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Google Boost your
Why most businesses have a website ?
Let people know who you are, what you do and how to get in touch
Sell products online
Build credibility with target audience
Help existing customers with support and queries
A good Website ?
Keep it fresh
Easy Navigation
Mobile Friendly

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Speed! presentation given at the CMS Expo on May 2011. Presentation talks about why it is important to speed up a website and how to do it.

Basic Guide to Server Logs
Basic Guide to Server LogsBasic Guide to Server Logs
Basic Guide to Server Logs

My presentation on a basic guide to server log analysis, done at BrightonSEO April 2016. Any questions drop me an email or tweet.

brightonseo 2016server logs
Web Performance Optimzation
Web Performance OptimzationWeb Performance Optimzation
Web Performance Optimzation

The document discusses web performance optimization and provides an overview of why it is important. It notes that speed impacts search engine rankings and user interactions. Performance impacts revenue, as websites gain weight over time from additional files and third parties that slow things down. The document outlines factors that affect performance like roundtrip latency, browser limits, and the delivery chain. It recommends ways to measure performance using Google's guidelines of sites loading in under 2 seconds. Suggested best practices are compressing content, optimizing images, minifying files, caching content, and merging files to improve performance.

wpojavascriptweb 2.0
Digital World - Carnival
Your Website - Your Kid
Content - Whole Attire of
your kid
Keywords - Clues /
Search Engine - Head of the Fair

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Measuring Web Performance
Measuring Web Performance Measuring Web Performance
Measuring Web Performance

Today, a web page can be delivered to desktop computers, televisions, or handheld devices like tablets or phones. While a technique like responsive design helps ensure that our web sites look good across that spectrum of devices we may forget that we need to make sure that our web sites also perform well across that same spectrum. More and more of our users are shifting their Internet usage to these more varied platforms and connection speeds with some moving entirely to mobile Internet. In this session we’ll look at the tools that can help you understand, measure and improve the web performance of your web sites and applications. The talk will also discuss how new server-side techniques might help us optimize our front-end performance. Finally, since the best way to test is to have devices in your hand, we’ll discuss some tips for getting your hands on them cheaply. This presentation builds upon Dave’s “Optimization for Mobile” chapter in Smashing Magazine’s “The Mobile Book.” This talk was given at the Responsive Web Design Summit hosted by Environments for Humans.

webperfresponsive designresponsive web design
Asp.Net 2.0 Presentation
Asp.Net 2.0 PresentationAsp.Net 2.0 Presentation
Asp.Net 2.0 Presentation

ASP.NET 2.0 introduces a new page inheritance model using partial classes, improved deployment options like precompilation, and features for consistent user interfaces like master pages and themes. It also provides various controls and techniques to simplify coding tasks and personalize web pages.

Top 10 Secrets For Speeding Up Share Point Web Sites Derek Watson Final
Top 10 Secrets For Speeding Up Share Point Web Sites Derek Watson   FinalTop 10 Secrets For Speeding Up Share Point Web Sites Derek Watson   Final
Top 10 Secrets For Speeding Up Share Point Web Sites Derek Watson Final

The document outlines top 10 secrets for speeding up SharePoint websites, including: optimizing hardware and platform, using far-future expires headers, gzip compression, optimizing JavaScript and style sheets, image sprites, image inlining, reducing external references, avoiding Flash/Silverlight, using Kerberos for security instead of NTLM, and measuring performance. It provides examples of how Microsoft optimized using these techniques, reducing load times by over 50%.

Search Engine Optimization
Getting website to top of search engine results
Get more visitors
Make more money
SEO Site Checkup :
Competition drives research forward !
Problem: HTML Pages too large
Large page size increases load time

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Can't Do It with Spiceworks? You Can Build an Extension for That! - Scott Con...
Can't Do It with Spiceworks? You Can Build an Extension for That! - Scott Con...Can't Do It with Spiceworks? You Can Build an Extension for That! - Scott Con...
Can't Do It with Spiceworks? You Can Build an Extension for That! - Scott Con...

Plugins allow users to customize and extend the functionality of Spiceworks. The document discusses what plugins are, the technologies involved like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Spiceworks APIs. It also provides resources for developing plugins, including tutorials, API documentation, and forums for support. The presentation concludes with a question and answer session and building some sample plugins together.

Choosing WordPress Plugins (WordCamp Raleigh 2016)
Choosing WordPress Plugins (WordCamp Raleigh 2016)Choosing WordPress Plugins (WordCamp Raleigh 2016)
Choosing WordPress Plugins (WordCamp Raleigh 2016)

Practical tips on choosing WordPress plugins: compatibility, updates, support, installs, authorship, and review


The document discusses jQuery, a JavaScript library that simplifies DOM manipulation and AJAX calls. It allows common tasks to be accomplished with single line code. The syntax uses $ to select elements and perform actions. jQuery can be included from a CDN like Google or downloaded. An example shows hiding paragraphs with a button click using jQuery's click handler and hide method.

Setup compression on server side
Compression reduces response time
Average Page size allowed 33 kb
Implementation - Add gzip module to Nginx
Default behaviour of nginx server
Add gzip settings to nginx configuration
1. Turn gzip on
2. Specify gzip_types - File type to be compressed
3. Specify gzip_min_length - Minimum file size which need to be compressed

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Battling Google PageSpeed Insights
Battling Google PageSpeed InsightsBattling Google PageSpeed Insights
Battling Google PageSpeed Insights

This document discusses how to improve website speed by optimizing page loading performance. It provides tips for reducing render-blocking scripts, minifying files, prioritizing visible content, lazy loading below the fold content, optimizing images, leveraging browser caching with custom expire headers, reducing server response time, and enabling GZIP compression. Tools mentioned for measuring site speed include Google PageSpeed Insights and GTMetrix.

Headless 101 - Everything You Wanted to Know and More!
Headless 101 - Everything You Wanted to Know and More!Headless 101 - Everything You Wanted to Know and More!
Headless 101 - Everything You Wanted to Know and More!

Why is headless so hot right now? It helps companies meet people where they are digitally—including their devices. Headless is a new pattern for building websites that introduces several new concepts to WordPress. According to a new study, 64% of enterprise organizations are currently using a headless approach, representing a nearly 25% increase from 2019. Getting started with headless may feel overwhelming, but once you understand the playing field, your team will be building absurdly fast, decoupled websites in no time. WP Engine and Click Here Labs are teaming up in this session to cover key terms, emerging trends, and cutting-edge best practices for Headless WordPress.

wordpresswordpress developmentheadless cms
How to host WordPress on Google Compute Engine
How to host WordPress on Google Compute EngineHow to host WordPress on Google Compute Engine
How to host WordPress on Google Compute Engine

This document provides instructions for hosting Wordpress on Google Compute Engine using Cloudways. It outlines the benefits of using GCE such as high uptime, speed, reliability and scalability. Using Cloudways to host on GCE allows users to have Wordpress installed on a GCE server within 7 minutes with 24/7 support and other features like cloning servers, backups and staging URLs. The steps to launch a Wordpress site on GCE through Cloudways are to sign up for a free account, select Wordpress, server size/location, and the site will be launched within 7 minutes.

wordpresswordpress cloud hostingcloud hosting
Problem: No caching of images
Resource is requested from server each time a visitor visits website
Solution: Set Expires Header config in nginx
Problem: IP Canonicalization
IP address should redirect to domain name
If not, can cause duplicate content problems

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Technical seo
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Technical seo

Technical SEO refers to website optimizations that help search engines index a site effectively to improve organic rankings. This document provides an 8-step checklist for technical SEO best practices including using SSL, having a mobile-friendly responsive design, optimizing page speed, fixing duplicate content, creating an XML sitemap, enabling AMP, adding structured data markup, and registering the site with search console and webmaster tools. Following these guidelines can help ensure a site meets search engine expectations and is rewarded in search results.

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Automated Duplicate Content Consolidation with Google Cloud Functions
Automated Duplicate Content Consolidation with Google Cloud FunctionsAutomated Duplicate Content Consolidation with Google Cloud Functions
Automated Duplicate Content Consolidation with Google Cloud Functions

Avoid duplicate content and don’t leave money on the table with unoptimized groups of pages linked by canonical declarations! Particularly in e-commerce, you can increase Google’s confidence by making sure your groups of product URLs are perfectly canonicalized and clear to search engines.

Top Insights for Your WordPress Site
Top Insights for Your WordPress SiteTop Insights for Your WordPress Site
Top Insights for Your WordPress Site

WordPress is the world’s favorite way to build your website; it currently powers 40% of the Internet. So who's doing WordPress well? During this session, Troy McHenry, Sr. Manager, Technical Support and Madison Haugland, Manager, Technical Support at WP Engine, will help you take your WordPress sites to the next level with our top insights drawn from the millions of sites powered by WP Engine. Join us!

wordpresswordpress developmentwordpress security
Implementation: Rewrite rule in nginx config
Add the following line in server context of configuration file
rewrite regex_expr URL flag
Problem: Too many external requests
More requests, slows down page loading
Solution: Creating and Using CSS Sprites
Create sprite image using any online sprite generation tool

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Technical seo tips for web developers

Singsys provides International, National & Local SEO,SMO,SEM Services. Our highly skilled and dedicated team of SEO professionals helps you to gain profit and make your website popular all over the world in affordable budget.

seo firmseo singaporebest search engine optimization company
Django CMS & Integrating it with django shop
Django CMS & Integrating it with django shopDjango CMS & Integrating it with django shop
Django CMS & Integrating it with django shop

Django CMS is a easy-to-use and developer-friendly , free and open source content management system platform for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intra-nets. It is based on Django, and written in Python. This presentation covers the basics of Django CMS and also integrating third party app with it.

#python #django #djangocms #djangoshop #mindfir
Frontend performance
Frontend performanceFrontend performance
Frontend performance

The document provides best practices for optimizing frontend performance by reducing page load time. It discusses ways to reduce the number of HTTP requests, DNS lookups, redirects and duplicate scripts. It also recommends techniques like minifying assets, leveraging caching, prioritizing critical components, optimizing images and using content delivery networks.

Problem: Server signature is visible
Anyone can easily see you software versions
Solution: Add config to turn off server
Setting up nginx configuration file
1. SET server_tokens as off - To hide nginx version
2. SET passenger_show_version_in_header as off - To hide Phusion Passenger

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High Performance Ajax Applications
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High Performance Ajax Applications

Day 6 of 7-days "JavaScript and Rich User Interfaces" training for my colleagues. It covers ways how to speed up your application.

SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital MarketersSearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers

We all know that site speed matters not only for users but also for search rankings. As marketers, how can we measure and improve the impact of site speed? Mat will cover a range of topics and tools, from the basic quick wins to some of the more surprising and cutting-edge techniques used by the largest websites in the world.

searchlovesearchlove san diegosite speed
Seo for Engineers
Seo for EngineersSeo for Engineers
Seo for Engineers

SEO for engineers, developers, programmers. Stuff you need to know to have your site built right for search.

Meta Tags
Page Title, Description, Keywords
● Should be unique
● Be brief and descriptive
● Advertise using your description
Adding meta tags in your application
Set default meta tag in application layout file
Then inside your view
Adding Meta tag to application pages

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Speed up Your Joomla Site for Ultimate Performance
Speed up Your Joomla Site for Ultimate PerformanceSpeed up Your Joomla Site for Ultimate Performance
Speed up Your Joomla Site for Ultimate Performance

This document provides tips for optimizing a Joomla site for speed. It recommends keeping Joomla updated, choosing extensions wisely, simplifying templates, enabling compression, caching plugins and .htaccess rules. Specific extensions like JCH Optimize are suggested for combining and minifying CSS/JS and images. Server-level optimizations include using a CDN, opcode caching, moving PHP to RAM, and reverse proxy caching. Testing speed with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights is advised. Application optimizations alone can improve page load times from over 5 seconds to 3 seconds, while full server optimizations achieve over 1 second load times.

Website Performance
Website PerformanceWebsite Performance
Website Performance

The document discusses website performance and optimization. It notes that nearly half of users expect a site to load within 2 seconds and will abandon a site taking longer than 3 seconds. Common issues causing poor performance are bloated templates, unnecessary code, and too many HTTP requests. Suggested optimizations include minimizing assets, prioritizing visible content, image optimization, caching, compression, and lazy loading. Case studies show significant speed improvements after implementing optimizations. Metrics like Speed Index measure how quickly visible content displays to influence perceived performance.

Core Web Vitals Fixer
Core Web Vitals FixerCore Web Vitals Fixer
Core Web Vitals Fixer

Core Web Vitals Fixer; WordPress 90+ Speed Pack; Search Console Fixes; Traffic Recovery; Find out more here or visit the shop

seocore web vitalsux
Robots.txt File
Tells the search engines which pages to access and index
Essential for both privacy and your SEO
Creating a robots.txt file
1. User-agent
Name of a bot
* for all bots
1. Disallow
Directory or File path to exclude
/ to exclude all files of server
1. Exclude all robots from entire server
2. Allow all robots complete access
3. To exclude all robots from part of server
4. To exclude a single bot
Place this file in public folder of your rails application

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Drupal SEO
Drupal SEODrupal SEO
Drupal SEO

This document discusses optimizing Drupal for search engines. It covers why SEO is important, best practices like using descriptive titles and meta tags, and Drupal modules that help with SEO like Pathauto, Nodewords, Page_title, and XMLsitemap. The document provides an agenda that discusses best practices, Drupal 6 and 7 SEO modules, themes, and takes questions at the end. The goal is to help users understand how to configure Drupal for search engine optimization.

High-Speed HTML5
High-Speed HTML5High-Speed HTML5
High-Speed HTML5

Modern Web Apps should be focused, rich, and gorgeous, but they also need to be FAST. After all, being rich and beautiful isn't always enough! With web apps, faster is always better; nobody will ever complain that your site is too fast!

application cacheweb workersdata uri
Make Drupal Run Fast - increase page load speed
Make Drupal Run Fast - increase page load speedMake Drupal Run Fast - increase page load speed
Make Drupal Run Fast - increase page load speed

What does it mean when someone says “My Site is slow now”? What is page speed? How do you measure it? How can you make it faster? We’ll try to answer these questions, provide you with a set of tools to use and explain how this relates to your server load. We will cover: - What is page load speed? – Tools used to measure performance of your pages and site – Six Key Improvements to make Drupal “run fast” ++ Performance Module settings and how they work ++ Caching – biggest gainer and how to implement Boost ++ Other quick hits: off loading search, tweaking settings & why running crons is important ++ Ask your host about APC and how to make sure its set up correctly ++ Dare we look at the database? Easy changes that will help a lot! - Monitoring Best practices – what to set up to make sure you know what is going on with your server – What if you get slashdoted? Recommendation on how to quickly take cover from a rhino.

performance drupal cms lamp page speed linux sys a
Your Site Map
Blueprint of your website
Ease crawlers to find your pages
Creating an XML Sitemap
<urlset xmlns="">
Final Result
Thank You
Questions ?

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How to optimize your Magento store
How to optimize your Magento store How to optimize your Magento store
How to optimize your Magento store

This white paper discusses various methods for optimizing performance on Magento, an ecommerce platform. It begins with basic optimizations like minifying files, optimizing images, enabling caching and gzip compression. More advanced techniques include implementing memcached, Redis and Varnish caching, using a content delivery network, optimizing the database with measures like flat categories and products. The paper provides details on implementing each technique and the benefits to Magento performance. Key contacts at the authoring company RetailOn are provided.

retailonhow to optimize your magento store
Accelerate SharePoint 2007 and 2010 websites and intranets mike iem - apti...
Accelerate SharePoint 2007 and 2010 websites and intranets    mike iem - apti...Accelerate SharePoint 2007 and 2010 websites and intranets    mike iem - apti...
Accelerate SharePoint 2007 and 2010 websites and intranets mike iem - apti...

The document discusses accelerating SharePoint 2007 and 2010 websites and intranets. It provides an overview of Epok and Aptimize, who are leaders in the SharePoint extranet and performance markets, and covers various techniques and best practices for improving SharePoint performance including hardware optimization, caching, file compression and merging, and reducing external references. Case studies demonstrate how these techniques can reduce page load times by over 50% for sites like

sharepoint performance aptimize yslow microsoft
Website Optimization How to Increase Page Performance and More
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Website Optimization How to Increase Page Performance and More

Join us for our sixth Greenville HUG meeting of 2023 and learn how to fix common website issues including improving website performance, enhancing SEO for a website, optimizing a website for mobile, implementing website security best practices, and website personalization.


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Editor's Notes

  1. Question: What is the one main reason ?
  2. But most of the time ultimate aim is MONEY
  3. Question: Is it enough ? Answer: Yes, but how people can reach your website Study: Quote
  4. Have fear of losing your kid, Before entering the carnival 89% people search on internet 71.33% organic traffic comes through first page of Google
  5. There is no magic way to rank top Takes lot of effort and time to convince search engines Certain rules to follow to provide necessary signals
  6. Client indicates support for compression, Server compresses in one of the methods and notifies client
  7. Search engine may index your site under both IP address and domain name
  8. It passes 90-95% of ranking power to redirected page
  9. 40-60% of daily visitors to your site come with empty cache Making page fast for first time users is the key to a better user experience
  10. Not upgrading to newer versions Fail to fix security issues in older version
  11. List of all pages/post of your website Consider website as house and pages as room