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Persist Your Data In an
Ephemeral K8 Ecosystem
By Eric Zietlow
Who am I?
● Data On Kubernetes Community Ambassador
● Director of Developer Advocacy at MayaData
● OSS Contributor and Committer
In my past life?
● Distributed systems Solutions Architect
● Network Engineer
● Software Engineer
Eric Zietlow
“The use of containers in production has
increased to 92%, up from 84% last year, and up
300% from our first survey in 2016.”
Key takeaways
55% of respondents use stateful
applications in containers in

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Tectonic Summit 2016: Multi-Cluster Kubernetes: Planning for Unknowns
Tectonic Summit 2016: Multi-Cluster Kubernetes: Planning for UnknownsTectonic Summit 2016: Multi-Cluster Kubernetes: Planning for Unknowns
Tectonic Summit 2016: Multi-Cluster Kubernetes: Planning for Unknowns

- Concur is a travel and expense management company with 6500+ employees and offices worldwide. They process over 70 million transactions and $50 billion in travel and expense spend annually. - The presenter is a Principal Architect at Concur who has been working with Kubernetes since 2015. He discusses why Concur chose Kubernetes and CoreOS for container orchestration. - Concur runs multiple Kubernetes clusters across different regions for high availability. A custom tool called kube2cnqr manages load balancing between clusters.

tectonic summit 2016kubernetescoreos
Tectonic Summit 2016: Brandon Philips, CTO of CoreOS, Keynote
Tectonic Summit 2016: Brandon Philips, CTO of CoreOS, KeynoteTectonic Summit 2016: Brandon Philips, CTO of CoreOS, Keynote
Tectonic Summit 2016: Brandon Philips, CTO of CoreOS, Keynote

The document discusses CoreOS's expertise across the technology stack for container-based applications. This includes Linux, container engines, container image specifications, clustered databases like etcd, cloud independence, identity federation, and more. CoreOS is focused on open standards through initiatives like the Open Container Initiative and ensuring technologies like Kubernetes, rkt, and etcd can scale to power large production deployments.

kubernetestectonic summit 2016
AWS re:Invent 2016 - Scality's Open Source AWS S3 Server
AWS re:Invent 2016 - Scality's Open Source AWS S3 ServerAWS re:Invent 2016 - Scality's Open Source AWS S3 Server
AWS re:Invent 2016 - Scality's Open Source AWS S3 Server

Presented by Giorgio Regni, CTO Try Scality S3 Server Today!

dockers3-ready applications2016
Storage Solutions for Containers
Persist your data in an ephemeral k8 ecosystem
Storage Solutions for Containers
Elastic Block Storage or EBS has
been around for a while and
popularized in implementations
like AWS EBS volumes. OpenEBS is
the open source implementation.
What is CAS
In Container Attached Storage architecture, storage
runs within containers and is closely associated with
the application that the storage is bound to.
- OpenEBS Docs

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Dok Talks #111 - Scheduled Scaling with Dask and Argo Workflows
Dok Talks #111 - Scheduled Scaling with Dask and Argo WorkflowsDok Talks #111 - Scheduled Scaling with Dask and Argo Workflows
Dok Talks #111 - Scheduled Scaling with Dask and Argo Workflows ABSTRACT OF THE TALK Complex computational workloads in Python are a common sight these days, especially in the context of processing large and complex datasets. Battle-hardened modules such as Numpy, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn can perform low-level tasks, while tools like Dask makes it easy to parallelize these workloads across distributed computational environments. Meanwhile, Argo Workflows offers a Kubernetes-native solution to provisioning cloud resources in Kubernetes and triggering workflows on a regular schedule. Being Kubernetes-native, Argo Workflows also meshes nicely with other Kubernetes tools. This talk discusses the combination of these two worlds by showcasing a set-up for Argo-managed workflows which schedule and automatically scale-out Dask-powered data pipelines in Python. BIO Former academic in the field of renewable energy simulation and energy systems analysis. Currently responsible for architecting and maintaining the cloud- and data strategy at ACCURE Battery Intelligence KEY TAKE-AWAYS FROM THE TALK Argo Workflows + Dask is a nice combination for data-processing pipelines. There are a a few "gotchyas" to be on the look-out for, but in nevertheless this is still a generally-applicable and powerful combination.

by DoKC
Keeping your Kubernetes Cluster Secure
Keeping your Kubernetes Cluster SecureKeeping your Kubernetes Cluster Secure
Keeping your Kubernetes Cluster Secure

From NOVA Cloud and Software Engineering Group meetup, Feb. 17, 2021 Hardening a Kubernetes cluster happens at different levels. We have to examine the nodes where Kubernetes is running. We want to secure the Kubernetes objects and workloads and review the files we used to create them. And we need to look for vulnerabilities in the containers we are using. Gene will show you some open-source tools that can find issues and vulnerabilities at each layer. All of them can be used in a pipeline to build your Kubernetes cluster safely and keep it secure. Gene Gotimer is the meetup organizer and a DevSecOps Senior Engineer at Steampunk, focusing on agile processes, secure development practices, and automation. Gene feels strongly that repeatability, quality, and security are all strongly intertwined; each depends on the other two, making agile and DevSecOps that much more crucial to software development.

Containers and OpenStack - A Happy Marriage - Madhuri - Intel - CC18
Containers and OpenStack - A Happy Marriage - Madhuri - Intel - CC18Containers and OpenStack - A Happy Marriage - Madhuri - Intel - CC18
Containers and OpenStack - A Happy Marriage - Madhuri - Intel - CC18

This presentation was made as part of the Container Conference 2018 - "Containers have gained lot of attention ever since it came into existence. And why not? With the speed and ease it provides for running user application, it is definitely the most preferred solution for many of the real world use cases. OpenStack, on the other hand is a cloud solution which has always evolved in supporting newer technologies. OpenStack have many projects around containers that tries to cater the practical use cases. Some of the real world use cases that OpenStack fulfils are: OpenStack deployment could be very complex and so is its upgrade. OpenStack Helm, Triple-O and Kolla uses Kubernetes, Docker that helps its users to easily deploy and upgrade their cloud. Containers lacks the security as compared to VMs, so many users want to run their application on secure environment. OpenStack Zun enables Clear Containers and Kata Containers that provides the security of VMs and speed of containers. Other use cases include running Kubernetes cluster on OpenStack, CI/CD, managing applications using microservices which can be done by Magnum, Zuul, Zun respectively. In this presentation, we will talk about the practical use cases where containers can help us and what OpenStack provides to fulfill those requirements."

containerizationcontainersbangalore container conference
Nodes and Master
Worker Worker
API Server
Controller Manager
Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod
Warning Ephemeral

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This document discusses Scality's experiences building their first Node.js project. It summarizes that the project was building a TiVo-like cloud service for 25 million users, which required high parallelism and throughput of terabytes per second. It also discusses lessons learned around logging performance, optimizing the event loop and buffers, and useful Node.js tools.

Kubernetes on OpenStack at Scale
Kubernetes on OpenStack at Scale Kubernetes on OpenStack at Scale
Kubernetes on OpenStack at Scale

eBay is one of the largest OpenStack based Clouds in the world. As eBay evolves into the world of Containers and Microservices, Kubernetes is quickly becoming a key platform. This talk is about how we applied our learnings from OpenStack to build a framework for managing life-cycle of Kubernetes at scale.

What is Kubernetes
API Server
Controller Manager
Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod
Worker Worker
What is Kubernetes
API Server
Controller Manager
Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod
Worker Worker
Outside World
Kubernetes and Databases
API Server
Controller Manager
Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod
Worker Worker
Outside World
Kubernetes and Stateful Sets
Controller Manager
Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod
Worker Worker
Outside World

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Empieza a usar Elastic Stack en Kubernetes con Elastic Cloud en Kubernetes (ECK), diseñado con el patrón del operador para actualizaciones de versiones, cambios de ajustes, alta disponibilidad, seguridad, etc.

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Getting Started with Kafka on k8s
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Getting Started with Kafka on k8s

This document provides an agenda and overview of Kafka on Kubernetes. It begins with an introduction to Kafka fundamentals and messaging systems. It then discusses key ideas behind Kafka's architecture like data parallelism and batching. The rest of the document explains various Kafka concepts in detail like topics, partitions, producers, consumers, and replication. It also introduces Kubernetes concepts relevant for running Kafka like StatefulSets, StorageClasses and the operator pattern. The goal is to help understand how to build event-driven systems using Kafka and deploy it on Kubernetes.

pivotal softwarekafkakubernetes
Design Patterns for Pods and Containers in Kubernetes - Webinar by zekeLabs
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Design Patterns for Pods and Containers in Kubernetes - Webinar by zekeLabs

The combination of Docker and Kubernetes is quickly becoming the de-facto standard for building Microservices. Whether you are a developer or an architect you need to know how to bundle your application into Containers and Pods. Docker and Kubernetes give a lot of good features out of the box. To effectively leverage these features, you need to know - how to use them, what are some commonly used Pod design patterns and the best practices. In this webinar, we will explore various such questions and their answers along with appropriate examples. Some of those questions would be- 1. When and how to build multi-container pods? 2. What are some of the well-adopted design patterns for pods? 3. What are some multi-pod design patterns? 4. How to use Lifecycle hooks, Init Containers and Health probes? Github repo -

Kubernetes and Stateful Sets
Controller Manager
Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod
Worker Worker
Stateful Set
Kubernetes and Stateful Sets K8 LocalPV
Controller Manager
Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod
Worker Worker
Stateful Set
Volume Claim
Volume Claim
Persist your data in an ephemeral k8 ecosystem
Kubernetes and OpenEBS
Controller Manager
Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod
Stateful Worker Stateful Worker
Outside World
Stateful Set
Volume Claim
Volume Claim

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AKS reduces the complexity of managing Kubernetes by offloading operations to Azure. It allows easy creation and management of Kubernetes clusters through simple CLI commands. AKS supports advanced networking features in Azure like VNET integration and ingress controllers. It also enables integration with other Azure services for storage, databases, and monitoring through open service brokers.

OpenStack on Kubernetes (BOS Summit / May 2017 update)
OpenStack on Kubernetes (BOS Summit / May 2017 update)OpenStack on Kubernetes (BOS Summit / May 2017 update)
OpenStack on Kubernetes (BOS Summit / May 2017 update)

This document discusses using Kubernetes as an underlay platform for OpenStack. Some key points: 1. Kubernetes is becoming more widely used and understood by operators compared to OpenStack. Using Kubernetes as an underlay could improve simplicity, stability, and upgrade processes for OpenStack. 2. There are still many technical challenges to address, such as networking, storage, tooling to manage OpenStack on Kubernetes, and ensuring containers meet Kubernetes' immutable infrastructure requirements. 3. Using Kubernetes as an underlay risks further confusing the messaging around OpenStack by implying Kubernetes is more stable or a replacement target. Clear communication will be important to avoid undermining OpenStack.

A curtain-raiser to the container world Docker & Kubernetes
A curtain-raiser to the container world Docker & KubernetesA curtain-raiser to the container world Docker & Kubernetes
A curtain-raiser to the container world Docker & Kubernetes

Agenda 1. The changing landscape of IT Infrastructure 2. Containers - An introduction 3. Container management systems 4. Kubernetes 5. Containers and DevOps 6. Future of Infrastructure Mgmt About the talk In this talk, you will get a review of the components & the benefits of Container technologies - Docker & Kubernetes. The talk focuses on making the solution platform-independent. It gives an insight into Docker and Kubernetes for consistent and reliable Deployment. We talk about how the containers fit and improve your DevOps ecosystem and how to get started with containerization. Learn new deployment approach to effectively use your infrastructure resources to minimize the overall cost.

Kubernetes and OpenEBS
API Server
Controller Manager
Master OpenEBS Control Plane
Node Disk
Manager Operator
Kubernetes and OpenEBS
Maya API server
Extends the kubernetes API server allowing for all
management operations to be done through kubernetes
natively using tools like kubectl.
Kubernetes and OpenEBS
Local PV
Creates Kubernetes Local Persistent Volumes from the
block device pools created and maintained by NDM
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod
Node Disk

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Kubernetes User Group: 維運 Kubernetes 的兩三事
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Kubernetes User Group: 維運 Kubernetes 的兩三事

Container Orchestration 之爭已經落幕,Kubernetes 成為主流,AWS, Azure 跟 GCP 都已提出相對應的解決方案, 但該選擇廠商所提供的服務或是自己架設呢?如何把 Stateless 甚至是 Stateful 應用服務運行於其上呢?部署應用程式到 Kubernetes 之中該如何做比較好?本分享談及多次在公司導入及維運 Kubernetes 的相關經驗,讓有興趣或是剛使用的人可以減少摸索的時間

Kubernetes as Orchestrator for A10 Lightning Controller
Kubernetes as Orchestrator for A10 Lightning ControllerKubernetes as Orchestrator for A10 Lightning Controller
Kubernetes as Orchestrator for A10 Lightning Controller

The document discusses using Kubernetes as an orchestrator for A10 Lightning Controller. Some key points: 1) Kubernetes allows for automatic recovery of pods on failure, easy rolling upgrades of code, and automated scaling of microservices. 2) Using Kubernetes allows the controller to be deployed on-premise and scaled across multiple VMs, with automated launching and scaling. Installation is also now independent of the underlying infrastructure. 3) The journey involved moving from a manual deployment to a Kubernetes deployment, which simplified overlay networking, environment variable passing, and simplified adding/replacing nodes.

application deliverycontainerskubernetes
01 - VMUGIT - Lecce 2018 - Fabio Rapposelli, VMware
01 - VMUGIT - Lecce 2018 - Fabio Rapposelli, VMware01 - VMUGIT - Lecce 2018 - Fabio Rapposelli, VMware
01 - VMUGIT - Lecce 2018 - Fabio Rapposelli, VMware

VMUGIT Meeting - Lecce, 5 Aprile 2018 Fabio Rapposelli, VMware Staff Engineer, Cloud Native Apps - Introduzione a Kubernetes e ai workload Cloud Native

Kubernetes and OpenEBS
Node Disk
Responsible for the discovery and filtering of block devices
Works with Etcd to keep inventory of Block Devices
available across the Kubernetes Cluster
Enable hot swapping of storage devices without required
restarting of processes.
Kubernetes and OpenEBS
Controller Manager
Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod Pod ...
Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy
Pod Pod
Stateful Worker Stateful Worker
Outside World
Stateful Set
Volume Claim
Volume Claim
• Most active community in the Container Attached Storage space
• GitHub:
• Website:
• Slack:
• Twitter:
• Overall 350+ Code contributors

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Persist your data in an ephemeral k8 ecosystem

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  • 2. Who am I? ● Data On Kubernetes Community Ambassador ● Director of Developer Advocacy at MayaData ● OSS Contributor and Committer In my past life? ● Distributed systems Solutions Architect ● Network Engineer ● Software Engineer Eric Zietlow
  • 3. “The use of containers in production has increased to 92%, up from 84% last year, and up 300% from our first survey in 2016.” 3 CNCF SURVEY 2020 Key takeaways
  • 4. 55% of respondents use stateful applications in containers in production. 4 55%
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  • 7. Storage Solutions for Containers Elastic Block Storage or EBS has been around for a while and popularized in implementations like AWS EBS volumes. OpenEBS is the open source implementation.
  • 8. What is CAS In Container Attached Storage architecture, storage runs within containers and is closely associated with the application that the storage is bound to. - OpenEBS Docs
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  • 21. Kubernetes and OpenEBS Scheduler API Server Controller Manager etcd Master OpenEBS Control Plane Maya-API Server Node Disk Manager Operator LocalPV Provisioner
  • 22. Kubernetes and OpenEBS Maya API server Extends the kubernetes API server allowing for all management operations to be done through kubernetes natively using tools like kubectl.
  • 23. Kubernetes and OpenEBS Local PV Provisioner Creates Kubernetes Local Persistent Volumes from the block device pools created and maintained by NDM
  • 25. Kubernetes and OpenEBS Node Disk Manager Responsible for the discovery and filtering of block devices Works with Etcd to keep inventory of Block Devices available across the Kubernetes Cluster Enable hot swapping of storage devices without required restarting of processes.
  • 26. Kubernetes and OpenEBS Scheduler API Server Controller Manager Pod ... etcd Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy Pod Pod Pod ... Kubelet cAdvisor Kube-Proxy Pod Pod ... Master Stateful Worker Stateful Worker User Outside World Stateful Set Persistent Volume Persistent Volume Claim Persistent Volume Persistent Volume Claim ... NDM OpenEBS Control Plane Maya-API Server Ndm operator LocalPV Provisioner NDM
  • 27. • Most active community in the Container Attached Storage space • GitHub: • Website: • Slack: • Twitter: • Overall 350+ Code contributors • NEWS LETTER: OpenEBS