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Assalamua’laikum Wr.Wb
Referensi : Graham (2006)
Test Management ?
In this chapter, we cover essential topics for test
management in six sections. The first relates to how to
organize the testers and the testing. The second concerns
the estimation, planning and strategizing of the test effort.
The third addresses test progress monitoring, test
reporting and test control. The fourth explains
configuration management and its relationship to testing.
The fifth covers the central topic of risk and how testing
affects and is affected by product and project risks. The
sixth and final section discusses the management of
incidents, both product defects and other events that
require further investigation.
Test Organization ?
1. Recognize the importance of independent testing. (Kl)
2. List the benefits and drawbacks of independent testing within an organ ization.(K2)
3. Recognize the different team members to be considered for the creation of a test
team. (Kl)
4. Recall the tasks of typical test leaders and testers.(Kl)
In this section, let's talk about organizing a test effort within a project. We'll
look at the value of independent testing, and discuss the potential benefits and risks
associated with independent testing. We will examine the various types of different
test team members we might want on a test team. And we'll familiarize ourselves with
the typical tasks performed by test leaders and testers. As we go through this
section, keep your eyes open for the glossary terms tester, test leader and test
Independent and Integrated
 In Chapter 1 we talked about independent testing from the perspective of indi-
vidual tester psychology. In this chapter, we'll look at the organizational and
managerial implications of independence.
 The approaches to organizing a test team vary, as do the places in the organ-
ization structure where the test team fits. Since testing is an assessment of quality, and
since that assessment is not always positive, many organizations strive to create an
organizational climate where testers can deliver an inde-pendent, objective
assessment of quality.
 When thinking about how independent the test team is, recognize that inde-
pendence is not an either/or condition, but a continuum. At one end of the
continuum lies the absence of independence, where the programmer performs
testing within the programming team.

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Wahyudi Bayu Putra is a student at UIN Suska Riau studying Information Systems in the Faculty of Science and Technology. The document discusses error guessing as a technique in software testing. It states that error guessing works best when used along with more formal testing methods. Good testers are able to identify where defects are most likely by understanding the system and thinking of situations where it may not work properly. Some examples of conditions to test include division by zero, blank inputs, empty files, and incorrect data types. A structured approach to error guessing involves creating lists of possible defects and designing tests to trigger them.

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[Paul Holland] Trends in Software Testing
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Trends in Software Testing: There has been a slow realization among the top executives that simply outsourcing testing to the lowest bidder is not resulting in a sufficient level of quality in their software products. In this session, Paul Holland will discuss how American companies are starting to reconsider “factory school” testing and are no longer satisfied with the current situation of simply outsourcing their “checking”. As the development side of software continues its dramatic shift toward Agile development – what role can testers have and how can testers still add value?

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Alex Swandi Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

uin suska riausif uin suska riau
Working As a TestLeader
They recognize when test automation is appropriate and, if it is, they plan the
effort, select the tools, and ensure training of the team. They may consult with
other groups - e.g., programmers - to help them with their testing. They lead,
guide and monitor the analysis, design, implementation and execution of the test
cases, test procedures and test suites. They ensure proper configuration
management of the testware produced and traceability of the tests to the test
Working As a Tester
 As with test leaders, projects should include testers at
the outset, though it is often the case that project doesn't
need a full complement of testers until the test execution
period. In the planning and preparation phases of the
testing, testers should review and contribute to test plans,
as well as analyzing, review- ing and assessing
requirements and design specifications. They may be
involved in or even be the primary people identifying test
conditions and cre-ating test designs, test cases, test
procedure specifications and test data, and may
automate or help to automate the tests. They often set up
the test envi- ronments or assist system administration
and network management staff in doing so.
Working As a Tester
 Doing testing properly requires more than defining the right
positions and number of people for those positions. Good test
teams have the right mix of skills based on the tasks and activities
they need to carry out, and people outside the test team who are
in charge of test tasks need the right skills, too. People involved in
testing need basic professional and social qualifications such as
literacy, the ability to prepare and deliver written and verbal reports,
the ability to communicate effectively, and so on. Going beyond
that, when we think of the skills that testers need, three main areas
come to mind:
Defining The Skills Test Staff Need
 Application or business domain: A tester must understand the intended behavior, the
problem the system will solve, the process it will automate and so forth, in order to
spot improper behavior while testing and recognize the 'must work' functions and
 Technology: A tester must be aware of issues, limitations and capabilities of the
chosen implementation technology, in order to effectively and effi ciently locate
problems and recognize the 'likely to fail' functions andfeatures.
 Testing: A tester must know the testing topics discussed in this book - and often more
advanced testing topics - in order to effectively and efficiently carry out the test tasks

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Hadinul Insan Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim
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The document contains a session plan for a software testing principles and techniques course. The session objectives are to define various software testing terms and concepts, differentiate between different types of testing, and learn about the testing process. The session would include slides, demonstrations of testing software, and discussions. Test cases for an example ATM system are also provided to demonstrate initial functional testing.

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Fundamentals of testing
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Fundamentals of testing

Testing is needed to identify defects, provide confidence, and prevent defects. The objectives of testing include finding defects, providing information, and achieving confidence. Exhaustive testing is impossible, so risk-based testing is used instead of testing all combinations of inputs. Testing activities should start early in the software development life cycle and focus on defined objectives. Defect clusters are used to plan risk-based tests and test cases are regularly revised to overcome the pesticide paradox. The fundamental test process includes test planning, analysis and design, implementation and execution, evaluation and reporting, and closure activities. Independence is important for testing to provide an objective perspective.

The Defect Clusters Change Over Time
Over time, as we improve our whole software
development life cycle and the
defects. A typical test improvement initiative will
initially find more defects as the testing improves and
then, as the defect prevention kicks in, we see the
defect numbers dropping. The first part of the
improvement enables us to reduce failures in
operation; later the improve-ments are making us
more efficient and effective in producing the software
with fewer defects in it.
The Defect Clusters Change Over Time
As the 'hot spots' for bugs get cleaned up we need to
move our focus else- where, to the next set of risks.
Over time, our focus may change from finding coding
bugs, to looking at the requirements and design
documents for defects, and to looking for process
improvements so that we prevent defects in the

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Fundamental of testing (Test Management)

  • 2. Test Management ? In this chapter, we cover essential topics for test management in six sections. The first relates to how to organize the testers and the testing. The second concerns the estimation, planning and strategizing of the test effort. The third addresses test progress monitoring, test reporting and test control. The fourth explains configuration management and its relationship to testing. The fifth covers the central topic of risk and how testing affects and is affected by product and project risks. The sixth and final section discusses the management of incidents, both product defects and other events that require further investigation.
  • 3. Test Organization ? 1. Recognize the importance of independent testing. (Kl) 2. List the benefits and drawbacks of independent testing within an organ ization.(K2) 3. Recognize the different team members to be considered for the creation of a test team. (Kl) 4. Recall the tasks of typical test leaders and testers.(Kl) In this section, let's talk about organizing a test effort within a project. We'll look at the value of independent testing, and discuss the potential benefits and risks associated with independent testing. We will examine the various types of different test team members we might want on a test team. And we'll familiarize ourselves with the typical tasks performed by test leaders and testers. As we go through this section, keep your eyes open for the glossary terms tester, test leader and test manager.
  • 4. Independent and Integrated Testing  In Chapter 1 we talked about independent testing from the perspective of indi- vidual tester psychology. In this chapter, we'll look at the organizational and managerial implications of independence.  The approaches to organizing a test team vary, as do the places in the organ- ization structure where the test team fits. Since testing is an assessment of quality, and since that assessment is not always positive, many organizations strive to create an organizational climate where testers can deliver an inde-pendent, objective assessment of quality.  When thinking about how independent the test team is, recognize that inde- pendence is not an either/or condition, but a continuum. At one end of the continuum lies the absence of independence, where the programmer performs testing within the programming team.
  • 5. Working As a TestLeader They recognize when test automation is appropriate and, if it is, they plan the effort, select the tools, and ensure training of the team. They may consult with other groups - e.g., programmers - to help them with their testing. They lead, guide and monitor the analysis, design, implementation and execution of the test cases, test procedures and test suites. They ensure proper configuration management of the testware produced and traceability of the tests to the test basis.
  • 6. Working As a Tester  As with test leaders, projects should include testers at the outset, though it is often the case that project doesn't need a full complement of testers until the test execution period. In the planning and preparation phases of the testing, testers should review and contribute to test plans, as well as analyzing, review- ing and assessing requirements and design specifications. They may be involved in or even be the primary people identifying test conditions and cre-ating test designs, test cases, test procedure specifications and test data, and may automate or help to automate the tests. They often set up the test envi- ronments or assist system administration and network management staff in doing so.
  • 7. Working As a Tester  Doing testing properly requires more than defining the right positions and number of people for those positions. Good test teams have the right mix of skills based on the tasks and activities they need to carry out, and people outside the test team who are in charge of test tasks need the right skills, too. People involved in testing need basic professional and social qualifications such as literacy, the ability to prepare and deliver written and verbal reports, the ability to communicate effectively, and so on. Going beyond that, when we think of the skills that testers need, three main areas come to mind:
  • 8. Defining The Skills Test Staff Need  Application or business domain: A tester must understand the intended behavior, the problem the system will solve, the process it will automate and so forth, in order to spot improper behavior while testing and recognize the 'must work' functions and features.  Technology: A tester must be aware of issues, limitations and capabilities of the chosen implementation technology, in order to effectively and effi ciently locate problems and recognize the 'likely to fail' functions andfeatures.  Testing: A tester must know the testing topics discussed in this book - and often more advanced testing topics - in order to effectively and efficiently carry out the test tasks assigned.
  • 9. The Defect Clusters Change Over Time Over time, as we improve our whole software development life cycle and the defects. A typical test improvement initiative will initially find more defects as the testing improves and then, as the defect prevention kicks in, we see the defect numbers dropping. The first part of the improvement enables us to reduce failures in operation; later the improve-ments are making us more efficient and effective in producing the software with fewer defects in it.
  • 10. The Defect Clusters Change Over Time As the 'hot spots' for bugs get cleaned up we need to move our focus else- where, to the next set of risks. Over time, our focus may change from finding coding bugs, to looking at the requirements and design documents for defects, and to looking for process improvements so that we prevent defects in the product.