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Miftahul Jannaty
Wednesday, December 6,
The definition of testing outlines objectives
that relate to evaluation, revealing defects
and quality. As indicated in the definition two
approaches can be used to achieve these
objectives, static testing and dynamic
With dynamic testing methods, software is executed
using a set of input values and its output is then
examined and compared to what is expected. During
static testing, software work products are examined
manually, or with a set of tools, but not executed. As a
consequence, dynamic testing can only be applied to
software code. Dynamic execution is applied as a
technique to detect defects and to determine quality
attributes of the code.

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This document provides an overview of materials for a software testing course based on the ISTQB Foundation Syllabus 2007. It includes slides covering the main topics in the syllabus such as fundamentals of testing, testing throughout the software lifecycle, static techniques, test design techniques, and test management. The slides are intended to help students understand best practices in software testing and prepare for the ISTQB Foundation exam. Mock exams and exercises are included to help assess students' knowledge as they progress through the course materials.

Chapter 3 Static Techniques
Chapter 3 Static TechniquesChapter 3 Static Techniques
Chapter 3 Static Techniques

BACKLINK Referensi Graham (2006)

sistem informasistatic techniquegraham
3.static techniques
3.static techniques3.static techniques
3.static techniques

Static techniques like reviews and static analysis tools can find defects in software work products like requirements, design, and code without executing the software. Reviews vary in formality from informal discussions to more structured inspections and walkthroughs. Static analysis examines software artifacts automatically using tools to identify defects before dynamic testing begins.
Roles and
Phases of a
formal review
Phases of a formal review
Roles and responsibilities
1. The
• The
(or review
leader) leads
the review
2. The author
• As the writer
of the
under review
3.The scribe
• to record
each defect
and any
for process

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ISTQB Advanced Training
ISTQB Advanced TrainingISTQB Advanced Training
ISTQB Advanced Training

The document provides information about ISTQB Advanced Training. It explains that ISTQB Advanced Training certifies professionals in software testing skills like test management and test analysis. Candidates will learn testing techniques to provide precise software for end-users. The training also provides advanced insight into testing processes, incident management, and test improvement. It describes the syllabus, exam pattern, and foundation level revision. Candidates must have ISTQB Foundation certification and testing experience. The document advises finding training institutes in major cities with IT hubs like Noida for well-versed ISTQB Advanced Training.

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Astqb Slayb
Astqb SlaybAstqb Slayb
Astqb Slayb

This document outlines the syllabus for the Certified Tester Foundation Level in Software Testing. It covers the fundamentals of testing including why testing is necessary, what testing is, general testing principles, and the fundamental test process. It also discusses testing throughout the software life cycle including different development models, test levels, types, and maintenance testing. Additional topics covered include static techniques, test design techniques, test management, tool support for testing, and references/appendices. The overall goal is to provide learning objectives and structure for the certification examination.

Bab iii static techniques (yoga)
Bab iii static techniques (yoga)Bab iii static techniques (yoga)
Bab iii static techniques (yoga)

The document discusses software testing and review techniques. It defines static and dynamic testing, noting that static testing examines software work products like requirements and design documents without executing the software, while dynamic testing executes the software and compares outputs to expected results. It also discusses formal review phases like planning, preparation, meeting, and rework. Key roles in reviews include moderator, author, scribe, and reviewers. Common review types are walkthroughs, technical reviews, and inspections.

Roles and responsibilities
3. The
• The task of the reviewers
(also called checkers or
inspectors) is to check any
material for defects, mostly
prior to the meeting
5. The
• The manager is involved in
the reviews as he or she
decides on the execution of
Types of review
1. Walkthrough
A walkthrough is characterized by the author of the document under review guiding the
participants through the document and his or her thought processes, to achieve a common
understanding and to gather feedback. This is especially useful if people from outside the
software discipline are present, who are not used to, or cannot easily understand software
development documents. The content of the document is explained step by step by the author,
to reach consensus on changes or to gather information.
2. Inspection
Inspection is the most formal review type. The document under
inspection is prepared and checked thoroughly by the reviewers before
the meeting, comparing the work product with its sources and other
referenced documents, and using rules and checklists. In the
inspection meeting the defects found are logged and any discussion is
postponed until the discussion phase. This makes the inspection
meeting a very efficient meeting.

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Lessons Learned in Software Quality 1
Lessons Learned in Software Quality 1Lessons Learned in Software Quality 1
Lessons Learned in Software Quality 1

This is the presentation used during the session "Lessons Learned in Software Quality 1" conducted in Amman, PSUT (15, Dec, 2010). Presented by Belal Raslan (Director at Quality Partners) & Rayya Abu Ghosh (Quality Manager at Yahoo! Middle east).

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This document discusses various topics related to test management. It covers independent and integrated testing, the roles of test leaders and testers, defining the skills test staff need, test plans and estimates, configuration management, risk and testing, and incident management. The document provides information on each of these topics in 1-3 paragraphs per section to outline the key aspects and considerations for test management.

Fundamental test process
Fundamental test processFundamental test process
Fundamental test process

In this section, we will describe the fundamental test process and activities. These start with test planning and continue through to test closure. For each part of the test process, we'll discuss the main tasks of each test activity. In this section, you'll also encounter the glossary terms confirmation testing, exit criteria, incident, regression testing, test basis, test condition, test coverage, test data, test execution, test log, test plan, test strategy, test summary report and testware.

3. Success factors for reviews
Find a 'champion'
Pick things that really count
Explicitly plan and track review activities
Train participants
Manage people issues
Back Link

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Static techniques

  • 3. REVIEWS AND THE TEST PROCESS The definition of testing outlines objectives that relate to evaluation, revealing defects and quality. As indicated in the definition two approaches can be used to achieve these objectives, static testing and dynamic testing.
  • 4. Continue… With dynamic testing methods, software is executed using a set of input values and its output is then examined and compared to what is expected. During static testing, software work products are examined manually, or with a set of tools, but not executed. As a consequence, dynamic testing can only be applied to software code. Dynamic execution is applied as a technique to detect defects and to determine quality attributes of the code.
  • 7. Phases of a formal review
  • 8. Roles and responsibilities 1. The moderator • The moderator (or review leader) leads the review process. 2. The author • As the writer of the document under review 3.The scribe • to record each defect mentioned and any suggestions for process improvement
  • 9. Roles and responsibilities 3. The reviewers • The task of the reviewers (also called checkers or inspectors) is to check any material for defects, mostly prior to the meeting 5. The manager • The manager is involved in the reviews as he or she decides on the execution of reviews
  • 11. 1. Walkthrough A walkthrough is characterized by the author of the document under review guiding the participants through the document and his or her thought processes, to achieve a common understanding and to gather feedback. This is especially useful if people from outside the software discipline are present, who are not used to, or cannot easily understand software development documents. The content of the document is explained step by step by the author, to reach consensus on changes or to gather information.
  • 12. 2. Inspection Inspection is the most formal review type. The document under inspection is prepared and checked thoroughly by the reviewers before the meeting, comparing the work product with its sources and other referenced documents, and using rules and checklists. In the inspection meeting the defects found are logged and any discussion is postponed until the discussion phase. This makes the inspection meeting a very efficient meeting.
  • 13. 3. Success factors for reviews Find a 'champion' Pick things that really count Explicitly plan and track review activities Train participants Manage people issues