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Using YUI Dom

to tame the Browser

       Christian Heilmann
  Yahoo! F2E Summit Asia 2007
Quick reminder

• Development according to web standards
  means first and foremost separation.
• Specifically separation of web
  development layers.
addClass batch generateId get
getAncestorBy getAncestorByClassName
getAncestorByTagName getChildren
getChildrenBy getClientHeight
getClientWidth getDocumentHeight
getDocumentScrollTop getDocumentWidth
getElementsBy getElementsByClassName
getFirstChild getFirstChildBy
getLastChild getLastChildBy
getNextSibling getNextSiblingBy
getPreviousSibling getPreviousSiblingBy
getRegion getStyle getViewportHeight
getViewportWidth getX getXY getY
hasClass inDocument insertAfter
insertBefore isAncestor removeClass
replaceClass setStyle setX setXY setY
Use cases for the DOM utility

•   Using CSS Classes
•   Getting elements from the DOM
•   Using the browser dimensions
•   Using element dimensions
•   Styling elements

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Highly recommend look at the mp4 video ( or the recorded talk (not available yet) DroidKaigi 2018 2018/2/8 Room3

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Our speaker of the evening was Kristof Van Miegem, co-founder of Codifly ( He explained how to manage application state in React applications with Redux, followed by a focus on immutable data structures and how these data structures fit perfectly into this story.

Using CSS Classes

• addClass()
• removeClass()
• hasClass()
• replaceClass()
• getElementsByClassName()

• CSS is the supercharged DOM Scripting.
• CSS is much closer connected to the
• Therefore it is more likely to change at the
  same time.
• I hate loops.

• CSS is the supercharged DOM Scripting.
• CSS is much closer connected to the
• Therefore it is more likely to change at the
  same time.
• I hate loops.

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Working With JQuery Part1
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The document provides information about jQuery: 1) jQuery is an open-source JavaScript library developed by John Resig in 2006 that simplifies HTML document traversal and manipulation, events, animations and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. 2) It is used by many large companies and websites and has two versions: compressed and uncompressed, under both MIT and GPL licenses. 3) The document outlines jQuery's main features including being lightweight, having a large plugin library, easy to learn and use, CSS3 support, documentation and examples. It then provides examples of how to implement jQuery.

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This document contains 15 questions and answers related to Java programming. Each question asks the student to design a Java program to perform a specific task such as printing a table of numbers, calculating a Fibonacci series, or checking if a string is a palindrome. For each question, the student provides the code needed to solve the problem along with screenshots of a sample program preview and output.

SenchaCon 2016: Add Magic to Your Ext JS Apps with D3 Visualizations - Vitaly...
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Ext JS provides easy-to-use charting components that satisfy common needs, but sometimes you want to deliver an exceptional, unique user experience. This presentation will discuss how Ext JS leverages the popular and extremely powerful D3 library to create sophisticated, data-driven visualizations. This functionality helps your users understand the story behind their data, so they can make informed decisions.

web app developmentext jsd3

• CSS is the supercharged DOM Scripting.
• CSS is much closer connected to the
• Therefore it is more likely to change at the
  same time.
• I hate loops.

• CSS is the supercharged DOM Scripting.
• CSS is much closer connected to the
• Therefore it is more likely to change at the
  same time.
• I hate loops.

Hiding all “trigger” links in a main section
when JS is available.
var main = document.getElementById('main');
  var triggers = main.getElementsByTagName('a');
  for(var i=0,j=triggers.length;i<j;i++){
    if(triggers[i].className === 'trigger'){
      triggers[i].style.display = 'none';

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This document summarizes methods in the Sys.UI.DomElement class in the Microsoft AJAX library for manipulating DOM elements. It describes methods for getting elements by ID, adding/removing CSS classes, and getting/setting an element's position and dimensions. Key methods include getElementById(), addCssClass(), getLocation(), and setLocation().

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Integrating Technology Using Digital Presentations
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The document provides ideas for integrating technology to meet kindergarten and first grade standards requiring participation in multimedia group projects and second grade standards requiring digital presentations. Some suggested ideas include having students make digital books with pictures and text, make single PowerPoint slides to accompany oral reports, combine single slides into slideshows, and take and edit pictures to create posters presenting information on various topics. These technology-integrated projects can be used across subjects such as math, language arts, science, and social studies.

var main = document.getElementById('main');
  var triggers = main.getElementsByTagName('a');
  for(var i=0,j=triggers.length;i<j;i++){
    if(triggers[i].className === 'trigger'){
      triggers[i].style.display = 'none';

display:none is a bad plan!
var main = document.getElementById('main');
  var triggers = main.getElementsByTagName('a');
  for(var i=0,j=triggers.length;i<j;i++){
    if(triggers[i].className === 'trigger'){
      triggers[i].style.display = 'none';

Off-left is better.
var main = document.getElementById('main');
  var triggers = main.getElementsByTagName('a');
  for(var i=0,j=triggers.length;i<j;i++){
    if(triggers[i].className === 'trigger'){
      triggers[i].style.position = 'absolute';
      triggers[i].style.left = '-6000px';
Magic JavaScript Pixy Solution

$('#main a.trigger').hide();

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Put the Ease in Papers, Please!

This document is an invitation to join a podcast called "Put the Ease in Papers, Please!" hosted by Lee Hall and Angela Clark, technology resource teachers at Shelby County Schools. The document provides contact information for the hosts, including their email addresses and Twitter handles, as well as a link to the podcast site.

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The document introduces the ALABAMA Leadership Council and provides details about Sharon Sizemore, a second grade teacher from Vestavia Hills Elementary in Cahaba Heights, Alabama. Sharon Sizemore is an Intel Master Teacher, STAR Discovery Educator, and Apple Distinguished Educator who graduated in 2007. The document welcomes comments on the Discovery Education blog from those interested in the Alabama Den.

My fave:

document.body.className = 'js';

// or
var b = document.body;
var bc = b.className;
b.className = bc ? bc + ' js' :
Getting elements from the DOM

• inDocument()
• isAncestor()
• getElementsByClassName
• getElementsBy
• get
• batch
Using the browser dimensions

• getViewportWidth()
• getViewportHeight()
• getDocumentWidth()
• getDocumentHeight()
Using element dimensions

• getX(), getY(), getXY()
• setX(), setY(), setXY()
• getRegion()
 – Region union
 – Region intersect
 – Region contains

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Digital presentations are a great way for teachers to integrate technology into their curriculum. This presentation focused on K,1,and 2 but could easily be modified for use by any grade with any subject.

Put the ease in papers, please!
Put the ease in papers, please!Put the ease in papers, please!
Put the ease in papers, please!

This document provides information about an upcoming event hosted by Lee Hall and Angela Clark, technology resource teachers from Shelby County Schools. The event is called "Put the Ease in Papers, Please!" and aims to help teachers simplify paperwork and documentation tasks through the use of technology. Lee Hall and Angela Clark's contact information is provided so teachers can learn more about the event.

Dia Biblia
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O documento convida as pessoas a participarem das atividades do Dia da Bíblia, que incluem uma exposição de literatura bíblica, uma aula bíblica, um culto e vídeos sobre a Bíblia, com atividades para crianças.

Using element dimensions
Using element dimensions

• Each of these methods can take an ID, a
  reference of an HTMLelement or an array
  of elements as the parameter.
• This allows you to easily access a lot of
Using element dimensions

• The Dom utility does not care if the
  element is positioned absolute, relative or
• It also sorts out differences in render mode
  for you.
• However, each element needs to be part
  of the Dom and not hidden with
Using element dimensions

• The get and set methods of x and y are
  very straight forward.
• They return the left, the top or both values
  in pixels or an array with this data for each
  element you parsed in.
• You can also set the position in pixels with
  the setter methods.

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This document provides information about using the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit (JIT) for data visualization. It discusses feeding JSON tree structure data to JIT visualizations, using controllers to customize visualizations, and exploring different visualization types including treemaps, sunbursts, icicles, and more. It also provides instructions for implementing a basic visualization with JIT by creating the data, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files needed.

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This document provides examples of functional JavaScript code using point-free style and typeclasses. It includes code snippets demonstrating: - Composing functions using point-free style to remove unnecessary variables - Implementing common typeclass methods like map, chain, and ap for a Container type - Deriving typeclass instances for custom types to gain functionality like Functor, Applicative, Foldable - Using typeclasses to compose functions operating on different container types in a uniform way The document provides code samples but does not explain concepts in detail. It focuses on demonstrating point-free code and typeclass patterns through examples rather than performing in-depth explanations or performance analysis. Questions are provided at the end to prompt

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Using element dimensions

var xy =
// = [128, 0];
// shifts header 10 pixels up
Using element dimensions

• By using the getRegion() method you
  can read out the screen estate the
  element occupies.
• This is incredibly useful for positioning
  elements or avoiding overlap.
• The return is an object with several
Using element dimensions
var h =
// h =
// {0:128
// 1:0,
// top:0,
// right:878,
// bottom:79,
// left:128}
Using element dimensions

• top, left, right, bottom are the pixel
  locations on the page.
• There are shortcuts for left and top named
  0 and 1 to allow for compatibility with
  setX,setY and setXY.

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The document discusses techniques for improving performance of CSS, JavaScript, and HTTP including: - Minimizing included styles and using less-complicated selectors to optimize CSS performance - Avoiding expressions and minimizing page re-layouts in JavaScript - Combining script and link files, leveraging caching, browser expiration headers, and content encoding to optimize HTTP performance

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ReasonML is based on the OCaml programming language and was created at Facebook, by the same creator as React! It shares a lot of features, but with the benefits of a statically typed functional programming language. ReasonML compiles to JavaScript and can therefore be used to create strongly typed React applications.

Secrets of JavaScript Libraries
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The document discusses secrets and techniques for JavaScript libraries. It covers topics like the JavaScript language, cross-browser code, events, DOM traversal, styles, animations, distribution, and HTML insertion. It provides examples and explanations of techniques for class creation, timers, options, subclassing, custom events, selector internals, computed styles, and dimension calculations.

Using element dimensions

• Using these properties you can also
  calculate the dimensions of the element.
• Simply subtract left from right for the width.
• And top from bottom for the height.
Using element dimensions

• The Region() component does a lot
  more for you though.
• By calculating the region occupied by two
  elements, you can find out:
  – if one element contains the other
  – how big the area containing both of them is
  – if and where they intersect
Using element dimensions
YD = YAHOO.util.Dom;
reg1 = YD.getRegion('r1');
reg2 = YD.getRegion('r2');
contains = reg1.contains(reg2);

                     Region #1    Region #2
Using element dimensions
YD = YAHOO.util.Dom;
reg1 = YD.getRegion('r1');
reg2 = YD.getRegion('r2');
contains = reg1.contains(reg2);


                     Region #1    Region #2

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Android Best Practices

This document provides an overview of key Android development concepts and techniques. It discusses fragments, the support library, dependency injection, image caching, threading and AsyncTask, notifications, supporting multiple screens, and optimizing ListView performance. The document also recommends several popular Android libraries and open source apps that demonstrate best practices.

jQuery : Events are where it happens!
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jQuery : Events are where it happens!

jQuery provides a unified event model that works across browsers. It allows binding multiple handlers per event type on each element. The event object passed to handlers is normalized and common properties like target and type are available. Events can be removed by unbinding handlers. The event object contains useful information like keyCode, pageX/Y, and relatedTarget.

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Using element dimensions
YD = YAHOO.util.Dom;
reg1 = YD.getRegion('r1');
reg2 = YD.getRegion('r2');
contains = reg1.contains(reg2);

                        Region #1

                              Region #2
Using element dimensions
YD = YAHOO.util.Dom;
reg1 = YD.getRegion('r1');
reg2 = YD.getRegion('r2');
contains = reg1.contains(reg2);


                        Region #1

                              Region #2
Using element dimensions
YD =   YAHOO.util.Dom;
reg1   = YD.getRegion('r1');
reg2   = YD.getRegion('r2');
is =   reg1.intersect(reg2);

                         Region #1

                                     Region #2
Using element dimensions
YD =   YAHOO.util.Dom;
reg1   = YD.getRegion('r1');
reg2   = YD.getRegion('r2');
is =   reg1.intersect(reg2);

                         Region #1

                                     Region #2

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s React.js a library or a framework? In any case, it is a new way of working that represents a revolution in the way of building web projects. It has very particular characteristics that allow us, for instance, to render React code from the server side, or to include React components from Twig tags. During this talk we will present React.js, we will explore how to take advantage of it from PHP projects and we will give answers to practical problems such as universal (isomorphical) rendering and the generation of React.js forms from Symfony forms without duplication of efforts.

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This is a talk I gave at AnDevCon. It talks about ways to take advantage of features introduced in Android 3.0 to create more modular and better looking apps.

Using element dimensions
YD =   YAHOO.util.Dom;
reg1   = YD.getRegion('r1');
reg2   = YD.getRegion('r2');
is =   reg1.union(reg2);

                         Region #1
                         Region #1

                                     Region #2
                                     Region #2
Using element dimensions
YD =   YAHOO.util.Dom;
reg1   = YD.getRegion('r1');
reg2   = YD.getRegion('r2');
is =   reg1.union(reg2);

                         Region #1
                         Region #1

                                     Region #2
                                     Region #2
Styling elements

• getStyle()
• setStyle()
Styling Elements

• You might wonder why you’d need these
  two methods as seemingly = value
  would do the same.
• The two methods however work around
  several browser problems and differences
  between computedStyle and

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The document discusses using jQuery and custom data attributes to add client-side behavior and interactivity to Oracle APEX applications. It introduces: - The data attribute for unambiguously identifying elements - jQuery for element selection, event handling, and AJAX - Changing page items to HTML5 input types using data attributes - A rowclick plugin for adding click handling to report rows - Record sorting in reports using jQuery sortable - Deleting records from reports using click events and PL/SQL processing The document provides code examples and discusses building interactive features like record sorting and deletion without custom coding.

jQuery & 10,000 Global Functions: Working with Legacy JavaScript
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Long ago, in the late days of the first Internet boom, before jQuery, before Underscore, before Angular, there was a web application built by a large corporation. This application was written as a server-side application using server-side technology like Java or PHP. A tiny seed of JavaScript was added to some of the pages of this application to give it a little sizzle. Over the ages, this tiny bit of JavaScript grew like kudzu. Most of it was embedded in the HTML in

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Styling Elements

• The other benefit is that you can use the
  CSS selector names instead of the
  camelCased JavaScript ones.
• Furthermore you can use the opacity
  property without needing to branch for
  different browsers.
CSS normalization = '10px';


CSS normalization

• Furthermore, opacity is not a nightmare
  any longer:

YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(obj, 'opacity','.2');
CSS normalization

• And last but not least, float can be
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(obj, 'float','left');

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WebGL and COLLADA were discussed as technologies for 3D rendering and asset interchange on the web. The presentation covered the history and capabilities of both standards. It also described approaches for loading COLLADA assets into WebGL, such as preprocessing COLLADA into JSON or loading XML directly and parsing it with JavaScript. Optimizing COLLADA assets for WebGL rendering through techniques like quantization and compression was also mentioned.

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Taming the browser with the YUI Dom Component

  • 1. Using YUI Dom to tame the Browser Christian Heilmann Yahoo! F2E Summit Asia 2007
  • 2. Quick reminder • Development according to web standards means first and foremost separation. • Specifically separation of web development layers.
  • 3. addClass batch generateId get getAncestorBy getAncestorByClassName getAncestorByTagName getChildren getChildrenBy getClientHeight getClientWidth getDocumentHeight getDocumentScrollLeft getDocumentScrollTop getDocumentWidth getElementsBy getElementsByClassName getFirstChild getFirstChildBy getLastChild getLastChildBy getNextSibling getNextSiblingBy getPreviousSibling getPreviousSiblingBy getRegion getStyle getViewportHeight getViewportWidth getX getXY getY hasClass inDocument insertAfter insertBefore isAncestor removeClass replaceClass setStyle setX setXY setY
  • 4. Use cases for the DOM utility • Using CSS Classes • Getting elements from the DOM • Using the browser dimensions • Using element dimensions • Styling elements
  • 5. Using CSS Classes • addClass() • removeClass() • hasClass() • replaceClass() • getElementsByClassName()
  • 7. Why? • CSS is the supercharged DOM Scripting. • CSS is much closer connected to the HTML • Therefore it is more likely to change at the same time. • I hate loops.
  • 8. Why? • CSS is the supercharged DOM Scripting. • CSS is much closer connected to the HTML • Therefore it is more likely to change at the same time. • I hate loops.
  • 9. Why? • CSS is the supercharged DOM Scripting. • CSS is much closer connected to the HTML • Therefore it is more likely to change at the same time. • I hate loops.
  • 10. Why? • CSS is the supercharged DOM Scripting. • CSS is much closer connected to the HTML • Therefore it is more likely to change at the same time. • I hate loops.
  • 11. Example: Hiding all “trigger” links in a main section when JS is available.
  • 12. Example: var main = document.getElementById('main'); if(main){ var triggers = main.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(var i=0,j=triggers.length;i<j;i++){ if(triggers[i].className === 'trigger'){ triggers[i].style.display = 'none'; } } }
  • 13. Example: var main = document.getElementById('main'); if(main){ var triggers = main.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(var i=0,j=triggers.length;i<j;i++){ if(triggers[i].className === 'trigger'){ triggers[i].style.display = 'none'; } } } display:none is a bad plan!
  • 14. Example: var main = document.getElementById('main'); if(main){ var triggers = main.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(var i=0,j=triggers.length;i<j;i++){ if(triggers[i].className === 'trigger'){ triggers[i].style.display = 'none'; } } } Off-left is better.
  • 15. Example: var main = document.getElementById('main'); if(main){ var triggers = main.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(var i=0,j=triggers.length;i<j;i++){ if(triggers[i].className === 'trigger'){ triggers[i].style.position = 'absolute'; triggers[i].style.left = '-6000px'; } } }
  • 16. Magic JavaScript Pixy Solution $('#main a.trigger').hide();
  • 17. My fave: document.body.className = 'js'; // or var b = document.body; var bc = b.className; b.className = bc ? bc + ' js' : 'js';
  • 18. Getting elements from the DOM • inDocument() • isAncestor() • getElementsByClassName • getElementsBy • get • batch
  • 19. Using the browser dimensions • getViewportWidth() • getViewportHeight() • getDocumentWidth() • getDocumentHeight()
  • 20. Using element dimensions • getX(), getY(), getXY() • setX(), setY(), setXY() • getRegion() – Region union – Region intersect – Region contains
  • 22. Using element dimensions • Each of these methods can take an ID, a reference of an HTMLelement or an array of elements as the parameter. • This allows you to easily access a lot of elements.
  • 23. Using element dimensions • The Dom utility does not care if the element is positioned absolute, relative or static. • It also sorts out differences in render mode for you. • However, each element needs to be part of the Dom and not hidden with display:none!
  • 24. Using element dimensions • The get and set methods of x and y are very straight forward. • They return the left, the top or both values in pixels or an array with this data for each element you parsed in. • You can also set the position in pixels with the setter methods.
  • 25. Using element dimensions var xy = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY('hd'); // = [128, 0]; YAHOO.util.Dom.setXY('hd',[128,- 10]); // shifts header 10 pixels up
  • 26. Using element dimensions • By using the getRegion() method you can read out the screen estate the element occupies. • This is incredibly useful for positioning elements or avoiding overlap. • The return is an object with several properties.
  • 27. Using element dimensions var h = YAHOO.util.Dom.getRegion('hd'); // h = // {0:128 // 1:0, // top:0, // right:878, // bottom:79, // left:128}
  • 28. Using element dimensions • top, left, right, bottom are the pixel locations on the page. • There are shortcuts for left and top named 0 and 1 to allow for compatibility with setX,setY and setXY.
  • 29. Using element dimensions • Using these properties you can also calculate the dimensions of the element. • Simply subtract left from right for the width. • And top from bottom for the height.
  • 30. Using element dimensions • The Region() component does a lot more for you though. • By calculating the region occupied by two elements, you can find out: – if one element contains the other – how big the area containing both of them is and – if and where they intersect
  • 31. Using element dimensions YD = YAHOO.util.Dom; reg1 = YD.getRegion('r1'); reg2 = YD.getRegion('r2'); contains = reg1.contains(reg2); Region #1 Region #2
  • 32. Using element dimensions YD = YAHOO.util.Dom; reg1 = YD.getRegion('r1'); reg2 = YD.getRegion('r2'); contains = reg1.contains(reg2); false Region #1 Region #2
  • 33. Using element dimensions YD = YAHOO.util.Dom; reg1 = YD.getRegion('r1'); reg2 = YD.getRegion('r2'); contains = reg1.contains(reg2); Region #1 Region #2
  • 34. Using element dimensions YD = YAHOO.util.Dom; reg1 = YD.getRegion('r1'); reg2 = YD.getRegion('r2'); contains = reg1.contains(reg2); true Region #1 Region #2
  • 35. Using element dimensions YD = YAHOO.util.Dom; reg1 = YD.getRegion('r1'); reg2 = YD.getRegion('r2'); is = reg1.intersect(reg2); Region #1 Region #2
  • 36. Using element dimensions YD = YAHOO.util.Dom; reg1 = YD.getRegion('r1'); reg2 = YD.getRegion('r2'); is = reg1.intersect(reg2); Region #1 Region #2
  • 37. Using element dimensions YD = YAHOO.util.Dom; reg1 = YD.getRegion('r1'); reg2 = YD.getRegion('r2'); is = reg1.union(reg2); Region #1 Region #1 Region #2 Region #2
  • 38. Using element dimensions YD = YAHOO.util.Dom; reg1 = YD.getRegion('r1'); reg2 = YD.getRegion('r2'); is = reg1.union(reg2); Region #1 Region #1 Region #2 Region #2
  • 40. Styling Elements • You might wonder why you’d need these two methods as seemingly = value would do the same. • The two methods however work around several browser problems and differences between computedStyle and currentStyle.
  • 41. Styling Elements • The other benefit is that you can use the CSS selector names instead of the camelCased JavaScript ones. • Furthermore you can use the opacity property without needing to branch for different browsers.
  • 42. CSS normalization = '10px'; vs. YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(obj, 'margin-top','10px');
  • 43. CSS normalization • Furthermore, opacity is not a nightmare any longer: YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(obj, 'opacity','.2');
  • 44. CSS normalization • And last but not least, float can be used: YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(obj, 'float','left');