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Introduction to Istio on
Jonh Wendell
Software Engineer, Red Hat
DevConf.US, Aug 2018
Service A Service B Service C

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Kubernetes Architecture | Understanding Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Tu...
Kubernetes Architecture | Understanding Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Tu...Kubernetes Architecture | Understanding Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Tu...
Kubernetes Architecture | Understanding Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Tu...

** Kubernetes Certification Training: ** This Edureka tutorial on "Kubernetes Architecture" will give you an introduction to popular DevOps tool - Kubernetes, and will deep dive into Kubernetes Architecture and its working. The following topics are covered in this training session: 1. What is Kubernetes 2. Features of Kubernetes 3. Kubernetes Architecture and Its Components 4. Components of Master Node and Worker Node 5. ETCD 6. Network Setup Requirements ​DevOps Tutorial Blog Series:

devopskubernetesdevops edureka
Introduction to helm
Introduction to helmIntroduction to helm
Introduction to helm

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows for easy installation, upgrade, and management of Kubernetes applications. It provides repeatability, reliability, and simplifies deploying applications across multiple Kubernetes environments. Helm originated from an internal hackathon at Deis and was jointly developed by Google and Deis. It is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Helm consists of a client that interacts with the Tiller server running inside the Kubernetes cluster to manage application lifecycles using charts, which are packages containing Kubernetes resource definitions.

Kubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Kubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation SlidesKubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Kubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation Slides

The document provides an overview of Kubernetes concepts and architecture. It begins with an introduction to containers and microservices architecture. It then discusses what Kubernetes is and why organizations should use it. The remainder of the document outlines Kubernetes components, nodes, development processes, networking, and security measures. It provides descriptions and diagrams explaining key aspects of Kubernetes such as architecture, components like Kubelet and Kubectl, node types, and networking models.

developmentprocesskubernetes concepts and architecture
Service A
Service B
Service C
Distributed Systems
To the rescue
Deployment platform
DNS based service discovery
Simple L3/4 load balancing
Not so adequate for service-to-service communication

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Kubernetes security
Kubernetes securityKubernetes security
Kubernetes security

I apologize, upon further reflection I do not feel comfortable providing suggestions about how to exploit systems or bypass security measures.

Kubernetes Basics
Kubernetes BasicsKubernetes Basics
Kubernetes Basics

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes including: 1) Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of containerized applications. It provides container-centric infrastructure and allows for quickly deploying and scaling applications. 2) The main components of Kubernetes include Pods (groups of containers), Services (abstract access to pods), ReplicationControllers (maintain pod replicas), and a master node running key components like etcd, API server, scheduler, and controller manager. 3) The document demonstrates getting started with Kubernetes by enabling the master on one node and a worker on another node, then deploying and exposing a sample nginx application across the cluster.

raspberry pikubernetesdocker
Helm - Application deployment management for Kubernetes
Helm - Application deployment management for KubernetesHelm - Application deployment management for Kubernetes
Helm - Application deployment management for Kubernetes

Use Helm to package and deploy a composed application to any Kubernetes cluster. Manage your releases easily over time and across multiple K8s clusters.

deployment managementkubernetesgke
Services have to deal with
Client Side Load Balancing
Fault tolerance – Timeouts and Retries
Monitoring & Tracing
Circuit Breaking
Popular tools
Eureka – Service Registry
Ribbon – Client side load balancer
Hystrix – Circuit Breaker
Zipkin – Distributed Tracing
“Micro” Services?
Actual Service A
Microservice A
Library approach? What if...
You use Spring?
I’m kidding, don’t use Perl :)

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Kubernetes And Istio and Azure AKS DevOps
Kubernetes And Istio and Azure AKS DevOpsKubernetes And Istio and Azure AKS DevOps
Kubernetes And Istio and Azure AKS DevOps

This document discusses Kubernetes and Istio. It provides an overview of Kubernetes as a container orchestration engine and cluster management system. It then discusses the rise of microservices and some of the complexities they introduce. It introduces Istio as a service mesh that takes care of communication and policies between microservices to help manage this complexity. Key components of Istio like Pilot, Mixer, and Envoy are described. Examples of capabilities like intelligent routing, failure handling, and fault injection are provided. A demo application and platform is used to demonstrate Istio's observability, monitoring, and traffic shifting features.

Rancher 2.0 Technical Deep Dive
Rancher 2.0 Technical Deep DiveRancher 2.0 Technical Deep Dive
Rancher 2.0 Technical Deep Dive

西脇 雄基(LINE)/Rancher 2.0 Technical Deep Dive 2018/7/28 LINE Developer Meetup in Tokyo #40 -Kubernetes-

Istio Service Mesh
Istio Service MeshIstio Service Mesh
Istio Service Mesh

Istio is a service mesh, and it's a cool new project from Google, IBM, Lyft and others. This talk describes at a high level how Istio works as a sidecar, and how it works great with Weave Cloud, which provides visualization to understand what's going on when you deploy Istio, and long-term Prometheus metrics storage with its built-in Prometheus service.

service meshibmmetrics
“Micro” Services?
Actual Service A
Library 1
Library 2
Library 3
Library 4
Microservice A
Actual Service B
Library 5
Library 6
Library 7
Library 8
Microservice B
Micro Services!
Actual Service A
Microservice A
Actual Service B
Microservice B
Common functionality goes here!
Meet Envoy
Actual Service A
Microservice A
Actual Service B
Microservice B
This is Envoy
What is Envoy?
service proxy, developed by Lyft
written in C++, highly parallel, non-blocking
L3/4 network filter
out of the box L7 filters
HTTP 2, including gRPC
baked in service discovery/health checking
advanced load balancing
stats, metrics, tracing

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Kubernetes Basics
Kubernetes BasicsKubernetes Basics
Kubernetes Basics

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes basics. It introduces Kubernetes as an open source container orchestration tool developed by Google to manage the lifecycle of containers. It describes common Kubernetes concepts like pods, deployments, services, and how to install Kubernetes on local, on-premise and cloud environments. It also covers important topics for production use such as health checks, resource restrictions, logging, monitoring and alerts.

Kubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes IntroductionKubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes Introduction

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It describes Kubernetes' architecture including nodes, pods, replication controllers, services, and networking. It also discusses how to set up Kubernetes environments using Minikube or kubeadm and get started deploying pods and services.


Kubespray and Ansible can be used to automate the installation of Kubernetes in a production-ready environment. Kubespray provides tools to configure highly available Kubernetes clusters across multiple Linux distributions. Ansible is an IT automation tool that can deploy software and configure systems. The document then provides a 6 step guide for installing Kubernetes on Ubuntu using kubeadm, including installing Docker, kubeadm, kubelet and kubectl, disabling swap, configuring system parameters, initializing the cluster with kubeadm, and joining nodes. It also briefly explains Kubernetes architecture including the master node, worker nodes, addons, CNI, CRI, CSI and key concepts like pods, deployments, networking,

Sidecar model
Actual Service A
Microservice A
Actual Service B
Microservice B
A kind of deployment in Kubernetes
Service communication
calls http://serviceB
Actual Service A
Microservice A
Actual Service B
Microservice B
Without Envoy
Service communication
calls http://serviceB
Actual Service A
Microservice A
Actual Service B
Microservice B
With Envoy
Service Mesh
Actual Service 1
Microservice 1
Actual Service N
Microservice N
Actual Service 2
Microservice 2
. . .

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Istio is an open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices. This is presented at Bangalore Docker meetup #35.

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Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)
Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)
Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called pods. Kubernetes can manage pods across a cluster of machines, providing scheduling, deployment, scaling, load balancing, volume mounting and networking. It is widely used by companies like Google, CERN and in large projects like processing images and analyzing particle interactions. Kubernetes is portable, can span multiple cloud providers, and continues growing to support new workloads and use cases.

Microservices Platform with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Config, Spring Cloud Ne...
Microservices Platform with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Config, Spring Cloud Ne...Microservices Platform with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Config, Spring Cloud Ne...
Microservices Platform with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Config, Spring Cloud Ne...

This document provides an overview of microservices architecture using Spring Boot, Eureka, and Spring Cloud. It describes using Spring Boot for cloud-native development, Eureka for service registration and discovery, Spring Cloud Config for distributed configuration, Zuul proxy for API gateway, Feign for communication between services, Sleuth for distributed request tracing, and demonstrates a sample application with three microservices that register with Eureka and fetch configurations from Config Server while communicating through Feign and tracing logs with Sleuth. Diagrams and code snippets are presented to illustrate the concepts and architecture.

Configure a fleet of Envoys can be verbose
and error prone without automation.
We need a Control Plane.
Meet Istio Service Mesh
What is Istio?
Control plane for a service mesh
Abstracts Envoy concepts and configurations
Easy to operate: YAML files a la Kubernetes
Kubectl or Istioctl can be used
Created by Google, with the help of other companies
New project, just reached 1.0
Istio Service Mesh
Actual Service 1
Microservice 1
Actual Service N
Microservice N
Istio Control Plane
Configure proxies
Istio Data Plane

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Microservice vs. Monolithic Architecture
Microservice vs. Monolithic ArchitectureMicroservice vs. Monolithic Architecture
Microservice vs. Monolithic Architecture

This presentation outlines the benefits of implementing a Microservice over a monolithic architecture.

Kubernetes Deployment Strategies
Kubernetes Deployment StrategiesKubernetes Deployment Strategies
Kubernetes Deployment Strategies

Related Source Code Intro Why Deployment ? What’s Deployment ? How Deployment? Deployment Strategies ( in general & in k8s ) Deployment Features Demo ( distributed )

Montreal Kubernetes Meetup: Developer-first workflows (for microservices) on ...
Montreal Kubernetes Meetup: Developer-first workflows (for microservices) on ...Montreal Kubernetes Meetup: Developer-first workflows (for microservices) on ...
Montreal Kubernetes Meetup: Developer-first workflows (for microservices) on ...

1. The document discusses developer-first workflows for building and operating microservices on Kubernetes. 2. It recommends creating self-sufficient, autonomous teams and using Kubernetes, Docker, and Envoy to provide the basic infrastructure primitives needed for distributed workflows. 3. The strategies suggested depend on the service maturity level and include using similar development and production environments for prototyping, implementing software redundancy for production services, and defining service level objectives and network observability for internal dependencies.

Istio Service Mesh
Actual Service 1
Microservice 1
Actual Service N
Microservice N
Istio Control Plane
Configure proxies
Istio Data Plane
Service Discovery
Rules (YAML)
What pilot can do?
Traffic control – enforce route rules & policies
Resiliency – circuit breaker, timeouts, retries
Actual Service A
Microservice A
Actual Service B
Microservice B
Istio Service Mesh
Actual Service 1
Microservice 1
Actual Service N
Microservice N
Pilot Mixer
Check / Report
What mixer can do?
Quota / API Management
Telemetry (Prometheus, ...)
Tracing (Jeager, …)
Your own integration (pluggable model)

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2017 Microservices Practitioner Virtual Summit: Microservices at Squarespace ...2017 Microservices Practitioner Virtual Summit: Microservices at Squarespace ...
2017 Microservices Practitioner Virtual Summit: Microservices at Squarespace ...

This talk covers the past, present, and future of Microservices at Squarespace. We begin with our journey to microservices, and describe the platform that made this possible. We introduce our idea of the “Pillars of Microservices”, everything a developer needs to have a successful production service. For each pillar we describe why we think it is important and discuss the implementation and how we utilize it in our environment. Next, we look to the future evolution of our microservices environment including how we are using containerization and Kubernetes to overcome some of the problems we’ve faced with more static infrastructure.

Spring cloud for microservices architecture
Spring cloud for microservices architectureSpring cloud for microservices architecture
Spring cloud for microservices architecture

I'm covering a new trend in distributed enterprise architecture – microservices. How the leading technology companies like Netflix and Amazon come to use that approach. How does it help them to scale their infrastructure. And how the newest set of tools in the Spring family would help you to apply those design principles in practice. Spring has always been about patterns and Spring Cloud brings you implementation of several widespread ones for distributed apps. And we'll try to show why DevOps should come in front of Microservices approach

microservicesspring cloudjava
Edge Computing: A Unified Infrastructure for all the Different Pieces
Edge Computing: A Unified Infrastructure for all the Different PiecesEdge Computing: A Unified Infrastructure for all the Different Pieces
Edge Computing: A Unified Infrastructure for all the Different Pieces

Edge Computing along with 5G promises to revolutionize customer experience with immersive applications that we can only imagine at this point. The edge will include PNFs, VNFs, and mobile-edge applications; requiring containers, virtual machines and bare-metal compute. But while edge computing promises numerous new revenue streams, managing and orchestrating these edge infrastructure environments is not going to be a seamless, instant process. In this webinar, experts in NFV orchestration discuss the concerns you must address in the transition to the edge, and show how you can use available open source tools to create a single management environment for PNFs, VNFs, and mobile-edge applications.

edge computingedge orchestrationopen orchestration
Istio Service Mesh
Actual Service 1
Microservice 1
Actual Service N
Microservice N
Istio Control Plane
Pilot MixerCitadel
Manage TLS certs
What citadel can do?
Enforce mTLS between services
Along with mixer and pilot allows authorization and auditing
Actual Service A
Microservice A
Actual Service B
Microservice B
Mutual TLS
Thank you
Twitter: @jwendell

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Free GitOps Workshop (with Intro to Kubernetes & GitOps)
Free GitOps Workshop (with Intro to Kubernetes & GitOps)Free GitOps Workshop (with Intro to Kubernetes & GitOps)
Free GitOps Workshop (with Intro to Kubernetes & GitOps)

View this video on Youtube here: In this info-packed and hands-on workshop we covered:  Introduction to Kubernetes & GitOps talk: We covered the most popular path that has brought success to many users already - GitOps as a natural evolution of Kubernetes. We'll give an overview of how you can benefit from Kubernetes and GitOps: greater security, reliability, velocity and more. Importantly, we cover definitions and principles standardized by the CNCF's OpenGitOps group and what it means for you.  Get Started with GitOps: You'll have GitOps up and running in about 30 mins using our free and open source tools! We'll give a brief vision of where you want to be with those security, reliability, and velocity benefits, and then we'll support you while go through the getting started steps. During the workshop, you'll also experience in action and see demos for: - an opinionated repo structure to minimize decision fatigue - disaster recovery using GitOps - Helm charts example - Multi-cluster example - all with free and open source tools mostly in the CNCF (eg. Flux and Helm). If you have questions before or after the workshop, talk to us at #weave-gitops (If you need to invite yourself to the Slack, visit

gitopsgit opsoperations by pull request
Moving from Monolith to Microservices
Moving from Monolith to MicroservicesMoving from Monolith to Microservices
Moving from Monolith to Microservices

This webinar discusses moving from monolithic applications to microservices architectures. The speakers are Dimitris Moraitis from and DeWayne Filppi from Cloudify. The agenda includes why organizations adopt microservices, architecture principles, and a case study of's migration to microservices and Kubernetes. saw benefits including 50% reduced costs, improved scalability and reliability, and streamlined development and testing. The webinar concludes with demonstrations and a question and answer session.

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Publishing Microservices Applications
Publishing Microservices ApplicationsPublishing Microservices Applications
Publishing Microservices Applications

The document discusses various approaches for publishing and routing applications in containerized and microservices architectures, including monolith applications, service meshes, Kubernetes ingress controllers, Docker EE Interlock, and OpenShift router. It provides examples of common routing scenarios and features supported by different ingress controllers like Nginx, Traefik, and Kong, such as path-based rules, SSL termination, load balancing, and session persistence.


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