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SEO in 2019: The Latest Trends and Changes
in Search Engine Optimization
April 2019
Presenter: Pam Ann Aungst
@PamAnnMarketing 973-664-7775 2 @PamAnnMarketing
1. What is SEO?
2. Why is SEO So
3. How Search Engines
4. Basic (Traditional) SEO
5. SEO Trends for 2019:
How to Modernize Your
SEO Strategy 973-664-7775 3 @PamAnnMarketing
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Download these slides at: 973-664-7775 4 @PamAnnMarketing
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Sample SEO Audit Report
Sample SEO Audit ReportSample SEO Audit Report
Sample SEO Audit Report

The document analyzes and compares several website metrics for four different websites: our website,,, and It provides data on each site's Google page rank, Alexa rank, pages indexed by Google, backlinks, social media presence, mobile responsiveness, load times, keyword densities, and more. The analysis found that and generally had better metrics across most categories compared to the other two sites.

seo reportseo auditseo audit report
Joomla Onsite SEO Guidelines for 2015
Joomla Onsite SEO Guidelines for 2015Joomla Onsite SEO Guidelines for 2015
Joomla Onsite SEO Guidelines for 2015

Joomla Onsite SEO Guidelines for 2015 provides tips for optimizing a Joomla site for search engines. It discusses updating .htaccess and robots.txt files, using canonical URLs, prioritizing mobile usability, tracking conversions, and creating high-quality content to earn backlinks. The document recommends tools for tasks like site audits, structured data markup, and bounce rate analysis to improve search engine optimization.

joomlaseointernet marketing
SMX East - SEO Tools Panel
SMX East - SEO Tools PanelSMX East - SEO Tools Panel
SMX East - SEO Tools Panel

Tools are a must for serious SEOs; they deliver the flexibility and capability to tackle jobs of any size. Knowing which ones best fit your needs, budget and the scale of the sites you work on is critical. In this clinic, our veteran SEOs open their own tool chests, share with you their favorites (both free and paid) and take your questions about how to use them (and others) effectively. These are tools that have earned the loyalty of our speakers thanks to their utility, features and ability to help maximize time - no sponsored advice here!

seoseo tools 973-664-7775 5 @PamAnnMarketing
About Me/Us
• Coding since 6 years old
• Creating websites since 1997
• Driving traffic to websites
professionally since 2005
• Marketing MBA
• Nationwide Conference Speaker
• Guest-Lecturer at universities such
as NYU and Centenary University
• In business 8 years
• Provide services & training for SEO,
PPC, and Google Analytics
• Google-Certified Partner Agency
• Won several awards
• Recently launched private-label
division (Stealth™ Search and
Analytics) for reselling our services 973-664-7775 6 @PamAnnMarketing
What is SEO?
SEO (Search Engine
Optimization) is the art
and science of
influencing search
engines to rank your
content high in search
results. 973-664-7775 7 @PamAnnMarketing
Why is SEO So
Search engines, unlike
any other digital
marketing channel, bring
users to your website.
These users are
specifically searching for
your company's
products and services,
because they want or
need them now or soon! 973-664-7775 8 @PamAnnMarketing
SEO Basics:
How Search Engines Work and
Basic Optimization Techniques

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The 30 Minute Website Audit - Using Google to Make Your Website More Effective
The 30 Minute Website Audit - Using Google to Make Your Website More EffectiveThe 30 Minute Website Audit - Using Google to Make Your Website More Effective
The 30 Minute Website Audit - Using Google to Make Your Website More Effective

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websitesgooglemarketing 973-664-7775 9 @PamAnnMarketing
How Search Engines Work
Google, today's most popular search engine, says that their mission is
“to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and
useful” and that "the relentless search for better answers continues to be at the
core of everything we do."
Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Founders of Google, in the garage where they started the company in the late 90s
From the Garage to the Googleplex 973-664-7775 10 @PamAnnMarketing
How Search Engines Work
Search engines have one very simple objective:
Present users the information they are seeking. 973-664-7775 11 @PamAnnMarketing
How Search Engines Work
Image credit and quote source: Search Engine Land
Although the mission of search engines is simple, executing on
that mission is not easy.
As of Google’s latest estimation, there were over 130 trillion
individual pages on the web. And that was over 2 years ago, so
there’s many more now! 973-664-7775 12 @PamAnnMarketing
How Search Engines Work
Therefore, search engines need
to use very complex
technology to analyze trillions
of web pages and decide which
ones provide the most
accurate and trustworthy
information for each search.
Although this technology is
complex, we can break it down
into 3 basic concepts.
Image credit: US Patent #6,285,999
A diagram depicting relationships between
web pages, from Google’s first patent,
“Method for Node Ranking in a Linked

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Why Everyone Should be an Expert of 301 Redirects
Why Everyone Should be an Expert of 301 RedirectsWhy Everyone Should be an Expert of 301 Redirects
Why Everyone Should be an Expert of 301 Redirects

A 301 redirect is a status code that tells search engines that a page or post has permanently moved to a new location. This process asks the search engine to transfer existing SEO value and redirect traffic. It is a valuable part of modern SEO and every marketer or website owner should be aware of what it is, why it helps SEO, and how it should be used. In this presentation, we cover all of those topics and look at some fun examples of 301 redirects in the wild. Additional learning opportunities are available at:

301 redirectsseosearch engine optimization
Website Analysis Report - Website Designing Proposal
Website Analysis Report - Website Designing ProposalWebsite Analysis Report - Website Designing Proposal
Website Analysis Report - Website Designing Proposal

This document provides a technical analysis and summary of the website It analyzes various aspects of the site including page weight, caching, download times, WHOIS information, server configuration, DNS records, internationalization, mobile compatibility, printing, and Alexa ranking. The analysis identifies several areas for improvement such as implementing caching, reducing CSS and JavaScript files, and optimizing for speed.

website analysis reportwebsite designwebsite design & development proposal
Off-Page SEO
Off-Page SEOOff-Page SEO
Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO refers to all the things that you can do directly OFF your website to help you rank higher, such as social networking, article submission, forum & blog marketing, etc.

websiteauditreportwebsiteauditon page seo 973-664-7775 13 @PamAnnMarketing
How Search Engines Work
Search engines need to perform
3 basic tasks in order to produce
search results.
1. First, they need to discover
web pages.
2. Then, they need to collect
the content from the web
3. Lastly, they need to sort the
web pages by relevance to a
search query. 973-664-7775 14 @PamAnnMarketing
How Search Engines Work
The more technical terms for
these steps are:
1. Discover = “Crawl”
2. Collect = “Index”
3. Sort = “Rank” 973-664-7775 15 @PamAnnMarketing
SEO Objectives
At a high level, SEO has
two basic objectives:
1. Make your site easily
crawlable, so that
your content gets
2. Convince search
engines that your
content is worthy of
ranking high 973-664-7775 16 @PamAnnMarketing
Basic (Traditional) SEO Optimizations
Basic Technical Optimizations to Make Your Site Easily
1. Use a good Content Management System (CMS), like
WordPress, that creates SEO-friendly pages and URLs
2. Implement SEO “helper” files, such as XML sitemaps and
robots.txt files
3. Use meta and header tags, like title tags, meta
descriptions, H1 tags, and img alt tags

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WordPress SEO Beginner to Advanced

Alex Miranda the Editor-in-Chief of PR Underground WordPress SEO presentation covering: SEO Basics, WordPress SEO Plugins, Google Analytics & Webmaster Tools, The hidden WordPress SEO Features Most People Miss, Exposure on bookmarking sites and social media, How to optimize for competitive search terms

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SEO - Website Analysis
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SEO - Website Analysis

A website analysis provides important information about how a website functions and metrics on usability. Doing a proper analysis can help a site perform better, drive more qualified traffic, and help businesses grow. A good analysis focuses on website design, technology, usability, and proper use of keywords to ensure the site ranks well on search engines. Seeking help from an SEO provider for an analysis is advisable.

Easy & basic seo for word press
Easy & basic seo for word pressEasy & basic seo for word press
Easy & basic seo for word press

The document discusses easy and basic SEO strategies for WordPress websites, covering four main topics: 1) onsite SEO including optimizing meta titles, 2) technical SEO like improving site speed, 3) mobile SEO such as developing responsive designs, and 4) local SEO through structured data markup. Key recommendations include keeping meta titles between 50-60 characters, achieving a pagespeed score over 85, ensuring websites are responsive, and adding structured data for business name, address, and phone number. Plugins like Yoast SEO, W3 Total Cache, and EWWW Image Optimizer can help with implementation.

#seo #wordpress 973-664-7775 17 @PamAnnMarketing
Basic (Traditional) SEO Optimizations
Basic Content Optimizations to Encourage High Ranking
1. Use the same keywords your target audience is
searching with
2. Organize your content logically, and link similar pages to
each other (internal linking)
3. Add fresh (new) content on a regular basis 973-664-7775 18 @PamAnnMarketing
Basic (Traditional) SEO Optimizations
Basic Off-Page Optimizations to Encourage High Ranking
1. Get reputable and relevant websites to link to your site
2. Build up social media “signals” on your content
3. (For local businesses) Create accurate local listings in
“online phone book” sites 973-664-7775 19 @PamAnnMarketing
SEO in 2019:
How to Modernize Your SEO
Strategy 973-664-7775 20 @PamAnnMarketing
Modern SEO Optimizations
SEO is now

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Web Performance Optimisation

The Need for Speed, a presentation at the Melbourne SEO Meetup on "Web Performance Optimisation and Why It Matters".

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Search Engine Optimisation for Beginners
Search Engine Optimisation for BeginnersSearch Engine Optimisation for Beginners
Search Engine Optimisation for Beginners

This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO). It explains that SEO is the process of improving a website to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs) for targeted keywords. It discusses how search engines like Google work and rank websites, focusing on factors like relevant content, keywords, links, and social media. The document also outlines the main areas of focus for SEO, including choosing keywords, optimizing page structure and HTML, creating content, and using external applications and techniques.

Spooky Good Technical SEO for E-Commerce Sites - Adam Dince
Spooky Good Technical SEO for E-Commerce Sites - Adam DinceSpooky Good Technical SEO for E-Commerce Sites - Adam Dince
Spooky Good Technical SEO for E-Commerce Sites - Adam Dince

Adam Dince will present on technical SEO tips for e-commerce sites, including tips for semantic search, navigation and canonicals, CMS configuration, and web servers. The presentation will cover several important best practices in 15 minutes, though not an exhaustive list. Technical SEO is important for websites to be found by search engines. 973-664-7775 21 @PamAnnMarketing
Modern SEO Optimizations
Modern Technical (Mobile)
Optimizations to Make Your Site
Easily Crawlable
1. Implement responsive design
2. Optimize for speed, especially
on mobile
3. Implement AMP (Accelerated
Mobile Pages) 973-664-7775 22 @PamAnnMarketing
Modern SEO Optimizations
Search Engines
Now Rely on
Intelligence 973-664-7775 23 @PamAnnMarketing
Modern SEO Optimizations
Modern Technical (AI) Optimizations to Make Your Site Easily
1. Implement
Markup 973-664-7775 24 @PamAnnMarketing
Modern SEO Optimizations
Search Engines
Now Care About
Website Security

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Within the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the bend is crucial for victory. Within the heart of India's bustling capital, Greenbox Digital Institute in Delhi stands as a signal of information, offering comprehensive courses that enable people to flourish within the energetic scene of advanced showcasing.

Surprising Facts about Google and 2017 SEO
Surprising Facts about Google and 2017 SEOSurprising Facts about Google and 2017 SEO
Surprising Facts about Google and 2017 SEO

This presentation is from Performance Marketing Summit 2017 (March 14, 2017 in Austin, TX). Session description: For many, Google seems mysterious and complicated, and even corrupt. Join us as shed some light by sharing some surprising facts about Google and how to optimize for it in 2017.

pms17performance marketing summitgoogle 973-664-7775 25 @PamAnnMarketing
Modern SEO Optimizations
Modern Technical (Security)
Optimizations to Make Your Site
Easily Crawlable
1. Implement SSL (https)
2. Update website software regularly
3. Employ additional website
security software (scanners,
firewalls, etc.) 973-664-7775 26 @PamAnnMarketing
Modern SEO Optimizations
Search Engines
Are Now “Topic
Match Engines” 973-664-7775 27 @PamAnnMarketing
Modern SEO Optimizations
1. Create whole “chapters in
your book” about your topics
(many different pages
covering many different
aspects of a single topic)
2. On each page, incorporate
related keywords, instead of
just focusing on a single
Modern Content Optimizations to Encourage High Ranking 973-664-7775 28 @PamAnnMarketing
Modern SEO Optimizations
Search Engines
Now Care About

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The document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM). SEO involves optimizing a website to increase its organic ranking in search engines, while SEM involves paying for paid placement listings in search engines. Some key SEO techniques discussed include choosing keyword-rich domain names and titles, increasing relevant inbound links, optimizing on-page elements like meta tags and alt text. Paid SEM placements through paid inclusion and paid placement programs are also summarized.

SEO 2017
SEO 2017SEO 2017
SEO 2017

This document provides an overview and table of contents for the book "SEO 2017: Learn search engine optimization with smart internet marketing strategies" by Adam Clarke. The book covers topics such as how Google ranks websites, keyword research, on-page SEO, link building, social media optimization, analytics, troubleshooting common issues, and local SEO. It has been expanded and updated from the original edition to provide the latest strategies and techniques for search engine optimization in 2017 and beyond.

Social media contentmarketing-seo
Social media contentmarketing-seoSocial media contentmarketing-seo
Social media contentmarketing-seo

This document provides an overview of social media, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO). It discusses identifying target audiences, developing content pillars and mix for social media marketing, and basics of SEO including on-page and off-page optimization. Tips are provided on improving SEO through domain naming, website performance, content and local optimization. The importance of video and social media optimization is also highlighted. 973-664-7775 29 @PamAnnMarketing
Modern SEO Optimizations
1. Demonstrate “EAT”
(Expertise, Authority,
Trustworthiness) in your
content and your branding
2. Indicate who the author of
your content is, and link to a
robust and credible bio of
that person
Modern Content Optimizations to
Encourage High Ranking 973-664-7775 30 @PamAnnMarketing
Modern SEO Optimizations
Link “Building” is
Now Link
“Earning” 973-664-7775 31 @PamAnnMarketing
Modern SEO Optimizations
1. STOP building links manually
2. EARN links instead, through:
a) Good Content Marketing
b) Strong Social Media
c) Public Relations
d) Real-World Relationships
Modern Off-Page Optimizations
to Encourage High Ranking 973-664-7775 32 @PamAnnMarketing
Basics Still
“Traditional” basic SEO techniques still very
much matter, and are the foundational
building blocks of a modern SEO strategy.
Robots.txt Sitemap.xml
Internal Linking Keywords Title Tags
Meta Descriptions Img Alt Tags Inbound Links
H1 TagsURLs
Fresh Content Social Signals

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SEO presentation for marketing summit 2017SEO presentation for marketing summit 2017
SEO presentation for marketing summit 2017

We hear so much about how SEO has changed, but has it really? It's really the algorithms that have changed, but good marketing has remained the same for quite some time. The channels have changed, the core concept of attracting people with great content and differentiated offerings is the same. Let's take a look back at the facts and see how to optimize for Google in 2017.


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Search engine optimization- Why your website needs it?
Search engine optimization- Why your website needs it?Search engine optimization- Why your website needs it?
Search engine optimization- Why your website needs it?

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves improving the visibility of a website in organic search results. SEO is important because most people reach websites by searching online rather than directly typing URLs. SEO can help websites get higher rankings for target keywords, increase targeted traffic, boost business inquiries and sales with low or no advertising costs. Both organic and paid search results are important, but organic SEO is preferred because it builds trust, provides better returns on investment, and maintains traffic even if paid campaigns end. Effective SEO involves on-page and off-page optimization techniques like keyword research, content optimization, link building and submission to directories. Tracking tools help measure SEO success over time. Ongoing SEO is needed to stay

seosearch engine optimizationwebsite and search engine optimization 973-664-7775 33 @PamAnnMarketing
However, modern approaches MUST be
layered onto the basics in order to succeed
in SEO in 2019.
But You MUST
Also Layer on
Modern Tactics
Responsive Mobile Design
Schema for AI
SSL (https)
Content Chapters
Related Keywords
“EAT” Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness
Link “Earning” 973-664-7775 34 @PamAnnMarketing
The End!
Download these slides at:

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SEO in 2019: The Latest Trends and Changes in Search Engine Optimization

  • 1. SEO in 2019: The Latest Trends and Changes in Search Engine Optimization April 2019 Presenter: Pam Ann Aungst @PamAnnMarketing
  • 2. 973-664-7775 2 @PamAnnMarketing Agenda 1. What is SEO? 2. Why is SEO So Important? 3. How Search Engines Work 4. Basic (Traditional) SEO Tactics 5. SEO Trends for 2019: How to Modernize Your SEO Strategy
  • 3. 973-664-7775 3 @PamAnnMarketing Download Slides Download these slides at:
  • 4. 973-664-7775 4 @PamAnnMarketing Hold Questions To ensure that we get through all of the material, please hold questions until the end.
  • 5. 973-664-7775 5 @PamAnnMarketing About Me/Us • Coding since 6 years old • Creating websites since 1997 • Driving traffic to websites professionally since 2005 • Marketing MBA • Nationwide Conference Speaker • Guest-Lecturer at universities such as NYU and Centenary University • In business 8 years • Provide services & training for SEO, PPC, and Google Analytics • Google-Certified Partner Agency • Won several awards • Recently launched private-label division (Stealth™ Search and Analytics) for reselling our services
  • 6. 973-664-7775 6 @PamAnnMarketing What is SEO? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the art and science of influencing search engines to rank your content high in search results.
  • 7. 973-664-7775 7 @PamAnnMarketing Why is SEO So Important? Search engines, unlike any other digital marketing channel, bring "high-intent-to-buy" users to your website. These users are specifically searching for your company's products and services, because they want or need them now or soon!
  • 8. 973-664-7775 8 @PamAnnMarketing SEO Basics: How Search Engines Work and Basic Optimization Techniques
  • 9. 973-664-7775 9 @PamAnnMarketing How Search Engines Work Google, today's most popular search engine, says that their mission is “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful” and that "the relentless search for better answers continues to be at the core of everything we do." Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Founders of Google, in the garage where they started the company in the late 90s From the Garage to the Googleplex
  • 10. 973-664-7775 10 @PamAnnMarketing How Search Engines Work Search engines have one very simple objective: Present users the information they are seeking.
  • 11. 973-664-7775 11 @PamAnnMarketing How Search Engines Work Image credit and quote source: Search Engine Land Although the mission of search engines is simple, executing on that mission is not easy. As of Google’s latest estimation, there were over 130 trillion individual pages on the web. And that was over 2 years ago, so there’s many more now!
  • 12. 973-664-7775 12 @PamAnnMarketing How Search Engines Work Therefore, search engines need to use very complex technology to analyze trillions of web pages and decide which ones provide the most accurate and trustworthy information for each search. Although this technology is complex, we can break it down into 3 basic concepts. Image credit: US Patent #6,285,999 A diagram depicting relationships between web pages, from Google’s first patent, “Method for Node Ranking in a Linked Database.”
  • 13. 973-664-7775 13 @PamAnnMarketing How Search Engines Work Search engines need to perform 3 basic tasks in order to produce search results. 1. First, they need to discover web pages. 2. Then, they need to collect the content from the web pages. 3. Lastly, they need to sort the web pages by relevance to a search query.
  • 14. 973-664-7775 14 @PamAnnMarketing How Search Engines Work The more technical terms for these steps are: 1. Discover = “Crawl” 2. Collect = “Index” 3. Sort = “Rank”
  • 15. 973-664-7775 15 @PamAnnMarketing SEO Objectives At a high level, SEO has two basic objectives: 1. Make your site easily crawlable, so that your content gets indexed 2. Convince search engines that your content is worthy of ranking high
  • 16. 973-664-7775 16 @PamAnnMarketing Basic (Traditional) SEO Optimizations Basic Technical Optimizations to Make Your Site Easily Crawlable 1. Use a good Content Management System (CMS), like WordPress, that creates SEO-friendly pages and URLs 2. Implement SEO “helper” files, such as XML sitemaps and robots.txt files 3. Use meta and header tags, like title tags, meta descriptions, H1 tags, and img alt tags
  • 17. 973-664-7775 17 @PamAnnMarketing Basic (Traditional) SEO Optimizations Basic Content Optimizations to Encourage High Ranking 1. Use the same keywords your target audience is searching with 2. Organize your content logically, and link similar pages to each other (internal linking) 3. Add fresh (new) content on a regular basis
  • 18. 973-664-7775 18 @PamAnnMarketing Basic (Traditional) SEO Optimizations Basic Off-Page Optimizations to Encourage High Ranking 1. Get reputable and relevant websites to link to your site 2. Build up social media “signals” on your content 3. (For local businesses) Create accurate local listings in “online phone book” sites
  • 19. 973-664-7775 19 @PamAnnMarketing SEO in 2019: How to Modernize Your SEO Strategy
  • 20. 973-664-7775 20 @PamAnnMarketing Modern SEO Optimizations SEO is now “Mobile-First”
  • 21. 973-664-7775 21 @PamAnnMarketing Modern SEO Optimizations Modern Technical (Mobile) Optimizations to Make Your Site Easily Crawlable 1. Implement responsive design 2. Optimize for speed, especially on mobile 3. Implement AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
  • 22. 973-664-7775 22 @PamAnnMarketing Modern SEO Optimizations Search Engines Now Rely on Artificial Intelligence
  • 23. 973-664-7775 23 @PamAnnMarketing Modern SEO Optimizations Modern Technical (AI) Optimizations to Make Your Site Easily Crawlable 1. Implement Schema Markup
  • 24. 973-664-7775 24 @PamAnnMarketing Modern SEO Optimizations Search Engines Now Care About Website Security
  • 25. 973-664-7775 25 @PamAnnMarketing Modern SEO Optimizations Modern Technical (Security) Optimizations to Make Your Site Easily Crawlable 1. Implement SSL (https) 2. Update website software regularly 3. Employ additional website security software (scanners, firewalls, etc.)
  • 26. 973-664-7775 26 @PamAnnMarketing Modern SEO Optimizations Search Engines Are Now “Topic Match Engines”
  • 27. 973-664-7775 27 @PamAnnMarketing Modern SEO Optimizations 1. Create whole “chapters in your book” about your topics (many different pages covering many different aspects of a single topic) 2. On each page, incorporate related keywords, instead of just focusing on a single keyword. Modern Content Optimizations to Encourage High Ranking
  • 28. 973-664-7775 28 @PamAnnMarketing Modern SEO Optimizations Search Engines Now Care About Authority
  • 29. 973-664-7775 29 @PamAnnMarketing Modern SEO Optimizations 1. Demonstrate “EAT” (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness) in your content and your branding 2. Indicate who the author of your content is, and link to a robust and credible bio of that person Modern Content Optimizations to Encourage High Ranking
  • 30. 973-664-7775 30 @PamAnnMarketing Modern SEO Optimizations Link “Building” is Now Link “Earning”
  • 31. 973-664-7775 31 @PamAnnMarketing Modern SEO Optimizations 1. STOP building links manually 2. EARN links instead, through: a) Good Content Marketing b) Strong Social Media c) Public Relations d) Real-World Relationships Modern Off-Page Optimizations to Encourage High Ranking
  • 32. 973-664-7775 32 @PamAnnMarketing The Traditional Basics Still Matter “Traditional” basic SEO techniques still very much matter, and are the foundational building blocks of a modern SEO strategy. Robots.txt Sitemap.xml Internal Linking Keywords Title Tags Meta Descriptions Img Alt Tags Inbound Links H1 TagsURLs Fresh Content Social Signals
  • 33. 973-664-7775 33 @PamAnnMarketing However, modern approaches MUST be layered onto the basics in order to succeed in SEO in 2019. But You MUST Also Layer on Modern Tactics Responsive Mobile Design AMP Speed Schema for AI SSL (https) Security Content Chapters Related Keywords “EAT” Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness Link “Earning”
  • 34. 973-664-7775 34 @PamAnnMarketing The End! QUESTIONS? Download these slides at: