SlideShare a Scribd company logo
➤ Google: 2% slower = 2% less searching per user
➤ Yahoo: 400 milliseconds faster = 9% more traffic
➤ AOL: Faster pages = more page views
➤ Amazon: 100 milliseconds faster = 1% more revenue
➤ Aberdeen Group: 1 second slower = 11% fewer page views,
7% less conversion
➤ Google uses website speed in search ranking.

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Speak The Web: The HTML5 Experiments
Speak The Web: The HTML5 ExperimentsSpeak The Web: The HTML5 Experiments
Speak The Web: The HTML5 Experiments

Bruce Lawson demos HTML5, especially forms and video element at Sheffield Speak The Web, 8 February 2010

web standardshtml5video
High Performance Web - Full Stack Toronto
High Performance Web - Full Stack TorontoHigh Performance Web - Full Stack Toronto
High Performance Web - Full Stack Toronto

An introduction to Web Performance Optimization in 2016 - Talk delivered in Toronto, Canada, October 18th, 2016

webweb performancefullstack
Responsive Images and Performance
Responsive Images and PerformanceResponsive Images and Performance
Responsive Images and Performance

Talk delivered in New York, Sep 19, 2016 during an O'Reilly meetup before Velocity Conference about Web Performance and Images, including HTTP Client Hints and new Image Formats

mobile webweb performanceimages
user quits
user persists
user delight
user delight
Too slow
Diminishing ROI
Sound, Light
Touch, Smell
+ Perceived
User Experience

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Performance Tuning Web Apps - The Need For Speed
Performance Tuning Web Apps - The Need For SpeedPerformance Tuning Web Apps - The Need For Speed
Performance Tuning Web Apps - The Need For Speed

This document discusses the importance of web page speed and provides tips to optimize performance. It emphasizes that speed is important for user experience and engagement. Slow pages can lead to high bounce rates and negatively impact SEO. It then provides the "golden rules" of optimization, which include reducing HTTP requests, minimizing file sizes, caching assets, and using techniques like lazy loading. Specific tools are recommended for measuring performance, including PageSpeed, Speed Tracer, and Dynatrace Ajax. Browser limitations and upcoming technologies that may improve speed are also briefly covered. The goal is to make the web faster by optimizing code, images, assets and more.

web apps tuningweb apps optimizationsweb apps speed
How fast are we going now?
How fast are we going now?How fast are we going now?
How fast are we going now?

The document discusses the speed of the modern web. It summarizes key metrics around connection speeds, browser speeds, page weights, adoption of best practices, and page load times based on data from various sources. While some metrics like connection speeds and page load times are improving, pages overall are getting heavier and adoption of best practices is flat. The document advocates watching video growth, developing better performance metrics, promoting best practices more widely, utilizing multiple CPUs, and improving caching.

Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NYExtreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY

The document discusses optimizing web performance for mobile devices. It covers mobile web platforms and browsers, the importance of performance on mobile, tools for measuring performance, optimizing initial loading and above-the-fold content within 1 second, and maintaining responsiveness. The key recommendations are to measure on real devices, avoid redirects, reduce requests, load above-the-fold content quickly and defer the rest, and prioritize simplicity over complex designs and frameworks.

html5optimizationweb performance
24 FPS (~40 ms) Minimum stutter-free animation
60 FPS (~16 ms) Silky smooth experience
1+ ms jitter Audible sound discontinuity
Delay User reaction
0 - 100 ms Instant
100 - 300 ms Slight perceptible delay
300 - 1000 ms Task focus, perceptible delay
1000+ ms Mental context switch
10,000+ ms+ I'll come back later...
1000 ms50 ms16 ms100 ms

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Developing High Performance Web Apps - CodeMash 2011
Developing High Performance Web Apps - CodeMash 2011Developing High Performance Web Apps - CodeMash 2011
Developing High Performance Web Apps - CodeMash 2011

This document provides an overview of techniques for developing high performance web applications. It discusses why front-end performance matters, and outlines best practices for optimizing page load times, using responsive interfaces, loading and executing JavaScript efficiently, and accessing data. The presentation recommends tools for monitoring and improving performance, such as Firebug, Page Speed, and YSlow.

The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016
The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016
The Future of the Web - Cold Front conference 2016

A presentation about the Future of the Web at the Cold Front conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep 1 2016.

How I learned to stop worrying and love UX metrics
How I learned to stop worrying and love UX metricsHow I learned to stop worrying and love UX metrics
How I learned to stop worrying and love UX metrics

This talk at the 2018 conference (Amsterdam) walks through a brief history of UX and web performance research, highlighting landmark studies that helped connect the dots between performance and user experience. I also demystify the current state of performance metrics and help you understand what you need to focus on for your site and your users.

web performanceuser experienceux
NOT SLOW 100 ms
Delay User reaction
0 - 100 ms Instant
100 - 300 ms Slight perceptible delay
NOT SLOW 16 ms Animation
NOT SLOW Idle50 ms
(including mobile)
1000 ms

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Web Performance - Why it matters
Web Performance - Why it mattersWeb Performance - Why it matters
Web Performance - Why it matters

Web performance is important for businesses. Slow site speeds can negatively impact key metrics like conversion rates and search engine rankings. The document recommends measuring a site's performance, improving front-end issues like page load times, and continuously monitoring metrics to ensure optimizations are effective. Specific front-end optimizations include minifying files, lazy loading content, using a content delivery network, and avoiding unnecessary requests.

website performancedublin web summit 2011
Mobile Web Speed Bumps
Mobile Web Speed BumpsMobile Web Speed Bumps
Mobile Web Speed Bumps

As browsers explode with new capabilities and migrate onto devices users can be left wondering, “what’s taking so long?” Learn how HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the web itself conspire against a fast-running application and simple tips to create a snappy interface that delight users instead of frustrating them.

Cheat Sheet to a Lean Website
Cheat Sheet to a Lean WebsiteCheat Sheet to a Lean Website
Cheat Sheet to a Lean Website

This document provides tips for optimizing website performance. It recommends shaping a performance culture by making everyone accountable and celebrating successes. Key tips include determining the critical rendering path, reducing bytes by minifying assets, reducing HTTP requests by concatenating files, and fighting latency by reducing requests and using content delivery networks. It also recommends automating performance routines and avoiding the "yo-yo effect" of degrading performance over time. The overall focus is on measuring and optimizing website speed from a user's perspective.

web performanceperfmatters
Server Internet Browser
➤ Load Balancers
➤ Caches
➤ Application Servers
➤ Databases
➤ Queues
➤ …

➤ Should respond in 200 ms
You need CDNs

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Future of web development
Future of web developmentFuture of web development
Future of web development

The document discusses various topics related to progressive web apps including service workers, security, caching, animations, installability, engagement, and notifications. It provides an overview of key concepts and links to additional resources on each topic. Specific points covered include how service workers allow offline and low-connection experiences, techniques for fast loading like preloading assets, methods for high-performance animations like FLIP animations, how to make apps installable through web app manifests and prompts, and using push notifications to increase user engagement.

webdevelopmentweb development
Velocity 2012: The 90-Minute Mobile Optimization Life Cycle
Velocity 2012: The 90-Minute Mobile Optimization Life CycleVelocity 2012: The 90-Minute Mobile Optimization Life Cycle
Velocity 2012: The 90-Minute Mobile Optimization Life Cycle

Strangeloop VP Technology Hooman Beheshti demonstrates – in real time – the impact of advanced mobile optimization techniques on another unsuspecting website. Over the course of the workshop, witness the mobile optimization life cycle, from start to finish: - Taking the “Before” shot: Choosing a guinea pig site and benchmarking its current performance, focusing on load time, start render time and round trips. - Iterating through core best practices, including: Keep-Alive, Compression, Far Future Expiry, and Use a CDN. - Applying a set of advanced, automated, mobile-specific FEO techniques. - Taking the “After” shot: Analyzing results using different browsers.

page speedmobile webweb performance
Performance as UX with Justin Howlett
Performance as UX with Justin HowlettPerformance as UX with Justin Howlett
Performance as UX with Justin Howlett

Performance is important for user experience. While some myths exist around performance, such as XML being much slower than JSON, tests show they are essentially identical. Easy techniques can improve performance, such as using content delivery networks and image compression. Emerging standards like HTTP 2.0, server-side push, and WebSockets allow pushing data to clients. Frameworks like MessagePack provide smaller binary serialization. Proper use of threading, reusing elements, preloading, and prioritizing content can also boost performance. The perception of speed matters - even 100ms delays impact user behavior.

➤ Server is only allowed to send 4 segments (cwnd = 4), 

once are acked, then it can double.
➤ First 11Kb are critical.
➤ 50Kb is almost 800 ms.
➤ Bandwidth: How many data can we transfer at once.

(or, how big the pipe is)

➤ Latency: How much takes the first byte to travel. 

(or, how long the pipe is)

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Bringing the JAMstack to the Enterprise
Bringing the JAMstack to the EnterpriseBringing the JAMstack to the Enterprise
Bringing the JAMstack to the Enterprise

Looks at the challenge and opportunity of trying to adopt the JAMstack ("static app") model in a large enterprise based on the experience of PayPal. Talk was given at QCon London 2019.

Responsive Enhancement
Responsive EnhancementResponsive Enhancement
Responsive Enhancement

Responsive Webdesign is much more than squishing containers and setting breakpoints. Performance is often a big problem. How to achieve performance with progressive enhancement, conditional loading and RESS. Original Slideshow:

rwdresponsive web designress
Responsive and Fast
Responsive and FastResponsive and Fast
Responsive and Fast

This document discusses strategies for improving website performance. It begins by showing examples of slow loading pages and notes that responsive web design (RWD) does not inherently improve performance—proper implementation is important. Several tips for optimizing performance are provided, such as concatenating files, minifying code, compressing images, using responsive images, optimizing font and image sizes, and inlining critical CSS. The document also covers topics like bandwidth versus latency, measuring performance, and how HTTP/2 may impact current best practices. The overarching message is that performance should be a priority considered throughout the design and development process.

index css, js, jpg ajax jpg
index css, js, jpg ajax jpg

index css, js, jpgajax jpg



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Building for, perceiving and measuring performance for mobile web
Building for, perceiving and measuring performance for mobile webBuilding for, perceiving and measuring performance for mobile web
Building for, perceiving and measuring performance for mobile web

This document discusses strategies for improving the performance of single-page applications (SPAs). It notes that SPAs can provide a more native-like user experience compared to traditional multi-page applications. The document outlines several ways to enhance SPA performance, including optimizing APIs, reducing payload size, enabling HTTP/2 and offline functionality. It also discusses techniques for measuring and monitoring performance using tools like the Chrome DevTools and performance metrics. The key message is that performance must be measured to be improved.

performancemobile webui
Speed is Essential for a Great Web Experience
Speed is Essential for a Great Web ExperienceSpeed is Essential for a Great Web Experience
Speed is Essential for a Great Web Experience

Audio of the talk is available here -

user experiencespeedweb performance
Csdn Drdobbs Tenni Theurer Yahoo
Csdn Drdobbs Tenni Theurer YahooCsdn Drdobbs Tenni Theurer Yahoo
Csdn Drdobbs Tenni Theurer Yahoo

This document discusses techniques for improving web performance. It begins with research on how caching and cookies impact performance. It then outlines 14 rules for optimizing performance, such as making fewer HTTP requests, using content delivery networks, gzipping components, placing scripts at the bottom of pages, and avoiding redirects. Case studies demonstrate how following these rules can significantly improve page load times. The document emphasizes starting performance improvements by focusing on front-end optimizations and advocates evangelizing best practices.

➤ Cache
➤ Max connections limit
➤ Resource priority
➤ JS
➤ Pre-render
➤ Memory bounds

➤ User perception

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Performance as User Experience [AEA SEA 2018]
Performance as User Experience [AEA SEA 2018]Performance as User Experience [AEA SEA 2018]
Performance as User Experience [AEA SEA 2018]

Aaron Gustafson Author, Adaptive Web Design Performance as User Experience Design is problem solving. Each and every day, we are tasked with finding ways to reduce the friction our users experience on the Web. That means streamlining flows, reducing cognitive load, and writing more appropriate copy, but user experience goes far beyond the interface. Our users’ experiences begin with their first request to our servers. In this intensely practical session, Aaron will explore the ins and outs of page load performance by showing how he made the web site of the 10K Apart meet its own contest rules, by having a site that was functional and attractive even without JavaScript, and was less than ten kilobytes at initial load. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of the page load process as well as numerous ways you can improve the projects you are working on right now.

performanceweb designweb development
Performance as User Experience [An Event Apart Denver 2017]
Performance as User Experience [An Event Apart Denver 2017]Performance as User Experience [An Event Apart Denver 2017]
Performance as User Experience [An Event Apart Denver 2017]

The document discusses optimizing website performance as an important part of user experience. It provides examples of how to improve performance by using native browser features, only including necessary assets, optimizing assets, and carefully managing when assets are loaded. Specific techniques mentioned include using semantic HTML, preconnecting to domains, preloading critical resources, minifying files, leveraging content delivery networks, and avoiding blocking dependent scripts. The overall message is that digital performance impacts user behavior and business metrics, so designers must prioritize optimizing load times and reducing friction throughout the user experience.

High Performance Websites
High Performance WebsitesHigh Performance Websites
High Performance Websites

This presentation is based on the original one from the author of the book ( 'Steve Souders' ), it's about his book titled 'High Performance Websites''

htmlfront end engineeringajax
➤ Use always gzip
➤ Concatenate and minimise CSS and JS files
➤ Move CSS files top the top
➤ Move JS files to the bottom of the body
(including mobile)
1000 ms
Server: 200ms

Network: 800ms

Doing things: ???
“Lo que no puede ser, 

no puede ser, 

y además es imposible.
-Rafael Gómez Ortega "El Gallo"
What cannot be, cannot be, and besides is impossible.

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Speed Up Wordpress, Wordpress Horsepower
Speed Up Wordpress, Wordpress HorsepowerSpeed Up Wordpress, Wordpress Horsepower
Speed Up Wordpress, Wordpress Horsepower

My improved presentation on how to speed up Wordpress and optimize it's performance. Also covers why we still need to care about page load time.

wordpresspage timeloading
Client Side Performance @ Xero
Client Side Performance @ XeroClient Side Performance @ Xero
Client Side Performance @ Xero

This presentation shares some of the experiences Xero went through to greatly improve our user experience by focusing on front-end performance.

Open-source website performance tools
Open-source website performance toolsOpen-source website performance tools
Open-source website performance tools

This document summarizes several open-source website performance tools including Google Page Speed, Google Closure Compiler, Cuzillion, and Dustme Selectors. It notes that these tools can help optimize websites by reducing file sizes, identifying unused code, improving loading performance, and finding other optimization opportunities to improve page speeds. Faster websites can significantly impact key metrics like traffic, sales, and mobile experience.

opensource performance webdevelopment
“Believe nothing.
Measure everything.
-David Rodenas
➤ Load Time
➤ DOM Content Ready
➤ Finish

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3 Tips for a better mobile User Experience
3 Tips for a better mobile User Experience3 Tips for a better mobile User Experience
3 Tips for a better mobile User Experience

This document provides tips to deliver fast performance on mobile web. It discusses how network, browser, and server-side factors can impact page load times. It also provides recommendations like preloading critical resources, reducing payload sizes through image optimization and code splitting, and implementing a service worker for caching to improve performance for returning users. The goal is to help developers understand how to optimize the user experience on mobile.

web performance
How slow load times hurt UX (and what you can do about it) [FluentConf 2016]
How slow load times hurt UX (and what you can do about it) [FluentConf 2016]How slow load times hurt UX (and what you can do about it) [FluentConf 2016]
How slow load times hurt UX (and what you can do about it) [FluentConf 2016]

This document discusses how slow load times can hurt the user experience on websites and provides suggestions for improving performance. It notes that users expect pages to load within 2 seconds and cites studies showing that even small improvements in load time (1 second or less) can significantly increase conversion rates and other metrics. Common causes of poor performance are discussed, such as inefficient stylesheets, unoptimized JavaScript, and large images. The document provides many suggestions for optimizing front-end and back-end performance, such as creating a performance budget, minimizing page weight, deferring scripts, optimizing third-party content, and continuous monitoring.

web performanceuser experience
Offline capable web applications with Google Gears and Dojo Offline
Offline capable web applications with Google Gears and Dojo OfflineOffline capable web applications with Google Gears and Dojo Offline
Offline capable web applications with Google Gears and Dojo Offline

Offline capable web applications with Dojo Offline and Google Gears. And a short introduction to Comet. By Tobias Günther / puremedia.

➤ Load Time
➤ DOM Content Ready
➤ Finish

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Performance automation 101 @LDNWebPerf MickMcGuinness
Performance automation 101 @LDNWebPerf MickMcGuinnessPerformance automation 101 @LDNWebPerf MickMcGuinness
Performance automation 101 @LDNWebPerf MickMcGuinness

An overview of web performance automation in the Production environment - "faster ways to make your website faster". Covers things like sample .htaccess files through to performance accelerators like mod_pagespeed and Aptimize through to DSA's like Cotendo.

[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[convergese] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses responsive image techniques for adaptive web design. It begins by explaining browser sniffing versus feature testing, and recommends using feature testing to determine browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth instead of browser sniffing. It then covers techniques like using background-size to control image sizes, SVG for smaller file sizes, and font-based solutions. The document also discusses server-side techniques like .htaccess rewrite rules and client-side techniques like picture and HiSRC. It advocates for a mobile-first approach using CSS media queries and a single pixel GIF for responsive images.

csshtml5responsive web design
Amp your site: An intro to accelerated mobile pages
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Amp your site: An intro to accelerated mobile pages

This document introduces Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). It discusses how AMP addresses the problems of slow mobile page speeds and inconsistent user experiences by making pages load near-instantly. AMP uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript to simplify pages and optimize resources. The AMP cache hosted by Google further improves speeds by serving validated AMP pages from a global proxy. In summary, AMP aims to make mobile pages fast, easy to implement and embrace open web standards.

performanceamp mobilemobile
We need to see…

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Web Front End Performance
Web Front End PerformanceWeb Front End Performance
Web Front End Performance

This document discusses various front-end performance tips for ASP.NET web applications, including minimizing HTTP requests, using a content delivery network, adding expiration headers, compressing content, optimizing stylesheet and script placement, avoiding redirects, caching AJAX requests, and minifying JavaScript. It provides details on tools like FireBug and YSlow for testing front-end performance, and how to implement many of the recommendations in ASP.NET.

GDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale
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GDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale

Google Developer Days Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale Original slides from Arne Roomann-Kurrik & Chris Chabot with a few Zen quotes and references added by me:-)

腾讯大讲堂09 如何建设高性能网站
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腾讯大讲堂09 如何建设高性能网站

The document discusses techniques for optimizing website performance, including making fewer HTTP requests, leveraging browser caching with cache control headers, minimizing component sizes, optimizing asset delivery through techniques like sprites and concatenation, and following front-end performance best practices. It provides examples of how major sites implement various optimizations and shares results from experiments measuring the impact of optimizations on response times.


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腾讯大讲堂09 如何建设高性能网站
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腾讯大讲堂09 如何建设高性能网站

The document discusses techniques for improving website performance, including: 1. Focusing on front-end optimizations as they account for 80-90% of response time. 2. Following the 80/20 rule - optimizing the 20% of code that affects 80% of response time like assets on the front-end. 3. Using techniques like image sprites, combined scripts and stylesheets, CDNs, caching, gzip compression, and reducing cookie sizes and HTTP requests to improve response times.

TDD CrashCourse Part2: TDD
TDD CrashCourse Part2: TDDTDD CrashCourse Part2: TDD
TDD CrashCourse Part2: TDD

Entering in the full TDD, including: - how TDD works and why it is required in Agile development - why there are so many people that say that TDD does not work - how to fix the problems in bad TDD to make it effective - and the primary value of the sofware: make it adaptable

software developmenttddcourse
TDD CrashCourse Part1: Testing
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TDD CrashCourse Part1: Testing

Introduction a testing. - what testing covers and what not - what to test, and what not - kinds and axis of testing,


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TDD CrashCourse Part3: TDD Techniques
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TDD CrashCourse Part3: TDD Techniques

TDD related techniques: - London vs Chicago Schools - Step Tests - Craftspeople Recipe - How to Refactor - And avoiding fragile tests

���by David Rodenas
TDD CrashCourse Part5: Testing Techniques
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TDD CrashCourse Part5: Testing Techniques

The document discusses testing techniques and principles for writing tests. It advocates for tests that are FAST, ISOLATING, REPEATABLE, SELF-VALIDATING, and TIMELY (FIRST). It also discusses the Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA) structure for tests and how to achieve high code coverage while maintaining test quality. The document notes that while code coverage is a useful metric, it does not guarantee correctness on its own. It also covers the use of test doubles like stubs, spies, mocks and fakes to replace dependencies.

TDD CrashCourse Part4: Improving Testing
TDD CrashCourse Part4: Improving TestingTDD CrashCourse Part4: Improving Testing
TDD CrashCourse Part4: Improving Testing

How difficult is to automatically test the HelloWorld. We fix it and other many difficult scenarios with techniques like: - lower "s" singleton - law of demeter - dependency injection - and more examples


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Be professional: We Rule the World

The summary and professionalism discussion about the software engineering profession. Contents in English, comments in Catalan.

software developmentbill of rightssoftware craftsmanship
ES3-2020-P3 TDD Calculator
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ES3-2020-P3 TDD Calculator

This document provides instructions for a test-driven development (TDD) coding assignment using JavaScript. It outlines how to set up the development environment, run tests, and iterate through solving tests one by one while committing changes. It also includes an introduction to JavaScript basics like types, functions, classes, and interfaces to provide context for completing the assignment. Students are instructed to work individually on solving commented tests in a GitHub classroom repository by running tests and committing after each solved test.

tddtestingsoftware testing
ES3-2020-P2 Bowling Game Kata
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ES3-2020-P2 Bowling Game Kata

This document provides instructions for completing the bowling game kata exercise in both Java and JavaScript. It outlines the kata, links to the code repositories, and provides tips for setting up the development environment and executing tests in each language. The goal is to iteratively implement the kata by copying each commit exactly through test-driven development and repetition to learn how to solve problems and design solutions in the same way.

software testingtddkata
We need to understand…

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ES3-2020-07 Testing techniques
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ES3-2020-07 Testing techniques

Techniques for testing. The levels of testing, FIRST properties, AAA, Code Coverage, Test Doubles, and mocks. And of curse, lots of examples.

tddsoftware testingtesting
ES3-2020-06 Test Driven Development (TDD)
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ES3-2020-06 Test Driven Development (TDD)

Basics of TDD. Including why? Why it is discipline. Typical Pitfalls. Kinds of TDD, and a Recipe so anyone can do testing quickly. And lots of examples.

tddsoftware testingpitfalls
ES3-2020-05 Testing
ES3-2020-05 TestingES3-2020-05 Testing
ES3-2020-05 Testing

- Testing shows the presence, not the absence of bugs. Tests are driven by requirements and business rules, focusing only on relevant cases rather than testing everything. - Tests improve quality and confidence by verifying that each scenario works as expected. Tests serve as live documentation of the system. - While testing has been used for decades in different forms like debugging, demonstration, and evaluation, modern test-driven development and integrated testing frameworks from the 1990s helped establish testing as a mainstream practice.

testingsoftware testingtesting history




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Testing, Learning and Professionalism — 20171214
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Testing, Learning and Professionalism — 20171214

Two hours talk about testing, its history, its meaning and propose, a small guide of good practices, and what it is supposed to be a good professional and what is expected from us the professionals.

ReactJS for Programmers
ReactJS for ProgrammersReactJS for Programmers
ReactJS for Programmers

This is the support of a course to teach React programming for Java and C# programmers. It covers from its origins in Facebook til separation of presentational and container components. What is JSX, rules, state, props, refactoring, conditionals, repeats, forms, synchronizing values, composition, and so on.


Opening for the presentation of the first els Vespres del Col·legi.

“Believe nothing.
Measure everything.
-David Rodenas

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Redux for ReactJS Programmers
Redux for ReactJS ProgrammersRedux for ReactJS Programmers
Redux for ReactJS Programmers

This is the support of a course to teach mainly Redux, and Redux with React for Java and C# programmers. It is the third part of the course to recycle programmers from desktop app programming to web app programming. This course covers from history of Redux, its origin, step by step what is a reducer, and later concepts like reducer splitting, action handling, async and many more. You also can use repositories: - - To improve your skills.

Basic Tutorial of React for Programmers
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Basic Tutorial of React for Programmers

This is the support of a course to teach React programming for Java and C# programmers. It covers from its origins in Facebook til separation of presentational and container components. What is JSX, rules, state, props, refactoring, conditionals, repeats, forms, synchronizing values, composition, and so on.

Introduction to web programming for java and c# programmers by @drpicox
Introduction to web programming for java and c# programmers by @drpicoxIntroduction to web programming for java and c# programmers by @drpicox
Introduction to web programming for java and c# programmers by @drpicox

(better presented by @drpicox) Slides of an introductory course for web programming focusing in basic Javascript and CSS concepts. It assumes knowledge of programming, Java or C#.

➤ Introducing RAIL: A User-Centric Model For Performance by Paul Irish & Paul Lewis
➤ Delivering the goods by Paul Irish
➤ Measure Performance with the RAIL Model by Meggin Kearney https://
➤ Performance on RAILs by Paul Lewis
➤ Browser Rendering Optimization : Building 60 FPS Web Apps By Paul Lewis & Cameron
➤ Chemin critique du rendu by Ilya Grigorik
➤ Rendering Performance by Paul Lewis

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From high school to university and work
From high school to university and workFrom high school to university and work
From high school to university and work

Presentation mostly in Catalan. Aquesta presentació es va fer en el Institut Bernat el Ferrer de Molins de Rei. El públic son els alumnes d'aquest institut i s'els mostra el camí que poden seguir després en la universitat i la responsabilitat que adquireixen després com a professionals. La versió original conté els gifs animats, la majoria extrets de

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Modules in angular 2.0 beta.1
Modules in angular 2.0 beta.1Modules in angular 2.0 beta.1
Modules in angular 2.0 beta.1

By beginnings of 2016 there was very little information about how to work with Angular2 and almost no information about how to scale large applications. There was no example of how to do modules, how to inject dependences inside services, how to use ES5 and so on. In this presentation I explained how it worked and I have also provided an example in ES5 and Typescript how it can be done: - -

dependency injectionangularmodules
Freelance i Enginyeria
Freelance i EnginyeriaFreelance i Enginyeria
Freelance i Enginyeria

Talk given in the Mataro University (Technocampus) to grade students about what is a Freelance. It explains about what implies to be a Freelance, concepts about Javascript, what are Meetups and user-groups, and basic notions about MVC.


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