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Nama : Suci Maisaroh
Prodi : Sistem Informasi (S1)
Fakultas : Sains dan Teknologi
Independent and integrated testing
Defining the skills test staff need
 The purpose and substance of test plans
Estimating what testing will involve and what it
will cost
Estimation techniques
Working as a test leader
 Independent and integrated testing
we talked about independent testing from the perspective of indi-
vidual tester psychology. In this chapter, we'll look at the organizational
and managerial implications of independence.
The approaches to organizing a test team vary, as do the places in the
organ- ization structure where the test team fits. Since testing is an
assessment of quality, and since that assessment is not always positive,
many organizations strive to create an organizational climate where
testers can deliver an inde- pendent, objective assessment of quality.
When thinking about how independent the test team is, recognize
that inde- pendence is not an either/or condition, but a continuum. At
one end of the continuum lies the absence of independence, where the
programmer performs testing within the programming team.
Moving toward independence, you find an integrated tester or group of
testers working alongside the programmers, but still within and
reporting to the development manager. You might find a team of testers
who are independ- ent and outside the development team, but reporting
to project management.
 Working as a
test leader
We have seen that the location of a test team
within a project organization can vary widely.
Similarly there is wide variation in the roles that
people within the test team play. Some of these roles
occur frequently, some infrequently. Two roles that
are found within many test teams are those of the
test leader and the tester, though the same people
may play both roles at various points during the
project. Let's take a look at the work done in these
roles, starting with the test leader.

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The document discusses job analysis which is the process of collecting information about the duties, responsibilities, skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job. It involves studying positions to describe duties and group similar jobs. The stages of job analysis include determining job descriptions, specifications, and performance standards. Various methods are used for collecting job analysis information including observation, interviews, questionnaires, previous studies, and work diaries. Job analysis provides the foundation for human resource systems like selection, training, performance reviews, and compensation.

human resource managementhrmeducation
Job and Task Analysis
Job and Task AnalysisJob and Task Analysis
Job and Task Analysis

This document discusses job analysis and provides examples of job analyses conducted for three positions: sales representative, computer scientist, and graduate teaching assistant. It defines job analysis as identifying the tasks, duties, and requirements of a job. The document outlines various purposes of job analysis including determining training needs, developing selection procedures, and informing performance reviews. It also describes common job analysis tools and methods.

Job analysis
Job analysisJob analysis
Job analysis

This document discusses human resource management topics including job analysis, job descriptions, and job specifications. It defines job analysis as determining a job's duties and skill requirements, job descriptions as outlining a job's responsibilities and requirements, and job specifications as the skills and qualifications required for a job. The document provides information on the uses and best practices of job analysis, as well as the steps to conduct job analysis. It also discusses methods to collect job analysis information and provides guidance on writing job descriptions and specifications.

 Defining the
skills test staff
People involved in testing need
basic professional and social qualifications
such as literacy, the ability to prepare and
deliver written and verbal reports, the
ability to communicate effectively, and so
on. Going beyond that, when we think of
the skills that testers need, three main
areas come to mind:
 Application or business domain: A tester
must understand the intended behavior,
the problem the system will solve, the
process it will automate and so forth, in
order to spot improper behavior while
testing and recognize the 'must work'
functions and features.
 Technology: A tester must be aware of
issues, limitations and capabilities of the
chosen implementation technology, in
order to effectively and effi ciently locate
problems and recognize the 'likely to
fail' functions and features.
 Testing: A tester must know the testing
topics discussed in this book - and often
more advanced testing topics - in order
to effectively and efficiently carry out the
test tasks assigned.
Let's look closely at how to prepare a test plan,
examining issues related to planning for a project, for a
test level or phase, for a specific test type and for test
execution. We'll examine typical factors that influence
the effort related to testing, and see two different
estimation approaches: metrics-based and expert-
based. We'll discuss selecting test strategies and ways
to establish adequate exit criteria for testing. In addition,
we'll look at various tasks related to test preparation and
execution that need planning.
 The
of test
While people tend to have different definitions of what goes
in a test plan, for us a test plan is the project plan for the testing
work to be done. It is not a test design specification, a collection of
test cases or a set of test procedures; in fact, most of our test
plans do not address that level of detail.
Why do we write test plans? We have three main reasons.
First, writing a test plan guides our thinking. We find that if we can
explain something in words, we understand it. If not, there's a good
chance we don't.
Writing a test plan forces us to confront the challenges that await us
and focus our thinking on important topics. In Chapter 2 of Fred
Brooks' brilliant and essential book on software engineering
management, The Mythical Man-Month, he explains the importance
of careful estimation and planning for testing as follows:
Test plan identifier Test deliverables Introduction Test tasks
Test items Environmental needs
Features to be tested Responsibilities
Features not to be tested Staffing and training needs
Approach Schedule
Item pass/fail criteria Risks and contingencies Suspension and
resumption criteria Approvals

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This document discusses test management and organizing testing efforts. It covers six key areas: organizing testers and testing, estimating and planning the test effort, monitoring test progress and reporting, configuration management, managing risks related to testing, and managing incidents found during testing. It describes the importance of independent testing and outlines the roles of test leaders and testers. Test leaders plan and oversee the testing process while testers help define test cases and execute tests. The document emphasizes that skills in the application domain, technology used, and testing practices are important for test staff. Over time, as testing improves, the nature of defects found changes from coding bugs to requirements and design issues, and process improvements help prevent defects earlier.
Techniques of job analysis
Techniques of job analysisTechniques of job analysis
Techniques of job analysis

Job analysis is the process of collecting information about the duties, skills, and requirements of a job. It provides essential information for human resource planning, recruitment, job evaluation, training and development, performance appraisal, job design, compensation, organizational design, and workplace safety. A job analysis identifies the key tasks and responsibilities of a job, the skills and qualifications required to perform the job, and how the job is performed. This information is used to develop job descriptions and job specifications.

Job analysis
Job analysisJob analysis
Job analysis

This document provides an overview of job analysis, including its meaning, purpose, and key components. Job analysis is defined as a formal study of the tasks, responsibilities, and requirements of a specific job. The main purposes of job analysis are to compile task descriptions, examine qualifications, determine relationships to other jobs, and inform hiring and training. The two main components of job analysis are the job description, which provides an organized statement of duties and responsibilities, and the job specification, which outlines the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, and characteristics required to perform the job. The key difference between them is that a job description focuses on the job itself while a job specification focuses on the employee.

 Estimating what testing will involve and
what it will cost
The testing work to be done can often be seen as a subproject
within the larger project. So, we can adapt fundamental techniques of
estimation for testing. We could start with a work-breakdown
structure that identifies the stages, activities and tasks.
Starting at the highest level, we can break down a testing project into
phases using the fundamental test process identified in the ISTQB
Syllabus: planning and control; analysis and design; implementation
and execution; evaluating exit criteria and reporting; and test
closure. Within each phase we identify activities and within each
activity we identify tasks and perhaps subtasks. To identify the
activities and tasks, we work both forward and backward. When we
say we work forward, we mean that we start with the planning
activities and then move forward in time step by step, asking, 'Now,
what comes next?'
 Estimation
There are two techniques for estimation covered by
the ISTQB Foundation Syllabus. One involves consulting
the people who will do the work and other people with
expertise on the tasks to be done. The other involves
analyzing metrics from past projects and from industry
data. Let's look at each in turn.
Asking the individual contributors and experts involves
working with experi- enced staff members to develop a
work-breakdown structure for the project. With that done,
you work together to understand, for each task, the effort,
duration, dependencies, and resource requirements. The
idea is to draw on the collective wisdom of the team to
create your test estimate. Using a tool such as Microsoft
Project or a whiteboard and sticky-notes, you and the team
can then predict the testing end-date and major
milestones. This technique is often called 'bottom up'
estimation because you start at the lowest level of the hier-
archical breakdown in the work-breakdown structure - the
task - and let the duration, effort, dependencies and
resources for each task add up across all the tasks.

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Test Management

  • 1. Test management Nama : Suci Maisaroh Prodi : Sistem Informasi (S1) Fakultas : Sains dan Teknologi UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SULTAN SYARIF KASIM RIAU
  • 2. PRESENTATION Independent and integrated testing Defining the skills test staff need  TEST PLANS , ESTIMATES AND STRATEGIES  The purpose and substance of test plans STANDARD TEST PLAN TEMPLATE Estimating what testing will involve and what it will cost Estimation techniques Working as a test leader
  • 3.  Independent and integrated testing we talked about independent testing from the perspective of indi- vidual tester psychology. In this chapter, we'll look at the organizational and managerial implications of independence. The approaches to organizing a test team vary, as do the places in the organ- ization structure where the test team fits. Since testing is an assessment of quality, and since that assessment is not always positive, many organizations strive to create an organizational climate where testers can deliver an inde- pendent, objective assessment of quality. When thinking about how independent the test team is, recognize that inde- pendence is not an either/or condition, but a continuum. At one end of the continuum lies the absence of independence, where the programmer performs testing within the programming team. Moving toward independence, you find an integrated tester or group of testers working alongside the programmers, but still within and reporting to the development manager. You might find a team of testers who are independ- ent and outside the development team, but reporting to project management.
  • 4.  Working as a test leader We have seen that the location of a test team within a project organization can vary widely. Similarly there is wide variation in the roles that people within the test team play. Some of these roles occur frequently, some infrequently. Two roles that are found within many test teams are those of the test leader and the tester, though the same people may play both roles at various points during the project. Let's take a look at the work done in these roles, starting with the test leader.
  • 5.  Defining the skills test staff need People involved in testing need basic professional and social qualifications such as literacy, the ability to prepare and deliver written and verbal reports, the ability to communicate effectively, and so on. Going beyond that, when we think of the skills that testers need, three main areas come to mind:  Application or business domain: A tester must understand the intended behavior, the problem the system will solve, the process it will automate and so forth, in order to spot improper behavior while testing and recognize the 'must work' functions and features.  Technology: A tester must be aware of issues, limitations and capabilities of the chosen implementation technology, in order to effectively and effi ciently locate problems and recognize the 'likely to fail' functions and features.  Testing: A tester must know the testing topics discussed in this book - and often more advanced testing topics - in order to effectively and efficiently carry out the test tasks assigned.
  • 6.  TEST PLANS , ESTIMATES AND STRATEGIES Let's look closely at how to prepare a test plan, examining issues related to planning for a project, for a test level or phase, for a specific test type and for test execution. We'll examine typical factors that influence the effort related to testing, and see two different estimation approaches: metrics-based and expert- based. We'll discuss selecting test strategies and ways to establish adequate exit criteria for testing. In addition, we'll look at various tasks related to test preparation and execution that need planning.
  • 7.  The purpose and substance of test plans While people tend to have different definitions of what goes in a test plan, for us a test plan is the project plan for the testing work to be done. It is not a test design specification, a collection of test cases or a set of test procedures; in fact, most of our test plans do not address that level of detail. Why do we write test plans? We have three main reasons. First, writing a test plan guides our thinking. We find that if we can explain something in words, we understand it. If not, there's a good chance we don't. Writing a test plan forces us to confront the challenges that await us and focus our thinking on important topics. In Chapter 2 of Fred Brooks' brilliant and essential book on software engineering management, The Mythical Man-Month, he explains the importance of careful estimation and planning for testing as follows:
  • 8. Test plan identifier Test deliverables Introduction Test tasks Test items Environmental needs Features to be tested Responsibilities Features not to be tested Staffing and training needs Approach Schedule Item pass/fail criteria Risks and contingencies Suspension and resumption criteria Approvals  STANDARD TEST PLAN TEMPLATE
  • 9.  Estimating what testing will involve and what it will cost The testing work to be done can often be seen as a subproject within the larger project. So, we can adapt fundamental techniques of estimation for testing. We could start with a work-breakdown structure that identifies the stages, activities and tasks. Starting at the highest level, we can break down a testing project into phases using the fundamental test process identified in the ISTQB Syllabus: planning and control; analysis and design; implementation and execution; evaluating exit criteria and reporting; and test closure. Within each phase we identify activities and within each activity we identify tasks and perhaps subtasks. To identify the activities and tasks, we work both forward and backward. When we say we work forward, we mean that we start with the planning activities and then move forward in time step by step, asking, 'Now, what comes next?'
  • 10.  Estimation techniques There are two techniques for estimation covered by the ISTQB Foundation Syllabus. One involves consulting the people who will do the work and other people with expertise on the tasks to be done. The other involves analyzing metrics from past projects and from industry data. Let's look at each in turn. Asking the individual contributors and experts involves working with experi- enced staff members to develop a work-breakdown structure for the project. With that done, you work together to understand, for each task, the effort, duration, dependencies, and resource requirements. The idea is to draw on the collective wisdom of the team to create your test estimate. Using a tool such as Microsoft Project or a whiteboard and sticky-notes, you and the team can then predict the testing end-date and major milestones. This technique is often called 'bottom up' estimation because you start at the lowest level of the hier- archical breakdown in the work-breakdown structure - the task - and let the duration, effort, dependencies and resources for each task add up across all the tasks.