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(Micro)Service Meshes
The Past, Present, and Future
Daniel Bryant
tl;dr – Service Meshes
• A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for making service-to-
service communication safe, fast, reliable, and (operator) configurable
• Consists of a control plane and data plane (service proxies)
• Some confusion on where the “service mesh” begins and ends
• Essential as we move from deployment of complicated monoliths/services
to orchestration of complex cloud native microservices and functions
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
tl;dr – Service Meshes
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
• Independent Technical Consultant, CTO at SpectoLabs
• Agile, architecture, CI/CD, DevOps
• Java, JS, microservices, cloud, containers
• Leading change through technology and teams
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk

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Istio : Service Mesh
Istio : Service MeshIstio : Service Mesh
Istio : Service Mesh

Istio is a service mesh—a modernized service networking layer that provides a transparent and language-independent way to flexibly and easily automate application network functions. Istio is designed to run in a variety of environments: on-premise, cloud-hosted, in Kubernetes containers.

Istio Service Mesh
Istio Service MeshIstio Service Mesh
Istio Service Mesh

As more applications are being developed as a set of microservices, containers and platforms such as Kubernetes make many things much easier, but still leave untouched many operational issues such as traffic management and visibility, service authentication, security and policy. Istio, is a new service mesh that attempts to address many of these. We will discuss the architecture of Istio and the benefits it may offer to new microservice-based systems in a multicloud world.

cloud computingkubernetesistio
 The phantom menace
. Istio Service Mesh: 
the new hope
 The phantom menace
. Istio Service Mesh: 
the new hopeMicroservices:
 The phantom menace
. Istio Service Mesh: 
the new hope
 The phantom menace
. Istio Service Mesh: 
the new hope

Microservices are everywhere and they help in solving business problems. But they also introduce complexity. Istio Service Mesh will help you solve it.

istioservice meshcloud
Setting the Scene
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
(Sense, Categorise, Respond)
(Sense, Analyse, Respond)
(Probe, Sense, Respond)
Single language
In-house hardware (servers, SAN, networks)
Manual config and scripting
Optimise for Stability (MTBF)
Specialist staff/departments
Microservices, functions, SaaS-all-the-things
Polyglot languages
Cloud and containers (Datacenter as a Computer)
Software-Defined Everything
Optimise for innovation (and MTTR)
Business teams (“FinDev”, SRE and Platform Team)
Monoliths, Coarse-grained SOA, SaaS
Frontend/backend language
“Co-lo” or private datacenters
Configuration management
Optimise for Recovery (MTTR)
Generalist teams (Full Stack and “DevOps”)
So, from a technology perspective…
• Deploying services/functions to a “platform” is essential
• Abstracts underlying resources and provides runtime foundations
• Need clear collaboration zones for dev/ops/platform
• Must also cultivate “mechanical sympathy”
• Managing lots of out-of-process communication going “over the wire”
• We must not treat local and remote calls the same
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
So, from a technology perspective…
• Deploying services/functions to a “platform” is essential
• Need clear collaboration zones for dev/ops/platform
• Managing lots of out-of-process communication going “over the wire”
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk

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Microservices With Istio Service Mesh
Microservices With Istio Service MeshMicroservices With Istio Service Mesh
Microservices With Istio Service Mesh

Presenting how it is possible to build a great microservice architecture using the service mesh ISTIO

Communication Amongst Microservices: Kubernetes, Istio, and Spring Cloud - An...
Communication Amongst Microservices: Kubernetes, Istio, and Spring Cloud - An...Communication Amongst Microservices: Kubernetes, Istio, and Spring Cloud - An...
Communication Amongst Microservices: Kubernetes, Istio, and Spring Cloud - An...

This document provides an overview of communication amongst microservices using Kubernetes, Istio, and Spring Cloud. It discusses how Kubernetes is a container orchestrator that allows developers to run applications across infrastructure, and how Pivotal Container Service (PKS) provides managed Kubernetes. Istio is introduced as a platform that connects, secures, and observes microservices, utilizing sidecar proxies. Spring Cloud services are also discussed as providing abstractions for common patterns in distributed systems. The presentation explores how Istio and Kubernetes can work together to provide capabilities like retries, load balancing and mutual TLS for microservices, and compares this to features provided by Spring Cloud.

springone tourmicroserviceskubernetes
Istio: Using nginMesh as the service proxy
Istio: Using nginMesh as the service proxyIstio: Using nginMesh as the service proxy
Istio: Using nginMesh as the service proxy

With microservices and containers becoming mainstream, container orchestrators provide much of what the cluster (nodes and containers) needs. With container orchestrators' core focus on scheduling, discovery, and health at an infrastructure level, microservices are left with unmet, service-level needs, such as: - Traffic management, routing, and resilient and secure communication between services - Policy enforcement, rate-limiting, circuit breaking - Visibility and monitoring with metrics, logs, and traces - Load balancing and rollout/canary deployment support Service meshes provide for these needs. In this session, we will dive into Istio - its components, capabilities, and extensibility. Istio envelops and integrates with other open source projects to deliver a full-service mesh. We'll explore these integrations and Istio's extensibility in terms of choice of proxies and adapters, such as nginMesh.

istioservice meshnginmesh
Service/function platforms
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
So, from a technology perspective…
• Deploying services/functions to a “platform” is essential
• Need clear collaboration zones for dev/ops/platform
• Managing lots of out-of-process communication going “over the wire”
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Collaboration zones for deployment
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
So, from a technology perspective…
• Deploying services/functions to a “platform” is essential
• Need clear collaboration zones for dev/ops/platform
• Managing lots of out-of-process communication going “over the wire”
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk

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Stop reinventing the wheel with Istio by Mete Atamel (Google)
Stop reinventing the wheel with Istio by Mete Atamel (Google)Stop reinventing the wheel with Istio by Mete Atamel (Google)
Stop reinventing the wheel with Istio by Mete Atamel (Google)

#Codemotion Rome 2018 - Containers provide a consistent environment to run services. Kubernetes help us to manage and scale our container cluster. Good start for a loosely coupled microservices architecture but not enough. How do you control the flow of traffic & enforce policies between services? How do you visualize service dependencies & identify issues? How can you provide verifiable service identities, test for failures? You can implement your own custom solutions or you can rely on Istio, an open platform to connect, manage and secure microservices.

codemotioncodemotion romecodemotion rome 2018
Comparison of Current Service Mesh Architectures
Comparison of Current Service Mesh ArchitecturesComparison of Current Service Mesh Architectures
Comparison of Current Service Mesh Architectures

Learn the differences between Envoy, Istio, Conduit, Linkerd and other service meshes and their components. Watch the recording including demo at:

service meshenvoyistio
Connecting All Abstractions with Istio
Connecting All Abstractions with IstioConnecting All Abstractions with Istio
Connecting All Abstractions with Istio

SpringOne Platform 2017 Ramiro Salas, Pivotal The concept of a service mesh represents a paradigm shift on application connectivity for distributed systems, with wide implications for analytics, policy and extensibility. In this talk, we will explain what a service mesh is, the power it brings to microservices, and its impact on Cloud Foundry and K8s, both separately and together. We will also discuss the implications for the traditional network infrastructure, and the shifting of responsibilities from L3/4 to L7, and our current thinking of using Istio to integrate all abstractions.

springone platformspringone platform 2017
The Eight Fallacies of Distributed Computing
1. The network is reliable.
2. Latency is zero.
3. Bandwidth is infinite.
4. The network is secure.
5. Topology doesn't change.
6. There is one administrator.
7. Transport cost is zero.
8. The network is homogeneous.
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
(~ 2013)
So, from a technology perspective…
• Deploying services/functions to a “platform” is essential
• Need clear collaboration zones for dev/ops/platform
• Managing lots of out-of-process communication going “over the wire”
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
But be careful, technology is seductive…
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
• Service meshes are an emerging and
rapidly evolving space
• Only one part of microservice platform
• For big picture and people aspects:
• “Microservices: Org and People Impact”
• “Seven Deadly Sins of Microservices”
Evolution of Service Meshes
Those who do not know history's mistakes are doomed to repeat them.
-- George Santayana (Paraphrased)
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk

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Kubernetes Ingress to Service Mesh (and beyond!)
Kubernetes Ingress to Service Mesh (and beyond!)Kubernetes Ingress to Service Mesh (and beyond!)
Kubernetes Ingress to Service Mesh (and beyond!)

Kubernetes users need to allow traffic to flow into and within the cluster. Treating the application traffic separately from the business logic allows presents new possibilities in how service to service traffic is served, controlled and observed — and provides a transition to intra cluster networking like Service Mesh. With microservices, there is a concept of both North / South traffic (incoming requests from end users to the cluster) and East / West (intra cluster) communication between the services. In this talk we will explain how Envoy Proxy works in Kubernetes as a proxy for both of these traffic directions and how it can be leveraged to do things like traffic shaping, security, and integrate the north/south to east/west behavior. Christian Posta (@christianposta) is Global Field CTO at, former Chief Architect at Red Hat, and well known in the community for being an author (Istio in Action, Manning, Istio Service Mesh, O'Reilly 2018, Microservices for Java Developers, O’Reilly 2016), frequent blogger, speaker, open-source enthusiast and committer on various open-source projects including Istio, Kubernetes, and many others. Christian has spent time at both enterprises as well as web-scale companies and now helps companies create and deploy large-scale, cloud-native resilient, distributed architectures. He enjoys mentoring, training and leading teams to be successful with distributed systems concepts, microservices, devops, and cloud-native application design.

Microservice 4.0 Journey - From Spring NetFlix OSS to Istio Service Mesh and ...
Microservice 4.0 Journey - From Spring NetFlix OSS to Istio Service Mesh and ...Microservice 4.0 Journey - From Spring NetFlix OSS to Istio Service Mesh and ...
Microservice 4.0 Journey - From Spring NetFlix OSS to Istio Service Mesh and ...

Microservice 4.0 Journey - From Spring NetFlix OSS to Istio Service Mesh and Serverless at Open Source Summit Japan

The Truth About the Service Mesh Data Plane
The Truth About the Service Mesh Data PlaneThe Truth About the Service Mesh Data Plane
The Truth About the Service Mesh Data Plane

The exploration of service mesh for any organization comes with some serious questions. What data plane should I use? How does this tie in with my existing API infrastructure? What kind of overhead do sidecar proxies demand? As I've seen in my work with various organizations over the years "if you have a successful microservices deployment, then you have a service mesh whether it’s explicitly optimized as one or not." In this talk, we seek to understand the role of the data plane and how to pick the right component for the problem context. We start off by establishing the spectrum of data-plane components from shared gateways to in-code libraries with service proxies being along that spectrum. We clearly identify which scenarios would benefit from which part of the data-plane spectrum and show how modern service meshes including Istio, Linkerd, and Consul enable these optimizations.

envoyenvoy proxyservice mesh
Service-to-Service Comms History
• 2000s :: Assembly of course-grained services (SOA)
• SOAP, XML, proprietary binary format
• Heavyweight MQ
• Classic ESBs
• 2010s :: Orchestration of small services (microservices)
• HTTP/JSON/REST, open source binary IDL
• Lightweight MQ, distributed txn logs
• ESB 2.0?
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
• Binary RPC (across polyglot stack)
• Also messaging
• Centralised to decentralised control
• Need to prevent cascade failure
• Lots of small services involved in response
• Sidecar pattern
• ”Platform” service proxies
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Let’s go unicorn spotting…
• Netflix
• Karyon + HTTP/JSON or RxNetty RPC + Eureka + Hystrix + …
• Twitter
• Finagle + Thrift + ZooKeeper + Zipkin
• AirBnB
• HTTP/JSON + SmartStack + ZooKeeper + Charon/Dyno
• Google
• Stubby + GSLB + GFE + Dapper
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Several companies extracted functionality into “service meshes”
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk

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API World: The service-mesh landscape
API World: The service-mesh landscapeAPI World: The service-mesh landscape
API World: The service-mesh landscape

Service-mesh technology promises to deliver a lot of value to a cloud-native application, but it doesn't come without some hype. In this talk, we'll look at what is a "service mesh", how it compares to similar technology (Netflix OSS, API Management, ESBs, etc) and what options for service mesh exist today.

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Service mesh on Kubernetes - Istio 101
Service mesh on Kubernetes - Istio 101Service mesh on Kubernetes - Istio 101
Service mesh on Kubernetes - Istio 101

A service mesh is a necessary tool in your cloud native infrastructure. The era of service meshes ushers in a new layer of intelligent network services that are changing the architecture of modern applications and the confidence with which they are delivered. Istio, as one of many service meshes, but one with a vast set of features and capabilities, needs an end-to-end guide

kubernetesservice meshistio
Application Rollout - Istio
Application Rollout - Istio Application Rollout - Istio
Application Rollout - Istio

The document discusses common DevOps challenges related to rolling out new versions of microservices and testing them. It introduces Istio as a solution for addressing these challenges through intelligent routing, resiliency features, traffic controls, telemetry collection, and other capabilities. Istio uses the Envoy proxy and control tools like Pilot and Mixer to provide features for reliable traffic management between services, such as advanced routing rules for canary releases, fault injection for testing resiliency, and policy enforcement across the mesh.

istioservicemeshapplication rollout
What is a Service Mesh?
• Good question…
• Agreement on core definition
• Service proxies act as “mesh”
• But, it can get hazy after this
• Control plane vs data plane…
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Service Mesh Functionality
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Service mesh features
• Normalises naming and adds logical routing
• user-service -> AWS-us-east-1a/prod/users/v4
• Adds traffic shaping and traffic shifting
• Load balancing
• Deploy control
• Per-request routing (shadowing, fault injection, debug)
• Adds baseline reliability
• Health checks, timeouts/deadlines, circuit breaking, and retry (budgets)
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Service mesh features
• Increased security
• Transparent mutual TLS
• Policies (service Access Control Lists - ACL)
• Observability
• Top-line metrics like request volume, success rates and latencies
• Distributed tracing
• Sane defaults (to protect the system)
• Options to tune
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk

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Edge Orchestration & Federated Kubernetes Clusters - Open Networking Summit 2018Edge Orchestration & Federated Kubernetes Clusters - Open Networking Summit 2018
Edge Orchestration & Federated Kubernetes Clusters - Open Networking Summit 2018

Shay Naeh, Senior Architect in the Cloudify CTO Office's talk from Open Networking Summit Europe 2018. Talking open source edge networking, federated Kubernetes and cloud native stacks - and how to truly achieve an open edge stack.

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ISTIO Deep Dive
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ISTIO Deep Dive

Presentation in IBM Cloud Meet-up of Toronto

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Dublin Microservice "Introduction to Service Meshes"
Dublin Microservice "Introduction to Service Meshes"Dublin Microservice "Introduction to Service Meshes"
Dublin Microservice "Introduction to Service Meshes"

While service meshes may be the next "big thing" in microservices, the concept isn't new. Classical SOA attempted to implement similar technology for abstracting and managing all aspects of service-to-service communication, and this was often realized as the much-maligned Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Several years ago similar technology emerged from the microservice innovators, including Airbnb (SmartStack for service discovery), Netflix (Prana integration sidecars), and Twitter (Finagle for extensible RPC), and these technologies have now converged into the service meshes we are currently seeing being deployed. In this talk, Daniel Bryant will share with you what service meshes are, why they are (and sometimes are not) well-suited for microservice deployments, and how best to use a service mesh when you're deploying microservices. This presentation begins with a brief history of the development of service meshes, and the motivations of the unicorn organisations that developed them. From there, you'll learn about some of the currently available implementations that are targeting microservice deployments, such as Istio/Envoy, Linkerd, and NGINX Plus.

service meshmicroservicescloud native
Naming and load balancing
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Traffic control
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Per-request routing: shadow, fault inject, debug
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Timeouts / deadlines
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
William Morgan Introduction to Linkerd:

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Micro xchg 2018 - What is a Service Mesh?
Micro xchg 2018 - What is a Service Mesh? Micro xchg 2018 - What is a Service Mesh?
Micro xchg 2018 - What is a Service Mesh?

What is a Service Mesh? And Do I Need One When Developing Cloud Native Microservices? By Daniel Bryant, Micro Xchg 2018

GOTO Chicago/CraftConf 2017 "The Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservices"
GOTO Chicago/CraftConf 2017 "The Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservices"GOTO Chicago/CraftConf 2017 "The Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservices"
GOTO Chicago/CraftConf 2017 "The Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservices"

All is not completely rosy in microservice-land. It’s often a sign of an architectural approach’s maturity that anti-patterns begin to be identified and classified alongside well-established principles and practices. Daniel Bryant introduces seven deadly sins from real projects, which left unchecked could easily ruin your next microservices project. Daniel offers an updated tour of some of the nastiest anti-patterns in microservices from several real-world projects he’s encountered as a consultant, providing a series of anti-pattern “smells” to watch out for and exploring the tools and techniques you need to avoid or mitigate the potential damage. Topics include: Pride: the admission of the challenges with testing in a distributed system Envy: introducing inappropriate intimacy within services by creating a shared “canonical” domain model Wrath: failing to deal with the inevitable bad things that occur when operating new technologies, both from the people and technical aspects Sloth: composing services in a lazy fashion, which ultimately leads to the creation of a "distributed monolith” Lust: embracing the latest and greatest technology without evaluating the operational impact incurred by these choices

jSpring 2018 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Modern Architectures and Java"
jSpring 2018 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Modern Architectures and Java"jSpring 2018 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Modern Architectures and Java"
jSpring 2018 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Modern Architectures and Java"

This document discusses continuous delivery patterns for modern architectures and Java. It covers topics like moving from complicated to complex systems, how architecture is becoming more about technical leadership, and encoding all requirements into a continuous delivery pipeline. It also discusses challenges with modern app architectures like multiple services/pipelines, independent service deployment, and evolving architecture. Continuous delivery, testing microservice integration, contracting testing, and measuring what matters are also covered.

Circuit breaking (out of process, not Hystrix)
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Mutual TLS (transparent protocol upgrade)
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Communication policies
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk

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muCon 2014 "Building Java Microservices for the Cloud"
muCon 2014 "Building Java Microservices for the Cloud"muCon 2014 "Building Java Microservices for the Cloud"
muCon 2014 "Building Java Microservices for the Cloud"

Building microservices for the Cloud is easy, right?... Perhaps, but if you want to build effective and reliable services that not only work correctly within the Cloud, but also take advantage of running within this unique environment, then you might be in for a surprise. This talk will introduce lessons learnt over the past several years of designing and implementing successful Cloud-based Java applications which we have codified into our Cloud development ‘DHARMA' principles; Documented (just enough); Highly cohesive / lowly coupled (all the way down); Automated from commit to cloud; Resource aware; Monitored thoroughly; and Antifragile. We will look at these lessons from both a theoretic and practical perspective using several real-world case studies involving a move from monolithic applications deployed into a data center on a 'big bang' schedule, to a platform of JVM-based loosely-coupled components, all being continuously deployed into the Cloud. Topics discussed will include API contracts and documentation, architecture, build and deployment pipelines, Cloud fabric properties, monitoring in a distributed environment, and fault-tolerant design patterns. This presentation was delivered at muCon 2015 on 27/11/14, the microservice conference. The video can be seen here:

vJUG24 2017 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Contemporary Architecture"
vJUG24 2017 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Contemporary Architecture"vJUG24 2017 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Contemporary Architecture"
vJUG24 2017 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Contemporary Architecture"

VJUG24 SESSION: CONTINUOUS DELIVERY PATTERNS FOR THE MODERN JAVA DEVELOPER (I.E. ALL OF US!) Modern software architecture is evolving towards fully component-based systems, but there can be many challenges in delivering these applications in a continuous, safe and rapid fashion. This talk presents a series of patterns that will help developers implement continuous delivery solutions.

O'Reilly SACON "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Contemporary Architecture"
O'Reilly SACON "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Contemporary Architecture"O'Reilly SACON "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Contemporary Architecture"
O'Reilly SACON "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Contemporary Architecture"

The document discusses continuous delivery patterns for contemporary architecture. It notes that systems are moving from complicated to complex, requiring architecture to focus more on technical leadership. All requirements must be encoded in continuous delivery pipelines to test both functional and non-functional requirements. Architectural fundamentals like loose coupling and high cohesion are important to consider in design, testing, deployment and observability in continuous delivery.

Service Mesh Implementations
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Control Plane / Data Plane (Istio example)
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Control plane
Data plane

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PHX DevOps Days: Service Mesh Landscape
PHX DevOps Days: Service Mesh LandscapePHX DevOps Days: Service Mesh Landscape
PHX DevOps Days: Service Mesh Landscape

Service-mesh technology promises to deliver a lot of value to a cloud-native application, but it doesn't come without some hype. In this talk, we'll look at what is a "service mesh", how it compares to similar technology (Netflix OSS, API Management, ESBs, etc) and what options for service mesh exist today.

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JAX DevOps 2018 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Modern Architectures"
JAX DevOps 2018 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Modern Architectures"JAX DevOps 2018 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Modern Architectures"
JAX DevOps 2018 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Modern Architectures"

Modern software development architecture has almost completed its evolution towards being properly component-based: this can be seen by the mainstream embracing Self Contained Systems (SCS), microservices, and serverless. We all know the benefits this can bring, but there can be many challenges delivering applications built using these styles in a continuous, safe, and rapid fashion. This talk presents a series of patterns based on real-world experience, which will help architects identify and implement solutions for continuous delivery of contemporary architectures. Key topics and takeaways include: - Core stages in the component delivery lifecycle: develop, test, deploy, operate and observe - How contemporary architectures impact continuous delivery - Modifying the build pipeline for testability and deployability of components (with a hat tip to Jez Humble and Dave Farley’s seminal work) - Commonality between delivery of SCS, microservices and serverless components - Continuous delivery, service contracts and end-to-end validation: The good, bad and ugly - Lessons learned in the trenches

LJC 05/14 "Cloud Developer's DHARMA"
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LJC 05/14 "Cloud Developer's DHARMA"

Building applications for the IaaS Cloud is easy, right? "Sure, no problem - just lift and shift!" all the Cloud vendors shout in unison. However, the reality of building and deploying Cloud applications can often be different. This talk will introduce lessons learnt from the trenches during two years of designing and implementing cloud-based Java applications, which we have codified into our Cloud developer’s 'DHARMA' rules; Documented (just enough); Highly cohesive/loosely coupled (all the way down); Automated from code commit to cloud; Resource aware; Monitored thoroughly; and Antifragile. We will look at these lessons from both a theoretic and practical perspective using a real-world case study from Instant Access Technologies (IAT) Ltd. IAT recently evolved their customer loyalty platform from a monolithic Java application deployed into a data centre on a 'big bang' schedule, to a platform of loosely-coupled JVM-based components, all being continuously deployed into the AWS IaaS Cloud

Istio control plane: Pilot and Mixer
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Precondition checking
Quota management
Telemetry reporting
Linkerd and NGINX control plane
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Control Plane / Data Plane (Istio example)
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Control plane
Data plane
Service Mesh data plane (proxy) comparison
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk

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O'Reilly SACON NY 2018 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Contemporary Archite...

Last year at this conference we learned from Mark Richards that modern software has almost completed its evolution toward component-based architectures—seen in the mainstream embrace of self-contained systems (SCS), microservices, and serverless architecture. We all know the benefits of component-based architectures, but there are also many challenges to delivering such applications in a continuous, safe, and rapid fashion. Daniel Bryant shares a series of patterns to help you identify and implement solutions for continuous delivery of contemporary service-based architectures. Topics include: - The core stages in the component delivery lifecycle: Develop, test, deploy, operate, and observe - How contemporary architectures impact continuous delivery and how to ensure that this is factored into the design - Modifying the build pipeline to support testability and deployability of components (with a hat tip to Jez Humble’s and Dave Farley’s seminal work) - Commonality between delivery of SCS, microservices, and serverless components - Continuous delivery, service contracts, and end-to-end validation: The good, the bad, and the ugly - Validating NFRs within a service pipeline Lessons learned in the trenches

vJUG24 2016 "Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservice"
vJUG24 2016 "Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservice"vJUG24 2016 "Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservice"
vJUG24 2016 "Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservice"

(Updated for Sept 2016, and Java-themed as this talk was presented as part of the 'Virtual JUG' vJUG24 event on 27th Sept) There is trouble brewing in the land of microservices – today’s shiny technology is tomorrow’s legacy, and there is concern that we will all be dealing with spaghetti services in 2018… It is often a sign of an architectural approach’s maturity that, in addition to the emergence of well-established principles and practices, anti-patterns also begin to be identified and classified. In this talk we introduce the 2016 edition of the seven deadly sins that if left unchecked could easily ruin your next microservices project… This talk will feature as a session in vJUG24, the first 24 hour virtual Java Conference in the World. More information is available at

deliver:Agile 2018 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Modern Architectures"
deliver:Agile 2018 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Modern Architectures"deliver:Agile 2018 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Modern Architectures"
deliver:Agile 2018 "Continuous Delivery Patterns for Modern Architectures"

Modern software has almost completed its evolution toward component-based architectures—seen in the mainstream embrace of self-contained systems (SCS), microservices, and serverless architecture. We all know the benefits of component-based architectures, but there are also many challenges to delivering such applications in a continuous, safe, and rapid fashion. Daniel Bryant shares a series of patterns to help you identify and implement solutions for continuous delivery of contemporary service-based architectures. Learning Outcomes: - Identify core stages in the component delivery lifecycle: Develop, test, deploy, operate, and observe - How contemporary architectures impact continuous delivery and how to ensure that this is factored into the design - Modifying the build pipeline to support testability and deployability of components (with a hat tip to Jez Humble’s and Dave Farley’s seminal work) - Commonality between delivery of SCS, microservices, and serverless components - Continuous delivery, service contracts, and end-to-end validation: The good, the bad, and the ugly - Validating NFRs within a service pipeline - Lessons learned in the trenches

Putting it all together: Istio
• “Istio” is an open platform
• Connect, manage, secure services
• Proxies are the data plane / mesh
• Proxies are (in theory) swappable
• But in reality there are different
feature sets, security, performance
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Getting started
• Articles:
• Linkerd + Kubernetes:
• Installing Istio:
• Tim Perrett: Envoy with Nomad and Consul
• NGINX Fabric Model:
• Videos:
• William Morgan - Linkerd:
• Christian Posta – Envoy/Istio:
• Matt Klein – Envoy:
• Kelsey Hightower - Istio:
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Common Questions
“But what about…"
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
How does SM relate to (Edge/API) Gateways?
• Gateways primarily sit on the edge of your network
• Perform ingress cross-cutting concerns (authn/z, rate limiting, logging etc)
• My experience
• Cloud implementations
• Traefik and Datawire’s Ambassador (based on Envoy)
• Some are vying to act as the communication backbone too
• Kong API
• Mulesoft
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk

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Isn’t this just ESB 2.0 or “web scale” ESB
• No
• At least not yet…
• ESB development was vendor-driven
• Overly centralised/coupled/conflated
• Process choreography
• Document transformation
• Tight integration with vendor products
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Aren’t SMs adding more network hops?
• Maybe… It depends on your network config
• …but good (infrastructure) architecture is all about
• Choosing the right abstraction
• Making trade-offs
• Separation of concerns
• Make an educated choice with your platform, and make it explicitly
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Shouldn’t SM be part of the “platform”?
• Yep…
• And it probably will be in the near future
• But expect much innovation (and change) over the next 6-12 months
• Assess if it will be beneficial for your organisation to leverage this now
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Who owns the Service Mesh? Dev, SREs, Ops?
• Yes…
• As mentioned earlier
• We work with a sociotechnical system when delivering value/software
• Everything is context dependent (on your organisation)
• But deployment descriptor and service mesh config can provide good dev/ops
collaboration zones as part of the “platform”
• Make a decision, communicate it, and regularly retrospect
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk

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So, Service Mesh all-the-things… right?
• No…
• It’s all about context and trade-offs
• Service meshes are great for point-to-point RPC
• Messaging is useful to decouple services in space and time
• Async work queues, pub/sub, topics e.g. RabbitMQ
• Distributed txn logs and stream processing e.g. Kafka
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Look for Problems, Not Solutions
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Use cases for Service Meshes
• Real-time (operator) configuration and observability
• The evolution from complicated to complex systems
• Monolith-to-service migration
• All components can use the same communication fabric
• Multi-platform / hybrid cloud etc
• Routing (shadow traffic, A/B, canarying etc)
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Wrapping Up
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk

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In conclusion…
• Deploying services/functions to a “platform” is essential
• Service meshes are responsible for platform comms e.g routing, traffic shifting
• Need clear collaboration zones for dev/ops/platform
• Service meshes can provide collaboration zone for run-time config of comms
• Managing lots of out-of-process communication going “over the wire”
• Service meshes can provide observability, reliability and fault tolerance
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Massive thanks to everyone who has helped!
• William Morgan @ Buoyant
• Owen Garrett @ NGINX
• Christian Posta @ Red Hat
• Matt Klein @ Lyft
• Shriram Rajagopalan (Istio-users)
• Louis Ryan (Istio-users)
• Varun Talwar @ Google
• Many more from the community
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
Thanks for listening…
Thanks to O’Reilly for organising and NGINX for sponsoring!
Twitter: @danielbryantuk
27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk

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O'Reilly 2017: "Introduction to Service Meshes"

  • 1. (Micro)Service Meshes The Past, Present, and Future Daniel Bryant @danielbryantuk
  • 2. tl;dr – Service Meshes • A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for making service-to- service communication safe, fast, reliable, and (operator) configurable • Consists of a control plane and data plane (service proxies) • Some confusion on where the “service mesh” begins and ends • Essential as we move from deployment of complicated monoliths/services to orchestration of complex cloud native microservices and functions 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 3. tl;dr – Service Meshes 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 4. @danielbryantuk • Independent Technical Consultant, CTO at SpectoLabs • Agile, architecture, CI/CD, DevOps • Java, JS, microservices, cloud, containers • Leading change through technology and teams 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 6. 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk Simple (Sense, Categorise, Respond) Complicated (Sense, Analyse, Respond) Complex (Probe, Sense, Respond) 1990s Monoliths Single language In-house hardware (servers, SAN, networks) Manual config and scripting Optimise for Stability (MTBF) Specialist staff/departments 2010s Microservices, functions, SaaS-all-the-things Polyglot languages Cloud and containers (Datacenter as a Computer) Software-Defined Everything Optimise for innovation (and MTTR) Business teams (“FinDev”, SRE and Platform Team) 2000s Monoliths, Coarse-grained SOA, SaaS Frontend/backend language “Co-lo” or private datacenters Configuration management Optimise for Recovery (MTTR) Generalist teams (Full Stack and “DevOps”)
  • 7. So, from a technology perspective… • Deploying services/functions to a “platform” is essential • Abstracts underlying resources and provides runtime foundations • Need clear collaboration zones for dev/ops/platform • Must also cultivate “mechanical sympathy” • Managing lots of out-of-process communication going “over the wire” • We must not treat local and remote calls the same 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 8. So, from a technology perspective… • Deploying services/functions to a “platform” is essential • Need clear collaboration zones for dev/ops/platform • Managing lots of out-of-process communication going “over the wire” 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 10. So, from a technology perspective… • Deploying services/functions to a “platform” is essential • Need clear collaboration zones for dev/ops/platform • Managing lots of out-of-process communication going “over the wire” 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 11. Collaboration zones for deployment 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 12. So, from a technology perspective… • Deploying services/functions to a “platform” is essential • Need clear collaboration zones for dev/ops/platform • Managing lots of out-of-process communication going “over the wire” 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 13. The Eight Fallacies of Distributed Computing 1. The network is reliable. 2. Latency is zero. 3. Bandwidth is infinite. 4. The network is secure. 5. Topology doesn't change. 6. There is one administrator. 7. Transport cost is zero. 8. The network is homogeneous. 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk (~ 2013) OR
  • 14. So, from a technology perspective… • Deploying services/functions to a “platform” is essential • Need clear collaboration zones for dev/ops/platform • Managing lots of out-of-process communication going “over the wire” 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 15. But be careful, technology is seductive… 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk • Service meshes are an emerging and rapidly evolving space • Only one part of microservice platform • For big picture and people aspects: • “Microservices: Org and People Impact” • “Seven Deadly Sins of Microservices”
  • 16. Evolution of Service Meshes Those who do not know history's mistakes are doomed to repeat them. -- George Santayana (Paraphrased) 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 17. Service-to-Service Comms History • 2000s :: Assembly of course-grained services (SOA) • SOAP, XML, proprietary binary format • Heavyweight MQ • Classic ESBs • 2010s :: Orchestration of small services (microservices) • HTTP/JSON/REST, open source binary IDL • Lightweight MQ, distributed txn logs • ESB 2.0? 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 18. Trends • Binary RPC (across polyglot stack) • Also messaging • Centralised to decentralised control • Need to prevent cascade failure • Lots of small services involved in response • Sidecar pattern • ”Platform” service proxies 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 19. Let’s go unicorn spotting… • Netflix • Karyon + HTTP/JSON or RxNetty RPC + Eureka + Hystrix + … • Twitter • Finagle + Thrift + ZooKeeper + Zipkin • AirBnB • HTTP/JSON + SmartStack + ZooKeeper + Charon/Dyno • Google • Stubby + GSLB + GFE + Dapper 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 20. Several companies extracted functionality into “service meshes” 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 21. What is a Service Mesh? • Good question… • Agreement on core definition • Service proxies act as “mesh” • But, it can get hazy after this • Control plane vs data plane… 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 23. Service mesh features • Normalises naming and adds logical routing • user-service -> AWS-us-east-1a/prod/users/v4 • Adds traffic shaping and traffic shifting • Load balancing • Deploy control • Per-request routing (shadowing, fault injection, debug) • Adds baseline reliability • Health checks, timeouts/deadlines, circuit breaking, and retry (budgets) 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 24. Service mesh features • Increased security • Transparent mutual TLS • Policies (service Access Control Lists - ACL) • Observability • Top-line metrics like request volume, success rates and latencies • Distributed tracing • Sane defaults (to protect the system) • Options to tune 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 25. Naming and load balancing 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 27. Per-request routing: shadow, fault inject, debug 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 28. Timeouts / deadlines 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk William Morgan Introduction to Linkerd:
  • 29. Circuit breaking (out of process, not Hystrix) 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 30. Mutual TLS (transparent protocol upgrade) 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 36. Control Plane / Data Plane (Istio example) 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk Control plane Data plane
  • 37. Istio control plane: Pilot and Mixer 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk Precondition checking Quota management Telemetry reporting
  • 38. Linkerd and NGINX control plane 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 39. Control Plane / Data Plane (Istio example) 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk Control plane Data plane
  • 40. Service Mesh data plane (proxy) comparison 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 41. Putting it all together: Istio • “Istio” is an open platform • Connect, manage, secure services • Proxies are the data plane / mesh • Proxies are (in theory) swappable • But in reality there are different feature sets, security, performance 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 42. Getting started • Articles: • Linkerd + Kubernetes: • • Installing Istio: • • Tim Perrett: Envoy with Nomad and Consul • • NGINX Fabric Model: • • Videos: • William Morgan - Linkerd: • • Christian Posta – Envoy/Istio: • • Matt Klein – Envoy: • • Kelsey Hightower - Istio: • 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 43. Common Questions “But what about…" 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 44. How does SM relate to (Edge/API) Gateways? • Gateways primarily sit on the edge of your network • Perform ingress cross-cutting concerns (authn/z, rate limiting, logging etc) • My experience • NGINX • Cloud implementations • Traefik and Datawire’s Ambassador (based on Envoy) • Some are vying to act as the communication backbone too • Kong API • Mulesoft • NGINX 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 45. Isn’t this just ESB 2.0 or “web scale” ESB • No • At least not yet… • ESB development was vendor-driven • Overly centralised/coupled/conflated • Process choreography • Document transformation • Tight integration with vendor products 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 46. Aren’t SMs adding more network hops? • Maybe… It depends on your network config • …but good (infrastructure) architecture is all about • Choosing the right abstraction • Making trade-offs • Separation of concerns • Make an educated choice with your platform, and make it explicitly 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 47. Shouldn’t SM be part of the “platform”? • Yep… • And it probably will be in the near future • But expect much innovation (and change) over the next 6-12 months • Assess if it will be beneficial for your organisation to leverage this now 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 48. Who owns the Service Mesh? Dev, SREs, Ops? • Yes… • As mentioned earlier • We work with a sociotechnical system when delivering value/software • Everything is context dependent (on your organisation) • But deployment descriptor and service mesh config can provide good dev/ops collaboration zones as part of the “platform” • Make a decision, communicate it, and regularly retrospect 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 49. So, Service Mesh all-the-things… right? • No… • It’s all about context and trade-offs • Service meshes are great for point-to-point RPC • Messaging is useful to decouple services in space and time • Async work queues, pub/sub, topics e.g. RabbitMQ • Distributed txn logs and stream processing e.g. Kafka 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 50. Look for Problems, Not Solutions 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 51. Use cases for Service Meshes • Real-time (operator) configuration and observability • The evolution from complicated to complex systems • Monolith-to-service migration • All components can use the same communication fabric • Multi-platform / hybrid cloud etc • Routing (shadow traffic, A/B, canarying etc) 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 53. In conclusion… • Deploying services/functions to a “platform” is essential • Service meshes are responsible for platform comms e.g routing, traffic shifting • Need clear collaboration zones for dev/ops/platform • Service meshes can provide collaboration zone for run-time config of comms • Managing lots of out-of-process communication going “over the wire” • Service meshes can provide observability, reliability and fault tolerance 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 54. Massive thanks to everyone who has helped! • William Morgan @ Buoyant • Owen Garrett @ NGINX • Christian Posta @ Red Hat • Matt Klein @ Lyft • Shriram Rajagopalan (Istio-users) • Louis Ryan (Istio-users) • Varun Talwar @ Google • Many more from the community 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk
  • 55. Thanks for listening… Thanks to O’Reilly for organising and NGINX for sponsoring! Twitter: @danielbryantuk Email: Writing: Talks: 27/07/2017 @danielbryantuk