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Scaling Monitoring At Databricks From
Prometheus to M3
YY Wan & Nick Lanham
Virtual M3 Day 2/18/21
Nick Lanham
Senior Software Engineer
Observability Team
YY Wan
Software Engineer
Observability Team
● Founded in 2013 by the original creators of Apache Spark
● Data and AI platform as a service for 5000+ customers
● 1500+ employees, 400+ engineers, >$400M annual recurring revenue
● 3 cloud providers, 50+ regions
● Launching millions of VMs / day to run data engineering and ML workloads, processing exabytes of
● Monitoring at Databricks before M3
● Deploying M3
○ Architecture
○ Migration
● Lessons Learned
○ Operational advice
○ Things to monitor
○ Updates and upgrades

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유닉스를 리눅스로 마이그레이션시 전략을 설명한 장표입니다. 여러 가지 고려사항들이 포함되어 있습니다.

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Monitoring At Databricks
Before M3
Monitoring At Databricks
● Monitoring targets:
○ Cloud-native, majority of services run on Kubernetes
○ Customer Spark workloads run on VMs in customer environments
● Prometheus-based monitoring since 2016
● All service teams use metrics, dashboards, alerts
○ Most engineers are PromQL-literate
● Use-cases: real-time alerting, debugging, SLO reporting, automated event response
● Monitoring and data-drivenness are core to Databricks engineering culture
Prometheus Monitoring System
Scale Numbers
● 50+ regions / k8s clusters across multiple cloud providers
● 100+ microservices
● Infrastructure footprint of 4M+ VMs of Databricks services and customer Apache Spark workers
● Largest single Prometheus instance
○ 900k samples / sec
○ Churn rate: many metrics with only < 100 samples (i.e. metrics from short-lived Spark jobs persist for only < 100
minutes at 1 min scrape interval)
○ Disk usage (15d retention): 4TB
○ Huge AWS VM: x1e.16xlarge, 64 core, 1952GB RAM

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Scaling Bottlenecks & Pain Points
● Frequent capacity issues - OOMs, high disk usage
● Multi-hour Prometheus updates (long WAL recovery process during startup)
● Mental overhead of sharded view of metrics
● Big queries never completing (and causes OOMs)
● Short retention period
● Subject to strict metric whitelist
Searching for a Scalable Monitoring Solution
● High metric volume, cardinality, churn rate
● Minimum 90d retention
● Compatible with PromQL
● Global view of (some) metrics
● High availability setup
● Good update and maintenance story - less manual intervention, no metrics gaps
● Battle-tested in large scale production environment
● Open source
(Mid-2019) Alternatives considered: sharded Prometheus, Thanos, Cortex, Datadog, SignalFx
Why ?
● Fulfilled all our hard requirements
○ Designed for large scale workloads and horizontally scalable
○ Exposes Prometheus API query endpoint
○ High availability with multi-replica setup
○ Designed for multi-region and cloud setup, with global querying feature
● Battle-tested at high scale at Uber in a production environment
● Has a kubernetes operator for automated cluster operations
● Cool features that we would be interested to use
○ Aggregation on ingest
○ Downsampling (potentially longer retention)
Deploying M3

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Initial Plan
Making the Write Path Scalable
Building Our Own Rule Engine
Zooming In On M3 Setup

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DevOps Concept

Separating M3 Coordinator Groups
Monitoring M3 & Final Architecture
1. Shadow deployment
○ Dual-write metrics to both Prom and M3 storage
○ Evaluate alerts in using both Prom and M3 rule engine
○ Open a querying endpoint for Observability team to test queries and dashboarding
2. Behavior validation
○ Compare alert evaluation between old and new system
○ Compare dashboards side-by-side
3. Incremental rollout strategy
○ Percentage-based rollout of ad-hoc query traffic to M3, staged across environments
○ Per-service rollout of alert evaluation
4. Final outcome: All ad-hoc query traffic and alerts served from M3

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Switching Over Ad-Hoc Querying Traffic
Per-Service Migration of Alerts
● 1-yr migration (mid-2019 to mid-2020)
● M3 runs as the sole metrics provider in all environments across clouds
○ (beta) Global query endpoint available via M3 for all metrics
● User experience largely unchanged (PromQL everything)
● Retention is widely 90d
● Migration went pretty smoothly, avoided major outages
● Higher confidence to continue scaling metrics workloads into upcoming years
● No more giant VMs with 2TB RAM!!
Lessons Learned

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M3 From The Trenches
● System metrics to monitor
● General operational advice
● What to alert on
● How we do updates/upgrades
● Overall m3 has been amazingly stable
○ By far our biggest issue is running out of disk space
● Across more than 50 deployments only a few have been problematic
○ We'll dive into why, and how to avoid it
M3 at Databricks
● Large number of clusters means things HAVE to be automated
○ We use a combination of spinnaker and jenkins to kubectl apply templates
● About 900k samples per second in large clusters
● About 200k series read per second in large clusters
Key Metrics to Watch
● Memory used (alert if steadily over 60%)
○ We've seen that spikes can cause OOMs if you're consistently over this
○ Resolve by
■ Scale up cluster, or reduce incoming metric load
○ sum(container_memory_rss{filter}) by (kubernetes_pod_name)
● Disk space used (alert if predict_linear full in 14 days)
○ 14 days seems long, but it gives us plenty of time to provision new nodes and allow data to migrate
○ Resolve by
■ Scale up cluster, reduce retention, reduce incoming metric load
○ (kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes{filter} - kubelet_volume_stats_available_bytes{}) /
● Cluster scale-up can be slow
○ Be sure to test how long it takes in your cluster

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At Uber we use high cardinality monitoring to observe and detect issues with our 4,000 microservices running on Mesos and across our infrastructure systems and servers. We’ll cover how we put the resulting 6 billion plus time series to work in a variety of different ways, auto-discovering services and their usage of other systems at Uber, setting up and tearing down alerts automatically for services, sending smart alert notifications that rollup different failures into individual high level contextual alerts, and more. We’ll also talk about how we accomplish all this with a global view of our systems with M3, our open source metrics platform. We’ll take a deep dive look at how we use M3DB, now available as an open source Prometheus long term storage backend, to horizontally scale our metrics platform in a cost efficient manner with a system that’s still sane to operate with petabytes of metrics data.

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General Advice
● Avoid a lot of custom things
○ As close to what the operator expects is the best
● Observe query rates and set limits
● Have a good testing env
○ Need to iterate quickly
○ Be able to throw away data
○ Try to have it at scale
● Have a look at the M3 dashboards and learn what things mean
○ Very dev focused, suggest making your own with key metrics
Scaling Monitoring At Databricks From Prometheus to M3
Other Alerting
● high latency ingesting samples: coordinator_ingest_latency_bucket
● rate(coordinator_write_errors{code! = '4XX'}[1m])
● rate(coordinator_fetch_errors{code! = '4XX'}[1m])
● high out of order samples:
○ rate(database_tick_merged_out_of_order_blocks[5m]) > X
○ this can help catch double scrapes
■ Due to pull based arch, this can cause false alerts
○ inhibit during node startup
Upgrades / Updates
● So far very smooth from compatibility standpoint
○ Only seen one small query eval regression
○ Just did the 1.0 update, also smooth
■ Some api changes
● We manage this via spinnaker + jenkins
○ One pain point here is lack of fully self driving updates (i.e. only kubectl apply)
■ Is actually now available
○ Requires us to be vigilant to ensure our configs and m3db versions stay in sync
● Suggestion: Have a readiness check for coordinators
○ Restarting many at the same time can make k8s unhappy
○ Requires setting a connect consistency on the coordinator config

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Metric Spikes
For any high volume system, you will need a way to deal with spikes.
For example: A service adds a label with exploding cardinality
● Have a way to identify the source of the spike
● Be able to cut off that source easily
○ Preferable to OOMing your cluster
● Brief overview of capacity planning at Databricks
● We've found that one m3db replica per 50,000 incoming time-series works pretty well
○ We are write heavy
● For same workload need about 50 write coordinators in two deployments (100 total)
Future Work
Some examples of nifty new things M3 will enable us to do now that we're getting operationally mature
● Downsampling for older metrics
○ Expect a significant savings in disk space
● Using different namespaces for metrics with different requirements
● Allowing direct push into M3 from difficult to scrape services
○ E.g. databricks jobs, developer laptops
● Overall a successful migration for us
● Community has been helpful
● Nice new things on the horizon

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마이크로서비스 아키텍처 기반의 의료정보시스템 고도화 전환사례.건국대학교병원.이제관마이크로서비스 아키텍처 기반의 의료정보시스템 고도화 전환사례.건국대학교병원.이제관
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Scaling Monitoring At Databricks From Prometheus to M3

  • 1. Scaling Monitoring At Databricks From Prometheus to M3 YY Wan & Nick Lanham Virtual M3 Day 2/18/21
  • 2. Introduction Nick Lanham Senior Software Engineer Observability Team YY Wan Software Engineer Observability Team
  • 3. About ● Founded in 2013 by the original creators of Apache Spark ● Data and AI platform as a service for 5000+ customers ● 1500+ employees, 400+ engineers, >$400M annual recurring revenue ● 3 cloud providers, 50+ regions ● Launching millions of VMs / day to run data engineering and ML workloads, processing exabytes of data
  • 4. Agenda ● Monitoring at Databricks before M3 ● Deploying M3 ○ Architecture ○ Migration ● Lessons Learned ○ Operational advice ○ Things to monitor ○ Updates and upgrades
  • 6. Monitoring At Databricks ● Monitoring targets: ○ Cloud-native, majority of services run on Kubernetes ○ Customer Spark workloads run on VMs in customer environments ● Prometheus-based monitoring since 2016 ● All service teams use metrics, dashboards, alerts ○ Most engineers are PromQL-literate ● Use-cases: real-time alerting, debugging, SLO reporting, automated event response ● Monitoring and data-drivenness are core to Databricks engineering culture
  • 8. Scale Numbers ● 50+ regions / k8s clusters across multiple cloud providers ● 100+ microservices ● Infrastructure footprint of 4M+ VMs of Databricks services and customer Apache Spark workers ● Largest single Prometheus instance ○ 900k samples / sec ○ Churn rate: many metrics with only < 100 samples (i.e. metrics from short-lived Spark jobs persist for only < 100 minutes at 1 min scrape interval) ○ Disk usage (15d retention): 4TB ○ Huge AWS VM: x1e.16xlarge, 64 core, 1952GB RAM
  • 9. Scaling Bottlenecks & Pain Points Operational ● Frequent capacity issues - OOMs, high disk usage ● Multi-hour Prometheus updates (long WAL recovery process during startup) UX ● Mental overhead of sharded view of metrics ● Big queries never completing (and causes OOMs) ● Short retention period ● Subject to strict metric whitelist
  • 10. Searching for a Scalable Monitoring Solution Requirements: ● High metric volume, cardinality, churn rate ● Minimum 90d retention ● Compatible with PromQL ● Global view of (some) metrics ● High availability setup Nice-to-have: ● Good update and maintenance story - less manual intervention, no metrics gaps ● Battle-tested in large scale production environment ● Open source (Mid-2019) Alternatives considered: sharded Prometheus, Thanos, Cortex, Datadog, SignalFx
  • 11. Why ? ● Fulfilled all our hard requirements ○ Designed for large scale workloads and horizontally scalable ○ Exposes Prometheus API query endpoint ○ High availability with multi-replica setup ○ Designed for multi-region and cloud setup, with global querying feature ● Battle-tested at high scale at Uber in a production environment ● Has a kubernetes operator for automated cluster operations ● Cool features that we would be interested to use ○ Aggregation on ingest ○ Downsampling (potentially longer retention)
  • 14. Making the Write Path Scalable
  • 15. Building Our Own Rule Engine
  • 16. Zooming In On M3 Setup
  • 18. Monitoring M3 & Final Architecture
  • 20. Migration 1. Shadow deployment ○ Dual-write metrics to both Prom and M3 storage ○ Evaluate alerts in using both Prom and M3 rule engine ○ Open a querying endpoint for Observability team to test queries and dashboarding 2. Behavior validation ○ Compare alert evaluation between old and new system ○ Compare dashboards side-by-side 3. Incremental rollout strategy ○ Percentage-based rollout of ad-hoc query traffic to M3, staged across environments ○ Per-service rollout of alert evaluation 4. Final outcome: All ad-hoc query traffic and alerts served from M3
  • 21. Switching Over Ad-Hoc Querying Traffic
  • 23. Outcome ● 1-yr migration (mid-2019 to mid-2020) ● M3 runs as the sole metrics provider in all environments across clouds ○ (beta) Global query endpoint available via M3 for all metrics ● User experience largely unchanged (PromQL everything) ● Retention is widely 90d ● Migration went pretty smoothly, avoided major outages ● Higher confidence to continue scaling metrics workloads into upcoming years ● No more giant VMs with 2TB RAM!!
  • 25. M3 From The Trenches ● System metrics to monitor ● General operational advice ● What to alert on ● How we do updates/upgrades
  • 26. Overview ● Overall m3 has been amazingly stable ○ By far our biggest issue is running out of disk space ● Across more than 50 deployments only a few have been problematic ○ We'll dive into why, and how to avoid it
  • 27. M3 at Databricks ● Large number of clusters means things HAVE to be automated ○ We use a combination of spinnaker and jenkins to kubectl apply templates ● About 900k samples per second in large clusters ● About 200k series read per second in large clusters
  • 28. Key Metrics to Watch ● Memory used (alert if steadily over 60%) ○ We've seen that spikes can cause OOMs if you're consistently over this ○ Resolve by ■ Scale up cluster, or reduce incoming metric load ○ sum(container_memory_rss{filter}) by (kubernetes_pod_name) ● Disk space used (alert if predict_linear full in 14 days) ○ 14 days seems long, but it gives us plenty of time to provision new nodes and allow data to migrate ○ Resolve by ■ Scale up cluster, reduce retention, reduce incoming metric load ○ (kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes{filter} - kubelet_volume_stats_available_bytes{}) / kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes{} ● Cluster scale-up can be slow ○ Be sure to test how long it takes in your cluster
  • 29. General Advice ● Avoid a lot of custom things ○ As close to what the operator expects is the best ● Observe query rates and set limits ● Have a good testing env ○ Need to iterate quickly ○ Be able to throw away data ○ Try to have it at scale ● Have a look at the M3 dashboards and learn what things mean ○ ○ Very dev focused, suggest making your own with key metrics
  • 31. Other Alerting ● high latency ingesting samples: coordinator_ingest_latency_bucket ● rate(coordinator_write_errors{code! = '4XX'}[1m]) ● rate(coordinator_fetch_errors{code! = '4XX'}[1m]) ● high out of order samples: ○ rate(database_tick_merged_out_of_order_blocks[5m]) > X ○ this can help catch double scrapes ■ Due to pull based arch, this can cause false alerts ○ inhibit during node startup
  • 32. Upgrades / Updates ● So far very smooth from compatibility standpoint ○ Only seen one small query eval regression ○ Just did the 1.0 update, also smooth ■ Some api changes ● We manage this via spinnaker + jenkins ○ One pain point here is lack of fully self driving updates (i.e. only kubectl apply) ■ Is actually now available ○ Requires us to be vigilant to ensure our configs and m3db versions stay in sync ● Suggestion: Have a readiness check for coordinators ○ Restarting many at the same time can make k8s unhappy ○ Requires setting a connect consistency on the coordinator config
  • 33. Metric Spikes For any high volume system, you will need a way to deal with spikes. For example: A service adds a label with exploding cardinality ● Have a way to identify the source of the spike ● Be able to cut off that source easily ○ Preferable to OOMing your cluster
  • 34. Capacity ● Brief overview of capacity planning at Databricks ● We've found that one m3db replica per 50,000 incoming time-series works pretty well ○ We are write heavy ● For same workload need about 50 write coordinators in two deployments (100 total)
  • 35. Future Work Some examples of nifty new things M3 will enable us to do now that we're getting operationally mature ● Downsampling for older metrics ○ Expect a significant savings in disk space ● Using different namespaces for metrics with different requirements ● Allowing direct push into M3 from difficult to scrape services ○ E.g. databricks jobs, developer laptops
  • 36. Conclusion ● Overall a successful migration for us ● Community has been helpful ● Nice new things on the horizon