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FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
© FIDO Alliance 2024
An introduction to FDO:
How it works & example
FDO applications
Richard Kerslake
FIDO Alliance
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
What problem does FDO solve?
When a new enterprise, edge or IOT solution is being
installed in a facility (factory, hospital, car, store etc.),
the device must be “onboarded” to its management
platform (on-premise or cloud)
FDO provides secure “plug and play” onboarding for
almost any device/network.
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Manual Vs FDO onboarding
Slow – often 20 mins/device
Poor security
Need skilled technician
Fast – about 1 min/device
High security
No skills needed for installation
Lower installation costs
Open standard
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
FDO: Fast, Scalable Device Provisioning, Onboarding & Activation
Zero touch onboarding – integrates with existing zero touch solutions
Fast & more secure – ~1 minute
Hardware flexibility – any hardware - ARM MCU to Intel
Any cloud – internet, intranet & closed network, multi-tenant
Late binding – reduces number of product SKUs needed
Multiple implementations – 5 implementations in various programming languages
Certification program – Available from FIDO Alliance
1. Drop ship device to
installation location
2. Power-up & connect
to Network 3. Auto-provisions, Onboards
to Device Management
1. No product or component can be absolutely secure

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The Future of Authentication for IoT
The Future of Authentication for IoTThe Future of Authentication for IoT
The Future of Authentication for IoT

The rapid expansion of the Internet of Things has fostered convenience and connectedness for consumers. It has also opened the door for creative hackers. Recently, hackers used hundreds of thousands of common internet-connected devices in consumers’ homes, without the owners’ knowledge, to launch a DDoS attack that temporarily brought down crucial parts of the internet’s infrastructure. Attacks in the past have shown that passwords in IoT devices provide insufficient security. Additionally, IoT devices are too constrained for implementing biometric functions. The question then becomes how to authenticate to such devices and can the industry adopt a standardized approach despite a highly fragmented IoT landscape. This presentation by Rolf Lindemann of Nok Nok Labs, explores how FIDO Authentication can provide convenient and strong authentication in an array of IoT use cases.

public key cryptographyuser verificationtwo-factor authentication
“Your Security, More Simple.” by utilizing FIDO Authentication
“Your Security, More Simple.” by utilizing FIDO Authentication“Your Security, More Simple.” by utilizing FIDO Authentication
“Your Security, More Simple.” by utilizing FIDO Authentication

This document summarizes a presentation given by Koichi Moriyama of NTT DOCOMO on their deployment of FIDO authentication. It discusses how NTT DOCOMO implemented FIDO standards to enable passwordless login for their d ACCOUNT system using biometric authentication on supported devices. It provides details on the motivation, user experience, and security approach taken. It also discusses future goals of using mobile devices as the primary authentication method and creating a world without passwords.

Choosing the Right FDO Deployment Model for Your Application _ Geoffrey at In...
Choosing the Right FDO Deployment Model for Your Application _ Geoffrey at In...Choosing the Right FDO Deployment Model for Your Application _ Geoffrey at In...
Choosing the Right FDO Deployment Model for Your Application _ Geoffrey at In...

FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO

FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
How FDO works
Device Manufacturer
Load Ownership
Voucher (OV) to
Device in box shipped
to installation location
Voucher (OV)
FDO Client, Credentials
path to RV server
a. FDO agent & FDO credentials
places in device.
b. Ownership Voucher (OV)
a. Mutual authentication
takes place
b. Secure channel is
c. Onboarding takes place
using FSIM’s
Device given network
connectivity and powers up
Target Cloud
Cloud Managed,
Device data flows
FDO owner
Device contacts RV
and is re-directed to
server (RV)
Register OV
FDO Client &
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
How FDO works (with spec terms)
Device Manufacturer
Voucher (OV)
FDO Client &
Device Initialization (DI)
• Places FDO device credentials in Device
• Creates FDO Ownership Voucher
Target Cloud
FDO owner
server (RV)
FDO Client &
T00/T01 protocols
• The interaction between Device and
Rendezvous Server
• Device identifies itself to the
Rendezvous Server. Obtains mapping to
connect to the Owner’s IP address.
T02 protocol
• The interaction between
Device and Owner.
• Device contacts Owner.
Establishes trust and then
performs onboarding
Final State
Cloud Managed,
Device data flows
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
FIDO Device Onboard: Late Binding in Supply Chain
Customer 1
• Zero Touch without FDO
Device software and security
customization happens at manufacture
• ➔ Complicated manufacturing
infrastructure, many SKUs, higher cost
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer 3
• Zero Touch with FDO
Device software and security
customization happens at installation
• ➔ Simplified supply chain, lower costs
FDO reduces costs & complexity in supply chain – a single device SKU for all customers
Customer 1
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer 3
FDO late
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Authors of the FDO specification
The FDO spec was written by
technology leaders:
• Intel
• Amazon
• Google
• Microsoft
• Qualcomm
• ARM Link to FDO 1.1 specification

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The document provides an overview of the FIDO Universal Authentication Framework (UAF) Reference Architecture. It describes the key components of the FIDO UAF ecosystem including the FIDO UAF client, server, protocols, authenticator abstraction layer, and authenticators. The goals of FIDO UAF are to enable strong, multi-factor authentication across devices and platforms while simplifying integration of new authentication capabilities and preserving user privacy.

autenticación unificada
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NTT DOCOMO Deployment Case Study

A detailed look at the "Your Security, More Simple" d ACCOUNT initiative at NTT DOCOMO, including design principles, solution architecture, security architecture, FIDO standards and deployment of FIDO Authentication. Presented by Koichi Moriyama, Senior Director, Product Department, NTT DOCOMO, Inc.

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Palo Alto Networks provides next-generation firewalls that can address all network security needs through application identification and control. Some key points: - Founded in 2005 and now has over 1,000 employees and 11,000 enterprise customers. - Traditional firewalls cannot adequately address today's applications that use encryption and advanced evasion techniques. Palo Alto's firewall identifies applications regardless of port or protocol to enforce fine-grained security policies. - The firewall incorporates features like application control, user identification, content scanning, and wildfire malware analysis to safely enable applications and protect against both known and unknown threats.

FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Why adopt an onboarding standard like FDO?
Open standards are built on the contribution of security experts from multiple companies –
this often brings broader expertise and ideas than an individual company
As security threats evolve, the standard can evolve to address them
The standard expands over times to add more capabilities, while keeping backward
compatibility as a critical element. It can therefore meet short term and long term needs.
Ability to mix and match with confidence solutions from different vendors – via FIDO FDO
interoperability testing
Simplifies system security analysis
Users don’t need to own the upkeep of their solution as this is handled by open source or
commercial companies
With proprietary solutions, if the in-house expert leaves, that can create a long term support
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Example FDO applications
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Potential application of FDO to
Manufacturing Applications
Manufacturing Cloud
Local Server (ACP)
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Potential application of FDO to
Retail Applications
Retail Cloud
Local Server

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Particularly relevant to people responsible for the design of PROFINET networks, highlighting the common errors and assumptions made that could make on-going support of the network rather difficult.

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The document discusses Fortinet's security fabric, which provides a comprehensive network security solution through a unified platform. It summarizes the key components of the security fabric, including next-generation firewalls, switches, virtual firewalls, endpoint security, cloud security, advanced threat protection, and management solutions. It also outlines how the security fabric delivers broad, powerful and automated protection through its integration of these components and intelligence-driven capabilities.

FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance
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FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance

The Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) and the associated Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on strong customer authentication and secure communication impose stringent requirements on multi-factor authentication and on the security of implementations. Payment Service Providers will want to know whether the authentication solutions they put in place conform to the RTS both in terms of functionality and security. The FIDO Alliance standards are based on multi-factor authentication and are a strong fit for PSD2 compliance. The FIDO Alliance’s certification program provides an independent evaluation of functional compliance to the standards as well as of the achieved level of security of FIDO authenticators. Featuring industry experts, this presentation explores how FIDO can resolve key issues, including: • How the FIDO standards conform to the RTS • How FIDO’s certification program guarantees this conformity • How FIDO’s certification program provides for the mandatory security evaluation imposed by the RTS

fido alliancefidofido authentication
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Potential application of FDO to
Medical Applications
Local Server
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Potential application of FDO to
Automotive Applications
Software update
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Potential application of FDO to
In-vehicle Automotive Applications
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Example FDO architectures

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FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO

Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices
Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT DevicesUsing FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices
Using FIDO Authenticator for IoT Devices

The document discusses using FIDO authenticators for IoT devices. It presents eWBM's biometric external FIDO authenticator and its security features. Potential applications of FIDO authentication for IoT are then described, including for device authentication over LoRa networks, drone control, and public WiFi access. The use of a BLE FIDO authenticator for personalized smart speaker services is also proposed. The conclusion recommends slimming down the FIDO client for embedded systems and achieving at least Security Level 2 certification for IoT authenticators.

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The document discusses FIDO Alliance's efforts to create simpler and stronger authentication standards to replace passwords. It provides an overview of FIDO authentication, including how it works, adoption rates, and certification programs. It also summarizes the Alliance's work in identity verification, binding, and FIDO Device Onboarding to fill gaps and further the passwordless vision.

FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
FDO is highly flexible and therefore can users can choose the architecture that
best meets there needs
As a users needs evolved, FDO can be extended without breaking backwards
single cloud ➔ multi-cloud ➔ closed network ➔ ‘bring your own devices’
Choosing the right FDO deployment model for
your application
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Scenario 1: Onboarding devices with direct internet access,
single cloud/platform
Cloud 1
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Scenario 2: Onboarding devices with direct internet access,
multiple clouds
Cloud 1 Cloud 2
Clouds could be
different geographies
Same type of
hardware is
deployed to
different Clouds
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Scenario 3: Onboarding devices without direct internet access
(On-premise/Closed Network)

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To view recording of this webinar please use the below URL: In this webinar, WSO2, Yubico co-creator of U2F, and WSO2's premier integrator Yenlo explain the technology, discuss the use cases for strong authentication, and demonstrate the power and ease-of-use of the U2F security key. WSO2 will present the Authentication framework of WSO2 Identity server, Multi factor and Multi step authentication configuration and more.

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FIDO Alliance Webinar: Catch Up WIth FIDO

The FIDO Alliance was launched with the audacious goal – to move the entire world away from usernames, passwords, and traditional multi-factor authentication to a much simpler and stronger way to log in with FIDO. It’s now 2021, so … are we there yet? Join us for a webinar to take a look at the past year’s progress, and see what’s next. Our executive director and CMO Andrew Shikiar and our director of standards development David Turner will be on the line to take your questions – ask us anything!

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The FIDO Alliance's goal is for the whole world to move away from usernames, passwords, and traditional MFA to a simpler and stronger way to log in with FIDO! Here's a look at the past year’s progress and what's happening next.

FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Scenario 4: Onboarding devices – some with and some without
direct internet access
Cloud 1 Cloud 2
Cloud 3
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Scenario 5: Onboarding devices with direct internet access,
single cloud/platform, multi-tenant
Cloud 1
Tenant 1
Tenant 2
Tenant 3
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer 3
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Scenario 6: Onboarding devices with internet access and
Closed Network, single cloud/platform, Roaming customers
and multi-tenant
Cloud 1
Tenant 1
Tenant 2
Tenant 3
Customer 1
Customer 2
Cloud 2
Customer 3
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
FDO – A Flexible and extensible

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The FIDO Alliance invites you to learn how simplify strong authentication for web services. This presentation was part of our FIDO Alliance Seminar in Tokyo, Japan, in November, 2015.

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NTT DOCOMO has deployed FIDO standards for strong authentication on its network in Japan to simplify security for users. It launched FIDO authentication using biometric sensors on Android devices in 2015 and later expanded to iOS devices with Touch ID. This allows d ACCOUNT users to log in and approve payments with fingerprints instead of passwords. NTT DOCOMO's implementation of open FIDO standards across multiple device platforms demonstrates the growing adoption of simpler, stronger authentication.

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FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
FDO Deployment Flexibility
Architectural Sophistication
Single Internet
Internet Cloud
& On-
Single Cloud
with Multi-
Internet and
closed network
with Multi-
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
ExxonMobil is a leader in the move to standards-based, open,
secure, interoperable process control solutions (OPAF)
ExxonMobil and Yokogawa successfully used FDO in their
Texas testbed.
They expect to start running a field trial in the next year at an
ExxonMobil Manufacturing facility in Baton Rouge, LA
ExxonMobil’s integrator, Yokogawa, has integrated FDO to
automate device installation.
ExxonMobil’s collaborators for the field trial include various IT
and OT suppliers
Source: Yokogawa
FDO demo on LinkedIn
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
FDO Business FAQ
1. Do I need to join the FIDO Alliance to use the FDO specification?
➢ No. FDO is an open standard. The spec can be downloaded from the FIDO Alliance web site.
➢ Joining the FIDO Alliance will allow you to impact the evolution of FDO and learn from other users and ecosystem
2. What is the license agreement for the FDO technical specification
➢ The FIDO Alliance IPR terms can be found here:
3. Do I need to pay for certification?
➢ The FIDO Alliance does offer a paid FDO Certification program.
➢ There is no obligation for members to certify their products, however if companies want to use a FIDO FDO certification
logo then certification of the product is required.
➢ Members do receive a discount on Certification costs.
3. Is there software available that implements FDO? Do I need to pay for them?
➢ Yes, multiple versions. Some are open source, some are commercial version.
FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
Extending FDO applications with FSIMs
Hardware ships
with FDO only
Software deployed
at facility via FDO
Remote SW deployment
Firmware update
deployed at facility
via FDO
Remote firmware updated
Hardware ships with
FDO and SW load
FSIM protocols
• Embedded
protocols within
FDO that perform
• Examples: File
transfers, key
generation, shell

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FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO
FDO is highly flexible and extensible
A wide range of deployment architectures are supported
Customers can evolve their architecture over time while retaining compatibility
FDO has been developed to offer a high degree of security
Customers can further extend the security as needed in their application
Users can mix-and-match their credential storage approach as needed
FDO can be used with a wide range of processors and Operating systems
In conclusion, FDO meets your onboarding needs for today and the future

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  • 1. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 1 © FIDO Alliance 2024 An introduction to FDO: How it works & example FDO applications Richard Kerslake FIDO Alliance
  • 2. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 2 What problem does FDO solve? When a new enterprise, edge or IOT solution is being installed in a facility (factory, hospital, car, store etc.), the device must be “onboarded” to its management platform (on-premise or cloud) FDO provides secure “plug and play” onboarding for almost any device/network.
  • 3. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 3 Manual Vs FDO onboarding Manual Slow – often 20 mins/device Poor security Need skilled technician Expensive FDO Fast – about 1 min/device High security No skills needed for installation Lower installation costs Open standard
  • 4. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 4 FDO: Fast, Scalable Device Provisioning, Onboarding & Activation Zero touch onboarding – integrates with existing zero touch solutions Fast & more secure – ~1 minute Hardware flexibility – any hardware - ARM MCU to Intel ® Xeon ® Any cloud – internet, intranet & closed network, multi-tenant Late binding – reduces number of product SKUs needed Multiple implementations – 5 implementations in various programming languages Certification program – Available from FIDO Alliance 4 1. Drop ship device to installation location 2. Power-up & connect to Network 3. Auto-provisions, Onboards to Device Management Service 4 1. No product or component can be absolutely secure
  • 5. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 5 How FDO works Device Manufacturer 3 Load Ownership Voucher (OV) to Cloud Device in box shipped to installation location 1 Ownership Voucher (OV) FDO Manufacturing tool FDO Client, Credentials path to RV server a. FDO agent & FDO credentials places in device. b. Ownership Voucher (OV) created 8 7 a. Mutual authentication takes place b. Secure channel is established c. Onboarding takes place using FSIM’s Device given network connectivity and powers up Target Cloud  Application Data / Control → Cloud Managed, Device data flows FDO owner 5 Device contacts RV and is re-directed to Cloud 6 Rendezvous server (RV) 4 Register OV with Rendezvous Server FDO Client & credentials 2 Onboarding Data →
  • 6. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 6 How FDO works (with spec terms) Device Manufacturer Ownership Voucher (OV) FDO Manufacturing tool FDO Client & Credentials Device Initialization (DI) • Places FDO device credentials in Device • Creates FDO Ownership Voucher Target Cloud FDO owner Rendezvous server (RV) FDO Client & credentials T00/T01 protocols • The interaction between Device and Rendezvous Server • Device identifies itself to the Rendezvous Server. Obtains mapping to connect to the Owner’s IP address. T02 protocol • The interaction between Device and Owner. • Device contacts Owner. Establishes trust and then performs onboarding  Application Data / Control → Onboarding Data → Final State Cloud Managed, Device data flows
  • 7. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 7 FIDO Device Onboard: Late Binding in Supply Chain Customer 1 Build-to-order Manufacturing Infrastructure • Zero Touch without FDO Device software and security customization happens at manufacture • ➔ Complicated manufacturing infrastructure, many SKUs, higher cost Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Build-to-plan Manufacturing Infrastructure • Zero Touch with FDO Device software and security customization happens at installation • ➔ Simplified supply chain, lower costs FDO reduces costs & complexity in supply chain – a single device SKU for all customers Customer 1 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 FDO late binding
  • 8. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 8 Authors of the FDO specification The FDO spec was written by technology leaders: • Intel • Amazon • Google • Microsoft • Qualcomm • ARM Link to FDO 1.1 specification
  • 9. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 9 Why adopt an onboarding standard like FDO? Open standards are built on the contribution of security experts from multiple companies – this often brings broader expertise and ideas than an individual company As security threats evolve, the standard can evolve to address them The standard expands over times to add more capabilities, while keeping backward compatibility as a critical element. It can therefore meet short term and long term needs. Ability to mix and match with confidence solutions from different vendors – via FIDO FDO interoperability testing Simplifies system security analysis Users don’t need to own the upkeep of their solution as this is handled by open source or commercial companies With proprietary solutions, if the in-house expert leaves, that can create a long term support issue
  • 10. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 10 Example FDO applications
  • 11. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 11 Potential application of FDO to Manufacturing Applications Manufacturing Cloud Local Server (ACP) PLC/DCN
  • 12. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 12 Potential application of FDO to Retail Applications Retail Cloud Local Server POS Security Camera Cloud
  • 13. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 13 Potential application of FDO to Medical Applications Cloud Local Server
  • 14. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 14 Potential application of FDO to Automotive Applications Software update
  • 15. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 15 Potential application of FDO to In-vehicle Automotive Applications Vehicle computer Zone controller
  • 16. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 16 Example FDO architectures
  • 17. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 17 FDO is highly flexible and therefore can users can choose the architecture that best meets there needs As a users needs evolved, FDO can be extended without breaking backwards compatibility single cloud ➔ multi-cloud ➔ closed network ➔ ‘bring your own devices’ Choosing the right FDO deployment model for your application
  • 18. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 18 Scenario 1: Onboarding devices with direct internet access, single cloud/platform Cloud 1
  • 19. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 19 Scenario 2: Onboarding devices with direct internet access, multiple clouds Cloud 1 Cloud 2 Clouds could be different geographies Same type of hardware is deployed to different Clouds
  • 20. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 20 Scenario 3: Onboarding devices without direct internet access (On-premise/Closed Network)
  • 21. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 21 Scenario 4: Onboarding devices – some with and some without direct internet access Cloud 1 Cloud 2 Cloud 3
  • 22. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 22 Scenario 5: Onboarding devices with direct internet access, single cloud/platform, multi-tenant Cloud 1 Tenant 1 Tenant 2 Tenant 3 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3
  • 23. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 23 Scenario 6: Onboarding devices with internet access and Closed Network, single cloud/platform, Roaming customers and multi-tenant Cloud 1 Tenant 1 Tenant 2 Tenant 3 Customer 1 Customer 2 Cloud 2 Roaming Customer 3
  • 24. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 24 FDO – A Flexible and extensible solution
  • 25. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 25 FDO Deployment Flexibility Architectural Sophistication Single Internet Cloud Internet Cloud & On- prem/Closed Single Cloud with Multi- tenant Multi-Cloud, Internet and closed network with Multi- tenant
  • 26. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 26 ExxonMobil ExxonMobil is a leader in the move to standards-based, open, secure, interoperable process control solutions (OPAF) ExxonMobil and Yokogawa successfully used FDO in their Texas testbed. They expect to start running a field trial in the next year at an ExxonMobil Manufacturing facility in Baton Rouge, LA ExxonMobil’s integrator, Yokogawa, has integrated FDO to automate device installation. ExxonMobil’s collaborators for the field trial include various IT and OT suppliers Source: Yokogawa FDO demo on LinkedIn
  • 27. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 27 FDO Business FAQ 1. Do I need to join the FIDO Alliance to use the FDO specification? ➢ No. FDO is an open standard. The spec can be downloaded from the FIDO Alliance web site. ➢ Joining the FIDO Alliance will allow you to impact the evolution of FDO and learn from other users and ecosystem partners 2. What is the license agreement for the FDO technical specification ➢ The FIDO Alliance IPR terms can be found here: 3. Do I need to pay for certification? ➢ The FIDO Alliance does offer a paid FDO Certification program. ➢ There is no obligation for members to certify their products, however if companies want to use a FIDO FDO certification logo then certification of the product is required. ➢ Members do receive a discount on Certification costs. 3. Is there software available that implements FDO? Do I need to pay for them? ➢ Yes, multiple versions. Some are open source, some are commercial version.
  • 28. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 28 Extending FDO applications with FSIMs Hardware ships with FDO only Software deployed at facility via FDO Remote SW deployment Firmware update deployed at facility via FDO Remote firmware updated Hardware ships with FDO and SW load FSIM protocols • Embedded protocols within FDO that perform onboarding actions • Examples: File transfers, key generation, shell commands
  • 29. FIDO Taipei Workshop: Securing the Edge with FDO 29 Conclusion FDO is highly flexible and extensible A wide range of deployment architectures are supported Customers can evolve their architecture over time while retaining compatibility FDO has been developed to offer a high degree of security Customers can further extend the security as needed in their application Users can mix-and-match their credential storage approach as needed FDO can be used with a wide range of processors and Operating systems In conclusion, FDO meets your onboarding needs for today and the future