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Advanced SEO
Advanced SEO
Competitive intelligence, modern web scraping, & more
I am Melissa Sciorra
Sr Manager, SEO @ SmarterTravel (a TripAdvisor Company)
#cmc2019 | | | | |
How many people in this session work on Search Engine Optimization?
How many people in this session have used Screaming Frog?
How many people in this session have used XPath?

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Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...
Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...
Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...

Hreflang is a common challenge in international SEO, but for a good reason. It can make the difference between success or failure in reaching your target audience around the world.

The Ultimate Guide to Scrapebox - The Only Scrapebox Tutorial You Need
The Ultimate Guide to Scrapebox - The Only Scrapebox Tutorial You NeedThe Ultimate Guide to Scrapebox - The Only Scrapebox Tutorial You Need
The Ultimate Guide to Scrapebox - The Only Scrapebox Tutorial You Need

This resource is going to teach you how to become a Scrapebox master, so brace yourself. For many years the SEO neighborhood has been needing one real supreme Scrapebox tutorial, however, no SEO has actually been brave enough to see it all the way through. Initially, I believed it would be difficult to finish. However then five weeks and 9,000 words later it was lastly here, take pleasure in everybody.

scrapebox reviewscrapeboxscrapebox guide
Headless SEO: Optimising Next Gen Sites | brightonSEO 2021
Headless SEO: Optimising Next Gen Sites | brightonSEO 2021Headless SEO: Optimising Next Gen Sites | brightonSEO 2021
Headless SEO: Optimising Next Gen Sites | brightonSEO 2021

An introduction into headless websites and the considerations that SEOs and performance marketers should keep in mind when optimising them.

How SEOs and Content Teams can work
together, SMARTER
Web Scraping technology & intro to XPath
Elements of webpages that can be
REAL LIFE USE CASES so you can go into
work next week and
impress your boss
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Content Strategy
Ideation Stage = the time to brainstorm topics.
Brainstorming topics can consist of:
- aha moments
- discovering topics through reading
- watching tv
-something you care about
Writing &
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
“Web Scraping is a way of automating the
process of gathering information from
different websites on the Internet.”
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
A query language that describes a way to find and
process items in XML (and HTML) documents
(Short For XML Path Language)
It’s supported by modern web browsers
In plain ENGLISH:
You can select any element, attribute, table,
content of an element, or meta object in a webpage.

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Webinar with Craig Smith, Founder, and CEO of Trinity Insight, in which I talk about how to get more work done faster with fewer resources to drive the performance of your SEO program and increase traffic.

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Split Testing for SEO - 9 Months of Learning
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Split Testing for SEO - 9 Months of Learning

What have we learning from 9 months of SEO split testing? What works and what failed? How do you run your own tests? All of that and a free tool. Hooray free. If you want something a little more comprehensive, all these tests were run by me with DistilledODN our split testing platform. Find out more here! -

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So you think you know canonical tags - Sean Butcher Brighton SEO presentation
So you think you know canonical tags -  Sean Butcher Brighton SEO presentationSo you think you know canonical tags -  Sean Butcher Brighton SEO presentation
So you think you know canonical tags - Sean Butcher Brighton SEO presentation

Delivered at Brighton SEO on 7th April 2017, this talk covered what the canonical tag is, considerations when using it, and some alternative uses.

canonical tagsgooglebrighton seo
Let’s See an Example
“I want to find all <h3> tags in my blog post.”
SCREAMING FROG can extract 2 <h1> and 2 <h2>, but
extracting <h3> doesn’t come out of the box, and it doesn’t
crawl more than 2 Header Tag types.
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Screaming Frog
Custom Extraction
extract all <h1>
extract all <h2>
extract all <h3>
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019@mel_arroics #cmc2019
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
PSA: The internetis a collection of pages. LOTS of pages.
Every website is built differently from the next.
Its all HTLM, CSS, JavaScript, etc.
Some are built well. Some are not.
Inconsistency in coding can make data collection hard.
…XPath can help!

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TechSEO Boost 2021 - Rendering Strategies: Measuring the Devil’s Details in C...
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This document discusses various rendering strategies and their impact on Core Web Vitals metrics. It begins by defining the Core Web Vitals metrics - Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. It then examines different rendering strategies like client-side rendering, server-side rendering, static rendering, and rehydration. For each strategy, it outlines potential issues that could lead to poor Core Web Vitals and provides mitigation tactics to address those issues. The goal is to help understand how rendering strategies affect page speed and provide ways to optimize for Core Web Vitals.

technical seoseo
Technical SEO for international markets - Leonie Mann - Brighton SEO 2021
Technical SEO for international markets- Leonie Mann - Brighton SEO 2021Technical SEO for international markets- Leonie Mann - Brighton SEO 2021
Technical SEO for international markets - Leonie Mann - Brighton SEO 2021

This talk will focus on the key considerations that need to be made for technical SEO in new international markets. From choosing the correct domain structure for your needs, to ensuring your new website is setup to start ranking from day one, this talk will cover learnings from successful, and a few unsuccessful, global website launches and what to do to ensure optimal performance once live.

Combatting Crawl Bloat & Pruning Your Content Effectively
Combatting Crawl Bloat & Pruning Your Content EffectivelyCombatting Crawl Bloat & Pruning Your Content Effectively
Combatting Crawl Bloat & Pruning Your Content Effectively

My #BrightonSEO talk on the best way to refine your crawl bloat and prune your remaining content effectively. Follow me at @WhitworthSEO for more tech seo nonsense.

online marketingdigital marketingseo
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Xpath: Location Paths
Xpath expressions can begin with the root node (the element) with /
/ selects the entire document
/html/head selects contents of the head element only
/html/head/title selects contents of a title element
Node-by-Node is important to understand for XPath, but not necessary to use
//title selects title element no matter where it is
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Your XPath Syntax should be //a/@href
This is because //@href would give you ALL link attributes, from any line of code,
including references to JS, CSS and so on.
What if you want to extract all of the links on a page?
A link is defined by <a @href=“”</a>
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
The Tools You
Screaming Frog
Google Chrome
Scraper for Chrome
XPath Helper
Make sure developer
tools is enabled.
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Screaming Frog
Google Chrome

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Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

The document discusses the challenges of indexing JavaScript-powered websites by search engines. It notes that JavaScript rendering takes significant computational resources, straining crawlers' budgets. It also suggests that client-side rendered JavaScript websites have difficulties with search engine indexing and ranking, as content may be missed during Google's two-wave indexing process for JavaScript. The document recommends using server-side rendering, hybrid rendering, or prerendering to help search engines properly index JavaScript websites.

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Slide deck to accompany a talk on ' and the changing world of Rich Results' delivered by Geoff Kennedy at the first SEOEdinburgh Meetup on 26th Feb 2020 in Akva, Edinburgh.

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This document discusses JavaScript SEO and provides best practices. It begins by noting many websites are not ready to handle the responsibilities that come with powerful JavaScript frameworks. It then discusses issues like partial indexing for sites relying heavily on client-side JavaScript rendering. The document provides tips on troubleshooting JavaScript indexing issues using the Google Search Console. It also emphasizes the importance of server-side rendering and principles like progressive enhancement. Overall, the key message is that while challenges remain, there is hope for properly optimized client-side rendered JavaScript sites to rank well in Google with continued improvements to crawler and rendering capabilities.

EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
• 10fields allow youto insert Xpath, CSSPath, or RegEx to searchand extract custom elements
• IncludesSyntax Validator
ExtractHTML Element
The selected element andall ofits
innerHTML content.
ExtractInner HTML
The innerHTML contentofthe
selected element; if theselected
element containsotherHTML
elements, they’llbeincluded.
The textcontentofa selected
element andthe textcontentof
anysub elements.
Tip: You choose what
you want to extract
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Google Chrome
Developer Tools
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Scraper For Chrome
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
XPath Helper

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Tom has long been fascinated with how the web works… and how he could break it. In this presentation, Tom will discuss some of the times that he has discovered security issues in Google, Facebook and Twitter. He will discuss compromising Search Console so that he could look up any penalty in the Manual Action tool, how he took control of tens of thousands of websites, and how he recently discovered a major bug that let him rank brand new sites on the first page with no links at all. Tom will outline how these exploits work, and in doing so share some details about the technical side of the web.

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Time to speed-up your SEO workflows! In this talk, I will show you how to: + Build simple Python Web apps to automate your tasks via the mighty Streamlit framework + Deploy them in one click and for free, so you can share them with your teammates (or the word!) I'll finish the talk with some exciting use cases!

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On-Page SEO EXTREME - SEOZone Istanbul 2013
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My presentation from #SEOZone Istanbul 2013 covering advanced On-Page SEO optimization aspects such as crawl-ability, semantics, duplicate content issues as well as performance optimization stragies.

How To Use XPath
In Your Day-to-Day
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
“Airlines + Luggage Policy” =
I Need To Find All The Airlines To Create A Keyword
Tree To Provide My Content Team.
I Find A Ranker.Com Site That Lists Out All
Airlines, But If I + Paste Into Excel It Would Be
Messy. Copy.
Right-click On An Airline Header > Scrape Similar
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Shorten to
to collect ALL
airline <h2>

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Single Page Apps - Gerry White @ BrightonSEO

SPAs & PWAs are challenging for SEO for a number of reasons, this checklist is what I’ve seen issues arise with- - Google Analytics - JavaScript History API & URLs - Soft 404s - JavaScript links - Heavy code & assets on first load - No metadata for Facebook Twitter and other sharing platforms. - Spider traps & loops - Duplicate Content - Tracking parameters causing issues - Fragments, or Hashbangs - No sitemap Although this list isn’t exhaustive, it is the main issues that crop up that aren’t expected, as with everything in SEO, the more that it can be tested, the more likely it is that issues are spotted earlier.

Browser Changes That Will Impact SEO From 2019-2020
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Various browser changes that will impact SEO over the coming 6 months, and we should be aware, and prepare accordingly.

Link Building at Scale With a Tiny Team - Sam Oh
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Link Building at Scale With a Tiny Team - Sam Oh

This document discusses strategies for link building at scale with a small team. It begins by outlining the basic link building process of prospecting for relevant pages, finding contact details, and outreaching. Various prospecting methods are described like using Google, Scrapebox, and Ahrefs' Content Explorer. The presentation emphasizes building relationships through helpful outreach rather than manipulative tactics, and using systems and documentation to scale efficiently with a small team by dividing tasks like prospecting, research, and outreach.

link buildingseosearch engine optimization
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Updated Date Schema =
I Need To Provide My Content Team With High-
performing URLs That Need To Be Reviewed And Updated.
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
1. Identify Top Pages In Google Search Console, Export,
And Open Up A Page Into Your Browser.
2. Find The Date Of Your Article And Right-click > Inspect.
3. Right Click On The Highlighted Entry > Copy > Copy
4. Close Source Code And Open XPath Helper. Paste Your
Copied XPath Into “Query” And Make Sure It Returns The
Date Result.
5. Open Screaming Frog > Configuration > Custom >
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
5. Open Screaming Frog > Configuration > Custom >
6. Paste Your XPath Function And Name It. Extract
Inner HTML. Check For Checkmark Validation.
7. Paste Your Top URLS Into Screaming Frog And
Find Your Extractions Under Custom
Tab > Extraction Filter
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019

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The ultimate seo_checklist
The ultimate seo_checklistThe ultimate seo_checklist
The ultimate seo_checklist

The document outlines a 4 step SEO checklist: 1) Research keywords and analyze competitors. 2) Optimize website structure and content for keywords. Add technical elements like sitemaps and metadata. 3) Build links from relevant websites and directories to establish reputation. Create shareable content. 4) Track rankings, traffic, revenue and ROI to optimize conversions.

seo servicessearch engine optimizationdigital marketing
Link Building at Scale: Big Links with a Tiny Team
Link Building at Scale: Big Links with a Tiny TeamLink Building at Scale: Big Links with a Tiny Team
Link Building at Scale: Big Links with a Tiny Team

Presentation by Sam Oh Director of Product Education at Ahrefs, at Mastermind 2019. Sam is a tactical all-in-one marketer and digital strategist. He helps Ahrefs create educational videos and develop creative marketing strategies. Learn more:

mastermindlink buildingmarketing
SourceCon Lab- Bookmarklets by Glenn Gutmacher Oct 2014
SourceCon Lab- Bookmarklets by Glenn Gutmacher Oct 2014SourceCon Lab- Bookmarklets by Glenn Gutmacher Oct 2014
SourceCon Lab- Bookmarklets by Glenn Gutmacher Oct 2014

Glenn Gutmacher presents on bookmarklets at SourceCon Denver. Bookmarklets are browser bookmarks with JavaScript code that allow users to perform actions like customized searches directly from their bookmarks bar. Gutmacher demonstrates how to create bookmarklets in Chrome using the Search Bar extension and in Firefox using the Add to Search Bar and Organize Search Engines add-ons. Examples are provided for creating bookmarklets to search blogs on Blekko and find StackOverflow users in Texas via Google searches. Bookmarklets offer a portable way to perform custom actions across browsers and computers.

EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Competitive Analysis =
I Want To See The Main Themes Of What They
Are Writing About To Begin My Competitive
1. Run A Crawl Of Competitor’s Website, Or
Extract Highest Performing URLs From
SEMRush And Crawl.
2. Download <H1> Or Title Tags.
3. Paste Into A Text Analyzer, Like
Find content gaps
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Video Titles And
New Video Strategy=
I Need To See Where To Start With My Video SEO
1. Visit The YouTube Channel And Load Up Videos
Until You Can’t Load Anymore Under Channel
2. Right-click On A Video Title And Select Scrape
3. Export to Google Docs
More visibility

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Plug and Play Tools for the Recruiting EmpiricistPlug and Play Tools for the Recruiting Empiricist
Plug and Play Tools for the Recruiting Empiricist

My (Jung Kim) Presentation: Plug and Play Tools for the Recruiting Empiricist MidWest TechRecruit Conference | September 18, 2019 | 1871 Chicago

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Advanced Web Scraping or How To Make Internet Your Database #seoplus2018
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Web scraping, or extracting data from websites, can be done using various techniques and tools. The document discusses web scraping using Python, covering topics like understanding the DOM, common extraction methods like XPath and CSS selectors, and popular scraping tools. Key scraping libraries for Python mentioned are Requests with BeautifulSoup for static sites, and Selenium for dynamic sites rendered with JavaScript. The document provides examples of scraping with tools like Scraper, Screaming Frog, and Grepsr.

web scrapingscrapingwebsite
SEO Presentation
SEO PresentationSEO Presentation
SEO Presentation

SEO involves optimizing websites to be indexed more easily by search engines. On-page optimization includes optimizing title tags, meta tags, headings, images, and keyword analysis. Off-page optimization involves link building. Key on-page techniques include optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, heading structure, image alt text, keyword analysis and density. Important off-page factors are backlinks, Alexa ranking, Google ranking, and domain age. Analytics tools like Google Analytics are also important for SEO.

EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Video Titles And
4. Add Through A Concatenate Formula
Onto All URLs:
5. Paste Full URL Into Screaming Frog.
6. Export Crawl Into Excel To Analyze Title, Meta
Description, And Meta Keywords.
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Find Pages With
Specific Anchor
Extract Certain On-Page Links=
I Want To See If Any Of My On-page Link Anchor
Text Contains “Amazon”.
1. Open Screaming Frog.
2. Enter The Below Formula Into Configuration >
Custom > Extraction:
More opportunity
3. Replace ‘Amazon’ With Other Anchor Text You Want
To Search. Extract Inner HTML.
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Find Pages with
Specific Anchor
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
FindPages That
Optimize Profitable Pages=
I Want To Extract A List Of All My Affiliate URLs
1. Open Screaming Frog.
2. Enter The Below Formula Into Configuration >
Custom > Extraction:
3. Extract Inner HTML And Crawl Your Website To
Find Your URLs That Contain
More Money

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WordPress Development Confoo 2010
WordPress Development Confoo 2010WordPress Development Confoo 2010
WordPress Development Confoo 2010

WordPress is NOT just a blog anymore! For the seasoned WordPress developer or anyone coding in PHP, CSS, and jQuery, we will look at how you can take your theme to the next level. I will explain how theme architecture works, how to extend this architecture with custom template files, and how to create custom functions. I will also walk through the some interested CSS frameworks, like 960grid, implementing intermediate to advanced jQuery features, and how to customize the back end. Finally I will briefly discuss how to take your theme mobile using WPTouch and WPMobile.

Cut The Crap: Running Content Audits With Crawlers - Sam Marsden, Technical S...
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Sites with any level of content production quickly build up pages that are outdated, no longer relevant and poor performers. Left unmanaged crawl budget may be wasted on low quality pages, penalties may be lost. In this presentation, Sam wants to show you how to do it in a way that saves you time.

marketingcrawl dataaudits
Meta tag creation
Meta tag creationMeta tag creation
Meta tag creation

The Advanced Internet Marketing Training Programme Digital Marketing Course provided by DIDM comes along with a guarantee 100% job security and placement as well as lifetime job assistance is also provided.

digital marketingseoppc
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Find Your
Content Fans For
Your Fans =
I Want To Reach Out To People Who Left Comments
On My Site And Let Them Know About A New Piece Of
Most Users Who Comment On WordPress Blogs Enter
Their Name And Website.
interested IN YOU
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
Find Your
Content Fans For
Your Fans =
If This Is Something You Or Your Competitor Has
Enabled, Scrape The Names And Websites Of The
Commenters To Reach Out And Tell Them About Your
interested IN YOU
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
8. Analyze Which
Of Your Content
Finding Valuable Category Types=
I Want To Find Which Type Of Content Gets The
Most Organic Clicks.
1. Pull Top 100 URL From Google Search Console
And Paste Into Screaming Frog.
2. Open A Sample UTL And Find The Location Of
Your Primary Tag.
3. Copy XPath (Right-click, Inspect, Copy XPath)
4. Paste Formula Into Screaming Frog Custom
Content opp’y

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Ultimate Guide to White Hat SEO using Scrapebox
Ultimate Guide to White Hat SEO using ScrapeboxUltimate Guide to White Hat SEO using Scrapebox
Ultimate Guide to White Hat SEO using Scrapebox

ScrapeBox is very powerful tool both for link building and link opportunities and link detox/link analysis tasks. ScrapeBox - the forbidden word in SEO has become a true White Hat tool, which can help you with link detox or link building.

toolssoftwareseo tools
Scrape box presentation
Scrape box presentationScrape box presentation
Scrape box presentation

This document discusses how the Scrapebox tool can be used for white hat SEO purposes. It provides tutorials on using Scrapebox to perform keyword research, scrape URLs, find guest blogging opportunities, check the value of harvested links, merge and remove duplicate links, scrape meta data, check if links are dead or alive, see which internal links are not indexed, and get more backlinks from Google. The document recommends using Scrapebox to speed up daily SEO tasks if used properly and for white hat link building and auditing rather than black hat tactics.

scrapebox whitehat seo marketing software scrape l
How to disrupt established markets with SEO in 2015 - LOGIN 2015
How to disrupt established markets with SEO in 2015 - LOGIN 2015How to disrupt established markets with SEO in 2015 - LOGIN 2015
How to disrupt established markets with SEO in 2015 - LOGIN 2015

Connect with me @gianniskarag Getting traction for your startup is not easy, so it's essential to get your SEO strategy right. Search Engine optimization can significantly improve your startups performance and help you get a piece of the market share from established players. This workshop will cover: Crawling and Accessibility Site speed & Performance Advanced Data & Keyword Research Localization & Internationalization Link building techniques

startupssearch engine optimizationseo
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
8. Analyze Which
Of Your Content
5. Combine Tag Data With Google Search Console
Data Via VLookup And Create A Pivot Table. Create A
Bar Chart.
Clicks by Tag
EVOLVE@mel_arroics #cmc2019
//h1 Extract all H1tags
//h3[1] Extract the firstH3tag
//h3[2] Extract the secondH3tag
//div/p Extract any<p> containedwithina <div>
//div[@class='author'] Extract any<div> with class“author”
//p[@class='bio'] Extract any<p> with class“bio”
//*[@class='bio'] Extract anyelementwith class“bio”
//ul/li[last()] Extract the last<li>ina <ul>
//ol[@class='cat']/li[1] Extract the first<li> in a <ol> with class“cat”
count(//h2) Countthe numberof H2’s(setextractionfilter to “FunctionValue”)
//a[contains(.,'clickhere')] Extract anylinkwith anchortext containing“click here”
//a[starts-with(@title,'Writtenby')] Extract anylinkwith a titlestartingwith “Writtenby”
//@href Extract all links
//a[starts-with(@href,'mailto')]/@href Extract linkthat startswith “mailto” (emailaddress)
//meta[@property='article:published_time']/@content Extract the articlepublishdate(commonly-foundmetatag onWP)
Keep Learning!
Any questions?

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Wordpress SEO
Wordpress SEOWordpress SEO
Wordpress SEO

This document provides an overview of best practices for optimizing a WordPress site for search engine optimization (SEO). It discusses on-page and off-page SEO techniques, including proper site setup, permalinks, meta titles, XML sitemaps, and keyword research. It also recommends plugins for SEO-related tasks like XML sitemaps, analytics, and redirecting old pages. The risks of doing SEO without proper knowledge are also briefly mentioned.

wordpress seo
Week 12 - Search Engine Optimization
Week 12 -  Search Engine OptimizationWeek 12 -  Search Engine Optimization
Week 12 - Search Engine Optimization

The document provides instructions and requirements for a final project in a Web Content Management Systems and Strategy class. Students must create an original WordPress theme that includes specific elements like widgets, custom post types, and templates. It also covers topics for the next class on search engine optimization (SEO), including on-page optimization techniques like site architecture, keywords, meta tags and content; and off-page factors like links and WordPress SEO plugins. Resources for further SEO learning are provided.

Future of Search Engine Factors, AMP, On-Page Key to Success
Future of Search Engine Factors, AMP, On-Page Key to SuccessFuture of Search Engine Factors, AMP, On-Page Key to Success
Future of Search Engine Factors, AMP, On-Page Key to Success

Farid Asadi introduces himself as an inbound marketing manager and UI/UX designer who is interested in SEO and Google Analytics. The document then provides information on key ranking factors for search engines, both currently and how they are predicted to change in the future. It emphasizes factors like mobile friendliness, structured data, site speed, HTTPS usage, and Accelerated Mobile Pages. The document concludes with tips on on-page SEO best practices like keyword targeting strategies and fulfilling user intent.

Advanced SEO

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#CMC2019: Advanced SEO: Competitive intelligence, Web Scraping, and More.

Editor's Notes

  1. Welcome to Advanced SEO, competitive intelligence, modern web scraping, and more.
  2. My name is Melissa Sciorra, and I’m currently the senior manager of SEO at SmarterTravel, a TripAdvisor company. We own and operate travel websites that reach nearly 200 million unique visitors each month. You may have heard of some of my sites, including,,, and our newest site, Feel free to tweet at me using my handle, @mel_arroics, and use the hashtag CMC2019. I want to preface this talk by first including a disclaimer; I’ve been in SEO for almost 9 years, and I’m by no means a developer who is proficient in python. We all know that in SEO, sometimes things can get a little repetitive, and I’ve discovered ways of fueling my research that can help save time and automate processes, and provide competitive insights. this TOPIC gets very technical very quickly, so I’m going to try to break it down to a level where anyone can understand and use these functions to make custom extraction easy
  3. Quick poll: How many people in this session work in SEO full time? How many people in this session work in SEO part time? How many people have used screaming frog How many people have never heard of screaming frog? How many people have used xpath? How many people have never heard of xpath?
  4. Today, we are going to learn how SEO’s can automate research processes to help fuel their own competitive research, and to help provide insights to content teams. We’re going to dive into webscraping technology in todays age, and what xpath is. We’ll go over elements of webpages that can be extracted using real life examples, and by the end of this session, you’ll have takeaways that you can start using at work to imress your boss, your colleagues, your friends, and maybe even your mothers.
  5. Let’s dive in. We know that SEO in 2019 is still about creating really awesome content for our users. This means you and your team must must continuously come up with great ideas, or find great ideas from existing posts, search query reports, or competitive analysis and content gaps. Content strategy begins with the ideation stage, and brainstorming topics can consist of aha moments, watching tv, things you are passionate about, and more.
  6. You can also come up with ideas through web scraping. That is, scraping what your competitors are doing, and this starts at the type of content they are writing about. What is Web Scraping? A way of automating the process of gathering information from different sites on the internet. The trick with web scraping is that you have to have a basic understanding of how a web page’s markup is laid out. This, plus an understanding of Xpath, helps you extract data quickly and easily.
  7. So what is Xpath and how can it make my life easier? Xpath is a query language for selecting pieces of information in an XML document. It allows you to extract elements, attributes and objects from the HTML in a webpage. Its supported by most web browsers This means that any website, your own website and your competitors websites, can be scraped for information that you want based on cammands you write in Xpath.
  8. Lets see an example. For those of you who have used screaming frog before, we know that the H1 and H2 tags can be pulled automatically with every site crawl, but lets say we want to also identify and analyze H3 tags.
  9. I’d open the custom extraction field in screaming frog and enter the syntax for H3. The two slashes mean search the entire XML document and looks for any element containing <h3>.
  10. When I enter the syntax, I can find the extraction within the custom field in Screaming frog.
  11. But there is more too it than just copying and pasting expressions. If only it were that simple…. The internet is full of tons of webpages that are built differently from the next. The only similarity is that XML documents contain HTML, CSS, and JS. Xpath can help automate the process of data collection, saving you time at your keyboard to work on more strategic goals.
  12. Node by node begins at the root node, a slash. Two slashes searches the whole document.
  13. Use XPath to extract any HTML element of a webpage. If you want to scrape information contained in a div, span, p, heading tag or really any other HTML element
  14. The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a website crawler, that allows you to crawl websites’ URLs and fetch key elements to analyse and audit technical and onsite SEO
  15. Inspect and live-edit the HTML and CSS of a page using the Chrome DevTools Elements panel. Google Chrome has a feature that makes writing XPath easier. Using the Inspect tool, you can right-click on any element and copy the XPath syntax. It’ll often be the case that you’ll need to modify what Chrome gives you before pasting the XPath into Screaming Frog, but it at least gets you started.
  16. Scraper for Chrome is a simple and fast tool that allows you to identify and refine xpath expressions.
  17. QA your xpath queries
  18. Lets start off with an easy example. Our content team came up with the idea to create a large piece of content that explained luggage policy by airline after doing a few searches on Google and using SEMrush. As an SEO, I have to provide the content team with the highest volume search terms so they can narrow down their list. I google “list of American airlines” and find a website that lists all the airlines in America. I could copy and paste this list in excel, but I would be left with a really messy spreadsheet that would take time to clean up. Instead, I right click on an airline header, and use my tool “Scrape similar “
  19. Right click > Scrape similar
  20. From here, the Xpath reference is /html/body/article/h2/div/a, but I remove my root node info and include two slashes next to my h2 to find all H2s in the XML document. I can then export these into excel, put together a concatenate formula based off of popular luggage policy terms, and upload them into google adwords to find average monthly search volume.
  21. Lets see another example. We know that having updated content not only makes Google happy, but it also makes users happy. For example, I search for best shows on Netflix and am presented with position 1 and position 2 SERPs. One shows me its been updated in April and the other has been updated in march – which one do you think I’m going to click into?
  22. You should make this a normal deliverable to provide to your client or content team. Heres how you do it. First, identify your top pages in Google Search Console and export. Open up one of those pages into your browser and find the date on page. Right click and inspect element, which brings up the code in devbrowser. Rigt click on the highlighted entry within the code, and copy xpath. For example, on my URL for cool things to do in Denver, my xpath looks like this. To QA, I’m going to open my Xpath helper and paste the xpath into it.
  23. Analyze competitor’s recent posts titles. Plug into a text analysis tool to let us see what posts are about
  24. We advise being very careful with this strategy. Remember, these people may have left a comment, but they didn’t opt into your email list. That could have been for a number of reasons, but chances are they were only really interested in this post. We, therefore, recommend using this strategy only to tell commenters about the updates to the post and/or other new posts that are similar. In other words, don’t email people about stuff they’re unlikely to care about! ..Use add-on in Google Sheets for to find Emails
  26. Resources
  27. Questions