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I’m Farid Asadi
Inbound Marketing Manager at Anetwork
UI/UX Designer
SEO & Google Analytics Lover
SEOSearch Ranking Factors
Not Cost, but
Find Your
High Quality

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How QA Testing for SEO Can Boost Your Traffic & Revenue
How QA Testing for SEO Can Boost Your Traffic & RevenueHow QA Testing for SEO Can Boost Your Traffic & Revenue
How QA Testing for SEO Can Boost Your Traffic & Revenue

SEO is fragile. With engineers, designers, product managers, marketing managers, and sometimes even CEOs dipping their hands into the complex SEO mix, things can inevitably go awry. Simple changes to titles, headers, and especially the meta robots tag can wreak havoc on traffic and revenue. To exasperate matters, technical SEO is becoming more complex with the growth of JS frameworks, dynamic rendering, the growth of AMP, and transition to the mobile-first index. In this webinar, Mark Munroe, CEO at SEORadar, will demonstrate how to easily integrate SEO testing into the QA process to prevent SEO problems from ever going live. You will learn: – An SEO testing process that will help you avoid failed migrations, rogue redirects, inadvertent noindexing, disappearing tags, and more. – Why the key to safe SEO is catching problems before they get deployed. – How to use audit tools, especially change monitoring, to catch inadvertent problems.

seoqa testingdigital marketing
MeasureFest July 2021 - Session Segmentation with Machine Learning
MeasureFest July 2021 - Session Segmentation with Machine LearningMeasureFest July 2021 - Session Segmentation with Machine Learning
MeasureFest July 2021 - Session Segmentation with Machine Learning

1. Audience segmentation using unsupervised machine learning can analyze individual user sessions from analytics tools like Google Analytics to automatically group users into behavior segments. 2. The key steps involve extracting session data, processing it, selecting important features, clustering the data using algorithms like k-means, and manually exploring the resulting segments. 3. These segments can provide insights for hypotheses to test in conversion rate optimization experiments and personalizing the user experience.

brighton seogoogle analyticsmachine learning
SEO Data - The Circle of Trust
SEO Data - The Circle of TrustSEO Data - The Circle of Trust
SEO Data - The Circle of Trust

As SEO tools get outpaced by Google's constantly evolving signals, what SEO data is worth making bets on?

In time
Ranking Factors
1. The algo is flattening, and the days of a single factor having an
overwhelming impact are fading.
2. Links while still powerful, don’t feel like an overwhelming ranking force to
3. Engagement data is on raise.
The Future of Search
Future of Search Engine Factors, AMP, On-Page Key to Success

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20 free SEO Tools you should be using - 20180829
20 free SEO Tools you should be using - 2018082920 free SEO Tools you should be using - 20180829
20 free SEO Tools you should be using - 20180829

20 Free SEO Tools You Should be using for your daily, weekly or monthly SEO routine. Some of these tools may seem familiar, but you may be missing a killer use case. Other tools will make you go Awww. Don’t miss a session with 1 minute per tool and use-case, guaranteed take away for everyone.

seofree toolsfree software
Crawling, indexation & the impact on performance | Brighton SEO
Crawling, indexation & the impact on performance | Brighton SEOCrawling, indexation & the impact on performance | Brighton SEO
Crawling, indexation & the impact on performance | Brighton SEO

Brighton SEO presentation given by Martin Fennon, the Head of SEO for Ayima. This talk covers crawling, indexation & the tangible impact reviewing these elements can have on performance

seoseo servicesbrightonseo
A Crash Course In Developing An Online Marketing Strategy For SEO
A Crash Course In Developing An Online Marketing Strategy For SEOA Crash Course In Developing An Online Marketing Strategy For SEO
A Crash Course In Developing An Online Marketing Strategy For SEO

This document provides guidance on developing an online marketing strategy. It recommends beginning by assessing your current business, customers, website, competition and past successes. You should then set strategic goals and prioritize actions to achieve them. This includes switching to a better content management system, expanding paid search efforts, and engaging in search engine optimization. The document outlines creating a roadmap to guide strategy implementation and emphasizes tracking progress regularly. It also provides tips for performing an SEO audit to identify optimization opportunities.

seomnsearchsearch snippet
Mobile friendly
Mobile friendly
of instant answers
provided in SERPs
Future of Search Engine Factors, AMP, On-Page Key to Success

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BrightonSEO Sept
BrightonSEO SeptBrightonSEO Sept
BrightonSEO Sept

The document discusses crawl budget and ways to improve it. Crawl budget refers to the number of pages search engine bots can crawl and index on a website within a given time frame. It can become an issue for larger sites or those with rapidly changing content if the number of pages exceeds the budget. The document provides several recommendations to improve crawl budget, including optimizing site speed, website hierarchy, internal links, limiting duplicate content, fixing technical errors, limiting orphan pages, and properly handling redirects.

How to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings
How to Increase Your Search Engine RankingsHow to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings
How to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings

To increase search engine rankings, the document recommends observing top competitors in your niche to understand what elements are contributing to their success. The three main elements to focus on are inbound links, fresh and relevant content added frequently, and keyword density that looks natural. Rather than trying to reverse engineer search algorithms, the best approach is to model the behaviors of top ranking sites by analyzing their links, content strategy, and on-page optimization.

Why Internet Business Cannot Escape from the Clutches of Search Engine
Why Internet Business Cannot Escape from the Clutches of Search EngineWhy Internet Business Cannot Escape from the Clutches of Search Engine
Why Internet Business Cannot Escape from the Clutches of Search Engine

The document discusses how search engines will remain the primary way for websites and internet businesses to be discovered, as there is no viable alternative. It explains that search engines act as a bridge connecting all websites, as it would be very difficult for people to find information without them. The author argues that as an internet business owner, allocating time to understand search engine optimization is important to receive free traffic and increase customers. While article marketing is also a good strategy, search engine marketing should be the secondary focus after optimizing the website to search engine standards.

internet business
Usage data
(CTR, dwell
High CTR
Dwell time

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Fundamentals of Video SEO - Brighton SEO April 2016
Fundamentals of Video SEO - Brighton SEO April 2016Fundamentals of Video SEO - Brighton SEO April 2016
Fundamentals of Video SEO - Brighton SEO April 2016

The presentation on video SEO (search engine optimisation) from Rachael Dines at the April 2016 Brighton SEO Conference. Rachael is Director of Marketing and PR for Shake It Up Creative Ltd.

search engine optimizationmarketingvideo
Paywall SEO: Digital First Print Second, From 0 to 35k subscribers in a year
Paywall SEO: Digital First Print Second, From 0 to 35k subscribers in a yearPaywall SEO: Digital First Print Second, From 0 to 35k subscribers in a year
Paywall SEO: Digital First Print Second, From 0 to 35k subscribers in a year

With more and more publishers adopting a paywall due to the decline in print circulation and revenue, media brands are looking to subscription models for the future of digital news and journalism. But how do paywalls impact SEO? Learn the technical SEO best practices when it comes to integrating a paywall. Avoid the most common mistakes as they are revealed and get strategic insight into how went from 0 to 35k paying subscribers in a year. And think more than content when it comes to your paywall SEO strategy.

Seo checklist
Seo checklistSeo checklist
Seo checklist

This document provides a 26-point checklist for search engine optimization best practices for new websites and SEO audits. It covers technical SEO tasks like installing analytics and verifying the site in Google Search Console. It also covers on-page optimization tactics like choosing target keywords, optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, including internal links. Additionally, it recommends strategies for keyword research, link building and creating content that generates links and social shares. The overall goal is to outline important SEO fundamentals to increase long-term targeted traffic.

Influence of
structured data
in SERPs
Structured data
Structured data

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The State of SEO in 2017 - 2017 MnSearch Summit
The State of SEO in 2017 - 2017 MnSearch SummitThe State of SEO in 2017 - 2017 MnSearch Summit
The State of SEO in 2017 - 2017 MnSearch Summit

Cyrus will cover the latest updates and trends including Google’s Fred Update, AMP, Progressive Web Apps, and more. In this session, we’ll also cover how search behavior has evolved and how publishers can best stay ahead of the curve.

mnsearchmnsearch summitmnsummit
Sample Web Performance Report
Sample Web Performance ReportSample Web Performance Report
Sample Web Performance Report

The website saw an increase in visitors and pageviews over the previous month. Top traffic sources were organic search, direct visits, and referrals. Most popular pages were the home, alterations, and locations pages. The report recommended adding fresh content, quick links, and a monthly newsletter to sustain traffic and increase engagement. Monitoring keywords and optimizing pages could improve bounce rates from search traffic.

graphic designweb designweb development
Winning with mobile page speed: killer technologies, tools, and tips [by Aleh...
Winning with mobile page speed: killer technologies, tools, and tips [by Aleh...Winning with mobile page speed: killer technologies, tools, and tips [by Aleh...
Winning with mobile page speed: killer technologies, tools, and tips [by Aleh...

- Google is focusing on mobile page speed and user experience as part of its search rankings. A study was conducted analyzing the page speed and optimization of over 1 million pages. - The results showed that optimization score, which measures how well a page leverages browser caching and prioritizes visible content, had a strong correlation with search rankings. However, page speed metrics like first content paint and load time did not correlate as much. - This indicates that for mobile search rankings, page optimization is more important than raw speed numbers. Site owners should focus on optimizing aspects like response time, redirects, compression, caching, and prioritizing visible content to improve rankings.

seopage speedmobile seo
Site speed: PageSpeed Insights
Site speed: GTmetrix
Using HTTPS checklist
 Make sure every element of your website uses HTTPS, including widgets, java script, CSS files,
images and your content delivery network.
 Use 301 redirects to point all HTTP URLs to HTTPS. This is a no-brainer to most SEOs, but
you'd be surprised how often a 302 (temporary) redirect finds its way to the homepage by
 Make sure all canonical tags point to the HTTPS version of the URL.
 Rewrite hard-coded internal links (as many as is possible) to point to HTTPS. This is superior
to pointing to the HTTP version and relying on 301 redirects.
 Register the HTTPS version in both Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.
 Update your sitemaps to reflect the new URLs. Submit the new sitemaps to Webmaster Tools.
Leave your old (HTTP) sitemaps in place for 30 days so search engines can crawl and "process"
your 301 redirects.
 Update your robots.txt file. Add your new sitemaps to the file. Make sure your robots.txt
doesn't block any important pages.
 If necessary, update your analytics tracking code. Most modern Google Analytics tracking
snippets already handle HTTPS, but older code may need a second look.

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Evaluation of User Experience: Inner-view to Google by Published Patents Rela...Evaluation of User Experience: Inner-view to Google by Published Patents Rela...
Evaluation of User Experience: Inner-view to Google by Published Patents Rela...

Everybody talks about importance of user-experience but only few of us know what metrics Google cares. In this session, I will show inner-view to Google’s predicted perspective to measure happiness of users by ad-hocs and Google’s published patents.

seouser experienceux seo
SEO Ranking Factors
SEO Ranking FactorsSEO Ranking Factors
SEO Ranking Factors

What will happen to SEO ranking factors in 12 months? with some useful tools which you can use them for your business and improve your website in SERPs.

Seo for Engineers
Seo for EngineersSeo for Engineers
Seo for Engineers

SEO for engineers, developers, programmers. Stuff you need to know to have your site built right for search.

Stay the same:
URL structures/
URL structure best practice
URL structure best practice
Rel canonical
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
Same content on different URLs
 Shorter > longer
 Fewer folders is generally better
URL structure best practice

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Flavours of SEO
Flavours of SEOFlavours of SEO
Flavours of SEO

Presentation about SEO for IAB Belgium @Google Offices BXL (intermediate level) TOC: - The SEO Pyramid - Which ranking factors matter - SEO trends - SEO Migration - New sites & SEO - Social Media & SEO - International SEO - Local SEO - Video & Image SEO - Keyword Research (finally done right) - Optimizing your website / writing content

video seoimage seointernational seo
Technial SEO
Technial SEOTechnial SEO
Technial SEO

How to make your product/service found by Google. Technical SEO aims the crawling and indexing phase of your website. A list of top 10 technical seo topics for 2020 with a checklist you can go through, before publishing a website.

technical seoseowebsite development
Joomla Onsite SEO Guidelines for 2015
Joomla Onsite SEO Guidelines for 2015Joomla Onsite SEO Guidelines for 2015
Joomla Onsite SEO Guidelines for 2015

Joomla Onsite SEO Guidelines for 2015 provides tips for optimizing a Joomla site for search engines. It discusses updating .htaccess and robots.txt files, using canonical URLs, prioritizing mobile usability, tracking conversions, and creating high-quality content to earn backlinks. The document recommends tools for tasks like site audits, structured data markup, and bounce rate analysis to improve search engine optimization.

joomlaseointernet marketing
Stay the same:
Internal links
 More internal links ≠ better SEO
 Internal links must help user engagement
Influence of
anchor text

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Technical Seo
Technical SeoTechnical Seo
Technical Seo

1) Technical SEO consists of various checks and settings to help search engines crawl and index a website properly. 2) These include optimizing page speed, URLs, XML sitemaps, mobile friendliness, and more. 3) Getting technical SEO right requires some technical knowledge but ensures the website can reach its full search potential.

technical seodigital marketingseo
Easy & basic seo for word press
Easy & basic seo for word pressEasy & basic seo for word press
Easy & basic seo for word press

The document discusses easy and basic SEO strategies for WordPress websites, covering four main topics: 1) onsite SEO including optimizing meta titles, 2) technical SEO like improving site speed, 3) mobile SEO such as developing responsive designs, and 4) local SEO through structured data markup. Key recommendations include keeping meta titles between 50-60 characters, achieving a pagespeed score over 85, ensuring websites are responsive, and adding structured data for business name, address, and phone number. Plugins like Yoast SEO, W3 Total Cache, and EWWW Image Optimizer can help with implementation.

#seo #wordpress
Reducing Server Resources: Improve Costs, SEO, Conversions & UX
Reducing Server Resources: Improve Costs, SEO, Conversions & UXReducing Server Resources: Improve Costs, SEO, Conversions & UX
Reducing Server Resources: Improve Costs, SEO, Conversions & UX

A presentation I gave at the Melbourne SEO Meetup event in January 2015, this was a case study I undertook based on the experiences I was thrust into by managing my own websites and my web hosting provider. As part of this presentation, I go through the issues i faced, how i diagnosed the problems, the solutions I put forward and finally, the results I saw. Even though it wasn't exactly a great experience at the time, I actually learnt quite a lot and wish I has implemented the solutions much earlier. If there is one take away from my presentation, it's implement a CDN solution - the time to implement one is minimal and the ROI and potential UX improvements are phenomenal. Please feel free to ask any questions in the comment box below, email me at, or if you live in Melbourne, come to the dedicated SEO Meetup at

web developementsearch engine optimizationwordpress
Accelerated Mobile Pages Project2.
“For many, reading on the mobile web is a slow, clunky and
frustrating experience - but it doesn’t have to be that
way. The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is an
open source initiative that embodies the vision that
publishers can create mobile optimized content once
and have it load instantly everywhere.
Why AMP is Important?
 It’s so Fast
 Increase CTR
 It will be ranking factor
AMP Structure

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Technical seo
Technical seoTechnical seo
Technical seo

Technical SEO refers to website optimizations that help search engines index a site effectively to improve organic rankings. This document provides an 8-step checklist for technical SEO best practices including using SSL, having a mobile-friendly responsive design, optimizing page speed, fixing duplicate content, creating an XML sitemap, enabling AMP, adding structured data markup, and registering the site with search console and webmaster tools. Following these guidelines can help ensure a site meets search engine expectations and is rewarded in search results.

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SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital MarketersSearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers

We all know that site speed matters not only for users but also for search rankings. As marketers, how can we measure and improve the impact of site speed? Mat will cover a range of topics and tools, from the basic quick wins to some of the more surprising and cutting-edge techniques used by the largest websites in the world.

searchlovesearchlove san diegosite speed
Seo checklist starter kit
Seo checklist starter kitSeo checklist starter kit
Seo checklist starter kit

This document provides a checklist of tasks for setting up and managing search engine optimization (SEO) for a website. It includes both on-page and off-page SEO tasks such as structuring site content for users, ensuring mobile friendliness, completing keyword research, optimizing pages and content with target keywords, adding fresh content regularly, and increasing relevant inbound links. It also includes tasks for setting up analytics in Google Analytics and Search Console like submitting the site, fixing crawl errors, and reviewing search performance and links to the site. The goal is to properly set up and optimize all aspects of the site to improve search engine rankings and drive relevant traffic.

seo auditsearch engine optimizationseo
How Does AMP Work?
Required mark-up
<link rel="amphtml" href="">
Javascript is not allowed at all
AMP forces you to use a streamlined version of CSS
Google Cache
AMP for Wordpress, Easy!
1. Install the official AMP Wordpress plugin
2. Activate the plugin – what it will do is append /amp on all your pages but
what it won’t do is redirect mobile visitors to your /amp pages
3. Add this code to your .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/amp$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} (android|blackberry|googlebot-
mobile|iemobile|iphone|ipod|#opera mobile|palmos|webos) [NC]
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)([/]*)$$1/amp [L,R=302]
4. Customize your AMP template: wp-content -> plugins -> amp ->
After All, It’s Validate Time! Console
Google Analytics on AMP
The AMP WordPress plugin doesn’t enable amp-analytics out of the box,
but it’s fairly straightforward to enable.
To enable the AMP WordPress plugin to work with Google Analytics, edit the amp-post-
Download the code:

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How to Redesign a Site with SEO
How to Redesign a Site with SEOHow to Redesign a Site with SEO
How to Redesign a Site with SEO

Start with your email: When you redesign a site, you have to factor in critical SEO parameters to keep the flow of traffic running. This article was originally published on

web designweb developmentseo
Most Important On Page SEO elements
Most Important On Page SEO elementsMost Important On Page SEO elements
Most Important On Page SEO elements

The slides describe the 10 most important On Page SEO elements which every web development company shall address, if it is to get top ranks in search engines.

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Topic 6- SEO and Analytics .ppt
Topic 6- SEO and Analytics  .pptTopic 6- SEO and Analytics  .ppt
Topic 6- SEO and Analytics .ppt

SEO and Analytics Analytics & Analysers Usability Testing & Heatmaps Get customer feedback on your site Google Page Ranking Site Submission

seogoogle analyticsmarketing analysers
Key to Success
Fulfill the Searcher’s Goal and Satisfy their Intent
Speed, Speed and More Speed!
• Have people actually heard of your domain?
• Do they know you, like you, and trust you?
• Do you have UI and visual elements that make them perceive you as
being trustworthy?
Create Trust & Engagement Through UI, UX and Branding

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Week 12 - Search Engine Optimization
Week 12 -  Search Engine OptimizationWeek 12 -  Search Engine Optimization
Week 12 - Search Engine Optimization

The document provides instructions and requirements for a final project in a Web Content Management Systems and Strategy class. Students must create an original WordPress theme that includes specific elements like widgets, custom post types, and templates. It also covers topics for the next class on search engine optimization (SEO), including on-page optimization techniques like site architecture, keywords, meta tags and content; and off-page factors like links and WordPress SEO plugins. Resources for further SEO learning are provided.

WordCamp Hampton Roads: Winning SEO Strategies with WordPress
WordCamp Hampton Roads: Winning SEO Strategies with WordPressWordCamp Hampton Roads: Winning SEO Strategies with WordPress
WordCamp Hampton Roads: Winning SEO Strategies with WordPress

Digital Strategy Works founder, Tony Zeoli, presentation on WordPress and SEO at WordCamp Hampton Roads on October 17, 2015.

Flash SEO Secrets
Flash SEO SecretsFlash SEO Secrets
Flash SEO Secrets

Max 2009 presentation that I co-presented with Adobe\'s Duane Nickull. This was a featured top 3 MAX presentation. Watch at

Avoid Elements That Dissuade Visitors
1. Title Element
2. Headline
3. In content
4. External Anchors
5. Alt Attributes
6. URL
7. Image Name
8. Internal Links
Keyword Targeting Strategy
Related Topic Targeting
Unique Value + Amplification

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Seo checklist
Seo checklistSeo checklist
Seo checklist

This document provides an SEO checklist to help efficiently organize and achieve top search engine rankings. It outlines various on-page and off-page optimization tasks across areas like keywords, website accessibility, URLs/links, code performance, landing pages, competitors, on-page content factors, off-page factors, social media, and tracking progress. Completing each step allows users to check progress. The checklist is designed for a WebMeUp SEO software tool but provides general SEO advice as well.

Technical seo
Technical seoTechnical seo
Technical seo

XML Sitemap (sitemap.xml) HTML Sitemap (sitemap.html) Robots.txt File Page Load Time Optimization of JS & CSS SSL Certificate Canonical Tag Redirection (404, 301, 302) Open Graph Tag Structured Data W3C HTML Validation

technical seo
Mobile strategy workshop 2013 wordcamp
Mobile strategy workshop   2013 wordcampMobile strategy workshop   2013 wordcamp
Mobile strategy workshop 2013 wordcamp

The document discusses trends in mobile strategy, design, and SEO. It provides data on immediate purchase intent from mobile searches in different categories. It also discusses different mobile design approaches like responsive design, separate mobile URLs, and hybrid approaches. It emphasizes the importance of optimizing the mobile user experience and experience through approaches like responsive design that deliver the same content across devices quickly. It also notes that mobile search intent can differ from desktop and emphasizes local content and calls-to-action.

• Moz
• Search Engine Land
• Google Developers
Thank You!
Send me an email:
Twitter: @fariidasadi

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