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September 21
Age of Implementation:
delivering value NOW, NOW, NOW
Israeli IT Market
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Covid19 (in all of its different waves) brought many changes in the way we deliver, what we deliver and how fast we
deliver IT services. New technologies and new organizational structures were needed in order to satisfy the different
delivery scenarios.
POST COVID19 and this set of scenarios have many names:
• Remote-first Economy: Post-covid19 accelerated an ongoing shift to new processes and cultural norms that enable
employees to work productively and build relationships from anywhere. They built new relationships with customers
through B2C, B2B and D2C business models.
• Data Economy: Post-covid19 pushed the use of data and algorithms for purposes of prediction, management,
measurement, and governance.
• Distributive Economy: A post-covid19 paradigm promoting the distribution of innovation and wealth
• Passion Economy: Before covid19 people were forced to make a choice when it came to work: follow the money or
follow their passion; But now, business and art, profit and passion, are linked through a combination of open
design (products, processes, services), new technologies, open business models, freelance employment, etc
• Implementation Age: Most enduring impact will be as an IMPLEMENTATION ACCELERANT. accelerate
implementations of technologies in order to deliver VALUE (NOW, NOW, NOW)
STKI analysts measured the pulse of the Israeli IT Market after Covid19 and publish here our research conclusions
I hope it will answer most of your questions
September 21
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• Dr. Schwarzkopf has worked during the last 40 years in all areas of Computer Information Services:
▪ As an Industry Analyst at META Group (Israeli Research Manager) and was named a META Group Research Fellow.
▪ As an academic researcher in Entrepreneurship Sciences; has published and presented in several international IT and
Management Conferences
▪ Editorial Board Member of the academic journal "International Journal of Opportunity, Growth and Value Creation".
▪ As a consultant in Arthur Andersen Consulting (USA), Booz Allen (USA) and Kesselman & Kesselman (Israel)
▪ As a systems professional in SCS Computers and the R&D Unit of the Israel Defense Forces.
▪ As a marketing professional in Digital Equipment Corporation.
▪ As a teacher/mentor in the MIS department / Tel-Aviv Yafo Academic College and the Computer School of the IDF.
▪ As an entrepreneur founding three companies in the IT arena: STKI and companies in the areas of store/forward mail and
office systems.
• Dr. Schwarzkopf served on the Board of Directors of Ashot Ashkelon Industries, served as President of the Gymnasia
Herzelia Association, Co-founder of the Mashov Political Movement and was a member of the Central Committee of
the Labor Party. Major (Rav-Seren) in the reserves, Israel Defense Forces (where he served in an elite unit and later
in the R&D unit). Registered Engineer (IS22881), member of MENSA Israel.
• Dr. Schwarzkopf received BSE and MSE degrees (Systems Engineering) from the University of Central Florida.
Received an MSIA (Management Information Systems) and ABD (PhD Program) in Systems Science (received
(twice) the William Larimer Mellon Scholarship/Award) from Carnegie Mellon University. His doctorate (DBA
Entrepreneurship) he received from Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University
Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf, Research Fellow , STKI
Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf, Research Fellow , STKI 3
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Study Chapters (pages)
September 21
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• Who we (STKI) are and what we (STKI) do
• Methodologies for the 2021 Israeli IT Market Study
• How to read and benefit from :
• Product/ Services Market for 2018-2020
• Product/ Services Market Forecasting for 2021-2022
• Vendor Rankings for Hardware, Software & Value-Added
Products /Services
• Product Positioning (support & market penetration)
STKI : IT Knowledge Integrators
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▪ Over 29 years of experience in the IT analyst sector and thousands of annual face-to-face
interviews with key industry participants have enabled STKI analysts to establish solid, long-
standing relationships with customers.
▪ STKI customers include major IT organizations (government, financial institutions, telecoms,
manufacturing, medical, education, etc.) and IT suppliers/vendors (infrastructure and software
suppliers, consulting and professional services firms).
▪ STKI works closely with vendor senior management (strategy, business development, and
▪ Where end users are concerned, analysts meet with CEOs, CFOs, CMOs, CDOs and CIOs (as with all
levels of IT decision making) thereby attaining complete information of their technology as well as
their business needs.
STKI's mission is to advise and analyze users of business technologies as well as their
suppliers while conducting original research and providing advisory services regarding all
parts of the technology puzzle.
Founded in 1992, STKI is the leading business technologies
market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel.
Founded in 1992, STKI is the leading business technologies
market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel.
September 21
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Face-to-face meetings
STKI Analyst House Calls
(for both users and
CIO STKI "Help Desk"
Strategic Marketing &
Round Tables for users
Vendor Discovery Series
(Newsletters and
Vendor Innovation
In-house Workshops
CIO Annual Bootcamp
CTO Annual Bootcamp
(based on Design Thinking)
STKI Annual Summit
STKI services include
Virtual meetings* Weekly Webinars*
* new
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph

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September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
STKI Research Results:
1. IT Trends
2. Surveys about organizational issues
3. Round Table Summaries
4. Industry IT Budgets
5. IT Market Forecasts by category
6. Vendor Tiers by category
7. Product Positioning
8. Staffing Ratios
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STKI Methodology: equilibrium model
The sum of all IT expenditures (from users)
must be equal to all IT sales (from vendors).
most research firms are either
(market information based on data from users of IT)
(market information based on data from IT vendors).
STKI is one of the only research firms using an equilibrium model
and the only one in Israel.
September 21
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In order to calculate the “IT Market”
(what is bought/sold in Israel)
What users bought?
From whom?
What users bought?
From whom?
how much did they sell?
to whom?
for how much?
how much did they sell?
to whom?
for how much?
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
› Yearly revenues of hardware sales and hardware maintenance
› Yearly revenues of software subscriptions & licenses, software maintenance
› Differentiation between new projects and continuing projects (New projects count more)
› Distinguish between work done by the vendor's employees and work outsourced to other vendors.
The revenue should be transferred to the vendor actually doing the work.
› Differentiate revenues from projects done in fixed price, cost plus (SLA defined) , managed services
and those done by staff augmentation (non SLA) projects.
› Differentiate value of work done by high level internal professionals in a project versus that done by
staff augmentation employees in the clients IT department.
› We do not include any work/ products for OEMs and military non-IT projects.
Our study looks at any vendor value (products/services) sold to
enterprises (also government & security) in Israel; taking into
account the client’s view/mindshare of value delivered
September 21
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Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
September 21
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servers X86
Legacy (non-x86)
Data Appliances
HCI appliances
Public Cloud IaaS
PaaS (Compute as a
Service )
Window PCs (Notebook
& Desktops) Enterprise
Non window's PC's
Enterprise only
Enterprise Storage
:Disks (HHD and SSD)
Enterprise Storage Tape
Libraries, VTL Backup
and other storage
Public Cloud IaaS
Storage & Backup as a
Enterprise Networking
Security / Cyber
VoIP/Call Center
Call Center as a
Data Center Physical
Off-site Data Center:
Co-Location; Hosting
(Client owns the HW)
POS +Self Service
Infrastructure & System
storage & backup SW
data platforms (SQL,
NoSQL dbms)
AppWEB Server, BPM,,
Emulation, , BRMS
Messaging, , Streaming,
IT Operations, Asset
Management, APM,
ITSM - Service Desk
Endpoint related tools
NetworkWeb cloud
services (FW, WAF, ddos
data content related
tools (DLP, DB FW, DLP
cyber management tools
(SIEM tool, Incident
Zero Trust including
identity, access, SDP
Other cyber tools
(secure development,
Project & Portfolio
Development tools, ALM,
Devops for all
Low Code tools
Governance, Risk &
Office productivity (office
calendar, mail etc.), KM
(Enterprise Portals, ECM, Search,
Knowledgebases tools)
Digital Output
Employee Collaboration
& Engagement Tools
IT Strategy Consulting
Organizational & Digital
Transformation Consulting (inc.
change mngt, agile consulting, etc.)
Data Strategy Consulting
IT Infrastructure & Cloud Consulting
Application Projects Consulting
Customer & Employee Experience
consulting (customer journeys,
service design)
Automation & Process Consulting
Project Management/ OCIO
Cyber Security Consulting
Software Maintenance (3rd party)
Hardware Maintenance (3rd party)
Consolidation/ Virtualization/
Containers /Monitoring/ BSM/
Storage/ Hardware/ Networking
DevOps and Infrastructure
automation projects
Software integration of middleware,
Cyber security product
Unified Communication Projects
(IM, Video, Voice)
Devops and Infrastructure
automation projects
Software integration,of middleware,
Cyber security product
Unified Communication Projects (IM,
Video, Voice)
PPM & Project management
ALM & Development & Testing
tools implementation
Low Code tool implementation
ERP Implementations
HR & Talent Mngt & Payroll
CRM Implementations
ITSM Implementation
E-Commerce and Marketplace
Marketing Automation
Data Science projects
Data management implementation
(quality, etl, catalogs...)
BI and Analytics implementation /
General Software Development
(except Web & Mobile)
Web & Mobile Development
UX Design
Finance Industry Core Projects
Public (COVID19) Projects
e-payments Projects
Retail Projects
Public (government) modernizations
Contact Center and Multi channel
engagement projects
Employee Collaboration &
Engagement Tools
Knowledge Management (ECM,
Portals, Search, Knowledgebases.. )
Technological Innovation Projects
Automation tools (RPA, OCR)
Blockchain projects
IoT Projects
Professional Education,
Coaching & Mentoring
Project testing & QA
Fruition & Implementation (‫)הטמעה‬
Regulation Projects
Auditing, Governance & Risk
Complete and/or application
outsourcing (Client owns the HW)
Infrastructure Outsourcing
(infrastructure, storage mngt, DBA
Call Centers/Help Desk Outsourcing
Cyber security managed services -
CISO as a service, etc. (excluding
SIEM service)
SIEM as a Service
Printing Outsourcing Services (pay
per click)
Business Services as a Service-
BSaaS (Salaries, Payments, BPO, etc.)
Location Based Projects
Self-Service Projects
Tele-medicine Projects
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456 IT
in Israel
456 IT
in Israel

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September 21
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Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Manufacturers/Software Houses, Distributors, VARs
NO double bookings for IT Market Size Forecasts
Resellers (VARs) get credit only for their value added unless the
manufacturer/software house is not present in Israel, then they get full credit.
Integrators and other Value Added Service Providers get credit only for the
“services-work” they contributed to the project.
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
DISTRIBUTORS (usually are not shown in our study)
are intermediary reseller entities; between the original
SOFTWARE HOUSES and other entities in the distribution
channel (VARs and INTEGRATORS).
VALUE-ADDED RESELLERS (VARs) offer third party
software and hardware to the end user or integrators at
a markup, along with a limited combination of
procurement consulting, configuration, and
customization services (shown under HARDWARE or
INTEGRATORS offer professional’s services (consulting,
developing, implementing or sourcing manpower) in
order to deliver enterprise computer services to the
organization. (shown under VALUE ADDED SERVICES ).
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Methodology for “Israeli Positioning”
is NOT a technological or functional positioning and SHOULD NOT be used as
such. This positioning is intendent to reflect ONLY THE DEGREE to which a
Focused on the enterprise sector (not SMB)
 X axis (Market Presence):
Installed base; New sales; Mindshare
 Y axis (Local ISRAELI Support):
Number and quality of Sis; localization; local R&D
 Vendors to watch: New players that only recently entered the market and
therefore cannot be evaluated against longtime players
 Global leaders: marked according to international analyst firms
September 21
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Israeli Product Positioning Slides
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
“Israeli Positioning” slides
This is NOT a technological or functional positioning
and SHOULD NOT be used as such.
This positioning is intendended to reflect
to which a product is
September 21
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Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph

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September 21
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volume of exports and the weight of high-tech companies
Source: The Export Institute, 2020
September 21
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Economic Outlook for Israel 1
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Economic Outlook for Israel 2
September 21
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Economic Outlook for Israel 3
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Economic Outlook for Israel 4
September 21
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Data about Mobile, Internet, eCommerce
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use of Social Media as % of population

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September 21
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STATISTICS and important DATA… telecom
Three companies operate fiber optic submarine
communications cables connecting Israel and Europe:
JONAH 2012 7.2Tbit/s
2012 42Tbit/s
Telecom Italia
MedNautilus 2002 3.84Tb/s
LEV 1998 20Gb/s
Fixed line operators Bezeq, HOT, 012 Smile, Cellcom
Number of fixed phone lines 3.4 million (2014)[1]
Cellular mobile network
Pelephone, Cellcom, Partner, Hot
Mobile, Golan Telecom
MVNO operators
Rami Levy, Free Telecom – x2one
Israel, Home Cellular, 019 Telzar,
Number of cellular
subscribers 10.276 million (2014)[1]
Multi-channel TV operators HOT (cable), yes (satellite)
Number of TV subscribers 1.485 million (2014)[1]
Number of Internet Service
Providers (ISPs) 50+ (2014)[1]
Number of broadband
subscriber ~2.075 million (2014)[1]
Average Internet speed 37Mbps (2014)
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Number of Companies (including government) and sizes
number of
(paying taxes)
number of
(paying taxes)
number of
(paying taxes)
number of
(paying taxes)
number of
& of
21-100 17,995 18,470 4,725 4,849 51-100 3,554 1.31% 3,554 3,554 51-100
6-20 52,265 52,970 38,857 38,760 10-50 30,938 11.37% 30,938
up to 5 192,641 197,928 231,609 235,210 up to 9 234,128 86.01% 234,128
101-250 2,752 2,817 101-250 2,173
265,066 up to 50
273,981 279,610
1,428 0.52%
3,601 over 101
251+ 1,622 1,796 251+
number of
employees v1
number of
2017 2018
September 21
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developments in the business sector
data on opening and closing of businesses
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The development of agreed credit days in the economy
September 21
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Business “health” in Israel
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Companies (businesses) in Israel
• In recent years, some 55,000 businesses have opened in Israel each year, while
40,000-45,000 businesses have closed each year:
• In 2019: 56,500 businesses opened, and 45,500 businesses were closed
• In 2020: 40,000 businesses were opened (decrease of 30% compared to
2019) and almost 75,000 businesses were closed (65% increase compared to
• Industries with a high number of business closures : restaurants (around
4,000 restaurants and food stalls closed), building and renovation
contractors (some 2,000 businesses closed in this field), transport and
transportation (some 1,200 businesses closed the field), fashion and
clothing stores (around 950 closed in this field), and others.
• In 2021 we are seeing changes in the areas of new business (spirit of the
times): e-commerce, deliveries, various ventures, courses and training, home
cooking and baking, and more.
September 21
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‫הקורונה‬ ‫נגיף‬ ‫התפשטות‬ ‫בעת‬ ‫העסקים‬ ‫מצב‬ ‫סקר‬ ‫תוצאות‬
Survey of Businesses in Israel during the Coronavirus Crisis (11th Wave)
‫שינוי‬ ‫על‬ ‫המעסיקים‬ ‫צפי‬
‫בכלל‬ ‫העתידי‬ ‫העובדים‬ ‫במספר‬
‫הסקר‬ ‫אוכלוסיית‬
‫בין‬ ‫התפעולי‬ ‫ברווח‬ ‫השינוי‬
‫אפריל‬ ‫בחודש‬ ‫סקר‬
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‫במאי‬ ‫העבוד��‬ ‫כוח‬ ‫תכונות‬
‫מקוריים‬ ‫נתונים‬

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A conversation with Quants, Thinkers and Innovators all challenged to innovate in turbulent times! Join QuantUniversity for a complimentary summer speaker series where you will hear from Quants, innovators, startups and Fintech experts on various topics in Quant Investing, Machine Learning, Optimization, Fintech, AI etc. Topic: Generating Synthetic Data with Generative Adversarial Networks: Opportunities and Challenges Limited data access continues to be a barrier to data-driven product development. In this talk, we explore if and how generative adversarial networks (GANs) can be used to incentivize data sharing by enabling a generic framework for sharing synthetic datasets with minimal expert knowledge. We identify key challenges of existing GAN approaches with respect to fidelity (e.g., capturing complex multidimensional correlations, mode collapse) and privacy (i.e., existing guarantees are poorly understood and can sacrifice fidelity). To address fidelity challenges, we discuss our experiences designing a custom workflow called DoppelGANger and demonstrate that across diverse real-world datasets (e.g., bandwidth measurements, cluster requests, web sessions) and use cases (e.g., structural characterization, predictive modeling, algorithm comparison), DoppelGANger achieves up to 43% better fidelity than baseline models. With respect to privacy, we identify fundamental challenges with both classical notions of privacy as well as recent advances to improve the privacy properties of GANs, and suggest a potential roadmap for addressing these challenges.

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ITC沖縄 - Microsoft 自身の Transformation に学ぶ、DX のポイントITC沖縄 - Microsoft 自身の Transformation に学ぶ、DX のポイント
ITC沖縄 - Microsoft 自身の Transformation に学ぶ、DX のポイント

何を Digital で、どう Transformation をするのでしょうか?これは、個々の組織で異なる課題がある以上、抽象的な話にしかならず、分かりにくくなりがちです。事例から学ぶ方が早いことも多々あります。 本セミナーでは、Microsoft 自身の DXを実例として踏まえたうえで、ペーパーレス化など中小企業におけるDXへの取り組みについて、次の様なテクノロジーやツールの活用例を交えながらお伝えします。 Microsoft Forms Power BI 機械学習 Azure Synapse Analytics

dxdigital transformationmicrosoft
September 21
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‫מהבית‬ ‫בעבודה‬ ‫היעילות‬ ‫מידת‬
‫העבודה‬ ‫למקום‬ ‫בהשוואה‬
‫ודצמבר‬ ‫יולי‬ ‫חודשים‬ ‫מין‬ ‫לפי‬
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
‫ענף‬ ‫לפי‬ ‫מהבית‬ ‫בעבודה‬ ‫תמיכה‬ ‫על‬ ‫המדווחים‬ ‫שיעור‬
September 21
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Israel Economic Activity
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
% yearly change : “State of the Economy Index”
State of the Economy
reflects the economy’s
difficulty in increasing the
volume of production, (low
supply of qualified workers)
so the country needs to
provide a larger share of the
demand from outside sources
September 21
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Business Tendency Survey - MAY 2021
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Values in Million USD
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
6,353,028 6,493,030 6,639,382 6,954,684 6,795,150 7,488,300 7,597,000 8,390,500 9,426,500
% change 2.20% 2.25% 4.75% -2.29% 10.20% 1.45% 10.44% 12.35%
Total IT market
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
6,353,028 6,493,030 6,639,382 6,954,684 6,795,150 7,488,300 7,597,000 8,390,500 9,426,500
% change 2.20% 2.25% 4.75% -2.29% 10.20% 1.45% 10.44% 12.35%
Total IT market
STKI changed “categories”
retroactively (2017) in order to
represent better the trends of:
on-prem, cloud, payment by
subscription, All as a Service, etc
September 21
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IT Market (K USD) 2014-2022
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
% total
% total industry
government $1,530 6.54% $1,630 5.95% $1,727 -16.04% $1,450 4.14% $1,510 16%
security $506 3.75% $525 2.29% $537 2.42% $550 5.45% $580 6%
education $270 8.15% $292 4.45% $305 14.75% $350 17.14% $410 4%
health $335 4.48% $350 -2.86% $340 14.71% $390 15.38% $450 5%
utilities $235 -8.51% $215 -2.33% $210 11.90% $235 6.38% $250 3%
transport $325 4.62% $340 7.35% $365 10.96% $405 11.11% $450 5%
banks $865 6.36% $920 10.87% $1,020 -6.86% $950 -3.16% $920 10%
insurance $395 2.53% $405 3.70% $420 3.57% $435 3.45% $450 5%
fin other $265 16.98% $310 29.03% $400 12.50% $450 13.33% $510 5%
manuf $880 -0.57% $875 -1.71% $860 -2.33% $840 7.14% $900 10%
retail $230 3.48% $238 -3.36% $230 8.70% $250 18.00% $295 3%
high tech $825 2.06% $842 7.01% $901 38.73% $1,250 32.00% $1,650 17%
IT local vendors $150 10.00% $165 9.09% $180 -2.78% $175 2.86% $180 2%
telecomm $205 12.20% $230 13.04% $260 -5.77% $245 -6.12% $230 2%
media $175 2.86% $180 11.11% $200 15.00% $230 8.70% $250 3%
SMB/SME $400 2.50% $410 -6.10% $385 -11.69% $340 17.65% $400 4% $400 4.24% SMB
in M USD
$7,591 4.43% $7,927 5.21% $8,340 2.46% $8,545 10.42% $9,435 100% $9,435 100% in M USD
$480 5.09%
/ media
$1,195 12.67%
$1,830 19.40%
high tech/
$700 7.42%
$1,880 19.93% financial
IT BUDGETS (cash-out NOT opex/capex accounting)include some other expenses
$2,950 31.27% public
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Values in Million USD

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Neo4j Presentation at AWS summit Stockholm Kristof Neys, Graph Data Science Specialist, Field Engineering EMEA/APAC

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The document discusses how massive trends like connected data, cloud innovation, and the rise of generative AI are transforming industries. It argues that to thrive in this new environment, organizations must turn data into insights and knowledge. Graph databases are presented as better for this task by preserving relationships that get lost with relational databases. The document promotes Neo4j's graph database platform and its capabilities for enabling insights, powering cloud applications, and combining with generative AI through knowledge graphs.

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STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2    2 slides per page STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2    2 slides per page
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page

The document discusses the findings of an Israeli IT market study conducted by STKI in 2021. It notes that COVID-19 accelerated changes in how IT services are delivered to satisfy new delivery scenarios. The study analyzed trends like the remote-first, data, and passion economies that emerged from the pandemic. The key finding is that the most enduring impact of COVID-19 will be as an "implementation accelerant", forcing faster implementations of technologies to deliver value immediately. The document provides background on STKI and outlines the methodology used in the 2021 market study.

September 21
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Israeli IT Market (K USD) 2014-2022
Values in Million USD
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Israeli IT Market (% change) 2014-2022
September 21
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HARDWARE (on-prem & as a service) PRODUCTS
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Hardware (Infrastructure) Market 2018-2022
Values in Million USD
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
hardware market 1,698,000 1,674,000 1,655,200 1,688,000 1,756,150 1,868,000 2,065,000 2,287,000 2,558,000
% change -1.41% -1.12% 1.98% 4.04% 6.37% 10.55% 10.75% 11.85%
September 21
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TOP VENDORS: Hardware-Infrastructure Markets
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Hardware (Infrastructure) Categories (pages)
September 21
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Values in Million USD
2018 2019 2020 0.05% 2021 2022
servers X86 $305.00 1.64% $310.00 -6.45% $290.00 10.34% $320.00 3.75% $332.00
Legacy (non-x86) $32.00 -4.69% $30.50 -14.75% $26.00 19.23% $31.00 12.90% $35.00
Data Appliances $13.00 15.38% $15.00 -13.33% $13.00 -15.38% $11.00 -9.09% $10.00
HCI appliances $36.00 25.00% $45.00 24.44% $56.00 25.00% $70.00 21.43% $85.00
Public Cloud IaaS PaaS
(Compute as a Service )
$130.00 30.77% $170.00 17.65% $200.00 30.00% $260.00 38.46% $360.00
TOTALS $516.00 10.56% $570.50 2.54% $585.00 18.29% $692.00 18.79% $822.00
2018 2019 2020 0.05% 2021 2022
servers X86 $305.00 1.64% $310.00 -6.45% $290.00 10.34% $320.00 3.75% $332.00
Legacy (non-x86) $32.00 -4.69% $30.50 -14.75% $26.00 19.23% $31.00 12.90% $35.00
Data Appliances $13.00 15.38% $15.00 -13.33% $13.00 -15.38% $11.00 -9.09% $10.00
HCI appliances $36.00 25.00% $45.00 24.44% $56.00 25.00% $70.00 21.43% $85.00
Public Cloud IaaS PaaS
(Compute as a Service )
$130.00 30.77% $170.00 17.65% $200.00 30.00% $260.00 38.46% $360.00
TOTALS $516.00 10.56% $570.50 2.54% $585.00 18.29% $692.00 18.79% $822.00
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph

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STKI IT Market Study 2019 version 2
STKI IT Market Study 2019 version 2 STKI IT Market Study 2019 version 2
STKI IT Market Study 2019 version 2

STKI researches and publishes once a year a complete Market Study about the Israeli Information Technology Scene. This is a version 2 that includes changes that were found after companies presented (again) their 2018 results and STKI analysts accepted the changes.

israelisrael information technologieshardware
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2 STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2

The document is a slide deck from STKI, an Israeli market research and strategic analyst firm, discussing the impact of global events on IT budgets in Israel in 2022-2024. It notes that while IT budget increases were forecasted to be large in 2022, events like the war in Ukraine, inflation, interest rate hikes, and political instability have changed the outlook. IT budgets in Israel are still expected to rise 12-13% in 2022 but forecasts beyond that are difficult given uncertainties. Digital transformation alone is no longer sufficient - companies must undergo smart business transformations to deliver personalized, data-driven experiences to customers.

israel information technologies itit market studyinfrastructures
STKI IT Market Study 2018
STKI IT Market Study 2018 STKI IT Market Study 2018
STKI IT Market Study 2018

Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf has over 40 years of experience in various areas of the computer information services industry. He has worked as an industry analyst, academic researcher, consultant, systems professional, sales/marketing professional, teacher/mentor, and entrepreneur. He founded STKI, which is now the leading market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel covering the IT industry. STKI conducts original research and provides advisory services to help clients make strategic decisions about their IT systems. The document provides details about STKI's research methodology, services offered, and summaries of their studies on the Israeli IT market.

information technologyisraelhardware
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
General Purpose INTEL Server Brands
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
(non-x86) VARS
alphabetic order
Malam Team
Yael Group
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
HCI appliances VARS
alphabetic order
Malam Team
Yael Group
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
PUBLIC CLOUD IaaS; PaaS, Compute as a Service
September 21
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PUBLIC CLOUD (VARs) IaaS; PaaS, Compute as a Service
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
Global Public Clouds

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STKI Summit 2015: Israel IT Market v3
STKI Summit 2015: Israel IT Market v3STKI Summit 2015: Israel IT Market v3
STKI Summit 2015: Israel IT Market v3

The document summarizes Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf's background and experience in the IT industry over 38 years. It also provides an overview of STKI, the market research firm he founded, including its goals, methodology, services, and the Israeli IT market research it conducts covering hardware, software, and value-added services. STKI aims to help clients make strategic IT decisions by providing market data and analysis based on thousands of annual interviews with industry participants.

information technologyitmarkets
STKI Summit 2015: V3 Israel IT Market (downloadable)
STKI Summit 2015: V3 Israel IT Market (downloadable)STKI Summit 2015: V3 Israel IT Market (downloadable)
STKI Summit 2015: V3 Israel IT Market (downloadable)

The document summarizes Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf's background and experience in the IT industry over 38 years. It also provides an overview of STKI, the market research firm he founded, including its goals, methodology, services, and the Israeli IT market research it conducts covering hardware, software, and value-added services. STKI aims to help clients make strategic IT decisions by providing market data and analysis based on thousands of annual interviews with industry participants.

israelit marketinformation technology
STKI Summit 2015: V3 Israel IT Market
STKI Summit 2015: V3 Israel IT Market STKI Summit 2015: V3 Israel IT Market
STKI Summit 2015: V3 Israel IT Market

Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf has over 38 years of experience in various areas of the IT industry, including as an industry analyst, academic researcher, consultant, systems professional, and entrepreneur. He has founded three IT companies, including STKI, which provides market research and strategic analysis for the Israeli IT market. STKI uses an equilibrium model to obtain a holistic view of the IT market from both users and vendors. They conduct thousands of interviews annually to track spending trends and IT budgets across industry verticals. STKI also analyzes the hardware, software, and services markets in Israel to provide insights into market size, players, and forecasts.

it marketinformation technologyisrael
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
CLIENTS (commercial only) MARKET 2018-2022
Values in Million USD
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Window PCs (Notebook &
Desktops) Enterprise only
$278.00 1.08% $281.00 28.83% $362.00 -3.31% $350.00 -14.29% $300.00
Non window's PC's
Enterprise only
$13.00 7.69% $14.00 50.00% $21.00 33.33% $28.00 10.71% $31.00
TOTALS $291.00 1.37% $295.00 29.83% $383.00 -1.31% $378.00 -12.43% $331.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Window PCs (Notebook &
Desktops) Enterprise only
$278.00 1.08% $281.00 28.83% $362.00 -3.31% $350.00 -14.29% $300.00
Non window's PC's
Enterprise only
$13.00 7.69% $14.00 50.00% $21.00 33.33% $28.00 10.71% $31.00
TOTALS $291.00 1.37% $295.00 29.83% $383.00 -1.31% $378.00 -12.43% $331.00
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Window PCs
(Notebook &
Desktops) Enterprise
only- VARS alphabetic
Malam Team
Yael Group
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Values in Million USD
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Enterprise Storage :Disks
(HHD and SSD) $119.50 2.93% $123.00 7.32% $132.00 2.27% $135.00 -3.70% $130.00
Enterprise Storage Tape
Libraries, VTL Backup and
other storage Appliances
$30.15 6.14% $32.00 31.25% $42.00 14.29% $48.00 6.25% $51.00
Public Cloud IaaS Storage &
Backup as a Service
$20.00 35.00% $27.00 29.63% $35.00 17.14% $41.00 21.95% $50.00
TOTALS $169.65 7.28% $182.00 14.84% $209.00 7.18% $224.00 3.13% $231.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Enterprise Storage :Disks
(HHD and SSD) $119.50 2.93% $123.00 7.32% $132.00 2.27% $135.00 -3.70% $130.00
Enterprise Storage Tape
Libraries, VTL Backup and
other storage Appliances
$30.15 6.14% $32.00 31.25% $42.00 14.29% $48.00 6.25% $51.00
Public Cloud IaaS Storage &
Backup as a Service
$20.00 35.00% $27.00 29.63% $35.00 17.14% $41.00 21.95% $50.00
TOTALS $169.65 7.28% $182.00 14.84% $209.00 7.18% $224.00 3.13% $231.00
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
September 21
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Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
Lenovo The fact that one vendor is
located next to another
doesn’t mean they are
similar in terms of
Vendors to watch:
Pure Storage
Similar location
General Purpose Storage
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
The fact that one vendor is
located next to another
doesn’t mean they are
similar in terms of
High End For Critical Systems Storage
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2016 V2
STKI Israeli IT  market study 2016 V2STKI Israeli IT  market study 2016 V2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2016 V2

Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf has over 40 years of experience in various roles in the IT industry including as an analyst, academic researcher, consultant, entrepreneur, and teacher. He founded STKI in 1992, which is now the leading market research firm in Israel covering the IT industry. STKI uses an equilibrium model to provide strategic analysis and advisory services to both IT users and vendors in Israel. Their goal is to help clients make informed strategic and financial decisions regarding their IT systems.

israel information technologies it
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final v1
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final  v1STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final  v1
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final v1

2024 Market analysis of the Israeli Information Technology Market

israel information technologiesmarket analysiscio
STKI Israel's IT market 2017 v2
STKI  Israel's IT market 2017 v2STKI  Israel's IT market 2017 v2
STKI Israel's IT market 2017 v2

STKI is an Israeli market research and strategic analyst firm covering the IT industry. It has over 25 years of experience conducting thousands of interviews annually with IT users and vendors. STKI provides research on IT trends, budgets, forecasts, vendor tiers and positioning to help clients make strategic decisions. It uses an equilibrium model to ensure IT spending reported by users equals sales reported by vendors. The document then provides details on STKI's research methodology and analysis of Israel's IT hardware, software and services markets.

information technologymarket studyerp
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
DRaaS (Storage as a Service)
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Values in Million USD
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Enterprise Networking $220.00 2.27% $225.00 4.44% $235.00 10.64% $260.00 5.77% $275.00
Security / Cyber
$148.00 5.41% $156.00 15.38% $180.00 8.33% $195.00 4.10% $203.00
VoIP/Call Center
$51.50 2.91% $53.00 47.17% $78.00 5.13% $82.00 4.88% $86.00
Call Center as a Service $5.00 60.00% $8.00 125.00% $18.00 33.33% $24.00 16.67% $28.00
TOTALS $424.50 4.12% $442.00 15.61% $511.00 9.78% $561.00 5.53% $592.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Enterprise Networking $220.00 2.27% $225.00 4.44% $235.00 10.64% $260.00 5.77% $275.00
Security / Cyber
$148.00 5.41% $156.00 15.38% $180.00 8.33% $195.00 4.10% $203.00
VoIP/Call Center
$51.50 2.91% $53.00 47.17% $78.00 5.13% $82.00 4.88% $86.00
Call Center as a Service $5.00 60.00% $8.00 125.00% $18.00 33.33% $24.00 16.67% $28.00
TOTALS $424.50 4.12% $442.00 15.61% $511.00 9.78% $561.00 5.53% $592.00
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
September 21
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Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
Mellanox (Nvidia)
Enterprise Networking
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph

Recommended for you

STKI 25th Annual Israel IT Market Study 2017
STKI 25th Annual Israel IT Market Study 2017STKI 25th Annual Israel IT Market Study 2017
STKI 25th Annual Israel IT Market Study 2017

STKI is an Israeli market research and strategic analyst firm covering the IT industry. It has over 25 years of experience conducting interviews with IT organizations and suppliers. STKI uses an equilibrium model to determine the size of Israel's IT market, accounting for expenditures from users and revenues reported by vendors. The document provides details on STKI's methodology and services offered to help clients make strategic decisions regarding their IT investments.

information technologyisraelit
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2 STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2

The document describes STKI, an IT market research and strategic analyst firm based in Israel. Over its 31 years in business, STKI has established relationships with major IT organizations and vendors through thousands of annual interviews. STKI uses an equilibrium model to analyze both what users purchase from vendors and what vendors sell, in order to determine the overall Israeli IT market size. The company provides research reports, briefings, and workshops to clients on topics like technology trends, industry surveys, and vendor positioning.

israelinformation technologyit market study
STKI IT market in Israel v2 (downloadable)
STKI IT market in Israel v2 (downloadable)STKI IT market in Israel v2 (downloadable)
STKI IT market in Israel v2 (downloadable)

Dr. Schwarzkopf has over 35 years of experience in various areas of computer information services including as an industry analyst, academic researcher, consultant, systems professional, sales and marketing professional, and entrepreneur. He has founded three IT companies. Dr. Schwarzkopf also served on various boards and committees. He holds multiple advanced degrees in related fields from universities in the US and Israel.

israelit marketinformation technology
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Values in Million USD
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Data Center Physical
$97.00 2.58% $99.50 -14.57% $85.00 20.00% $102.00 58.82% $162.00
Off-site Data Center:
Co-Location; Hosting (Client
owns the HW)
$88.00 6.82% $94.00 8.51% $102.00 22.55% $125.00 60.00% $200.00
POS +Self Service
$170.00 8.82% $185.00 2.70% $190.00 7.89% $205.00 7.32% $220.00
TOTALS $355.00 6.62% $378.50 -0.40% $377.00 14.59% $432.00 34.72% $582.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Data Center Physical
$97.00 2.58% $99.50 -14.57% $85.00 20.00% $102.00 58.82% $162.00
Off-site Data Center:
Co-Location; Hosting (Client
owns the HW)
$88.00 6.82% $94.00 8.51% $102.00 22.55% $125.00 60.00% $200.00
POS +Self Service
$170.00 8.82% $185.00 2.70% $190.00 7.89% $205.00 7.32% $220.00
TOTALS $355.00 6.62% $378.50 -0.40% $377.00 14.59% $432.00 34.72% $582.00
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
(client owns the HW)
** under construction
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
SOFTWARE (on-prem & cloud) PRODUCTS

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Israel IT market 2014 V2
Israel IT market 2014 V2Israel IT market 2014 V2
Israel IT market 2014 V2

- The document summarizes Dr. Schwarzkopf's background and experience in computer information services, academia, consulting, sales, marketing, teaching, and entrepreneurship. - It describes his roles founding three IT companies and serving on various boards and committees. - It lists his educational background including degrees from the University of Central Florida, Carnegie Mellon University, and Case Western Reserve University.

information technologyisraelit market
STKI Summit 2012 Israeli IT Market
STKI Summit 2012 Israeli IT Market STKI Summit 2012 Israeli IT Market
STKI Summit 2012 Israeli IT Market

This is the annual STKI IT Market in Israel study. It is released to the public but when using data or graphs the source or attribution should be attached. We will prosecute users of the data that do not do the above.

vendorsisraelit market
STKI Israeli IT Market 2013
STKI Israeli IT Market 2013STKI Israeli IT Market 2013
STKI Israeli IT Market 2013

The document provides an overview of the 2013 IT market in Israel from Dr. Schwarzkopf's research firm STKI. Some key points: - STKI conducted 210 interviews with CIOs across 16 industries and collected sales data from 310 vendors across 106 categories to develop an "equilibrium model" of the Israeli IT market. - The report examines areas like software/hardware revenues, new vs continuing projects, work done by vendors vs outsourcing, and project pricing models. - It also provides relevant economic context on Israel's GDP, inflation, unemployment, and comparison to OECD countries. Tables show numbers of companies and employees paying taxes from 2010-2012. - STKI aims to give a

itinformation technologytechnology
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Software (on-prem & cloud)
Market 2018-2022
Values in Million USD
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1,625,014 1,687,515 1,742,266 1,833,667 1,804,500 1,971,200 1,919,000 2,092,000 2,277,000
% change 3.85% 3.24% 5.25% -1.59% 9.24% -2.65% 9.02% 8.84%
software market
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TOP VENDORS: Software Markets
Software Companies Software VARS
September 21
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Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
MARKET 2018-2022
Values in Million USD
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Infrastructure & System Software $150.00 17.33% $176.00 7.95% $190.00 7.89% $205.00 -2.44% $200.00
storage & backup SW $82.00 21.95% $100.00 5.00% $105.00 4.76% $110.00 -4.55% $105.00
data platforms (SQL, NoSQL dbms) $65.00 -3.08% $63.00 -4.76% $60.00 3.33% $62.00 4.84% $65.00
TOTALS $297.00 14.14% $339.00 4.72% $355.00 6.20% $377.00 -1.86% $370.00
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Infrastructure & System Software $150.00 17.33% $176.00 7.95% $190.00 7.89% $205.00 -2.44% $200.00
storage & backup SW $82.00 21.95% $100.00 5.00% $105.00 4.76% $110.00 -4.55% $105.00
data platforms (SQL, NoSQL dbms) $65.00 -3.08% $63.00 -4.76% $60.00 3.33% $62.00 4.84% $65.00
TOTALS $297.00 14.14% $339.00 4.72% $355.00 6.20% $377.00 -1.86% $370.00
September 21
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& System
Malam Team
Ness Hilan We
Yael Group
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September 21
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Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
Brands in backup
– SW, backup
appliances (not
“apples to
Backup Solutions

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The document discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital transformation trends and forced organizations to rapidly implement new technologies. It notes that digital strategies are no longer as important as quickly embedding digital solutions to facilitate value. Going forward, organizations will need a more adaptive structure and multifaceted employees who can learn new skills. The role of IT leaders will shift from developing strategies to accelerating the implementation of solutions.

Israel IT Market 2006 2008
Israel IT Market 2006 2008Israel IT Market 2006 2008
Israel IT Market 2006 2008

The document discusses disruptive technologies and trends impacting Israeli CIOs in 2006 according to interviews and surveys conducted by the author. Some key points include: 1) Most CIOs saw increases in their 2006 budgets compared to 2005 and report directly to the CEO. Outsourcing and temporary staffing were common. 2) Emerging technologies of interest included SOA, enterprise architecture, analytics, and open source software. CIOs wanted skills in these areas. 3) Survey results found that asset management, business process mapping, and integrating systems were priorities to improve operations and decision making. This creates opportunities for vendors in these areas.

Ovum RAS Slides
Ovum RAS SlidesOvum RAS Slides
Ovum RAS Slides

Ovum is an ICT advisory brand with over 25 years of experience advising enterprises and suppliers on the business value of technology. It provides impartial research, events, and advisory services to over 5000 clients globally using a team of over 350 business analysts and 200 ICT analysts. Ovum helps clients develop effective IT strategies, select optimal technology investments, and manage investments to realize business benefits.

September 21
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Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Values in Million USD
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
AppWEB Server, BPM,, Emulation,
, BRMS APaaS (container platforms)
$46.00 2.17% $47.00 -4.26% $45.00 4.44% $47.00 6.38% $50.00
ESB, SOA, FTP, Messaging, ,
Streaming, API Mngt
$12.50 4.00% $13.00 15.38% $15.00 6.67% $16.00 12.50% $18.00
TOTALS $58.50 2.56% $60.00 0.00% $60.00 5.00% $63.00 7.94% $68.00
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
AppWEB Server, BPM,, Emulation,
, BRMS APaaS (container platforms)
$46.00 2.17% $47.00 -4.26% $45.00 4.44% $47.00 6.38% $50.00
ESB, SOA, FTP, Messaging, ,
Streaming, API Mngt
$12.50 4.00% $13.00 15.38% $15.00 6.67% $16.00 12.50% $18.00
TOTALS $58.50 2.56% $60.00 0.00% $60.00 5.00% $63.00 7.94% $68.00
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
AppWEB Server, BPM, Emulation, BRMS
APaaS (container platforms)
September 21
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AppWEB Server, BPM, Emulation, BRMS
APaaS (container platforms) VARs
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
RedHat (IBM) openshift
VMWARE tanzu
SUSE Rancher
On-Premise (+Cloud) Container Platforms
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
ESB, SOA, FTP, Messaging, , Streaming, API Mngt
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
ESB, SOA, FTP, Messaging, , Streaming, API Mngt -- VARs

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Career sessions IM
Career sessions IMCareer sessions IM
Career sessions IM

The document discusses the importance and growth of the IT sector in India, providing an overview of key trends such as the sector growing at a 10.71% CAGR, contributing 6.8% to India's GDP, and digital exports becoming a major growth driver projected to reach $350 billion by 2025.

STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdfSTKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf

The document appears to be a presentation from STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on the state of Israel's economy and IT market following the outbreak of war in October 2023. It includes data and forecasts from various sources on how the war has negatively impacted Israel's GDP, business activity, and key industries. The original forecast predicted growth in Israel's IT market from 2018-2024, but the forecast has been corrected downward due to the unforeseen economic damage from the war, with the IT market now expected to decline in 2023 and 2024 compared to 2022 levels.

itmarketingisrael information technologies
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdfCollaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf

This document discusses communication and collaboration in product-led organizations. It covers topics like internal collaboration, collaboration challenges, collaboration tools, and collaboration overload. It also discusses the human factors of product-led organizations like empowering teams, keeping people interested and informed, and addressing issues like the great resignation and quiet quitting. The overall document provides insights into improving collaboration and communication in product-led companies.

September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
Broadcom (layer7)
Vendors to watch:
Redhat (3scale)
Salesforce (Mulesoft)
API Management (with on premise option)
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
API Management (with on premise options) selected integrators
Vendor Product Israeli Rep. Integrators
IBM API Connect IBM Matrix, Ellipsis
Google APIGEE Google Israel Yeal Software
Tibco Mashary Yeal Software
Redhat 3Scale Redhat Israel Matrix
Broadcom Layer7 Ness Pro Ness Pro, Emet
SoftwareAG WebMethods API mng. SoftwareAG Israel One
Tyke EL-AZ
Open source
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
Brands in
integration include
ESB, IPaaS, Hybrid
integration etc. (not
“apples to apples”)
Salesforce (Mulesoft)
Vendors to watch:
Application Integration
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Application Integration Selected Integrators
Vendor Product Israeli Rep. Integrators
IBM WMB Websphere
Message Broker
IBM Matrix, Ellipsis
Iconduct Iconduct Iconduct Ness Pro One
Tibco BusinessWorks Yeal Software
Redhat Fuse Redhat Israel Matrix
Workato Workato Service Wise, Malam
SoftwareAG WebMethods SoftwareAG Israel One
Oracle OSB Oracle Israel Malam One
Magic XPI Magic Israel Malam
WSO2 WSO2 Enterprise
Open source
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Application Integration Selected Integrators / Cont.
Vendor Product Israeli Rep. Integrators
OpenLegacy OpenLegacy OpenLegacy Ness
Talend Talend Integration UCL
Informatica Informatica PowerCenter Aman
Celigo SangIT
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
MARKET 2018-2022
Values in Million USD
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
IT Operations, Asset Management,
APM, AIOPS Monitoring, Workload-
Scheduling excluding ITSM,
Service Desk
$80.00 5.62% $84.50 -5.33% $80.00 -6.25% $75.00 6.67% $80.00
ITSM - Service Desk $24.00 10.42% $26.50 -16.98% $22.00 13.64% $25.00 8.00% $27.00
TOTALS $104.00 6.73% $111.00 -8.11% $102.00 -1.96% $100.00 7.00% $107.00
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
IT Operations, Asset Management,
APM, AIOPS Monitoring, Workload-
Scheduling excluding ITSM,
Service Desk
$80.00 5.62% $84.50 -5.33% $80.00 -6.25% $75.00 6.67% $80.00
ITSM - Service Desk $24.00 10.42% $26.50 -16.98% $22.00 13.64% $25.00 8.00% $27.00
TOTALS $104.00 6.73% $111.00 -8.11% $102.00 -1.96% $100.00 7.00% $107.00
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
IT Operations, Asset Management, APM, AIOPS Monitoring,
Workload-Scheduling (excluding ITSM, Service Desk)
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
IT Operations, Asset Management, APM, AIOPS Monitoring,
Workload-Scheduling (excluding ITSM, Service Desk) VARs

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OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022

The document discusses the evolution of the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) role over time. It describes how the OCIO started as an "order taker" for IT in the 1990s (OCIO v1). In the 2000s, the OCIO was established to better align IT with business needs (OCIO v2). Later, business relationship managers (BRMs) were introduced to improve customer experience but acted as bottlenecks (2017-2022). The document argues for a product-led organization where product teams are empowered and the OCIO acts as an enabler by providing resources and skills to product managers based on product success metrics.

ocioit managementinformation technology
CTO Summit 2022
CTO Summit 2022 CTO Summit 2022
CTO Summit 2022

This document discusses platform teams and platform engineering. It introduces platform products as products that can be easily used by other teams to focus on business problems while maintaining standards. Platform engineering is defined as designing and building toolchains and workflows that enable self-service capabilities for other teams. Platform products have functionality above the surface that developers see, and infrastructure components below the surface. Integration platforms, SRE, SASE, storage and backup tools, and micro frontends are discussed as examples of platform products.

platform productsplatform engineering
Product management Summit 2022
Product management Summit 2022Product management Summit 2022
Product management Summit 2022

This document discusses transitioning from a project-led organization to a product-led organization. It notes that while many companies have tried approaches like agile, digital transformation and design thinking, software projects still often fail to deliver user satisfaction. It advocates empowering product teams to own the entire product lifecycle and giving them autonomy to solve problems, rather than managing software development as a series of projects. This approach mirrors how successful startups operate and can help deliver better customer outcomes.

product managementproduct teams
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
Job Scheduling
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Job Scheduling Selected Integrators
Vendor Product Israeli Rep. Integrators
BMC Control-M BMC Matrix
Broadcom Automic Broacdom Israel Ness Pro
IBM/HCL IBM/HCL workload
IBM Matrix, Emet
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
ITSM - Service Desk
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
ITSM - Service Desk VARs
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Values in Million USD
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Endpoint related tools $43.50 5.75% $46.00 15.22% $53.00 3.77% $55.00 3.64% $57.00
NetworkWeb cloud services (FW,
WAF, ddos services , etc.)
$75.00 6.00% $79.50 10.69% $88.00 4.55% $92.00 7.61% $99.00
data content related tools (DLP,
DB FW, DLP Halbana, etc.)
$32.50 10.77% $36.00 2.78% $37.00 8.11% $40.00 5.00% $42.00
cyber management tools (SIEM
tool, Incident responds, automation)
$33.00 6.06% $35.00 2.86% $36.00 15.28% $41.50 3.61% $43.00
Zero Trust including identity,
access, SDP software defined
perimeter, SASE (secure access
$20.00 5.00% $21.00 4.76% $22.00 4.55% $23.00 17.39% $27.00
Other cyber tools (secure
development, awareness etc.)
$11.00 4.55% $11.50 4.35% $12.00 4.17% $12.50 4.00% $13.00
TOTALS $215.00 6.51% $229.00 8.30% $248.00 6.45% $264.00 6.44% $281.00
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Endpoint related tools $43.50 5.75% $46.00 15.22% $53.00 3.77% $55.00 3.64% $57.00
NetworkWeb cloud services (FW,
WAF, ddos services , etc.)
$75.00 6.00% $79.50 10.69% $88.00 4.55% $92.00 7.61% $99.00
data content related tools (DLP,
DB FW, DLP Halbana, etc.)
$32.50 10.77% $36.00 2.78% $37.00 8.11% $40.00 5.00% $42.00
cyber management tools (SIEM
tool, Incident responds, automation)
$33.00 6.06% $35.00 2.86% $36.00 15.28% $41.50 3.61% $43.00
Zero Trust including identity,
access, SDP software defined
perimeter, SASE (secure access
$20.00 5.00% $21.00 4.76% $22.00 4.55% $23.00 17.39% $27.00
Other cyber tools (secure
development, awareness etc.)
$11.00 4.55% $11.50 4.35% $12.00 4.17% $12.50 4.00% $13.00
TOTALS $215.00 6.51% $229.00 8.30% $248.00 6.45% $264.00 6.44% $281.00
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Endpoint related tools
September 21
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NetworkWeb cloud services
(FW, WAF, DDOS services , etc.)
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Data Content Related Tools (DLP, DB FW, DLP (Halbana) etc.)

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Data Products and teams
Data Products and teamsData Products and teams
Data Products and teams

This document discusses transforming from data projects to data products. It outlines how companies can adopt a product mindset and focus on creating data products that solve specific customer problems. Key aspects include defining data product teams led by data product managers, adopting a product mindset of focusing on outcomes rather than outputs, and using storytelling to communicate insights from data products. The presentation argues that treating data as a product can create competitive advantages and that every company may need to become a data science company in the future.

data productsai products
Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management

This document discusses product discovery and the importance of making the process data-driven. It recommends gathering customer data from various sources, analyzing the customer experience, and using product analytics tools to obtain both quantitative and qualitative insights. This will help ensure ideas are validated with real customers before significant development work begins. The goal is to learn fast through discovery while still releasing products with confidence.

discoveryproduct teams
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy

The document discusses content from STKI, an IT knowledge integration company, including information about their new website and content examples. It covers topics like digital disruption, the four industrial revolutions, predictions for 2023 in Israel, and how every company will need to become a software company. Across multiple pages, it provides definitions, predictions, recommendations, and perspectives on challenges and opportunities brought about by digital transformation and the fourth industrial revolution.

product managementinformation technology
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
(SIEM tool, incident responds, automation)
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Zero Trust including identity, access, SDP software defined
perimeter, SASE (secure access service edge) IDM, Access
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
other cyber tools (secure development, awareness etc.)
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
MARKET 2018-2022
Values in Million USD
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Project & Portfolio Management $28.00 3.57% $29.00 -13.79% $25.00 -12.00% $22.00 -9.09% $20.00
Development tools, ALM, Devops
for all environments (including
$74.00 2.70% $76.00 -14.47% $65.00 7.69% $70.00 2.86% $72.00
Low Code tools $2.00 115.00% $4.30 39.53% $6.00 50.00% $9.00 33.33% $12.00
TOTALS $104.00 5.10% $109.30 -12.17% $96.00 5.21% $101.00 2.97% $104.00
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Project & Portfolio Management $28.00 3.57% $29.00 -13.79% $25.00 -12.00% $22.00 -9.09% $20.00
Development tools, ALM, Devops
for all environments (including
$74.00 2.70% $76.00 -14.47% $65.00 7.69% $70.00 2.86% $72.00
Low Code tools $2.00 115.00% $4.30 39.53% $6.00 50.00% $9.00 33.33% $12.00
TOTALS $104.00 5.10% $109.30 -12.17% $96.00 5.21% $101.00 2.97% $104.00
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Project & Portfolio Management Tools
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Market Presence
Vendors to Watch:
PPM Israeli Market Positioning
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
PPM Tools & Integrators
Global leader
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
PPM Tools & Integrators

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presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdfpresentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf

This document appears to be from an annual IT market study presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators. It includes an agenda for the presentation covering the 2022 IT market study results, enterprise budgets, economic forecasting signals, top vendors, and a post-COVID world. The presentation contains many slides with graphs, charts, and text analyzing the Israeli IT market and global economic conditions. It discusses challenges in forecasting 2023-2024 given various political and economic uncertainties globally and in Israel.

digitalisrael information technologies itinfrastructures
NEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applicationsNEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applications

Recommended for CIOs and Applications Managers In this session we will discuss how next generation business applications enable the creation of much needed hyper-personalized experiences for customers and employees. Center Office is a new delivery model that is emerging in response to the need to deliver end to end hyper-personalized solutions that improve on older enterprise (legacy) applications. Center Office relies on technologies such as APIs, microservices and Hyperautomation (next level of automation that meshes AI tools with RPA,, enabling scaling for complex business processes). How do we manage employees' experiences as well as preserve talent and create collaborative workplaces for teams? which new skills are needed? what will the workforce of the future look like? Which new tools are needed for HR (employee well- being)?

software erpcrmcomposable apps
Journey for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organizationJourney for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organization

Recommended for CDOs and all Data & Analytics Managers The past 2 years have had a huge impact on organizations journeys to become data driven. Existing data architectures were disrupted; rigid structures and processes were questioned, and many data strategies were re-written. On the one hand, the global pandemic emphasized the need for organizations to raise the bar, implement strategies, improve data literacy and culture, increase investments in data and analytics, and explore AI opportunities. On the other, it also presented new challenges such as: the war for data talent and the wide literacy gap. Inadequate structures as well as outdated processes were exposed. Major changes in the data landscape (Data Fabric, Data Mesh, Transition to Data Clouds) will further disrupt existing data architectures and enhance the need for a new adaptive architecture and organization.

September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
PPM Tools & Integrators
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Development tools, ALM, Devops for all
environments (including Mobile)
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
Broadcom (Rally)
ALM (Application Lifecycle Management)
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
ALM Selected Integrators
Vendor Product Israeli Rep. Integrators
Atlassian Jira, Confluence,
Bitbucket, etc.
Methoda, Matrix,
practiproject , HMS
Broadcom Rally NessPro
Microfocus QC, Octaine, etc. Microfocus Israel matrix qualitset vness
Gitlab Gitlab ALM Toolbox
sonatype Matrix
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Low Code tools
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
EGRC MARKET 2018-2022
Values in Million USD
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Governance, Risk & Compliance $20.00 24.50% $24.90 -19.68% $20.00 -10.00% $18.00 -5.56% $17.00
TOTALS $20.00 24.50% $24.90 -19.68% $20.00 -10.00% $18.00 -5.56% $17.00
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Governance, Risk & Compliance $20.00 24.50% $24.90 -19.68% $20.00 -10.00% $18.00 -5.56% $17.00
TOTALS $20.00 24.50% $24.90 -19.68% $20.00 -10.00% $18.00 -5.56% $17.00
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Governance, Risk & Compliance Tools
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
MARKET 2018-2022
Values in Million USD
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Office productivity (office calendar,
mail etc.), KM (Enterprise Portals,
ECM, Search, Knowledgebases tools)
$175.00 -6.86% $163.00 -3.07% $158.00 -1.90% $155.00 -9.68% $140.00
Digital Output
$20.00 10.00% $22.00 13.64% $25.00 12.00% $28.00 14.29% $32.00
Employee Collaboration &
Engagement Tools
$8.00 25.00% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00 50.00% $30.00
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Office productivity (office calendar,
mail etc.), KM (Enterprise Portals,
ECM, Search, Knowledgebases tools)
$175.00 -6.86% $163.00 -3.07% $158.00 -1.90% $155.00 -9.68% $140.00
Digital Output
$20.00 10.00% $22.00 13.64% $25.00 12.00% $28.00 14.29% $32.00
Employee Collaboration &
Engagement Tools
$8.00 25.00% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00 50.00% $30.00

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CTO presentation
CTO presentation  CTO presentation
CTO presentation

Recommended for CTOs, architects, IT Managers COVID-19 has emphasized the fact that business agility and hence technology agility are the most if not the only factors for business success. However, technology agility in most IT departments is not the “strongest muscle”. Technology adoption of Cloud, Devops, Integration, Low-Code and Zero Trust are affecting all IT departments and even the entire organization. New processes and relationships between the various branches of the IT department should emerge, forsaking old habits and technologies. New technologies and roles\responsibilities are taking their place.

it service organizationit data centers
Big iIT stagnation
Big iIT stagnationBig iIT stagnation
Big iIT stagnation

Recommended for CXOs and all IT Managers If COVID-19 has demonstrated anything it is that organizations can no longer rely on traditional long-term strategic direction-setting, in order to succeed and grow. Today, organizations need to be able to quickly identify changes and respond with speed. Adaptive enterprises have the technical and organizational agility to do this. In this session, we will present the organizational structure, technologies and concepts that make up an adaptive organization and discuss topics such as: Concierge hyper-personalization services; Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities; adaptive organizational structure; Centers of Excellence; center office; hyper-automation and data centric organizations.

it marketdigitaltransformation
STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 intro volume 1v3
STKI Israeli IT Market Study  2020 intro volume 1v3STKI Israeli IT Market Study  2020 intro volume 1v3
STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 intro volume 1v3

The 28th edition of the annual research covering all aspects of the IT Market in Israel. Volume 1: introduction, what is POSTCOVID19 Transformation and economic issues and market analysis

innovationinformation technologysoftware
September 21
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Office productivity (office calendar, mail etc.), KM (Enterprise
Portals, ECM, Search, Knowledgebases tools)
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
KM (Enterprise Portals, ECM, Search, Knowledgebases tools) VARs
September 21
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Employee Collaboration & Engagement Tools
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MARKET 2018-2022
Values in Million USD
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
BI and Analytics Tools $125.00 4.00% $130.00 7.69% $140.00 7.14% $150.00 5.33% $158.00
Data Mgmt. Tools (including data
catalog, governance, ETL, quality)
$45.00 11.11% $50.00 16.00% $58.00 3.45% $60.00 20.00% $72.00
Data Science Tools $10.00 20.00% $12.00 50.00% $18.00 11.11% $20.00 30.00% $26.00
AI/ML/DL Tools $3.00 166.67% $8.00 37.50% $11.00 45.45% $16.00 37.50% $22.00
TOTALS $183.00 9.29% $200.00 13.50% $227.00 8.37% $246.00 13.01% $278.00
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
BI and Analytics Tools $125.00 4.00% $130.00 7.69% $140.00 7.14% $150.00 5.33% $158.00
Data Mgmt. Tools (including data
catalog, governance, ETL, quality)
$45.00 11.11% $50.00 16.00% $58.00 3.45% $60.00 20.00% $72.00
Data Science Tools $10.00 20.00% $12.00 50.00% $18.00 11.11% $20.00 30.00% $26.00
AI/ML/DL Tools $3.00 166.67% $8.00 37.50% $11.00 45.45% $16.00 37.50% $22.00
TOTALS $183.00 9.29% $200.00 13.50% $227.00 8.37% $246.00 13.01% $278.00
September 21
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BI and Analytics Tools
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Market Presence
Global leader
Salesforce (Tableau)
Pyramid Analytics
Tibco Spotfire
Microstrategy SAP
Web Focus
re:Dash (Databricks)
Einstain Analytics
BI and Discovery Analysis Tools
September 21
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BI General Platforms - Part 1:
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
BI Platforms - Part 2:

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STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 vas volume 4 v3
STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 vas volume 4 v3STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 vas volume 4 v3
STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 vas volume 4 v3

The 28th edition of the annual research covering all aspects of the IT Market in Israel. Volume 4: VALUE ADDED SERVICES

innovationinformation technologysoftware
STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 sftre volume 3 v3
STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 sftre volume 3 v3STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 sftre volume 3 v3
STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 sftre volume 3 v3

This document appears to be part of a market study on the Israeli IT market conducted by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators. It includes copyright notices, methodology descriptions, comparisons of software market forecasts, analyses of different categories of software including system infrastructure tools and middleware tools, and Israeli positioning of various vendors in categories like enterprise backup software and container platforms. The document contains confidential information for STKI.

innovationinformation technologysoftware
STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 hwre volume 2 v3
STKI Israeli IT Market Study  2020 hwre volume 2 v3STKI Israeli IT Market Study  2020 hwre volume 2 v3
STKI Israeli IT Market Study 2020 hwre volume 2 v3

The 28th edition of the annual research covering all aspects of the IT Market in Israel. Volume 2: Hardware and Infrastructure Markets

innovationinformation technologysoftware
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Data Mgmt. Tools (including data catalog,
governance, ETL, quality)
AI Smart Stream
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
Vendors to
watch: new
age cloud data
such as Skyvia,
Stich (talend),
Xplenty, etc.
ETL (Extract Transform Load)
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
ETL Selected Integrators
Vendor Product Israeli Rep. Integrators
Informatica Informatica Informatica Israel Aman Matrix
Talend Talend Integration UCL
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Data Science Tools
September 21
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Market Presence
Spss + Watson Studio
Global leader
Data Robot
Rapid Miner
Analytics & Data Science Platform
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Data Science Platforms – Part 1:
September 21
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Data Science Platforms – Part 2:
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MARKET 2018-2022
Values in Million USD
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
ERP $120.00 10.00% $132.00 -28.03% $95.00 26.32% $120.00 8.33% $130.00
vertical / core applications $185.00 8.11% $200.00 -25.00% $150.00 0.00% $150.00 13.33% $170.00
CRM $60.00 10.00% $66.00 -6.06% $62.00 20.97% $75.00 6.67% $80.00
HR/ Talent Mgmt./ LMS $21.50 11.63% $24.00 16.67% $28.00 25.00% $35.00 28.57% $45.00
Marketing Automation Software $3.00 133.33% $7.00 42.86% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00
TOTALS $389.50 10.14% $429.00 -19.58% $345.00 14.49% $395.00 12.66% $445.00
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
ERP $120.00 10.00% $132.00 -28.03% $95.00 26.32% $120.00 8.33% $130.00
vertical / core applications $185.00 8.11% $200.00 -25.00% $150.00 0.00% $150.00 13.33% $170.00
CRM $60.00 10.00% $66.00 -6.06% $62.00 20.97% $75.00 6.67% $80.00
HR/ Talent Mgmt./ LMS $21.50 11.63% $24.00 16.67% $28.00 25.00% $35.00 28.57% $45.00
Marketing Automation Software $3.00 133.33% $7.00 42.86% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00
TOTALS $389.50 10.14% $429.00 -19.58% $345.00 14.49% $395.00 12.66% $445.00

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STKI Summit 2019 Innovation Terroir
STKI Summit 2019   Innovation Terroir STKI Summit 2019   Innovation Terroir
STKI Summit 2019 Innovation Terroir

This document discusses reimagining the future through innovation and transformation. It covers topics like exponential growth, science fiction becoming science fact with examples of the internet and search engines. It discusses how organizational "terroir" affects change and the need to adapt proactively through initiatives like building a data model, implementing analytic tools, and automating jobs. The document outlines the stages of digital transformation companies have gone through and need to continue, moving from automated to autonomous and data-centric systems. It discusses how paying off technical and process debts is needed for companies to adapt to new technologies like artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles that are revolutionizing various industries.

data centricoutcome driven innovationinnovation
What is an STKI Initiative?
What is an STKI Initiative?What is an STKI Initiative?
What is an STKI Initiative?

Initiatives are organizational challenges aimed at transforming business models to adapt to disruptive changes in the economy. They involve multiple "treks" or projects that follow best practices to achieve important goals, with each trek representing a journey with several important steps that may also be individual projects. Initiatives are maps to help companies navigate the connected modern economy through continuous improvement efforts.

stki initiative
STKI Summit 2018 Reinvent IT Initiative
STKI Summit 2018 Reinvent IT InitiativeSTKI Summit 2018 Reinvent IT Initiative
STKI Summit 2018 Reinvent IT Initiative

The document outlines an initiative to re-invent IT at a company. It discusses reorganizing technology domains, cost optimization strategies like chargeback models and new procurement methods, redesigning core processes and systems using approaches like microservices and containers, establishing an insights-driven culture by hiring data talent and implementing predictive analytics, and ensuring decisions lead to actions. The goal is to transform IT from an overhead division to an enabler of the business through initiatives that fundamentally reshape work and drive growth.

information technology trends
September 21
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Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
Infor LN
eBusiness Suite +
Oracle ERP Cloud
ECC + S/4Hana
Large-Scale ERP
September 21
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Market Presence
Oracle Netsuite
Infor M3
SMB + Mid market ERP projects (~10-300 users)
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September 21
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CRM Platforms
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CRM Packages
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
CRM Packages cont
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph

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The Rise of Supernetwork Data Intensive Computing
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distributed supercomputerdistributed machine learning
September 21
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Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
Vendors to Watch:
Pega Marketing Automation
SAP Emarsys
Unica Journey
Global leader
Marketing Automation Suites
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Marketing Automation Platforms
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Package Rep. in Israel Integrators
SAP Marketing Cloud
SAP Emarsys Engagement Platform
SAP Israel
SAP Hybris Marketing: Abra, NGSoft,
Matrix, STUNIS ,iProsis, Ideo Digital,
Emarsys: SAP Israel, Be2See
Hubspot Yael Group (CloudTech)
Upsite Hilan-Nesspro Digital Hilan-Nesspro Digital
Pega Marketing Automation Elad Elad
SalesManago SignatureIT SignatureIT
Marketing Automation Platforms CONT
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
MARKET 2018-2022
Values in Million USD
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Contact Center and Multi channel
engagement tools (Chatbots,
Virtual IVR, Video, Voice, etc.…)
$29.00 17.24% $34.00 47.06% $50.00 16.00% $58.00 12.07% $65.00
E-Commerce Platforms $1.00 150.00% $2.50 300.00% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00
Web Content Management
$10.00 85.00% $18.50 8.11% $20.00 7.50% $21.50 6.98% $23.00
Marketplace Platforms $0.00 #DIV/0! $0.00 #DIV/0! $5.00 100.00% $10.00 80.00% $18.00
PLM Systems $5.00 30.00% $6.50 -23.08% $5.00 20.00% $6.00 33.33% $8.00
Blockchain platforms $0.00 $2.00 50.00% $3.00 33.33% $4.00 50.00% $6.00
RPA Platforms $4.00 75.00% $7.00 185.71% $20.00 25.00% $25.00 40.00% $35.00
IOT tools and platforms $1.50 133.33% $3.50 42.86% $5.00 20.00% $6.00 66.67% $10.00
TOTALS $50.50 46.53% $74.00 59.46% $118.00 23.31% $145.50 27.15% $185.00
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Contact Center and Multi channel
engagement tools (Chatbots,
Virtual IVR, Video, Voice, etc.…)
$29.00 17.24% $34.00 47.06% $50.00 16.00% $58.00 12.07% $65.00
E-Commerce Platforms $1.00 150.00% $2.50 300.00% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00
Web Content Management
$10.00 85.00% $18.50 8.11% $20.00 7.50% $21.50 6.98% $23.00
Marketplace Platforms $0.00 #DIV/0! $0.00 #DIV/0! $5.00 100.00% $10.00 80.00% $18.00
PLM Systems $5.00 30.00% $6.50 -23.08% $5.00 20.00% $6.00 33.33% $8.00
Blockchain platforms $0.00 $2.00 50.00% $3.00 33.33% $4.00 50.00% $6.00
RPA Platforms $4.00 75.00% $7.00 185.71% $20.00 25.00% $25.00 40.00% $35.00
IOT tools and platforms $1.50 133.33% $3.50 42.86% $5.00 20.00% $6.00 66.67% $10.00
TOTALS $50.50 46.53% $74.00 59.46% $118.00 23.31% $145.50 27.15% $185.00
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Contact Center and Multi channel engagement tools
(Chatbots, Virtual IVR, Video, Voice, etc.…)
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Contact Center and Multi channel engagement tools
(Chatbots, Virtual IVR, Video, Voice, etc.…)
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Package Israeli Rep. Integrators
Twillio Aman Aman
7Twenty 7Twenty Matrix
Vongae (Nexmo) KPMG KPMG
Commbox Commbox eWave, Matrix, Hilan-NessPro
Glassix Glassix, Consist I.E Mittwoch, Consist
Simplechat Elad Elad
Omni – Channel Platforms

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Support en anglais diffusé lors de l'événement 100% IA organisé dans les locaux parisiens d'Iguane Solutions, le mardi 2 juillet 2024 : - Présentation de notre plateforme IA plug and play : ses fonctionnalités avancées, telles que son interface utilisateur intuitive, son copilot puissant et des outils de monitoring performants. - REX client : Cyril Janssens, CTO d’ easybourse, partage son expérience d’utilisation de notre plateforme IA plug & play.

September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
E-Commerce & Marketplace Platforms
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Web Content Management Platforms
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Blockchain Platforms
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
RPA Platforms
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Market Presence
Vendors to Watch:
Microsoft Power Automate
RPA Positioning
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
* - Current installation
RPA Integrators
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
New Clients 2021
Yael, Matrix, Ness,
Bynet: Wolfson Hospital
Hilan, Western Digital
Ness: Meitav Dash - OCR
Matrix: Max
Teva, Mekorot, Shaam
Deloitte, Valor
Applied Materials, Bank
Mizrachi, Iroads
RPA Integrators CONT
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IoT Tools and Platforms
GIV Solutions

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September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Industry Specific and Special Purpose Applications
MARKET 2018-2022
Values in Million USD
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
GIS, WMS, transportation, etc $100.00 10.00% $110.00 -22.73% $85.00 17.65% $100.00 20.00% $120.00
banking, insurance and other
financial market software
$80.00 12.50% $90.00 -27.78% $65.00 23.08% $80.00 25.00% $100.00
TOTALS $180.00 11.11% $200.00 -25.00% $150.00 20.00% $180.00 22.22% $220.00
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
GIS, WMS, transportation, etc $100.00 10.00% $110.00 -22.73% $85.00 17.65% $100.00 20.00% $120.00
banking, insurance and other
financial market software
$80.00 12.50% $90.00 -27.78% $65.00 23.08% $80.00 25.00% $100.00
TOTALS $180.00 11.11% $200.00 -25.00% $150.00 20.00% $180.00 22.22% $220.00
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
September 21
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Values in Million USD
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
3,030,014 3,131,515 3,241,916 3,433,017 3,234,500 3,649,100 3,613,000 4,011,500 4,591,500
% change 3.85% 3.24% 5.25% -1.59% 9.24% -2.65% 9.02% 8.84%
VAS market
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TOP 10 VENDORS: Value-Added Services Markets
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
182 194 197 205 212
216 223 228 232 233
237 242 246 249
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Values in Million USD
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
IT Strategy Consulting $27.50 5.45% $29.00 13.79% $33.00 21.21% $40.00 7.50% $43.00
Organizational & Digital
Transformation Consulting (inc.
change mngt, agile consulting, etc.) $14.00
Data Strategy Consulting $9.50 36.84% $13.00 53.85% $20.00 60.00% $32.00 40.63% $45.00
IT Infrastructure & Cloud Consulting $13.00 3.85% $13.50 33.33% $18.00 38.89% $25.00 60.00% $40.00
Application Projects Consulting $23.00 15.22% $26.50 20.75% $32.00 9.38% $35.00 8.57% $38.00
Customer & Employee Experience
consulting (customer journeys,
service design) $17.00
Automation & Process Consulting $6.00 33.33% $8.00 50.00% $12.00 50.00% $18.00 38.89% $25.00
Project Management/ OCIO
Consulting $12.00
Cyber Security Consulting $26.00 7.69% $28.00 50.00% $42.00 47.62% $62.00 20.97% $75.00
TOTALS $148.00 12.84% $167.00 35.33% $226.00 36.73% $309.00 28.48% $397.00
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
IT Strategy Consulting $27.50 5.45% $29.00 13.79% $33.00 21.21% $40.00 7.50% $43.00
Organizational & Digital
Transformation Consulting (inc.
change mngt, agile consulting, etc.) $14.00
Data Strategy Consulting $9.50 36.84% $13.00 53.85% $20.00 60.00% $32.00 40.63% $45.00
IT Infrastructure & Cloud Consulting $13.00 3.85% $13.50 33.33% $18.00 38.89% $25.00 60.00% $40.00
Application Projects Consulting $23.00 15.22% $26.50 20.75% $32.00 9.38% $35.00 8.57% $38.00
Customer & Employee Experience
consulting (customer journeys,
service design) $17.00
Automation & Process Consulting $6.00 33.33% $8.00 50.00% $12.00 50.00% $18.00 38.89% $25.00
Project Management/ OCIO
Consulting $12.00
Cyber Security Consulting $26.00 7.69% $28.00 50.00% $42.00 47.62% $62.00 20.97% $75.00
TOTALS $148.00 12.84% $167.00 35.33% $226.00 36.73% $309.00 28.48% $397.00
September 21
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IT Strategy Consulting
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
IT Strategy Consulting

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September 21
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Organizational & Digital Transformation Consulting
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Organizational & Digital Transformation Consulting
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Data Strategy Consulting
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
IT Infrastructure & Cloud Consulting
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Application Projects Consulting
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Customer & Employee Experience Strategy Consulting
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Project Management/ OCIO Consulting
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Cyber Security Consulting

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WPRiders Company Presentation Slide DeckWPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck
WPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck

YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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WhatsApp Image 2024-03-27 at 08.19.52_bfd93109.pdf
WhatsApp Image 2024-03-27 at 08.19.52_bfd93109.pdfWhatsApp Image 2024-03-27 at 08.19.52_bfd93109.pdf
WhatsApp Image 2024-03-27 at 08.19.52_bfd93109.pdf

Profile portofolio

Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of TimeQuality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time

Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

patentspatent applicationpatent prosecution
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Cyber Security Consulting
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
2018 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Software Maintenance (3rd party) $25.00 -8.00% $23.00 -8.70% $21.00 -4.76% $20.00 -2.50% $19.50
Hardware Maintenance (3rd party) $79.00 -1.27% $78.00 -10.26% $70.00 -2.86% $68.00 -4.41% $65.00
TOTALS $104.00 -2.88% $101.00 -9.90% $91.00 -3.30% $88.00 -3.98% $84.50
2018 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Software Maintenance (3rd party) $25.00 -8.00% $23.00 -8.70% $21.00 -4.76% $20.00 -2.50% $19.50
Hardware Maintenance (3rd party) $79.00 -1.27% $78.00 -10.26% $70.00 -2.86% $68.00 -4.41% $65.00
TOTALS $104.00 -2.88% $101.00 -9.90% $91.00 -3.30% $88.00 -3.98% $84.50
Values in Million USD
September 21
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Software Maintenance (3rd party)
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Hardware Maintenance (3rd party)
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
MARKET 2018-2022
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Consolidation/ Virtualization/
Containers /Monitoring/ BSM/
Storage/ Hardware/ Networking
$205.00 1.46% $208.00 -6.25% $195.00 4.62% $204.00 1.96% $208.00
DevOps and Infrastructure
automation projects
$7.00 28.57% $9.00 33.33% $12.00 33.33% $16.00 31.25% $21.00
Software integration of middleware,
$75.00 6.67% $80.00 -25.00% $60.00 25.00% $75.00 6.67% $80.00
Cyber security product
$209.50 2.15% $214.00 4.67% $224.00 4.46% $234.00 5.98% $248.00
Unified Communication Projects
(IM, Video, Voice)
$10.00 25.00% $12.50 100.00% $25.00 20.00% $30.00 33.33% $40.00
TOTALS $506.50 3.36% $523.50 -1.43% $516.00 8.33% $559.00 6.80% $597.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Consolidation/ Virtualization/
Containers /Monitoring/ BSM/
Storage/ Hardware/ Networking
$205.00 1.46% $208.00 -6.25% $195.00 4.62% $204.00 1.96% $208.00
DevOps and Infrastructure
automation projects
$7.00 28.57% $9.00 33.33% $12.00 33.33% $16.00 31.25% $21.00
Software integration of middleware,
$75.00 6.67% $80.00 -25.00% $60.00 25.00% $75.00 6.67% $80.00
Cyber security product
$209.50 2.15% $214.00 4.67% $224.00 4.46% $234.00 5.98% $248.00
Unified Communication Projects
(IM, Video, Voice)
$10.00 25.00% $12.50 100.00% $25.00 20.00% $30.00 33.33% $40.00
TOTALS $506.50 3.36% $523.50 -1.43% $516.00 8.33% $559.00 6.80% $597.00
Values in Million USD
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Consolidation/ Virtualization/ Containers /Monitoring/ BSM/
Storage/ Hardware/ Networking Projects
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Consolidation/ Virtualization/ Containers /Monitoring/ BSM/
Storage/ Hardware/ Networking Projects
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
DevOps & Infrastructure Automation Projects

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Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - Tech Forum 2024
Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - Tech Forum 2024Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - Tech Forum 2024
Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - Tech Forum 2024

This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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In the modern digital era, social media platforms have become integral to our daily lives. These platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Snapchat, offer countless ways to connect, share, and communicate.

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Everything that I found interesting about engineering leadership last month

September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Software Integration of Middleware, SOA & BPM
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Cyber Security Product Implementations
September 21
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Cyber Security Product Implementations
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Unified Communication Projects (IM, Video, Voice)
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
MARKET 2018-2022
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Devops and Infrastructure
automation projects $1.50
Software integration,of middleware,
SOA & BPM $5.00
Cyber security product
implementation $5.00
Unified Communication Projects (IM,
Video, Voice) $2.00
TOTALS $13.50 166.67% $36.00 102.78% $73.00 43.84% $105.00 29.52% $136.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Devops and Infrastructure
automation projects $1.50
Software integration,of middleware,
SOA & BPM $5.00
Cyber security product
implementation $5.00
Unified Communication Projects (IM,
Video, Voice) $2.00
TOTALS $13.50 166.67% $36.00 102.78% $73.00 43.84% $105.00 29.52% $136.00
Values in Million USD
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
CLOUD: Consolidation/ Virtualization/ Containers /Monitoring/
BSM/ Storage/ Hardware/ Networking Projects
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
CLOUD: Consolidation/ Virtualization/ Containers /Monitoring/
BSM/ Storage/ Hardware/ Networking Projects
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
DevOps & Infrastructure Automation Cloud Projects

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BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdfBT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf

Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Software Integration of Cloud Middleware, SOA & BPM
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Cyber Security Cloud Product Implementation
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Cyber Security Cloud Product Implementation
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
PPM & Project management $35.00 54.29% $54.00 -53.70% $25.00 44.00% $36.00 38.89% $50.00
ALM & Development & Testing
tools implementation $58.00
Low Code tool implementation $0.00 $2.00 200.00% $6.00 33.33% $8.00 75.00% $14.00
TOTALS $93.00 40.86% $131.00 -41.98% $76.00 26.32% $96.00 37.50% $132.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
PPM & Project management $35.00 54.29% $54.00 -53.70% $25.00 44.00% $36.00 38.89% $50.00
ALM & Development & Testing
tools implementation $58.00
Low Code tool implementation $0.00 $2.00 200.00% $6.00 33.33% $8.00 75.00% $14.00
TOTALS $93.00 40.86% $131.00 -41.98% $76.00 26.32% $96.00 37.50% $132.00
Values in Million USD
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
PPM & Project Management Implementation
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
ALM & Development & Testing Tools Implementation
September 21
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Low Code Tool Implementation
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
MARKET 2018-2022
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
ERP Implementations $138.00 15.94% $160.00 -25.00% $120.00 13.33% $136.00 19.12% $162.00
HR & Talent Mngt & Payroll
Implementations $28.00
CRM Implementations $188.00 3.72% $195.00 -25.64% $145.00 17.24% $170.00 10.59% $188.00
ITSM Implementation $20.00 25.00% $25.00 -20.00% $20.00 15.00% $23.00 8.70% $25.00
E-Commerce and Marketplace
Implementations $40.00
Marketing Automation
Implementations $28.00
TOTALS $442.00 10.86% $490.00 -18.78% $398.00 17.84% $469.00 16.63% $547.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
ERP Implementations $138.00 15.94% $160.00 -25.00% $120.00 13.33% $136.00 19.12% $162.00
HR & Talent Mngt & Payroll
Implementations $28.00
CRM Implementations $188.00 3.72% $195.00 -25.64% $145.00 17.24% $170.00 10.59% $188.00
ITSM Implementation $20.00 25.00% $25.00 -20.00% $20.00 15.00% $23.00 8.70% $25.00
E-Commerce and Marketplace
Implementations $40.00
Marketing Automation
Implementations $28.00
TOTALS $442.00 10.86% $490.00 -18.78% $398.00 17.84% $469.00 16.63% $547.00
Values in Million USD

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September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
ERP Implementations
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
HR & Talent Mngt & Payroll Implementations
September 21
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CRM Implementations
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
ITSM Implementation
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
E-Commerce and Marketplace Implementations
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Marketing Automation Implementations
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Data Science projects $2.00 150.00% $5.00 140.00% $12.00 83.33% $22.00 72.73% $38.00
Data management implementation
(quality, etl, catalogs...) $25.00
BI and Analytics implementation /
development $175.00
TOTALS $202.00 27.72% $258.00 9.30% $282.00 14.18% $322.00 18.01% $380.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Data Science projects $2.00 150.00% $5.00 140.00% $12.00 83.33% $22.00 72.73% $38.00
Data management implementation
(quality, etl, catalogs...) $25.00
BI and Analytics implementation /
development $175.00
TOTALS $202.00 27.72% $258.00 9.30% $282.00 14.18% $322.00 18.01% $380.00
Values in Million USD
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Data Science Projects

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September 21
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Data Management Implementations (Quality, ETL, Catalogs...)
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BI and Analytics Implementation / Development
September 21
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BI and Analytics Implementation / Development
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
General Software Development
(except Web & Mobile) $105.00
Web & Mobile Development $29.00 10.34% $32.00 34.38% $43.00 34.88% $58.00 37.93% $80.00
UX Design $47.00 11.70% $52.50 14.29% $60.00 15.00% $69.00 14.49% $79.00
TOTALS $181.00 11.33% $201.50 -1.74% $198.00 -35.35% $128.00 25.00% $160.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
General Software Development
(except Web & Mobile) $105.00
Web & Mobile Development $29.00 10.34% $32.00 34.38% $43.00 34.88% $58.00 37.93% $80.00
UX Design $47.00 11.70% $52.50 14.29% $60.00 15.00% $69.00 14.49% $79.00
TOTALS $181.00 11.33% $201.50 -1.74% $198.00 -35.35% $128.00 25.00% $160.00
Values in Million USD
September 21
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General Software Development (including Web & Mobile)
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
UX Design
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
UX Design
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Finance Industry Core Projects $150.00 33.33% $200.00 -35.00% $130.00 -15.38% $110.00 9.09% $120.00
Transportation $50.00 20.00% $60.00 25.00% $75.00 13.33% $85.00 12.94% $96.00
Public (COVID19) Projects $0.00 #DIV/0! $0.00 #DIV/0! $120.00 -58.33% $50.00 -100.00% $0.00
e-payments Projects $0.00 #DIV/0! $8.00 337.50% $35.00 28.57% $45.00 37.78% $62.00
Retail Projects $0.00 #DIV/0! $20.00 110.00% $42.00 78.57% $75.00 26.67% $95.00
Public (government) modernizations $60.00 8.33% $65.00 -46.15% $35.00 28.57% $45.00 33.33% $60.00
OTHERS: $30.00 33.33% $40.00 -37.50% $25.00 80.00% $45.00 11.11% $50.00
TOTALS $290.00 35.52% $393.00 17.56% $462.00 -1.52% $455.00 6.15% $483.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Finance Industry Core Projects $150.00 33.33% $200.00 -35.00% $130.00 -15.38% $110.00 9.09% $120.00
Transportation $50.00 20.00% $60.00 25.00% $75.00 13.33% $85.00 12.94% $96.00
Public (COVID19) Projects $0.00 #DIV/0! $0.00 #DIV/0! $120.00 -58.33% $50.00 -100.00% $0.00
e-payments Projects $0.00 #DIV/0! $8.00 337.50% $35.00 28.57% $45.00 37.78% $62.00
Retail Projects $0.00 #DIV/0! $20.00 110.00% $42.00 78.57% $75.00 26.67% $95.00
Public (government) modernizations $60.00 8.33% $65.00 -46.15% $35.00 28.57% $45.00 33.33% $60.00
OTHERS: $30.00 33.33% $40.00 -37.50% $25.00 80.00% $45.00 11.11% $50.00
TOTALS $290.00 35.52% $393.00 17.56% $462.00 -1.52% $455.00 6.15% $483.00
Values in Million USD

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September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
MARKET 2018-2022
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Contact Center and Multi channel
engagement projects $45.00
Employee Collaboration &
Engagement Tools $10.00
Knowledge Management (ECM,
Portals, Search, Knowledgebases.. ) $78.00
TOTALS $133.00 8.65% $144.50 17.65% $170.00 11.76% $190.00 8.95% $207.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Contact Center and Multi channel
engagement projects $45.00
Employee Collaboration &
Engagement Tools $10.00
Knowledge Management (ECM,
Portals, Search, Knowledgebases.. ) $78.00
TOTALS $133.00 8.65% $144.50 17.65% $170.00 11.76% $190.00 8.95% $207.00
Values in Million USD
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Contact Center & Multi Channel Engagement Projects
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Employee Collaboration & Engagement Tools
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Knowledge Management (ECM, Portals, Search, Knowledgebases.. )
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
MARKET 2018-2022
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Technological Innovation Projects $20.00 25.00% $25.00 -60.00% $10.00 80.00% $18.00 66.67% $30.00
Automation tools (RPA, OCR)
Implementations $3.00
Blockchain projects $1.00 50.00% $1.50 166.67% $4.00 50.00% $6.00 66.67% $10.00
IoT Projects $3.50 114.29% $7.50 -33.33% $5.00 30.00% $6.50 53.85% $10.00
TOTALS $27.50 38.55% $38.10 15.49% $44.00 42.05% $62.50 44.00% $90.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Technological Innovation Projects $20.00 25.00% $25.00 -60.00% $10.00 80.00% $18.00 66.67% $30.00
Automation tools (RPA, OCR)
Implementations $3.00
Blockchain projects $1.00 50.00% $1.50 166.67% $4.00 50.00% $6.00 66.67% $10.00
IoT Projects $3.50 114.29% $7.50 -33.33% $5.00 30.00% $6.50 53.85% $10.00
TOTALS $27.50 38.55% $38.10 15.49% $44.00 42.05% $62.50 44.00% $90.00
Values in Million USD
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Technological Innovation Projects
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Automation Tools (RPA, OCR, others) Consulting & Implementations
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Blockchain Projects

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September 21
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IoT Projects
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
MARKET 2018-2022
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Professional Education,
Coaching & Mentoring $65.00
Project testing & QA $100.00 5.00% $105.00 4.76% $110.00 4.55% $115.00 2.61% $118.00
Fruition & Implementation (‫הטמעה‬) $82.00 2.44% $84.00 -10.71% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 5.00% $84.00
TOTALS $247.00 3.44% $255.50 -5.68% $241.00 1.66% $245.00 4.49% $256.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Professional Education,
Coaching & Mentoring $65.00
Project testing & QA $100.00 5.00% $105.00 4.76% $110.00 4.55% $115.00 2.61% $118.00
Fruition & Implementation (‫הטמעה‬) $82.00 2.44% $84.00 -10.71% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 5.00% $84.00
TOTALS $247.00 3.44% $255.50 -5.68% $241.00 1.66% $245.00 4.49% $256.00
Values in Million USD
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Professional Education, Coaching & Mentoring
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Project Testing & QA
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Fruition & Implementation (‫)הטמעה‬
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
MARKET 2018-2022
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Regulation Projects $60.00 6.67% $64.00 -21.88% $50.00 10.00% $55.00 27.27% $70.00
Auditing, Governance & Risk
Management $72.00
TOTALS $132.00 5.30% $139.00 -22.30% $108.00 8.33% $117.00 17.09% $137.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Regulation Projects $60.00 6.67% $64.00 -21.88% $50.00 10.00% $55.00 27.27% $70.00
Auditing, Governance & Risk
Management $72.00
TOTALS $132.00 5.30% $139.00 -22.30% $108.00 8.33% $117.00 17.09% $137.00
Values in Million USD
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Regulation Projects
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Auditing, Governance & Risk Management

Recommended for you

September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
MARKET 2018-2022
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Complete and/or application
outsourcing (Client owns the HW) $140.00
Infrastructure Outsourcing
(infrastructure, storage mngt, DBA
services) $110.00
Call Centers/Help Desk Outsourcing
Services $82.00
Cyber security managed services -
CISO as a service, etc. (excluding
SIEM service) $27.00
SIEM as a Service $3.00 16.67% $3.50 185.71% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00
Printing Outsourcing Services (pay
per click) $58.00
Business Services as a Service-
BSaaS (Salaries, Payments, BPO, etc.)
TOTALS $565.00 5.93% $598.50 9.77% $657.00 14.92% $755.00 11.13% $839.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Complete and/or application
outsourcing (Client owns the HW) $140.00
Infrastructure Outsourcing
(infrastructure, storage mngt, DBA
services) $110.00
Call Centers/Help Desk Outsourcing
Services $82.00
Cyber security managed services -
CISO as a service, etc. (excluding
SIEM service) $27.00
SIEM as a Service $3.00 16.67% $3.50 185.71% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00
Printing Outsourcing Services (pay
per click) $58.00
Business Services as a Service-
BSaaS (Salaries, Payments, BPO, etc.)
TOTALS $565.00 5.93% $598.50 9.77% $657.00 14.92% $755.00 11.13% $839.00
Values in Million USD
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Complete and/or Application Outsourcing
(client owns the HW)
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Infrastructure Outsourcing
(infrastructure, storage mngt, DBA services)
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Call Centers/Help Desk Outsourcing Services
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
SIEM as a Service
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Business Services as a Service- BSaaS
(Salaries, Payments, BPO, etc.)
September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Location Based Projects $50.00 30.00% $65.00 23.08% $80.00 12.50% $90.00 5.56% $95.00
Self-Service Projects $20.00 25.00% $25.00 0.00% $25.00 40.00% $35.00 42.86% $50.00
Tele-medicine Projects $5.00 50.00% $7.50 100.00% $15.00 66.67% $25.00 60.00% $40.00
Other….......................... $75.00 0.00% $75.00 -60.00% $30.00 66.67% $50.00 10.00% $55.00
TOTALS $150.00 15.00% $172.50 -13.04% $150.00 33.33% $200.00 20.00% $240.00
2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022
Location Based Projects $50.00 30.00% $65.00 23.08% $80.00 12.50% $90.00 5.56% $95.00
Self-Service Projects $20.00 25.00% $25.00 0.00% $25.00 40.00% $35.00 42.86% $50.00
Tele-medicine Projects $5.00 50.00% $7.50 100.00% $15.00 66.67% $25.00 60.00% $40.00
Other….......................... $75.00 0.00% $75.00 -60.00% $30.00 66.67% $50.00 10.00% $55.00
TOTALS $150.00 15.00% $172.50 -13.04% $150.00 33.33% $200.00 20.00% $240.00
Values in Million USD
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph

Recommended for you

September 21
Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph
Any questions or comments
please contact me:
Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
972 9 790 7000

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STKI annual Israeli IT market study 2021 (revised ) 2 pages version

  • 1. September 21 1 Age of Implementation: delivering value NOW, NOW, NOW Israeli IT Market Study 2021 (revised) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 2 Covid19 (in all of its different waves) brought many changes in the way we deliver, what we deliver and how fast we deliver IT services. New technologies and new organizational structures were needed in order to satisfy the different delivery scenarios. POST COVID19 and this set of scenarios have many names: • Remote-first Economy: Post-covid19 accelerated an ongoing shift to new processes and cultural norms that enable employees to work productively and build relationships from anywhere. They built new relationships with customers through B2C, B2B and D2C business models. • Data Economy: Post-covid19 pushed the use of data and algorithms for purposes of prediction, management, measurement, and governance. • Distributive Economy: A post-covid19 paradigm promoting the distribution of innovation and wealth • Passion Economy: Before covid19 people were forced to make a choice when it came to work: follow the money or follow their passion; But now, business and art, profit and passion, are linked through a combination of open design (products, processes, services), new technologies, open business models, freelance employment, etc • Implementation Age: Most enduring impact will be as an IMPLEMENTATION ACCELERANT. accelerate implementations of technologies in order to deliver VALUE (NOW, NOW, NOW) STKI analysts measured the pulse of the Israeli IT Market after Covid19 and publish here our research conclusions I hope it will answer most of your questions INTRODUCTION 2 1 2
  • 2. September 21 2 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 3 • Dr. Schwarzkopf has worked during the last 40 years in all areas of Computer Information Services: ▪ As an Industry Analyst at META Group (Israeli Research Manager) and was named a META Group Research Fellow. ▪ As an academic researcher in Entrepreneurship Sciences; has published and presented in several international IT and Management Conferences ▪ Editorial Board Member of the academic journal "International Journal of Opportunity, Growth and Value Creation". ▪ As a consultant in Arthur Andersen Consulting (USA), Booz Allen (USA) and Kesselman & Kesselman (Israel) ▪ As a systems professional in SCS Computers and the R&D Unit of the Israel Defense Forces. ▪ As a marketing professional in Digital Equipment Corporation. ▪ As a teacher/mentor in the MIS department / Tel-Aviv Yafo Academic College and the Computer School of the IDF. ▪ As an entrepreneur founding three companies in the IT arena: STKI and companies in the areas of store/forward mail and office systems. • Dr. Schwarzkopf served on the Board of Directors of Ashot Ashkelon Industries, served as President of the Gymnasia Herzelia Association, Co-founder of the Mashov Political Movement and was a member of the Central Committee of the Labor Party. Major (Rav-Seren) in the reserves, Israel Defense Forces (where he served in an elite unit and later in the R&D unit). Registered Engineer (IS22881), member of MENSA Israel. • Dr. Schwarzkopf received BSE and MSE degrees (Systems Engineering) from the University of Central Florida. Received an MSIA (Management Information Systems) and ABD (PhD Program) in Systems Science (received (twice) the William Larimer Mellon Scholarship/Award) from Carnegie Mellon University. His doctorate (DBA Entrepreneurship) he received from Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf, Research Fellow , STKI Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf, Research Fellow , STKI 3 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 4 Study Chapters (pages) 8 3 4
  • 3. September 21 3 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 5 • Who we (STKI) are and what we (STKI) do • Methodologies for the 2021 Israeli IT Market Study • How to read and benefit from : • Product/ Services Market for 2018-2020 • Product/ Services Market Forecasting for 2021-2022 • Vendor Rankings for Hardware, Software & Value-Added Products /Services • Product Positioning (support & market penetration) 5 STKI : IT Knowledge Integrators Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 6 ▪ Over 29 years of experience in the IT analyst sector and thousands of annual face-to-face interviews with key industry participants have enabled STKI analysts to establish solid, long- standing relationships with customers. ▪ STKI customers include major IT organizations (government, financial institutions, telecoms, manufacturing, medical, education, etc.) and IT suppliers/vendors (infrastructure and software suppliers, consulting and professional services firms). ▪ STKI works closely with vendor senior management (strategy, business development, and marketing). ▪ Where end users are concerned, analysts meet with CEOs, CFOs, CMOs, CDOs and CIOs (as with all levels of IT decision making) thereby attaining complete information of their technology as well as their business needs. STKI's mission is to advise and analyze users of business technologies as well as their suppliers while conducting original research and providing advisory services regarding all parts of the technology puzzle. ▪ Founded in 1992, STKI is the leading business technologies market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel. Founded in 1992, STKI is the leading business technologies market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel. 6 5 6
  • 4. September 21 4 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 7 Face-to-face meetings STKI Analyst House Calls (for both users and vendors) CIO STKI "Help Desk" Inquiries Surveys Strategic Marketing & Positioning Round Tables for users Vendor Discovery Series (Newsletters and workshops) Vendor Innovation Workshops In-house Workshops CIO Annual Bootcamp CTO Annual Bootcamp Brainstorming (based on Design Thinking) Workshops STKI Annual Summit STKI services include Virtual meetings* Weekly Webinars* * new 7 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 8 8 7 8
  • 5. September 21 5 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 9 STKI Research Results: 1. IT Trends 2. Surveys about organizational issues 3. Round Table Summaries 4. Industry IT Budgets 5. IT Market Forecasts by category 6. Vendor Tiers by category 7. Product Positioning 8. Staffing Ratios 9 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 10 STKI Methodology: equilibrium model The sum of all IT expenditures (from users) must be equal to all IT sales (from vendors). most research firms are either "demand-based" (market information based on data from users of IT) "supply-based" (market information based on data from IT vendors). STKI is one of the only research firms using an equilibrium model and the only one in Israel. 10 9 10
  • 6. September 21 6 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 11 In order to calculate the “IT Market” (what is bought/sold in Israel) What users bought? From whom? Why? What users bought? From whom? Why? Technology Users Technology Users Technology Vendors how much did they sell? to whom? for how much? competitors? how much did they sell? to whom? for how much? competitors? 11 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 12 › Yearly revenues of hardware sales and hardware maintenance › Yearly revenues of software subscriptions & licenses, software maintenance › Differentiation between new projects and continuing projects (New projects count more) › Distinguish between work done by the vendor's employees and work outsourced to other vendors. The revenue should be transferred to the vendor actually doing the work. › Differentiate revenues from projects done in fixed price, cost plus (SLA defined) , managed services and those done by staff augmentation (non SLA) projects. › Differentiate value of work done by high level internal professionals in a project versus that done by staff augmentation employees in the clients IT department. › We do not include any work/ products for OEMs and military non-IT projects. Our study looks at any vendor value (products/services) sold to enterprises (also government & security) in Israel; taking into account the client’s view/mindshare of value delivered 12 11 12
  • 7. September 21 7 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 13 13 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 14 14 13 14
  • 8. September 21 8 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 15 Over 150 categories (revised) Over 150 categories (revised) 15 servers X86 Legacy (non-x86) Data Appliances HCI appliances Public Cloud IaaS PaaS (Compute as a Service ) Window PCs (Notebook & Desktops) Enterprise only Non window's PC's Enterprise only Enterprise Storage :Disks (HHD and SSD) Enterprise Storage Tape Libraries, VTL Backup and other storage Appliances Public Cloud IaaS Storage & Backup as a Service Enterprise Networking Security / Cyber Appliances VoIP/Call Center Equipment Call Center as a Service Data Center Physical Equipment Off-site Data Center: Co-Location; Hosting (Client owns the HW) POS +Self Service (ATM/Kiosks/other) Infrastructure & System Software storage & backup SW data platforms (SQL, NoSQL dbms) AppWEB Server, BPM,, Emulation, , BRMS ESB, SOA, FTP, Messaging, , Streaming, IT Operations, Asset Management, APM, ITSM - Service Desk Endpoint related tools NetworkWeb cloud services (FW, WAF, ddos data content related tools (DLP, DB FW, DLP cyber management tools (SIEM tool, Incident Zero Trust including identity, access, SDP Other cyber tools (secure development, Project & Portfolio Management Development tools, ALM, Devops for all Low Code tools Governance, Risk & Compliance Office productivity (office calendar, mail etc.), KM (Enterprise Portals, ECM, Search, Knowledgebases tools) Digital Output Management/Customer Employee Collaboration & Engagement Tools IT Strategy Consulting Organizational & Digital Transformation Consulting (inc. change mngt, agile consulting, etc.) Data Strategy Consulting IT Infrastructure & Cloud Consulting Application Projects Consulting Customer & Employee Experience consulting (customer journeys, service design) Automation & Process Consulting Project Management/ OCIO Consulting Cyber Security Consulting Software Maintenance (3rd party) Hardware Maintenance (3rd party) Consolidation/ Virtualization/ Containers /Monitoring/ BSM/ Storage/ Hardware/ Networking Projects DevOps and Infrastructure automation projects Software integration of middleware, SOA & BPM Cyber security product implementations Unified Communication Projects (IM, Video, Voice) Devops and Infrastructure automation projects Software integration,of middleware, SOA & BPM Cyber security product implementation Unified Communication Projects (IM, Video, Voice) PPM & Project management ALM & Development & Testing tools implementation Low Code tool implementation ERP Implementations HR & Talent Mngt & Payroll Implementations CRM Implementations ITSM Implementation E-Commerce and Marketplace Implementations Marketing Automation Implementations Data Science projects Data management implementation (quality, etl, catalogs...) BI and Analytics implementation / development General Software Development (except Web & Mobile) Web & Mobile Development UX Design Finance Industry Core Projects Transportation Public (COVID19) Projects e-payments Projects Retail Projects Public (government) modernizations Contact Center and Multi channel engagement projects Employee Collaboration & Engagement Tools Knowledge Management (ECM, Portals, Search, Knowledgebases.. ) Technological Innovation Projects Automation tools (RPA, OCR) Implementations Blockchain projects IoT Projects Professional Education, Coaching & Mentoring Project testing & QA Fruition & Implementation (‫)הטמעה‬ Regulation Projects Auditing, Governance & Risk Management Complete and/or application outsourcing (Client owns the HW) Infrastructure Outsourcing (infrastructure, storage mngt, DBA services) Call Centers/Help Desk Outsourcing Services Cyber security managed services - CISO as a service, etc. (excluding SIEM service) SIEM as a Service Printing Outsourcing Services (pay per click) Business Services as a Service- BSaaS (Salaries, Payments, BPO, etc.) Location Based Projects Self-Service Projects Tele-medicine Projects Other….......................... Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 16 456 IT VENDORS (4/2021) in Israel 456 IT VENDORS (4/2021) in Israel 16 15 16
  • 9. September 21 9 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 17 17 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 18 Manufacturers/Software Houses, Distributors, VARs NO double bookings for IT Market Size Forecasts Resellers (VARs) get credit only for their value added unless the manufacturer/software house is not present in Israel, then they get full credit. Integrators and other Value Added Service Providers get credit only for the “services-work” they contributed to the project. 18 17 18
  • 10. September 21 10 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 19 DISTRIBUTORS (usually are not shown in our study) are intermediary reseller entities; between the original MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWARE PRODUCTS or SOFTWARE HOUSES and other entities in the distribution channel (VARs and INTEGRATORS). VALUE-ADDED RESELLERS (VARs) offer third party software and hardware to the end user or integrators at a markup, along with a limited combination of procurement consulting, configuration, and customization services (shown under HARDWARE or SOFTWARE) INTEGRATORS offer professional’s services (consulting, developing, implementing or sourcing manpower) in order to deliver enterprise computer services to the organization. (shown under VALUE ADDED SERVICES ). 19 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 20 Methodology for “Israeli Positioning” is NOT a technological or functional positioning and SHOULD NOT be used as such. This positioning is intendent to reflect ONLY THE DEGREE to which a product is PRESENT AND SUPPORTED IN ISRAEL Focused on the enterprise sector (not SMB)  X axis (Market Presence): Installed base; New sales; Mindshare  Y axis (Local ISRAELI Support): Number and quality of Sis; localization; local R&D  Vendors to watch: New players that only recently entered the market and therefore cannot be evaluated against longtime players  Global leaders: marked according to international analyst firms 19 20
  • 11. September 21 11 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 21 Israeli Product Positioning Slides V3 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 22 “Israeli Positioning” slides This is NOT a technological or functional positioning and SHOULD NOT be used as such. This positioning is intendended to reflect ONLY THE DEGREE to which a product is PRESENT AND SUPPORTED IN ISRAEL V3 21 22
  • 12. September 21 12 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 23 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 24 23 24
  • 13. September 21 13 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 25 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 26 volume of exports and the weight of high-tech companies Source: The Export Institute, 2020 25 26
  • 14. September 21 14 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 27 Economic Outlook for Israel 1 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 28 Economic Outlook for Israel 2 27 28
  • 15. September 21 15 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 29 Economic Outlook for Israel 3 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 30 Economic Outlook for Israel 4 29 30
  • 16. September 21 16 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 31 Data about Mobile, Internet, eCommerce Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 32 use of Social Media as % of population 31 32
  • 17. September 21 17 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 33 STATISTICS and important DATA… telecom Operator System name Year operational Total design capacity Landing points Italy Greece Turkey Israel Cyprus Italy Cyprus Israel Italy Israel France Cyprus Israel Three companies operate fiber optic submarine communications cables connecting Israel and Europe: Bezeq International JONAH 2012 7.2Tbit/s Tamares Telecom Tamares Cable 2012 42Tbit/s Telecom Italia MedNautilus 2002 3.84Tb/s LEV 1998 20Gb/s Fixed line operators Bezeq, HOT, 012 Smile, Cellcom Number of fixed phone lines 3.4 million (2014)[1] Cellular mobile network operators Pelephone, Cellcom, Partner, Hot Mobile, Golan Telecom MVNO operators Rami Levy, Free Telecom – x2one Israel, Home Cellular, 019 Telzar, Cellact Number of cellular subscribers 10.276 million (2014)[1] Multi-channel TV operators HOT (cable), yes (satellite) Number of TV subscribers 1.485 million (2014)[1] Number of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) 50+ (2014)[1] Number of broadband subscriber ~2.075 million (2014)[1] Average Internet speed 37Mbps (2014) [1] Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 34 Number of Companies (including government) and sizes number of companies (paying taxes) number of companies (paying taxes) number of companies (paying taxes) number of companies (paying taxes) number of companies (paying taxes) & of TOTAL 21-100 17,995 18,470 4,725 4,849 51-100 3,554 1.31% 3,554 3,554 51-100 6-20 52,265 52,970 38,857 38,760 10-50 30,938 11.37% 30,938 up to 5 192,641 197,928 231,609 235,210 up to 9 234,128 86.01% 234,128 ACCORDING TO BITUACH LEUMI 2/2017 ACCORDING TO BITUACH LEUMI 2/2018 ACCORDING TO BITUACH LEUMI 2/2019 ACCORDING TO BITUACH LEUMI 2/2020 101-250 2,752 2,817 101-250 2,173 265,066 up to 50 totals 267,275 totals 272,221 totals ACCORDING TO BITUACH LEUMI 6/2021 273,981 279,610 1,428 0.52% 3,601 over 101 251+ 1,622 1,796 251+ 0.80% number of employees v1 2020 number of employees v1 subtotals 2019 number of employees v1 1,696 2,738 283,253 2016 1,711 2,708 2017 2018 33 34
  • 18. September 21 18 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 35 developments in the business sector data on opening and closing of businesses Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 36 The development of agreed credit days in the economy 35 36
  • 19. September 21 19 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 37 Business “health” in Israel Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 38 Companies (businesses) in Israel • In recent years, some 55,000 businesses have opened in Israel each year, while 40,000-45,000 businesses have closed each year: • In 2019: 56,500 businesses opened, and 45,500 businesses were closed • In 2020: 40,000 businesses were opened (decrease of 30% compared to 2019) and almost 75,000 businesses were closed (65% increase compared to 2019) • Industries with a high number of business closures : restaurants (around 4,000 restaurants and food stalls closed), building and renovation contractors (some 2,000 businesses closed in this field), transport and transportation (some 1,200 businesses closed the field), fashion and clothing stores (around 950 closed in this field), and others. • In 2021 we are seeing changes in the areas of new business (spirit of the times): e-commerce, deliveries, various ventures, courses and training, home cooking and baking, and more. 37 38
  • 20. September 21 20 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 39 ‫הקורונה‬ ‫נגיף‬ ‫התפשטות‬ ‫בעת‬ ‫העסקים‬ ‫מצב‬ ‫סקר‬ ‫תוצאות‬ ) ‫גל‬ 11 ( Survey of Businesses in Israel during the Coronavirus Crisis (11th Wave) ‫שינוי‬ ‫על‬ ‫המעסיקים‬ ‫צפי‬ ‫בכלל‬ ‫העתידי‬ ‫העובדים‬ ‫במספר‬ ‫הסקר‬ ‫אוכלוסיית‬ ‫בין‬ ‫התפעולי‬ ‫ברווח‬ ‫השינוי‬ ‫שנת‬ 2019 ‫לשנת‬ 2020 ‫אפריל‬ ‫בחודש‬ ‫סקר‬ ) 18.04.2021 - 22.04.2021 ( Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 40 ‫במאי‬ ‫העבודה‬ ‫כוח‬ ‫תכונות‬ 2021 - ‫מקוריים‬ ‫נתונים‬ 39 40
  • 21. September 21 21 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 41 ‫מהבית‬ ‫בעבודה‬ ‫היעילות‬ ‫מידת‬ , ‫העבודה‬ ‫למקום‬ ‫בהשוואה‬ ‫ודצמבר‬ ‫יולי‬ ‫חודשים‬ ‫מין‬ ‫לפי‬ 2020 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 42 ‫ענף‬ ‫לפי‬ ‫מהבית‬ ‫בעבודה‬ ‫תמיכה‬ ‫על‬ ‫המדווחים‬ ‫שיעור‬ ‫דצמבר‬ 2020 41 42
  • 22. September 21 22 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 43 Israel Economic Activity Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 44 % yearly change : “State of the Economy Index” State of the Economy Index reflects the economy’s difficulty in increasing the volume of production, (low supply of qualified workers) so the country needs to provide a larger share of the demand from outside sources 43 44
  • 23. September 21 23 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 45 Business Tendency Survey - MAY 2021 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 46 46 Values in Million USD 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 6,353,028 6,493,030 6,639,382 6,954,684 6,795,150 7,488,300 7,597,000 8,390,500 9,426,500 % change 2.20% 2.25% 4.75% -2.29% 10.20% 1.45% 10.44% 12.35% Total IT market 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 6,353,028 6,493,030 6,639,382 6,954,684 6,795,150 7,488,300 7,597,000 8,390,500 9,426,500 % change 2.20% 2.25% 4.75% -2.29% 10.20% 1.45% 10.44% 12.35% Total IT market STKI changed “categories” retroactively (2017) in order to represent better the trends of: on-prem, cloud, payment by subscription, All as a Service, etc 45 46
  • 24. September 21 24 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 47 IT Market (K USD) 2014-2022 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 48 industry Budgets 2017 change from 2017 Budgets 2018 change from 2018 Budgets 2019 change from 2019 Budgets 2020 change from 2020 Budgets 2021 % total Market size % total industry government $1,530 6.54% $1,630 5.95% $1,727 -16.04% $1,450 4.14% $1,510 16% security $506 3.75% $525 2.29% $537 2.42% $550 5.45% $580 6% education $270 8.15% $292 4.45% $305 14.75% $350 17.14% $410 4% health $335 4.48% $350 -2.86% $340 14.71% $390 15.38% $450 5% utilities $235 -8.51% $215 -2.33% $210 11.90% $235 6.38% $250 3% transport $325 4.62% $340 7.35% $365 10.96% $405 11.11% $450 5% banks $865 6.36% $920 10.87% $1,020 -6.86% $950 -3.16% $920 10% insurance $395 2.53% $405 3.70% $420 3.57% $435 3.45% $450 5% fin other $265 16.98% $310 29.03% $400 12.50% $450 13.33% $510 5% manuf $880 -0.57% $875 -1.71% $860 -2.33% $840 7.14% $900 10% retail $230 3.48% $238 -3.36% $230 8.70% $250 18.00% $295 3% high tech $825 2.06% $842 7.01% $901 38.73% $1,250 32.00% $1,650 17% IT local vendors $150 10.00% $165 9.09% $180 -2.78% $175 2.86% $180 2% telecomm $205 12.20% $230 13.04% $260 -5.77% $245 -6.12% $230 2% media $175 2.86% $180 11.11% $200 15.00% $230 8.70% $250 3% SMB/SME $400 2.50% $410 -6.10% $385 -11.69% $340 17.65% $400 4% $400 4.24% SMB in M USD $7,591 4.43% $7,927 5.21% $8,340 2.46% $8,545 10.42% $9,435 100% $9,435 100% in M USD $480 5.09% telecomm / media $1,195 12.67% manuf/ retail $1,830 19.40% high tech/ IT $700 7.42% utilities/ transport $1,880 19.93% financial IT BUDGETS (cash-out NOT opex/capex accounting)include some other expenses $2,950 31.27% public Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph Values in Million USD 47 48
  • 25. September 21 25 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 49 Israeli IT Market (K USD) 2014-2022 Values in Million USD Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 50 Israeli IT Market (% change) 2014-2022 49 50
  • 26. September 21 26 51 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph HARDWARE (on-prem & as a service) PRODUCTS 51 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 52 Hardware (Infrastructure) Market 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 hardware market 1,698,000 1,674,000 1,655,200 1,688,000 1,756,150 1,868,000 2,065,000 2,287,000 2,558,000 % change -1.41% -1.12% 1.98% 4.04% 6.37% 10.55% 10.75% 11.85% 51 52
  • 27. September 21 27 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 53 TOP VENDORS: Hardware-Infrastructure Markets Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 54 Hardware (Infrastructure) Categories (pages) 53 54
  • 28. September 21 28 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 55 SERVER MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 2019 2020 0.05% 2021 2022 servers X86 $305.00 1.64% $310.00 -6.45% $290.00 10.34% $320.00 3.75% $332.00 Legacy (non-x86) $32.00 -4.69% $30.50 -14.75% $26.00 19.23% $31.00 12.90% $35.00 Data Appliances $13.00 15.38% $15.00 -13.33% $13.00 -15.38% $11.00 -9.09% $10.00 HCI appliances $36.00 25.00% $45.00 24.44% $56.00 25.00% $70.00 21.43% $85.00 Public Cloud IaaS PaaS (Compute as a Service ) $130.00 30.77% $170.00 17.65% $200.00 30.00% $260.00 38.46% $360.00 TOTALS $516.00 10.56% $570.50 2.54% $585.00 18.29% $692.00 18.79% $822.00 2018 2019 2020 0.05% 2021 2022 servers X86 $305.00 1.64% $310.00 -6.45% $290.00 10.34% $320.00 3.75% $332.00 Legacy (non-x86) $32.00 -4.69% $30.50 -14.75% $26.00 19.23% $31.00 12.90% $35.00 Data Appliances $13.00 15.38% $15.00 -13.33% $13.00 -15.38% $11.00 -9.09% $10.00 HCI appliances $36.00 25.00% $45.00 24.44% $56.00 25.00% $70.00 21.43% $85.00 Public Cloud IaaS PaaS (Compute as a Service ) $130.00 30.77% $170.00 17.65% $200.00 30.00% $260.00 38.46% $360.00 TOTALS $516.00 10.56% $570.50 2.54% $585.00 18.29% $692.00 18.79% $822.00 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 56 SERVERS X86 55 56
  • 29. September 21 29 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 57 SERVERS X86 VARs Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 58 Market Presence Local Support DellEMC HPE CISCO Lenovo Fujitso Same positioning General Purpose INTEL Server Brands 57 58
  • 30. September 21 30 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 59 LEGACY (NON-X86) Legacy (non-x86) VARS alphabetic order CCC Emet Malam Team One Yael Group Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 60 DATA APPLIANCES Data Appliances VARS alphabetic order Emet HILAN-NESS- we-ankor Matrix 59 60
  • 31. September 21 31 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 61 HCI APPLIANCES HCI appliances VARS alphabetic order Bezeqint Bynet Cellcom DNA-IT Emet Malam Team Matrix One Terasky Yael Group Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 62 PUBLIC CLOUD IaaS; PaaS, Compute as a Service 61 62
  • 32. September 21 32 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 63 PUBLIC CLOUD (VARs) IaaS; PaaS, Compute as a Service Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 64 Market Presence Local Support AWS Microsoft Google Oracle IBM Global Public Clouds 63 64
  • 33. September 21 33 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 65 CLIENTS (commercial only) MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Window PCs (Notebook & Desktops) Enterprise only $278.00 1.08% $281.00 28.83% $362.00 -3.31% $350.00 -14.29% $300.00 Non window's PC's Enterprise only $13.00 7.69% $14.00 50.00% $21.00 33.33% $28.00 10.71% $31.00 TOTALS $291.00 1.37% $295.00 29.83% $383.00 -1.31% $378.00 -12.43% $331.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Window PCs (Notebook & Desktops) Enterprise only $278.00 1.08% $281.00 28.83% $362.00 -3.31% $350.00 -14.29% $300.00 Non window's PC's Enterprise only $13.00 7.69% $14.00 50.00% $21.00 33.33% $28.00 10.71% $31.00 TOTALS $291.00 1.37% $295.00 29.83% $383.00 -1.31% $378.00 -12.43% $331.00 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 66 WINDOWS PCs (COMMERCIAL ONLY) Window PCs (Notebook & Desktops) Enterprise only- VARS alphabetic order BezeqInt CCC Emet Malam Team Matrix One Yael Group 65 66
  • 34. September 21 34 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 67 STORAGE MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Enterprise Storage :Disks (HHD and SSD) $119.50 2.93% $123.00 7.32% $132.00 2.27% $135.00 -3.70% $130.00 Enterprise Storage Tape Libraries, VTL Backup and other storage Appliances $30.15 6.14% $32.00 31.25% $42.00 14.29% $48.00 6.25% $51.00 Public Cloud IaaS Storage & Backup as a Service $20.00 35.00% $27.00 29.63% $35.00 17.14% $41.00 21.95% $50.00 TOTALS $169.65 7.28% $182.00 14.84% $209.00 7.18% $224.00 3.13% $231.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Enterprise Storage :Disks (HHD and SSD) $119.50 2.93% $123.00 7.32% $132.00 2.27% $135.00 -3.70% $130.00 Enterprise Storage Tape Libraries, VTL Backup and other storage Appliances $30.15 6.14% $32.00 31.25% $42.00 14.29% $48.00 6.25% $51.00 Public Cloud IaaS Storage & Backup as a Service $20.00 35.00% $27.00 29.63% $35.00 17.14% $41.00 21.95% $50.00 TOTALS $169.65 7.28% $182.00 14.84% $209.00 7.18% $224.00 3.13% $231.00 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 68 ENTERPRISE STORAGE DISKS (HHD & SSD) 67 68
  • 35. September 21 35 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 69 ENTERPRISE STORAGE DISKS (HHD & SSD) VARs Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 70 Market Presence Local Support EMC IBM NETAPP Hitachi Infinidat HPE Lenovo The fact that one vendor is located next to another doesn’t mean they are similar in terms of functionality/technology. Vendors to watch: Pure Storage Similar location General Purpose Storage 69 70
  • 36. September 21 36 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 71 Market Presence Local Support EMC IBM NETAPP Hitachi HPE The fact that one vendor is located next to another doesn’t mean they are similar in terms of functionality/technology. Infinidat High End For Critical Systems Storage Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 72 ENTERPRISE STORAGE TAPE LIBRARIES, VTL, BACKUP & OTHER STORAGE APPLIANCES 71 72
  • 37. September 21 37 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 73 ENTERPRISE STORAGE TAPE LIBRARIES, VTL, BACKUP, OTHER STORAGE APPLIANCES VARs Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 74 DRaaS (Storage as a Service) 73 74
  • 38. September 21 38 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 75 NETWORKING, VoIP, SECURITY MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Enterprise Networking $220.00 2.27% $225.00 4.44% $235.00 10.64% $260.00 5.77% $275.00 Security / Cyber Appliances $148.00 5.41% $156.00 15.38% $180.00 8.33% $195.00 4.10% $203.00 VoIP/Call Center Equipment $51.50 2.91% $53.00 47.17% $78.00 5.13% $82.00 4.88% $86.00 Call Center as a Service $5.00 60.00% $8.00 125.00% $18.00 33.33% $24.00 16.67% $28.00 TOTALS $424.50 4.12% $442.00 15.61% $511.00 9.78% $561.00 5.53% $592.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Enterprise Networking $220.00 2.27% $225.00 4.44% $235.00 10.64% $260.00 5.77% $275.00 Security / Cyber Appliances $148.00 5.41% $156.00 15.38% $180.00 8.33% $195.00 4.10% $203.00 VoIP/Call Center Equipment $51.50 2.91% $53.00 47.17% $78.00 5.13% $82.00 4.88% $86.00 Call Center as a Service $5.00 60.00% $8.00 125.00% $18.00 33.33% $24.00 16.67% $28.00 TOTALS $424.50 4.12% $442.00 15.61% $511.00 9.78% $561.00 5.53% $592.00 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 76 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING 75 76
  • 39. September 21 39 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 77 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING VARs Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 78 Market Presence Local Support CISCO HPE Juniper Arista Mellanox (Nvidia) Enterprise Networking 77 78
  • 40. September 21 40 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 79 SECURITY/ CYBER APPLIANCES Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 80 SECURITY/ CYBER APPLIANCES VARs 79 80
  • 41. September 21 41 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 81 VoIP / CALL CENTER EQUIPMENT Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 82 CALL CENTER as a SERVICE 81 82
  • 42. September 21 42 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 83 SELF-SERVICE & DC EQUIPMENT MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Data Center Physical Equipment $97.00 2.58% $99.50 -14.57% $85.00 20.00% $102.00 58.82% $162.00 Off-site Data Center: Co-Location; Hosting (Client owns the HW) $88.00 6.82% $94.00 8.51% $102.00 22.55% $125.00 60.00% $200.00 POS +Self Service (ATM/Kiosks/other) $170.00 8.82% $185.00 2.70% $190.00 7.89% $205.00 7.32% $220.00 TOTALS $355.00 6.62% $378.50 -0.40% $377.00 14.59% $432.00 34.72% $582.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Data Center Physical Equipment $97.00 2.58% $99.50 -14.57% $85.00 20.00% $102.00 58.82% $162.00 Off-site Data Center: Co-Location; Hosting (Client owns the HW) $88.00 6.82% $94.00 8.51% $102.00 22.55% $125.00 60.00% $200.00 POS +Self Service (ATM/Kiosks/other) $170.00 8.82% $185.00 2.70% $190.00 7.89% $205.00 7.32% $220.00 TOTALS $355.00 6.62% $378.50 -0.40% $377.00 14.59% $432.00 34.72% $582.00 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 84 DATA CENTER PHYSICAL EQUIPMENT 83 84
  • 43. September 21 43 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 85 DATA CENTER PHYSICAL EQUIPMENT VARs Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 86 OFF-SITE DATA CENTER, CO-LOCATION, HOSTING (client owns the HW) ** under construction 85 86
  • 44. September 21 44 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 87 POS & SELF SERVICE (ATM, KIOSKS, OTHER) 88 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 88 SOFTWARE (on-prem & cloud) PRODUCTS 87 88
  • 45. September 21 45 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 89 Software (on-prem & cloud) Market 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1,625,014 1,687,515 1,742,266 1,833,667 1,804,500 1,971,200 1,919,000 2,092,000 2,277,000 % change 3.85% 3.24% 5.25% -1.59% 9.24% -2.65% 9.02% 8.84% software market Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 90 TOP VENDORS: Software Markets VARs Software Companies Software VARS 89 90
  • 46. September 21 46 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 91 SOFTWARE CATEGORIES (pages) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 92 SYSTEM, STORAGE & DATA PLATFORMS MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Infrastructure & System Software $150.00 17.33% $176.00 7.95% $190.00 7.89% $205.00 -2.44% $200.00 storage & backup SW $82.00 21.95% $100.00 5.00% $105.00 4.76% $110.00 -4.55% $105.00 data platforms (SQL, NoSQL dbms) $65.00 -3.08% $63.00 -4.76% $60.00 3.33% $62.00 4.84% $65.00 TOTALS $297.00 14.14% $339.00 4.72% $355.00 6.20% $377.00 -1.86% $370.00 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Infrastructure & System Software $150.00 17.33% $176.00 7.95% $190.00 7.89% $205.00 -2.44% $200.00 storage & backup SW $82.00 21.95% $100.00 5.00% $105.00 4.76% $110.00 -4.55% $105.00 data platforms (SQL, NoSQL dbms) $65.00 -3.08% $63.00 -4.76% $60.00 3.33% $62.00 4.84% $65.00 TOTALS $297.00 14.14% $339.00 4.72% $355.00 6.20% $377.00 -1.86% $370.00 91 92
  • 47. September 21 47 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 93 INFRASTRUCTURE & SYSTEM SOFTWARE Infrastructure & System Software VARS - alphabetical AMAN Belocal Bezeqint Bynet Elad Emet Malam Team Matrix Ness Hilan We One Terasky Yael Group Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 94 STORAGE & BACKUP SOFTWARE 93 94
  • 48. September 21 48 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 95 STORAGE & BACKUP SOFTWARE VARs Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 96 z Market Presence Local Support Veeam Commvault Veritas DellEMC Rubrik Brands in backup – SW, backup appliances (not “apples to apples”) Arcserve HCL (TSM) Backup Solutions 95 96
  • 49. September 21 49 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 97 DATA PLATFORMS (SQL, NoSQL, DBMS) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 98 DATA PLATFORMS (SQL, NoSQL, DBMS) Cloud-based 97 98
  • 50. September 21 50 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 99 MIDDLEWARE TOOL MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 AppWEB Server, BPM,, Emulation, , BRMS APaaS (container platforms) $46.00 2.17% $47.00 -4.26% $45.00 4.44% $47.00 6.38% $50.00 ESB, SOA, FTP, Messaging, , Streaming, API Mngt $12.50 4.00% $13.00 15.38% $15.00 6.67% $16.00 12.50% $18.00 TOTALS $58.50 2.56% $60.00 0.00% $60.00 5.00% $63.00 7.94% $68.00 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 AppWEB Server, BPM,, Emulation, , BRMS APaaS (container platforms) $46.00 2.17% $47.00 -4.26% $45.00 4.44% $47.00 6.38% $50.00 ESB, SOA, FTP, Messaging, , Streaming, API Mngt $12.50 4.00% $13.00 15.38% $15.00 6.67% $16.00 12.50% $18.00 TOTALS $58.50 2.56% $60.00 0.00% $60.00 5.00% $63.00 7.94% $68.00 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 100 AppWEB Server, BPM, Emulation, BRMS APaaS (container platforms) 99 100
  • 51. September 21 51 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 101 AppWEB Server, BPM, Emulation, BRMS APaaS (container platforms) VARs Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 102 Market Presence Local Support RedHat (IBM) openshift VMWARE tanzu SUSE Rancher On-Premise (+Cloud) Container Platforms 101 102
  • 52. September 21 52 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 103 ESB, SOA, FTP, Messaging, , Streaming, API Mngt Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 104 ESB, SOA, FTP, Messaging, , Streaming, API Mngt -- VARs 103 104
  • 53. September 21 53 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 105 Market Presence Local Support IBM Google Broadcom (layer7) SoftwareAG WSO2 Vendors to watch: Redhat (3scale) Salesforce (Mulesoft) Tyk KONG Microsoft API Management (with on premise option) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 106 API Management (with on premise options) selected integrators Vendor Product Israeli Rep. Integrators IBM API Connect IBM Matrix, Ellipsis Google APIGEE Google Israel Yeal Software Tibco Mashary Yeal Software Redhat 3Scale Redhat Israel Matrix Broadcom Layer7 Ness Pro Ness Pro, Emet SoftwareAG WebMethods API mng. SoftwareAG Israel One Tyke EL-AZ Open source 105 106
  • 54. September 21 54 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 107 Market Presence Local Support IBM Oracle Tibco SoftwareAG WSO2 Brands in Application integration include ESB, IPaaS, Hybrid integration etc. (not “apples to apples”) iConduct OpenLegacy Magic Redhat Talend Informatica Workato Salesforce (Mulesoft) Boomi Vendors to watch: Celigo SAP IPPAS Application Integration Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 108 Application Integration Selected Integrators Vendor Product Israeli Rep. Integrators IBM WMB Websphere Message Broker IBM Matrix, Ellipsis Iconduct Iconduct Iconduct Ness Pro One Tibco BusinessWorks Yeal Software Redhat Fuse Redhat Israel Matrix Workato Workato Service Wise, Malam SoftwareAG WebMethods SoftwareAG Israel One Oracle OSB Oracle Israel Malam One Magic XPI Magic Israel Malam WSO2 WSO2 Enterprise Integrator Matrix Open source 107 108
  • 55. September 21 55 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 109 Application Integration Selected Integrators / Cont. Vendor Product Israeli Rep. Integrators OpenLegacy OpenLegacy OpenLegacy Ness Talend Talend Integration UCL Informatica Informatica PowerCenter Aman Celigo SangIT Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 110 IT MANAGEMENT & OPERATIONS TOOLS MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 IT Operations, Asset Management, APM, AIOPS Monitoring, Workload- Scheduling excluding ITSM, Service Desk $80.00 5.62% $84.50 -5.33% $80.00 -6.25% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 ITSM - Service Desk $24.00 10.42% $26.50 -16.98% $22.00 13.64% $25.00 8.00% $27.00 TOTALS $104.00 6.73% $111.00 -8.11% $102.00 -1.96% $100.00 7.00% $107.00 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 IT Operations, Asset Management, APM, AIOPS Monitoring, Workload- Scheduling excluding ITSM, Service Desk $80.00 5.62% $84.50 -5.33% $80.00 -6.25% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 ITSM - Service Desk $24.00 10.42% $26.50 -16.98% $22.00 13.64% $25.00 8.00% $27.00 TOTALS $104.00 6.73% $111.00 -8.11% $102.00 -1.96% $100.00 7.00% $107.00 109 110
  • 56. September 21 56 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 111 IT Operations, Asset Management, APM, AIOPS Monitoring, Workload-Scheduling (excluding ITSM, Service Desk) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 112 IT Operations, Asset Management, APM, AIOPS Monitoring, Workload-Scheduling (excluding ITSM, Service Desk) VARs 111 112
  • 57. September 21 57 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 113 Market Presence Local Support BMC Broadcom (CAAutomic) IBM/HCL Job Scheduling Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 114 Job Scheduling Selected Integrators Vendor Product Israeli Rep. Integrators BMC Control-M BMC Matrix Broadcom Automic Broacdom Israel Ness Pro IBM/HCL IBM/HCL workload manager IBM Matrix, Emet 113 114
  • 58. September 21 58 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 115 ITSM - Service Desk Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 116 ITSM - Service Desk VARs 115 116
  • 59. September 21 59 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 117 SECURITY (CYBER) TOOLS MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Endpoint related tools $43.50 5.75% $46.00 15.22% $53.00 3.77% $55.00 3.64% $57.00 NetworkWeb cloud services (FW, WAF, ddos services , etc.) $75.00 6.00% $79.50 10.69% $88.00 4.55% $92.00 7.61% $99.00 data content related tools (DLP, DB FW, DLP Halbana, etc.) $32.50 10.77% $36.00 2.78% $37.00 8.11% $40.00 5.00% $42.00 cyber management tools (SIEM tool, Incident responds, automation) $33.00 6.06% $35.00 2.86% $36.00 15.28% $41.50 3.61% $43.00 Zero Trust including identity, access, SDP software defined perimeter, SASE (secure access $20.00 5.00% $21.00 4.76% $22.00 4.55% $23.00 17.39% $27.00 Other cyber tools (secure development, awareness etc.) $11.00 4.55% $11.50 4.35% $12.00 4.17% $12.50 4.00% $13.00 TOTALS $215.00 6.51% $229.00 8.30% $248.00 6.45% $264.00 6.44% $281.00 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Endpoint related tools $43.50 5.75% $46.00 15.22% $53.00 3.77% $55.00 3.64% $57.00 NetworkWeb cloud services (FW, WAF, ddos services , etc.) $75.00 6.00% $79.50 10.69% $88.00 4.55% $92.00 7.61% $99.00 data content related tools (DLP, DB FW, DLP Halbana, etc.) $32.50 10.77% $36.00 2.78% $37.00 8.11% $40.00 5.00% $42.00 cyber management tools (SIEM tool, Incident responds, automation) $33.00 6.06% $35.00 2.86% $36.00 15.28% $41.50 3.61% $43.00 Zero Trust including identity, access, SDP software defined perimeter, SASE (secure access $20.00 5.00% $21.00 4.76% $22.00 4.55% $23.00 17.39% $27.00 Other cyber tools (secure development, awareness etc.) $11.00 4.55% $11.50 4.35% $12.00 4.17% $12.50 4.00% $13.00 TOTALS $215.00 6.51% $229.00 8.30% $248.00 6.45% $264.00 6.44% $281.00 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 118 Endpoint related tools 117 118
  • 60. September 21 60 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 119 NetworkWeb cloud services (FW, WAF, DDOS services , etc.) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 120 Data Content Related Tools (DLP, DB FW, DLP (Halbana) etc.) 119 120
  • 61. September 21 61 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 121 CYBER MANAGEMENT TOOLS (SIEM tool, incident responds, automation) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 122 Zero Trust including identity, access, SDP software defined perimeter, SASE (secure access service edge) IDM, Access 121 122
  • 62. September 21 62 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 123 other cyber tools (secure development, awareness etc.) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 124 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT TOOLS MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project & Portfolio Management $28.00 3.57% $29.00 -13.79% $25.00 -12.00% $22.00 -9.09% $20.00 Development tools, ALM, Devops for all environments (including Mobile) $74.00 2.70% $76.00 -14.47% $65.00 7.69% $70.00 2.86% $72.00 Low Code tools $2.00 115.00% $4.30 39.53% $6.00 50.00% $9.00 33.33% $12.00 TOTALS $104.00 5.10% $109.30 -12.17% $96.00 5.21% $101.00 2.97% $104.00 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project & Portfolio Management $28.00 3.57% $29.00 -13.79% $25.00 -12.00% $22.00 -9.09% $20.00 Development tools, ALM, Devops for all environments (including Mobile) $74.00 2.70% $76.00 -14.47% $65.00 7.69% $70.00 2.86% $72.00 Low Code tools $2.00 115.00% $4.30 39.53% $6.00 50.00% $9.00 33.33% $12.00 TOTALS $104.00 5.10% $109.30 -12.17% $96.00 5.21% $101.00 2.97% $104.00 123 124
  • 63. September 21 63 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 125 Project & Portfolio Management Tools Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 126 Market Presence Local Support Atlassian CA Microsoft MSP Schiforma Service Now SAP BMC Clarizen Vendors to Watch: PPM Israeli Market Positioning 125 126
  • 64. September 21 64 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 127 PPM Tools & Integrators 12 7 127 Global leader Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 128 PPM Tools & Integrators 127 128
  • 65. September 21 65 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 129 PPM Tools & Integrators Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 130 Development tools, ALM, Devops for all environments (including Mobile) 129 130
  • 66. September 21 66 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 131 Market Presence Local Support Atlassian Microsoft Microfocus IBM Broadcom (Rally) ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 132 ALM Selected Integrators Vendor Product Israeli Rep. Integrators Atlassian Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, etc. Methoda, Matrix, practiproject , HMS Broadcom Rally NessPro Microfocus QC, Octaine, etc. Microfocus Israel matrix qualitset vness Gitlab Gitlab ALM Toolbox sonatype Matrix 131 132
  • 67. September 21 67 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 133 Low Code tools Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 134 EGRC MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Governance, Risk & Compliance $20.00 24.50% $24.90 -19.68% $20.00 -10.00% $18.00 -5.56% $17.00 TOTALS $20.00 24.50% $24.90 -19.68% $20.00 -10.00% $18.00 -5.56% $17.00 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Governance, Risk & Compliance $20.00 24.50% $24.90 -19.68% $20.00 -10.00% $18.00 -5.56% $17.00 TOTALS $20.00 24.50% $24.90 -19.68% $20.00 -10.00% $18.00 -5.56% $17.00 133 134
  • 68. September 21 68 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 135 Governance, Risk & Compliance Tools Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 136 KNOWLEDGE & COLLABORATION TOOLS MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Office productivity (office calendar, mail etc.), KM (Enterprise Portals, ECM, Search, Knowledgebases tools) $175.00 -6.86% $163.00 -3.07% $158.00 -1.90% $155.00 -9.68% $140.00 Digital Output Management/Customer $20.00 10.00% $22.00 13.64% $25.00 12.00% $28.00 14.29% $32.00 Employee Collaboration & Engagement Tools $8.00 25.00% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00 50.00% $30.00 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Office productivity (office calendar, mail etc.), KM (Enterprise Portals, ECM, Search, Knowledgebases tools) $175.00 -6.86% $163.00 -3.07% $158.00 -1.90% $155.00 -9.68% $140.00 Digital Output Management/Customer $20.00 10.00% $22.00 13.64% $25.00 12.00% $28.00 14.29% $32.00 Employee Collaboration & Engagement Tools $8.00 25.00% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00 50.00% $30.00 135 136
  • 69. September 21 69 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 137 Office productivity (office calendar, mail etc.), KM (Enterprise Portals, ECM, Search, Knowledgebases tools) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 138 KM (Enterprise Portals, ECM, Search, Knowledgebases tools) VARs 137 138
  • 70. September 21 70 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 139 Employee Collaboration & Engagement Tools Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 140 ANALYTICS & DATA MANAGEMENT TOOLS MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 BI and Analytics Tools $125.00 4.00% $130.00 7.69% $140.00 7.14% $150.00 5.33% $158.00 Data Mgmt. Tools (including data catalog, governance, ETL, quality) $45.00 11.11% $50.00 16.00% $58.00 3.45% $60.00 20.00% $72.00 Data Science Tools $10.00 20.00% $12.00 50.00% $18.00 11.11% $20.00 30.00% $26.00 AI/ML/DL Tools $3.00 166.67% $8.00 37.50% $11.00 45.45% $16.00 37.50% $22.00 TOTALS $183.00 9.29% $200.00 13.50% $227.00 8.37% $246.00 13.01% $278.00 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 BI and Analytics Tools $125.00 4.00% $130.00 7.69% $140.00 7.14% $150.00 5.33% $158.00 Data Mgmt. Tools (including data catalog, governance, ETL, quality) $45.00 11.11% $50.00 16.00% $58.00 3.45% $60.00 20.00% $72.00 Data Science Tools $10.00 20.00% $12.00 50.00% $18.00 11.11% $20.00 30.00% $26.00 AI/ML/DL Tools $3.00 166.67% $8.00 37.50% $11.00 45.45% $16.00 37.50% $22.00 TOTALS $183.00 9.29% $200.00 13.50% $227.00 8.37% $246.00 13.01% $278.00 139 140
  • 71. September 21 71 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 141 BI and Analytics Tools Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 142 Market Presence Local Support Qlik Microsoft IBM Global leader Salesforce (Tableau) Pyramid Analytics Tibco Spotfire SAS Microstrategy SAP Oracle Panorama Web Focus Sisense re:Dash (Databricks) Einstain Analytics BI and Discovery Analysis Tools 141 142
  • 72. September 21 72 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 143 BI General Platforms - Part 1: Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 144 BI Platforms - Part 2: 143 144
  • 73. September 21 73 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 145 Data Mgmt. Tools (including data catalog, governance, ETL, quality) VARs (Alphabetic order): Aman Brillix Emet HMS Malam Matrix UCL AI Smart Stream Solutions Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 146 Market Presence Local Support Informatica Talend Microsoft Oracle IBM Vendors to watch: new age cloud data integration such as Skyvia, Stich (talend), Xplenty, etc. ETL (Extract Transform Load) 145 146
  • 74. September 21 74 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 147 ETL Selected Integrators Vendor Product Israeli Rep. Integrators Informatica Informatica Informatica Israel Aman Matrix Talend Talend Integration UCL Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 148 Data Science Tools 147 148
  • 75. September 21 75 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 149 Market Presence Local Support SAS IBM Spss + Watson Studio Global leader Data Robot Amazon Google Alteryx Oracle Python Rapid Miner Knime SAP Microsoft DMway Databricks Iguazio Analytics & Data Science Platform Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 150 Data Science Platforms – Part 1: 149 150
  • 76. September 21 76 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 151 Data Science Platforms – Part 2: Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 152 ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 ERP $120.00 10.00% $132.00 -28.03% $95.00 26.32% $120.00 8.33% $130.00 vertical / core applications $185.00 8.11% $200.00 -25.00% $150.00 0.00% $150.00 13.33% $170.00 CRM $60.00 10.00% $66.00 -6.06% $62.00 20.97% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 HR/ Talent Mgmt./ LMS $21.50 11.63% $24.00 16.67% $28.00 25.00% $35.00 28.57% $45.00 Marketing Automation Software $3.00 133.33% $7.00 42.86% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00 TOTALS $389.50 10.14% $429.00 -19.58% $345.00 14.49% $395.00 12.66% $445.00 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 ERP $120.00 10.00% $132.00 -28.03% $95.00 26.32% $120.00 8.33% $130.00 vertical / core applications $185.00 8.11% $200.00 -25.00% $150.00 0.00% $150.00 13.33% $170.00 CRM $60.00 10.00% $66.00 -6.06% $62.00 20.97% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 HR/ Talent Mgmt./ LMS $21.50 11.63% $24.00 16.67% $28.00 25.00% $35.00 28.57% $45.00 Marketing Automation Software $3.00 133.33% $7.00 42.86% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00 TOTALS $389.50 10.14% $429.00 -19.58% $345.00 14.49% $395.00 12.66% $445.00 151 152
  • 77. September 21 77 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 153 ERP PACKAGES Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 154 Market Presence Local Support SAP Oracle Infor LN eBusiness Suite + Oracle ERP Cloud ECC + S/4Hana Priority Large-Scale ERP 153 154
  • 78. September 21 78 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 155 Market Presence Local Support Priority Oracle Netsuite One1view Comax Infor M3 SAP B1 + SBD Tafnit Microsoft QAD SMB + Mid market ERP projects (~10-300 users) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 156 CRM APPLICATIONS 155 156
  • 79. September 21 79 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 157 CRM Platforms Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 158 CRM Packages 157 158
  • 80. September 21 80 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 159 CRM Packages cont Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 160 HR/ Talent Mgmt./ LMS APPLICATIONS 159 160
  • 81. September 21 81 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 161 MARKETING AUTOMATION SOFTWARE Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 162 Market Presence Local Support Vendors to Watch: Pega Marketing Automation SalesManago SAP Emarsys Unica Journey Oracle Acoustic Salesforce SAS Upsite SAP Adobe Hubspot Global leader Marketing Automation Suites 161 162
  • 82. September 21 82 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 163 Marketing Automation Platforms Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 164 Package Rep. in Israel Integrators SAP Marketing Cloud SAP Emarsys Engagement Platform SAP Israel SAP Hybris Marketing: Abra, NGSoft, Matrix, STUNIS ,iProsis, Ideo Digital, Hilan-Ness Emarsys: SAP Israel, Be2See Hubspot Yael Group (CloudTech) Upsite Hilan-Nesspro Digital Hilan-Nesspro Digital Pega Marketing Automation Elad Elad SalesManago SignatureIT SignatureIT Marketing Automation Platforms CONT 163 164
  • 83. September 21 83 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 165 BUSINESS APPLICATION SYSTEMS MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Contact Center and Multi channel engagement tools (Chatbots, Virtual IVR, Video, Voice, etc.…) $29.00 17.24% $34.00 47.06% $50.00 16.00% $58.00 12.07% $65.00 E-Commerce Platforms $1.00 150.00% $2.50 300.00% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00 Web Content Management Platforms $10.00 85.00% $18.50 8.11% $20.00 7.50% $21.50 6.98% $23.00 Marketplace Platforms $0.00 #DIV/0! $0.00 #DIV/0! $5.00 100.00% $10.00 80.00% $18.00 PLM Systems $5.00 30.00% $6.50 -23.08% $5.00 20.00% $6.00 33.33% $8.00 Blockchain platforms $0.00 $2.00 50.00% $3.00 33.33% $4.00 50.00% $6.00 RPA Platforms $4.00 75.00% $7.00 185.71% $20.00 25.00% $25.00 40.00% $35.00 IOT tools and platforms $1.50 133.33% $3.50 42.86% $5.00 20.00% $6.00 66.67% $10.00 TOTALS $50.50 46.53% $74.00 59.46% $118.00 23.31% $145.50 27.15% $185.00 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Contact Center and Multi channel engagement tools (Chatbots, Virtual IVR, Video, Voice, etc.…) $29.00 17.24% $34.00 47.06% $50.00 16.00% $58.00 12.07% $65.00 E-Commerce Platforms $1.00 150.00% $2.50 300.00% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00 Web Content Management Platforms $10.00 85.00% $18.50 8.11% $20.00 7.50% $21.50 6.98% $23.00 Marketplace Platforms $0.00 #DIV/0! $0.00 #DIV/0! $5.00 100.00% $10.00 80.00% $18.00 PLM Systems $5.00 30.00% $6.50 -23.08% $5.00 20.00% $6.00 33.33% $8.00 Blockchain platforms $0.00 $2.00 50.00% $3.00 33.33% $4.00 50.00% $6.00 RPA Platforms $4.00 75.00% $7.00 185.71% $20.00 25.00% $25.00 40.00% $35.00 IOT tools and platforms $1.50 133.33% $3.50 42.86% $5.00 20.00% $6.00 66.67% $10.00 TOTALS $50.50 46.53% $74.00 59.46% $118.00 23.31% $145.50 27.15% $185.00 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 166 Contact Center and Multi channel engagement tools (Chatbots, Virtual IVR, Video, Voice, etc.…) 165 166
  • 84. September 21 84 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 167 Contact Center and Multi channel engagement tools (Chatbots, Virtual IVR, Video, Voice, etc.…) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 168 Package Israeli Rep. Integrators Twillio Aman Aman 7Twenty 7Twenty Matrix Vongae (Nexmo) KPMG KPMG Commbox Commbox eWave, Matrix, Hilan-NessPro Glassix Glassix, Consist I.E Mittwoch, Consist Simplechat Elad Elad Omni – Channel Platforms 167 168
  • 85. September 21 85 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 169 E-Commerce & Marketplace Platforms Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 170 Web Content Management Platforms VARs VARs 169 170
  • 86. September 21 86 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 171 Blockchain Platforms Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 172 RPA Platforms 171 172
  • 87. September 21 87 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 173 Market Presence Local Support Vendors to Watch: IBM RPA Microsoft Power Automate Nice RPA Kryon Automation Anywhere UiPath Jacada Kofax RPA Positioning Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 174 * - Current installation RPA Integrators 173 174
  • 88. September 21 88 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 175 Integrators New Clients 2021 Clients EY, IBM, KPMG, Yael, Matrix, Ness, Bynet Bynet: Wolfson Hospital Hilan, Western Digital Ness: Meitav Dash - OCR Matrix: Max Teva, Mekorot, Shaam Automation Anywhere IBM, ABP IBM RPA Deloitte, Valor Tnuva Applied Materials, Bank Mizrachi, Iroads NICE RPA Malam/ Aman Kofax Discount Jackada (RDA) InterAI Cellcom InterAI RPA Integrators CONT Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 176 IoT Tools and Platforms IoT VARs Alphabetical Abra Bynet Cloudofthings CodeOasis DxC ELAD Emet EWAVE EY GIV Solutions I.E.Mittwoch MALAM TEAM Matrix One Softimize Systematics Yael 175 176
  • 89. September 21 89 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 177 Industry Specific and Special Purpose Applications MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 GIS, WMS, transportation, etc $100.00 10.00% $110.00 -22.73% $85.00 17.65% $100.00 20.00% $120.00 banking, insurance and other financial market software $80.00 12.50% $90.00 -27.78% $65.00 23.08% $80.00 25.00% $100.00 TOTALS $180.00 11.11% $200.00 -25.00% $150.00 20.00% $180.00 22.22% $220.00 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 GIS, WMS, transportation, etc $100.00 10.00% $110.00 -22.73% $85.00 17.65% $100.00 20.00% $120.00 banking, insurance and other financial market software $80.00 12.50% $90.00 -27.78% $65.00 23.08% $80.00 25.00% $100.00 TOTALS $180.00 11.11% $200.00 -25.00% $150.00 20.00% $180.00 22.22% $220.00 178 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 178 VALUE ADDED SERVICES 177 178
  • 90. September 21 90 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 179 VALUE ADDED SERVICES MARKET Values in Million USD 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 3,030,014 3,131,515 3,241,916 3,433,017 3,234,500 3,649,100 3,613,000 4,011,500 4,591,500 % change 3.85% 3.24% 5.25% -1.59% 9.24% -2.65% 9.02% 8.84% VAS market Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 180 TOP 10 VENDORS: Value-Added Services Markets 179 180
  • 91. September 21 91 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 181 VAS CATEGORIES (pages) 182 194 197 205 212 216 223 228 232 233 237 242 246 249 255 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 182 "ENTERPRISE" CONSULTING MARKET 2018-2022 Values in Million USD 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 IT Strategy Consulting $27.50 5.45% $29.00 13.79% $33.00 21.21% $40.00 7.50% $43.00 Organizational & Digital Transformation Consulting (inc. change mngt, agile consulting, etc.) $14.00 7.14% $15.00 40.00% $21.00 42.86% $30.00 40.00% $42.00 Data Strategy Consulting $9.50 36.84% $13.00 53.85% $20.00 60.00% $32.00 40.63% $45.00 IT Infrastructure & Cloud Consulting $13.00 3.85% $13.50 33.33% $18.00 38.89% $25.00 60.00% $40.00 Application Projects Consulting $23.00 15.22% $26.50 20.75% $32.00 9.38% $35.00 8.57% $38.00 Customer & Employee Experience consulting (customer journeys, service design) $17.00 17.65% $20.00 50.00% $30.00 40.00% $42.00 26.19% $53.00 Automation & Process Consulting $6.00 33.33% $8.00 50.00% $12.00 50.00% $18.00 38.89% $25.00 Project Management/ OCIO Consulting $12.00 16.67% $14.00 28.57% $18.00 38.89% $25.00 44.00% $36.00 Cyber Security Consulting $26.00 7.69% $28.00 50.00% $42.00 47.62% $62.00 20.97% $75.00 TOTALS $148.00 12.84% $167.00 35.33% $226.00 36.73% $309.00 28.48% $397.00 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 IT Strategy Consulting $27.50 5.45% $29.00 13.79% $33.00 21.21% $40.00 7.50% $43.00 Organizational & Digital Transformation Consulting (inc. change mngt, agile consulting, etc.) $14.00 7.14% $15.00 40.00% $21.00 42.86% $30.00 40.00% $42.00 Data Strategy Consulting $9.50 36.84% $13.00 53.85% $20.00 60.00% $32.00 40.63% $45.00 IT Infrastructure & Cloud Consulting $13.00 3.85% $13.50 33.33% $18.00 38.89% $25.00 60.00% $40.00 Application Projects Consulting $23.00 15.22% $26.50 20.75% $32.00 9.38% $35.00 8.57% $38.00 Customer & Employee Experience consulting (customer journeys, service design) $17.00 17.65% $20.00 50.00% $30.00 40.00% $42.00 26.19% $53.00 Automation & Process Consulting $6.00 33.33% $8.00 50.00% $12.00 50.00% $18.00 38.89% $25.00 Project Management/ OCIO Consulting $12.00 16.67% $14.00 28.57% $18.00 38.89% $25.00 44.00% $36.00 Cyber Security Consulting $26.00 7.69% $28.00 50.00% $42.00 47.62% $62.00 20.97% $75.00 TOTALS $148.00 12.84% $167.00 35.33% $226.00 36.73% $309.00 28.48% $397.00 181 182
  • 92. September 21 92 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 183 IT Strategy Consulting Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 184 IT Strategy Consulting 183 184
  • 93. September 21 93 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 185 Organizational & Digital Transformation Consulting Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 186 Organizational & Digital Transformation Consulting 185 186
  • 94. September 21 94 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 187 Data Strategy Consulting Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 188 IT Infrastructure & Cloud Consulting 187 188
  • 95. September 21 95 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 189 Application Projects Consulting Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 190 Customer & Employee Experience Strategy Consulting 189 190
  • 96. September 21 96 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 191 Project Management/ OCIO Consulting Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 192 Cyber Security Consulting 191 192
  • 97. September 21 97 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 193 Cyber Security Consulting Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 194 3rd PARTY MAINTENANCE MARKET 2018-2022 2018 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Software Maintenance (3rd party) $25.00 -8.00% $23.00 -8.70% $21.00 -4.76% $20.00 -2.50% $19.50 Hardware Maintenance (3rd party) $79.00 -1.27% $78.00 -10.26% $70.00 -2.86% $68.00 -4.41% $65.00 TOTALS $104.00 -2.88% $101.00 -9.90% $91.00 -3.30% $88.00 -3.98% $84.50 2018 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Software Maintenance (3rd party) $25.00 -8.00% $23.00 -8.70% $21.00 -4.76% $20.00 -2.50% $19.50 Hardware Maintenance (3rd party) $79.00 -1.27% $78.00 -10.26% $70.00 -2.86% $68.00 -4.41% $65.00 TOTALS $104.00 -2.88% $101.00 -9.90% $91.00 -3.30% $88.00 -3.98% $84.50 Values in Million USD 193 194
  • 98. September 21 98 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 195 Software Maintenance (3rd party) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 196 Hardware Maintenance (3rd party) 195 196
  • 99. September 21 99 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 197 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS (on premise only) MARKET 2018-2022 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Consolidation/ Virtualization/ Containers /Monitoring/ BSM/ Storage/ Hardware/ Networking Projects $205.00 1.46% $208.00 -6.25% $195.00 4.62% $204.00 1.96% $208.00 DevOps and Infrastructure automation projects $7.00 28.57% $9.00 33.33% $12.00 33.33% $16.00 31.25% $21.00 Software integration of middleware, SOA & BPM $75.00 6.67% $80.00 -25.00% $60.00 25.00% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 Cyber security product implementations $209.50 2.15% $214.00 4.67% $224.00 4.46% $234.00 5.98% $248.00 Unified Communication Projects (IM, Video, Voice) $10.00 25.00% $12.50 100.00% $25.00 20.00% $30.00 33.33% $40.00 TOTALS $506.50 3.36% $523.50 -1.43% $516.00 8.33% $559.00 6.80% $597.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Consolidation/ Virtualization/ Containers /Monitoring/ BSM/ Storage/ Hardware/ Networking Projects $205.00 1.46% $208.00 -6.25% $195.00 4.62% $204.00 1.96% $208.00 DevOps and Infrastructure automation projects $7.00 28.57% $9.00 33.33% $12.00 33.33% $16.00 31.25% $21.00 Software integration of middleware, SOA & BPM $75.00 6.67% $80.00 -25.00% $60.00 25.00% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 Cyber security product implementations $209.50 2.15% $214.00 4.67% $224.00 4.46% $234.00 5.98% $248.00 Unified Communication Projects (IM, Video, Voice) $10.00 25.00% $12.50 100.00% $25.00 20.00% $30.00 33.33% $40.00 TOTALS $506.50 3.36% $523.50 -1.43% $516.00 8.33% $559.00 6.80% $597.00 Values in Million USD Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 198 Consolidation/ Virtualization/ Containers /Monitoring/ BSM/ Storage/ Hardware/ Networking Projects 197 198
  • 100. September 21 100 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 199 Consolidation/ Virtualization/ Containers /Monitoring/ BSM/ Storage/ Hardware/ Networking Projects Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 200 DevOps & Infrastructure Automation Projects 199 200
  • 101. September 21 101 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 201 Software Integration of Middleware, SOA & BPM Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 202 Cyber Security Product Implementations 201 202
  • 102. September 21 102 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 203 Cyber Security Product Implementations Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 204 Unified Communication Projects (IM, Video, Voice) 203 204
  • 103. September 21 103 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 205 CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS MARKET 2018-2022 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Devops and Infrastructure automation projects $1.50 100.00% $3.00 166.67% $8.00 62.50% $13.00 53.85% $20.00 Software integration,of middleware, SOA & BPM $5.00 60.00% $8.00 50.00% $12.00 50.00% $18.00 33.33% $24.00 Cyber security product implementation $5.00 200.00% $15.00 20.00% $18.00 33.33% $24.00 33.33% $32.00 Unified Communication Projects (IM, Video, Voice) $2.00 400.00% $10.00 250.00% $35.00 42.86% $50.00 20.00% $60.00 TOTALS $13.50 166.67% $36.00 102.78% $73.00 43.84% $105.00 29.52% $136.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Devops and Infrastructure automation projects $1.50 100.00% $3.00 166.67% $8.00 62.50% $13.00 53.85% $20.00 Software integration,of middleware, SOA & BPM $5.00 60.00% $8.00 50.00% $12.00 50.00% $18.00 33.33% $24.00 Cyber security product implementation $5.00 200.00% $15.00 20.00% $18.00 33.33% $24.00 33.33% $32.00 Unified Communication Projects (IM, Video, Voice) $2.00 400.00% $10.00 250.00% $35.00 42.86% $50.00 20.00% $60.00 TOTALS $13.50 166.67% $36.00 102.78% $73.00 43.84% $105.00 29.52% $136.00 Values in Million USD Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 206 CLOUD: Consolidation/ Virtualization/ Containers /Monitoring/ BSM/ Storage/ Hardware/ Networking Projects 205 206
  • 104. September 21 104 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 207 CLOUD: Consolidation/ Virtualization/ Containers /Monitoring/ BSM/ Storage/ Hardware/ Networking Projects Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 208 DevOps & Infrastructure Automation Cloud Projects 207 208
  • 105. September 21 105 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 209 Software Integration of Cloud Middleware, SOA & BPM Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 210 Cyber Security Cloud Product Implementation 209 210
  • 106. September 21 106 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 211 Cyber Security Cloud Product Implementation Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 212 IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT TOOLS MARKET 2018-2022 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 PPM & Project management $35.00 54.29% $54.00 -53.70% $25.00 44.00% $36.00 38.89% $50.00 ALM & Development & Testing tools implementation $58.00 29.31% $75.00 -40.00% $45.00 15.56% $52.00 30.77% $68.00 Low Code tool implementation $0.00 $2.00 200.00% $6.00 33.33% $8.00 75.00% $14.00 TOTALS $93.00 40.86% $131.00 -41.98% $76.00 26.32% $96.00 37.50% $132.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 PPM & Project management $35.00 54.29% $54.00 -53.70% $25.00 44.00% $36.00 38.89% $50.00 ALM & Development & Testing tools implementation $58.00 29.31% $75.00 -40.00% $45.00 15.56% $52.00 30.77% $68.00 Low Code tool implementation $0.00 $2.00 200.00% $6.00 33.33% $8.00 75.00% $14.00 TOTALS $93.00 40.86% $131.00 -41.98% $76.00 26.32% $96.00 37.50% $132.00 Values in Million USD 211 212
  • 107. September 21 107 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 213 PPM & Project Management Implementation Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 214 ALM & Development & Testing Tools Implementation 213 214
  • 108. September 21 108 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 215 Low Code Tool Implementation Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 216 ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATIONS MARKET 2018-2022 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 ERP Implementations $138.00 15.94% $160.00 -25.00% $120.00 13.33% $136.00 19.12% $162.00 HR & Talent Mngt & Payroll Implementations $28.00 14.29% $32.00 -21.88% $25.00 20.00% $30.00 40.00% $42.00 CRM Implementations $188.00 3.72% $195.00 -25.64% $145.00 17.24% $170.00 10.59% $188.00 ITSM Implementation $20.00 25.00% $25.00 -20.00% $20.00 15.00% $23.00 8.70% $25.00 E-Commerce and Marketplace Implementations $40.00 15.00% $46.00 17.39% $54.00 29.63% $70.00 21.43% $85.00 Marketing Automation Implementations $28.00 14.29% $32.00 6.25% $34.00 17.65% $40.00 12.50% $45.00 TOTALS $442.00 10.86% $490.00 -18.78% $398.00 17.84% $469.00 16.63% $547.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 ERP Implementations $138.00 15.94% $160.00 -25.00% $120.00 13.33% $136.00 19.12% $162.00 HR & Talent Mngt & Payroll Implementations $28.00 14.29% $32.00 -21.88% $25.00 20.00% $30.00 40.00% $42.00 CRM Implementations $188.00 3.72% $195.00 -25.64% $145.00 17.24% $170.00 10.59% $188.00 ITSM Implementation $20.00 25.00% $25.00 -20.00% $20.00 15.00% $23.00 8.70% $25.00 E-Commerce and Marketplace Implementations $40.00 15.00% $46.00 17.39% $54.00 29.63% $70.00 21.43% $85.00 Marketing Automation Implementations $28.00 14.29% $32.00 6.25% $34.00 17.65% $40.00 12.50% $45.00 TOTALS $442.00 10.86% $490.00 -18.78% $398.00 17.84% $469.00 16.63% $547.00 Values in Million USD 215 216
  • 109. September 21 109 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 217 ERP Implementations Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 218 HR & Talent Mngt & Payroll Implementations 217 218
  • 110. September 21 110 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 219 CRM Implementations Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 220 ITSM Implementation 219 220
  • 111. September 21 111 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 221 E-Commerce and Marketplace Implementations Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 222 Marketing Automation Implementations 221 222
  • 112. September 21 112 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 223 DATA, ANALYTICS & BI PROJECTS MARKET 2018-2022 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Data Science projects $2.00 150.00% $5.00 140.00% $12.00 83.33% $22.00 72.73% $38.00 Data management implementation (quality, etl, catalogs...) $25.00 40.00% $35.00 -14.29% $30.00 16.67% $35.00 20.00% $42.00 BI and Analytics implementation / development $175.00 24.57% $218.00 10.09% $240.00 10.42% $265.00 13.21% $300.00 TOTALS $202.00 27.72% $258.00 9.30% $282.00 14.18% $322.00 18.01% $380.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Data Science projects $2.00 150.00% $5.00 140.00% $12.00 83.33% $22.00 72.73% $38.00 Data management implementation (quality, etl, catalogs...) $25.00 40.00% $35.00 -14.29% $30.00 16.67% $35.00 20.00% $42.00 BI and Analytics implementation / development $175.00 24.57% $218.00 10.09% $240.00 10.42% $265.00 13.21% $300.00 TOTALS $202.00 27.72% $258.00 9.30% $282.00 14.18% $322.00 18.01% $380.00 Values in Million USD Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 224 Data Science Projects 223 224
  • 113. September 21 113 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 225 Data Management Implementations (Quality, ETL, Catalogs...) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 226 BI and Analytics Implementation / Development 225 226
  • 114. September 21 114 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 227 BI and Analytics Implementation / Development Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 228 BUSINESS APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT & IMPLEMENTATIONS MARKET 2018-2022 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 General Software Development (except Web & Mobile) $105.00 11.43% $117.00 -18.80% $95.00 -98.95% $1.00 0.00% $1.00 Web & Mobile Development $29.00 10.34% $32.00 34.38% $43.00 34.88% $58.00 37.93% $80.00 UX Design $47.00 11.70% $52.50 14.29% $60.00 15.00% $69.00 14.49% $79.00 TOTALS $181.00 11.33% $201.50 -1.74% $198.00 -35.35% $128.00 25.00% $160.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 General Software Development (except Web & Mobile) $105.00 11.43% $117.00 -18.80% $95.00 -98.95% $1.00 0.00% $1.00 Web & Mobile Development $29.00 10.34% $32.00 34.38% $43.00 34.88% $58.00 37.93% $80.00 UX Design $47.00 11.70% $52.50 14.29% $60.00 15.00% $69.00 14.49% $79.00 TOTALS $181.00 11.33% $201.50 -1.74% $198.00 -35.35% $128.00 25.00% $160.00 Values in Million USD 227 228
  • 115. September 21 115 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 229 General Software Development (including Web & Mobile) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 230 UX Design 229 230
  • 116. September 21 116 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 231 UX Design Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 232 INDUSTRY SPECIFIC & SPECIAL PURPOSE DEVELOPMENT & IMPLEMENTATIONS MARKET 2018-2022 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Finance Industry Core Projects $150.00 33.33% $200.00 -35.00% $130.00 -15.38% $110.00 9.09% $120.00 Transportation $50.00 20.00% $60.00 25.00% $75.00 13.33% $85.00 12.94% $96.00 Public (COVID19) Projects $0.00 #DIV/0! $0.00 #DIV/0! $120.00 -58.33% $50.00 -100.00% $0.00 e-payments Projects $0.00 #DIV/0! $8.00 337.50% $35.00 28.57% $45.00 37.78% $62.00 Retail Projects $0.00 #DIV/0! $20.00 110.00% $42.00 78.57% $75.00 26.67% $95.00 Public (government) modernizations $60.00 8.33% $65.00 -46.15% $35.00 28.57% $45.00 33.33% $60.00 OTHERS: $30.00 33.33% $40.00 -37.50% $25.00 80.00% $45.00 11.11% $50.00 TOTALS $290.00 35.52% $393.00 17.56% $462.00 -1.52% $455.00 6.15% $483.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Finance Industry Core Projects $150.00 33.33% $200.00 -35.00% $130.00 -15.38% $110.00 9.09% $120.00 Transportation $50.00 20.00% $60.00 25.00% $75.00 13.33% $85.00 12.94% $96.00 Public (COVID19) Projects $0.00 #DIV/0! $0.00 #DIV/0! $120.00 -58.33% $50.00 -100.00% $0.00 e-payments Projects $0.00 #DIV/0! $8.00 337.50% $35.00 28.57% $45.00 37.78% $62.00 Retail Projects $0.00 #DIV/0! $20.00 110.00% $42.00 78.57% $75.00 26.67% $95.00 Public (government) modernizations $60.00 8.33% $65.00 -46.15% $35.00 28.57% $45.00 33.33% $60.00 OTHERS: $30.00 33.33% $40.00 -37.50% $25.00 80.00% $45.00 11.11% $50.00 TOTALS $290.00 35.52% $393.00 17.56% $462.00 -1.52% $455.00 6.15% $483.00 Values in Million USD 231 232
  • 117. September 21 117 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 233 ENGAGEMENT & KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PROJECTS MARKET 2018-2022 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Contact Center and Multi channel engagement projects $45.00 6.67% $48.00 35.42% $65.00 15.38% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 Employee Collaboration & Engagement Tools $10.00 25.00% $12.50 140.00% $30.00 16.67% $35.00 20.00% $42.00 Knowledge Management (ECM, Portals, Search, Knowledgebases.. ) $78.00 7.69% $84.00 -10.71% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 6.25% $85.00 TOTALS $133.00 8.65% $144.50 17.65% $170.00 11.76% $190.00 8.95% $207.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Contact Center and Multi channel engagement projects $45.00 6.67% $48.00 35.42% $65.00 15.38% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 Employee Collaboration & Engagement Tools $10.00 25.00% $12.50 140.00% $30.00 16.67% $35.00 20.00% $42.00 Knowledge Management (ECM, Portals, Search, Knowledgebases.. ) $78.00 7.69% $84.00 -10.71% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 6.25% $85.00 TOTALS $133.00 8.65% $144.50 17.65% $170.00 11.76% $190.00 8.95% $207.00 Values in Million USD Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 234 Contact Center & Multi Channel Engagement Projects 233 234
  • 118. September 21 118 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 235 Employee Collaboration & Engagement Tools Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 236 Knowledge Management (ECM, Portals, Search, Knowledgebases.. ) 235 236
  • 119. September 21 119 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 237 INNOVATION PROJECTS & IMPLEMENTATIONS MARKET 2018-2022 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Technological Innovation Projects $20.00 25.00% $25.00 -60.00% $10.00 80.00% $18.00 66.67% $30.00 Automation tools (RPA, OCR) Implementations $3.00 36.67% $4.10 509.76% $25.00 28.00% $32.00 25.00% $40.00 Blockchain projects $1.00 50.00% $1.50 166.67% $4.00 50.00% $6.00 66.67% $10.00 IoT Projects $3.50 114.29% $7.50 -33.33% $5.00 30.00% $6.50 53.85% $10.00 TOTALS $27.50 38.55% $38.10 15.49% $44.00 42.05% $62.50 44.00% $90.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Technological Innovation Projects $20.00 25.00% $25.00 -60.00% $10.00 80.00% $18.00 66.67% $30.00 Automation tools (RPA, OCR) Implementations $3.00 36.67% $4.10 509.76% $25.00 28.00% $32.00 25.00% $40.00 Blockchain projects $1.00 50.00% $1.50 166.67% $4.00 50.00% $6.00 66.67% $10.00 IoT Projects $3.50 114.29% $7.50 -33.33% $5.00 30.00% $6.50 53.85% $10.00 TOTALS $27.50 38.55% $38.10 15.49% $44.00 42.05% $62.50 44.00% $90.00 Values in Million USD Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 238 Technological Innovation Projects 237 238
  • 120. September 21 120 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 239 Automation Tools (RPA, OCR, others) Consulting & Implementations Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 240 Blockchain Projects 239 240
  • 121. September 21 121 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 241 IoT Projects Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 242 TESTING, TRAINING, FRUITION & HATMAA PROJECTS MARKET 2018-2022 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Professional Education, Coaching & Mentoring $65.00 2.31% $66.50 -15.79% $56.00 -10.71% $50.00 8.00% $54.00 Project testing & QA $100.00 5.00% $105.00 4.76% $110.00 4.55% $115.00 2.61% $118.00 Fruition & Implementation (‫הטמעה‬) $82.00 2.44% $84.00 -10.71% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 5.00% $84.00 TOTALS $247.00 3.44% $255.50 -5.68% $241.00 1.66% $245.00 4.49% $256.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Professional Education, Coaching & Mentoring $65.00 2.31% $66.50 -15.79% $56.00 -10.71% $50.00 8.00% $54.00 Project testing & QA $100.00 5.00% $105.00 4.76% $110.00 4.55% $115.00 2.61% $118.00 Fruition & Implementation (‫הטמעה‬) $82.00 2.44% $84.00 -10.71% $75.00 6.67% $80.00 5.00% $84.00 TOTALS $247.00 3.44% $255.50 -5.68% $241.00 1.66% $245.00 4.49% $256.00 Values in Million USD 241 242
  • 122. September 21 122 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 243 Professional Education, Coaching & Mentoring Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 244 Project Testing & QA 243 244
  • 123. September 21 123 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 245 Fruition & Implementation (‫)הטמעה‬ Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 246 EGRC & REGULATION PROJECTS & IMPLEMENTATIONS MARKET 2018-2022 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Regulation Projects $60.00 6.67% $64.00 -21.88% $50.00 10.00% $55.00 27.27% $70.00 Auditing, Governance & Risk Management $72.00 4.17% $75.00 -22.67% $58.00 6.90% $62.00 8.06% $67.00 TOTALS $132.00 5.30% $139.00 -22.30% $108.00 8.33% $117.00 17.09% $137.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Regulation Projects $60.00 6.67% $64.00 -21.88% $50.00 10.00% $55.00 27.27% $70.00 Auditing, Governance & Risk Management $72.00 4.17% $75.00 -22.67% $58.00 6.90% $62.00 8.06% $67.00 TOTALS $132.00 5.30% $139.00 -22.30% $108.00 8.33% $117.00 17.09% $137.00 Values in Million USD 245 246
  • 124. September 21 124 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 247 Regulation Projects Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 248 Auditing, Governance & Risk Management 247 248
  • 125. September 21 125 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 249 OUTSOURCING & MANAGED SERVICES MARKET 2018-2022 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Complete and/or application outsourcing (Client owns the HW) $140.00 1.43% $142.00 2.11% $145.00 4.83% $152.00 18.42% $180.00 Infrastructure Outsourcing (infrastructure, storage mngt, DBA services) $110.00 1.82% $112.00 7.14% $120.00 6.67% $128.00 4.69% $134.00 Call Centers/Help Desk Outsourcing Services $82.00 3.66% $85.00 29.41% $110.00 27.27% $140.00 7.14% $150.00 Cyber security managed services - CISO as a service, etc. (excluding SIEM service) $27.00 14.81% $31.00 67.74% $52.00 34.62% $70.00 21.43% $85.00 SIEM as a Service $3.00 16.67% $3.50 185.71% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00 Printing Outsourcing Services (pay per click) $58.00 12.07% $65.00 -46.15% $35.00 20.00% $42.00 19.05% $50.00 Business Services as a Service- BSaaS (Salaries, Payments, BPO, etc.) $145.00 10.34% $160.00 15.63% $185.00 12.43% $208.00 5.77% $220.00 TOTALS $565.00 5.93% $598.50 9.77% $657.00 14.92% $755.00 11.13% $839.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Complete and/or application outsourcing (Client owns the HW) $140.00 1.43% $142.00 2.11% $145.00 4.83% $152.00 18.42% $180.00 Infrastructure Outsourcing (infrastructure, storage mngt, DBA services) $110.00 1.82% $112.00 7.14% $120.00 6.67% $128.00 4.69% $134.00 Call Centers/Help Desk Outsourcing Services $82.00 3.66% $85.00 29.41% $110.00 27.27% $140.00 7.14% $150.00 Cyber security managed services - CISO as a service, etc. (excluding SIEM service) $27.00 14.81% $31.00 67.74% $52.00 34.62% $70.00 21.43% $85.00 SIEM as a Service $3.00 16.67% $3.50 185.71% $10.00 50.00% $15.00 33.33% $20.00 Printing Outsourcing Services (pay per click) $58.00 12.07% $65.00 -46.15% $35.00 20.00% $42.00 19.05% $50.00 Business Services as a Service- BSaaS (Salaries, Payments, BPO, etc.) $145.00 10.34% $160.00 15.63% $185.00 12.43% $208.00 5.77% $220.00 TOTALS $565.00 5.93% $598.50 9.77% $657.00 14.92% $755.00 11.13% $839.00 Values in Million USD Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 250 Complete and/or Application Outsourcing (client owns the HW) 249 250
  • 126. September 21 126 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 251 Infrastructure Outsourcing (infrastructure, storage mngt, DBA services) Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 252 Call Centers/Help Desk Outsourcing Services 251 252
  • 127. September 21 127 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 253 SIEM as a Service Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 254 Business Services as a Service- BSaaS (Salaries, Payments, BPO, etc.) 253 254
  • 128. September 21 128 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 255 “OTHER” PROJECTS MARKET 2018-2022 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Location Based Projects $50.00 30.00% $65.00 23.08% $80.00 12.50% $90.00 5.56% $95.00 Self-Service Projects $20.00 25.00% $25.00 0.00% $25.00 40.00% $35.00 42.86% $50.00 Tele-medicine Projects $5.00 50.00% $7.50 100.00% $15.00 66.67% $25.00 60.00% $40.00 Other….......................... $75.00 0.00% $75.00 -60.00% $30.00 66.67% $50.00 10.00% $55.00 TOTALS $150.00 15.00% $172.50 -13.04% $150.00 33.33% $200.00 20.00% $240.00 2018 0.05% 2019 0.05% 2020 0.05% 2021 0.05% 2022 Location Based Projects $50.00 30.00% $65.00 23.08% $80.00 12.50% $90.00 5.56% $95.00 Self-Service Projects $20.00 25.00% $25.00 0.00% $25.00 40.00% $35.00 42.86% $50.00 Tele-medicine Projects $5.00 50.00% $7.50 100.00% $15.00 66.67% $25.00 60.00% $40.00 Other….......................... $75.00 0.00% $75.00 -60.00% $30.00 66.67% $50.00 10.00% $55.00 TOTALS $150.00 15.00% $172.50 -13.04% $150.00 33.33% $200.00 20.00% $240.00 Values in Million USD Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 256 256 255 256
  • 129. September 21 129 Copyright@STKI_2021 Do not remove source or attribution from any slide, graph or portion of graph 42 Any questions or comments please contact me: Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf 972 9 790 7000 257 257