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Stuart Macdonald
RDM Service Coordinator
University of Edinburgh
RDMF 12 - Research Data and Repositories (and other systems), RDMF, University of Leicester, 19
November 2014
- Service Interoperation
• EDINA and University Data Library (EDL) together are a
division within Information Services (IS) of the University of
• EDINA is a Jisc-designated centre for digital expertise &
online service delivery -
• The Data Library assists Edinburgh University users in the
discovery, access, use and management of research datasets:
• Research and Learning Services offer specific services to the
University with a focus on enabling research (OA publications,
research data, bibliometrics) and resource discovery for
learners (resource search systems).
University of Edinburgh RDM Policy
 University of Edinburgh is one
of the first Universities in UK
to adopt a policy for managing
research data:
 The policy was approved by
the University Court on 16 May
 It’s acknowledged that this is
an aspirational policy and that
implementation will take some
An RDM Policy Implementation Committee was set up by the
VP of Knowledge Management charged with delivering
services that will meet RDM policy objectives:
• Membership from across Information Services
• Iterate with researchers to ensure services meet the needs of
The VP also established a Steering Committee led by
Prof. Peter Clarke with members of the Research Committee
from the 3 colleges, IS, and the Research Office (ERI).
Their role is to:
• Provide oversight to the activity of the Implementation
• Ensure services meet researcher requirements without harming
research competitiveness

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EDINA / Data Library Overview
EDINA / Data Library OverviewEDINA / Data Library Overview
EDINA / Data Library Overview

The document provides an overview of the EDINA & Data Library service at the University of Edinburgh. It discusses that EDINA is a JISC-funded National Data Centre that provides online resources for education and research, while the Data Library assists university users in discovering, accessing, using and managing research datasets. The Data Library offers consultancy services and has developed projects like Edinburgh DataShare, an institutional repository of research datasets, and the Research Data MANTRA online course on research data management.

data libraryedina
Scottish Digital Library Consortium Meeting: Edinburgh DataShare
Scottish Digital Library Consortium Meeting: Edinburgh DataShareScottish Digital Library Consortium Meeting: Edinburgh DataShare
Scottish Digital Library Consortium Meeting: Edinburgh DataShare

Invited presentation to SDLC Repository Development Group: Research Data meeting. 2 May, 2013: St. Andrews, Scotland.

research data managementdspacedatasets
Investigation into Private LOCKSS Networks
Investigation into Private LOCKSS NetworksInvestigation into Private LOCKSS Networks
Investigation into Private LOCKSS Networks

Presented by Adam Rusbridge at UK LOCKSS Alliance Members’ Meeting: 10th May 2011, National Railway Museum, York

uk lockss allianceedina
Policy implementation - Research Data
Management Roadmap (2012-2015)
 Cross-divisional collaboration
 Services already in place:
o Data management planning
o Active working file space =
o Data publication repository =
 Services in development:
o Long term data archive =
o Data Asset Register (DAR)
 RDM support: Awareness raising,
training & consultancy
Before research During research After research
Research Data Management Planning
Performed at the conceptual stage before research
data are created (what, where, who, how)
Customised instance of DCC’s DMPonline toolkit for
University of Edinburgh use:
• Funders and local (non-funder) DMP templates
• Institutional guidance (storage, services, support)
• Piloting customised school-level guidance - end of Jan. 2015
Tailored DMP assistance for researchers submitting
research proposals (F-2-F)
 NAS facility to store data that are actively used in current research activities
 1.6PB storage initially. 0.5 TB (500GB) per researchers, PGR upwards
 Up to 0.25TB of each allocation can be used for “shared” group storage
 Cost of extra storage: £200 per TB per year = 1TB primary storage, 10 days
online file history, 60 days backup, DR copy
 Infrastructure in place. Allocation of space devolved to IT departments of
respective Schools overseen by Heads of IT from each College.
 De-allocation policy detailing responsibilities and storage costs for
‘orphaned data’ - pending approval by Steering Committee
 Edinburgh DataShare is the University’s open access multi-disciplinary data
 Assists researchers disseminate their research, get credit for data
publication, and preserve their data for the long-term (DOI, licence, citation)
 Help researchers comply with funder requirements to preserve and share
your data and complies with Edinburgh’s RDM Policy
Data Vault
 Safe, private, store of data that is only accessible by the data creator or
their representative
 Secure storage: File security; Storage security; Additional security:
 Long term assurance
 Automatic versioning
 Front-end application requirements (authorisation, retention & deletion,
file structure, file transfter, integration
Data Asset Register (DAR)
 A catalogue of data assets produced by University of Edinburgh
 A key component of the University of Edinburgh RDM systems
 Will give researchers a single place to record the existence of the data
assets they produce for discovery, access, and re-use as appropriate.
 Paper proposing the adoption of PURE as the University’s DAR
provisionally accepted the RDM Steering Committee (Oct. 2014)

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Edin casestudy-ou-rr-2011
Edin casestudy-ou-rr-2011Edin casestudy-ou-rr-2011
Edin casestudy-ou-rr-2011

The University of Edinburgh has taken several steps to improve research data management: 1. They developed the first research data management policy in the UK to provide guidelines for storing, sharing, and preserving research data. 2. They created online training and guidance materials called MANTRA to teach researchers best practices for data organization, documentation, and long-term access. 3. They are developing research data services including a data library, repository, and storage strategies to support researchers in managing their data throughout the research lifecycle and ensuring access over time.

mantraresearch data managementdata repositories
Guiding users through data deposit
Guiding users through data depositGuiding users through data deposit
Guiding users through data deposit

Robin Rice presented on guiding users through data deposit from the perspective of a data librarian. The presentation covered supporting data users throughout the research lifecycle, fostering a culture of responsible sharing through training, and incentivizing open data sharing through easy-to-use repository services. It also discussed balancing the needs of a multi-disciplinary institutional repository to accommodate different domains while striving for FAIR data principles and lowering barriers to deposit. An online demo of user documentation for the Edinburgh DataShare repository was provided.

data supportdata repositoriesopen data
Six Use Cases for Edinburgh DataShare
Six Use Cases for Edinburgh DataShareSix Use Cases for Edinburgh DataShare
Six Use Cases for Edinburgh DataShare

1) The University of Edinburgh requires research data that has future historical interest or represents records of the university to be deposited in an appropriate repository. 2) Edinburgh DataShare is one of the key research data management services offered by the university and has worked to meet the requirements of pilot submissions from various research communities and data types. 3) Discussions at the Repository Fringe event covered topics such as depositing student thesis data, handling sensitive health data, supporting non-standard metadata and licenses, and ensuring long-term access to large datasets.

research data managementdata repositories
Systems do not live in isolation,
and become more powerful and
more likely to be used if they
are integrated with each other.
However, the last thing that we
want is to introduce further
systems that need to be fed
with duplicate information.
This means interoperation for
some or all of the components
RDM Support
Making the most of local support!
• RDM team will work with the Research Administrators in
each School.
• Academic Support Librarians (who represent each of the 22
• IT staff in each School.
• ERI staff. They will be receiving RDM training.
• Each School’s Ethics Committee
• Queries can be sent to the IS Helpline who will direct them
as appropriate.
Awareness raising
• Introductory sessions on RDM
services and support for
research active and research
admin staff in Schools /
• RDM website:
• RDM blog:
• RDM wiki:
 MANTRA is an
internationally recognized
self-paced online training
course developed here for
PGR’s and early career
researchers in data
management issues.
 Data handling exercises
with open datasets in 4
analytical packages: R,
 CC License & embed units
in VLE’s e.g. Moodle

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RDM Programme@Edinburgh
RDM Programme@EdinburghRDM Programme@Edinburgh
RDM Programme@Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh implemented a research data management policy and programme to provide services and support for researchers. Key services include DataStore for active data storage, DataShare for publishing data, and DataVault for long-term preservation. Training, guidance on data management planning, and support staff help researchers comply with funder requirements and best practices. The multi-phase programme establishes critical services while pursuing interoperability and engaging the research community.

rdmrdm roadmapedinburgh university
On being a cog rather than inventing the wheel: Edinburgh DataShare as a key ...
On being a cog rather than inventing the wheel: Edinburgh DataShare as a key ...On being a cog rather than inventing the wheel: Edinburgh DataShare as a key ...
On being a cog rather than inventing the wheel: Edinburgh DataShare as a key ...

Presented by Robin Rice at the "IRs dealing with data" workshop at the Open Repositories 2013 Conference in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, on 8 July 2013.

robin riceopen repositoriesinstitutional repositories
Introduction to RDM for trainee physicians
Introduction to RDM for trainee physiciansIntroduction to RDM for trainee physicians
Introduction to RDM for trainee physicians

Presented at the RCPE Workshop Course 'Research - an introduction for trainee physicians', Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 28 October 2015

research data managementgood practicerdm policy
Training: Tailored Courses
 A range of training
programmes on research
data management (RDM) in
the form of workshops,
power sessions, seminars
and drop in sessions to
help researchers with
research data management
 Creating a data management
plan for your grant application
 Research Data Management
Programme at the University of
 Good practice in Research
Data Management
 Handling data using SPSS
 Handling data with ArcGIS
Service Integration
• DataShare is a customised DSpace instance with a
selection of OAI-PMH compliant DCMI metadata fields for data
discovery through Google and other search engines
• Records are harvested by Data Citation Index
• SWORD API utilised for batch deposit of large and/or many
files from remote computers (‘Push using http’)
• Internal batch ingest of many/large files to circumvent 2.1GB
limit via the web interface (‘Pull via command line interface’)
• Use of checksums to determine that delivered object mirrors deposited
• Working with F1000Research to define a workflow for
depositors to get credit for data as research output by
publishing data articles -
• Published new list of data journals for our depositors
DSpace GITHUB plugin* - allows software to be archived from
GitHub (or similar) source code repository into DataShare, which can
then be assigned a DOI to facilitate citation - using the SWORD deposit
DataSync - to allow sharing of data on DataStore:
• drop-box type functionality
• uses open source ‘ownCloud’ technology
• desktop and mobile machines synchronize files with the ownCloud
• file updates are pushed between all devices connected to a user's
Research data deposit from RSpace Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN)
interface into DataShare (and Datastore & Data Vault) using SWORD
Integrating an electronic lab notebook
with a university research infrastructure:
Case Study with RSpace at the
University of Edinburgh
Rory Macneil
Research Space
RDMF 12 - Research Data and
Repositories (and other systems), RDMF,
University of Leicester, 19 November 2014

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National Activities and the UK LOCKSS Alliance
National Activities and the UK LOCKSS AllianceNational Activities and the UK LOCKSS Alliance
National Activities and the UK LOCKSS Alliance

The document summarizes discussions from a meeting about ensuring long-term access to scholarly works in electronic formats. It describes the governance and activities of the UK LOCKSS Alliance, including comparison of different e-journal archiving initiatives, the PECAN project to build an entitlement registry, and recommendations from a white paper on e-journal archiving. It also discusses the newly formed JARVIG committee tasked with determining the most effective national e-journal archiving infrastructure for UK higher education.

uk lockss allianceedina
Research Data Management (RDM) Initiatives at the University of Edinburgh
Research Data Management (RDM) Initiatives at the University of EdinburghResearch Data Management (RDM) Initiatives at the University of Edinburgh
Research Data Management (RDM) Initiatives at the University of Edinburgh

Presentation given by Robin Rice and Jeff Haywood at the International Digital Data Centre, Chicago, 6 December 2010

PEPRS: Recording The Extent Preserved
PEPRS: Recording The Extent PreservedPEPRS: Recording The Extent Preserved
PEPRS: Recording The Extent Preserved

Presented by Peter Burnhill at the ost ALA Annual Holdings Update Forum, Universal and repurposed holdings information -- Emerging initiatives and projects, Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 25 June 2011

peprspeter burnhill
● ELNs – where the demand coming from
● RSpace – origins and overview
● RSpace at Edinburgh
– Linking to files in Edinburgh DataStore
– Depositing content in Edinburgh DataShare
– Archiving in Edinburgh DataVault
● Platform for integration with other RDM
Who and what is driving demand for
● Researchers
– Utility and convenience of paper lab book + online capabilities
– On multiple devices
– File management/integration
● Groups/PIs
– Controlled sharing
– Collaboration
– Group management
– File management/integration
● Institutions: data librarians, research admins, IT, commercialisation offices
– Enterprise features: Scalable deployment, Single Sign On
– IP protection: audit trail, signing
– Publishing
– Archiving
– Repository integration
● Conceived in response to Wisconsin RFP
and trial 2011 - 2012
● Developed with Wisconsin by Research
Space 2012 - 2013
Researcher experience
Sketching √
Image annotation √
Chemical structures √
Notebook √
Forms √
Templating √
Snippets √
PDF export √
Export to html √
File gallery √
Journal view √
Tablet friendly √
Clean design √
Performance √
Round trip editing √
Offline access √

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Ukla uksg 2013_final
Ukla uksg 2013_finalUkla uksg 2013_final
Ukla uksg 2013_final

The document discusses the UK LOCKSS Alliance program which aims to help libraries preserve electronic journals and books through local archiving. It describes how the collaborative organization coordinates support for members to build and maintain their own archives of web published content. The UK LOCKSS Alliance works to ensure long-term sustainable access to scholarly works.

Access Control in ESDIN: Shibboleth
Access Control in ESDIN: ShibbolethAccess Control in ESDIN: Shibboleth
Access Control in ESDIN: Shibboleth

The document discusses access control for geospatial data using Shibboleth federated identity management. It summarizes work done in the ESDIN project to set up a prototype Shibboleth federation between national mapping agencies. It also describes an OGC interoperability experiment where several software vendors modified their OWS clients to work with Shibboleth single sign-on. The document concludes by discussing potential next steps, such as establishing an INSPIRE Shibboleth federation and holding a workshop at the INSPIRE conference.

DSpace for Data Revisited
DSpace for Data RevisitedDSpace for Data Revisited
DSpace for Data Revisited

Robin Rice and Stuart Macdonald review the upgrade to DSpace 4.1 for the DataShare repository at the University of Edinburgh.

robin ricestuart macdonalduniversity of edinburgh
PI/Lab support
Sharing √
Messaging √
Lab set up enabled √
Group management √
Inter-group collaboration √
Institutional requirements
(IT, data librarians, research admins,
commercialisation offices)
Single sign on √
Tiered admin √
Group set up √
IP support √
Export to XML √
Archiving √
Repository integration √
RSpace design advantages
● Easy data entry
● Easy and flexible data structuring
● Multiple ways of getting data out (and back
– Export PDF
– Export to html
– Export Zip (XML)
– Re-import, preserving structure
– Archive (with metadata)
Business Model
● Free public cloud for labs and individuals
● Institutional deployments @$100/user/year
● Seamless movement of groups and data
between different RSpaces

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Data Library Services at the University of Edinburgh
Data Library Services at the University of EdinburghData Library Services at the University of Edinburgh
Data Library Services at the University of Edinburgh

The Data Library at the University of Edinburgh was established in the early 1980s to provide access to datasets like UK census data. It has since evolved to support research data management across its lifecycle through services like consultancy, a dataset catalogue, and training. The Data Library is now part of a research data management program that includes an institutional data repository called Edinburgh DataShare that has deposited around 250 datasets so far. A key part of training is the open online Research Data Management course called MANTRA.

data supportdata librariesrdm
The Keepers Registry: Enabling Trust in E-Journal Preservation
The Keepers Registry: Enabling Trust in E-Journal PreservationThe Keepers Registry: Enabling Trust in E-Journal Preservation
The Keepers Registry: Enabling Trust in E-Journal Preservation

Presentation given by Peter Burnhill of EDINA, at the Digital Preservation Coalition's "Trust and E-journals" event on 31 January 2012 at the Wellcome Collection Conference Centre, Euston Road, London, UK.

digital preservation coalitionpeter burnhilldigital preservation
Research Data Management: Why is it important?
Research Data Management: Why is it  important?Research Data Management: Why is it  important?
Research Data Management: Why is it important?

Presented by Stuart Macdonald at Literatures, Languages and Cultures Research Committee Meeting, Univ. Edinburgh, 28 October 2015

research data managementstuart macdonald
RSpace at Edinburgh
– Linking to files in Edinburgh DataStore
– Depositing content in Edinburgh DataShare
– Archiving in Edinburgh DataVault
Linking to DataStore
“My plan for workflow would be generally to
deposit my data in DataStore either from the wet
lab instruments (gel photos, elisa data, etc, and
also possibly directly from an iPad) or from in silico
data analysis I’ve been doing, and then link to it
from within RSpace.”
Linking to DataStore
ELN UoE DataStore
Exposing DataStore File Roots

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Shibboleth Access Management Federations as an Organisational Model for SDI
Shibboleth Access Management Federations as an Organisational Model for SDIShibboleth Access Management Federations as an Organisational Model for SDI
Shibboleth Access Management Federations as an Organisational Model for SDI

Presented by C.I. Higgins, M. Koutroumpas, A. Seales and A. Matheus at the INSPIRE Conference 2011, 27 June 2011.

How does it feel to participate in public?
How does it feel to participate in public?How does it feel to participate in public?
How does it feel to participate in public?

This was a guest lecture presented online at 12.30pm, Monday 14th October 2013, as part of Session 2: Co-creation in the University of Edinburgh Institute for Academic Development's Online Tutoring course (Autumn 2013).

digital educationco-creationelearning
PECAN Phase 2: Pilot for Ensuring Continuity of Access via Nesli2
PECAN Phase 2: Pilot for Ensuring Continuity of Access via Nesli2 PECAN Phase 2: Pilot for Ensuring Continuity of Access via Nesli2
PECAN Phase 2: Pilot for Ensuring Continuity of Access via Nesli2

1) The document outlines the PECAN Phase 2 project which developed a prototype entitlement registry to match up title information with institutional subscriptions and post-cancellation entitlement. 2) Key components of the prototype included designing an entitlement registry demonstrator to ingest and display data, assessing methods for automating data ingestion and maintaining record accuracy over time. 3) Challenges identified included the dynamic nature of deals and titles, defining packages, and developing standard data formats and workflows for publisher data supply to minimize manual intervention.

Linking to a DataStore File
Linking to a DataStore File
Linking to a DataStore File
DataStore integration: Designing for
the User
● Single Sign On via EASE
● Seamless file access
– Common Internet File Standard with user
● Multiple file roots per user
– Idiosyncratic organisation
– Sharing between users/groups
– Accessing external files (DataStore, Box,

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Collaboration to Curation: The High Rise Project meets Edinburgh DataShare
Collaboration to Curation: The High Rise Project meets Edinburgh DataShareCollaboration to Curation: The High Rise Project meets Edinburgh DataShare
Collaboration to Curation: The High Rise Project meets Edinburgh DataShare

Presentation given by Stuart Macdonald, Robin Rice and E. Serafin at the IT Futures Conference 2009, 15 December 2009.

Tweeting and Blogging for Academics
Tweeting and Blogging for AcademicsTweeting and Blogging for Academics
Tweeting and Blogging for Academics

Slides accompanying the University of Edinburgh Digital Day of Ideas 2016 (#DigScholEd) workshop on Tweeting and Blogging for Academics run by Nicola Osborne (EDINA) and Lorna Campbell (EDINA/LTW). The workshop took place on 18th May 2016. Read more about the event here:

twittersocial mediaedinburgh university
Library roles in research data management
Library roles in research data management Library roles in research data management
Library roles in research data management

The document summarizes a meeting at the University of Edinburgh about library roles in research data management. It includes: - Welcome and introduction from Robin Rice about data library services and projects related to research data management. - A talk from Sam Searle of Monash University about library roles in research data management based on experiences at Monash. - A discussion session. - A presentation by Sheila Cannell about getting a research data management policy for the University of Edinburgh. - A presentation by Jeff Haywood about the University of Edinburgh's storage strategy.

Exporting to DataShare
UoE DataShare
Adding metadata
RSpace – DataShare integration:
Backend platform
–Edinburgh DataShare has three interfaces/APIs
●SWORD (simple Java based web-service which supports repository
–RSpace uses the SWORD Interface
–The SWORD server accepts a file for deposition if a METS
description file is provided
Four part METS implementation in
RSpace – DataShare integration
•RSpace uses the standard METS header
•DMD -- field definitions are based on Dublin Core
–Four required fields in Edinburgh DataShare -- contributor,
publisher, title, and data creator -- must be completed as part
of the deposit through RSpace
–Additional optional fields can be filled in later by DataShare
•All zipped files and their mime-types (e.g. application/pdf,
text/html) are included
•A structure map describes the full structure and relationships
between the above three elements

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Credo reference promoting resources workshop edina slides
Credo reference promoting resources workshop   edina slidesCredo reference promoting resources workshop   edina slides
Credo reference promoting resources workshop edina slides

The document discusses the importance of promoting online resources to library users. It notes that without active promotion, usage of subscription resources will be lower. It also suggests that libraries should alert users to useful free resources to create engaging sites and establish connections with users. The document then examines some challenges to promoting resources, such as information overload and competition from other online sources. It provides suggestions on how to effectively promote resources, including using metrics to monitor impact, ensuring accurate resource descriptions, and employing search engine optimization strategies.

UK RepositoryNet+
UK RepositoryNet+UK RepositoryNet+
UK RepositoryNet+

1) The document discusses services provided by RepNet to help address challenges faced by institutional repositories (IRs) around deposit, discovery, reporting, and dissemination of research outputs. 2) Key services include automated deposit tools, aggregation of IR metadata to improve discovery, and services to enhance metadata and reporting on research outputs and impact. 3) RepNet aims to help IRs meet funder and institutional requirements by integrating with other research information systems through standards like CERIF.

uk repnet_uk repositorynet+edina
JISC Managing Research Data: Liaison Librarian Training
JISC Managing Research Data: Liaison Librarian Training JISC Managing Research Data: Liaison Librarian Training
JISC Managing Research Data: Liaison Librarian Training

Presentation delivered by Stuart Macdonald at a DCC/JISC Managing Research Data workshop in Nottingham, 25 October 2012

stuart macdonalddatajisc
RSpace – DataShare integration:
•Front end trigger
–An RSpace user selects files/folders/notebooks to be
deposited from RSpace, and starts the deposit process
•Backend to support the user workflow
–RSpace extracts the associated data and resources from
its database and file-store
–These are turned into xml files
–METS is used to describe the zip file and each selected
–The xml, resource, and METS files are zipped into a zip file
for archiving
–The DSpace SWORD client deposits the zip file to
DataShare after an authentication and validation
Archiving in Edinburgh DataVault
● DataVault functionality/API not yet
● Anticipate use of XML zip archive
● Many requirements to be determined
– e.g., searching, restoration
RSpace and Edinburgh RDM
DataVault User / Browser
RSpace and RDM: Other institutions
File store
User / Browser

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Preserving Our Digital Heritage: Community Action via UK LOCKSS
Preserving Our Digital Heritage: Community Action via UK LOCKSSPreserving Our Digital Heritage: Community Action via UK LOCKSS
Preserving Our Digital Heritage: Community Action via UK LOCKSS

Presented by Adam Rusbridge at e-Journals are forever? Preservation and Continuing Access to e-journal Content. A DPC, EDINA and JISC joint initiative, British Library, London, 26 April 2010.

adam rusbridgeejournalsbritish library
CLOCKSS: Time and Places for Community-Based Archiving
CLOCKSS: Time and Places for Community-Based ArchivingCLOCKSS: Time and Places for Community-Based Archiving
CLOCKSS: Time and Places for Community-Based Archiving

CLOCKSS is a community-based digital preservation system that aims to solve the problem of loss of digital content that is no longer available in print. It works by storing copies of content across global partner libraries. Content is governed by an international board of libraries and publishers. CLOCKSS uses a sustainable financial model of low fees and raising an endowment to keep participation affordable and ensure long-term preservation of orphaned digital content.

The WSTIERIA Project – A Web of Services
The  WSTIERIA Project – A Web of ServicesThe  WSTIERIA Project – A Web of Services
The WSTIERIA Project – A Web of Services

The WSTIERIA Project aims to enable federated authentication for web services without requiring browser-based protocols. The initial "facade" approach uses an Apache proxy that redirects authenticated browser sessions to rewrite URLs in web service responses. However, this approach has limitations when applied to arbitrary protocols due to dependencies on URLs. The project is now exploring using Shibboleth's delegated authentication extension, which allows a portal application to transparently authenticate a user to a backend web service without further login.

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RDM Programme @ Edinburgh - Service Interoperation

  • 1. Stuart Macdonald RDM Service Coordinator University of Edinburgh RDMF 12 - Research Data and Repositories (and other systems), RDMF, University of Leicester, 19 November 2014 RDM PROGRAMME @ EDINBURGH - Service Interoperation
  • 2. Background • EDINA and University Data Library (EDL) together are a division within Information Services (IS) of the University of Edinburgh. • EDINA is a Jisc-designated centre for digital expertise & online service delivery - • The Data Library assists Edinburgh University users in the discovery, access, use and management of research datasets: • Research and Learning Services offer specific services to the University with a focus on enabling research (OA publications, research data, bibliometrics) and resource discovery for learners (resource search systems).
  • 3. University of Edinburgh RDM Policy  University of Edinburgh is one of the first Universities in UK to adopt a policy for managing research data: ch-data-policy  The policy was approved by the University Court on 16 May 2011.  It’s acknowledged that this is an aspirational policy and that implementation will take some years.
  • 4. An RDM Policy Implementation Committee was set up by the VP of Knowledge Management charged with delivering services that will meet RDM policy objectives: • Membership from across Information Services • Iterate with researchers to ensure services meet the needs of researchers The VP also established a Steering Committee led by Prof. Peter Clarke with members of the Research Committee from the 3 colleges, IS, and the Research Office (ERI). Their role is to: • Provide oversight to the activity of the Implementation Committee • Ensure services meet researcher requirements without harming research competitiveness Governance
  • 5. Policy implementation - Research Data Management Roadmap (2012-2015)  Cross-divisional collaboration  Services already in place: o Data management planning o Active working file space = DataStore o Data publication repository = DataShare  Services in development: o Long term data archive = DataVault o Data Asset Register (DAR)  RDM support: Awareness raising, training & consultancy Before research During research After research
  • 6. Research Data Management Planning Performed at the conceptual stage before research data are created (what, where, who, how) Customised instance of DCC’s DMPonline toolkit for University of Edinburgh use: • Funders and local (non-funder) DMP templates • Institutional guidance (storage, services, support) • Piloting customised school-level guidance - end of Jan. 2015 Tailored DMP assistance for researchers submitting research proposals (F-2-F)
  • 7. DataStore  NAS facility to store data that are actively used in current research activities  1.6PB storage initially. 0.5 TB (500GB) per researchers, PGR upwards  Up to 0.25TB of each allocation can be used for “shared” group storage  Cost of extra storage: £200 per TB per year = 1TB primary storage, 10 days online file history, 60 days backup, DR copy  Infrastructure in place. Allocation of space devolved to IT departments of respective Schools overseen by Heads of IT from each College.  De-allocation policy detailing responsibilities and storage costs for ‘orphaned data’ - pending approval by Steering Committee DataShare  Edinburgh DataShare is the University’s open access multi-disciplinary data repository:  Assists researchers disseminate their research, get credit for data publication, and preserve their data for the long-term (DOI, licence, citation)  Help researchers comply with funder requirements to preserve and share your data and complies with Edinburgh’s RDM Policy
  • 8. Data Vault  Safe, private, store of data that is only accessible by the data creator or their representative  Secure storage: File security; Storage security; Additional security: encryption  Long term assurance  Automatic versioning  Front-end application requirements (authorisation, retention & deletion, file structure, file transfter, integration Data Asset Register (DAR)  A catalogue of data assets produced by University of Edinburgh researchers  A key component of the University of Edinburgh RDM systems  Will give researchers a single place to record the existence of the data assets they produce for discovery, access, and re-use as appropriate.  Paper proposing the adoption of PURE as the University’s DAR provisionally accepted the RDM Steering Committee (Oct. 2014)
  • 9. Systems do not live in isolation, and become more powerful and more likely to be used if they are integrated with each other. However, the last thing that we want is to introduce further systems that need to be fed with duplicate information. This means interoperation for some or all of the components Interoperation
  • 10. RDM Support Making the most of local support! • RDM team will work with the Research Administrators in each School. • Academic Support Librarians (who represent each of the 22 Schools). • IT staff in each School. • ERI staff. They will be receiving RDM training. • Each School’s Ethics Committee • Queries can be sent to the IS Helpline who will direct them as appropriate.
  • 11. Awareness raising • Introductory sessions on RDM services and support for research active and research admin staff in Schools / Institutes • RDM website: management • RDM blog: • RDM wiki: y/RDM/Research+Data+Manage ment+Wiki
  • 12. MANTRA  MANTRA is an internationally recognized self-paced online training course developed here for PGR’s and early career researchers in data management issues.  Data handling exercises with open datasets in 4 analytical packages: R, SPSS, NVivo, ArcGIS  CC License & embed units in VLE’s e.g. Moodle
  • 13. Training: Tailored Courses  A range of training programmes on research data management (RDM) in the form of workshops, power sessions, seminars and drop in sessions to help researchers with research data management issues  departments/information- services/research-support/data- management/rdm-training  Creating a data management plan for your grant application  Research Data Management Programme at the University of Edinburgh  Good practice in Research Data Management  Handling data using SPSS  Handling data with ArcGIS 
  • 14. Service Integration • DataShare is a customised DSpace instance with a selection of OAI-PMH compliant DCMI metadata fields for data discovery through Google and other search engines • Records are harvested by Data Citation Index • SWORD API utilised for batch deposit of large and/or many files from remote computers (‘Push using http’) • Internal batch ingest of many/large files to circumvent 2.1GB limit via the web interface (‘Pull via command line interface’) • Use of checksums to determine that delivered object mirrors deposited object • Working with F1000Research to define a workflow for depositors to get credit for data as research output by publishing data articles - • Published new list of data journals for our depositors
  • 15. DSpace GITHUB plugin* - allows software to be archived from GitHub (or similar) source code repository into DataShare, which can then be assigned a DOI to facilitate citation - using the SWORD deposit protocol DataSync - to allow sharing of data on DataStore: • drop-box type functionality • uses open source ‘ownCloud’ technology • desktop and mobile machines synchronize files with the ownCloud server • file updates are pushed between all devices connected to a user's account. Research data deposit from RSpace Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) interface into DataShare (and Datastore & Data Vault) using SWORD *
  • 16. Integrating an electronic lab notebook with a university research infrastructure: Case Study with RSpace at the University of Edinburgh Rory Macneil Research Space RDMF 12 - Research Data and Repositories (and other systems), RDMF, University of Leicester, 19 November 2014
  • 17. Overview ● ELNs – where the demand coming from ● RSpace – origins and overview ● RSpace at Edinburgh – Linking to files in Edinburgh DataStore – Depositing content in Edinburgh DataShare – Archiving in Edinburgh DataVault ● Platform for integration with other RDM infrastructures
  • 18. Who and what is driving demand for ELNs? ● Researchers – Utility and convenience of paper lab book + online capabilities – On multiple devices – File management/integration ● Groups/PIs – Controlled sharing – Collaboration – Group management – File management/integration ● Institutions: data librarians, research admins, IT, commercialisation offices – Enterprise features: Scalable deployment, Single Sign On – IP protection: audit trail, signing – Publishing – Archiving – Repository integration
  • 19. RSpace ● Conceived in response to Wisconsin RFP and trial 2011 - 2012 ● Developed with Wisconsin by Research Space 2012 - 2013
  • 20. Researcher experience Sketching √ Image annotation √ Chemical structures √ Notebook √ Forms √ Templating √ Snippets √ PDF export √ Export to html √ File gallery √ Journal view √ Tablet friendly √ Clean design √ Performance √ Round trip editing √ Offline access √
  • 21. PI/Lab support Sharing √ Messaging √ Lab set up enabled √ Group management √ Inter-group collaboration √
  • 22. Institutional requirements (IT, data librarians, research admins, commercialisation offices) Single sign on √ Tiered admin √ Group set up √ IP support √ Export to XML √ Archiving √ Repository integration √
  • 23. RSpace design advantages ● Easy data entry ● Easy and flexible data structuring ● Multiple ways of getting data out (and back in) – Export PDF – Export to html – Export Zip (XML) – Re-import, preserving structure – Archive (with metadata)
  • 24. Business Model ● Free public cloud for labs and individuals ● Institutional deployments @$100/user/year ● Seamless movement of groups and data between different RSpaces Edinburgh Public Cloud Stanford La b La b La b
  • 25. RSpace at Edinburgh – Linking to files in Edinburgh DataStore – Depositing content in Edinburgh DataShare – Archiving in Edinburgh DataVault
  • 26. Linking to DataStore “My plan for workflow would be generally to deposit my data in DataStore either from the wet lab instruments (gel photos, elisa data, etc, and also possibly directly from an iPad) or from in silico data analysis I’ve been doing, and then link to it from within RSpace.”
  • 29. Linking to a DataStore File
  • 30. Linking to a DataStore File
  • 31. Linking to a DataStore File
  • 32. DataStore integration: Designing for the User ● Single Sign On via EASE ● Seamless file access – Common Internet File Standard with user credentials ● Multiple file roots per user – Idiosyncratic organisation – Sharing between users/groups – Accessing external files (DataStore, Box, Dropbox)
  • 35. RSpace – DataShare integration: Backend platform –Edinburgh DataShare has three interfaces/APIs ●Web-UI ●Python ●SWORD (simple Java based web-service which supports repository deposits) –RSpace uses the SWORD Interface –The SWORD server accepts a file for deposition if a METS description file is provided
  • 36. Four part METS implementation in RSpace – DataShare integration •RSpace uses the standard METS header •DMD -- field definitions are based on Dublin Core –Four required fields in Edinburgh DataShare -- contributor, publisher, title, and data creator -- must be completed as part of the deposit through RSpace –Additional optional fields can be filled in later by DataShare administrator: ●FUNDER, SPATIAL_COVERAGE, TIME_PERIOD, DATA_CREATOR, AVAILABLE_DATE, DESCRIPTION_ABSTRACT, DESCRIPTION_TOC, LANGUAGE, RELATION_VERSION_OF, RELATION_REFERENCED_BY, SUPERCEDES, RIGHT, SOURCE, SUBJECT_KEYWORDS, SUBJECT_CLASSIFICATION, ALTERNATIVE_TITLE •All zipped files and their mime-types (e.g. application/pdf, text/html) are included •A structure map describes the full structure and relationships between the above three elements
  • 37. RSpace – DataShare integration: Workflow •Front end trigger –An RSpace user selects files/folders/notebooks to be deposited from RSpace, and starts the deposit process •Backend to support the user workflow –RSpace extracts the associated data and resources from its database and file-store –These are turned into xml files –METS is used to describe the zip file and each selected file –The xml, resource, and METS files are zipped into a zip file for archiving –The DSpace SWORD client deposits the zip file to DataShare after an authentication and validation
  • 38. Archiving in Edinburgh DataVault ● DataVault functionality/API not yet specified ● Anticipate use of XML zip archive ● Many requirements to be determined – e.g., searching, restoration
  • 39. RSpace and Edinburgh RDM RSpace server DataShareDataStore DataVault User / Browser
  • 40. RSpace and RDM: Other institutions RSpace server DSpace/ other repositories File store Archive User / Browser Inte rfac e Inte rfac e XML