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Israel IT Market: STKI “tiers” 2015 V3
Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
Research Fellow, STKI
STKI is here to serve you………
V2 3
• Dr. Schwarzkopf has worked during the last 38 years in all areas of Computer Information
As an Industry Analyst at META Group (Israeli Research Manager) and was named a META Group Research Fellow.
As an academic researcher in Entrepreneurship Sciences; has published and presented in the Academy of Management and Babson
Conferences and Editorial Board Member of the academic journal "International Journal of Opportunity, Growth and Value
As a consultant in Arthur Andersen Consulting (USA), Booz Allen (USA) and Kesselman & Kesselman. As a systems professional in
SCS Computers and the R&D Unit of the Israel Defense Forces.
As a sales and marketing professional in Digital Equipment Corporation.
Teaching in the MIS department / TelAviv Yafo Academic College and the Computer School of the IDF.
Entrepreneur founding three companies in the IT arena: STKI, store and forward mail and office information systems.
• Dr. Schwarzkopf served on the Board of Directors of Ashot Ashkelon Industries, served as
President of the Gymnazia Herzelia Association, Co-founder of the Mashov Political Movement
and was a member of the Central Committee of the Labor Party. Major (Rav-Seren) in the
reserves, Israel Defense Forces (where he served in an elite unit and later in the R&D unit).
Registered Engineer (IS22881), member of MENSA Israel.
• Dr. Schwarzkopf received BSE and MSE degrees (Systems Engineering) from the University of
Central Florida. Received a MSIA (Management Information Systems) and ABD (PhD
Program) in Systems Science (received (twice) the William Larimer Mellon Scholarship/Award)
from Carnegie Mellon University. His doctorate (DM-Management/ Entrepreneurship) he
received from Case Western Reserve University.
V2 4
STKI’s goal is to help our clients make the right choices in the strategic and financial
management of their information technology systems.
Founded in 1992, STKI is the leading market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel,
covering the IT infrastructures, IT applications and IT services industry .
Over 22 years of experience in the IT analyst sector and thousands of annual face-to-face interviews with key industry participants
have enabled us to establish solid, long-standing relationships with our customers.
Our customers include major IT organizations (government, financial institutions, telecoms, manufacturing, medical, education, etc.)
and IT suppliers/vendors (infrastructure and software suppliers, consulting and professional services firms).
STKI works closely with vendor senior management (strategy, business development, and marketing).
Where end users are concerned, STKI meets with IT managers as well as with all levels of IT decision making,
thereby attaining complete information of processes.
STKI's mission is to advise and analyze users of information technology as well as their suppliers while conducting original research and
providing advisory services regarding all parts of the information system puzzle.
Israel's foremost IT companies have come to rely on STKI's market-proven experience and expertise.
Our services include:
Face-to-face meetings
STKI Analyst House Calls (for both users and vendors)
CIO STKI "Help Desk"
Strategic Marketing & Positioning
Round Tables for users
Vendor Discovery Series (Newsletters and workshops)
In-house Workshops
CIO Annual Bootcamp
CTO Annual Bootcamp
Brainstorming Workshops
STKI Annual Summit

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STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 sftre volume 3 v3

This document appears to be part of a market study on the Israeli IT market conducted by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators. It includes copyright notices, methodology descriptions, comparisons of software market forecasts, analyses of different categories of software including system infrastructure tools and middleware tools, and Israeli positioning of various vendors in categories like enterprise backup software and container platforms. The document contains confidential information for STKI.

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Disruptive Technologies – A 2021 Update
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Disruptive Technologies – A 2021 Update

The survey found that cloud/SaaS and data management initiatives continue to be a focus, while AI/ML are seen as having more potential impact but are still in earlier adoption phases. Blockchain remains further from widespread practical application than previously thought. Respondents expect the most investment in cloud/SaaS and AI/ML over the next few years, and see AI/ML having the most potential impact in areas like data analysis, asset modeling, and price forecasting. Disruptive technologies are seen as most likely to emerge from cloud-based AI/ML vendors and platforms that facilitate digitalization of business processes.

aibig datablockchain
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2

The document provides an overview of an Israeli IT market study conducted in 2021 by STKI analysts. It discusses the impacts of COVID-19 on accelerating digital transformation and the implementation of new technologies. It then introduces the concepts of a "remote-first economy", "data economy", "distributive economy", and "passion economy" as frameworks for understanding trends in a post-COVID world. The document emphasizes that the most enduring impact of COVID-19 will be as an "implementation accelerant", driving organizations to rapidly implement technologies to deliver value.

itit marketisrael
STKI Website gives you:
2 3 4
STKI website 2
STKI website 3

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2008 service based economy???? the future

The document discusses the history and evolution of Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf's company STKI. It provides details about how STKI began as a market research firm in the 1980s, analyzing Israel's emerging IT market. Over time, STKI expanded its services to include consulting. It was later acquired by Gartner but continued operating in Israel under the STKI name. The document also references Dr. Schwarzkopf's research on technological revolutions and paradigm shifts in computing and their impact on business models and the economy.

IT Industry overview
IT Industry overviewIT Industry overview
IT Industry overview

India is the world's largest sourcing destination for the IT industry, accounting for 67% of the $124-130 billion global market. The industry employs 10 million people and has transformed the Indian economy. India has a competitive advantage due to its lower costs, which are 3-4 times cheaper than the US. The IT industry has driven growth in education. Key segments include IT services, BPM, software products, and hardware. The sector is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.5% to $300 billion by 2020. India is also becoming a major player in areas like internet services, e-commerce, cloud computing, and startups. The government is undertaking initiatives like Digital India to further promote the

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Securing the internet of things opportunity putting cybersecurity at the heart of the io t capgemini consulting sogeti

securing the internet of things opportunity puttin
V2 9
V2 10
V2 11
STKI Methodology: equilibrium model
The sum of all IT expenditures (from users) has to be equal to
all IT sales (from vendors).
Most research firms are either a
(market information based on data from users of IT)
(market information based on data from IT vendors).
STKI is one of the only research firms using an equilibrium model
and the only one in Israel.
V2 12
› Real revenues of software licenses and maintenance.
› Real revenues of hardware sales.
› Differentiation between new projects and continuing projects. New projects count more.
› We do not include any work/ products for OEMs and military non-IT projects.
› We are learning how to account for cloud usage for IT (Israel) only
› We distinguish between work done by the vendor's employees and work outsourced to
another vendor. The revenue is transferred to the vendor actually doing the work.
› Distinguish revenues from projects done in fixed price, cost plus (SLA defined) and staff
augmentation (non SLA) projects.
› Differentiate value between work done by high level internal professionals in a project
and staff augmentation employees in the clients IT department.
Take into consideration IT department’s view/mindshare of vendor’s
value in projects/products
What our study looks at:

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IT industry & Institutional theory
IT industry  & Institutional theoryIT industry  & Institutional theory
IT industry & Institutional theory

The document analyzes the Indian IT industry using institutional theory. It describes the industry's evolution since the 1970s and outlines key trends. The top players like TCS, Infosys, Wipro and HCL adopted similar strategies in response to trends to gain legitimacy, such as developing global delivery models in response to offshoring and investing in new technologies like cloud, IoT and big data. While the players' precise responses differed slightly, the analysis found their structures largely conformed to their institutional environment, as institutional theory predicts.

indian it industryinstitutional theory
Israel IT Market 2006 2008
Israel IT Market 2006 2008Israel IT Market 2006 2008
Israel IT Market 2006 2008

The document discusses disruptive technologies and trends impacting Israeli CIOs in 2006 according to interviews and surveys conducted by the author. Some key points include: 1) Most CIOs saw increases in their 2006 budgets compared to 2005 and report directly to the CEO. Outsourcing and temporary staffing were common. 2) Emerging technologies of interest included SOA, enterprise architecture, analytics, and open source software. CIOs wanted skills in these areas. 3) Survey results found that asset management, business process mapping, and integrating systems were priorities to improve operations and decision making. This creates opportunities for vendors in these areas.

STKI Summit 2015
Israeli IT Market V213
State of the Economy Index
State of the Economy Index
(probability of slowdown)
Over 70% is BAD
State of the Economy Index (% change)*

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The document discusses trends in information technology from 2007 to the present and future. It describes how computing advanced through integrated circuits and Moore's law, enabling communication technologies like the internet and mobile. Recent cost reductions in data storage are driving big data, cloud computing, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. The presentation argues that organizations must embrace digital disruption and innovation to gain competitive advantages, such as adopting platform business models and focusing on customer-centric experiences. Future technologies like blockchain may create new trust architectures as well.

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State of the Economy Index (% change*)
1/2013 - 1/2015
Business Tendency Survey
STKI Summit 2015
Israeli IT Market V219
In order to get the “IT Market” (what is bought/sold out there) :
What users bought?
From whom?
IT Departments IT Vendors
How much did they sell?
To whom?
For how much?
23 years of
IT market history

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The 28th edition of the annual research covering all aspects of the IT Market in Israel. Volume 1: introduction, what is POSTCOVID19 Transformation and economic issues and market analysis

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The Internet of Things or IoT is disrupting organizations across industries such as Manufacturing, Transportation, and Retail. Microsoft is undertaking Digital Transformation projects with over 1,000 customers, and with many of them, we had observed that IoT is the enabler of the business change. However, Digital transformation isn’t necessarily about solving new business problems. It’s about how to solve existing problems more quickly, economically, efficiently, securely and with an extensible design that allows customers to iterate and evolve more rapidly. The trends driving Digital Transformation include business, people, technology, and generational factors. Organizations are quickly experimenting with new technologies as the time between hype and adoption has shortened. The maturity of technologies such as IoT plus the acceptability of consumers is helping organizations to unlock the value of connecting things. In response, organizations are digitally transforming their business models to shift how they deliver value and drive efficiency. This paper introduces a new engagement model based on Microsoft’ experience helping organizations succeed while adopting IoT as part of their Digital Transformation Journey.

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Implications of Industry 4.0 for CIOs
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Implications of Industry 4.0 for CIOs

Industry 4.0 is the name of the next industrial revolution which is fueled by the advancement of digital technologies. It is dramatically changing how companies engage in business activities. As a result, the disruptive nature of Industry 4.0 demands a reassessment of the requirements for IT. On the one hand, there is the possibility that the responsibilities of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) could be taken over by other executives such as the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) or the Chief Technology Officer (CTO). On the other hand, this recent development creates entirely new perspectives for positioning themselves and their IT departments within the business. The impact of digital technologies is reaching a magnitude at which IT is considered a substantial business driver, potentially placing CIOs in the driver’s seat.

itdigitalcapgemini consulting
Number of Firms in Israel 2015
number of
number of
number of
number of
number of
& of
medium companies 21-100 3,871 4,088 16,305 16,647 7.05%
small companies 6-20 31,720 33,073 46,920 48,780 20.66%
independents up to 5 196,802 194,683 175,925 180,445 76.42% 180,445
2/2012 2/2013 2/2014
number of firms paying
"taxes" per worker
big companies 2,606
251+ 0.65%
% total
% total industry
government $1,350 -7.41% $1,250 4.80% $1,310 3.05% $1,350 18.99%
security $400 2.50% $410 2.44% $420 7.14% $450 6.33%
education $250 -8.00% $230 2.17% $235 -2.13% $230 3.23%
health $300 -3.33% $290 -5.17% $275 5.45% $290 4.08%
utilities $280 1.79% $285 5.26% $300 -20.00% $240 3.38%
transport $300 1.67% $305 3.28% $315 3.17% $325 4.57%
banks $900 -9.44% $815 2.45% $835 1.80% $850 11.95%
insurance $350 14.29% $400 6.25% $425 1.18% $430 6.05%
fin other $200 -5.00% $190 13.16% $215 13.95% $245 3.45%
manuf $820 -1.22% $810 4.94% $850 2.94% $875 12.31%
retail $200 -2.50% $195 7.69% $210 10.48% $232 3.26%
high tech $650 10.77% $720 4.17% $750 6.67% $800 11.25%
IT local vendors $190 -21.05% $150 23.33% $185 5.41% $195 2.74%
telecomm $260 -3.85% $250 2.00% $255 -9.80% $230 3.23%
media $90 11.11% $100 12.00% $112 33.93% $150 2.11%
SMB/SME $250 20.00% $300 6.00% $318 10.06% $350 4.92% $350 4.99% SMB
in M USD $6,790 -1.33% $6,700 4.63% $7,010 3.31% $7,242 in M USD
IT BUDGETS (opex/capex): includes some internal expenses
$2,320 33.10% public
$565 8.06%
Market size 2015
$995 14.19%
high tech/
$380 5.42%
$1,525 21.75% financial
$1,107 15.79%

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Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf has over 40 years of experience in various areas of the computer information services industry. He has worked as an industry analyst, academic researcher, consultant, systems professional, sales/marketing professional, teacher/mentor, and entrepreneur. He founded STKI, which is now the leading market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel covering the IT industry. STKI conducts original research and provides advisory services to help clients make strategic decisions about their IT systems. The document provides details about STKI's research methodology, services offered, and summaries of their studies on the Israeli IT market.

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Client inquiries (STKI) FY 2014

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The document discusses the findings of an Israeli IT market study conducted by STKI in 2021. It notes that COVID-19 accelerated changes in how IT services are delivered to satisfy new delivery scenarios. The study analyzed trends like the remote-first, data, and passion economies that emerged from the pandemic. The key finding is that the most enduring impact of COVID-19 will be as an "implementation accelerant", forcing faster implementations of technologies to deliver value immediately. The document provides background on STKI and outlines the methodology used in the 2021 market study.

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022

The document provides information about STKI IT Knowledge Integrators, a market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel. It includes pages describing STKI's services, methodology, research focus areas, and client base. STKI conducts original research through face-to-face interviews and surveys of both technology users and vendors to establish an equilibrium model of the Israeli IT market. The document contains sample slides of the type of data and positioning analyses STKI provides to clients.

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STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2

The document provides an overview of an Israeli IT market study conducted in 2021 by STKI analysts. It discusses the impacts of COVID-19 on accelerating digital transformation and the implementation of new technologies. It then introduces the concepts of a "remote-first economy", "data economy", "distributive economy", and "passion economy" as frameworks for understanding trends in a post-COVID world. The document emphasizes that the most enduring impact of COVID-19 will be as an "implementation accelerant", driving organizations to rapidly implement technologies to deliver value.

STKI Summit 2015
Israeli IT Market V2
2014 Israel IT Market
The Great Debate: explanations
Even if the
graphs “look”
“not worse”
just smaller
The Great Debate: explanations
Even if the
graphs “look”
“not worse”
just smaller
VARs or Partners: but NO double bookings
Value Added Resellers
“VAR or Partners”
are incorporated into
Both sell into the Israeli

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The document summarizes the findings of an Israeli IT market study conducted in 2021 by STKI analysts. It discusses how Covid-19 accelerated changes in how IT services are delivered to satisfy new delivery scenarios. The post-Covid economy is characterized as remote-first, data-driven, distributed, and focused on passion and implementation. The study measures the Israeli IT market after Covid-19 using interviews with both technology users and vendors to estimate revenues. It describes STKI's methodology, categories of products and services analyzed, vendors surveyed, and how vendor revenues are attributed. Tables and charts are included to illustrate Israeli positioning of products based on their presence and support in Israel.

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
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This document provides an overview of the 2022 STKI IT Knowledge Integrators summit. It discusses how global events have impacted the previously optimistic outlook for IT budgets in 2022, noting issues like rising inflation, economic recession, war in Ukraine, and layoffs in the tech sector. However, it predicts that Israeli IT budgets will still rise 12-13% in 2022. It also covers STKI's services, research methodology, vendor positioning approach, and includes data about Israel's population, mobile/internet usage, and 5G penetration.

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2 STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2

The document is a slide deck from STKI, an Israeli market research and strategic analyst firm, discussing the impact of global events on IT budgets in Israel in 2022-2024. It notes that while IT budget increases were forecasted to be large in 2022, events like the war in Ukraine, inflation, interest rate hikes, and political instability have changed the outlook. IT budgets in Israel are still expected to rise 12-13% in 2022 but forecasts beyond that are difficult given uncertainties. Digital transformation alone is no longer sufficient - companies must undergo smart business transformations to deliver personalized, data-driven experiences to customers.

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IT Market in Israel
STKI Summit 2015
Israeli IT Market V2
2014 Israel Hardware Market
Vendors: Hardware markets
Israel: IT Hardware Total Market 2014-2016

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This is the annual STKI IT Market in Israel study. It is released to the public but when using data or graphs the source or attribution should be attached. We will prosecute users of the data that do not do the above.

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Hardware: Servers and Clients
Server Markets
Market Players: Servers (manufacturers)
Market Players: Servers (Resellers-VARs)

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This document is a presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on their 2023 Israel IT Market Study. It provides information on STKI's methodology, which uses an equilibrium model to calculate the IT market size based on interviews with both technology users and vendors. It outlines the types of research and services STKI provides on topics like IT trends, budgets, forecasts, and vendor positioning. The presentation also includes sections on the Israeli economy, changing business environment, and factors impacting the CIO role. Slides are included on Israeli company statistics and examples of STKI's vendor positioning analysis.

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STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
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The document describes STKI, an IT market research and strategic analyst firm based in Israel. Over its 31 years in business, STKI has established relationships with major IT organizations and vendors through thousands of annual interviews. STKI uses an equilibrium model to analyze both what users purchase from vendors and what vendors sell, in order to determine the overall Israeli IT market size. The company provides research reports, briefings, and workshops to clients on topics like technology trends, industry surveys, and vendor positioning.

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A project report on orgniziation study of oracle
A project report on  orgniziation study of oracleA project report on  orgniziation study of oracle
A project report on orgniziation study of oracle

The document discusses trends in the IT workforce and industry. It finds that while the IT workforce peaked in size in 2000 and shed 500,000 jobs in 2001, the workforce has since stabilized and is slowly increasing again. Nine out of ten IT workers are employed not by IT companies but by banks, manufacturers, and other non-IT businesses. The Indian IT industry has grown rapidly since the early 1990s and now exports software and services to 95 countries, with the US being the largest market, though offshore services are becoming more common.

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Clients (B2B) Markets
Market Players: Client Computing (manufacturers) B2B
Market Players: Personal Computing (VARs)
Hardware : storage, networking and security

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Storage and Networking Markets
Market Players: “storage” (manufacturers)
Market Players: “storage” (VARs)
Market Players: Networking Products

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Market Players: Security Appliances
Market Players: VoIP & other call center equipment
Hardware: printers, monitors, self-service and data center
Printers, Monitors, DC Equipment, Self Service Markets

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STKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdfSTKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf

The document appears to be a presentation from STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on the state of Israel's economy and IT market following the outbreak of war in October 2023. It includes data and forecasts from various sources on how the war has negatively impacted Israel's GDP, business activity, and key industries. The original forecast predicted growth in Israel's IT market from 2018-2024, but the forecast has been corrected downward due to the unforeseen economic damage from the war, with the IT market now expected to decline in 2023 and 2024 compared to 2022 levels.

itmarketingisrael information technologies
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdfCollaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf

This document discusses communication and collaboration in product-led organizations. It covers topics like internal collaboration, collaboration challenges, collaboration tools, and collaboration overload. It also discusses the human factors of product-led organizations like empowering teams, keeping people interested and informed, and addressing issues like the great resignation and quiet quitting. The overall document provides insights into improving collaboration and communication in product-led companies.

Market Players: DC equipment & enterprise printers
Market Players: POS ,Self-Service, monitors and Video Systems
STKI Summit 2015
Israeli IT Market V255
Vendors that sell in the Software markets

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OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022

The document discusses the evolution of the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) role over time. It describes how the OCIO started as an "order taker" for IT in the 1990s (OCIO v1). In the 2000s, the OCIO was established to better align IT with business needs (OCIO v2). Later, business relationship managers (BRMs) were introduced to improve customer experience but acted as bottlenecks (2017-2022). The document argues for a product-led organization where product teams are empowered and the OCIO acts as an enabler by providing resources and skills to product managers based on product success metrics.

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CTO Summit 2022
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CTO Summit 2022

This document discusses platform teams and platform engineering. It introduces platform products as products that can be easily used by other teams to focus on business problems while maintaining standards. Platform engineering is defined as designing and building toolchains and workflows that enable self-service capabilities for other teams. Platform products have functionality above the surface that developers see, and infrastructure components below the surface. Integration platforms, SRE, SASE, storage and backup tools, and micro frontends are discussed as examples of platform products.

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Product management Summit 2022
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Product management Summit 2022

This document discusses transitioning from a project-led organization to a product-led organization. It notes that while many companies have tried approaches like agile, digital transformation and design thinking, software projects still often fail to deliver user satisfaction. It advocates empowering product teams to own the entire product lifecycle and giving them autonomy to solve problems, rather than managing software development as a series of projects. This approach mirrors how successful startups operate and can help deliver better customer outcomes.

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Israel: IT Software Total Market 2014-2016
Delivery and Development Software
Delivery and Development Software
Market Players: system software

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This document discusses transforming from data projects to data products. It outlines how companies can adopt a product mindset and focus on creating data products that solve specific customer problems. Key aspects include defining data product teams led by data product managers, adopting a product mindset of focusing on outcomes rather than outputs, and using storytelling to communicate insights from data products. The presentation argues that treating data as a product can create competitive advantages and that every company may need to become a data science company in the future.

data productsai products
Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management

This document discusses product discovery and the importance of making the process data-driven. It recommends gathering customer data from various sources, analyzing the customer experience, and using product analytics tools to obtain both quantitative and qualitative insights. This will help ensure ideas are validated with real customers before significant development work begins. The goal is to learn fast through discovery while still releasing products with confidence.

discoveryproduct teams
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy

The document discusses content from STKI, an IT knowledge integration company, including information about their new website and content examples. It covers topics like digital disruption, the four industrial revolutions, predictions for 2023 in Israel, and how every company will need to become a software company. Across multiple pages, it provides definitions, predictions, recommendations, and perspectives on challenges and opportunities brought about by digital transformation and the fourth industrial revolution.

product managementinformation technology
Market Players: Storage and Backup Software
Market Players: Data Bases Software
Market Players: private cloud and automation tools
Market Players: Middleware Software

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presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdfpresentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf

This document appears to be from an annual IT market study presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators. It includes an agenda for the presentation covering the 2022 IT market study results, enterprise budgets, economic forecasting signals, top vendors, and a post-COVID world. The presentation contains many slides with graphs, charts, and text analyzing the Israeli IT market and global economic conditions. It discusses challenges in forecasting 2023-2024 given various political and economic uncertainties globally and in Israel.

digitalisrael information technologies itinfrastructures
NEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applicationsNEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applications

Recommended for CIOs and Applications Managers In this session we will discuss how next generation business applications enable the creation of much needed hyper-personalized experiences for customers and employees. Center Office is a new delivery model that is emerging in response to the need to deliver end to end hyper-personalized solutions that improve on older enterprise (legacy) applications. Center Office relies on technologies such as APIs, microservices and Hyperautomation (next level of automation that meshes AI tools with RPA,, enabling scaling for complex business processes). How do we manage employees' experiences as well as preserve talent and create collaborative workplaces for teams? which new skills are needed? what will the workforce of the future look like? Which new tools are needed for HR (employee well- being)?

software erpcrmcomposable apps
Journey for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organizationJourney for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organization

Recommended for CDOs and all Data & Analytics Managers The past 2 years have had a huge impact on organizations journeys to become data driven. Existing data architectures were disrupted; rigid structures and processes were questioned, and many data strategies were re-written. On the one hand, the global pandemic emphasized the need for organizations to raise the bar, implement strategies, improve data literacy and culture, increase investments in data and analytics, and explore AI opportunities. On the other, it also presented new challenges such as: the war for data talent and the wide literacy gap. Inadequate structures as well as outdated processes were exposed. Major changes in the data landscape (Data Fabric, Data Mesh, Transition to Data Clouds) will further disrupt existing data architectures and enhance the need for a new adaptive architecture and organization.

Market Players: software
Delivery and Development Software 2
Market Players: BSM Software
Market Players: Security/ Cyber Software

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CTO presentation
CTO presentation  CTO presentation
CTO presentation

Recommended for CTOs, architects, IT Managers COVID-19 has emphasized the fact that business agility and hence technology agility are the most if not the only factors for business success. However, technology agility in most IT departments is not the “strongest muscle”. Technology adoption of Cloud, Devops, Integration, Low-Code and Zero Trust are affecting all IT departments and even the entire organization. New processes and relationships between the various branches of the IT department should emerge, forsaking old habits and technologies. New technologies and roles\responsibilities are taking their place.

it service organizationit data centers
Big iIT stagnation
Big iIT stagnationBig iIT stagnation
Big iIT stagnation

Recommended for CXOs and all IT Managers If COVID-19 has demonstrated anything it is that organizations can no longer rely on traditional long-term strategic direction-setting, in order to succeed and grow. Today, organizations need to be able to quickly identify changes and respond with speed. Adaptive enterprises have the technical and organizational agility to do this. In this session, we will present the organizational structure, technologies and concepts that make up an adaptive organization and discuss topics such as: Concierge hyper-personalization services; Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities; adaptive organizational structure; Centers of Excellence; center office; hyper-automation and data centric organizations.

it marketdigitaltransformation
STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 vas volume 4 v3
STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 vas volume 4 v3STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 vas volume 4 v3
STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 vas volume 4 v3

The 28th edition of the annual research covering all aspects of the IT Market in Israel. Volume 4: VALUE ADDED SERVICES

innovationinformation technologysoftware
Market Players: Development & ALM Software
Market Players: Mobile APPs Development Tools
Software: Information Management
Software: Information Management Markets

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STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 hwre volume 2 v3
STKI Israeli IT Market Study  2020 hwre volume 2 v3STKI Israeli IT Market Study  2020 hwre volume 2 v3
STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 hwre volume 2 v3

The 28th edition of the annual research covering all aspects of the IT Market in Israel. Volume 2: Hardware and Infrastructure Markets

innovationinformation technologysoftware
STKI Summit 2019 Innovation Terroir
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STKI Summit 2019 Innovation Terroir

This document discusses reimagining the future through innovation and transformation. It covers topics like exponential growth, science fiction becoming science fact with examples of the internet and search engines. It discusses how organizational "terroir" affects change and the need to adapt proactively through initiatives like building a data model, implementing analytic tools, and automating jobs. The document outlines the stages of digital transformation companies have gone through and need to continue, moving from automated to autonomous and data-centric systems. It discusses how paying off technical and process debts is needed for companies to adapt to new technologies like artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles that are revolutionizing various industries.

data centricoutcome driven innovationinnovation
What is an STKI Initiative?
What is an STKI Initiative?What is an STKI Initiative?
What is an STKI Initiative?

Initiatives are organizational challenges aimed at transforming business models to adapt to disruptive changes in the economy. They involve multiple "treks" or projects that follow best practices to achieve important goals, with each trek representing a journey with several important steps that may also be individual projects. Initiatives are maps to help companies navigate the connected modern economy through continuous improvement efforts.

stki initiative
Market Players: KM & Productivity Software
Market Players: Collaboration and Output Software
Market Players: Analytics & Data Mgmt Software
Software: Business Applications

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This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

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Slide of the tutorial entitled "Paradigm Shifts in User Modeling: A Journey from Historical Foundations to Emerging Trends" held at UMAP'24: 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (July 1, 2024 | Cagliari, Italy)

user modelinguser profilinguser model
Software: Business Applications Markets
Market Players: ERP Software (all sizes)
Market Players: Vertical Application Software
Market Players: CRM & CEM (on-premises) Software

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infrastructure as codeclouddevops
Market Players: HR /Talent Mgmt/ LMS Software
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STKI Summit 2015
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Six months into 2024, and it is clear the privacy ecosystem takes no days off!! Regulators continue to implement and enforce new regulations, businesses strive to meet requirements, and technology advances like AI have privacy professionals scratching their heads about managing risk. What can we learn about the first six months of data privacy trends and events in 2024? How should this inform your privacy program management for the rest of the year? Join TrustArc, Goodwin, and Snyk privacy experts as they discuss the changes we’ve seen in the first half of 2024 and gain insight into the concrete, actionable steps you can take to up-level your privacy program in the second half of the year. This webinar will review: - Key changes to privacy regulations in 2024 - Key themes in privacy and data governance in 2024 - How to maximize your privacy program in the second half of 2024

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Market Players: IT Consulting
Market Players: IT Consulting 2
VAS: Hardware & Software Maintenance Services
VAS: Hardware & Software Maintenance Services

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This is a slide deck that showcases the updates in Microsoft Copilot for May 2024

microsoftmicrosoft copilot
Cookies program to display the information though cookie creation
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Cookies program to display the information though cookie creation

Java Servlet programs

Market Players: Hardware & Software Maintenance Services
Software Maintenance
Rimini Street
VAS: Infrastructure Projects
VAS: Infrastructure Projects
2014 2015 2016
Consolidation/ Virtualization
/Monitoring/ BSM/ Storage/
Hardware/ Data Center
Environment/ Networking
-2.56% 190,000 0.53% 191,000 0.52% 192,000 1.56%
1.41% 36,000 -5.56% 34,000 -5.88% 32,000 -6.25%
Software integration,
middleware, SOA, BPM,
ALM, Testing tools
12.90% 70,000 -2.86% 68,000 2.94% 70,000 2.86%
Security Projects (Risk
Assessment/ Penetration
Tests MDM)
12.86% 158,000 1.27% 160,000 6.25% 170,000 4.71%
Unified Communication (IM,
Video, Voice)
33.33% 10,000 5.00% 10,500 14.29% 12,000 16.67%
5.45% 464,000 -0.11% 463,500 2.70% 476,000 2.73%
Market Players: hardware integration projects

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Support en anglais diffusé lors de l'événement 100% IA organisé dans les locaux parisiens d'Iguane Solutions, le mardi 2 juillet 2024 : - Présentation de notre plateforme IA plug and play : ses fonctionnalités avancées, telles que son interface utilisateur intuitive, son copilot puissant et des outils de monitoring performants. - REX client : Cyril Janssens, CTO d’ easybourse, partage son expérience d’utilisation de notre plateforme IA plug & play.

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Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure

Recent advancements in the NIST-JARVIS infrastructure: JARVIS-Overview, JARVIS-DFT, AtomGPT, ALIGNN, JARVIS-Leaderboard

Market Players: software integration and legacy projects
Market Players: Security Projects
Market Players: Unified Communication (IM,Video,Voice) projects
VAS: Project Management, training and “Hatmaa” services

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VAS: Project Management, training and “Hatmaa” services
2014 2015 2016
IT Training -4.00% 72,000 -2.78% 70,000 -2.86% 68,000 2.94%
Hatmaa 4.00% 52,000 5.77% 55,000 5.45% 58,000 12.07%
-0.80% 124,000 0.81% 125,000 0.80% 126,000 7.14%
Training &
Hatmaa Mgmt
Market Players: Office of the CIO Projects
Market Players: ALM, Q/A & Testing Projects
Market Players: Training Services

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Market Players: “Hatmaa” Projects
VAS: contact center & EGRC Projects
VAS: contact center & EGRC Projects
Market Players: Risk & GRC Projects

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Market Players: VoIP- Call Center Projects
VAS: Business Application Implementation
2014 2015 2016
ERP -5.00% 190,000 -7.89% 175,000 2.86% 180,000 2.78%
CRM 5.00% 168,000 1.19% 170,000 2.94% 175,000 2.86%
Knowledge Management
(ECM, Portals)
3.26% 95,000 -5.26% 90,000 2.22% 92,000 3.26%
.NET based without web 4.76% 110,000 -2.73% 107,000 -1.87% 105,000 -2.86%
java based without web 9.38% 35,000 -2.86% 34,000 -2.94% 33,000 -3.03%
other technologies
development without web
9.38% 35,000 -2.86% 34,000 5.88% 36,000 5.56%
Web 8.43% 90,000 2.22% 92,000 8.70% 100,000 10.00%
Mobile 25.00% 45,000 11.11% 50,000 24.00% 62,000 12.90%
UX Design 28.00% 32,000 9.38% 35,000 8.57% 38,000 10.53%
Data, BI, Analytics 5.88% 180,000 2.78% 185,000 3.78% 192,000 4.69%
Core Vertical Package
2.27% 135,000 3.70% 140,000 5.71% 148,000 4.73%
Digital Output Management 10.00% 22,000 -9.09% 20,000 5.00% 21,000 9.52%
Migrations 6.90% 31,000 12.90% 35,000 14.29% 40,000 12.50%
16.90% 1,168,000 3.81% 1,167,000 19.29% 1,222,000 22.02%
VAS: Business Application Implementation
Market Players: ERP Projects

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Market Players: Core / ERP vertical Projects
Market Players: CRM XRM Projects
Market Players: KM Projects
Market Players: Data Analysis Projects

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Market Players: .NET development Projects
Market Players: java & others (non-.NET) development
Market Players: Output Management & Migration Projects
Market Players: Web, Internet, Social and UX Projects

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Market Players: Mobility Projects
VAS: outsourcing services
VAS: outsourcing services
Market Players: "off site" data center

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Market Players: call center/help desk outsourcing
Market Players: application/ complete outsourcing
Market Players: managed infrastructure (storage, DBA, ..) services
VAS: Cloud Services

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VAS: Cloud Services
Market Players: BSaaS (many different) B2B Services
Market Players: PaaS & IaaS Services
Market Players: SaaS Services

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Market Players: DRaaS Services
VAS: Staff Augmentation
VAS: Staff Augmentation
Market Players: “gulgalot”- temps- on premises augmentation

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Market Players: “gulgalot”- temps- off premises augmentation

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