protocol FSIM’s download configs, code, data, keys, etc. Device is drop-shipped to customer location. Device access via Internet TO1 Protocol After onboard, access cloud services Manufacturer sends OV for each device to same customer cloud
  • 7. Scenario 2: Onboarding devices with direct internet access, multiple clouds Cloud 1 US Cloud 2 Asia Clouds can be in different geographies Same type of hardware is deployed to different Clouds
  • 8. Scenario 2: Onboarding devices with direct internet access, multiple clouds Customer Cloud 2 RV Manufacturer Manufacturer Server • Sets FDO device credentials • Creates FDO Ownership Voucher FDO Device Initialize (DI) FDO Device under manufacture TO2 Protocol FSIM’s download configs, code, data, keys, etc. Devices drop-shipped to customer locations. After onboard, access cloud services Customer Cloud 1 RV TO1 TO2 FSIM’s Cloud Controller (FDO Owner) Cloud Controller (FDO Owner) Orders for each device include cloud address to send OV Order Processing Orders specify where to send OV (e.g., by geography, by ordering company) Ownership Vouchers for each device determine which cloud onboards TO0 Protocol
  • 9. Scenario 3: Onboarding devices: no direct internet access (on-premises/Closed Network) Customer Premise
  • 10. Scenario 3: Onboarding devices without direct internet access (on-premise/Closed Network) Customer Premise Manufacturer Manufacturer Server • Sets FDO device credentials • Creates FDO Ownership Voucher FDO Device Initialize (DI) FDO Device under manufacture RV Cloud Controller (FDO Owner) • Receives Ownership Vouchers • Runs FDO server to onboard • Offers network services Ownership Vouchers for each device, sent to customer TO2 Protocol FSIM’s download configs, code, data, keys, etc. Device powers on and onboards using FDO Device is drop-shipped to customer location. Customer Portal or Email Customer retrieves Ownership Vouchers and places them in FDO server in closed network. Manufacturer can send Ownership Vouchers by email instead of using a portal. After onboard, access network services Customer distributes OV
  • 11. Scenario 4: Onboarding devices – some Local, Some Internet Cloud 1 Cloud 2 Cloud 3
  • 12. Scenario 4: Onboarding devices – some with and some without direct internet access Roaming Devices Manufacturer Manufacturer Server • Sets FDO device credentials • Creates FDO Ownership Voucher FDO Device Initialize (DI) FDO Device under manufacture TO2 Protocol FSIM’s download configs, code, data, keys, etc. Device is drop- shipped to customer location. Customer Premise RV Shared FDO Owner • Receives Ownership Vouchers • Runs FDO server to onboard • Application servers Ownership Vouchers TO2 FSIM’s etc TO1 Protocol TO1 After onboard, access intranet services
  • 13. Scenario 5: Onboarding devices with direct internet access, single cloud/platform, multi-tenant Cloud 1 Tenant 1 Tenant 2 Tenant 3 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3
  • 14. Scenario 5: Onboarding devices on internet, single multi-tenant cloud Multi-Tenant Host Cloud Customer N Premise (= Tenant A) Customer N Infrastructur e Customer N Infrastructur e Manufacturer Manufacturer Server • Sets FDO device credentials • Creates FDO Ownership Voucher FDO Device Initialize (DI) FDO Device under manufacture Ownership Vouchers for each device, labeled with Tenant ID TO2 Protocol FSIM’s download configs, code, data, keys, etc. Device powers on and onboards using FDO. Device connects to tenant infrastructure within Host Cloud Device is drop-shipped to customer location. Orders with Tenant ID Tenant A Infrastructure RV Cloud Controller (FDO Owner) • Receives Ownership Vouchers • Runs FDO server to onboard TO1 Protocol Tenants Tenant A Tenant B Tenant C
  • 15. Scenario 6: Onboarding devices on internet and closed network, single cloud/platform, Roaming customers and multi-tenant Cloud 1 Tenant 1 Tenant 2 Tenant 3 Customer 1 Internet & embedded cloud 2 Customer 2 Customer 3 (roaming) Cloud 2
  • 16. Scenario 6: Onboarding devices with internet access and Closed Network, single cloud/platform, multi-tenant Closed Network Manufacturer Manufacturer Server • Sets FDO device credentials • Creates FDO Ownership Voucher FDO-DI FDO Device under manufacture RV Cloud Controller (FDO Owner) Services for all devices Customer Portal / Email FDO Protocols Ownership Vouchers Internet Multi-Tenant Orders by Tenant ID Ownership Vouchers with Tenant ID RV Cloud Controller (FDO Owner) Tenant Servers FDO Protocols Tenant Services Intranet + Roaming RV Cloud Controller (FDO Owner) Application Servers for all users FDO Protocols Intranet + Roaming FDO Protocols Local Services Intranet Services
  • 17. Conclusion  Ownership Voucher allows FDO to implement Zero Trust  Many client configurations are supported by sending Ownership Vouchers to servers using combinations of: Single Cloud Multi-Cloud Closed Network Cloud Service Multi-Tenant Cloud Service X
  • 18. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 22 Thank you