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© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
How Red Hat Uses
FDO in Device
Vitaliy Emporopulo & Costin Gamenţ, Red Hat
Device Lifecycle
Space for a two-line
subhead here
Day 0: Device
· Red Hat implementation
of FDO for secure device
· FDO is included in Red Hat
Enterprise Linux starting
with 8.6 (today 9.3).
Wrap short
Day 1: Device
· OSTree for switching to a
custom operating system
tailored for a particular
device role.
· Utilize the FDO
onboarding process to
Adjust lower text
blocks up or down
Day 2: Device
· Ansible Automation
Platform (AAP) for
managing configuration,
updates, etc.
· Utilize the FDO
onboarding process to add
FDO at Red Hat
FDO Components

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The document discusses Red Hat OpenShift 4 installation methods. It describes the Full Stack Automation method where the installer provisions all infrastructure components including hosts running Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS). It also covers deploying to pre-existing infrastructure where the user provisions infrastructure like VMs, load balancers, and DNS, while the installer configures the OpenShift cluster and RHCOS hosts.

Hitchhiker's guide to Cloud-Native Build Pipelines and Infrastructure as Code
Hitchhiker's guide to Cloud-Native Build Pipelines and Infrastructure as CodeHitchhiker's guide to Cloud-Native Build Pipelines and Infrastructure as Code
Hitchhiker's guide to Cloud-Native Build Pipelines and Infrastructure as Code

As more and more application deployments move to the cloud the scale and complexity becomes harder to manage. Instead of a handful of large instances, you might have many smaller instances, so there are many more things you need to provision. Because of this cloud vendors provide API abstraction of their compute, storage, network and other platform services. In this talk I present a guide to provision these services, such as a Kubernetes cluster, using infrastructure as code and deploy your applications through cloud-native build pipelines. Get to know the concepts behind these DevOps practices and come hear which tools to use like Terraform and Oracle Container Pipelines to automate these laborious tasks on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.


This document provides an overview and agenda for an Ansible Linux automation workshop. It will cover topics including: - Converting shell scripts to Ansible playbooks - Retrieving information from hosts and deploying applications at scale - Self-service IT using surveys and system roles for Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Integration with Red Hat Insights for monitoring Ansible environments It introduces participants to the core components of Ansible including playbooks, modules, plugins, and inventories. Exercises will have participants use these components to automate tasks like installing and configuring Apache on Linux systems.

Red Hat Implementation
& Onboarding
Red Hat Implementation of FDO
● Manufacturing server
● Rendezvous server
● Onboarding server
● ServiceInfo API server
● Initialization (manufacturing) client
● Onboarding client
In addition
● Administrator CLI tool
● Owner CLI tool
Included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux starting version 8.6.
Open source, written in Rust, under active development.
Red Hat FDO Components
The FDO Operator

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Linux Containers and Docker SHARE.ORG Seattle 2015
Linux Containers and Docker SHARE.ORG Seattle 2015Linux Containers and Docker SHARE.ORG Seattle 2015
Linux Containers and Docker SHARE.ORG Seattle 2015

This slide deck shows us an introduction to Linux Containers (LXC) and Docker for Linux on IBM z Systems. One example of a commercial use of Linux Containers (and Docker) is Red Hat Openshift, which is is also covered at the end.

OpenStack Preso: DevOps on Hybrid Infrastructure
OpenStack Preso: DevOps on Hybrid InfrastructureOpenStack Preso: DevOps on Hybrid Infrastructure
OpenStack Preso: DevOps on Hybrid Infrastructure

Discusses the approach for making hybrid DevOps workable including what obstacles must be overcome. Includes demo of multiple OpenStack clouds & Kubernetes deploy on AWS, Google and OpenStack

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2016 - Open Mic - IGNITE - Open Infrastructure = ANY Infrastructure

The document discusses the need for hybrid infrastructure and hybrid DevOps to manage different cloud platforms and physical infrastructure in a consistent way. It notes that while no single API or platform can meet all needs, AWS dominance means its operational patterns have become the benchmark. The key is developing composable infrastructure modules that can be orchestrated together to provide portability across environments using a common operational process.

FDO Operator for OpenShift
Red Hat's primary platform for running containerized
applications is OpenShift Container Platform. It is based
on Kubernetes with additional enterprise features for
enhanced security, observability, etc.
An operator is a method of packaging, deploying, and
managing a Kubernetes application.
The FDO Operator allows for easy deployment and
management of FDO services on OpenShift.
Installing the FDO Operator
Example Configuration
- path: /etc/containers/registries.conf.d/003-rhel4edge.conf # image registry for ostree
source_path: /etc/fdo/service_info/003-rhel4edge.conf
- path: /var/ # script for swapping the operating system (ostree)
source_path: /etc/fdo/service_info/
- path: /var/ # script for registering with Ansible
source_path: /etc/fdo/service_info/
- command: /bin/bash
- /var/ # replace operating system (ostree) image
- ostree-image-signed:docker:// #ostree image
- command: /bin/bash
- /var/ # register with Ansible Automation Platform (AAP)
- # AAP API endpoint
- <registration-token> # AAP API key
Operating System as a
Container Image

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Successful Patterns for running platforms
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Successful Patterns for running platforms

Modern DevOps practices involve deploying applications to platforms. From basic IaaS to PaaS to serverless functions. But who runs those platforms and how? At Pivotal we build and operate platforms, and we run those platforms on a platform designed to run complex distributed systems called Bosh which was inspired by google borg. Paul will talk through a couple of successful patterns for deploying and operating platforms as well as how to help your business determine which platform[s] are right for them and how to successfully get the business to adopt those platforms.

IBM Edge2015 Las Vegas
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This document provides an overview of Red Hat products and technologies for IBM Power Systems and IBM zSystems platforms. It discusses Red Hat Enterprise Linux offerings that are optimized for these platforms, including features like support for big-endian mode, Linux containers, multipath I/O, and more. It also summarizes Red Hat's overall approach including their open source development model and enterprise Linux lifecycles.

Lenovo xClarity - Presentacion - ITALTEL.pptx
Lenovo xClarity - Presentacion - ITALTEL.pptxLenovo xClarity - Presentacion - ITALTEL.pptx
Lenovo xClarity - Presentacion - ITALTEL.pptx

This document discusses Lenovo's XClarity family of systems management software. It provides an overview of several products, including XClarity Administrator for centralized server management, XClarity Controller for embedded management of ThinkSystem servers, and XClarity Orchestrator for managing large-scale environments of thousands of servers. The software is designed to standardize, simplify, and automate infrastructure processes to improve efficiency and precision execution in data centers.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Edge
Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the leading OS for servers,
but what do we need at the edge?
● customizable operating system images
● edge management and scalable deployment
● efficient over-the-air (OTA) updates
● intelligent rollbacks
And that is Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Edge.
Dry definition:
“libostree is both a shared library
and suite of command line tools
that combines a "git-like" model
for committing and downloading
bootable filesystem trees, along
with a layer for deploying them
and managing the bootloader
·Immutable operating system
·Very easy updates, upgrades
and rollback (the rollbacks can
even be completely automatic!)
·Minimal bandwidth usage for
·Dead simple operating system
change procedure
So, how can I change my operating system with one
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-
Device Management with

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OSv is a lightweight operating system designed to improve performance and administration for applications deployed in the cloud. Learn about the speed and manageability wins from a brand-new OS that works on your private or public cloud.

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The presentation covers- 1. Red Hat JBoss Developer Program 2. Red Hat JBoss Fuse 3. Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization The workshop was recorded and we will provide a link once it has been posted.

sap netweaver camel mqtt android data virtualizati
Ansible Automation Platform (AAP)
· Based on Ansible
management tool
· Agentless
· Runs on OpenShift
as an operator
Ansible Inventory
OpenShift Installation on Bare
OpenShift Assisted Installer
Another interesting use
case is combining FDO
with the Assisted
The Assisted Installer
allows installing clusters
on bare metal by
booting into a discovery
ISO that runs an
installation agent, and
following a UI wizard.

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Toronto MuleSoft_Meetup_Run Time Fabric - Self Managed Kubernetes.pptx

The document provides information about using Anypoint Runtime Fabric on a self-managed Kubernetes cluster. It discusses how Runtime Fabric allows running Mule applications across environments with centralized management. When using the self-managed Kubernetes option, the customer is responsible for creating and managing their own Kubernetes cluster, while MuleSoft manages application deployment and configuration. The document outlines the architecture and responsibilities when using this option, and provides a demo of deploying a sample application on a Kubernetes cluster.

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This document discusses running Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes to provide highly available cloud platforms. It begins with an overview of cloud computing models and introduces Cloud Foundry. It then discusses deploying Cloud Foundry using Kubernetes primitives like pods, services, and stateful sets for high availability. The document demonstrates how to install Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes using Helm charts and configure for high availability. It shows the components have been made highly available to prevent downtime during failures or upgrades. Finally, it provides a demo of deploying a sample application on Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes under chaotic conditions to showcase the high availability.

cornelius schumachercloud foundrysuse linux
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New Features in Redhat Linux 7 Difference between redhat linux 7 and the other versions (Redhat linux 6 and below)

FDO and Assisted Installer
● FDO is used to verify cluster nodes and start the installer
● Storing all sensitive data on the FDO server also removes
the need to embed it into the discovery ISO.
● Easy late binding of a device to a cluster/customer.
Assisted Installer with and without FDO
Generated ISO
Generated ISO
FDO client
ServiceInfo API
· FDO Implementation
· FDO Operator
· FDO Ansible collection
· Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Operator Installation Guide
· libOSTree
· Installing an on-premise cluster using the Assisted Installer
© FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential
Thank you

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  • 1. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 1 How Red Hat Uses FDO in Device Lifecycle Vitaliy Emporopulo & Costin Gamenţ, Red Hat
  • 2. Device Lifecycle Space for a two-line subhead here Day 0: Device onboarding · Red Hat implementation of FDO for secure device onboarding. · FDO is included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux starting with 8.6 (today 9.3). Wrap short subheads Day 1: Device customization · OSTree for switching to a custom operating system tailored for a particular device role. · Utilize the FDO onboarding process to Adjust lower text blocks up or down Day 2: Device management · Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) for managing configuration, updates, etc. · Utilize the FDO onboarding process to add
  • 6. Red Hat Implementation of FDO ● Manufacturing server ● Rendezvous server ● Onboarding server ● ServiceInfo API server ● Initialization (manufacturing) client ● Onboarding client In addition ● Administrator CLI tool ● Owner CLI tool Included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux starting version 8.6. Open source, written in Rust, under active development.
  • 7. Red Hat FDO Components
  • 9. FDO Operator for OpenShift Red Hat's primary platform for running containerized applications is OpenShift Container Platform. It is based on Kubernetes with additional enterprise features for enhanced security, observability, etc. An operator is a method of packaging, deploying, and managing a Kubernetes application. The FDO Operator allows for easy deployment and management of FDO services on OpenShift.
  • 10. Installing the FDO Operator
  • 11. Example Configuration service_info: files: - path: /etc/containers/registries.conf.d/003-rhel4edge.conf # image registry for ostree source_path: /etc/fdo/service_info/003-rhel4edge.conf - path: /var/ # script for swapping the operating system (ostree) source_path: /etc/fdo/service_info/ - path: /var/ # script for registering with Ansible source_path: /etc/fdo/service_info/ commands: - command: /bin/bash args: - /var/ # replace operating system (ostree) image - ostree-image-signed:docker:// #ostree image - command: /bin/bash args: - /var/ # register with Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) - # AAP API endpoint - <registration-token> # AAP API key
  • 12. Operating System as a Container Image
  • 13. Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Edge Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the leading OS for servers, but what do we need at the edge? ● customizable operating system images ● edge management and scalable deployment ● efficient over-the-air (OTA) updates ● intelligent rollbacks And that is Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Edge.
  • 14. (lib)OSTree Dry definition: “libostree is both a shared library and suite of command line tools that combines a "git-like" model for committing and downloading bootable filesystem trees, along with a layer for deploying them and managing the bootloader configuration.” Reality: ·Immutable operating system ·Very easy updates, upgrades and rollback (the rollbacks can even be completely automatic!) ·Minimal bandwidth usage for updates ·Dead simple operating system change procedure
  • 15. rpm-ostree So, how can I change my operating system with one command? rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image- signed:docker://
  • 17. Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) · Based on Ansible configuration management tool · Agentless · Runs on OpenShift as an operator
  • 20. OpenShift Assisted Installer Another interesting use case is combining FDO with the Assisted Installer. The Assisted Installer allows installing clusters on bare metal by booting into a discovery ISO that runs an installation agent, and following a UI wizard.
  • 21. FDO and Assisted Installer ● FDO is used to verify cluster nodes and start the installer agent. ● Storing all sensitive data on the FDO server also removes the need to embed it into the discovery ISO. ● Easy late binding of a device to a cluster/customer.
  • 22. Assisted Installer with and without FDO Generated ISO Assisted Installer Service Device Installer agent Installation credentials 1 2 3 Assisted Installer Service Generated ISO Device FDO client Installer agent FDO onboarding server FDO ServiceInfo API server Installatio n credential s 1 2 1 3 4 5 FDO manufacturi ng 0
  • 23. Resources · FDO Implementation · FDO Operator · FDO Ansible collection · Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Operator Installation Guide us/red_hat_ansible_automation_platform/2.1/html/red_hat_ansible_auto mation_platform_operator_installation_guide/index · libOSTree · Installing an on-premise cluster using the Assisted Installer platform/4.15/installing/installing_on_prem_assisted/installing-on-prem- assisted.html
  • 24. © FIDO Alliance 2024 Confidential 24 Thank you