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Containers and Microservices Create New
Performance Challenges
Jonah Kowall, VP Market Development and Insights
52% of Fortune 500 firms
since 2000 are gone
Rate of innovation determines if you’re the
predator or the prey
Massive budget shift to digital
Back office
Systems of record
Digital front office
Systems of engagement

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Ensuring Cloud Native Success: Organization Transformation
Ensuring Cloud Native Success:  Organization TransformationEnsuring Cloud Native Success:  Organization Transformation
Ensuring Cloud Native Success: Organization Transformation

Are you being asked to put more cloud in your strategy? If you’re like most people, the answer is a definite yes. The word “cloud” can mean so many things, however, that making an actionable strategy is impossible. At Pivotal, we divide cloud into two distinct parts: migrating as many legacy applications into SaaS as possible and focusing on perfecting the software you build in-house that runs your business. Gartner is predicting that by 2020, 75% of applications used to support digital businesses will be built in-house. If you’re one of these companies, you’ll need to quickly evaluate how you develop and run your custom written software. We believe that soon, every company will either be a software company or losing to a competitor who is. It’s time to focus on the craft of managing the software development life-cycle, and this brief, but dense webinar will help launch your efforts to become a software defined business. Join us in the last installment in our series: Organization Transformation - to get the full benefit of a cloud native approach, you'll likely need to change how your organization functions and behaves: you'll have to change its culture. When software is thought of more as ongoing products instead of discrete projects, the way the IT department is managed and run changes accordingly. This last part covers the motivations for those changes and outlines how to start transforming everyday management, strategy, staffing, and operations to become a cloud native enterprise. Presenter: Michael Coté

cloud nativeagile software development
Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

The document provides an overview of microservices architecture including: - Definitions and characteristics of microservices such as componentization via services, decentralized governance, and infrastructure automation. - Common drivers for adopting microservices like agility, safety, and scalability. - Guidelines for decomposing monolithic applications into microservices based on business capabilities and domain-driven design. - Discussion of differences between microservices and service-oriented architecture (SOA). - Ecosystem of tools involved in microservices including development frameworks, APIs, databases, containers, and service meshes. - Common design patterns and anti-patterns when developing microservices.

Changing Views on Integration (AUSOUG Webinar Series, May 2020)
Changing Views on Integration (AUSOUG Webinar Series, May 2020)Changing Views on Integration (AUSOUG Webinar Series, May 2020)
Changing Views on Integration (AUSOUG Webinar Series, May 2020)

The document discusses changing views on integration from traditional approaches using enterprise service buses to more modern approaches using API gateways, serverless computing, and integration platforms as a service (iPaaS). It covers integration patterns like vertical integration for synchronous APIs and horizontal integration for asynchronous integration between systems. Event-driven integration using message queues is discussed as a third dimension of integration. The use of cloud-native approaches and integration platforms out of the box is presented as an alternative to traditional monolithic integration middleware.

enterprise service buscloudcqrs
“Microservices are an approach to developing a single
application as a suite of small, connected, services”
Martin Fowler
“Loosely coupled service orientated architecture with bounded
Adrian Cockcroft
In computing, microservices is a software architecture style in
which complex applications are composed of small,
independent processes communicating with each other
using language-agnostic APIs. These services are small,
highly decoupled and focus on doing a small task, facilitating
a modular approach to system-building.
Monolithic versus microservices architecture
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 6
Courtesy of PWC:
Down with the monolith
•  Intimidates developers with complexity
–  Long ramp time
–  Heavy change process
•  Dev environments are difficult to manage and setup
•  Scalability is a challenge due to rigid design
•  Long term language and technology stack commitment
–  Stagnation
–  High cost
Properties of microservices architecture
•  Flexibility
•  The services are easy to replace
•  Services are organized around capabilities
•  Services can be implemented using different programming
languages, databases, hardware and software environment,
depending on what fits best
•  Architectures are symmetrical rather than hierarchical
(producer - consumer)

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CTO Talks Seattle Presentation October 20, 2015 Details the journey of IBMs Mobile Cloud Team delivery of Presence Insights.

Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolithStay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith

The document discusses strategies for evolving monolithic applications into microservice architectures. It notes that modern software needs to meet increasing demands around release frequency, developer velocity, and infrastructure costs. While classical architectures based on monoliths and service-oriented architectures were effective, they no longer address today's challenges. The document then introduces microservices as an alternative, describing characteristics like independent deployability, language/data agnosticism, and process isolation. It acknowledges that while building individual microservices is straightforward, the difficult part is designing the overall system architecture and operational capabilities required to manage many interconnected microservices. Lagom is presented as one framework that can help implement reactive microservices on the JVM.

Microservices in Practice
Microservices in PracticeMicroservices in Practice
Microservices in Practice

Presenting key architectural concepts of the Microservices Architecture(MSA) and how you can use those architectural principles in practice.

Example : e-commerce site microservices
•  Front-end components
•  Catalog services
•  Inventory management
•  Shipping
•  Payments
•  Billing
•  Notifications
•  Search agent
•  User profile
Monolithic organization
Courtesy of Martin Fowler:
Agile organization
Courtesy of Martin Fowler:

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muCon 2019: "Creating an Effective Developer Experience for Cloud-Native Apps"
muCon 2019: "Creating an Effective Developer Experience for Cloud-Native Apps"muCon 2019: "Creating an Effective Developer Experience for Cloud-Native Apps"
muCon 2019: "Creating an Effective Developer Experience for Cloud-Native Apps"

Developer experience is about reducing friction between creating an idea and delivering business value in production. It includes factors like lead time, deployment frequency, and monitoring. DevEx has three components: workflow, platforms, and the developer experience itself. The ideal workflow follows progressive delivery principles. Teams should focus first on automating the inner development loop and CI/CD processes, then on observability and best practices. Questions around local vs cluster development, verification approaches, and whether to provide guardrails can help guide platform design decisions.

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Microservices: Where do they fit within a rapidly evolving integration archit...
Microservices: Where do they fit within a rapidly evolving integration archit...Microservices: Where do they fit within a rapidly evolving integration archit...
Microservices: Where do they fit within a rapidly evolving integration archit...

Do microservices force us to look differently at the way we lay down and evolve our integration architecture, or are they purely about how we build applications? Are microservices a new concept, or an evolution of the many ideas that came before them? What is the relationship between microservices and other key initiatives such as APIs, SOA, and Agile. In this session, we will unpick what microservices really are, and indeed what they are not. We will consider whether there is something unique about this particular point time in technology that has enables microservice concepts to take hold. Finally, we will look at if, when, where and how an enterprise can take on the benefits of microservices, and what products and technologies are applicable for that journey.

MongoDB-as-a-Service on Pivotal Cloud Foundry
MongoDB-as-a-Service on Pivotal Cloud FoundryMongoDB-as-a-Service on Pivotal Cloud Foundry
MongoDB-as-a-Service on Pivotal Cloud Foundry

SpringOne Platform 2016' Speakers: Mallika Iyer; Principal Software Engineer, Pivotal & Sam Weaver; Product Manager, MongoDB The ability to provide your organization with multiple data services on a platform like Pivotal Cloud Foundry is very powerful, and increases the agility of the organization as a whole, when developers are able to provision data services on demand, and all of this is completely transparent to the system operators. This session will cover a very brief overview of Pivotal Cloud Foundry, and will then deep dive into running MongoDB as a managed service on this platform. The MongoDB service for Pivotal Cloud Foundry leverages the capabilities of Bosh 2.0 for on-demand-dynamic provisioning for services while maintaining an integration with MongoDB's Cloud Ops Manager, to provide the best of both - Pivotal Cloud Foundry and MongoDB.

springone platformspringone platform 2016
Applications are transforming
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 13
Conventional Enterprise Cloud "Native" Pattern
Adapted From Cloud Architecture Tutorial by Adrian Cockcroft (Netflix)
Central SQL Database
Sticky In-memory Session
Chatty Protocols
Tangled Service Interfaces
Polled Information
Fat Complex Objects
Components as Jar Files
Distributed Key/Value NoSQL
Latency Tolerant Protocols
Lightweight Serializable Objects
Components as Services
Layered Service Interfaces
Shared Memcached/Redis Session
Java, .NET JavaScript, Python, Ruby, node.js
Team technology choice
•  Can use any technology in services since they are short
lived and easily rewritten
New data patterns
Courtesy of Martin Fowler:
•  Most are horrible at automation
•  Automation is fragmented
•  Many moving parts must be coordinated
•  You must master good engineering practices

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Develop in ludicrous mode with azure serverless
Develop in ludicrous mode with azure serverlessDevelop in ludicrous mode with azure serverless
Develop in ludicrous mode with azure serverless

Today, every one of us wants to get things done fast. The fact of the matter is Serverless is a fantastic platform for doing things fast. Because, with Serverless, you really don’t have time to waste in terms of delivering your business value. Turns out you can with the right cloud services. In this talk we’ll create a microservice using Azure Functions and also get introduced to bigger picture of serverless computing. I presented this session in Global Azure Bootcamp 2019 in Dublin. #GlobalAzure #AzureFunctions #Serverless

Where can you use serverless?  How does it relate to APIs, integration and mi...
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Where can you use serverless?  How does it relate to APIs, integration and mi...

Serverless, aka. function-as-a-service (FaaS) is on-trend, and as with all new shiny things it is often both over and under estimated in the space of the same conversation. Where can and should it be applied, especially in relation to integration? Does it make provide a good platform for implementing APIs? What type of application would be appropriate to put on it? How does it relate to similarly elastic architectures such as microservices? If its functions are stateless, where and how do you manage state. How do you integrate to and from it? What are the benefits, and what are the limitations? This unique perspective is from the same experienced team that provided key clarifications on the comparisons between microservices, SOA and APIs. 

Differentiating between web APIs, SOA, & integration …and why it matters
Differentiating between web APIs, SOA, & integration…and why it mattersDifferentiating between web APIs, SOA, & integration…and why it matters
Differentiating between web APIs, SOA, & integration …and why it matters

At a high level, both SOA and web APIs seem to solve the same problem – expose business function in real-time and in a reusable way. This tutorial looks at how these initiatives are different and how they align into an evolving integration architecture. It discusses how API Management differs from the integration architectures that came before it, such as SOA and EAI.

Hypervizor vs docker
Courtesy of IBM (SoftLayer):
Why are people switching to docker
•  Easy to package
•  Easy to run anywhere (Smaller footprint)
•  Fast -> Launch and Kill
•  Linux or Windows (in Server 2016 Preview)
–  Can use on Windows client and OSX for dev with boot2docker
•  Basic contained configuration in DockerFile
•  Less tools to manage each container
Performance: boot time
docker KVM
Average Server Boot Time
Courtesy of IBM (SoftLayer):

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Securing the Cloud Native stack
Securing the Cloud Native stackSecuring the Cloud Native stack
Securing the Cloud Native stack

From Multi-Cloud and MicroServices to12-Factor Apps, Cloud-Native Applications are designed to be fast, tested and fail safe with continuous deployment to production. Simple policy declaration and enforcement across your stack allow you to move at greater speed, safety, and scale.

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Oracle Integration Cloud Service (ICS) best practices learned from the field
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Oracle Integration Cloud Service (ICS) best practices learned from the field

Integration Cloud Service (ICS) provides a cloud hosted means to integrate systems together using a graphical means to define and represent integrations. This presentation sets out to demonstrate how ICS can be used to effectively implement integrations that work both in the cloud and on-premise. This presentation will discuss different customer best practices, showing the audience how to implement integrations with ICS and talk about patterns, challenges and give useful insights into ICS. This should equip the audience with the knowledge on how to use ICS to solve their own integration needs such as removing those tedious manual processes of moving data from one system to another with automation through integration.

The Role of Enterprise Integration in Digital Transformation
The Role of Enterprise Integration in Digital TransformationThe Role of Enterprise Integration in Digital Transformation
The Role of Enterprise Integration in Digital Transformation

The document discusses how digital transformation is driving changes in enterprise integration needs, moving from centralized integration middleware towards decentralized microservices and micro-integrations. It introduces Ballerina, a new programming language from WSO2 that can be used to build independent, lightweight integration microservices visually or textually. WSO2's next generation integration platform will use Ballerina to replace the ESB and address modern integration requirements around agility, orchestration, APIs, microservices, performance and scalability.

Performance: reboot time
Courtesy of IBM (SoftLayer):
docker KVM
Average Server Reboot Time
Docker 18.9x faster
Performance: memory speed
Courtesy of IBM (SoftLayer):
Memory Tests
Memory Benchmark Performance
Performance Summary
•  CPU and Network are the same
•  Flexible deployment
•  Runs on desktops and developer systems

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From SOA to MSA
From SOA to MSAFrom SOA to MSA
From SOA to MSA

This document discusses moving from traditional monolithic and SOA architectures to microservices architectures. It covers principles of microservices like high cohesion, low coupling, independent deployability and scaling of services. It also discusses organizational implications, noting that teams are typically organized around business capabilities rather than technical layers in a microservices structure. Key challenges of microservices like increased complexity and performance overhead are also outlined.

Pivotal Digital Transformation Forum: Becoming a Data Driven Enterprise
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Pivotal Digital Transformation Forum: Becoming a Data Driven Enterprise

Next Steps in Your Digital Transformation This session brings together all the lessons learnt throughout the day and shares with you practical advice on how to get started with, or accelerate, your journey to become a digital business.

big datadigital transformationdata driven
Docker Swarm Meetup (15min lightning)
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Docker Swarm Meetup (15min lightning)

Swarm allows multiple Docker hosts to be clustered together into a single virtual Docker host. It provides features like scheduling, rescheduling on failure, high availability with multiple masters, and service discovery. To set up a Swarm cluster, run the Swarm manager container on one host and restart the Docker daemons on the other hosts with arguments to join the cluster. An example voting app microservices demo shows how to deploy an application across a Swarm cluster.

End to end visibility and transaction tracing
Flight Status
Search Flight
Current open source options
•  cAdvisor
–  Docker metrics only
•  ELK stack
–  Lots of moving parts
–  Only handles log data (Docker, app logs, etc)
–  Agent per host
•  Sensu
–  Need RabbitMQ, Redis, Sensu
–  Handles metric data only (Docker, host, other plugins)
–  Agent per host
•  Up and coming : Prometheus, Spigo
Current commercial options
•  Stack of APM, infrastructure, log analytics
–  Splunk
–  +New Relic, Dynatrace, Ruxit
–  +SevOne, ScienceLogic, Zenoss
•  AppDynamics (1 install/UI for APM, infrastructure, log)
–  SaaS or on premises
–  Same product

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Your data is in Prometheus, now what? (CurrencyFair Engineering Meetup, 2016)

Prometheus is a next-generation monitoring system with a time series database at it's core. Once you have a time series database, what do you do with it though? This talk will look at getting data in, and more importantly how to use the data you collect productively. Contact us at

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Slajdy z prezentacji o LXC z Dni Wolnego Oprogramowania w Bielsku-Białej

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atlassianatlascamp 2015atlascamp
Copyright © 2014 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 29
Infrastructure Management Proliferation
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 30
Today’s tools exist within silos
Mobile/Web App Middleware Database Server Network Storage
Limited Integrations
Incomplete & Inaccurate
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 31
Don’t let go
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 32
Difficult to connect the dots without context
Mobile/Web App Middleware Database Server Network Storage
“Network 97%”“Slow SQL query”“JVM perf issues”“Checkout is slow”

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This session will share large scale architectures from the author's experiences with various companies like Cisco, Symantec, and EMC and compare and contrast the architecture across : Infrastructure Architecture Scaling, Ecommerce integrations and migration approach from legacy into AEM, Digital Marketing Cloud Integrations such as personalization, analytics, and DMP.

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The document describes a watering hole attack campaign that targeted military websites. It used a zero-day exploit in Internet Explorer 10 along with a malicious Flash file to download an image file containing hidden payload data. This payload contained two malware files - a DLL and a ZxShell backdoor executable. The backdoor made DNS queries to malicious domains and attempted to connect on port 443. The content is provided without warranty and solely represents the author's views.

No end-to-end perspective No situational awareness
Long time to troubleshoot and resolve issues
War Room
L2 Troubleshoot
“Checkout is Slow”
Reactive problem identification
Transaction Tracing
Visualize microservices/docker application
Visualization with OSS/spigo (simulated)

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Jilles is a freelance software developer and consultant based in Germany. The document discusses challenges with distributed software teams, including magnified communication issues. It advocates for keeping team sizes small to minimize dependencies and encourage asynchronous workflows to avoid bottlenecks. Overall, the document emphasizes that while distributed teams introduce new complexities, many of the same software engineering principles still apply.

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This document discusses how to build a real-time recommender system using Redis. It describes how to quickly feed recommendation data into Redis using JavaScript integration and HTTP headers. It also explains how to pass large amounts of recommendation data efficiently using Redis data structures like hashes and sorted sets. Finally, it outlines how to build different types of recommenders in Redis including behavioral, content-based, and collaborative filtering recommenders using Redis operations like ZINCR, ZUNION, and ZREVRANGEBYSCORE.

Managing services
Thank You

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AppSphere 15 - Containers and Microservices Create New Performance Challenges

  • 1. Containers and Microservices Create New Performance Challenges Jonah Kowall, VP Market Development and Insights
  • 2. PREY 52% of Fortune 500 firms since 2000 are gone PREDATOR Rate of innovation determines if you’re the predator or the prey
  • 3. Massive budget shift to digital Back office Systems of record Digital front office Systems of engagement 80% 2011 50% 2016 20% 2011 50% 2016 HRM CRM ECM ERP
  • 5. “Microservices are an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small, connected, services” Martin Fowler “Loosely coupled service orientated architecture with bounded contexts” Adrian Cockcroft In computing, microservices is a software architecture style in which complex applications are composed of small, independent processes communicating with each other using language-agnostic APIs. These services are small, highly decoupled and focus on doing a small task, facilitating a modular approach to system-building. Wikipedia
  • 6. Monolithic versus microservices architecture Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 6 Courtesy of PWC:
  • 7. Down with the monolith •  Intimidates developers with complexity –  Long ramp time –  Heavy change process •  Dev environments are difficult to manage and setup •  Scalability is a challenge due to rigid design •  Long term language and technology stack commitment –  Stagnation –  High cost
  • 8. Properties of microservices architecture •  Flexibility •  The services are easy to replace •  Services are organized around capabilities •  Services can be implemented using different programming languages, databases, hardware and software environment, depending on what fits best •  Architectures are symmetrical rather than hierarchical (producer - consumer)
  • 9. Example : e-commerce site microservices •  Front-end components •  Catalog services •  Inventory management •  Shipping •  Payments •  Billing •  Notifications •  Search agent •  User profile
  • 11. Monolithic organization Courtesy of Martin Fowler:
  • 12. Agile organization Courtesy of Martin Fowler:
  • 13. Applications are transforming Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 13 Conventional Enterprise Cloud "Native" Pattern Adapted From Cloud Architecture Tutorial by Adrian Cockcroft (Netflix) Central SQL Database Sticky In-memory Session Chatty Protocols Tangled Service Interfaces Polled Information Fat Complex Objects Components as Jar Files Distributed Key/Value NoSQL Latency Tolerant Protocols Event-driven Lightweight Serializable Objects Components as Services Layered Service Interfaces Shared Memcached/Redis Session Java, .NET JavaScript, Python, Ruby, node.js
  • 14. Team technology choice •  Can use any technology in services since they are short lived and easily rewritten
  • 15. New data patterns Courtesy of Martin Fowler:
  • 16. Challenges •  Most are horrible at automation •  Automation is fragmented •  Many moving parts must be coordinated •  You must master good engineering practices
  • 18. Hypervizor vs docker Courtesy of IBM (SoftLayer):
  • 19. Why are people switching to docker •  Easy to package •  Easy to run anywhere (Smaller footprint) •  Fast -> Launch and Kill •  Linux or Windows (in Server 2016 Preview) –  Can use on Windows client and OSX for dev with boot2docker •  Basic contained configuration in DockerFile •  Less tools to manage each container
  • 20. Performance: boot time 3.900927941 5.884197426 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 docker KVM TimeinSeconds Average Server Boot Time docker KVM Courtesy of IBM (SoftLayer):
  • 21. Performance: reboot time Courtesy of IBM (SoftLayer): 6.591313448 124.4525079 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 docker KVM TimeInSeconds Average Server Reboot Time docker KVM Docker 18.9x faster
  • 22. Performance: memory speed Courtesy of IBM (SoftLayer): 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 MEMCPY DUMB MCBLOCK MiB/s Memory Tests Memory Benchmark Performance BareMetal docker KVM
  • 23. Performance Summary •  CPU and Network are the same •  Flexible deployment •  Runs on desktops and developer systems
  • 25. End to end visibility and transaction tracing SOA NOSQL Cloud Agile Micro-services IoT ESB/MQ WEBLOGIC MONGODB TOMCAT Login Flight Status Search Flight Purchase Web Mobile NETWORK ORACLE APACHE JBOSS SERVICE ESB/MQ NETWORK WEBLOGIC MONGODB ORACLE TOMCAT JBOSS SERVICE
  • 26. Current open source options •  cAdvisor –  Docker metrics only •  ELK stack –  Lots of moving parts –  Only handles log data (Docker, app logs, etc) –  Agent per host •  Sensu –  Need RabbitMQ, Redis, Sensu –  Handles metric data only (Docker, host, other plugins) –  Agent per host •  Up and coming : Prometheus, Spigo NO TRANSACTION TRACING! NO END USER VISIBILITY!
  • 27. Current commercial options •  Stack of APM, infrastructure, log analytics –  Splunk –  +New Relic, Dynatrace, Ruxit –  +SevOne, ScienceLogic, Zenoss •  AppDynamics (1 install/UI for APM, infrastructure, log) –  SaaS or on premises –  Same product
  • 29. Copyright © 2014 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 29 Infrastructure Management Proliferation
  • 30. Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 30 Today’s tools exist within silos Mobile/Web App Middleware Database Server Network Storage CMDB Limited Integrations Incomplete & Inaccurate
  • 31. Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 31 Don’t let go
  • 32. Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 32 Difficult to connect the dots without context Mobile/Web App Middleware Database Server Network Storage CheckoutTransaction “Network 97%”“Slow SQL query”“JVM perf issues”“Checkout is slow” ??
  • 33. No end-to-end perspective No situational awareness Long time to troubleshoot and resolve issues Escalate Escalate Time Resolution War Room L2 Troubleshoot L1 Troubleshoot “Checkout is Slow” Reactive problem identification