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Learntesting Document Templates

                                TEST DOCUMENTATION
                                  Based on IEEE 829

You may use the content of these templates freely. The tempates are based on those developed and
       used by TSG, its employees and its subsiduary companies between 1991 and 2009.

        © 2009 Learntesting                                                  Page 1 of 16
        By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
Table of contents

1     Introduction.............................................................................. 3
2     Test Plan Description ................................................................. 4
3     Test Plan Outline ....................................................................... 5
4     Test Design Specification Description ........................................... 7
5     Test Procedure Specification Outline ............................................ 8
6     Test Cases Specification ............................................................. 9
7     Test Item Transmittal Report .................................................... 10
8     Test Log ................................................................................. 11
9     Test Incident Report ................................................................ 12
10    Test Summary Report .............................................................. 13
11    Test Case Folio - a combined document ..................................... 14
12    Test Case Folio - Layout 1 ........................................................ 15
13    Test Case Folio - Layout 2 ........................................................ 16

© 2009 Learntesting                                                                   Page 2 of 16
By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
1 Introduction
These templates have been in use since the 1990’s in different formats as
the standard and the demands of different clients have given reasons for
changing them.

You are free to use them as they are or to adapt them, remembering that
their original source is IEEE829, the standard for test documentation.
Remember that successful use of these templates means trying them, and
then adapting them to your organisation.

You can use them:
    As a checklist of things to remember
    As the basis for a to-do list on a whiteboard or wiki
    As the paragraph headings for a single or a suite of documents
    As the headings in a spreadsheet
    As the agenda for test meetings

You might end up writing a document to support your plans, or you might
find that using the headings as a checklist may be enough for you. What
you need will depend on the demands in your project for an audit trail, for
evidence of testing planned and completed, the need for traceability
between different artefacts in your project, the methods you are using,
the size and distribution of the audience, the tools you are using, the
experience of the team and stakeholders, and other factors.

Try and write small documents – keep to as few words as possible to
make sure your readers are not overwhelmed. The example test case
folios at the end of the document show how several of the test documents
can be combined. Tools can be used for supporting a number of these
documents – the obvious ones are the test incident and the test log. If
you have the information in a tool you should not need it as text. Some
may exist as part of another document, for example the test item
transmittal report may be part of a release note. You need to know where
the information described in the templates can be found; you do not
necessarily need a set of documents with these titles. The test plan
section “Deliverables” can be used to identify what documents you will

We hope you find these templates useful. Please contact us if you need
any help or have comments.

The Consultants’ Team
Testing Solutions Group Ltd


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2 Test Plan Description
Reason for the                   Help you consider and plan for test activities
document:                        Evidence of decisions
                                 Rule book for actions
                                 Checklist of how to control test issues
Audience:                        You, your manager, your team, the development
                                  team, the team who will provide resources such as
                                  the environment, your customer and other
When to write                    As soon as possible, for example, at the start - during
                                  project planning. Update throughout the project – use
                                  the initial version as a baseline for change.
How to use                       Planning document - part of/expansion of the project
                                  plan and could be combined with it. Early on -
                                  Document test strategy and explain/publicise it to
                                  management, customer and team. During the test
                                  project - use to help you keep on track and reassess
                                  issues/risks/direction. Be prepared to update/change
                                  - but document changes and reasons for change.

Major parts from IEEE 829:
           Test plan identifier
           References to other documents
           Introduction
           Test Items
           Features to be tested
           Features not to be tested
           Approach
           Item pass/fail criteria
           Suspension criteria and resumption requirements
           Test deliverables
           Testing tasks
           Environmental needs
           Responsibility
           Staffing and training needs
           Schedule
           Risks and contingencies
           Approvals
           Glossary of terms

The next section explains these parts in a template.

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By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd

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A test plan is a document that describes the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended software testing activities. It follows a strict structure defined by IEEE standards to ensure all aspects of testing are covered. A test plan identifies test items, features to be tested, approach, pass/fail criteria, deliverables, risks, staffing needs, schedule, and approvals. Developing thorough test plans is essential for efficient and effective software testing.

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Application of TMMi to improve test approaches and processes: Experience from...
Application of TMMi to improve test approaches and processes: Experience from...Application of TMMi to improve test approaches and processes: Experience from...
Application of TMMi to improve test approaches and processes: Experience from...

By: Vahid Garousi Bahar Software Engineering Consulting Corporation, UK Queen’s University Belfast, UK Alper Buğra Keleş Testinium A.Ş., Istanbul, Turkey An invited talk for: TMMi Hungarian Local Chapter May 26, 2021

3 Test Plan Outline
Test plan number
Test plan name
Status                                         Draft / Issue / Removed
References to other documents

1. Introduction

2. Items to be tested
(Include systems, software, and any other products to be tested)

3. Features/attributes to be tested
(Consider generic and customer specific, functional and non-
functional; give risk based reasons for including these in the scope
of this testing)

4. Features/attributes not to be tested
(Consider generic and customer specific, functional and non-
functional; give risk based reasons for excluding these from the
scope of this testing)

(for example, whether the strategy for testing is analytical, model
based, methodical, process compliant, dynamic/exploratory,
consultative, regression-averse; also what types of testing
(functional, non-functional, static, dynamic) are to be used, the
degree of automation)

Item pass / fail criteria & entry/exit criteria
(Describe the criteria for judging when testing is complete and for
judging whether the items under test meet quality or other

© 2009 Learntesting                                                      Page 5 of 16
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Suspension criteria and resumption requirements
(Criteria for agreeing when to stop testing part way through the test
process, if needed, and how to restart the testing)

Test deliverables
(Including any plans, test specifications, test harnesses, test suites,
test reports)

Testing tasks
(What needs to be done?)

Environmental needs
(IT and office needs may be stated)

(Who will carry out the tasks?)

Staffing and training needs
(If the existing team does not have the skills to support the
required testing, then recruitment into/training of the team may be

(Of tasks)

Risks and contingencies
(Anything – specifically project risks - that will prevent the testing
from completing)

                                               Name   Signed       Date
Approvers (customer/user)
Approvers (development/test)

© 2009 Learntesting                                            Page 6 of 16
By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
4 Test Design Specification Description
Reason for the                   Prepare and plan the tests in detail, show the
document:                         methods to be used, prepare the ground for more
                                  detailed tests later
Audience:                        You, the rest of the test team, development team,
                                  possibly your customer
                                 Anyone who could affect or needs to know about
                                  testing in detail (e.g. operations group, other
When to write                    Start early on - see V model of testing
How to use                       In a small project, you may want to combine this with
                                  the test procedure specification and the test case
                                  specification to make one test specification

Major parts from IEEE 829:
           Identifier (and reference to test plan)
           Features to be tested
           Approach refinements
           Test identification (list test cases)
           Feature pass/fail criteria

This document lists the test conditions and should show
coverage/traceability from the test basis (requirements/design) to
the test conditions. It may be a text document but is often a
spreadsheet or table:

Test                 Ref to           Description            test cases required
condition            test basis
TCRQ1.1.1            ReqA1.1          Test lower boundary Under taxable
                                      on lowest tax band  income
                                                          Lowest taxable
TCRQ1.1.2            ReqA1.1          Test upper          Top of lowest band
                                      boundary on lowest Start of next band
                                      tax band

© 2009 Learntesting                                                      Page 7 of 16
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5 Test Procedure Specification Outline
Reason for the                   Specify steps for executing a set of test cases, or
document:                         needed to test a software item/feature
Audience:                        You
                                 Test team
                                 Possibly Ops etc.
When to write                    Sketch early, fill in details during the early
                                  stages, complete during code/test - be prepared
                                  to refine and change
How to use                       Prompt for test executors
                                 Information for other affected groups e.g. Ops
                                 May combine with other planning documents

Major parts from IEEE 829:
           Identifier (and reference to test plan and test design)
           Purpose
           Reference to test cases executed during the procedure
           Special requirements for this test procedure (e.g. special
            hardware, database status, feeds…)
           Procedure steps - including:
              Log method
              Set up
              Start
              Proceed
              Measure
              Shut down
              Restart
              Stop
              Wrap up
              Contingencies

© 2009 Learntesting                                                        Page 8 of 16
By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd

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The ppt is about last and final step of Software testing done by client/end users before releasing the Software product.

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6 Test Cases Specification
Reason for the                   Define each precise test case with its inputs,
document:                         processing and expected effect/outputs
Audience:                        You
                                 Test team
                                 Possibly e.g. Audit, Customers
When to write                    Early test case development helps to focus on
                                  the test problem – but can be done immediately
                                  before test execution
How to use                       Check test coverage, requirements and design
                                  during walkthrough/inspection
                                 Prompt during test run (expected results)

Major parts from IEEE 829:
           Identifier (and reference to test plan and test design)
           Test items covered by this test case (e.g. you may be
            checking the user guide and the software against the
            specification) - include references to documents
           Input specifications (names of files, values, etc..) - show
            exact values or tolerances
           Output specifications (names of files, values, messages,
            etc.) - show exact values or tolerances
           Environmental needs (hardware, software)
           Special procedural requirements
           Inter-case dependencies (remember you may want to select
            part of the whole test for re-run)

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7 Test Item Transmittal Report
Reason for the                   Information to the test team from the
document:                         development team that a test item is in the test
                                  area and ready for test, or from test team that
                                  item is ready to move to next stage / back for
Audience:                        Development team
                                 Test team
                                 Configuration/Change management team
When to write                    Have standard form
                                 Complete as items are ready for test
                                 Complete as items are ready for retest
How to use                       Audit trail
                                 Permission/start criterion

Major parts from IEEE 829:
           Identifier (and reference to test plan and test design)
           List of transmitted items (and precise identification)
           Location
           Status
           Approvals

© 2009 Learntesting                                                      Page 10 of 16
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8 Test Log
Reason for the                   Record of what actually happened during a test
document:                         execution
Audience:                        You
                                 Test team
                                 Development team
                                 Problem analysis team
                                 Audit
                                 Customer
When to write                    As tests are executed
How to use                       Record/evidence
                                 Audit trail
                                 Could do on paper or on-line (e.g. in a
                                 Could do via a capture – playback tool

Major parts from IEEE 829:
           Identifier (and reference to test plan and test design)
           Description / common information e.g. testers initials
           Activities log
               Execution description
               Results
               Environmental information
               Anomalous events
               Reference to test incident logs by identifier

© 2009 Learntesting                                                     Page 11 of 16
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9 Test Incident Report
 Reason for the                  Capture and track test incidents as they arise
document:                         and are resolved, maintain history of each
Audience:                        You
                                 Test team
                                 Development team
                                 Problem analysis team
                                 Sometimes your customer
When to write                    As test incidents arise, then update as incident is
How to use                       To pass information
                                 To record progress and problem ownership
                                 Could do on paper or on-line (e.g. in a

Major parts from IEEE 829:
When raising the TIR
     Identifier (and reference to test log/procedure/case)
     Summary of incident
     Incident description
     Impact including impact of not fixing and impact of fixing
       e.g. which re-tests and regression tests will need to be run
When resolving the TIR
     Priority (may change)
     Analysis of problem/reasons
     Actions taken to resolve/resolution history – including which
       re-tests and regression tests were run
     Final status

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This document discusses software documentation testing. It notes that documentation has become a major part of software systems and testers must cover both code and documentation. Different types of documentation are described, from user manuals to help systems. The document provides a checklist for documentation testing, including checking that content is appropriate, terminology is suitable, and examples work as intended. It also discusses using tools to auto-generate documentation from source code comments.

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The document outlines the software testing life cycle (STLC) which is a systematic and planned process for testing software. The STLC includes requirement analysis to define what will be tested, test planning to identify activities, resources and schedules, test case development to detail test cases and data, test execution to run test cases and log results, and test cycle closure to generate reports and complete testing.

10 Test Summary Report
Reason for the                   Report on the test of tests at the end of a test
document:                         phase (could also be used during test phases)
Audience:                        You
                                 Your manager
                                 Your team
                                 Your customer
                                 Audit
When to write                    When testing is suspended or completed for a
                                  phase or for the project
How to use                       Log and agree that Exit criteria have been met

Major parts from IEEE 829:
           Identifier (and reference to test plan and test design)
           Summary for each test item
           Variances
           Comprehensive assessment
           Summary of results for major features, test incidents and
            how resolved
           Evaluation for each test item
           Summary of activities, log actuals for resources usage, etc.
           Approvals

© 2009 Learntesting                                                       Page 13 of 16
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11 Test Case Folio - a combined document
Reason for the                   Help you plan and follow through testing on a
document:                         small project / maintenance change with
                                  minimum documentation
Audience:                        You
                                 Your tester/programmer
                                 Possibly the auditor
                                 Possibly your customer
When to write                    Start as early as possible, update during testing,
                                  complete at end
How to use                       As a single running document that captures all
                                  the essentials of the document set
                                 For small simple tests
                                 For unit test - the author is likely to be the user
                                 Not: use a spreadsheet to allow you to capture
                                  max info and report back easily.

       Design a layout that helps you capture the spirit of the
        standard with the minimum paper – 2 examples below.

© 2009 Learntesting                                                        Page 14 of 16
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12 Test Case Folio - Layout 1
        captures retest information
                                                                                    actual result
                                                             Pass / Fail   TIR no      Retest no    Fix (P)   Retest
  no           test                expected result                                     req'd                  complete

1234-b   Open “Customer      Clear screen layout             P
         screen”             list of options displayed
                             Clear prompt message
                             Access to help
1234-c                       Option appears on screen
         Select option       Able to select option           P
         “Enquiry”           Opens Enquiry screen

1234-d                       Get message “Customer
                             Jones not database - try        F             St11       1234-b
         Customer does       alternative search” and able                             1234-c
         not exist - enter   to research                                              1234-d
1234-e   surname “Jones”
                             Details for customer “Mrs G     F             St12       1234-e
                             Smith, 14 Larch Street,
         Customer exists     Birmingham B29 3DU,
         - single            customer no 1234/qwert/4,
         occurrence -        balance £1234.00, last
         enter surname       transaction payment in on
1234-f   “Smith”             24/10/97”

                             Multiple customer subscreen     F             ST13       1234-f
                             appears - list of customer
         Customer -          with surname “Brown”
         multiple            showing full name, first line
         occurrence -        of address, customer
         enter surname       number.
         “Brown”             Able to select and display
                             details for each occurrence

Test summary

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13 Test Case Folio - Layout 2
         new tcf required for each retest run

 Test case folio no 1234/UI/1
 Test of user interface at Customer Screen - using test database X1234 in its new-restored status

 Test     Test description                     Expected results                Pass    TIR    Signed
 no                                                                            (Y/N)   no     /date
 1234-    Open “Customer screen”               Clear screen layout             Y              IE 1/11
 b                                             list of options displayed
                                               Clear prompt message
                                               Access to help
          Select option “Enquiry”              Option appears on screen
 1234-                                         Able to select option           Y              IE 1/11
 c                                             Opens Enquiry screen

          Customer does not exist - enter      Get message “Customer
          surname “Jones”                      Jones not database - try        N       St1    IE 1/11
 1234-                                         alternative search” and able            1
 d                                             to research
          Customer exists - single
          occurrence - enter surname           Details for customer “Mrs G     N              IE 1/11
          “Smith”                              Smith, 14 Larch Street,                 St1
 1234-                                         Birmingham B29 3DU,                     2
 e                                             customer no 1234/qwert/4,
                                               balance £1234.00, last
                                               transaction payment in on
          Customer - multiple occurrence -
          enter surname “Brown”                Multiple customer subscreen     N              IE 1/11
                                               appears - list of customer
 1234-f                                        with surname “Brown”                    ST1
                                               showing full name, first line           3
                                               of address, customer
                                               Able to select and display
                                               details for each occurrence
 Summary of results: Item pass/fail   FAIL

 Tests suspended 1/11 at 12.05 after test 1234-c - system area NOT ready for system test. Await
 completion of area and re-test - new entry criteria agreed with Development Manager

© 2009 Learntesting                                                                    Page 16 of 16
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Test Documentation Based On Ieee829 155261

  • 1. Learntesting Document Templates TEST DOCUMENTATION Based on IEEE 829 You may use the content of these templates freely. The tempates are based on those developed and used by TSG, its employees and its subsiduary companies between 1991 and 2009. © 2009 Learntesting Page 1 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 2. Table of contents 1 Introduction.............................................................................. 3 2 Test Plan Description ................................................................. 4 3 Test Plan Outline ....................................................................... 5 4 Test Design Specification Description ........................................... 7 5 Test Procedure Specification Outline ............................................ 8 6 Test Cases Specification ............................................................. 9 7 Test Item Transmittal Report .................................................... 10 8 Test Log ................................................................................. 11 9 Test Incident Report ................................................................ 12 10 Test Summary Report .............................................................. 13 11 Test Case Folio - a combined document ..................................... 14 12 Test Case Folio - Layout 1 ........................................................ 15 13 Test Case Folio - Layout 2 ........................................................ 16 © 2009 Learntesting Page 2 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 3. 1 Introduction These templates have been in use since the 1990’s in different formats as the standard and the demands of different clients have given reasons for changing them. You are free to use them as they are or to adapt them, remembering that their original source is IEEE829, the standard for test documentation. Remember that successful use of these templates means trying them, and then adapting them to your organisation. You can use them:  As a checklist of things to remember  As the basis for a to-do list on a whiteboard or wiki  As the paragraph headings for a single or a suite of documents  As the headings in a spreadsheet  As the agenda for test meetings You might end up writing a document to support your plans, or you might find that using the headings as a checklist may be enough for you. What you need will depend on the demands in your project for an audit trail, for evidence of testing planned and completed, the need for traceability between different artefacts in your project, the methods you are using, the size and distribution of the audience, the tools you are using, the experience of the team and stakeholders, and other factors. Try and write small documents – keep to as few words as possible to make sure your readers are not overwhelmed. The example test case folios at the end of the document show how several of the test documents can be combined. Tools can be used for supporting a number of these documents – the obvious ones are the test incident and the test log. If you have the information in a tool you should not need it as text. Some may exist as part of another document, for example the test item transmittal report may be part of a release note. You need to know where the information described in the templates can be found; you do not necessarily need a set of documents with these titles. The test plan section “Deliverables” can be used to identify what documents you will use. We hope you find these templates useful. Please contact us if you need any help or have comments. The Consultants’ Team Testing Solutions Group Ltd Email: © 2009 Learntesting Page 3 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 4. 2 Test Plan Description Reason for the  Help you consider and plan for test activities document:  Evidence of decisions  Rule book for actions  Checklist of how to control test issues Audience:  You, your manager, your team, the development team, the team who will provide resources such as the environment, your customer and other stakeholders. When to write  As soon as possible, for example, at the start - during project planning. Update throughout the project – use the initial version as a baseline for change. How to use  Planning document - part of/expansion of the project plan and could be combined with it. Early on - Document test strategy and explain/publicise it to management, customer and team. During the test project - use to help you keep on track and reassess issues/risks/direction. Be prepared to update/change - but document changes and reasons for change. Major parts from IEEE 829:  Test plan identifier  References to other documents  Introduction  Test Items  Features to be tested  Features not to be tested  Approach  Item pass/fail criteria  Suspension criteria and resumption requirements  Test deliverables  Testing tasks  Environmental needs  Responsibility  Staffing and training needs  Schedule  Risks and contingencies  Approvals  Glossary of terms The next section explains these parts in a template. © 2009 Learntesting Page 4 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 5. 3 Test Plan Outline Test plan number Test plan name Version Status Draft / Issue / Removed References to other documents 1. Introduction 2. Items to be tested (Include systems, software, and any other products to be tested) 3. Features/attributes to be tested (Consider generic and customer specific, functional and non- functional; give risk based reasons for including these in the scope of this testing) 4. Features/attributes not to be tested (Consider generic and customer specific, functional and non- functional; give risk based reasons for excluding these from the scope of this testing) Approach (for example, whether the strategy for testing is analytical, model based, methodical, process compliant, dynamic/exploratory, consultative, regression-averse; also what types of testing (functional, non-functional, static, dynamic) are to be used, the degree of automation) Item pass / fail criteria & entry/exit criteria (Describe the criteria for judging when testing is complete and for judging whether the items under test meet quality or other requirements © 2009 Learntesting Page 5 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 6. Suspension criteria and resumption requirements (Criteria for agreeing when to stop testing part way through the test process, if needed, and how to restart the testing) Test deliverables (Including any plans, test specifications, test harnesses, test suites, test reports) Testing tasks (What needs to be done?) Environmental needs (IT and office needs may be stated) Responsibilities (Who will carry out the tasks?) Staffing and training needs (If the existing team does not have the skills to support the required testing, then recruitment into/training of the team may be required) Schedule (Of tasks) Risks and contingencies (Anything – specifically project risks - that will prevent the testing from completing) Approvals Name Signed Date Author: Reviewers Approvers (customer/user) Approvers (development/test) © 2009 Learntesting Page 6 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 7. 4 Test Design Specification Description Reason for the  Prepare and plan the tests in detail, show the document: methods to be used, prepare the ground for more detailed tests later Audience:  You, the rest of the test team, development team, possibly your customer  Anyone who could affect or needs to know about testing in detail (e.g. operations group, other projects) When to write  Start early on - see V model of testing How to use  In a small project, you may want to combine this with the test procedure specification and the test case specification to make one test specification Major parts from IEEE 829:  Identifier (and reference to test plan)  Features to be tested  Approach refinements  Test identification (list test cases)  Feature pass/fail criteria This document lists the test conditions and should show coverage/traceability from the test basis (requirements/design) to the test conditions. It may be a text document but is often a spreadsheet or table: Test Ref to Description test cases required condition test basis number TCRQ1.1.1 ReqA1.1 Test lower boundary Under taxable on lowest tax band income Lowest taxable income TCRQ1.1.2 ReqA1.1 Test upper Top of lowest band boundary on lowest Start of next band tax band © 2009 Learntesting Page 7 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 8. 5 Test Procedure Specification Outline Reason for the  Specify steps for executing a set of test cases, or document: needed to test a software item/feature Audience:  You  Test team  Possibly Ops etc. When to write  Sketch early, fill in details during the early stages, complete during code/test - be prepared to refine and change How to use  Prompt for test executors  Information for other affected groups e.g. Ops  May combine with other planning documents Major parts from IEEE 829:  Identifier (and reference to test plan and test design)  Purpose  Reference to test cases executed during the procedure  Special requirements for this test procedure (e.g. special hardware, database status, feeds…)  Procedure steps - including:  Log method  Set up  Start  Proceed  Measure  Shut down  Restart  Stop  Wrap up  Contingencies © 2009 Learntesting Page 8 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 9. 6 Test Cases Specification Reason for the  Define each precise test case with its inputs, document: processing and expected effect/outputs Audience:  You  Test team  Possibly e.g. Audit, Customers When to write  Early test case development helps to focus on the test problem – but can be done immediately before test execution How to use  Check test coverage, requirements and design during walkthrough/inspection  Prompt during test run (expected results) Major parts from IEEE 829:  Identifier (and reference to test plan and test design)  Test items covered by this test case (e.g. you may be checking the user guide and the software against the specification) - include references to documents  Input specifications (names of files, values, etc..) - show exact values or tolerances  Output specifications (names of files, values, messages, etc.) - show exact values or tolerances  Environmental needs (hardware, software)  Special procedural requirements  Inter-case dependencies (remember you may want to select part of the whole test for re-run) © 2009 Learntesting Page 9 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 10. 7 Test Item Transmittal Report Reason for the  Information to the test team from the document: development team that a test item is in the test area and ready for test, or from test team that item is ready to move to next stage / back for rework Audience:  Development team  Test team  Configuration/Change management team When to write  Have standard form  Complete as items are ready for test  Complete as items are ready for retest How to use  Audit trail  Permission/start criterion Major parts from IEEE 829:  Identifier (and reference to test plan and test design)  List of transmitted items (and precise identification)  Location  Status  Approvals © 2009 Learntesting Page 10 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 11. 8 Test Log Reason for the  Record of what actually happened during a test document: execution Audience:  You  Test team  Development team  Problem analysis team  Audit  Customer When to write  As tests are executed How to use  Record/evidence  Audit trail  Could do on paper or on-line (e.g. in a spreadsheet)  Could do via a capture – playback tool Major parts from IEEE 829:  Identifier (and reference to test plan and test design)  Description / common information e.g. testers initials  Activities log  Execution description  Results  Environmental information  Anomalous events  Reference to test incident logs by identifier © 2009 Learntesting Page 11 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 12. 9 Test Incident Report Reason for the  Capture and track test incidents as they arise document: and are resolved, maintain history of each incident Audience:  You  Test team  Development team  Problem analysis team  Sometimes your customer When to write  As test incidents arise, then update as incident is resolved How to use  To pass information  To record progress and problem ownership  Could do on paper or on-line (e.g. in a spreadsheet) Major parts from IEEE 829: When raising the TIR  Identifier (and reference to test log/procedure/case)  Summary of incident  Incident description  Impact including impact of not fixing and impact of fixing e.g. which re-tests and regression tests will need to be run When resolving the TIR  Priority (may change)  Analysis of problem/reasons  Actions taken to resolve/resolution history – including which re-tests and regression tests were run  Final status © 2009 Learntesting Page 12 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 13. 10 Test Summary Report Reason for the  Report on the test of tests at the end of a test document: phase (could also be used during test phases) Audience:  You  Your manager  Your team  Your customer  Audit When to write  When testing is suspended or completed for a phase or for the project How to use  Log and agree that Exit criteria have been met Major parts from IEEE 829:  Identifier (and reference to test plan and test design)  Summary for each test item  Variances  Comprehensive assessment  Summary of results for major features, test incidents and how resolved  Evaluation for each test item  Summary of activities, log actuals for resources usage, etc.  Approvals © 2009 Learntesting Page 13 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 14. 11 Test Case Folio - a combined document Reason for the  Help you plan and follow through testing on a document: small project / maintenance change with minimum documentation Audience:  You  Your tester/programmer  Possibly the auditor  Possibly your customer When to write  Start as early as possible, update during testing, complete at end How to use  As a single running document that captures all the essentials of the document set  For small simple tests  For unit test - the author is likely to be the user  Not: use a spreadsheet to allow you to capture max info and report back easily. Layout:  Design a layout that helps you capture the spirit of the standard with the minimum paper – 2 examples below. © 2009 Learntesting Page 14 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 15. 12 Test Case Folio - Layout 1  captures retest information actual result Pass / Fail TIR no Retest no Fix (P) Retest no test expected result req'd complete 1234-b Open “Customer Clear screen layout P screen” list of options displayed Clear prompt message Access to help 1234-c Option appears on screen Select option Able to select option P “Enquiry” Opens Enquiry screen 1234-d Get message “Customer Jones not database - try F St11 1234-b Customer does alternative search” and able 1234-c not exist - enter to research 1234-d 1234-e surname “Jones” Details for customer “Mrs G F St12 1234-e Smith, 14 Larch Street, Customer exists Birmingham B29 3DU, - single customer no 1234/qwert/4, occurrence - balance £1234.00, last enter surname transaction payment in on 1234-f “Smith” 24/10/97” Multiple customer subscreen F ST13 1234-f appears - list of customer Customer - with surname “Brown” multiple showing full name, first line occurrence - of address, customer enter surname number. “Brown” Able to select and display details for each occurrence Test summary © 2009 Learntesting Page 15 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd
  • 16. 13 Test Case Folio - Layout 2  new tcf required for each retest run Test case folio no 1234/UI/1 Test of user interface at Customer Screen - using test database X1234 in its new-restored status Test Test description Expected results Pass TIR Signed no (Y/N) no /date 1234- Open “Customer screen” Clear screen layout Y IE 1/11 b list of options displayed Clear prompt message Access to help Select option “Enquiry” Option appears on screen 1234- Able to select option Y IE 1/11 c Opens Enquiry screen Customer does not exist - enter Get message “Customer surname “Jones” Jones not database - try N St1 IE 1/11 1234- alternative search” and able 1 d to research Customer exists - single occurrence - enter surname Details for customer “Mrs G N IE 1/11 “Smith” Smith, 14 Larch Street, St1 1234- Birmingham B29 3DU, 2 e customer no 1234/qwert/4, balance £1234.00, last transaction payment in on 24/10/97” Customer - multiple occurrence - enter surname “Brown” Multiple customer subscreen N IE 1/11 appears - list of customer 1234-f with surname “Brown” ST1 showing full name, first line 3 of address, customer number. Able to select and display details for each occurrence Summary of results: Item pass/fail FAIL Tests suspended 1/11 at 12.05 after test 1234-c - system area NOT ready for system test. Await completion of area and re-test - new entry criteria agreed with Development Manager © 2009 Learntesting Page 16 of 16 By permission of Testing Solutions Group Ltd