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Introduction to the
University Data Library
and national data services
Stuart Macdonald
Associate Data Librarian
Graduate School of Social & Political
Science Induction
September, 2016
 About the Data Library
 Data Library services & resources
 National data services for social sciences
 Non-academic data sources & tools
 Skills and training
EDINA and Data Library within
Information Services
 User Services
 Library and University Collections
 IT Infrastructure
 Applications
 EDINA and Data Library
 Digital Curation Centre
 Learning, Teaching and Web Services
What is a data library?
A data library refers to both the content and the services that
foster use of collections of numeric and/or geospatial data sets
for secondary use in research. A data library is normally part of a
larger institution (academic, scientific, medical, governmental,
etc.) established to serve the data users of that organisation.
The data library tends to house local data collections and
provides access through various means (CD-/DVD-ROMs or
central server for download). A data library may also maintain
subscriptions to licensed data resources.
Data Library: History
 Established out of the Program Library Unit in early
1980s to provide access to data on mainframes, e.g.
1981 population census data. Was part of EUCS,
now Information Services
 Part of long tradition of sharing machine-readable
data for secondary analysis in the social sciences
 Became a national data centre as EDINA in 1996 -
data library continues University remit
 celebrated 30th anniversary in 2013
Data Library -
Data Library & Consultancy
 Finding…
“I need to analyse some data for a project, but all I can find are published
papers with tables and graphs, not the original data source.”
 Accessing …
“I’ve found the data I need, but I’m not sure how to gain access to it.”
 Using …
“I’ve got the data I need, but I’m not sure how to analyse it in my chosen
 Managing …
“I have collected my own data and I’d like to document and preserve it and
make it available to others.”
 Reference Interviews
 Training and resources:
Data Library Resources
 Large-scale social science survey data
 Country and regional level time series data
 Population and Agricultural Census data
 Data for mapping
 Resources for teaching
Opening hours: 9.30am – 5.30pm (Mon. – Fri.)
Argyle House
3 Lady Lawson Street
Tel.: 0131 651 1431 or 0131 651 1744
Data Library Catalogue
arranged by Topic -
Research Data Management
 Research data management training:
 Research Data MANTRA - Open online course for researchers
managing digital data as part of the research process
 Research Data Management & Sharing MOOC -
 Institutional data repository provision
 Edinburgh DataShare
 Assistance with deposit in national archives
 Assistance with Data Management Plans (DMPs)
Research Data MANTRA
• Organising data
• Documentation & metadata
• Storage & security
• File formats & transformations
• Data management planning
• PLUS software-specific data handling practicals
• Open online, self-paced course for researchers
Edinburgh DataShare -
Research Data Service
Why research data
management is
Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN) -
 AQMeN is a Research Centre that aims to develop projects to improve our
understanding of current social issues in the UK and provide policy makers
and practitioners with independent research-based evidence to build a
better future.
 Funded by ESRC (2013-2016) AQMeN has three primary strands of
research involving a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the UK and
abroad :
• Crime and victimisation
• Education and social stratification
• Urban segregation and inequality
 Original aim was to build capacity in the use of quantitative methods
amongst Scotland’s social science community and beyond.
 AQMeN offer practical quantitative methods training on a range of
techniques developed as part of their programme of research
 Data Library host and manage the AQMeN website
Introduction to Edinburgh University Data Library and national data services
Introduction to
National Data Services
UK Data Archive
Founded in 1967 and based at the University of Essex
ESRC / JISC-funded
Work closely with CESSDA, ICPSR, NatCen social research, NCRM, ONS
Houses several thousand social science and humanities datasets
Provides resource discovery and support for secondary use of quantitative and
qualitative data in learning, teaching and research.
More recently it has worked with environmental and medical data sources.
Host to the UK Data Service which provides the following facilities:
• History Data Service
• Variable and question bank
• Secure Lab
• Qualibank
UK Data Service (UKDS)
£17 million investment over 5 years
UKDS - a comprehensive resource funded by the ESRC to support
researchers, teachers and policymakers who depend on high-quality social
and economic data.
A single point of access to high quality census data, government-funded
surveys, longitudinal studies, international macro-data, qualitative data and
business micro-data.
Distributed service led by Univ. of Essex in collaboration with:
Jisc Manchester, Cathie Marsh Centre for Census & Survey Research (Univ. of Manchester)
School of Geography (Univ. of Leeds)
Geography and Environment (Univ. of Southampton)
EDINA (Univ. of Edinburgh)
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL)
Commenced 1 October 2012 – integrated ESDS, Census Programme,
Secure Data Service, and other elements of the data service infrastructure
provided by ESRC, including UKDA
UKDS features include:
Access – free for academic use, registration required
Data – full/partial catalogue search, browse by subject, theme, and
geography, also links to major studies, new releases
Support – finding data, online guides, learning and teaching
resources, online data analysis tools (NESSTAR), external statistical
sources, FAQ
Resources – Online data browsing tools, metadata tools, software
guides, qualitative tools
Advice for using, managing, depositing, sharing research data -
best practice for ESRC researchers and beyond, preservation
News & Events – workshops, new data, publications (incl. good
practice guides)
Key Data
Introduction to Edinburgh University Data Library and national data services
• Part of "EDINA and Data Library" division of Information Services at the
University of Edinburgh
• Develops and delivers shared online services and infrastructure to
support research and education in the UK
• Services free at the point of use for use by staff and students in
learning, teaching and research through institutional subscription
• Focus is on service delivery and support but also undertake R&D
(projects  services)
 delivers about 10 online services
 employs about 50 staff (Edinburgh & St Helens)
EDINA – a Jisc centre for digital expertise and online service
delivery –
EDINA Digimap -
Administrative Data Research Network (ADRN) -
Government data sources
 National Records of Scotland (NRS) –
 Scottish Census 2011 – Data Explorer –
 Office for National Statistics (ONS) –
 ONS Neighbourhood Statistics –
 Statistics.Gov.Scot (replacing Scottish
Neighbourhood Statistics) -
 Welsh Government Statistics -
 Data.Gov.UK -
 Eurostat –
 The DataShine mapping platform is part of the ESRC Big Open Data:
Mining and Synthesis (BODMAS) project.
 Developed and maintained by UCL’s Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
 The overall project seeks promote and develop the use of large and open
datasets amongst the social science community.
 Promote visualisation of these data in new and informative ways to
inspire new uses and generate insights.
 Phase one has been to create the mapping platform with data from the
2011 Census.
 The next phases developing tools that will enable the synthesis of data
across multiple sources.
Introduction to Edinburgh University Data Library and national data services
Introduction to Edinburgh University Data Library and national data services
Indiemapper (online GIS)
Information Services: Digital Skills and Training -
courses include:
ArcGIS Quantum
Skills and Training
An online skills provider offering a
library of high quality video courses
Digital citizenship; Developing with
Python; Pixel playground
Plus many more catering for all
levels from beginner to expert.
From the soft launch in June 2016,
all staff and students will be entitled
to access -
There are many free Massive Open Online
Courses out there on a range of data-related
Coursera are one of the MOOC platforms
and offer a range of courses hosted by a
number of leading research-intensive
The Data Scientist’s Toolbox, Data Structures
and Algorithms, Statistics with R, Python
Data Structures, Data Visualisation, R
Programming, Getting and Cleaning Data,
Exploratory Data Analysis –
The Software
Institute (SSI)
(based in University of
Edinburgh, JCMB) offer
a number of training
opportunities including
Software Carpentry and
Data Carpentry
workshops – see:
New skills:
● (Big Data) Data analysts (R, Python, SPSS, SAS, PHP)
● Data carpentry (software skills & tools for effectively working with
● Data journalists (journalism specialty reflecting the role of numerical
data in the production and distribution of information in the digital
● Data wranglers (munging, mining, handling, manipulating)
● Data technicians, Data scientists
A Data Future
Pics from Flickr (creative commons attribution) – credits
include: D Sharon Pruitt
Ask us about data

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Introduction to Edinburgh University Data Library and national data services

  • 1. Introduction to the University Data Library and national data services Stuart Macdonald Associate Data Librarian Graduate School of Social & Political Science Induction September, 2016
  • 2. Outline  About the Data Library  Data Library services & resources  National data services for social sciences UKDS EDINA ADRN  Non-academic data sources & tools  Skills and training
  • 3. EDINA and Data Library within Information Services Divisions  User Services  Library and University Collections  IT Infrastructure  Applications  EDINA and Data Library  Digital Curation Centre  Learning, Teaching and Web Services
  • 4. What is a data library? A data library refers to both the content and the services that foster use of collections of numeric and/or geospatial data sets for secondary use in research. A data library is normally part of a larger institution (academic, scientific, medical, governmental, etc.) established to serve the data users of that organisation. The data library tends to house local data collections and provides access through various means (CD-/DVD-ROMs or central server for download). A data library may also maintain subscriptions to licensed data resources.
  • 5. Data Library: History  Established out of the Program Library Unit in early 1980s to provide access to data on mainframes, e.g. 1981 population census data. Was part of EUCS, now Information Services  Part of long tradition of sharing machine-readable data for secondary analysis in the social sciences  Became a national data centre as EDINA in 1996 - data library continues University remit  celebrated 30th anniversary in 2013
  • 6. Data Library -
  • 7. Data Library & Consultancy  Finding… “I need to analyse some data for a project, but all I can find are published papers with tables and graphs, not the original data source.”  Accessing … “I’ve found the data I need, but I’m not sure how to gain access to it.”  Using … “I’ve got the data I need, but I’m not sure how to analyse it in my chosen software.”  Managing … “I have collected my own data and I’d like to document and preserve it and make it available to others.”  Reference Interviews  Training and resources: library/training-resources
  • 8. Data Library Resources  Large-scale social science survey data  Country and regional level time series data  Population and Agricultural Census data  Data for mapping  Resources for teaching Opening hours: 9.30am – 5.30pm (Mon. – Fri.) Argyle House 3 Lady Lawson Street EH3 9DR Tel.: 0131 651 1431 or 0131 651 1744 Email:
  • 9. Data Library Catalogue arranged by Topic -
  • 10. Research Data Management Services  Research data management training:  Research Data MANTRA - Open online course for researchers managing digital data as part of the research process  Research Data Management & Sharing MOOC -  Institutional data repository provision  Edinburgh DataShare  Assistance with deposit in national archives  Assistance with Data Management Plans (DMPs)
  • 11. Research Data MANTRA • Organising data • Documentation & metadata • Storage & security • File formats & transformations • Data management planning • PLUS software-specific data handling practicals • Open online, self-paced course for researchers •
  • 12. Edinburgh DataShare -
  • 15. Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN) -  AQMeN is a Research Centre that aims to develop projects to improve our understanding of current social issues in the UK and provide policy makers and practitioners with independent research-based evidence to build a better future.  Funded by ESRC (2013-2016) AQMeN has three primary strands of research involving a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the UK and abroad : • Crime and victimisation • Education and social stratification • Urban segregation and inequality  Original aim was to build capacity in the use of quantitative methods amongst Scotland’s social science community and beyond.  AQMeN offer practical quantitative methods training on a range of techniques developed as part of their programme of research  Data Library host and manage the AQMeN website
  • 18. UK Data Archive Founded in 1967 and based at the University of Essex ESRC / JISC-funded Work closely with CESSDA, ICPSR, NatCen social research, NCRM, ONS Houses several thousand social science and humanities datasets Provides resource discovery and support for secondary use of quantitative and qualitative data in learning, teaching and research. More recently it has worked with environmental and medical data sources. Host to the UK Data Service which provides the following facilities: • History Data Service • • Variable and question bank • Secure Lab • Qualibank
  • 19. UK Data Service (UKDS) £17 million investment over 5 years UKDS - a comprehensive resource funded by the ESRC to support researchers, teachers and policymakers who depend on high-quality social and economic data. A single point of access to high quality census data, government-funded surveys, longitudinal studies, international macro-data, qualitative data and business micro-data. Distributed service led by Univ. of Essex in collaboration with: Jisc Manchester, Cathie Marsh Centre for Census & Survey Research (Univ. of Manchester) School of Geography (Univ. of Leeds) Geography and Environment (Univ. of Southampton) EDINA (Univ. of Edinburgh) Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL) Commenced 1 October 2012 – integrated ESDS, Census Programme, Secure Data Service, and other elements of the data service infrastructure provided by ESRC, including UKDA
  • 21. UKDS features include: Access – free for academic use, registration required Data – full/partial catalogue search, browse by subject, theme, and geography, also links to major studies, new releases Support – finding data, online guides, learning and teaching resources, online data analysis tools (NESSTAR), external statistical sources, FAQ Resources – Online data browsing tools, metadata tools, software guides, qualitative tools Advice for using, managing, depositing, sharing research data - best practice for ESRC researchers and beyond, preservation guidelines News & Events – workshops, new data, publications (incl. good practice guides)
  • 24. • Part of "EDINA and Data Library" division of Information Services at the University of Edinburgh • Develops and delivers shared online services and infrastructure to support research and education in the UK • Services free at the point of use for use by staff and students in learning, teaching and research through institutional subscription • Focus is on service delivery and support but also undertake R&D (projects  services)  delivers about 10 online services  employs about 50 staff (Edinburgh & St Helens) EDINA – a Jisc centre for digital expertise and online service delivery –
  • 25. EDINA Digimap -
  • 26. Administrative Data Research Network (ADRN) -
  • 27. Government data sources  National Records of Scotland (NRS) –  Scottish Census 2011 – Data Explorer –  Office for National Statistics (ONS) –  ONS Neighbourhood Statistics –  Statistics.Gov.Scot (replacing Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics) -  NISRA -  Welsh Government Statistics -  Data.Gov.UK -  Eurostat –
  • 28. DataShine  The DataShine mapping platform is part of the ESRC Big Open Data: Mining and Synthesis (BODMAS) project.  Developed and maintained by UCL’s Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis  The overall project seeks promote and develop the use of large and open datasets amongst the social science community.  Promote visualisation of these data in new and informative ways to inspire new uses and generate insights.  Phase one has been to create the mapping platform with data from the 2011 Census.  The next phases developing tools that will enable the synthesis of data across multiple sources.
  • 32. Information Services: Digital Skills and Training - services/help-consultancy/is-skills/classroom-courses Classroom courses include: ArcGIS Quantum GIS SPSS NVivo Unix Skills and Training
  • 33. An online skills provider offering a library of high quality video courses including: Digital citizenship; Developing with Python; Pixel playground Plus many more catering for all levels from beginner to expert. From the soft launch in June 2016, all staff and students will be entitled to access -
  • 34. MOOCS There are many free Massive Open Online Courses out there on a range of data-related subjects Coursera are one of the MOOC platforms and offer a range of courses hosted by a number of leading research-intensive universities: The Data Scientist’s Toolbox, Data Structures and Algorithms, Statistics with R, Python Data Structures, Data Visualisation, R Programming, Getting and Cleaning Data, Exploratory Data Analysis – See:
  • 35. The Software Sustainability Institute (SSI) (based in University of Edinburgh, JCMB) offer a number of training opportunities including Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry workshops – see: .uk/what-do-we- do/training
  • 36. New skills: ● (Big Data) Data analysts (R, Python, SPSS, SAS, PHP) ● Data carpentry (software skills & tools for effectively working with data) ● Data journalists (journalism specialty reflecting the role of numerical data in the production and distribution of information in the digital era) ● Data wranglers (munging, mining, handling, manipulating) ● Data technicians, Data scientists
  • 38. Pics from Flickr (creative commons attribution) – credits include: D Sharon Pruitt Ask us about data

Editor's Notes

  1. Apps Div – developing computer applications and bespoke computing tool solutions for the university as a whole IT infrastructure – Networks, Audio-visual support, telephony/ISDN connectivity
  2. One was because disk storage was a scarce and expensive resource. Researchers wanted and petitioned for centrally-managed university wide provision of access to large-scale datasets, typically the decennial population censuses for Scotland, the annual agricultural censuses for England & Wales and for Scotland, the General Household Surveys and a range of digitized boundaries being used in what was still path-breaking ways to do computerized mapping.
  3. Reference interview
  4. GEO-REFER – geographical referencing resources for social scientists, Go-Geo!, ESRI Virtual Campus plus Macro and Microdata teaching resources
  5. Security, backing up, data storage, data documentation and metadata, file formatting, versioning, preservation and sharing, copyright and ethical concerns, IPR etc
  6. Research Data MANTRA is an online, self-paced course developed by the Data Library with IAD for University PhD students. There are eight interactive learning units with pictures, video clips and quizzes, as well as four data handling practical exercises with open datasets for use in R, SPSS, NVivo and ArcGIS. Increasingly, research funders are requiring good data management practice for the research they fund. Data management skills will help you organise and document your data, keep your data safe, make your research more reproducible, and preserve it for future use.
  7. The Secure Lab is funded by the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) and enables safe and secure remote access by researchers to data deemed too sensitive, detailed, confidential or potentially disclosive to be made available under standard licensing and dissemination arrangements.
  8. GDP, birth rate, illiteracy rates, population, household consumption, external trade indicators, import-export figures, earnings, labour costs, employment, health care expenditure etc Eurostat, IMF, OECD, UN, World Bank etc
  9. Thematic user guides – food studies, ethnicity, scotland, introductory guides to using govt surveys for health / crime research user guides for the Beyond 20/20 and CommonGIS, Nesstar WebView, and ESDS Qualidata online data services Statistical software user guides (SPSS, Stata) Dataset guides (as per each of the 4 ESDS areas)
  10. British social attitudes survey, annual popuation survey,national food surveys, health surveys ! Eurobarometer, euro social survey / euro election study! GUS, MCS, BHPS! Eurostat, IMF, OECD, UN, ! Annual Survey of hours and earnings via secure data service
  11. UKBORDERS Digimap Collection Go-Geo! Agcensus Moving pictures and sound services - EIG, newsFilm Online Plus A&I databases The Depot HILT GetRef LOCKSS PePRS
  12. Geology Digimap - largest scale geology data (1:50,000) available with national coverage for the UK, A mid-scale (1:250,000) product with Bedrock and Faults layers, Small scale mapping (1:625,000) for the whole of the UK.
  13. SNS will diseminate a range of small area statistics including information on health, education, poverty, unemployment, housing, population, crime and social / community issues at the data zone level and above which support a number of the Governments targets and commitments aimed at closing the gap between disadvantaged areas and the rest of Scotland.